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GPC 3Q 11

A Letter from Mark

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Dear Friends,

Summer’s come and gone for most of us (and in the case of London, it didn’t arrive at all). It’s time once again to refocus ourselves on the forthcoming year. There’s a bit of a lull every August, in the wake of Cannes, as we all take a few well deserved days off to reflect on where we’ve come and where we’d like to go. The task at hand begins with a clean slate, and I encourage all of you to take a few moments to consider the briefs in front of you, the opportunities on the horizon, and the limitless potential of the coming year. We are privileged to work in an industry where our ideas are currency, and where creativity is the most valuable asset in business today. It’s important to remember that our clients do not pay us to produce advertising anymore: they pay us to build relationships with people. The way forward lies in replacing the rigid dynamics of old marketing techniques with a more fluid approach that puts people at the heart of all our communication. The expectations have shifted as the channels have changed: STORYTELLING has evolved and become a two-way conversation between brands and people. So how does a brand become a storyteller?

Human beings have been communicating with each other through storytelling since we lived in caves and sat

around campfires exchanging tales. We are hard-wired, as a species, to connect to stories. That’s why some of

the most successful and effective brands are master storytellers. A great story makes us laugh, listen, participate,

learn and remember.

If you are a company that enriches people’s lives, people will want to connect with your brand. The key to becoming

a great storyteller requires a ‘Human Purpose’. Purpose shifts the conversation from what a product does to

what it means. Purpose tells us what a brand

believes, why it exists, and what it’s going to do

about it. Purpose tells us how and where and

why and when a brand fits into a person’s life -

and the value it provides. At the heart of every

brand story is a purpose.

The secret is to create purposeful use of narrative

and tell the brand story with wit, charm, intrigue

and imagination. Storytelling will become the

key ingredient to managing communications

and innovation in the 21st century.


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HumanKindQ3 GPCLondon

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I spent a week in my home town last month with the 3Q11 Global Product Committee, reviewing the output of LB

Worldwide. It was a small quarter, in terms of submissions, and consequently the 3Q11 7+ list is quite short. The jury

was also tough, but each member of the panel offered intelligent commentary and thought-provoking feedback on

every piece. The purpose of the GPC is not just to identify the 7+ work that serves as the creative standard for our

brand. The purpose of our meetings is to improve every submission, by providing constructive thoughts on every

piece submitted for evaluation. As I tell the group every quarter, the GPC is not an awards show. It is a platform for

self-improvement, and an opportunity for everyone in the network to receive honest, unbiased critiques of their

work from a panel of their peers. This process is part of what makes Leo Burnett unique, and it is the main reason

why we continue, year after year, to be named in the Gunn Report as the network with the most offices worldwide

contributing to our creative reputation. I urge all of you to ensure that the work you produce gets seen and evaluated

by the GPC at least once a year. The GPC is the connective tissue of our network, and an invaluable part of our

company’s DNA.

Although there was not a lot of 7+ work to celebrate this quarter, the executions that received high scores are quite

brilliant, and I hope you take the time to peruse this quarter’s 7+ gallery. Also included in this edition of Pencil Shavings are

some of the amazing presentations we saw in between sessions. Brilliant guests such as the leadership of D&AD,

Donald Gunn of the Gunn Report, and Jonathan Mildenhall of Coca-Cola all offered inspiring presentations that

everyone in our network should see. We were also privileged to hear from Giles Hedger, who sat on the inaugural

Cannes Effectiveness Jury this year. Giles gave us some profound insights from his experience judging this year’s

entries, including a clear brief in terms of how to prepare a perfect entry for the Cannes Effectiveness Awards next

year. Jonathan Mildenhall, one of the world’s most progressive clients, shared with us a highly inspiring presentation

into the way the Coca-Cola company thinks and behaves. I urge everyone to watch his thought-provoking and highly

informative film. It’s a great example of the kind of strategic thinking that will shape our industry in the years to come.

I’d also like to thank our hosts in London; Justin Tindall, Andrew Edwards, Giles Hedger, Paul Lawson, and particularly

Ann Hunter, who graciously welcomed the GPC to the city that I’ve always considered home. Good company, good

friends, and pints at the local pub after hours made for a lovely stretch of overcast days. Returning home to LB

London reminded me of T.S. Eliot’s famous quartet: “We shall not cease from our exploration. And the end of all our

exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

The pages that follow are filled with highlights of an inspiring week spent exchanging ideas and celebrating creativity.

Please take some time to look at the presentations and examine the work.

Kind regards,

Mark Tutssel Chief Creative Officer Leo Burnett Worldwide

A Sort of Homecoming


a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


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GPC 3Q 11HumanKind has real experiential value at the time that it’s consumed rather than just dispensing a message

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

ContentsThe 3Q11 Global Product Committee 5

London Calling:Bright Minds Light The Way Forward 6

Lessons from the Cannes Jury:Giles Hedger on Creative Effectiveness 7

Spikes Asia Awards 2011 8

Leo Takes New York 9

A Chat With the Leadership of D&AD:The Toughest Jury In The World 10

Coca-Cola 2020: Jonathan Mildenhall Looks for Liquid Ideas 11

Donald Gunn presents The Gunn Report Archive 12

The 3Q11 8-Balls 13

The 3Q11 7+ Gallery 15

“The man with the pencil sits through far more meetings than he should, but I have learned that the creative meetings which send him back to his pad or typewriter with the greatest zeal often are those which have provoked the hottest arguments.”

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

The 3Q11 Global Product Committee

Mark TutsselWorldwide

Graham LakelandLondon

Chris ChiuSingapore

Jennifer SkidgelChicago

Farid Chehab Beirut

Guillaume ChifflotParis

Jonathan MildenhallAtlanta

Giles HedgerLondon

Jorritt HermansBrussels

Richard Robinson London

Kent MiddletonChicago

Donald GunnLondon

Riccardo Robiglio Milan

Rosalie Geier Chicago

Michael CanningNew York City

Fuad AhmadBangkok

Andrew EdwardsLondon

Justin Tindall London

Pawel Heinze Warsaw

Gareth SimpsonLondon

Bechara MouzannarBeirut

Susan Credle Chicago

Tom LoockxBrussels

Anja RadulovicBelgrade

Nicola NovelloneWarsaw

Tom Bernardin Worldwide

Guy MooreLondon

The GPC would like to congratulate Anne Vigus on the occasion

of her 40th Anniversary with the company. Anne Vigus started at

Leo Burnett 40 years ago. At that time, Rod Stewart’s “Maggie

May” was number one in the charts, and Edward ‘Ted’ Heath was

the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Anne is

an amazing role model for anyone in this industry and a wonderful

human being. Happy 40th, Anne!

Kim Koster Toronto

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London has always been a hotbed of creativity, a city filled with formidable

agencies that are led by talented teams and charismatic visionaries.

Although Leo Burnett has always been a force in the UK, the agency is in

the midst of a notable resurgence. LB/London has hit its stride under the

guidance of a group of familiar faces and a few new hires leading the charge

forward. Andrew Edwards and Paul Lawson have provided steady

leadership as the group’s CEO and MD, and 2008 hires like Marc Giusti

as the agency’s Chief Digital Officer and Giles Hedger as the Group’s Chief

Strategy Officer have opened up new avenues for growth and opportunity.

The latest addition to LB/London’s management team is the new Executive

Creative Director of the agency. Justin Tindall arrived at Leo Burnett in late

2010, following successful stints as the head of art at DDB/London and as a

partner at “The Red Brick Road.” His arrival marks the start of a new chapter

for LB/London, and the agency is primed and poised for new success on the

heels of the outstanding campaigns they’ve produced in the last few years.

The two campaigns below are representative of the outstanding work emerging

from our friends in London. The image on the bottom left is a still from the

hugely popular McDonald’s “Favourites” TV spot, which won a Lion at Cannes

in 2010 and one of the first ever Creative Effectiveness Lions at Cannes

2011. The image on the right is the incredibly beautiful “House of Cards”

deck created for Shelter in the UK. The future for this office is bright indeed.


London Calling: Bright Minds Light the Way Forward

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Lessons from the Cannes Jury: Giles Hedger Talks Creative Effectiveness


At the 2011 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, a group of jurors gathered

together to pore over the marketplace effectiveness of shortlisted and Lion-

winning campaigns from Cannes 2010. Leo Burnett London’s Giles Hedger was

a member of the inaugural Cannes Lions Creative Effectiveness jury, and a few

months after Cannes wrapped up, Giles and a team of coworkers put together

a compelling strategy deck detailing some key observations regarding the

metrics and arguments used to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaign.

Questions abound about this new category at Cannes. What differentiates the Cannes Effectiveness Lions from

the Effies? What makes one case better than another? What claims are valid and what does the jury dismiss? In a

presentation to the 3Q11 GPC, Giles detailed some of the learnings from his experience at Cannes. Giles was joined

by LB/London planners Tom Roach and Matt Watts, the winners of a Gold Effectiveness Lion for their brilliant McDonald’s

“Favourites” case, and together they offered some invaluable insights into how to put together a solid Cannes Effectiveness

case for future years

A significant portion of Giles’ presentation deals with evaluating the success of the new models of communication

that have taken the marketing world by storm in recent years. In an era where agencies across the world are now

focusing on cultivating participation and engaging people in a dialogue, the question bears asking: does dialogue

always lead to increased sales? Giles spent some time debunking some of the prevalent myths and claims surrounding

these new models of communication, as well as examining their premises. For instance, Giles noted that participation

will not necessarily yield better marketplace results than an elegant and convincing sales proposition. Earned media

might not necessaily be more effective than bought media. All claims needed to be verified, and a careful examination

of the Cannes cases revealed that “traditional channels” quite often yielded undeniably strong results. One of the

conclusions Giles draws is that the most effective cases seem to incorporate a blend of old marketing approaches

and new models, in which the efficiencies of new mediums are employed around a simple, scalable idea. This is

notable because it implies that a rush to embrace new media without a solid grounding in traditional channels is

probably not a recipe for success. The demise of traditional advertising, it seems, has been greatly exaggerated.

As we move forward into 2012, it’s imperative to understand what creative effectiveness implies for our business.

“Effectiveness” is not measured by whether or not “the blogosphere went ballistic,” or if your work caused “staggering

results.” The accumulation of YouTube hits does not designate a campaign’s success. Creative Effectiveness is mea-

sured in sales figures, and as noted by Giles, ads are at their most effective when they leverage simple, clear brand

ideas with efficiency. The executions must be engaging and the communication must be easy for people to under-

stand and appreciate. These conclusions cohere neatly to our HumanKind philosophy of communication.

We encourage all of you to consider Giles’ conclusions as we move forward. Creativity and effectiveness are interwoven.

As Giles' writes in the presentation’s final slide:

Leo Burnett’s Effectiveness Awards will come from a culture of creative effectiveness, not from isolated

moments of creative brilliance or isolated instances of commercial effect.

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Last week, the finest creative talent in Asia Pacific congregated in Singapore to

celebrate the Spikes Asia Advertising Festival. Over 1700 people attended the

most important creative show in the region. A record number of entries, 3647

in total, competed in 14 categories. During the week, in the midst of packed

seminars, Todd Sampson, the CEO of Leo Burnett Sydney delivered a fantas-

tic presentation entitled “Creativity and Fear.” Todd’s seminar asserted that:

“Creativity is the last remaining competitive advantage companies

have today... The power of creativity [can] solve any problem – big,

small, social, political, economic or environmental.... Creativity has

the power to change the world but fear has the power to stop that

from happening and the most successful leaders and organisations

of the future will be the ones that can successfully balance both.“

The seminar was one highlight of a spectacular and full week, in which our

stars shined very brightly. Leo Burnett Asia Pacific is currently ranked #1

in Campaign Brief’s regional creative rankings, which is testimony to the

remarkable depth and breadth of talent we have residing in this region.

The work from this region consistently dramatizes the remarkable power of

creativity when amplified and activated in fresh, new, future-facing ways.

When the results of the festival were finally announced, the Leo Bur-

nett network had secured 49 shortlisted pieces, and won an impressive 25

prestigious Spikes (7 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Bronze). Leo Burnett Melbourne won

four Gold Spikes for their brilliant “See the Person” campaign for Scope, and


Spikes Asia Awards 2011

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

LB/Bangkok, LB/Sydney, and LB/Shanghai each won a Gold

Spike as well.

The festival was a triumph for Leo Burnett, who concluded

the weekend by hosting a memorable afterparty following

the final award show. The entertainment at the afterparty

was provided by the incredibly talented band Rudely Interrupted from Melbourne, who played an amazing gig,

with a set that included their Cannes Grand Prix-winning

single “Close My Eyes” for Scope. The band was a brilliant

conclusion to a stellar week, and all of the offices in our Asia

Pacific network deserve congratulations for the fine work

they’re doing pushing our brand forward into the future.

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Leo Takes New York


Leo Burnett New York City made a splash at the 3Q11 GPC, announcing their arrival as the network’s newest hot shop by producing four 7+ pieces in the design and film categories. A recent addition to LB’s global network, the office in New York is helmed by CCO Jay Benjamin, the former ECD of LB/Sydney. Mark Tutssel asked Jay’s long time Australian colleagues Kieran Antill and Michael Canning to make the trip from Sydney to New York to form the creative nucleus of LB/NYC, and they’ve started off their US tenure with some compelling self-promotional work. How does an agency synonymous with Chicago launch itself anew amidst the fiercely competitive denizens of Madison avenue? By listening to the people of New York City.

As the agency writes in its overview of their brilliant “New York Writes Itself” campaign:“When Leo Burnett arrived in NYC, we didn’t want to begin by just shouting about ourselves. Instead, we wanted to listen to the people of New York. We wanted to engage New Yorkers in a dialogue, in something that would add real value to the city, and which New Yorkers could own and shape over time. New York Writes Itself is a platform designed to connect the people of New York with its creative community, a platform which feeds inspiration from the streets of the city to artists, musicians, and filmmakers, turning that inspi-ration into amazing pieces of communication.”

This huge platform idea has infinite potential to grow and evolve. It’s hard to argue with the potency of the campaign’s chosen tagline, encompassing all the joys, marve ls , insani ty and magic found everyday on the streets of New York City:

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

The Founding Father, Mothers, Sisters & Brothers of Leo Burnett New York City:

Jumana Abu-Ghazaleh, Jay Benjamin, Michael Canning, Kieran Antill, Tom Flanagan, Kristal Korzon, Darren Wright,

Dave Skinner, Masataka Kawano, Max Goodwin, Simen Braathen, Shaina Stigler, Doffen Trellevik

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A Chat With the Leadership of D&AD: The Toughest Award Show In the World


The 3Q11 GPC was visited midweek by the leadership of the Design & Art Direction Awards, with outgoing CEO Tim

O’Kennedy, new CEO Tim Lindsay, and Chairman Dick Powell presenting a brief overview of the history and heritage of

the world’s toughest award show. Unlike other prestigious shows, D&AD is a not-for-profit organization which uses its

funds to help advance professional development in the fields it monitors. Founded in 1962 by a group of passionate

designers and art directors, the organization is committed to “lionizing and celebrating creative communication.” A pencil from

D&AD is one of the greatest accolades anyone in communication could hope to receive over the course of their career.

Chatting with the organization’s leadership proved to be an invaluable reminder of the single-minded focus required

for true greatness, and how important it is to acknowledge the work around us that pushes the needle forward.

The D&AD team also introduced their new White Pencil Award to the panel, and shared an open brief with the

group available to anyone worldwide. The White Pencil is an award for a creative idea that changes the world for the

better. Designed in part to commemorate D&AD’s 50th anniversary, this award seeks

to honor and acknowledge endeavors that harness powerful creative tools and ideas

to make a real difference in the world around us. Click on the pencils to the right to

download the open brief and details regarding the 2012 D&AD White Pencil Award.

“D&AD – home of the talented and skilled, the imaginative and the curious, the restless and

the bloody-minded. Commercially savvy, sometimes romantic, often cynical and occasionally

rather weird. A source of information and ideas: of professional development, support and

inspiration, interesting people to talk to and nice things to look at. All creative life is here.”

a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Click on the picture above to see a time-lapse video of the annual D&AD judging process.

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Coca-Cola 2020: Jonathan Mildenhall Looks for Liquid Ideas


It’s not every day that a client like Jonathan Mildenhall comes along.

Formerly the managing director of TBWA in London, and then a strategic

director at Mother/London, Jonathan left the UK several years ago to

take a position as the VP of Global Advertising Strategy and Creative Excellence at

Coca-Cola Worldwide. From his office in Atlanta, he is a guardian of Coke’s

brand essence, a sponsor of brilliant ideas and campaigns, and one of the

most passionate advocates for creativity you’ll find anywhere in the world.

The GPC had the distinct pleasure of welcoming Jonathan to the group’s last

day of deliberations, where the panel evaluated the Coke work produced by

Leo Burnett Worldwide. Prior to scoring Leo Burnett’s contributions to the

Coke brand, the panel sat through a presentation Jonathan has been delivering

all over the world reflecting Coke’s creative marketing strategy over the next

decade. An impeccably crafted animated film accompanied Jonathan’s

description of a brand that has identified different ways it wants to tell

its story. Coca-Cola is in search of what it calls “liquid and linked ideas,”

ideas that are so contagious they simply cannot be controlled. This brilliant

video offers a masterclass in creative marketing, rooted in a compelling

strategic argument, and it left the panel awestruck. Jonathan’s visit coincides

with new opportunities for Leo Burnett to collaborate with the Coca-Cola

company, and it left the entire panel with a deep appetite for briefs to work on

with this incredibly forward-looking client. Have a look at the video by clicking the

images on this page. This is a client that understands the power of creativity.

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Donald Gunn & The Gunn Report Archive


The origins of the GPC date back to the 1980’s, when ad guru Donald Gunn was working at Leo

Burnett Chicago as LB’s Director of Creative Resources. In conjunction with a few like-

minded people, Donald put in place the first 1-10 rating scale and the voting format that has

evolved over the years to become the GPC. In London, the 3Q11 panel was delighted to

welcome Donald back into the fold as an honorary guest judge. He was joined by long time

colleague Emma Wilkie of the Gunn Report, and after scoring a few ads, the two shared

the incredibly deep reservoir of knowledge found in the library of the

The Gunn Report is available to all Leo Burnett employees worldwide. It contains award-winning spots

from the last 40+ years, and is searchable via selling format, product category, and ad message. Need

a great historical coffee spot from Latin America that uses animation? It’s a few clicks away on the

Gunn Report Library. Need something that dramatizes “taste’s better”? It’s searchable on the Gunn

Report and just a few clicks away. Register for access to The Gunn Report on theNotepad.

This brilliant archive is a great reference tool for everyone in our industry. Please use it.

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

ball gallery

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum WatermarkLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Integrated

In late 2010 and early 2011, a series of devastating floods hit the province of

Queensland in Australia, turning the entire state into a disaster area and forcing

the evacuation of thousands of people. The widespread flooding caused

immense property damage and derailed the local economy, and a large scale

recorvery program began in earnest once the waters receded. One of the towns

affected was Bundaberg, the home of Bundaberg Rum, and when the distillery

re-opened it decided to create a product that was a symbol of the resiliance

and indomitable spirit of the people of Queensland. The company produced a

commemorative rum called “Watermark,” with a beautifully designed bottle and

a brilliant campaign around it that celebrated the people of Queensland as

they sought to rebuild their communities. Proceeds from the sale of the Water-

mark rum were donated to relief efforts, and the company also sponsored the

Watermark Music Festival, giving Austalian bands the opporunity to contribute

to relief efforts by performing at benefit concerts in Queensland. This Cannes

Gold Lion winner is an inspiration to the entire network for its scope and ambition.

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

ball gallery

Leo Burnett Sydney - New Business / Promotional Apple BoxLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Design

This stunningly beautiful “Apple Box” serves as an agency gift to prospective

clients, and offers an in-depth glimpse of the Leo Burnett company’s rich

historic heritage as a global advertising agency. The impeccably

designed crate is a testament to masterful craftsmanship, and contains layer

upon layer of content, with each revealing compelling details about the story

of the Leo Burnett company and its people. The crate itself is incribed with

iconic illustrations and quotes, and beneath the carefully folded paper apples

are big black pencils, a copy of Leo’s famous “when to take my name off the

door” speech, and a customized iPad that tells the story of Leo Burnett

Sydney and showcases some of the agency’s finest work. This is the finest

piece of self-promotion produced anywhere by Leo Burnett in recent years,

and is well worthy of the Silver design lion it received at Cannes this year.

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Art Director’s Club UkraineWe Are Not Your MotherLeo Burnett / KyivCategory: Integrated

To promote the Art Director’s Club of Ukraine Awards, taking

place for the first time in the country, Leo Burnett Kyiv created

an integrated campaign constructed around the powerful insight

that to your mother, you’re always a winner. However, the jury of

the ADC is not your mother. They will not coddle you, shelter you,

or tell you that you’re special. Your mother may not need proof

that you’re a genius, but the ADC does. This brilliant campaign

featured prominent talents from the Ukraine’s advertising

world dressed as their mothers, and this idea was executed

across a variety of channels to encourage entries to the show

and to publicize the event as a prestigious celebration of talent.

Coca-Cola Coke Studio IndiaLeo Burnett / New DelhiCategory: Integrated

Tasked with creating brand loyalty amongst young people

throughout India, Leo Burnett New Delhi created Coke Studio, a

performance showcase for up and coming bands and unheralded

musicians from across the country. By promoting a unique and

memorable alternative to the dominant Bollywood sound, Coke

Studio built a following amongst young people by featuring artists

that fused together traditional Indian genres with new and modern

sensibilities. This celebration of India’s diverse musical heritage

connected young people to Coke in a new way, and earned the

brand a renewed appreciation amongst the target audience.

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Salvation Army Blankets for the LivingLeo Burnett / Johannesburg Category: Film

This elegant, beautifully crafted television spot tells the story of

the homeless, while promoting a Salvation Army blanket drive in

South Africa. It’s a sign of respect to cover the dead. What about

the bodies of the living?

Fiat - Freemont The Kid Car JournalistsLeo Burnett / BrusselsCategory: Interactive

Building on the insight that the journalists who review cars tend

to be “middle aged men with sports car fetishes,” LB/Brussels

decided to focus on a different group of people to review the new

Fiat Freemont. Children were enlisted as journalists to analyze and

document the merits of Fiat’s latest family car. These kids offered

insightful critiques that were leveraged across multiple channels.

Fiat - Jeep Compass The AdventurousLeo Burnett / BrusselsCategory: Direct / PromoThis direct mail piece for the new Fiat Compass defies category conventions. We follow the journey of a Jeep across terrain to the remotest mailbox in Belgium, miles from anywhere. From here, thousands of brochures were mailed to people’s homes through-out the country. Embedded in the mail was the road movie of the journey, dramatizing the extraordinary off-road credentials of this new Fiat vehicle.

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McDonald’s - Happy Meal Happy BoxLeo Burnett / LondonCategory: Film

Leo Burnett London continue to produce work that captures

the imagination of the British public. This beautiful film, directed

by Neil Gorringe, moves the Happy Meal brand from a “toy in a

box” to “joy in a box.” Huge 3D Happy Meal boxes were placed

in the streets, parks, beaches; some reflective, some furry,

some bouncy, some that issue water in bubbles, and others you

could paint. The film captured the magnetism of the brand and

the pure visceral joy it creates in children’s lives in an authentic

and believable way.

McDonald’s - Trust A-ZLeo Burnett / LondonCategory: Film

This incredibly-well written film runs through the alphabet

according to McDonald’s in the UK, with each letter representing

one quality ingredient or aspect of how the company chooses

to do business. The spot is a beautifully crafted testament to a

restaurant that has a clear focus on quality and sustainability, with

concerns for the community it serves and the planet it inhabits.

T-Side Advert

T-Side Advert In-situ

McDonald’s Stop By The Drive ThruLeo Burnett / LondonCategory: Print (Bus Side)

‘Stop by the Drive Thru.’

London is notorious for its traffic jams.

Drivers spend endless hours stuck in traffic.

This brilliant interactive transport poster

takes a traditional T-shaped poster found on

the sides of London’s double decker buses

and turns the image into a brilliant piece of

street theater for drivers and pedestrians,

transforming the square into a McDonald’s

drive through window.


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Allstate ToddlerLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Film

Mommy! Mommy! Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy!

Mayhem is the fitful toddler in the back seat throwing things.

Allstate Insurance gives you protection from mayhem.

Allstate Blind SpotLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Film

Mayhem is your blind spot, obscuring your view. This spot for

Allstate shows mayhem causing the car accident you should have

seen. Allstate Insurance. Because mayhem is everywhere.

Allstate RaccoonLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Film

Mayhem is the raccoon nesting in your attic, chewing through

insulation and wiring, and wreaking havoc with your roof. This

brilliant spot for Allstate Insurance shows in no uncertain terms

how a single raccoon can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare.

Allstate Courteous Driver - PortlandLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Radio

VoiceOver 1: Mayhem is everywhere.

Mayhem: I’m an overly courteous Portland driver. You’re an

equally courteous Portland driver. We meet at a four way stop.

Looks like a courteous face-off. I look at you like, ‘you go.’ And

you’re like, ‘you go.’ And I’m like, ‘no, you go.’ And you’re like

‘no, you go.’ So we both go.

SFX: Cars collide.

Mayhem: Oh, I’m sorry. Know what else is sorry? Your cut rate

insurance, because chances are it’s not paying for this. So get

Allstate. You could save money and be better protected from

Mayhem like me.

VoiceOver 1: Dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from Mayhem

better than Allstate.


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Charal OstrichesLeo Burnett / ParisCategory: Film

This spot updates a famous Cannes Lion-winning commercial

for Charal from many years ago by employing a slightly different

premise and a new tagline.

It’s a shame to lose your carnivorous instinct. Mmmmmm. Charal.

Arcor - Menthoplus Drinks LambadaLeo Burnett / Buenos AiresCategory: Film

This film for Arcor tells a story about a relationship between a

boy and a girl. It takes you on a jury before the rug is pulled out

from under you. A boy walks into a party and sees a girl he likes.

He makes a cute play for her attention, then lavishes her with

thoughtful gestures. He comes across as sensitive, before

making an unexpected and completely inappropriate advance.

Menthoplus. Half candy, half drink.

Haomei Aluminum Bucalus Soundproof WindowsSound WaveLeo Burnett / China / GuangzhouCategory: Ambient Media

Guangzhou is famous for noise pollution.

To promote Bucalus Soundproof Windows,

the facades of buildings along a heavily

trafficked route into the city were painted

with stark soundwave graphics dramatizing

the loud noise outside and the silence inside.


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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Diageo - Bundy 5 White Rum Ain’t No Nancy DrinkLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Film This highly entertaining film is the work of the masterful director Tom Kuntz, of Old Spice fame. “It depicts a young man in a typically bor-ing bar, with tired décor and dull people sucking down bland drinks. He is about to conform, and order a bland drink, when the barman (a magical fellow in a white tux) intervenes, and takes him on a musi-cal journey through a world filled with players, gold, fountains and a camel - the character-filled world of Bundaberg Five.”

Orange Slovensko - Hockey SponsorshipThe Lucky PuckLeo Burnett / BratislavaCategory: Ambient Media

Orange is a sponsor of Slovenia’s National Hockey Team. To build

support for the team at the World Hockey Championships, Orange

let fans of the team throughout the country bless a lucky puck that

was ultimately used in the team’s opening game of the tournament.

Procter & Gamble - Tide Tide Smart BagLeo Burnett / DubaiCategory: Direct / Promo

20 billion plastic bags are used every year in Dubai, a staggering

number that has generated immense debate in the U.A.E. about

the environmental consequences of using plastic bags. To address

the issue, Tide created the Smart Bag, a washable grocery bag

that you can write your shopping list on. This brilliant functional

promotional piece demonstrates Tide’s cleaning properties while

simultaneously catering to environmentally conscious people.


Bulgari Hotels - La Scala Theatre Laundry ServiceLeo Burnett / MilanCategory: Design

Bulgari Hotels delivers all guest laundry in exquisitely crafted garment

bags designed to look like the costumes of performers at La Scala

Theater. The bags help promote the hotel’s ticket procurement service to

this world famous theatre.

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e


Leo Burnett NYC New York Writes Itself - Chairman TrailerLeo Burnett / New York CityCategory: Film (Web Video)

LB/NYC introduces us to the “chairman,” a resident New Yorker

chosen to read aloud a few select submissions each week from the

New York Writes Itself camaign. Scruffy and wizened, with a certain

disaffected grace, the chairman embodies a specific NYC ethos as

only a true New Yorker could.

Leo Burnett NYC Computer PencilLeo Burnett / New York CityCategory: Design

6325 keys from old Leo Burnett computers were recycled to

form this art piece at the entrance of Leo Burnett New York City.

Within the larger pencil image are hidden messages, such as

“creativity has the power to transform human behaviour.”

Leo Burnett NYC New York Writes Itself - TrailerLeo Burnett / New York CityCategory: Film (Trailer)

“New York Writes Itself” is a brilliant platform that empowers the

people of New York to document the unique city they inhabit,

filled with memorable characters, amusing interactions, and an

undeniable pulse and energy. This trailer is a cinematic feast that

celebrates the city’s people in each and every frame.

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Leo Burnett - Wildfire Cannes Lions Presentation The New Language of the 21st CenturyLeo Burnett / New York CityCategory: Design

The year’s Leo Burnett Wildfire seminar presented at the Cannes

Lions Festival of Creativity was entitled “The New Language

of the 21st Century.” An impeccably designed set of alphabet

blocks were the centerpiece of the seminar, with each letter

representing a part of a new world of communication. The 26

blocks collectively comprise a primer on communication in the

21st century that everyone working in marketing needs to know.

Beyond the blocks, which served as a physical art installation

people could interact with over the course of the week, a website

was created which offers a “test” on people’s knowledge of this

new alphabet. The seminar was a hit at Cannes, and the site is a

powerful tool we can continue to use to educate our teams and

our clients. Do you know your ABC’s?


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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

eBay BoxesLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Ambient Media

eBay. Clever you! This highly imaginative use of ambient cleverly

demonstrates to the public that they can buy the latest products

new on eBay. An eBay box sits at the base of street billboards,

with the words “buy it new on eBay” inscribed on its sides. This

piece of street theater effectively hijacks other advertising to make

a point about eBay’s services in a simple and direct way.

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Watermark PlaqueLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Print

This small component of the larger Bundy Watermark campaign

was held up as an example of a brilliant execution worthy of

being scored as an independent piece. This commemorative

brass plaque was placed on the walls of drinking establishments

in Queensland that were submerged during the worst flooding in

the region’s history. Brought to you by Bundaberg Rum as a lasting

reminder to commemorate the Australian spirit.

Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Diageo - Bundaberg Rum Watermark PlaqueWatermark Plaque

Leo Burnett Chicago - Design GroupWhere the Wind BlowsLeo Burnett / ChicagoCategory: Design

LB’s newly created design group wanted to make

an impression on a nationwide conference of

designers gathered in Chicago. To appeal to this

very specific target audience, the team crafted an

exquisite city guide to Chicago, showcasing the

city from a designer’s perspective, with a focus

on minutae and detail that made this publication a

hot commodity at the design conference. Strong

writing, powerful insights, and immaculate craft

skills make this publication a fantastic testament to

the skill set and creative prowess of this formidable

team of people.


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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Union Poistovna Insurance Turkey / Italy / Egypt / CroatiaLeo Burnett / BratislavaCategory: Print

This print campaign for Union Poistovna

Insurance promotes holiday insurance

for travelers by highlighting some of the

common challenges found in popular

tourist destinations.

‘In Turkey they haven’t known the meaning

of the word steal for years. If you forget

your wallet or expensive watch somewhere,

you can come back hours later and still find

them right where you left them.’

‘Believe it or insure yourself.’

‘Union Insurance.’

‘Italians are the most courteous drivers in

Europe. Traffic regulations are sacred to

them. Go ahead and go for a drive in a

car or hop on a scooter. You’re perfectly

safe on Italian roads.’

‘Believe it or insure yourself.’

‘Union Insurance.’

‘Egypt is known for its quality water with

its beneficial effects on the body. Don’t

hesitate to enjoy a sip of it from any well

or faucet.’

‘Believe it or insure yourself.’

‘Union Insurance.’

‘In Croatia, there are no sea-urchins. They

were made up by the locals to scare away

boisterous holiday makers. So take off

your flip flops and head down to the sea!’

‘Believe it or insure yourself.’

‘Union Insurance.’


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Davivienda - Daviplata Mexico ‘70 / Argentina ‘78 / Spain ‘82 / USA ‘94 / South Africa ‘10 Leo Burnett / BogotaCategory: Print

This campaign for Davivienda Bank uses the

passion people have for World Cup football

and powerful human insights to make a

compelling point about its services. These

in-store posters features the art direction

employed by five of the World Cup tournaments

from years past, and each visual tells the

story of a momententous occasion in

someone’s life, which interfered with the

dream to attend the FIFA tournament as

a fan. The tag line at the bottom of the

posters reads:: ‘If something didn’t let you

go, choose your plan for Brazil 2014 and

start your financial planning now.’

‘Davivienda Bank.’

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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Diamond Coffee Office Worker / Bus DriverLeo Burnett / China / Hong KongCategory: Print

‘When everyone depends on you to stay awake.’

‘Diamond Coffee.’


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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Coca-Cola - Samurai Night Watchman / Cook / XeroxmanLeo Burnett / ManilaCategory: Print

To convey the idea that Samurai energy drink delivers long-lasting energy to blue-collar workers, a series of panel illustrations were

created that ran in the center of popular tabloid magazines. These intricately detailed illustrations tell the tales of hard-working men

armed only with Samurai to power them through the challenges of their day. A night watchman wards off the various characters trying

to sneak past him, a cook in a busy kitchen contends with hordes of hungry people, and a xeroxman handles a huge line of customers

waiting for his services. The copy line reads: ‘Ready for the daily battle. Samurai Energy Drink.


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a q u a r t e r ly n e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e g l o b a l p r o d u c t c o m m i t t e e

Canon - Large Format Printers Painter / Pygmy / Cleaner / FencerLeo Burnett / SydneyCategory: Print

These beautifully crafted print ads graphically dramatize the exacting precision of Canon Large Format Printers.

‘More precise than precise.’ ‘Canon Large Format Printers.’


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Harvest Centre - Children’s Shelter Home Punita / Dare to DreamArc / Kuala LumpurCategory: Print (Brochures)

Beautifully illustrated brochures tell the

powerful raw stories of the children of the

harvest centre, an educational centre for

girls and children facing obstacles in their

education. These gripping stories are

richly illustrated and provide a compelling

reason to donate time, money, and energy

to this organization.