
Personal Development Plans – Why Goal Setting Is Necessary

Are you looking for personal

development plans to help you in your

self improvement? For a start, I highly

recommend that you set your goals. This

is probably a cliché to you but goal

setting is a very important part of any

plan. In this article I will explain why you

need goals so that you end up where you

want to be in the long run.

Personal Development Plans –

Goal Setting Reason 1 The first reason I wish to point out is that

goals help point you in the right direction. You need to begin with the end

in mind, I was once told. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? If

you do not know how to answer this question, then it will be rather

difficult to set your short term goals or live your life with a sense of

purpose. So for a start, go to some place that is quiet and ponder over

where you wish to see yourself 5 years from now. If 5 years seems to be

a little too far off for you to visualize, then think about where you want to

see yourself 1 or 2 years from now.

Personal Development Plans – Goal Setting Reason 2 Now that you are able to see the beginning in mind, you will be able to

set smaller bite sized goals to help lead you towards the final destination.

It is easier to plan a route when you know where you want to go. Take

this analogy for example. Supposing you want to go to town and you are

at home now. You are probably not going to face any difficulty planning

your route. The same is true for the opposite. If you are at home and you

want to hang out with your friends, but you do not know where you want

to hang out. You and your friends may find it difficult planning an outing

simply because you do not know where you want to go.

Personal Development Plans – Goal Setting Reason 3 Besides all that, goal setting is also important because you need to keep

track of your progress. If you do not know where you want to go in the

long run, then you will not be able to track whether you are moving in the

right direction. Here is another analogy. Supposing you are hiking in a

forest but you do not have a compass with you. Chances are, you will end

up lost there, right?

I hope you have a better understanding about why it is important to set

your goals in your personal development plans. Do remember what I have

shared today.

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personal development plans, goal setting, and much more!