Page 1: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

Petar II Petrović Njegoš

The Mountain Wreath

Dragica ŽugićUniversity Mediterranean

Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015.

Page 2: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

Montenegro today

Page 3: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

Montenegro in 18th and 19th century

Jovan Stefanov Balević"A brief and objective description of the present state of Montenegro" in St. Petersburg in 1757

O1. Montenegro is surrounded by high mountains and separated on the few clans where exist thirty and more villages in each.

Page 4: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

Montenegro in 18th and 19th century

O 2. Montenegro borders from the east Podgorica Sanjakat, from the west with Venetian Dalmatia, from the south with Skenderia, and from the north with Herzegovina.

O 3. As all inhabitants are incompetent in some skills it is because of their lack of school, but they are naturally capable, especially with weapons.

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Montenegro in 18th and 19th century

O 5. Many Montenegrins earn their living by arms, attacking, either Turkish, or Venetian citizens. Their neighbours hate them because of that and they are always in state of war with each other.

O 6. In many occasions Turks have tried to conquer Montenegrins, but God has not allowed it, although they (Turks) subordinated large part of Montenegro under rule of their sultan. 

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Montenegro in 18th and 19th century

O 7. The number of Montenegrin warriors who live free on the peaks of Montenegro, called by Turks disobedient, does not get over 5000.

O 11. Montenegrins consider themselves freemen. Turks call them rebels and when they capture Montenegrin they decapitate him or they put him on the pale alive.

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Petar II Petrović Njegoš (1813-1851)

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Petar Petrović Njegoš (1813-1851)

O A great poet, a prince by inheritance, and the Bishop of Montenegro in the first half of 19th century.

O Today he is revered as Montenegro's most illustrious son and the greatest poet in Montenegrin/Serbian literature.

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Petar Petrović Njegoš (1813-1851)

O At the age of seventeen, Njegos inherited his uncle's title as the head of both the state and the church.  

O He had to bring order among the Montenegrin tribes.

O He tried to convince his countrymen that they ought to pay taxes so that the country could be modernized.

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Petar Petrović Njegoš (1813-1851)

O He also fought to establish the borders of Montenegro and played diplomatic games with the great powers - Turkey, Austria, and Russia.

O He built schools and roads; organized a small governing body called the Senate.

O He imported a printing press and started publishing books.

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The Mountain Wreath

O Njegoš published his magnum opus, The Mountain Wreath, in 1847, the banner year in Serbian literature.


O It is a modern epic written in verse as a play, combining three of the major modes of literary expression.

Page 12: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

The Mountain Wreath

O A historical play - a perfect example of the spirit of the Serbian people kept alive for centuries.

O A historical event in Montenegro that took place toward the end of the 17 th century, known as "the exterminations of the Turkish converts."

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The Mountain Wreath

O His major concern: the struggle for freedom from foreign oppression, justice, and dignity - a struggle between good and evil, which is found everywhere in nature.

O He expresses a firm belief in man and in his basic goodness and integrity.

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The Mountain Wreath

O Apart from these universal concerns, Njegoš presents the centuries-old struggle of his people for the ideals just mentioned.

O Perhaps no people on earth has been forced by historical circumstances to pay for every speck of land and every piece of bread with blood and sweat as have the Montenegrins.

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The Mountain Wreath

O It is safe to assume that many of the thoughts and words of Bishop Danilo and Abbot Stephen reflect Njegoš's own, and that the main plot of the play - the extermination of the converts - illuminates the one overriding ambition of his life -to free his people and enable them to live in peace and dignity.

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The Mountain Wreath

O One of the most important merits - its high artistic quality.

O Pure language of folk poetry.

O Many powerful metaphors and striking images, numerous profound thoughts and proverbs

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The Venetian republic in the The Mountain Wreath

O The people - the main character , the epitome of calmness and confidence, the greatest measure of moral values.

O All values of the Montenegrin people become even more outstanding when they are contrasted to the other two peoples: the Turkish and Venetian.

Page 18: Petar II Petrović Njegoš The Mountain Wreath Dragica Žugić University Mediterranean Podgorica, Montenegro 30.09.2015

KNEZ ROGANTell us something about Venice, Drasko!What kind of folks did you meet over there?

VOIVODE DRASKOThere were, brother, many handsome people,but ugly folk outnumbered them ten times,much too ugly for you to look at them.There were many, many rich people, too.Their riches seem to have gone to their heads.They carried on like some silly babies.I saw poor folks on every street corner,toiling until their eyes were popping outto earn a crust of meager, dried-out bread.

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KNEZ JANKOAre their houses any good, dear


O yes, they are, the finest in the world!

But it is not without pain for people:they are stifled by terrible closenessand by mighty stench and stuffy air,

too.In their faces people had no colour.

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VUK MANDUSICAnd are they brave, those people, Voivode?

VOIVODE DRASKONo, Mandusic', on your faith in the Lord!Of their bravery nothing good could be said!With promises they have lured to their land,with promises lured and then imprisonedthose poor falcons, wretched brothers of ours,the Dalmatians and the valiant Croats.So they loaded their large ships with those lads......................................................................

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SIRDAR IVANAnd are their courts just and honourable?

VOIVODE DRASKOOh sure, brother, may God save you from them!Little better than the Turkish justice!There was this one monstrous building I

saw,in which they built and put together ships.There were thousands and more of

wretches there,enchained and weighed down by heavy iron...............................................................

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But worst of all were their many dungeonsunderneath the palace of the Doge;the deepest pit that you can imagineis no worse than those horrible prisons.In those dungeons e'en a horse would perish.................................................................When I saw how those decent men suffered,my heart began to ache, and I spoke out:"What're you, scum, doing to these people?Why don't you just kill them off like a man?Why do you keep them under such torture?"

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SIRDAR RADONJAWe have asked you just about everything,but did you see the Doge, Voivode?

VOIVODE DRASKOYes, I saw him, just as I see you now.

SIRDAR RADONJAAnd was he good looking, Drasko, pray


Common looking, a man of middle size.Had he not held such a high position, he would not have to fear the evil eye.

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O By this picture Njegos wanted to highlight the social relations in Montenegro as a world of justice, equality, moral purity, chivalry and heroism.

O People represent supreme moral norms, the epitome of heroism, a model of honor, chivalry and freedom.

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References:O The Mountain WreathO Translated into English by Vasa D.

Mihailovich, Professor of Slavic Languages, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA)

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