
Personalisation in The Age of the Customer


The Age Of the Customer

What is Personalisation?

The Right Content The Right People The Right Time

Who is it for?

Brands & Organisations Targeted advertising

and content

Consumers Relevancy and

Improved User Experience

Being Phil Conners…

or ?

Profile Building

3rd Party Data

Personal Data

Behavioural Data

Contextual Data


• Most Institutions are trusted less with data than they are generally

• Younger people are more trusting with data than older

• Online retailers, internet companies, supermarkets, charities and academics have the biggest gaps between overall trust and trust with data

• Main concerns are usage creep, no personal benefit, and loss of data

How To Do Personalisation

The Netflix Prize

Getting Started

Why this approach?

● Easier to get budget sign-off

● Easier to get internal buy in/ support

● Easier to manage

● Easier to track & measure

● Easier to prove success

● Easier to manage data

● Easier to avoid embarrassments/ pitfalls

● It just makes the way forward a little less scary!

• Video personalisation

• Email personalisation & A/B testing

• Social personalisation

Things you could try

Don’t try to do too much too soon

Ring-fence some budget to test a small personalisation tactic

Be clear on what you want to learn and how you are going to measure and benchmark

Be willing to test and learn

Top survival tips

The Future of Personalisation

Profile Building


New Interactions

Thank you


Is trust an issue?

What experience do you have of Personalisation?

What challenges did you face?



