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Hamdi Jama

Personal Statement

I decided to apply for this job role at your company because it will be a great opportunity for me to work for a big organisation. I am a self-motivated and a enthusiastic character who is currrently studying Level 3 Diploma in Creative Media Production and a A Level in Applied Business Studies, achieving excellent results in both subjects. I became interested in becoming a Production Assistant at your company to help develop my understanding of the film industry, in order to open as many job opportunities in the future.

There are skills and attributes that I have developed through my education and work experiences. During work experience in Year 10, I worked at Superdrug. Throughout my time at Superdrug, I encountered different roles, which allowed me to deal with a range of customer inquires. I have been able to develop my communication skills, which is a vital skill needed for this job role. I am a very calm person with calming presence; this has helped through difficult times. The role of a Production Assistant will require me to be a calm person who will remain composed in difficult situations and to work under pressure. Throughout my time at Superdrug, I believe these skills I have learnt will be of beneficial to any television and film industries. I would consider myself to be someone who operates without any help and to use my own rather than asking for help. This is a very important skill, as this job role will require me to do a lot of administrative work like negotiating contracts with cast members.

My second work experience was at a company called Proudfoot, a media and film industry company. I was given the chance to help carry out an investigation the company were working on. During my time at Proudfoot, my research skills has improved and it is a key skill required in order to become a Production Assistant. This skill will help when it comes to finding out information on transportation and accommodation for the cast and crewmembers. I was involved in a research task which was to investigate some facts for a documentary that Proudfoot were making. This has improved my independent skills, which it vitally important for the role of a Production Assistant. I am aware that building a relationship with your employer is very important, as this will increase the productivity of the company. As I am someone with a calming presence, I will get along with anyone.

When it comes to working in a production team, it is something that I most look forward to. I may not be the best leader for a group, but it is very important that the contributions that I make is good. Working in a group has enabled me to develop organisation skills, independent skills and time management skills. This job role requires all candidates to have these, in order to be successful in becoming a very good Production Assistant. In terms of independent skills, I had to work alone without any help from others. Even if I was stuck on a particular task, it is vital to figure out to yourself to what the problems are and how you will overcome it. The role of a Production Assistant will require you to work under pressure independently, and something that I am ready for.

I am very convinced that I have made the right decision; this job role will enhance my learning experience.