
Pharaohs,Mummies, &Pyramids

Located in North Africa

Large desert regions Very dry climate Nile River Valley

center of civilization

People began settling in villages along the Nile around 5000 BCE

Around 3100 BCE a strong leader united them into a single civilization

Historians divide the dynasties that ruled Egypt into three periods Old Kingdom (2650 to 2150) Middle Kingdom (2055 to

1650) New Kingdom (1550 to 1070)In between these kingdoms and

afterwards Egypt was conquered by other civilizations

Led by a pharaoh (like a king)

Theocratic (people believed pharaoh was god)

Allowed for strong government and massive public projects (e.g. Pyramids) using forced labor

Hieroglyphics (pictographic writing)

Uses pictures/symbols for sounds/words

Developed writing to keep accounts of supplies and manage large projects

Polytheistic (many gods) Pharaoh was a god Sun god was most

important One pharaoh was

monotheistic (tried to reform the whole country, but failed)

Believed in afterlife, judgment day, soul

Mummies were a result of the belief in eternal life

Traded with other countries in Africa, Middle East and around the Mediterranean

Exported gold, wheat, barley, and papyrus

Imported lumber, minerals, spices, and exotic materials (ivory, leopard skins, etc.)

Led to a variety of social classes (see illustration)

Paper (papyrus) Shaduf (irrigation

tool) Make-up (men &

women) Clocks Locks Medicine Shipbuilding



Various social classes

Women had some rights (some even became pharaohs) Could own property Receive inheritance

Leisure Activities Music & Dancing Board Games

Recruited from general population, led by royalty

One way for lower classes to advance in society

Armed with bows, arrows, spears, shields (eventually obtained chariots from invaders)

They influence other civilizations like the Greeks and Romans in architecture and religion

Paper, medicinal practices, and lighthouses

Egyptians invented beer, make-up, and had a game similar to bowling
