
PewNews+  The  Presentation  of  Christ  

in  the  Temple  28th    January  2018  

THE  ANGLICAN  PARISH  OF  SWANBOURNE  –  MT.  CLAREMONT  Cnr.  Shenton  Road  and  Derby  Street  

Swanbourne  WA  6010  Tel.  9385  2236  

Office  hours  Mon  –  Wed  9  a.m.  –  2  p.m.  Thurs  –  Closed,  Fri  9  a.m.  -­‐  Noon  

Today’s  Hymns  and  Music  Lead  us,  heavenly  Father  ....................  496  CP  Love  divine,  all  loves  excelling  ............  516  CP  King  of  glory,  King  of  peace  .................  494  CP    Communion  ...........  Faithful  vigil  ended  (360)  

Welcome  to  The  Church  of  the  Resurrection  and   our   Parish   of   Swanbourne-­‐Mt.  Claremont.  We  extend  a  warm  welcome   to  those  visiting  or  worshipping  with  us  for  the  first  time  today.  

Sunday  Services  9:00am  Eucharist  

A   service   of   Holy   Communion,   which   is  usually   sung  with   hymns  and  a   sermon.  On  the   4th   Sunday   of   the   month   the   service   is  said.  

Children’s   Church   meets   in   the   meeting  room  at  9  am  on  the  1st,  3rd  and  5th  Sundays  of  the  month  and  at  5  pm  on  the  4th  Sunday.  Children  are  encouraged  to  join  us  in  Church  on  the  2nd  Sunday,  when  our  music  is   led  by  the  Junior  Choir.  


4th   Sunday   of   the  month:   Choral  Mass  with  music  led  by  the  Mapstone  Scholars  

Midweek  Services  There   is   a   said   Eucharist   at   9:00   am   every  week,  which,  on  the  first  Wednesday  of  the  month  is  a  healing  Eucharist.    


From  the  Rector    Today   we   celebrate   the   Feast   of   the  Presentation  of  Christ  in  the  Temple,  also  known  as  Candlemas,  because  the  blessing  of  candles  is  included   in   today’s   liturgy.   Candlemas   falls   on  2nd  February,  being  40  days  after  Christmas  Day  and   it   marks   the   end   of   the   feasts   of   the  Christmas   season.   You  will   notice   that   the   crib  figures   which   have   been   on   display   in   front   of  the  altar  and  in  the  narthex  have  now  been  put  away.    

This   feast   recalls   how   Simeon   and   Anna,   led   by   the   Spirit,  met   Jesus  with   joy.   By   doing   so,   we   put   ourselves   in   the   middle   of   the   story  because,  we  too,  have  been  united  in  baptism  by  the  spirit,  and  now  we  have   also   gathered   in   the   house   of   the   Lord  where  we  will   recognise  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  in  the  breaking  of  the  bread.  

In   today’s   gospel  passage,   Simeon  and  Anna  both   speak  prophetically  about  Jesus  as  the  fulfilment  of  the  ancient  promises.  Simeon  refers  to  Jesus  as  ‘a  light  for  revelation  to  the  Gentiles’.  As  we  light  candles  today  we  are  reminded  of  that.  In  a  few  weeks’  time  on  Easter  Day,  we  will  do  so   again,   bringing   into   church   a   new   Paschal   Candle,   as   a   symbol   for  this   community   that   Jesus   is   the   light  of   the  world,   shining  out   in   the  darkness.  

In   the  baptism  service,  we  also  give   the  newly  baptised  a   candle  as  a  reminder   of   the   charge   they   are   given   to   walk   in   the   light   of   Christ  throughout  their  lives.    

May  we,   like   Simeon   and  Anna,   be   open   to   the   guidance   of   the  Holy  Spirit   as   we   seek   to   be   light   in   this   community   and   lead   others   to  encounter  Jesus  in  their  lives.  

Have a great week.

Fr. Nick  



For  your  diary…  Every  week  Monday    Tuesday  –  Friday      Wednesday  

5  p.m.  6  p.m.  9  a.m.  5  p.m.  9  a.m.  

Junior  Choir  Practice  (term  time)  Senior  Choir  Practice  (term  time)  Morning  Prayer  (except  Wednesday)  Evening  Prayer  Said  Eucharist  (with  ministry  of  healing  on  the  first  Wednesday  of  the  month)  

This  week  

Sun  28th  January   9  a.m.    5  p.m.  

Said  Eucharist  for  the  Feast  of  the  Presentation  of  Christ  in  the  Temple  Sung  Eucharist  

Wed  31st  January   9  a.m.   Said  Eucharist  Save  the  date!  

Our  musicians  are  taking  a  well-­‐deserved  break  during  January  Thurs  1st  February   2.30  p.m.   Bible  Study  at  Romily  House  Sat  3rd  February   8.30  a.m.   AYCM  Leaders  Breakfast  at  Wollaston  

Sun  4th  February   9  a.m.   Sung  Eucharist  for  the  fifth  Sunday  after  Epiphany  

Mon  5th  February   5  p.m.   Choir  practice  (new  term)  Sat  10th  February   10  a.m.   Installation  of  Bishop  Kay  Goldsworthy  

as  Archbishop  of  Perth  Tues  13th  February   7  p.m.   Said  Eucharist  followed  by  Church  

Council  Wed  14  February   9  a.m.  

 7  p.m.  

Ash  Wednesday  Said  Eucharist  with  ashing  Choral  Eucharist  with  ashing  

Thurs  15th  February   1  p.m.  2.30  p.m.  

Mothers  Union  Eucharist  at  Romily  House  

To  arrange  the  Sacrament  of  Reconciliation,  home  or  hospital  visits,  Baptisms,  and  Weddings  please  contact  Fr.  Nick  Tel.  0447  224451  

Email.  Fr.  [email protected]


Holy  Communion  

The  Anglican  Church  of  Australia  offers  the  hospitality  of  the  altar  to  all  baptized  Christians.  Please  come  forward  to  receive  from  the  Celebrant  and  then  move  to  receive  from  one  of  the  chalices.  If  you  cannot  come  to   the   priest,   please   let   one   of   the   sides-­‐people   know   and   the  sacrament   will   be   brought   to   you.   If   you   would   prefer   to   receive   a  blessing,  please  come   forward,  holding  your  Order  of  Service.    Gluten  free  wafers  are  available.  

For  your  prayers  this  week...    In  the  Diocese,  we  pray  for  the  Parish  of  Parish  of  Moora,  Rose  Guok  and   people;   Provincial   Council   and   members   of   the   Committee;  Agencies   in  the  Diocese  that  focus  their  attention  on  the  poor;  Bishop  Jeremy  and  Bishop  Kate    In   the   Province,   we   pray   for   the   Diocese   of   North   West   Australia,  Bishop  Gary  Nelson,  clergy  and  people.  In   the   Anglican   Church   of   Australia   we   pray   for   the   Primate   of  Australia,  Archbishop  Philip  Freier.    In   our   Partner   Diocese   of   Eldoret   we   pray   for   Bishop   Christopher  Rutto,  clergy  and  people.  In  the  Anglican  Communion,  we  pray  for  Igreja  Episcopal  Anglicana  do  Brasil;  The  Most  Reverend  Francisco  De  Assis  Da  Silva  Primate  of  Brazil  and   Bishop   of   South-­‐Western   Brazil;   Archbishop   Justin   Welby,  Archbishop   of   Canterbury;   Primate   of   Australia,   Archbishop   Philip  Freier.  Our  parish  –  all  those  preparing  for  baptism.  Those   who   are   sick,   Ethel   Kaye,   Beryl   Staunton,   Fred   Banyard,   and  Barbara  Meys.  The   faithful   departed,   those  who   died   recently,   and   all   those  whose  anniversaries  occur  this  week.  



News      Monthly  service  roster  

Can  you  help  with  readings,  leading  intercessions,  welcoming,  hospitality  or  serving?  If  you  would  like  to  find  out  what  is  involved,  please  speak  to  Fr.  Nick.    Training  and  support  will  be  offered  to  new  volunteers.    Music  Foundation  

Work   to  establish  a  music   foundation   is  now  underway  with   the  aim  of  generating   c.   $35,000   p.a.   to   fund   the   training   of   young  musicians   and  provide   them   with   opportunities   to   perform   publicly.     The   intention   is  that   once   it   has   been   established,   donations   to   the   fund   will   be   tax  deductible.  The  good  news  is  that  $8,000  has  already  been  pledged  and  if  you  would  be  interested  in  pledging  money  (over  and  above  your  regular  giving  to  the  Church),  it  would  be  helpful  if  you  could  let  Fr.  Nick  know  so  that  we  can  ascertain  whether  this  is  going  to  be  achievable.  Thank  you.    Service  at  Lisle  Lodge  –  Mount  Claremont  

There  will  be  a  service  of  Holy  Communion  in  the  Common  Room  as  Lisle  Lodge   on   Thursday   22nd   February   at   10:30   a.m.   If   there   is   sufficient  demand,  we  hope  that  this  will  become  a  regular  event.  All  welcome!    Thank  you  

I  am  grateful  to  Hilary  Heptinstall  for  accompanying  our  music  this  week.    We  look  forward  to  welcoming  back  Kate  and  the  Mapstone  Scholars  next  week  together  with  our  new  organist,  Holly  Broadbent.      


Parish  Finances  

At   their  meeting   of   14   December   2017   Diocesan   Council   discussed   our  financial  situation.    Following  the  meeting,  the  Diocesan  Secretary  wrote  to  say  the  following:  

“Diocesan  Council  appreciates  the  extraordinary  financial  difficulties  that  the   parish   has   been   facing,   but   equally   the   considerable   effort   and  perseverance   of   the   parish   to  work   through   those   challenges   to   ensure  that  the  Gospel  is  proclaimed  in  this  part  of  Perth  and  the  Church  built  up  so  that  people  may  come  to  know  and  love  God.    

Accordingly,  Diocesan  Council  resolved:    -­‐  To  write  off  the  unpaid  assessment  owed  by  the  parish  of  Swanbourne-­‐Mt   Claremont   for   the   2014/2015,   2015/2016   and   2016/2017   totalling  $50,638.    

-­‐   To  approve   in  principle  ministry  grant  of   the  parish  of   Swanbourne-­‐Mt  Claremont  as  part  of  the  2018/2019  budget  process.”  

Effectively,   Diocesan   Council   has   written   off   all   our   debts,   with   the  exception   of   a   small   insurance   premium,   up   to   the   end   of   the   last  financial  year  which  is  very  good  news.  We  expect  to  finish  this  financial  year  with  a  loss  and  we  will  therefore  be  in  debt  to  the  Diocese  again  at  the   end   of   the   April,   but   it  will   be   a  much   smaller   amount   than  would  otherwise  have  been  the  case.  

None  of   this  would  have  been  possible  without  the  significant  efforts  of  many   in   this   congregation,   and   I   thank   God   for   your   generosity   and  creativity.  With   your   continuing   help   and   goodwill,   we   will   continue   to  seek  new  ways  to  increase  engagement  with  our  community  and  to  find  ways  of  raising  the  level  of  our  income.  Working  together,  I  am  convinced  that  we  can  make  this  parish  financially  viable  again.    

We  do  not  expect  to  find  out  details  of  the  ministry  grant  until  April  next  year,  but  will  let  you  know  details  when  we  do.    

Thank   you   for   all   your   efforts   in   the   service   of   the   Gospel   here   in  Swanbourne  and  Mt.  Claremont. Fr. Nick  


Next  week’s  readings

The  Fifth  Sunday  After  Epiphany,  4  February  2018.        9am  Sung  Mass  with  Fr.  Nick  presiding  and  Fr.  Rowan  preaching.  Isaiah  40:21-­‐31,  Psalm  147:1-­‐11,  1  Corinthians  9:16-­‐23  and  Mark  1:29-­‐39.  

Please  send  any  items  for  next  week’s  PewNews+  to  the  church  office  ([email protected])  by  Wednesday  evening.  Thank  you.  



Saturday  3  February  2018  8.30am  -­‐  11am  Wollaston  Conference  Centre    5  Wollaston  Road  Mount  Claremont  

To  book  your  place  please  go  to  the  events  page  on  the  Diocesan  website  

We  would  like  to  invite  all  teachers,  chaplains,  volunteers  and  ministers  within  the  diocese  to  our  inaugural  Leaders  Breakfast.  If  you  are  interested  in  joining  ACYM  in  reimagining  how  we  can  help  children  and  young  people  grow  in  their  faith,  then  this  breakfast  is  for  you.  Come  along  and  meet  the  ACYM  team,  share  your  thoughts  and  dreams  and  network  with  others  involved  in  children  and  young  people  in  the  diocese.  [email protected]  


Could  you  automate  your  giving?  

The  most  efficient  way   to  give   is  by  bank   transfer.  You  can,  of  course,  continue   to  give  by  other  means  but   if   you  are  able   to  switch   to  bank  transfer   you   can   set   up   a   regular   donation   using   the   following   bank  details.  BSB  706-­‐001,  Account  No.  30004478.    

If  you  already  use  the  Direct  Debit  system  for  your  contribution,  you  are  encouraged   to   place   one   of   the   laminated   Direct   Debit   cards   in   the  collection  bowl  as   it  passes  you  during  the  Offertory.  You  can  collect  a  card  from  the  welcomer  as  you  enter  the  church.  

Thank  you  




Readings      A  Reading  from  the  Book  of  the  Prophet  Malachi  

See,  I  am  sending  my  messenger  to  prepare  the  way  before  me,  and  the  Lord  whom  you  seek  will  suddenly  come  to  his  temple.  The  messenger  of  the  covenant  in  whom  you  delight—indeed,  he  is  coming,  says  the  Lord  of  hosts.     But   who   can   endure   the   day   of   his   coming,   and  who   can   stand  when  he  appears?  

For  he   is   like  a   refiner’s   fire  and   like   fullers’   soap;  he  will   sit  as  a   refiner  and  purifier  of  silver,  and  he  will  purify  the  descendants  of  Levi  and  refine  them   like   gold   and   silver,   until   they   present   offerings   to   the  Lord  in  righteousness.    Then  the  offering  of  Judah  and  Jerusalem  will  be  pleasing  to  the  Lord  as  in  the  days  of  old  and  as  in  former  years.  

 Malachi  3:1-­‐4

Hear  the  Word  of  the  Lord:  Thanks  be  to  God.


Psalm  24

The  earth  is  the  Lord’s  and  all  that  fills  it,      the  compass  of  the  world  and  all  who  dwell  therein.    For  he  has  founded  it  upon  the  seas      and  set  it  firm  upon  the  rivers  of  the  deep.      ‘Who  shall  ascend  the  hill  of  the  Lord,      or  who  can  rise  up  in  his  holy  place?’    ‘Those  who  have  clean  hands  and  a  pure  heart,      who  have  not  lifted  up  their  soul  to  an  idol,  nor  sworn  an  oath  to  a  lie;      ‘They  shall  receive  a  blessing  from  the  Lord,      a  just  reward  from  the  God  of  their  salvation.’    Such  is  the  company  of  those  who  seek  him,      of  those  who  seek  your  face,  O  God  of  Jacob.      Lift  up  your  heads,  O  gates;  be  lifted  up,  you  everlasting  doors;      and  the  King  of  glory  shall  come  in.      ‘Who  is  the  King  of  glory?’      ‘The  Lord,  strong  and  mighty,  the  Lord  who  is  mighty  in  battle.’    Lift  up  your  heads,  O  gates;  be  lifted  up,  you  everlasting  doors;      and  the  King  of  glory  shall  come  in.    ‘Who  is  this  King  of  glory?’      ‘The  Lord  of  hosts,  he  is  the  King  of  glory.’  

Psalm  24  


A  Reading  from  the  Letter  to  the  Hebrews  

Since,   therefore,   the   children   share   flesh  and  blood,  he  himself   likewise  shared  the  same  things,  so  that  through  death  he  might  destroy  the  one  who   has   the   power   of   death,   that   is,   the   devil,  and   free   those   who   all  their  lives  were  held  in  slavery  by  the  fear  of  death.    For  it  is  clear  that  he  did  not  come  to  help  angels,  but  the  descendants  of  Abraham.    Therefore  he  had  to  become  like  his  brothers  and  sisters  in  every  respect,  so  that  he  might  be  a  merciful  and  faithful  high  priest  in  the  service  of  God,  to  make  a   sacrifice  of  atonement   for   the   sins  of   the  people.    Because  he  himself  was   tested  by  what  he  suffered,  he   is  able   to  help   those  who  are  being  tested.    

Hebrews  2:14-­‐18

Hear  the  Word  of  the  Lord:  Thanks  be  to  God.

The  Gospel  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  according  to  Luke  

When  the  time  came  for  their  purification  according  to  the  law  of  Moses,  they   brought   him   up   to   Jerusalem   to   present   him   to   the   Lord     (as   it   is  written  in  the  law  of  the  Lord,  ‘Every  firstborn  male  shall  be  designated  as  holy  to  the  Lord’),  and  they  offered  a  sacrifice  according  to  what  is  stated  in  the  law  of  the  Lord,  ‘a  pair  of  turtle-­‐doves  or  two  young  pigeons.’  

Now   there  was   a  man   in   Jerusalem  whose   name  was   Simeon;  this  man  was   righteous   and   devout,   looking   forward   to   the   consolation   of   Israel,  and   the  Holy   Spirit   rested   on   him.     It   had   been   revealed   to   him   by   the  Holy   Spirit   that   he  would   not   see   death   before   he   had   seen   the   Lord’s  Messiah.    Guided  by  the  Spirit,  Simeon  came   into  the  temple;  and  when  the  parents  brought  in  the  child  Jesus,  to  do  for  him  what  was  customary  under  the  law,    Simeon  took  him  in  his  arms  and  praised  God,  saying,  



 ‘Master,  now  you  are  dismissing  your  servant  in  peace,          according  to  your  word;  for  my  eyes  have  seen  your  salvation,  which  you  have  prepared  in  the  presence  of  all  peoples,  a  light  for  revelation  to  the  Gentiles          and  for  glory  to  your  people  Israel.’  

 And   the  child’s   father  and  mother  were  amazed  at  what  was  being  said  about  him.    Then  Simeon  blessed  them  and  said  to  his  mother  Mary,  ‘This  child  is  destined  for  the  falling  and  the  rising  of  many  in  Israel,  and  to  be  a  sign   that   will   be   opposed  so   that   the   inner   thoughts   of   many   will   be  revealed—and  a  sword  will  pierce  your  own  soul  too.’  

There  was  also  a  prophet,  Anna  the  daughter  of  Phanuel,  of  the  tribe  of  Asher.   She  was  of   a   great   age,  having   lived  with  her  husband   for   seven  years  after  her  marriage,  then  as  a  widow  to  the  age  of  eighty-­‐four.  She  never  left  the  temple  but  worshipped  there  with  fasting  and  prayer  night  and  day.    At  that  moment  she  came  and  began  to  praise  God  and  to  speak  about  the  child  to  all  who  were  looking  for  the  redemption  of  Jerusalem.  

When  they  had  finished  everything  required  by  the  law  of  the  Lord,  they  returned  to  Galilee,   to   their  own  town  of  Nazareth.    The  child  grew  and  became  strong,  filled  with  wisdom;  and  the  favour  of  God  was  upon  him.  

Luke  2:22-­‐40    

The  Gospel  of  the  Lord.  Praise  to  you  Lord  Jesus  Christ.




                [email protected]           

Name Email / Telephone

Rector Fr. Nick Freeland [email protected] 0447 224 451

Honorary Associate Priest Fr. Rowan Strong 0439 988 896

Honorary Deacon and Prayer Chain Coordinator

Revd. Eileen Warby 9381 7798 0419 538 006

Parish Administrator Jo Heptinstall 9385 2236 (Office)

Church Wardens Jim Gallagher 9448 2525

Sandra Hughes 9384 1532

Peter Williams 0431 931 227

Synod Representatives Vacant

Judyth Williams 9384 3416

Church Council Jill Strong 0410 630 954

Ross Easton 0417 991 915

Bernie Hird 0421 650 136

Anne Crevald 6382 0262

Roger Winwood 0437 697896

Director of Music Kate Oliver 0408 322 948

Children’s Church Di Andrewartha 0439 960 830

We  acknowledge  Wadjuk  Bibbulman  people  as  the  original  owners  and  custodians  of  this  Swan  River  Land  we  are  meeting  on  today.  
