  • 7/31/2019 Personification Poems Reduced Size


    The Great Water Giant

    The Great Water Giant

    Has finished his bath.

    He pulls the huge plug

    Out of the clouds.

    He roars his thunderous laugh

    And a wet slippery waterfallSpills out of a squelchy sky.

    Look out below he seems to shout

    as the water

    Splooshes, splashes, plishes,

    ploshes, gushes,siushes,

    And soaks deep into the thirsty earth.

    by Ian Souter

    Jack Frost

    Look out! Look out!

    Jack Frost is about!|

    Hes after our fingers and toes;

    And all through the night,

    The gay little sprite

    Is working where nobody knows.

    Hell climb each tree,

    So nimble is he,

    His silvery powder hell shake.

    To windows hell creep

    And while were asleep

    Such wonderful pictures hell make.

    Across the grassHell merrily pass,

    And change all its greenness to white.

    Then home he will go

    And laugh ho, ho ho!

    What fun I have had in the night.

    by C.E. Pike


    She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,

    She wore her greenest gown;

    She turned to the south wind

    And curtsied up and down.

    She turned to the sunlightAnd shook her yellow head,

    And whispered to her neighbour:

    "Winter is dead."

    by A.A. Milne


    The tractor rests

    In the shed

    Dead or asleep,

    But with high

    Hind wheels

    Held so still

    We know

    It is only waiting,Ready to leap

    Like a heavy



    by Valerie Worth


    The fog comes

    on little cat feet.

    It sits looking

    over harbour and city

    on silent haunchesand then moves on.

    by Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

  • 7/31/2019 Personification Poems Reduced Size


    The Windmill

    Behold! a giant am I!

    Aloft here in my tower,

    With my granite jaws I devour

    The maize, and the wheat, and the rye,

    And grind them into flour.

    I look down over the farms;

    In the fields of grain I see

    The harvest that is to be,

    And I fling to the air my arms,

    For I know it is all for me.

    I hear the sound of flails

    Far off, from the threshing-floors

    In barns, with their open doors,

    And the wind, the wind in my sails,

    Louder and louder roars.

    I stand here in my place,

    With my foot on the rock below,

    And whichever way it may blow

    I meet it face to face,

    As a brave man meets his foe.

    And while we wrestle and strive,

    My master, the miller, stands

    And feeds me with his hands;

    For he knows who makes him thrive,

    Who makes him lord of lands.

    On Sundays I take my rest;

    Church-going bells begin

    Their low, melodious din;I cross my arms on my breast,

    And all is peace within.

    by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

    Snow And Snow

    Snow is sometimes a she, a soft one.

    Her kiss on your cheek, her finger on your sleeve

    In early December, on a warm evening,

    And you turn to meet her, saying "Its snowing!"

    But it is not. And nobodys there.

    Empty and calm is the air.

    Sometimes the snow is a he, a sly one.

    Weakly he signs the dry stone with a damp spot.

    Waifish he floats and touches the pond and is


    Treacherous-beggarly he falters, and taps at the


    A little longer he clings to the grass-blade tip

    Getting his grip.

    Then how she leans, how furry foxwrap she


    The sky with her warm, and the earth with her


    How her lit crowding fairylands sink through thespace-silence

    To build her palace, till it twinkles in starlight

    Too frail for a foot

    Or a crumb of soot.

    Then how his muffled armies move in all night

    And we wake and every road is blockaded

    Every hill taken and every farm occupied

    And the white glare of his tents is on the ceiling.

    And all that dull blue day and on into the


    We have to watch more coming.

    Then everything in the rubbish-heaped world

    Is a bridesmaid at her miracle.Dunghills and crumbly dark old barns are bowed

    in the chapel of her sparkle.

    The gruesome boggy cellars of the wood

    Are a wedding of lace

    Now taking place.

    by Ted Hughes

  • 7/31/2019 Personification Poems Reduced Size


    City Jungle

    Rain splinters town.

    Lizard cars cruise by;

    their radiators grin.

    Thin headlights stare

    shop doorways keep

    their mouths shut.

    At the roadsidehunched houses cough.

    Newspapers shuffle by,

    hands in their pockets.

    The gutter gargles.

    A motorbike snarls;

    Dustbins flinch.

    Streetlights bare

    their yellow teeth.

    The motorways

    cat-black tonguelashes across

    the glistening back

    of the tarmac night.

    by Pie Corbett

    City Jungle

    Rain splinters town.

    Lizard cars cruise by;

    their radiators grin.

    Thin headlights stare

    shop doorways keep

    their mouths shut.

    At the roadsidehunched houses cough.

    Newspapers shuffle by,

    hands in their pockets.

    The gutter gargles.

    A motorbike snarls;

    Dustbins flinch.

    Streetlights bare

    their yellow teeth.

    The motorways

    cat-black tonguelashes across

    the glistening back

    of the tarmac night.

    by Pie Corbett