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Page 1: Peer Group Pressure

Idania Vega Colón December 1rst, 2009

Peer Group Pressure

What is a peer group?

Peer group is a group whose members are about the same age and have similar interest.

What does an adolescent peer group teach its members?

The adolescent peer group teaches its members several important things. Teach them to be

independent for adult authorities. It teaches social skills. The peer group teaches teaches each member

the values of friendship among equal.

What do these peer group often develop? What do adolescent tend to believe?

Peer group often develop distinctive subculture with their own values, language, music, dress and


How do peer groups differ from their parents and teachers?

Adolescent peer group differ from parents and teachers in that they value. Peer group are likely to think

that popularity, social leadership and athletic achievement are more important.

When do they look for advice from their parents?

They are inclined to seek advice from parents on financial, educational, career and other serious matter.

What do they discuss with their peers?

Whit their peer they are more likely to discuss social activities such as which boy or girl to date and what

clubs to join.

What do peer groups look to each other?

Peer group members look to each other for approval instead of relying on their own personal belief.

What happens as youngsters grow in to middle and late adolescence?

As a young people grow into middle and late adolescence, their involvement whit peer gradually

declines because of their growing independence.

Write de definition in English and Spanish of the following words.

Independent – when a people can maintain themselves and is responsible of their acts. Independiente

Ignore- refuses totake notice of a law or order. Ignorar

Break the law –to fail to obey a law; to act contrary to a law

Page 2: Peer Group Pressure

Idania Vega Colón December 1rst, 2009

Social skills - A level of interpersonal savvy, which often determines future social adjustment and success

Examples Friendliness; positive involvement in group activities; respect for rights, property, and ideas of

others; self control; positive self image; appropriateness; obedience of group rules; conforming to social

norms. Habilidades sociales

Equals - Having the same quantity, measure, or value as another. Igual o equivalente

Differ – Can’t agree with the other things, when a people don’t want similar likes others. Diferir o


Financial - Of, relating to, or involving finance, finances, or financiers. Financiero.

Seek advice – when a people seek another opinion.Buscar consejo.

Approval – when a people take permission to do something . Aprovacion o visto bueno

Declines- The period when something approaches an end.Disminución o declinar.
