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An Analysis of Implicature In Student`s Transactian

Activities of STAIN Curup


This Proposal is submitted to fulfill the requirement

for ‘Sarjana’ degree in English Language Education


Dosen Pembimbing Akademik

Hendra Harmi, M.Pd

NIP.19751108 200312 1001


Raga Buana

NIM. 0655105






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A. Backround of the Research

 Language is the equipment of the communication used by human being.

There is not any people do not use the language because language is important in

social Transaction of. Language is used when man communicates to others to

convey a purpose when they meet others or themselves. Djoko kentjono mentions

language is an arbitrary by the members of social groups to work together,

communicate, and identify1.The language as an arbitrary is generated by human`s

tool of speech is a natural phenomenon, but the language as an equipment of social

Transaction of in human society is a social phenomenon2.

Human can not separate from the language because the language is a tool

used to establish a social Transaction of. Communication activity involves not only a

participant, but also involves other participants. In order to participants to understand

each other's utterance, therefore it must has a good cooperation. Cooperation is a

common background knowledge of participants. If the participant in the speech event

does not understand the purpose of speech, it will be able to create a distorted

interpretation and the message conveyed by the speaker can not be received well.

Speech between student of STAIN Curup , the speech event that occurs in

Transaction of. There is not only has a literal meaning, but also unliteral meaning.

George Yule mentions the natural and unnatural meaning. To understand unnatural

meaning, we must study Pragmatic. Pragmatics teaches people about communicative

meaning3. Leech mentions that pragmatic can be defined as the study of the meaning

of speech in certain situations4. For example :

Rick: Hey, coming to the wild party tonight?

Tom: My parents are visiting.

In order to make Tom`s response relevant, Rick has to draw on some

assumed knowledge that one college student in this setting expects another to have.

1 Abdul Chaer, Linguistik umum, Penerbit Rineka Cipta.Jakarta.2007.P322 Abdul Chaer, Kajian Bahasa, Struktur Internal, Pemakaian dan Pemelajaran, Penerbit

Rineka Cipta.Jakarta.2007.P93 Leffy Noviyenti, Diktat, Mata Kuliah Langguage Research.2003.STAIN Curup4 Geoffrey Leech. Prinsip-prinsip Pragmatik. Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta.1993.P


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Tom will be spending that evening with his parents, and time spent with parents is

quiet (consequently+> Tom not at party) this the implicature.

  Examples of utterance above has a unliteral meaning beside the literal

meaning. So that 'what is speak' and 'what is meant' are different. So how the listener

interpreted it. This condition is commonly called implicature. Implicature is the

relationship between utterances that said by two men were talking. This relation does

not understand literally, but only implicitly5. When the listener hears the expression,

she first has to assume that the speaker is being cooperative and intends to

communicate something. That something must be more than just what the words

mean. It is additional conveyed, meaning6.

Implicature be easily understood by speaker and hearer if they have shared

experiences and knowledge. Researcher chose STAIN Curup because Transaction

conducted in the college of STAIN by student. The researcher would like to know

implicature when the student of STAIN does the Transaction of besides, the

activities are offer, demand, inform, an apology and others. so there are implicature.

 Based on explaining above, It is very interesting to be studied.  As shown in the

example at the beginning of this description. This is because speech delivered by

officer and student at these examples have unliteral meaning and the literal meaning,

is usually called implicature. This has encouraged researcher to examine An Anylisis

of Implicature in Student`s Transaction Activities Student in STAIN Curup.

5 Abdul chaer,Agustina,Sosiolinguistik, Perkenalan Awal, Edisi Revisi. Penerbit Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.2004.P596 OP.Cit.P34


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B. The Research Question

As the problems in this research :

1) What are types of implicature appears in Transaction of student STAIN Curup ?

2) What are implicature of the utterance in Transaction of student STAIN Curup ?

3) Does the implicature based on the violation of Maxim?, If Yes, what maxim is


C. The Objectives of the Research

1. To Identify kinds implicature in Transaction of student STAIN Curup.

2. To find out the implicature in Transaction of student STAIN Curup

3. To find out the Violation of maxim for creating the implicature.

D. Significan of the Research

The result of this study is expected the useful for :

1. Students

The result of this research can hopefully help the students to understand

more about implicature, by doing so they will have good awareness in producing

utterances especially in Transaction of.

2. English Teachers

The result of this research can hopefully improve the lecturers of STAIN

Curup in implementing various strategies to teach pragmatic.

3. The Researcher

This research will enrich the literature in pragmatic research specifically

research on implicature.

E. Delimitation of the Research

This study will only focus on the Implicature of the utterances from the

Transaction of student STAIN Curup that done in STAIN Curup such as in the library,

KOPMA, Canteen.


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F. The Operational Definition

- Implicature

Implicature is the listener hears the expression, she first has to assume that the

speaker is being cooperative and intends to communicate something. That something

must be more than just what the words mean. It is additional conveyed, meaning7.

- Transaction

A transaction is an agreement, communication, or movement carried out between

separate entities or objects, often involving the exchange of items of value, such as

information, goods, services, and money8.

G. Literature Riview

a. Riview of the Related Theories

To understand this study, the researcher presented the theories that support the

development of this research, as for these theories are :

1. Pragmatic Theory

Pragmatic is the study of speaker meaning, contextual meaning, how more gets

communicated than is said, the expression of relative distance9.

In this study based on existing theory, this pragmatic study with the purpose of

speech analysis unit implicature, the pragmatic meaning of the definition given in

conjunction with speaker of the language. So that researcher analyze and describe the

purpose of the speech spoken by speaker on. And the advantage of studying language

via pragmatic that can talk about people`s intended meanings, their assumptions, their

purposes or goals, and the kind of action for example : “request”. That they are

performing when they speak.

2. The Implicature

          Implicature is the implied meaning of the utterance of a sentence in a context,

although the meaning is not a part or the fulfillment of what is spoken. Also

7 George Yule, Pragmatics. Oxpord Uiversity Press.New York.1996.P348 From Wikipedia. February, 10th 2010. 10.40 am. wiki/

Transaction9 Ibid.P


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Implicature can be interpreted as meaning the implications of the pragmatic force of

an utterance, either in speaking or in writing. Implicature is analyzing the activities of

the hidden meaning of a speech that delivered by Speaker.

              Implicature can bridge between what is spoken by speaker with what the

meaning of an utterance, it references to assumpt the principles of utterance that is

used. Furthermore, Grice suggests that Implicature basically related to the cooperative

principles of pragmatic. cooperative principles are the cooperation between speaker

with hearer in a conversation. it meants that between speaker and hearer expect the

implications for the meaning of the speech can be understood by the hearer. The

implicature is the utterance has differences with the action in fact. Implicature can

provide a functional explanation some linguistics fact that relate relating to the

context of a speech, there are principles such as cooperation Principle. Mentions

implicature divided into two types namely Implicature conventional and

nonconventional Implicature. Conventional Implicature in contrast to all the

conversational implicature , convensional implicature is not based on the cooperative

principle or maxim. They have not to occur in conversation and they do not depend on

special context for their interpretation. So conventional implicature derived directly

from the meaning of the word (which is heard), instead the principle of conversation.

It means that the conventional implicature is the literal meaning as expressed with the

formal elements of structural sentence. while implicature conversationa is an

illocution act that it`s implication of pragmatic from the principles of

conversation.Through the implicature theory, we have known two kinds of theories.

In the natural meaning and unnatural meaning.

               The principle used in the conversation of four maxims. fourth maxim are as

follow :

1. Maxim quantity

a. Make your contribution as informative as is required

b. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required

2. Maxim quality

a. Do not say what you what you believe to be false


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b. Do not say that for which you lack edequate evidence

3. Relation be relevan

4. Manner be perspicuous

a. Avoid obscurity of wxpression

b. Avoid ambiguity

c. Be brief

d. Be orderly

              On that maxim as a constraint in using the language.The maxims apply in

different contexts, there is no principle that is absolutely true. On the other hand, it

is not true at all. maxim can against to each other and can be violated without

eliminating the type of action driven. commented that it is precisely because it is

necessary the pragmatic to explain how the different communities use these


3. Context

        Speech is always realized in a particular context. Context holds an important

role in interpreting the meaning of the speech because the meaning of the speech is

variety in different contexts. in other words, an utterance can mean completely

different from that intended by speaker that due to differences in the context of

utterance in progress. The ability to interpret the meaning of the speech is in many

ways dependent on the heare`s ability to connect the speech with the surrounding


The details in this context to note are as follows.

           First, the linguistic context or co-text Co-text of a word is a group of other

words that are used in the same a phrase or sentence . Co-text has a strong influence

on the interpretation of the meaning of the spoken word. For example, the word 'bisa'

as a homonym, in the sentence 'Ular itu memiliki bisa' and 'anak itu bisa mengerjakan

soal itu' has a Different meanings. How do know the meaning contained in it?

Usually to find out based on linguistic context.

           Second, the physical context which involves the characteristics possessed by

people, object, animal or physical characteristic related to foreign ownership. If there


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is a snake charmer is holding the snake and taking something from the mouth of the

snake, he is saying ''Bisanya sudah tidak berbahaya lagi ", the meaning of the word

bisa can be interpreted from the context.

          Third, which is also related to the context of the speech situation and speech

event. The speech situation include anyone speaker and hearer, the context of speech,

and speech purposes.

          This theory can be used to know the function of speech that is spoken by the

student of STAIN Curup in the Transaction of.

b. Riview of the Related Finding

In previous studies there was only one study related to my research, the study

of cooperative principle by using a pragmatic analysis. First, By Deli Susanti (2009)

entitled: "A Pragmatics Analysis on the violation of Cooperative Principle (a

documentary study on the movie Pride and Prejudice)". The conclusion obtained

from these studies that indicates the cooperative principle is not accepted proofed by

the violation of the maxims in the movie Pride and Prejudice 10. So about my research

is not researched by researcher before. Second, By Zuraidah Nasution11. The thesis is

entitled “Implikatur Percakapan Dalam Acara Debat Kandidat Calon Kepala Daerah

DKI Jakarta”. This study addresses and argues about conversational implicatures

resulted from flouting cooperative principles. The study is based on qualitative

method by which flouting conversational implicatures in four types of maxims

(maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, maxim of manner) in

public debates broadcast on the Metro TV. The concept of conversational implicature

referred to pragmatic implication speech. It is occured because of violating

cooperative principles in an occasional conversation with certain speech context. In

other words, those implicatures are generated by considering specific context

especially the knowledge which is owned by the speakers and listeners. Data corpus

10 Deli Susanti, A Staff in office of English Study Program , interview, curup, 12 th of January 2010

11 February, 10th 2010. 11.00 am. ./index. php ?..


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in this study is a transcription of a TV program presented on August 4, 2007. From

this data analysis found flouting of cooperative principles, that is a conversational

principle which guides the speakers to make a cooperative conversation and be able

to use languages effectively and efficiently in a conversation. There are cases of

maxim flouting which generated implicatures and the uses of hedges and scalar

implicatures. The candidates are apparently unaware in giving irrelevant answers

(flouting maxim of relevance), false and less of evidence (flouting maxim of quality),

vague or obscure answer (flouting maxim of manner), more informative answer

(flouting maxim of quantity). Eventhough there are flouting cooperative principles in

a conversation, the communication process between panelists as a questioner and

governor candidates as a commentator is not disturbed because the aim of this public

debate can be conveyed by considering conversational context.

H. Research Methodology

1. Kind of the Research

This research is Pragmatic analysis represented in qualitative descriptive

way. This study examined the form of implicature in Transaction of between student

and officer. Qualitative is research that intend to understand the phenomenon of what

is experienced by subject such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc.. In a

holistic manner and description in form of words and language, in a specific context

by exploiting the natural and scientific methods12. So with this theory, surely rearcher

would be able to find meaning in the language used in a Transaction of, because the

meaning of language which researcher want to know is the phenomenon that has not

been in touch by previous researcher where the student and officer do the Transaction

of with the language and they have a special context on each Transaction of, so it

needs to be described as holistic. descriptive refer to the data collected through

description discourse in the Transaction of. Data are equipped with the context of

12 Lexy.J.Moleong.Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Edisi Revisi. .PT Remaja Rosda



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Transaction of. Context description strived to reach the small things. such as time,

place, and position of participant. The result of data analysis are reported in the form

of a phenomenological description, which means that the analysis presented in

accordance with the finding in the field without any associated with certain variables.

2. Informant of the Research

Informant of the research is all of student STAIN Curup that held Transaction

of. All students are considered to have the same status as research subjects.

Data will analyzed during and after collecting data. That is, during data

collection, data transcribed (from tape recording to writing data) and adjusted to the

researcher note. If there is deviation, the following observations can be made

recording or recording data more carefully to avoid mistakes.

3. Technique of Data Collection

Data collection techniques in this study are :

1. Participant Observation and Field Note

Moleong, While collecting data in the field, the researcher participate

actively and follow the community activities actively.Thus, researcher participate

directly in the Transaction of conducted by student STAIN Curup. By using this

technique, researcher more freely associate with the subject of the research with a

natural setting.

Field recording techniques used to record the speech context that is useful

to interpret the data obtained.

2. Recording

Recording technique in the study to carry out actual data that is a form of

implicature in Transaction of in STAIN Curup. The recording uses a Mobile

Phone Recorder . This recording devices sensitive enough to record data and

edequately qualified.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

Pragmatic analysis is used to answer the problem of pragmatic the

implicature in the Transaction of. Two steps are adequately presented below.


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1. Clarity and the presence or absence of implicature in the Transaction of in

STAIN Curup. Data classification is the activity of sorting and classifying

data on the speech context, such as setting the Transaction of date and

Transaction of topics.

2. Withdrawal conclusion that is more analysis of activities devoted to the

interpretation of the data that has been presented. Interpretation is based on

the principles of pragmatic analysis. The principle of pragmatic analysis is

more relevant in the context of communication.

For example to analysis of data :

Data 1. (The utterance by Student in KOPMA Al-Fatah STAIN Curup)

Student : Beli kacang garuda mbak ?

Officer : Maaf, Belum belanjo dek ?

Analysis Pragmatic

Conversation :

S : Beli kacang garuda mbak ?

O :Maaf belum belanja → (=Not p)

→ Not p is true (+> expected to be true later)

So, the speaker produces an implicature that she expects the statement “Kacang

Garuda is here” later (It is not here Now). Implicature is “Kacang Garuda” that

will be purchased by the student that it is not now. And student hope that would

be an “Kacang Garuda” there later. So that researcher can say that the speech

released by the student contain the implicature that can be analisys in pragmatic.

And the conversation is conventional implicature. Because researcher can

identify with the word “yet”.

No. Utterance Konvensional




1. Maaf, belum belanjo


“Kacang Garuda” is not

here Now


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I. Enhancing Validity

Consequences for the researcher who conducts qualitative research is often

encountered negative case data and the data varies. Research activities needed in a

specific criteria that can meet the value of validity of the data the researcher gathered

information from the field, to anticipate the possibilities of errors, deficient towards

the data being analyzed. These concerns can be avoided by doing Trianggulasi as one

of the data examination techniques .

Trianggulasi is a technique that checks the validity of data using something

other than the data that 13. Trianggulasi technique is most widely used tests that utilize

the use of sources, methods of investigating and theories The need to be held

Trianggulasi is to examine the trust and validation of the results of research findings.

Trianggulasi as one of the appropriate tools to overcome the differences in the

sources of research findings. Some experts say that triang-gulasi done to check the

data that research has a high degree of trust. In this study, Trianggulasi used to check

the validity and data errors as a strategy that can improve the quality of research.

 Adequacy of reference can be used as a boundary / benchmark to test any

time of analysis and interpretation of data. Research on forms implicature in

Transaction of student STAIN Curup. There is adequacy of reference when research

found that focusing on the utterance implicature form, the implicature, the function of

implicature, and the violation of the principle of cooperation in using

Transaction of in STAIN Curup.              

13 Ibid.P178


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