Page 1: Personal Response ToKillAMockingBird


In the first place, I think the novel, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Lee Harper is a very tragic and

sad story because the subject lecturer says, “It’s not as what you expect. No humour and no

romantic scene in the storyline.” So, I guess it just like the short stories which I have learnt

during the first semester of my foundation year. Unfortunately, what I think of story is true

after I watch its movie. The movie has given us some ideas of the whole story. The story

was written based on a true event that is happened long time ago and it is also stated in

America’s history. Basically, the novel discuss about a few important issues that is raised by

the author through series of events. These events actually portray the themes of the story

which make the story interesting and help me to understand the story better. I have chosen

three themes which I think the best to relate with my personal life that are racism, innocence

and growing up.

I am emotionally upset while reading the novel when I come across an event where

an innocent coloured young gentleman named Tom Robinson die because of the prejudice

practise by whites’ society. He has been accused by white man, Bob Ewell for raping his

daughter, Mayella. He is found guilty by the juries who are all white and they hate the blacks

so much as stated in, page 282, “A jury never looks at a defendant it has convicted, …

“Guilty…guilty…guilty…guilty…”.” He was shot to death during his escape attempt from

being jailed. I wonder why this happen to him. It takes some time for me to figure out the

answer but not until I initiatively find it on the net. Then only I know that South America

especially in Maycomb County, Mississippi has bad history about racism. I believe racism

had been practised for so long in my society but no longer exist in today’s community.

However, recently I heard from one of friends said he once became a racism victim. He said

that he had been ignored by his colleagues for being a Chinese because most of them are

Muslim Malays. They do not like the Chinese because they are always better than the

Malays and the Chinese eat pig. This is quite shocking for me as I never experience it

before. Nonetheless, racism is not good to practise because against any religions’ teaching.

Secondly, I agree with the author’s idea that she called the novel “To Kill a Mocking

Bird”. The title has led me to the discovery of another theme that is the theme of innocence

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which is depicts by Arthur Radley or the Boo character. He symbolizes as the mocking bird.

Based on the evidence in page 119 of the novel, Atticus reminds his son Jem that “ it’s a sin

to kill a mocking bird”. This is explained by Miss Maudie that “Mocking birds don’t do one

thing but make music for us to enjoy” (Page 119). The same applies to Boo. The children

regard him as a monster as Jem describes “he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could

catch ... (Page 16). The reason for the children to have such a perception is because they

have never met him “face to face” and they only listen to their neighbourhood’s rumours

about him. Ironically, in the end he appears to save Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell’s attack.

I can identify with Boo as myself when I was young where my friends used to call me as

“naughty boy” because of the shadows of my past. They still have that bad perception of me

even though years have passed and I have changed a lot. I cannot blame them because this

is how things work in this real world. The world is so unfair.

Last but not least, I like the theme of growing up that is introduced by Lee through my

favourite character that is Jean Louise Finch or the Scout. Every individual, at one time will

have the ability to value something and decide on the action that should be take later. As for

Jean Louise Finch’s case, she has reached a stage where she able to be kind to animals like

an insect she called as “roly-poly”. “I lay on my stomach, reached down and poked him. He

rolled up. Then feeling safe, I suppose, he slowly unrolled” (Page 319). Her action really

reminds me of my childhood memories where I used to killed the millipede whenever I saw

them walking in front me because I feel so irritating with its presence. However, once I enter

secondary school, I have different thought of that insect. I will feel guilty if I ever step on

insect because I have committed a sin. Moral education and my religion have taught me a lot

about this thing. From then on, I promise myself that I will never being cruel to animals and

insects. I also forbid my friends from doing that.

In conclusion, I have learnt a lot of good values from this novel and hopefully could

change my attitude and behaviour to be a better person. As a Malaysian who lives in

multiracial society, I cannot have any prejudice towards others although we are different in

term of personal appearance and culture because they are also human being. I have to be

more concern about any issues involving human rights and try to curb them before it is

getting worse. I also must practise good values that I know because it has huge impact on

my life.
