Page 1: Pest control gold coast | Ants control gold coast | cockroach control gold coast Service

As the season change from spring to summer you may have noticed a large increase of household

pests, Cockroaches, Ants & Spiders at every turn. It is important to have regular pest control

treatments on the Gold Coast, general pest control treatments need to be carried out every 12

months or sooner if you have large infections.

Termites are another pest problem on the Gold Coast, did you know that one in three properties will

at some stage be affected. It is recommended that all properties be inspected annually, doesyour

property has termite protection? e.g. Chemical barrier, sheet barrier or baiting system installation

then you’re a required under the terms and conditions of the manufactures or installers warranty to

have the property inspected 12 monthly.

Termite inspections locate pest control activity within your property. Did you know that termites are

attracted to moisture? If you have a leak in your shower, shower basin, laundry, roof valley, hot

water system overflow pipe or air conditioning overflow then you are at a high risk of termite attack.

Tonys Termites & Pest Control Gold Coast will complete a termite inspection of your property, take

photos of any areas of concern located during the inspection, offer real solutions to pest problems

identified, termite proof your property to the Australian Standard AS 3600.2