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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I live 2 blocks from Lincoln Park Zoo. We have enjoyed many hours wandering through the park. While a soccer field may be an improvement to the park--in addition to the softball fields, I would be against any new structures being built on the land. We don't need more concrete. We need more green areas. Let the visitors who go to watch games bring their own lawnchairs. If Latin wants a stadium, why don't they consider building a rooftop soccer field onto their high school. This would promote "greening" in the city and would not privatize one of the city's greatest assets--Lincoln Park.”

- Janet Farr

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“We moved to the neighborhood for the parks. Please don't take those away from us.”

- Martha Gardner

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I do not agree to private deals that do not address the needs of the entire community, and only the needs of a small groups. All agreements must be transparent. We also need to acknowledge the Montgomery laws that were passed to prevent the privatization of the parks and construction on their grounds.”

- Cheryl Ritzi

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“Even the wealthy leading men who built this city over a century ago had the foresight and wisdom to preserve our valuable lakefront and believed that this property should be owned by no one and preserved for the public to enjoy as residents of this city. I agree, this is a dangerous precedent & opens doors for anyone with means to purchase a part of our park system. Our lakefront will become a grotesque and disgusting display of advertising & exclusivity. And if schools are allowed this privilege, then why not developers? Good-bye lakefront. How about this idea instead? If Latin School is short on space, why not begin a petition for a public children's stadium to be shared by all? We have baseball parks in many of our public parks, so why not also have soccer fields within? Have a heart & soul & JUST KEEP IT PUBLIC.”

- Rosanne Provenzano

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I'm completely shocked that something like this can happen.”

- John Cronin

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I'm as big a free market capitalist as you'll find and this deal and the manner in which it was struck are disgusting. If a developer wanted to build townhouses on this space, the proposal wouldn't even get through the Park District's front door. Stop this deal now.”

- Todd Chalem

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“This stuff has to stop! The officials play dumb until it's too late, and the taxpayers get screwed.”

- Anonymous

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“The Chicago Park District should not be in the business of giving away public land. The privatization of this land for the use of the Latin School should be stopped!”

- Evelyn Johnstone

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“Lincoln Park is for the enjoyment of all Chicago citizens and visitors, not for an elitist group from the Latin school. The Aldermen are responsible for serving the the public at large and not just the parents of students at the Latin school. When the Latin school chose their location they knew there was not sufficient land at the school for a sports field. If the school has decided that they need a sports facility , the school's board of directors needs to evaluate relocating to a different location and not take four prime acres of Lincoln park from other Chicago citizens. It is my understanding the project has been started but the Aldermen have a responsibility to their constituents to have this project stopped immediately. The park belongs to all Chicago citizens not just the Latin school.”

- Mary Briscoe

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I went to Latin and grew up in the neighborhood and STRONGLY believe that Lincoln Park should remain a city park, not the private property of a private school.”

- Margot Leonard

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“Having grown up in Lincoln Park, I view it as a place for everyone. It would kill the neighborhood and the fact that all of Lincoln Park is built around the park as its focal point. The zoo, the lake, and the parks of Chicago are all public places. They are not intended to become privately owned. I object as a former resident, a graduate of Francis W. Parker, and a concerned realtor for all those whose real estate values will plummet upon news of a sale. Daniel Burnham would roll over in his grave!”

- Blair Thrush Lele

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“Keep Lincoln Park for everyone.”

- Jim Powers

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“I can't believe that the park district believes it is doing the right thing by taking the land meant for all of us so it can raise money for itself. To do this behind secretive closed doors is wrong and offensive.”

- Porter Draper

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -

“The Chicago Aldermen that have allowed it to go this far need to be reminded that Lincoln Park belongs to all Chicago tax payers and not be swayed by the Latin school and the families who are wealthy enough to send their children to this private institution. Rather than serving the few the Aldermen should step up to the due diligence responsibility entrusted to them by the citizens and meet the needs of the total community. Chicago fore fathers recognized that the quality of a city is preserved by open park lands. When the Latin school chose to locate their facility on Clark, they were aware of the space available to them. If the property no longer meets their needs they should, like other private companies and institutions, relocate from the area and not impose their needs on the rest of the community. Any action to grant four acres on prime park property to a private school is of such importance that it should be brought to the citizen for a vote not decided by the Aldermen.”

- Robert Briscoe

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Committee to Keep Lincoln Park Public -
