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Amoxil vs. Augmentin

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Stephanie DoranAnna Mastenbrook

HLTH 220Winter 2012

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Amoxicillin Background Information

Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic, meaning it fights harmful bacteria found within the body.

It can treat bacterial infections such as ear infections, pneumonia, gonorrhea, bladder infections, and E. coli.

It can also be combined with certain medications such as clarithromycin to treat stomach ulcers caused by the H. Pylori infection.

Antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, so use non-hormonal forms of birth control (condoms, diaphragm, spermicide) to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

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Amoxil vs. AugmentinAmoxil

The generic name for Amoxil is amoxicillin.

Amoxicillin stops cell wall synthesis.

It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and is used to kill a wide variety of bacterial infections.


The generic name for Augmentin is amoxicillin/clavulanate.

This medication combines amoxicillin and clavulanate.

Clavulanate stops bacterial beta-lactamase.

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Amoxil•Amoxil is available in a

capsule, chewable tablet, and a liquid 0ral


• Amoxil is easily identified by it’s pink

opaque body and royal blue opaque cap.

•Capsules are preferred by many because they are odorless, tasteless, and easy to swallow.

They also reduce gastrointestinal irritation compared with tablets.

•The unique color and designs on the capsules

make them easy to identify and distinguish.

Drug Availability

250-mg Capsule

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•Augmentin is available in a chewable tablet, liquid suspension or

extended-release tablet.

•Chewable tablets come in different flavors such

as banana cherry peppermint, and lemon-


•Extended release tablets are available in 200 mg, 250 mg, 400

mg, and 1000 mg.

•Oral suspension is available in 125, 250

and 400 susp (Augmentin).

Drug Availability

Extended-Release Tablet

Chewable Tablet (banana-cherry


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Clarithromycin vs Clavulinate

Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) and Amoxicillin/clarithromycins (Amoxil/Biaxin) are both first-line antibiotics when treating acute rhinosinusitis. The clarithromycin produces a faster and more effective improvement in symptoms.

When combining clarithromycin with Amoxil, the clarithromycin is better tolerated than the Augmentin.

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AllergiesDo not take Amoxicillin Products if you are allergic to the

following: Amoxicillin

Any penicillin products such as ampicillin (Omnipen,Principen), dicloxacillin (Dycill, Dynapen), oxacillin (Bactocill), penicillin (Ledercillin VK, Pen-V, Pen-Vee K, Beepen-VK, Pfitzerpen, V-Cillin K, or Veetids).

Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any Cephalosporins such as Omnicef, Keflex, Cefzil, and Ceftin. They may recommend that you do not take Amoxil.

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Common Side EffectsAmoxill





Vaginal yeast infection





Skin rash

Vaginal yeast infection

Clavulanic acid is known to cause upset stomach (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea) in many people.

* There are less side effects associated with Amoxil than with Augmentin. Both can cause allergic reactions in

patients who have allergies to penicillin (RxList).

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Adverse ReactionsAmoxil

Amoxil can cause the following adverse reactions: Gastrointestinal:

Black hairy tongue, glossitis, stomatitis.

Renal: Acute interstitial nephritis.

Hematologic (reversible upon cessation on medication): Anemia, and leukopenia.

Hypersensitivity: Erythematous, and

urticarial rash Hepatic:

Rise in serum AST (RxMed).


Augmentin can cause the following adverse reactions: Hypersensitivity:

Puritus, urticaria, angioedema and sickness like reactions.

Liver Rise in AST, and hepatic

dysfunction Central Nervous System:

Agitation, anxiety, behavioral changes, confusion, convulsions, dizziness, and insomnia.

Miscellaneous: Tooth discoloration typically

in pediatric patients (Drug Library).

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Contraindications & CautionsBoth Axmoxil and

Augmentin have contraindications associated with hypersensitivity to penicillin and mononucleosis.

Both Amoxil and Augmentin have cautions that pertain to history of allergies to cephalosporins.

Augmentin Cautions:Previous history of

cholestatic jaundice or hepatic dysfunction associated with Augmentin (Augmentin).

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Half - Life

Amoxil & Augmentin

Half life in both Amoxil and Augmentin is the same.

Around 1- 1.3 hours

This time may be increased in cases where renal impairment is present.

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Cost EffectivenessAmoxil

For 63 pills, the average price is around $52

Cost per pill is around $0.82


For 63 pills, the average price is around $125.

Cost per pill is around $1.98

Augmentin is more than double the cost of Amoxil.

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Dose ConvenienceAmoxill

For adults with moderate severity of infection take 500-mg ever 12 hours, or 250 mg every 8 hours.

For children with moderate severity of infection take 25 mg/kg/day every 12 hours or 20 mg/kg/day every 8 hours.

The Children’s dosage is recommended for those 40 kg or less.


Adults taking this medication usually take one 500-mg every 12 hours

Children weighing less than 40 kg take a 250-mg chewable tablet.

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“This drug acts by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls. It inhibits cross-linkage between the linear peptidoglycan polymer chains that make up a major component of the cell walls of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,” (Wikipedia).

Amoxicillin stops bacteria from multiplying and forming walls that surround the bacteria. These walls are in charge of protecting the bacteria. Without the wall, bacteria cannot survive, so by eliminating the wall, the bacteria themselves are eliminated as well.

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Both drugs are well absorbed from the GI tract. These drug’s protein binding is around twenty percent. Both are partially metabolized in the liver and mainly excreted through the urine. It is removed by hemodialysis.

“Approximately 50% to 70% of the amoxicillin and approximately 25% to 40% of the clavulanic acid are excreted unchanged in urine during the first 6 hours after administration of a single Augmentin 250 mg or 500 mg tablet. Concurrent administration of probenecid delays amoxicillin excretion but does not delay renal excretion of clavulanic acid” (Drug Library).

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Amoxil is used to treat infections due to:Streptocci, E. coli, E. faecalis, P. mirabilis, H.

influenzae, N. gonorrhoeae, and H. plyori.These bacterial infections include:

Ear, nose and throat infections, genitourinary tract infections, skin infections, lower respiratory tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Off label uses can include treatment of:Chlamydial infections, post prophylaxis for anthrax,

endocarditis, Typhoid Fever, and Lyme Disease (eMedExpert).

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Pharmacotherapeutics Augmentin

Augmentin is used to treat infections due to:Streptocci, E.coli, E. faecalis, P. mirabilis, beta-

lactamase producing H. influenzaw, Klebsiella M. catarrhalie, and S. aureus (MRSA).These bacterial infections include:

Lower respiratory tract infections, otis media, sinusitis, skin infections and urinary tract infections.

Off label uses can include treatment of:Pelvic inflammatory disease, chlamydial infections,

peritonitis, and intra-abdominal and pelvic sepsis (eMedExpert).

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Pros & ConsAmoxil

Provides highly sustained blood antibiotic levels.


Researched for more than forty years.

Diffuses readily into body systems and tissues.


Increased side effects than amoxil alone.


Prolonged use can cause a fungal or a superinfection.

Lacks protection against atypical microbes.

Broad spectrum increases risk of developing resistance.

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Why is Amoxil Better?Capsule availability is a huge plus.

Amoxil is more tolerable than Augmentin because Augmentin contains clavulanic acid.

Amoxil is less than half the price of Augmentin.

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References Amoxil 250. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from:

Capsugel. Retrieved February 4 ,2012. The Hard Gelatin Capsule Advantage. Retrieved February 6, 2012. Amoxicillin. Retrieved February 3, 2012. Amoxil Dosage. Retrieved February 3, 2012. Augmentin Dosage.

Drug Library. Augmentin. Health Central. Retrieved on February 14, 2012 from:

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References Continued: eDrugSearch. Retrieved February 7, 2012. Amoxil and Augmentin

eMedExpert. Retrieved February 8, 2012. Augmentin (Amoxicillin/clavulanate) versus…

eMedExpert. Amoxicillin. Retrieved on February 14, 2012 from:

Hodgson, B., & Kizior, R. (2012). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2012. St. Louis, Mo. Elsevier Saunders. Retrieved February 7, 2012.

RxMed. Amoxicillin. Retrieved on February 12, 2012 from:

RxList. Retrieved February 1, 2012. Augmentin.

Wikipedia. Retrieved February 4, 2012. Amoxicillin.
