Page 1: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible
Page 2: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible

Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible pods and those without them.

Page 3: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible

An edible-podded pea is a cool season vegetable. The peas are planted in the spring. They grow on a vine and require a trellis for support.

Page 4: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible

Peas will be 2 to 3 inches long when ripe. They should have a crisp pod encasing four to six peas inside. Snow peas have a flat pod while sugar snap peas have a rounded pod.

Page 5: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible

The soft and tender pods of snow peas or sugar snap peas are often eaten raw. They may also be stir-fried or steamed. Pod peas are nutritious and filling.

Page 6: Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. They are divided into two categories: those with edible LITERATURE:

Pick, Pull, Snap: Where Once A Flower Bloomed by Lola Schasfer

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

The Pea Patch Jig by Thacher Hurd

Picking Peas for a Penny by Angela Shelf

Muskrat. Muskrat, Eat Your Peas by Sarah Wilson
