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New kind of Christianity that is very popular and growing throughout the world

More about religious experience than doctrine placing special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism with the Holy Spirit

First let’s look at its characteristics and then reflect on how it developed historically.

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Speaking in Tongues

At first was xenoglossia - different languages

Now glossolalia - divine prayer language

Making known sounds

Such ecstatic utterances existed in pagan times and in early heretical groups.

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PENTECOSTALISMOften use human agency to initiate.

Tongue speakers gather around and lay hands on someone to try to induce tongues in them.

Some encouraged to practice nonsense syllables to prime the pump

Fr Saraphim Rose said there was Spirit in Charismatic Movement but did not believe it was the Holy Spirit. Possibly demonic forces.

Is this congruent with what you read in NT?

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Preacher will approach or be approached by someone seeking healing

May place one hand behind neck and another on forehead while praying.

A tap on forehead may bring person to fall backwards - called “slain in Spirit.”

Benny Hin

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In 1920’s Aimee Semple McPherson had Temple in L.A. seating over 5000. Would preach emotional sermons and do public demonstrations of healing.

Congregation grew to over 10000. Had radio programs initiating this form of worship.

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Today many make big display with stirring music to build emotional climax

Person may weep, shake, laugh, dance, run around…

Believe there is a demon of cancer, heart disease, migraines, etc. everything treated as an exorcism.

What happens if person does not experience healing?

they are blamed because of weak faith or sin

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One can have feeling of being manipulated in such strong emotional style of worship.

What is action of one who gains fame in OC for miracles?

See it as temptation of pride and flee it.

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There is miraculous healing in OC

Rarely public, following pattern of Jesus

Not result of sin but so can manifest the work of God.

Does GO teach that it's against will of God that we suffer?

Christ told Apostles they would suffer for His sake

Must remember how a Christ suffered before His resurrection.

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Sacrament of Holy Unction given for healing of soul and body.

It is primarily our soul we seek to heal as we know the body is mortal. We all die with hope of resurrection and eternal life in His kingdom.

This is when our final healing will come.

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Word of knowledge: information given by God that they could not possibly know.

Word of wisdom: understanding of right thing to do given prophetically by God.

Believer may stand up in middle of a service and begins speaking on behalf of God.

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Speak in way that it's understood to be very voice of God, like an oracle.

Not that God is speaking to him but through him.

Not part of any Orthodox tradition.

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Not an anointing with oil or chrism, but God giving a gift of preaching or for teaching or healing.

Anointing is thought to adhere in physical way, sometimes with laying on of hands.

Some will even lay down at gravesite of old deceased Pentecostal leader to absorb some of their anointing.

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Spectacle and Celebrity

Services are often quite spectacular

Some leaders will put on elaborate stage performances with costumes and special effects.

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A Second Pentecost

Key historical claim is that a new Pentecost has occurred and Now the Holy Spirit is descending for empowerment of believers in a weekly worship service.


For Orthodox only one Pentecost constituting Church in its fullness.

Miraculous gifts of healing or other gifts were never removed

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PENTECOSTALISMFor OC Such experiences exclusively associated with those with advanced spiritual maturity

Ability to heal or know future are gifts given to those who have developed humility through repentance and asceticism freeing from potential of spiritual pride.

OC believe that individuals may experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a new way especially after cooperation with divine grace.

Each OC participates in the one Pentecost through Baptism and Chrismation. Not a second Pentecost.

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The unmediated knowledge of God in the experience of the Divine Energies is a matter of Dogma for Orthodoxy.

We do not have a “come get the Divine Energies Vision service.” We recognize that such mass offerings are delusion, at best.

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PENTECOSTALISMWe strive to live the hard lesson of obedience to God’s commandments.

We confess our sins. We receive absolution.

We receive the Body and Blood of God.

We are taught to pray without ceasing (though this is rarely achieved).

We fast regularly.

We read the Scriptures.

We read the lives of the saints.

And we ground ourselves in theology that is timeless.

There is Christ, the revelation of the Father. The rest is frequently something else – but not from God.

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Pentecostalism began from Holiness movement that came out of 19th century Methodism.

Believe a personal spiritual experience called "salvation," in which the believer is cleansed of the tendency to commit sin or "entire sanctification," enables the believer to live live entirely without sin.

Developed doctrine of “second work of grace” or “second blessing.”

Focus becomes on work of the Holy Spirit.

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PENTECOSTALISMPhoebe Palmer is seen as founder who developed an interest in John Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection, which is the belief that a Christian can live a life free of serious sin.

1837 Phoebe claimed to experience “entire sanctification.”

She and her sister began holding Holiness meetings in her house.

Beginning 1839 men were allowed and Methodist bishops, theologians, and ministers began attending.

She wrote several books, including The Way of Holiness, which was a foundational book in the Holiness movement.

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About same time Asa Mahan, Calvinist, first president of Oberlin college, claimed to receive baptism of Holy Spirit - 1835

He taught idea of a Christian perfectionism where baptism of Holy Spirit eliminated sin, including tendency to sin, so believer could live a sinless life

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Charles Finney a teacher at Oberlin and later president began teaching idea of complete sanctification

Fervor of conversion came to be associated receiving baptism of Holy Spirit.

They called this a second blessing which brought full purification, complete sanctification or Christian perfection.

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PENTECOSTALISMSome began to talk of a third blessing setting stage for a new Pentecost

Beginning of Pentecostalism marked by a nine year revival in 1906 on Azusa St in L.A. led by William Seymour - Apostolic Faith Movement.

People began to speak in tongues and many began to flock to these meetings. Drew very large crowds full of people speaking in tongues, shouting, singing and moaning. Miracle healing also reported.

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Prior, Charles Fox Parham Taught that speaking in tongues was “Bible evidence” of second blessing of baptism in the Holy Spirit

Set up College of Bethel in Topeka KS whose students were former ministers from differing denominations to teach Bible and search for true baptism in Spirit.

Several rooms were reserved as healing home where sick could come for faith healing.

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Shared all things in common, maintained continuous prayer vigil, prayed and fasted together, held services at night, conducted door to door canvassing of homes during day.

Taught that second blessing they received before was a form of sanctification but should still seek the true baptism in Spirit.

Believed miraculous events seen in Acts2 would accompany baptism of Holy Spirit.

Parham claimed ecstatic experience of speaking Swedish, another Chinese and another claimed to see tongues of fire.

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PENTECOSTALISMMovement became known when defector S. J. Higgins told local newspaper it was all fake.

Parham went to Houston and opened a new school with new emphasis:

God was giving direct instruction to faithful through prophetic messages via gift of speaking in tongues along with gift of interpretation.

Here W Seymour a Baptist preacher met Parham and is invited to go to L.A.

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Azusa Street Revival -

Seymour preached coming of great calamity which would be sign end times are near

To support him there occurred the Great Earthquake in S.F.

His emphasis was primary purpose of speakers in NT in tongues was for miraculous propagation of Bible in languages of all people

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Missionaries were sent all over the world but few were able to communicate successfully.

Movement changed theology of nature of tongues to be understood as glossilalia, ecstatic utterance of prayer while being possessed by divine power - not foreign languages.

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Pentecostalism found its international success working through already established mission organizations.

One most wide spread and fastest growing varieties of Christianity in world, particularly in developing nations.

Assemblies of God & Church of God in Christ

280 million world wide

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Pentecostalism clams something different than other Protestants.

God is beginning a new era, a new historical event is proclaimed, a new out pouring of the Holy Spirit

Bringing power to speak and in tongues, work miraculous healing but also new revelation.

Now speaking through new band of prophets and apostles whose authority is on same level as original apostles

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PENTECOSTALISMCharismatic Movement - 1960s.

1960 Episcopal priest Dennis J. Bennet declared in his church in Van Nuys CA, 2600-member congregation, that he had received baptism in Holy Spirit and received national press

Forced to resign he went to Seattle spreading the news of Charismatic gifts available through baptism in Spirit.

This experience was now seen not limited by traditional denominations - Pentecostalism was about to go viral.

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Ministers from various denominations began to declare their experience of being baptized in Spirit.

Some spoke in tongues, practiced faith healing, made prophecies.

Worship services began to resemble emotional enthusiastic nature of Pentecostalism.

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PENTECOSTALISM1967 Roman Catholic professors Rolf Keizer and Patrick Bourgeois at Duquesne U in Pittsburg sought experience of Holy Spirit and experienced baptism in Holy Spirit and began laying hands on others

Many Catholics began speaking in tongues.

Movement began as Charismatic adopted many practices and teachings of Pentecostals but slightly altered.

Glossolalia was not necessarily attached to Baptism in Spirit.

General structure of existing churches retained but began to include some Pentecostal elements.

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Didn't place emphasis on idea Jesus was coming soon but saw their experience as serving existing norms of the church, bringing new life to existing order

Became more like spiritual therapy.

Created ever more divisions - are you an ordinary Christian or Spirit filled one.

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Third wave 1970s Made its way into Evangelicalism

Collapsed traditional Holiness teaching of second blessing into conversion experience.

John Wimber and Vineyard movement

founding leader of the first Vineyard church, a Christian movement that began in the United States and has become, as of 2017, a global denomination with 2,400 affiliated churches worldwide, 300,000 members.

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Come as you are, like Evangelicals but includes Charismatic gifts

All believers invited to practice gift of healing

He taught this as what was essential for church growth at Fuller seminary

First to use contemporary music and did not expect clergy to attend seminary.

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VINEYARD MOVEMENT Typical service is preceded with with hot tea and coffee. Feel free to chat to someone or to find a seat before the meeting starts.

Generally, meetings start with a time of praise and worship that contains 4 songs. This is followed by announcements.

The announcements are followed by a message that will last around 35 minutes.

After the message there is time where people can respond to the message, receive prayer for healing (or any other issue) and provide as general opportunity to draw closer to God, to make room for God to communicate to us by His Holy Spirit.

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Another group New Apostolic Reformation founded by C. Peter Wagner

Puts stress on gifts of power and restoration of divinely appointed leadership

All members are new apostles and prophets arising to lead Gods people

Reinvents Spiritual warfare.

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There is sin and corruption and poverty on Earth because the Earth is controlled by a hierarchy of demons under the authority of Satan.

Can’t evangelize souls one by one, but must go into a geographic region or a people group and conduct spiritual-warfare activities in order to remove the demons from the entire population.

Urgency comes from “the end times are near.”

This enters religion with force into political arenas - like Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachman.

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This Third Wave blends well with broader Evangelical movement

Contemporary music for worship and popular consumption came through this movement.

Became common for believers to say that God is speaking directly to them

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Word of Faith movement - health and wealth gospel

Based on idea that words believers speak carry power within them.

Power of positive confession can lead to physical healing and financial success.

Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, John Olsteen, Benny Hann, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer

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E. W. Kenyon is grandfather of Word faith movement,

Human nature is spirit, soul, body, but most fundamentally Spirit

God created the world by speaking words of faith and does everything else by faith, and we are intended to exercise same kind of faith

In fall humans took on Satan’s nature and forfeited to him their divine dominion making him the legal god of this world

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Jesus died spiritually as well as physically, taking on Satan’s nature and suffering in hell to redeem us, and then was born again

By our positive confession with faith we may overcome sickness and poverty.

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Hagin brought these teachings into Pentecostal frame

Made believers identification with God much more explicit, speaking of humans as little god’s

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Faith Healing goes mainstream in late 40s with Latter-Rain movement in Assemblies of God

Inspired by Franklin Hall book “Atomic Power with God through fasting and prayer.”

Taught miraculous powers come through long fasts

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Willam Branham, Oral Roberts

Believed new outpouring of Spirit occurring.

Roberts contribution was bringing faith healing to masses through televangelism.

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Prosperity Gospel

Joel Olsteen altered Word Faith movement to be focused on self-help encouragement rather than physical healing or material prosperity.

Is religious belief that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.

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place a strong emphasis on the importance of giving including tithing followed by a sermon on another topic.

leaders often claim a specific blessing can be exchanged for the money being donated to their ministry;

Congregants are encouraged to speak positive statements about aspects of their lives that they wish to see improved, known as positive confessions, (distinct from confessions of sin)

are said to miraculously change aspects of people's lives if spoken with faith.

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Also encourages people to "live without limits" and cultivate optimism about their lives.

View poverty as a barrier to living a Christian life, suggesting that it is easier to make a positive impact on society when one is affluent

Most churches in the prosperity movement are non-denominational and independent

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What's wrong with this approach?

promotes the idolatry of money when Jesus' teachings indicate dangers of material wealth.

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:25)

Televangelists are often criticized for abusing the faith of their listeners by enriching themselves through large donations.

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How does it explain the poverty of the Apostles?

What do the life and writings of Paul who experienced significant suffering during his ministry teach?

They are in conflict with prosperity theology.e

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