Page 1: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera

1.ActI/PrologaeThe stage oftbe Paris Operu, 1905.

Tbe contents of tbe Opera House are being auctioned off. An AUCTIONEER, PORTERS and MOAL.Se\ent! nou, but still brigbt ol Ee. Tbe actian comm.ences uith a blou from tbe AUCTIONEER'S gaael.

AUCIIoNEER : Sold. Your number, Sir? Thankyou. tot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen;

a poster for this house's production of "Hannibal" by Chalumeau.

PORIER: Showing here.

AUCIIoNEER : Do I have ten francs? Five then. five I am bid. Six, six, do I see seven? Seven.

Against you, sir, seven. Eight. Eight once. Selling nxice. Sold,

[garel down] Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you very much. Lot 664 then ladies and gentlemen; a wooden pistol aldthree humal skulls, from dre 1831 production of "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer Ten francs for this. Ten, thankyou. Ten I am bid. Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you sir. [ifteen I arn bid. Going at fifteen.

[gaael down]

Your number, Sir? Lot 655, ladies and gentlemen: a papier-machd musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ.

Attached, the figure ofa monkey in Persian robes, plalng the rymbals. This item, discovered in the vaults ofthetheatre, still in working order, ladies and gentlemen.

POFIER Ibolding it r.rp/ Showing here.

[He sets it in ntotion]

AUCIIONEER : May I commence at twenty francs? 0h come, come, ladies ald gentlemen.

Fifteen, then? Fifteen I am bid, thank you. Yes, t'renty from you sir, thankyou very much.

GIRY: Ihenty-five.

AUCIIONEER : thenty-five on my left, thank you madam. fuenty-five I am bid. Thirty? Selling at

thirty francs, then, Thifiy once, thirty twice, sold for thirty francs.

T0 the Vicomte de Chagny. Thankyou once again, sir

MoUL : Boy.

[The box is handed atross to RAOUL. He studies it as attention focuses on himfor a moment]

@ 1986, 1987 The Really Useful Group Ltd. International Copyright secured. All Rjghts Reserved.


1. Act I / Prologue

Page 2: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Phantom ofthe Opera

A co-llec-tors piece in - deed, ev- ery de - tail ex ac -tly as she said. She of-ten spoke of you my

frien( your vel - vet lin - ing and vour fig - u - rine of lead. Will you still play when all the rest of us are dead?



Lot 666 then, a chandelier in pieces.

Some of you may recall

zo Graae

the strange affair of thePhantom of the opera,

a mystery never

fully explained.

V/e are told, ladies andgentlemen, that this is

the very chandelier thich

figures in the famous disaster OuI work shops have rest0red itand fitted parts of it with wiring for

fte new electric light, so we may get

a hint of how it may look

when re'assembled. Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many yers ago with a little illumimtion, gentlemen.


Segae to Oaerture


Page 3: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantnrn ofthe Opera

2.ActI/OaertureTbe AaCTIONEER suitches on tbe chandelier There is an enornousflash and tbe OWRTaRE begins.During tbe ?WRfaRL tlv opera bouse is restored to its ea ier grandeur Tbe cbandelier, immenseand glittering, rises magically ftorn the stage, fitafut howring higb aboae the orcbestra.



O 1986, 1987 The Realy Usefrrl Group, lntemational Copydght secured. A1l Rights Reserved.



Page 4: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



The Pbantarn ofthe Opera


J. Act I / Scene 1 (Hanni,bal)


[Endof cafunza ] , -

sa-viours from our sa "iours

Andante moderato

Vith feast - ing and danc - ing

from fteen - slav - ing force of- Rome.

to - night in

- ing and danc - ing and


bra - tion wel+J

Ieet the vic-tor-i-ous throng- re - urned to bring sal


va - tion.

ta+-tbra - tion we


Ieet the vic-tor-i-ous throng- re -

aurned to bring sal va - tion.

@trstasd f,a)


QlJstage) J


O 1985, 1987 The Realy Useful Group Ltd. InternatioMl Copyright secured. dl Righ$ Resened.

J. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 5: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera 103

trum-pets of Car-ftage re to our step on the

hum-pets of Car - thage re sound,* Heax Ro - mans now znd trem - ble, Hark to our step on the




Hear the drums, Han - ni - bal


Sad re-tum find the land we

PE{ERt [ontctingfrofl olNtage, itteffi.pting hinl No, no, ao...Signor..i[you pieaser,,Rome,.Ve say "Rome", not' Roma.

IASTAG AND cafties a la&let aooss the stage. OTHERS are see stillconstructinglar* ofthe sceneD,.Hanfieting afll shouting is loa l

PLANCIi Si, si. Rome, not Roma. is very hard for me.


[Entet LEFEVRE, the retbing Manager ofthe Opera, uith M. FtRMtN ond M. /],NDRE, to iutun HE tns j st sotd itl

REYER: once agaifl, thm, if you please, Signori ',Sad Io retuln._.,

LEFIV I i This u"y gendemen, lhh vny. Rehearsals, as you see, arc tmder \vay, fot anev production of ChaLumeau's "Hannibal".

ISe sing a hiahts in the rchearcal, LEFEVRE attempts to atttuct attentioil

LEIEYRE i Ladies and geldemm, some of you may alrmdy, perhaps, havemetM. Anfue and M. firmin...

[be nea nafiagets arc politev boaing" wben NWR ifitenapts]


fireat-ened once more by Ro-ma's far reach-ing grasp.

3, Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

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104 The Phantom oftbe Opera

RLryER: I n sorry M. Lefevre, \re ARE rehearsing.Ifyou wouldn't mind \:vaiting a moment ?

LEFWRE : [Boaing apologetiral4, My apologjes, M. REe( proc€ed, proceed.. .

REYIR: Thaflk you, mollstle]uJ, lTaning back to pI4NGt] Sad to relufn...,, Signor..

LEIEyPE: Isatta Lvce to ANDRE and FIRL NI

M. Reyer, our chief repeircur, Rarher a !.rant, I,m afrnid.

{The ftheffsdl nnti aesl

Sad to re-turn to find the land we love threat - ened once more by Rome's far reach - ing grasp

night re -joice,mo - row we shall break the chains

Iempo 1

LEFEVPS, [indicating PIANGI ] Sign0r Piangi, our pdncipal Tenor


My apologies, Madame Giry

your ar-my has come home.


He does play so uell opposite La Caxlotta.

GlRy [ucaspuated 4) their presence, bangsher cane angrifit on the stage]Gendemen please! Ifyou would kindly stand to one side?

(leading A,NDRE and FIRITIAN aside)Madame Giry, our ballet-mistress. I don't mind confessing, Monsieur F min,

61-62 '.'

I shan't be sorry to be rid ofthe whole blessed business.

6j 64


I keep asking you, monsieul why exactly ars you reti ngly?

3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 7: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Pbantom ofthe Opera

LEIEVRE (lgnoting this, calls his &ttention to tbe continuing ballzt)V/e take particular pride here in the excellence 0f our bdlets.

67-70 I


Vto's that gid, Lefevre?


Meg Giry Madame ciry's daughter Promisingdancer, Monsieur Andre, mosi Eomisjng.

MEG (Quietly to CHRTSTTNE)

Chdstine... what's fhe matter?

(CHR IST I NE bec onxes pron'tinent.SHn bas absmt-mindedly follen out of step.

GIRY, sqotting her, bangs her cane again.)


You! Ch sline Daae!

Concentrate, gtull

TIRMINDaae? Curious name.




His dau$teq I believe. Always has her head in dre clouds, I'm aftaid.

1 - Pesante

bal's guests, _


- come to Han - ni - bal's

- come to Han - ni - bals

- come to Han - ni - bal s

Bid wel

3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

e - pharts

Page 8: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

106 The Phantom oftbe Opern



con-quer-ingf,ar thag"

94A Tempo

Di - do sends Han - ni - bal's friends.


Car thage As Bu,ucs on our .iiffirg

Car - thage

L). -,\


As tsu,uri o, our .iiffing

a f



IT6u'uo u, uur .ffirg?+*O+

aquests Di - do

A -.

;ends Han ni - brl's iienris.

olques6 Di - do






quests Di - do iends


l-l-JHan-ni-bal's riends.


more to my wel - com - ing love re-ttlms in splen



J. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 9: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera 107(cAf,ro'rTA)

more to the swee, test charms- My heart and sou.l sur - refl

trum-pet - ing el - e- to fteir step on the

hum-pet - ing el - e-phants t0 fteir step on the

trum-pet - hg €l - e-phants to their step on the

trum-pet - ing el - e-phants sound, -

hear Ro - mans now and trem , ble, Hark t0 theh step on the

3. Act I / kene I (Hannibal)

Page 10: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera

1,4t fie end qftie clol s tflc l/t?E chps /r,j /tand$rb/, si/efice?be EIIPH,4.MI is /ed ofif I'tyO .ffAef iilVDS are rerua/ed oprating ilfun a,it/nn./

TEFEVRE: Ladies and gentlemen - Madame Giry thank you. Mayl have your attention please? As you know, for some weeks therehave been rumours ofmy imminent retirement. I can now teil you that these were all irue, and ir is my pleasure tojntroduce you to the two gentleman who now own the 0pera Populaire: Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Giles Andre.

1?o/ite app/aase. Some boaung CARIOIZ4 razAes berpresencertk/

, G,entlemen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons nowlPo/r te I o u y'o nlilDRE an d flfiilA /{1m' Ofcourse, ofcourse, I have experienced all your greatest roles, signora.LEIEVRE: And Signor Unaldo piangi.

/Anotber bow./FIRMIN: An honouq Signor


l&een to impress/ If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of "Hannibal,'. I wonder signora, if,as a personal favour, you would oblige us rvith a pnvate rendilion?lSonat,bal arcerbtc/ L n less. of course, lVlonsieu r Reye r o bjects , . .

frlaltered/My manager commands , . , Monsieur Reyer?

Ia?ofi;te bou, ro C4RiOffA/ My DWA commands. Will nvo bars be sufficienr inrroduction?tho bars will be quite sufficient.

lensuting tlat C4RIO??A is ready/ Signor








3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 11: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Mod,erato poco rabatoCal, CARLoTTA: Maesro. "Jf


The Phantom ofthe Opera

Think of me think of me fond - ly when we've said good - bye

ev-ery so of - ten pro mise me you'll

thought for



e - ver flnd


the Phan-tom of the 0 - pera


He's here Ihe Phan-tom of the

The Phan - tomHe is wittr us it's fie ghost


0n that day,

- that not so dis - tan[ day,

- when you are far a - wry and free,

of me warm ly

3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 12: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera

Till reAdl CL'f LEFE1RE: Buquel!For cod's sake. man.

" what's going on up here?

Please mon-sieur don't look at me as God's my

Please mon - sieur there's no - one

Pid mosso

there and if fiere is,

the Phan tom

so- Ience

wil-ness I was not at my post




He's ftere

Molto pid rnosso, colla aoce

hea - vens! I have ne - ver known iuih

the - pela

Sig - nor


-vers will you show a lit- tle

wift us it's the ghost

IIe is with us it's the ghost

3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 13: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera 111

ANDRE : These things DO happen...

CARIOTTA :These things DO happen? You have been here five minutes, what do you know?

Si, these things d0 happen - a.ll the time. For the past three years these things D0 happen.

[To IEFEVRB] l,lJ,d did you stop them happedng? Nol

[To FIRllllN and ANDRE] And you.,.You're as bad as him "These things do happen!"

well, untilyou stop these things happening, THIS thing does not happen! Ubaldo! Andiamo!

PIANGI: Amateurs!

IPWGI a.nd ARI1TTA nteep out]

IEFEVRE: [AJtu apause] I don't think there's much more I czn do to assistyou, gentlemen.

Good luck. If you need me, I shall be in [rankfurt.

[He leaaes. Tbe C)MPANY looks anxiausl! at tbe NEW IILANAGERS]

/NDRE : La Culotta will be back.

GIRY : You think so, messieurs? I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost

[Tbe GIRLS tuitter and tui in fear]

FIRMIN : God in Heaven, yodre all obsessed!

GIRY : He merely welcomes you to his Opera house, commands that you continue to leave box

five empty for his use and reminds you that his salary is due.

FIRMIN : His salary?

GIRY : Monsieur Lefewe paid him twenty{housand francs a month. Perhaps you can afford

more, with the Vicomte de Chagny ,s your patron?

[Reaction to tbis from the BALIET GIRIS. CHRISIINE takes hold ofMEG, net'uousb]

ANDRE ; [To GIRY] Maltmql had hoped to have made that announcement mlsell

GIRY : [lgnoring bim, ta FInulN] will the vicomte be at the performance this evening, monsieur?

FIRMiN : ln our box.

ANDRE I Madame, who is the understudy for the role?

REYER: There is no understudy, monsieur..the production is new.

MEG : Christine Daae could sing it, sir

FIRMiN r The chorus girl?

IEWRYONE glares at her, but she continues tentatiuellJ

MEG : She's been taking lessons ftom a great teacher


CHRISTINE : [Uneasily] I don't know, sir..

rRMIN i oh, notyou as well! llhming to Andre] Can you believe it? A full house... and rvehave to cancel!

GIRY : Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught.

ANDRE: Very well.

: [lfier apausa/ From t]re beginning ofthe aria t]ren, mam'selle. Gentlemen.

3. Act I / Scene I (Hannibal)

Page 14: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

112 Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera


ev-ery so of



4. Act I / Scene 1 (Think of Me)

d{/4 REYER: From the beginnhg of fte aria ften, mam,selle!

think of me fond ly when we've said good - bye te - mem-ber me

FIRMIN : Anfue. This is doing nothing for my nerves.ANDRE I Don't fret [irmifl.

that day,- that

e - ver find thought for

though it's clear, thou$ it was al - ways clear,- that this was ne , ver meant to

o 1986, 1987 The Realy Useful croup Lrd. Intemational Copyright secured. All Righh Resewed.

4. Act I / Scene I (Think ofMe)

tant dxy,- when

hap - pen t0

Page 15: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantam ofthe Opera





Au - gust

think a - bout


think of me wak si - lent and re - signed,

mag - me me try - ing too hard- you ftom my

Think of me,- please say you'll think of me,__ what-ev- er else you choose to do. There will

be Chis

Think of me

ne - ver be

4. Act I / Scene I (Thinh ofl4e)

Page 16: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

114 The Phantom oftbe Opera

rzndx) Plo\,!-ers fade- The huib of sum-mer fade __i have their sea-sons so do

Long a - go- it seems so


long a - go. ----IHow young and

4. Act I / Scene I (Think ofMe)

Page 17: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantom o.ftbe Opera

5. Act I / Scene 2 (Backstage)AITER THE GAU

Re erse uian of tbe

The dpplau"se contin es and ue see CHRlSTINE,from bebind, taking hu bows.Tbe house curtains close upstage and BAILET GIRLS, from tbe uings,gush around. CIIRISTINE. REWR stifrlJ) giaes bis approual. GIRY ako appears.

GIRY : lTo CHRISTINEI Yes, you did well. He will be pleased.

[To tbe DANCEN] Altd you! You were a disgrace tonight! Such temps de cuisse! Such rondes de jambe!

Come... we rehearse. N0W!

ISHE emphasizes tbis uitb ber cane. Tbe BAILET GIRIS settle into rehearsal upstage, GIRY keeping timeuitb ber stick. Variations of tbis continue tbrougboat tbe scene.

CHRISTINE motes slou\ dawnstage, auay fron the DANCERS, as ber dressing room becomes aisibh.Unseen by ber, MEG also moaes awalt and follows bu.As CHRISTINE is about to reacb tbe dressing rcnm door, SEE bears the PHANTOM'S ooice out ofnouherel


\a Br,-- \2. Bra - vi si - ma. Chris


been hid - ing? Real you were


on - ly wish knew your se


tu - tor?-cret,

al an - gel,

-I used to dream he'd ap - pear.

I sing sense him

@ 1986, 1987 The Really Useful croup Ltd. Intemational Copydgt secured. All Righrs Resened.

Fa- drcr once spoke of

5. Act I / Scene 2 (Backstage) page lJ

Page 18: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

116Poco pi.d mosso

Here in this room,

Some - how I know

Ancora poco piti

I watched your face from dre

T hear your voice in the dark - ness- Yet dre

hide no lon - ger, se - CIet and stange

The Pbantom oftbe Opera

me soft - ly, some - where in , side

he's al ways with me


he, the un - se€n ge - nius!-

dist - ant through all the ap - plause.

poco rall

words aren't

An - 8el of mu sic, glo - ry.

-\\fto is this An - gel, this

An - gel of mu , sic se - qetand strange

Ar - gel of mu , sic

Poco pii mosso Dialogue

5. Act I / Scene 2 (Ba&stage) page t4

Don't befrightned.

Page 19: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantom oftbe Opera

[fHEy laoh at each other Tl)e moment is broken fui the atital ofGIRY]

GIRY : Meg Giry Are you a dancer? Then come ,nd przctice.

IMEG learcs and rejoins tbe DANCERS]

My dear, I was asked to give you this.

IGIRY bands CHRISTINE a letter and leaaes. CHRISTINE opens the letter and reads]

Graoemente 4


CHRISTINE : [still in ber daze] "A red scarl'...'the attic"... "Lirrle Lone"...

[Meanuhile, RAOAL, ANDfuE, FIRMIN and MME. F]RlllN are seen rnaking their uq) towards tbe dressing room,tbe MANAGERS in bigb spirits, bearing cbampag el

/NDRE: A tour de force! No otherwayto describe it!

FIRMIN : What a reliefl Not a single refund!

MME. FIRMIN; Greedy.

ANDRE : Richard, I think we've made quite a discovery in Miss Daae!

FIPMIN : [To RAOaL, indicatirrg CHRISTINE'S dressing rooru] Here we are, Monsieur le Vicomte.

MoUL : Gen emen, ifyou wouldn't mind. This is one visit I should prefer to make unaccompanied.

[He takes tbe champagne ffom FIRI N]

ANDRE : As you wish, Monsieur

[Tbey bow and more ffiFIRMIN : prlllzg/ They appear t0 have met before...

IRAOUL knochs at tlv door and enters]

RA0UL I Christine Daae, where is your red scarP


RAOUL: You can't have lost it. After allthe trouble I took. I was jusr fourteen and soaked to the skin...

CHRISTINE : Because you had run inro the sea ro fetch my scarf. 0h, MOUL. So it IS yor!

RAOLII,: Chfistine.

[Tlrcy embrace and laugb. She motu awalt and sits at ber tlressing tabb]

5. Act I / Scene 2 (Backstage) Page 15

Page 20: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

118 Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera

6. Act I / Scene 4 (Dressing Room)

Lit'de Lot - te,


fiought afl I fon - der of



an - gel of mu - sic sings songs in my head."

O 1986, 1987 The Really Usefrrl croup Lrd. Intemational Copyd$t secured. A.ll Rights Resefled.

6. Act I / Scene 4 (Dressing Room)

Iet her mind wan - der Lit - tle Lor - te,

dolls or ofCHRISTINE :


or of gob lins of


shoes, or of rid - dles ofMOUL :

Those picnics in the attic.


As we read each other dark stories of the north.


"No, what I love besf'

choco - lates?


sleep in my bed and the an - gel of mu - sic sings

songs in my head, the


an gel of mu - sic sings songs in my head. '

Page 21: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Phantom ofthe Opera 119

1ST TIME CHRISTINE : lspo*ez/Father said,

"When I am inheaven, child...

zND TIME ,.,the Angel ofMusic.

Meno mosso

...1will sendthe Angel ofMusic lo you".

RAOUL | [sfohen]"No doubt of itand nowwe..-

well, Fxdrer

is dead, Raoul

and I......have been

visited by...

...90 to snlfr! [cue to cut off]

CHRISTINE : [Firmly] No, Raoul, the Angel of Music is yery strict.

RAOUL: I shan't keep you up late!

CHRISTINE : No, Raoul....Things have changed.

RAOIJL : YOU must change. I must get my hat. Iko minutes.... little Lotte.

[He burries out]

CHRISTINE : [CalkngJ Ra;odl [Quietbl picking up her hand. mirror] Things have changed, Raoul.

[Tremuhus mu^sic. CHRISTINE hears the PIIANTOM's uoice, seemingly from behind ber dressing room minor]

of fa - shion,

Ig - no-rant fool, fiis


brave young suit - or, shar - ing in my umph.


speak, I lis-ten. Stay by my side, guide me.


(abrupt c,ut- olf on cue)

t_la'- a

6. Act I / kene 4 (Dressing Room)

Page 22: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

was weak, for - give me.


An - gel, my soul


child you shall

Look at your fare in

Poco Meno MossoCHRISTINE

The Pbantom ofthe Opera

En - ter at last

knorv me.

-See why in sha - dow

mfu - ror.- I am

I hide.


the there

glo-ry- An - gel of mu - sic,An - gel of mu - sic, guide and guar"dian, $ant to me your

no lon-ger

come to me, an - gel of

Come to me sfange an-gel._ I am you an - gel of

Whose is ftat voice, that in there?

I am your an-gel of Come to me, an-gel

ICHRISTINE disappedts througb tbe minor, wbich closes bebintl ber.Tbe door of tbe dressing room suddenly unlacks and swings open and RAour enters to frnd tbe room emptyl

RAOUL: lsbouting, as the scene dissolaes] Christinel




6. Act I / Scene 4 (Dressing Room)

Page 23: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera


Candles rise front tbe stage, dnd ue see CHRISruM and the PHANTqM in a boat wbicb moaes slaub at:ross tbe nisb)waters ofan anderground hke.


That voice which calls to me- and speak

dream 1- galn


for now I finddoand

Phan tom of the O-pe-ra is


my mind-there in - side


gain with me

and though you turn ftom me- to glance be - hind

tom of Ihe 0-pe-ra is there- in-side you mind-

@ 1986, 1987 The Really Usehrl croup Ltd. lntemational Copyright secured. lrJ.l Rights Reserved.

7. Act I / Scene 5

our strange du - et- My po -we1 vef you_ grows shon - ger


sang t0 me


In dreams he


Page 24: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

122 The Phantom oftbe Opera

Your spi - ril

I am the mask you wear _

in one com - bined

Those who have seen your face _ draw back

it's me



^ rr (CHR|STINE)


.-"--ltom of the o-pe-ra is



_-7__=____7rin " side your


a, I I

The Phan

_rrrJtom of the O-pe-ra is there

<D 1,- .J,in - side my



He's there,

Phan.tom of rh. Op err._ Be - rvare tie Phan - rom of rhe 0p - era _

In all your fan - ta - sies you al - ways knew that mal and


you And in this la - by-rinth_ where night

mys - te-ry


And in this la by- rinthr

- where night is

were bodr

7. Act I / Scene 5

Page 25: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Phantom ofthe Opera ]ZJ

blnd the phan - tom of the o_pe-ra is

PHT.NtrOM | lspoken] Sing for me.

here in - side my mind.

thedtere,Hes Phan - tom of

tom of the O-pe-m is

SingmyAngel of Music

era. _

__-_----------- ttNrOMt [Spohen] Sing for m9

PHAN'IOM | [Spohen]

122 '>.SinS my Angel

iE> €. 128 +

the seat of sweet mu


PHINTOM : lsfukenl Sing for me

$1. =

sic's throne,


to this king - dom where all must pay ho - mage to mu - slc.- Mu - sic.


for one pur - pose and


7. Act I / Scene 5

a - lone.

Page 26: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1


,r, Rubato

Since the

,0, fiLmo-ment

Pochiss. piit.

Slow - ly,

'll]In your face a - way, from Ihe gar - ish li$t of day,


lis - ten to th€ mu - sic of the

The Phantom ofthe Opera

first heard you sing I have nee-ded you with me io serve me, to sing for my



height-ens each sen-sa - tion. Dark-ness stirs ald wakes i-ma-gi-na- tion.

sense it, hem-u-lous ald ten - der


Si-lent-ly the sen - ses, a - ban-don their de-fen, ces.

gent - ly, night un - furls it's splen - dour Grasp it,

tum your Ihoughts a-way from cold un-fee-ling

Poco piit. mosso

n igh r.


Ald you'll live as youve ne-ver lived be - fore.

Close your

eyes and sur-ren-der t0 your dark-est drcams, purge your thoughts of the fiffi

eyes let yotlr spi - dt start to soar

mu - sic sha.ll car - essSofl - ly, defr - ly,

7. Act I / Scene J

se - cret - ly pos-sess you.

Page 27: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Pbantom ofthe Opera


be, on - ly then can

Iet your dar-ker side give in, the po -wer of fte mu - sic fiat I

Float- ing, fall - ing, sweet in - tox - i - ca - tion, touch me, fust me, sa - vour each sen-sa - tion.


Let your

O-pen up your mind, let your fan-ta-sies un-rvind, in this dark-ness that you know you crn-not

Allargando Affrettand.o

the mu - sicdark - ness of

mind staft a jour-ney through a strange new world, leave all thoughts of the

soul take you where you long to


Let fte dream be - gin,


you be-long to


po - wer mu - slc


You a - lone can make

// Meno mosso

my song take fliSht,

Allegrohelp me make the mu - sic of the night.


24-224 2

7. Act I / kene 5

Page 28: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera


I re-mem-ber tlere was mist. Swid-ing mist up-on a vast glas-sy lake.


can,dles all a-round and on the lake there was a boat and in the boat there was a man.

that shape Vhose is the face the mask?


You lit - tle pry-irg Pan-do you lit - de de-monl

Curse you! You lit-de ly ing De-li



There were

You lit-tle vi-per. Now you can-not ev-er be free.

like a Gaaotte

Strang-er than you &eami it caIl you think of me

gar- goyle who burns ia hell, but se - cret - ly yearns for hea- ven,


-Curse you!_

but Christ - ine fear can turn to

7. Act I / Scene 5


Is this what you wan-ted t0 see?

Ad lih.

e - ven dare to loolq or bear to

se-cret-ly, se-cret-ly, love, you'll learn ro

Page 29: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

see, to find dre man be-hind the



mon-stef, ftis rep - ul-sive

Poco rit.

car-cass who


The Phantom ofthe Opera

seems a beast, but

miss - ing you.

se - clet - ly,


dreams of beau - ty,

Those tro fools who

se - cret - ly, oh

Come. We must re - tun.

.1oB-.312 Moderuto



my thea - tre will be

Scene 5a Mod.eratoItll readyAllarganila

Till ready

A great black hole serves as the nose which ne-ver grewLike yel-low paxch-ment is his

Till ready

al - ways on your guard or he will catch you with his mag-i-cal las - so

Till read.y

know, find too late, that pru-dent si - lence is \arise.

Jos - eph Bu - quet hold your tongue. He will burn you with the heat of his eyes.

Dead Segue

You must be

Those who speak of whar trey

7. Act I / kene 5

Page 30: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

128 Tbe Phantom oftbe Opera

8. Act I / Scene 6(The Manager's Office)

THI MANAGER'S OFFICE. Desks, chairs, papers.FIWIN is scornfully Eeing a nal)spaper article.

Dj-ya ten-ders re - sig - na - tion. Cov-er does a moon-light [it. Half your cast dis-ap-pears but the

"My-ste-ry af-ter Ga-la night" it says

rowd still cheers



"My-ste-ry of sop-ra-no's flighf 'My - sti-fied baJ-fled Su-re-te saywe are

Bad news on so - pra - n0 scene, first Car-lot - ta now Chris-tine,

Meno Mosso /:\

Gos-sip's worth ib weight in gold.

O - per-a. To he[ wift Gluck and Han-del, have a scan-dal and you're sure to have a


and the take vasi free pub ci - ty. But we haye no cast. But

o 1986, 1987 The Really tisefl.Ll Group Ltd. Intemational Copyright secured. All Rights Reserved.

8. Act I / Scene 6

my - sti-fied, we sus-pecr fout play,,.

U ^.J |.- J ------------ -Dam - na ble will they all walk out? This is

^ 1 F (FIRMIN)

Dam , na-ble. An-dre please don,t shout, it,s pub-


ci - ty!

Page 31: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1


Andre what a charm-ing ga - la

Fir-min iust a brief re

The Pbantom ofthe opera



it seems you've got one

we were hardJy be-reft when Car-

m in -det my sala-ry has not been paid, Send it care of dre ghost by re-

dre have

Chris - tine en-joyed a $eat suc - cess

Cho-rus was en{raflc-ing but the


.ru (Firmin)

turn of post.


no-one bkes a deb-tor so its bet-ter i[ my or'ders are o - beyed'.

I(ho would have the gall to send this, some-one with a pue-rile brain these are both signed 0.-G.

0p era ghost it's rea - IIy not a - mus-in8.

.- . . Who wou.ld have he eall to(t[mm)


bus-ing ou po - si-tion..-. . . hell is he?([[mm)

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 32: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

6J (Andre)


(Firuid He's a

Alfu-nny sort ofspec-tre to ex. rect a lzrge retai-ner, nlthing plai-ner, he is clear-ly quite in

dj-tion he wants mo-ney. to el )ect a large fe-lai-ner, no-thingt-t-t-J

plai-nef he is clear-ly quite in



is she?-

take it that you sent me this nore. _

,, (Andre)

The Phantam oftbe Opera130

I mean Miss Da'ae, where is she?- I want an an-swer I

She's not with you thefl?

u, (/,ndre)

d-T,.. sane. You mean Car-lot...(ta)(!rrun,


(Raoul) sme' Well how should we (Know)?

u, (Andre)


(Fimin) of c0urse llol _

a-(Raoul) vhafs all ftis nonsense?

A :-rDon't look at us of


We re in the dark(lurun)A|\


c, l-icourse not. _


--And what


Mon-sieur don't ar-gue is-n'i this the let,ter you wrote?_

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 33: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Phantom ofthe Opera

Colla VoceRit @ealizE his rtt$take) INDRE (Recitatiw)

at-tempt to see her a - 8ain.



is it that we're meant to have wfote- (Spoken) vrit-ten? Do not fear for Miss Da-ae- the an-gel of

II OW [S|oken] :WeL, if you didn't write it, then who did?

mu - sic has her un- der his wing.

z7 (cutotta) A TemPo

ze (crlott^) + PIANGI

Of course not,


Your pre-cious pat-ron where is he?- I hav€ your let-ter a

Vrhat is it now?

ialet-tu which I ra-rher re-senr._(Anore)

E-You did-n't send it?


([tmin) FIRMIN fro ]eaoa)nr

7As if he would.


(Raoul) And did You send it?

8. Act I / kene 6


Page 34: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

o ------

(fimh) You dare to tell me drat this is not the let-ter you sent?


ovWhafs to-ing on?

(Raout)AI, a


67 (Carlotta)

67 (Raoul)

ar (Raoul)

pared for a great mis


Far too ma-ny notes for

92 (Andre & Firman)

The Pbantorn oftbe Opera


cou$e not_ and what

have sent?-

Colla Voce

days at the O-pe-ra Po-pu-lajre are num-bered. Chris-tine Da - ae will be sing-ing on your be-halI to-night. Be pre-


my All we've

should you


and most of them a - bout Chris

heard since we came is Miss In which case I think our

Miss Da-ae has re-tuined.

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 35: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Vhere pre-cise-ly is she(rrmu)

^ ==:r


atmeet-ing is ad-joumed.




She nee-ded

The Phantam ofthe Opera

thought it best

see no - one.

that she went home.


Dissolue into PIANTOM'| uoicelGentlemen, I have now sent you severalnotes ofthe most ambiable nature, detailinghow my theatre is to be run.You have notfollowed my instruclions. I shall give you

one last chance.



rest. May I see her

And,ante mod.erato1r,?

(Caxlotta & Piangi)


\natchifig it)

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 36: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



The Phantom oftbe Opera

Chris-tine Dr-ae has re , tumed to you and I am an-xious her ca-reer should pro - gress. ln the new pro-

duc-tion of "ll Mu-to' You will there-fore cast Car-lot-ta as the page-boy and put Miss Da-ae in the role of Coun-

si - lent which makes cast - ing, in ^

PHANTOM: I shall watch th€ pedofmance from my nomal seat in box five,which will be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored,a disaster beyond your imagination will occur

FIRMIN: "I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, 0.G.'


u r+ --------:-Lnns-tmet_ its aJJ a ploy ro help



Lhfls - trne._ I know who stnl {his, rhe

U --EE:-ANDRE it's all a ploy to help Chris - tine.


lVhat e-ver nextFIRMIN

8. Act I / Scene 6

This is in-sane.

Page 37: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

1 22 (Caxlott^) (Pointing an accusingfinger)

ln - deed?- Can you be-lieve this?

- .Vi - comte. her lo-verlPrangr)

0 Tra-di - to - ri 0 Men - ti- to -

How can you do rhis?

(rirmin) sig no - ra- this chan-ges noth -ing!

RAOIJL (ironic) (to tbe otbers)

Tbe Pbantom oftbe Opera

and al-ways will be.


,* (!ndre)

You are our star Sig(! irmin )

no-1a.- Ve don't t3ke or ders.

,^ (tndre) coila voce

(I$mfi) [Announcing it to eue1]onel

8. Act I / kene 5

Page 38: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

s (cnlotta) A TemPo

The Phantom oftbe Opera136


a I

PIANGI It's use - less try - ing to ap -


tut(Antlre) You don't de - serve herl

A -

--? r -...-,.. lot - ra will be play - ing fte lead.(llrmm,

-lot - ta will be play - ing the lead.

pease me,_Youre on-ly say-ing this to(Piangi)

please me,


sig - nor - i ve - ro no

Piu mosso

(phngl)on' 'o' vog - lio'u - di

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 39: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

why did Chris - tine fly- ftom my

The Phantom ofthe Opera

buked me.(Andre & Firman) A DRE + flR11N

3you have re

Sig-no - ra par-don us Please sig - no - ra we be - seech you

Ab-ban-do-na - ta de_ si_de

This is un-called for This is un


found- ed This is un-heard of! You are un

hour shall see your dar - kest fears

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 40: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

a - ta Ab - ban_do(Piangi)

nz - la non vo' can lzte'

' ,hink - ing. you are un(Andre & Fiman)L !!!-=

--1 F-

feel - ing


You go too far!



Sig-no-ra sing for us Don't be a mar - tyrY

0ur StaI

a)\Itat new sur-pri-ses are tl




Meno tnosso(Carlotta)

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera


us Allegretto


What new sur-pri-ses ffe in


Sig - no - ra no,

,r, (Andre)

lhe world

dy of the stage your de-vo - tees are 0n their knees to

8. Act I / Scene 6

Don - na fi$t



Wouldyou not ralher haveyourprcious lit-de in-ge-nue,

We needyou too!


Sig - no - ra - no, the world wants(Fimin)

Page 41: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

--- (Andre)

The Pbantom oftbe Operu

of how they all

Don - na en - chant us once a - gaifl.


and of the queues round Can you de - ny us the

Poch. rall1r, (Piangi)

,u, (Andre)

a, I

td - umph in(Andre)

storc? Sing Pri - ma Don - na once more.


tri - umph in(rtumn')


store? Sing Pri - fii Don - na once




oltri - umph in

astore? Sing Pri - m? Don - na once mole.



8. Act I / Scene 6

Christ ine

Page 42: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



The Phantom oftbe Opera

Pri - ma Don - m your song shall live a gaill you took a


snub but there's a pub - lic who


ANDRD Think of your


pub - lic.


(Raoul)Think oI your

t,pub - lic.

an - gel.



I 65 (Carlotta)

needs you



Think of their cry of un dy - ing sup -

Q l-.Those who hear your

(Andre & [irman)

voice lik-en vou to an al - gel.

.------:r------r'"""t-_voice lik-en you to an

r-r-qz----ar - gel.


Is this the ar gel o[

heard the voice of the an - gel of mu - sic.

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 43: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Phantom oftbe Opera 141

Do (cxtlota\ Rall.


(Piangi)fol - low where the lime li$t leatls you.


FIRMINlme - light a- gain shall shine uponce on her


(Raoul)Ve get our op - em- She gets her lime lighr Lead-ing la-dies are a



sic? An - gel or mad man?

this ghost an an - gel or ^ mad - man?

die. You'll sing a -

who doubt this mis - cast - ing will in -

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 44: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

t4Z Tbe phantoyt. ofthe Opera

2ot (C:ttlotta)

vite dam - na - tion.

zN (Czrlotta)

0h fools to have


(Piangi) va - tion;-I

how you'll shine in that fi - nal en-

a)end - ine o

(An&e & f iman)n _.

v? - tion zndlow aJ - ways. Sure Iy

a) t t_lLu - a- tic de-


r-lnands are re - gu - lar oc - cul-Ien-ces.

?-l tlLun-a-tic de




Sure - ly for

allBliss or dam -

(Giry)na tion? has claimed her? Sure - ly

ocore. Sing

(Piangi)Pd ma Don - na once more

heads will(Andre & firman)

roll if her threals and de mands are re -

Ll-fui-ther scenes worse than &is.


-r------- -_------see these de . mands are re -

a)ttHe'll srrike


bmk if his threar and de mands are re -

floul - ed his warn - ings. Think be - fore these de , mands are re-

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 45: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

211 (Caiotta) A Tempo

ject - ed.

n5 (Cxlotta)

The Phantom ofthe Opera 143


(Piangr) 0

dject - ed.

(Andre & firman)Hon - our must be pro

a ,+'\?ho'd be -lieve a Di - va

(Raoul)hap-py to re - lieve a cho - rus girl who's gone and

-_+slept with the pat - ron?-

?rject - ed.


Christ me musl be pro

oiect ed.

(ciry)Christ me must be pro


(Piangi)tu t t^ NorI an cor ab an-don -

atec - ted.

(Andre & firman)



tJ---Raoul and the sou-brette en twined in love's du-et al -l -lthough he may de-mur he

:}must have been wittr her You'd





tec - Ed.

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 46: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

144 The phantom oftbe Opera

219 (Culotta)


(Andre & Firmar)

ID *l - ' I -ne-ver get a-way wift all fiis in a play bur

LtLtr-IiI it's loud - ly sung and


in a fo - rei$ tongue it s


His game is




This is a game you can - not hope to







(Andre & Fiman)l-r |-t



a)-.- jusl the sort of sto - ry(Raoul)

au-dien-ces a, dore in

--'.....-------r..--.1-fact a per - fect op - era.

And in box ffve a new game wi[ be - gm


(clry; But if his ru$e is on this

wn. For if his curse is on this

8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 47: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

,, (Carlotta) A lempo

op - ef?.

zjt (calottz1

The Pbantom oftbe Operl, 145

Then I fear the




sress that falls up-on a fa-mous Pri-ma Don-na; -iTer-ri- ble dis-eas-es cou$s and colds and sneez - es!

a)stress that fa.lls up-on a

(An&e & Fifman) fAorr)

fa-mous Pri-ma Don-na; Ter - ri- ble dis-eas - es cou$s and colds and sneez- es!




m2 Don - na the' lt'world is at your

V_feet. A na-tion

uttop - era.


Then T fear the

Still fie drv - esr throar will(Piangi)

reach the hi$'est rote in search of per - fect op - era.

oStill tle dry - est throat will

(Andre & Firman)AI

reach the high - est note in search of per - fect 0p - era.

u wai6 #u ,.il-',$uoylheour,


to be chea ted

a]ttL-,/Christ ine plays the


ttt!^ge - boy Car lot - ta plays the :ount - ess.


(ciry;come rhen




IIonce a




out - come should you dare to

8. Act I / kene 6

Page 48: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

2 j5 (c2trlo,la,) M e n o rno s s o

Light up the(Giry)


tight up the

Pia rnossoPHANT0M /q)o&enl

Tbe Phantom ofthe Opera


old rap - portslage with

So, it is to be war between us.

Don - na once

,r, (caiottr)

(Andre & Firman)


daffi 8. Act I / Scene 6

Page 49: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

The Pbantom oftbe Opera tt7

If these demalds are not met, a disrster beyond imagination will occur!249-252

Meno mossoCARLOTTA


8. Act I / kene 6

Page 50: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

148 Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera

9. Act I / Scene 7 (Il Mato)Oaerture to "Il"

Stage of the opera bowe. Tbe rcd house curtains arc in.RAOUI, ANDRE and FIRMIN take their respecti e sedts:RAOAI in Box Fiue, the llAl,lAGERS in a box opposite.

MouL : Gendemen, ifyou would care to take your seats?I shall be sitting in Box ffve.

Maestoso Giocoso

ANDRE : Do you really think thatt wise monsieur?


MoUL : My dear Andre, ttrere would appear to be no seats arailable other than Box Five ...



A Paformance of "Il Muto"

The house cuttains part ta teuedl an 1gtb Centur! salon, a canopied bed centre stage. The COUNTESS is pkted b! C,ARrcfTA.SERA l,lo, the pagebqt, is disguised as her mdid and is ptqted. bt CHRISTINE.

ln the room are Two EPI1INE MnN: one a HATRDRESSER and one aJEW ER. TbeJEWLtER is attenrted by MEG.?bere is abo an OIDER WOMAN, the COUMESS, CONFIDANLE. UI, apart y'oru MEG,are gossiping with relish about the COUNTESS, caffent liaison uith SERAU]WO.

A Tem0o coNFTDAN'rr

Th.y say fiat this youth has la - dy's heart a-flame.


lord - ship sure would die of shock! His lord-ship is a laugh-ing stock! he sus-pect her, God pro-tect herShould

A ATempo

@ 1986, 1987 The Rea.lly Useful Group Ltd. Intemational Copyright secured. All Rights Reserved.

9. Act I / Scene 7 Ql Muto)

Page 51: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

In the Box


Nothing like the old operas.

[IRMIN0r the old scenery . . .


The old singers . , .

IIRMINHarrlly a disaster beyond imaghation!

The Pbantom ofthe Opera, 149

ITHEY bugh conspiratariallJt. As the recitatiue begins, the ligbts dnd music din on stage arulour attention tans to the MANAGERS in their bucl

[Notefrom II/P: aryt additional singing Jrom the cborus comesfrom ffinge]


Every seat sold!


Hardly a disasterbeyond imagination !

Gen-tle wife ad-mit your lov-ing

Pid rnossoDON AITII,IO

hx - band.


My love, am called to En - gland on and must

Colla aoce

DON ATftttO [Aside] [Spoken] Though I'd happilytake the maid with me.

young bride

9. Act I / Scene 7 (ll Muto)

shall hide o-ver there

Page 52: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Ad,di - o, Ad-di _ o.

(DON Affr o) ,,:\way with this pre-terce!

150 The Pbantom ofthe Opera

Ad-di - oserve hexl Ad-di


A Tempo ModeratoYou can - not speak, but kiss me in my hus bald's

fool, he makes me laugh ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ho ho ho ho ho

Ha ha ha ha ha I ried to get a bet - ter

Poor fool he does - n't know Ho ho ho ho ho

Poor fool he does, nt know Ho ho ho ho ho

Poor fool he does - n't know Ho ho ho ho ho

fool he does - n't

9. Act I / Scene 7 (l Muto)

Page 53: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantom oftbe Opera 151

he knew tlte truth he'd ne - ver ver 80,

PHANTOM ( ,:... Did I not instruct that box five was to be left empty? MEC Aerrilied)

Repeat till cut off Dialogue

IA chill@ pause. cenerul reaction of beuilCernxent.CIIRISTIM hohs fearfalfu about herlCHRISTINE: lt's him ... l know it ... it's him...C.\RLOT"IA [Finding a scapegoqt inCHRISTIM, hisses at berl YOUR part is silent, little toadl

[Bat the PH4NTOM bas beard HER]PMNTOM'S VOICE : A toad Madame? Perhaps it isYoU who are the toad....

[Again general unease, this time turning to alamx.Afaa murmursfrom tbe audience.lCAPJ.OTTA (To CONDUCIOR) i Masto,da capo, per favore.

Se-ra-ff-mo a ' way with this pre-tence! You can.not speak,


If he knew the truth he'd re - ver

If he knew the aulh he'd ne - Yer

he knew the truth he'd ne - ver

he knew the tuth he'd ne - ver

9. Act I / kene 7 Ql Muto)

laugh Ha ha ha ha ha

Page 54: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

152 Tbe Phantorn of the Opera

CRoA( (etc.)

Poco rall

tls beforg This time a growing wat)e of consternation from tbe audience. f he PMNfoM's laughter rkec.rhe crctahing continues w tbe cbandelier's lights blini on and off. Tbe pI*tNToM's kughter, bit this timeouerpowering, now crescendas into a great cryJPHANTOM'S VOICE : Behold! She is singing to bring down the chandelier!ICARLOTTA looks teafully up at the TN\GERS' box and shakes ber heatl]CARLOTTA : Non posso pi ... I cannot .., I cannot go on ...PIANGI : Cara, cara . .. I'm here,...It's all dght.... Come.... I,m here....IANDRE and FIRMIN rush out of the box onto the stage. ANDRE usherc tbe now sobbingCARIOTM into the bands of REYER, who leads ber ofi wbile FIWTN addresses the audiencelFIRMIN : Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize. The perfomance will continue in ten minutes' time .. .

IHE addresses Box Fiue, keeping one Ee on tbe chdndpker as it rcturns to normal] . ..when the role ofthe countess will be sung by Miss Christine Daae.CHRISTINE : Raoul!

RAOLIL : Don't worry! I'm with you.

AND!!, : [lyproat:irzg/ Yes, well-tn the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we shall be giving you the ballet fromAct Three of tonight's opera.

ITo tbe C0NDUCT0R]Maestro--bring the ballet forward. The ballet-now![The IUMGERS leaue, tlre stage h cleared and music sta,.ts again.Tbe B,4LLET GIRIS, wbo baae been upstage, moae down as a sjttuan gladeflies in.THEY begin the dance oftbe country rytmphs.l

Repeat till cut off Dialogue

poco meno

Piit. mosso

9. Act I / Scene 7 Ql Muto)

Dead, Segue next scene (1 bar)

Page 55: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe 1pera

10. Act I / Scene I (The Roofl

Ihe Roofof Tlre Opera llouse

A hage statue of'La Vhtoire Ailee.the sarne as tbat wbicb tops the prosceniuru. tt is hl)ilight.A Panotama of stars, roofs, stteet lnmps and spires uisible in tbe distance,Iight spilb fron a statirwell leading doun into tbe opera andfrom this RAOUI and CHRISTIM rusb on,SHE in an incoherent frenzy of bhnd teror, HE cot stantb interjecting in an attenxit to caln her.

ICHRISTINE end MOAL hury ofr]FIRMIN lAttempting to plaede tbe audience, as SfAcE-HANDS,PO CEMEN etc. , oowd onto the stagelLadies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats.

D0 not paj c. It was an accident . . . Simply ,n accident . . .

And.ante Poco piit. -

RAoLTL : Christine, come wilh me, CHRISTINE : We must go up to the roof Ve'll be safe there.



r))t euesro


don't ev - en hink it.

@ 1986, 1987 The Rea]ly Useful Group t td. Intemational Copyri$t secured. All Righrs R€serv€d.

He'll hll me His eyes will

those eyes rhat

10. Act I / Scene I (Tbe Roofl

Page 56: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

154 The Phantam oftbe Opera

for - get this wa - king night- mare.

no Phan ' tom of the

God who

This Phan-tom is a

This mask



breath? rnd

Be - lieve me

lab y - rinth

you hear

where night

with eY - efl

has to kill a thou-sand Phan-tom of the o - pe - ra will

kill and kill


utlI cxn,t es cape from him, lne-ver will

10. Act I / Scene 8 (The Roofl

Page 57: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



hl--ttom of lhe o'pe-ra is here,

\7) e +-in - side


fbe Pbantom oftbe Opera

tom of the o-pe-m is



A Tempo

here, in - side my

There is Phan - tom of

to his world of un - end - ing nighr.


Can I e -ver for - get that sight?

e - ver es - cape from that face, dis , tor - ted, de - formed, it




To a world where the day-light dis-solves in - to

5e Rubato

hard - ly a face in ttrat dark - uess,


10. Act I / Scene 8 (The Roofl

But his

Page 58: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1


an4ads r).=)t

The Phantom ofthe Opera

voice filled my spi - t with a sffange, sweet sound. nightIn that

mu - sic my soul be gan m

there was mu - sic in

and through

heard as I'd ne - ver heard be -

was a dream and noth - ing

all the sad - ness of the Those plead - ing eyes, that both threa - ten and a -

What you heard

(CHRISTIND)CHRISTINE (scared)(spoken)| Y*t t'rns tha't?



Chris - tine, Ch s - tine, Chris - dne.

And.ante MOtlL: (spo*ez) 0h Christine.

CHRISTINE (spo&€rr) i Oh Raoul.s6 Rall,

10. Act I / Scene 8 (Tbe Roofl

Dead, segue

Page 59: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Phantoru oftbe Opera 157

11. Act I / Scene I (All I Ask of You)

Im here, wiilr you, be-side you, to guard you and to guide you.


sum-mef - time.

Andante 3 RAOUI,

more talk of dark - ness, get these wide - eyed fears,

here, no-fring can harm you words will warm and calm you. Lel me be your free-dom, let

day- light dry yom tea$,

love me ev - ery wak ing head with

say need me with you now and al - wap,


Pro-mise me

Let me be your shel- ter, Let me be your light, you'rc safe no-one will find you, your

@ 1986, 1987 The Rea.lly UsefrI croup Ltd. lntemational Copyright secured. All Rights R€served.

1 1. Act I / Scene 8 (All I Ask ofYou)

Poco ani,mato

Page 60: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

158 The Phantom oftbe Opera


All I want is fteedom, z world wlth no more ni$t, And

fears are far behind you.

you al - ways be - side me, hold me and to hide me.

you'll share with me one love, one life-time,

need me with you

me lead you from your

be side you,

An - y-where you go let me go Chris - tine, That's all I ask of


Say you'll share with me one love, one life-time, the word and I will

follow you.


Share each


day with me, each night, each mom-ing,

day with me, each night, each morn-ing.

1 1. Act I / Scene 8 (All I Ash of You)

Page 61: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1

Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera




You know


An-y-where you go let me go

And.ante i&ie

I do.


LoYe me, '[har's all

Rit,5o-51 Auempo I

Poco rit llleno Mosso

to0. Love me, That's all I ask of you.

And soon you'll be be-side me.




Love me, ftar's all I ask of

An-y-where you go let me go Love me, that's all I ask of

I must go. lhey'll won-der where I am.

Chris-tine, I love- you.

Or - der your fine hor - sds, with them at the door.

I l. Act I / Scene 8 (All I Ask ofYou I

Page 62: Phantom of the Opera Vocal Lines Act 1



Tbe Pbantom ofthe Opera

guard me and you'll guide


I gave you my mu-sic, made your song take wing, And now how you've re-paid me, de - nied me rnd be,trayed me.

He was bound to love you when he heard you sing.


me ofie love, tlte word and I will

fol-low you.


with me, each night, each mom -ing.


d^y you


did nol do,


that the Phan - tom asked of

Poco Rall

Say you'll share rvith me ore love, one life -time. Sat fie word and I will

fol-low you.


each day with me, each each morn -ing,

u, Tempo dranatico

I 1. Act I / Scene I (All I Ash ofYou)