
Performance Enhancing Drugs In Professional Sports

Performance Enhancing Drugs In Professional Sports(And Why They Should Be Legalized)Cory J. HackettSouth Central College

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Thomas Jefferson

Alleged Cheaters In Baseball History

Barry Bonds in 1986

Barry Bonds in mid 2000s.

Mark McGwire

Alex RodriguezLance ArmstrongBrian CushingOther Alleged Cheaters


Ben JohnsonRose Ruiz

Barry Bonds Comparison Early Career to Late Career

Barry Bonds Year-By-Year Home Run Graph

1919 Chicago Black SoxTy Cobb (Dirtiest Player Ever)

We arbitrarily have decided to allow

Caffeine and other stimulants.Access to the best training and nutrition plans.First class transportation.The best medical doctors in the world.

Yet we dont take this into account when comparing players of today to players of past generations.