  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991



    Muso Daily Bla, p. 32109: bnner hedne -

    N.Z. Terorist Stat

    Holds Hostags:

    Freeom Fights

    Aempt Rscu* (See story page 2)

    Soe of NZ's ecty For mblzed peve hosage id o eedo*

    (*Muoia newpap ae d phoo capton)

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991




    Exc wn VI-

    W Tm?

    the last issue ofee Reeher e doumt at ng t aole bNwZaland's Ran Fore shoed at ea Rot oesasitnon idr to p usoures deemd to bi Wst rsts Teyn toess pl sglg or jusce nd conol of h on sos tans of soeoo d rbabl also ethni and racial inq.

    Te n Re eaon senrios the "Muss", sa b a halpoold couny ith a adal goeen e eay Racon scnio is aontr-insurgncy wr over sores involng white aganst colord and h aganst poo

    It is sied as pr of the est suppssion of the Thd old in an tie of owingeninmnal sis

    e it out, to that suh g has an omnous potenl for alcaon in aossi e AotZ of e futre Thee re demite sch scenarios betnn aad an son at hme. Tse tall tnt issus reating to he adyean fore dman t dst ossib sussion a supposd emoy lke ou own.or oer a dea, hee the mainseam eda have kept mute complane h authoiton te mpiaons o sh g.

    Dung etemb 199 a big polce exerise test resons to teoist acn wascen ton Harbou, the t of Cristhur ore than 10 oe clu rmedofns suas an e n-tst squ an mlt esonn, ere inolved in anaon h las sev ds he e 18 St 1). This ercs was e larges odte in a ss ondut over the yes.

    e snao of opon, codnme aman bn hen so ons oRpa sa in tteton bur to an s psons hareou n snn as teosts after hvg bn augt u a ak on a isingi lgaon in Aucklnd Laan pik up hr er an a lefo t ast xeris the pisoners managed to ca, aong oss thy tok tof!ts one Bs an one usali o a ben vsg t a

    An ri held at ton serl es ao had the he o toiss otesg hevisit o a m1ecaabl ean s T fact hat Ln V was st a arbo isnot lil to be coiient

    av rrued below he oil Snio Ou fte Baoun o Ercseawma foloed by our on coents on he scnao text an xes i gneral Theseno wn up by to police ocers -

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991





    The Lawma VI Eerise s baed on he Lawman V CounrTerroist Exercise whih w held in Auckland on the 24tober 989

    That exerise wa bed o hree oal conie Maward

    Colh and Muoria

    Colh s a smal indepedet sate i te souhwet Pacif

    inc 1986 Colchs h exprieced soc d pocldption Thediupon hs ben brought"about ough the

    polarisaon of is mlracl ppuaon oer major lad ssues.

    he sitatio hs bee avat by maor onomc dculies a reult of the falre of s ndusie - mber d tusm.

    Bewee 1986 ad 988 Colchi suered a deteroration ofitealsbli hatmaifeted byskes, civ durbances

    ad rbal oct oerment acon to couter the situation

    was oly patialy effete

    987 Msora a depedet natio n he Afro Erasaare e ree he ffairs of Colhs Mria

    motiated by a desie to a inuenc in the regon commeces

    coet pport for dssident radca groups. Durng late 1988Musora dretly ieree, by sendng oops to Co1chs to

    suppor atiovement elements

    olhis sought diplmat and m suppot from New

    Zealad ad Ausaa New Zland ad Ausala respodand

    n Jaay 1989 a combed navl k force lad oops oCohis

    At approimately 23 hours seve persos belong to he

    PDM ent he rant. hey wer heavy amed withemi-automac wpon, shtn nd hndus

    e delegaon sunded by tese persos At u ponteywere fod le e rnt ad get into vehcles teconsion he runt ow nd an emploee wer aso

    ken apve

    edgaon en ken to the Raventhope Hosp whey were eldat gn nt.

    The orist were:

    SvenKol, me, DOB 161045, Musoa (eader)

    mel Cang, femle, DB 0056, usoria

    3 Mcolm Gayler, mle DB 290450 Colchis

    4 Kin Bde, femae, DQB 25.04.60 Colchi

    Ne Zealad ad Aslia m succsuy contain the

    immediate threat t Colch Te Clc Goveent was le in

    a seheed posito both pocly and miitariy

    Per Mdon, me DOB 0085 Colchs

    on Ld feme, DOB 965, CohA dssident antiverment Colchn oup ug te tite

    People's Demcrac Party (pD wa le a and embiered 7

    by e mtay aco The embd on a cmpign of ovet

    rn , me, DOB 129.3 Colh

    mehods to achieve their poli agenda Te PDP h a

    aamlitary rm he Peoples Demac Ma (DM) whch

    cies out covet mliry and terort pe opaons.

    The teor then made te folowi demad n te N Z


    At 2300 hors o 2 Otober 1989 the lder of a Mward ade

    Deegatio wa hsti a riva non at VennesResarat cklad here were a qal of eiht perso

    hat he N Z Goement delver o he teois teof $US20 miion amoun be made up in U

    apanese or Wete Germa re

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991



    Th N Z Govent


    qy o

    a e N Z m e lg e qwp

    Gue d Nw Zeald ofe


    Tao cash, wery nd edi supp Coh

    the el o k o he s sended o e Poe at abo 2 on he 4 Oob

    The en ee t

    p he ucn

    Dc Cu on a ty of cha cudg knping,

    cospacy mudrand son f Ums d epsi

    Folog he deposn heing he et for 5 Mh990

    In he priod te den nd h a H a

    - grnd a y of reedgs in r or e giing ee

    he Co

    Fced ih the oehmig vdnce the si eminig

    oris plded gut o hg and e susuentlyseenced t n y monn Hid tied' ne

    ideni and e N Zalnd on r

    up fe Y d 3 wo wee beg d nv gi o s d

    Msn Z Md Eng.

    d Ch

    n Spm mg ed ween eeenav o

    key goeen deen. s dded a the apisone t emoremo houd b afed FJeoM Pron Rpap Th N ZadAmy ee de provid il;tJe

    t r

    n te eveing o Stmr he oer Grecmmd suide mom He ueseve bou of dps m nment He d a bt dh nd end edd pof mel wdo ge Deh due son.

    Subuently on Spmber sonr KoH, ayand Mado we sfe Fo Jo Mi P

    Dung Oco:er 0 ntgene ed m e

    indd that he Min Gen no og plaingo e naona r e j

    Dug h sme as f GyJer cocd te BrGoveen sng aane he beg teat n anhumne mane whils n c

    Cuenty on Ma pmber geme weemediaelY oowing h sig avnagh d Bd!e ee mde ben the A d Bsh High Cmmsions and

    ake o hh Wom on Th me pronr we he Mn Embasy fo u pn isiFoken o Pemoemo Psn J Pison to c eing of th ros

    n 1 J 990 B, ueng om seee egh os wseatd y pon d The digosis as

    pneumon but a l at she pe.Bedle's heh sdil l d he w evntualy

    sferred Cuh ub Hop oer md boh h Msoi d i Geets o rpaeede n humita gnds t unes di t dso

    On Sembe g sc of e cell f hme pn mn w u dcag tha aempt woldbe d b o Pemoemo Teponr hen ntvw dd n mmn ex sa

    ha "he me wo

    A I ! !lgc w ev fmovers ctg u D

    nd insp condio Te i be cooid b heDeen o t n n Tues 1Smbe 99L

    e As delgt b mpon Brh deeg b M P - d he Mdelte be M B H

    l b g F MDipom! Fj oy e

    i in Ne Zad Spmbr

    On 6 S M CaR de l fc u g

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    RComment onExercise Lawman VI


    he most mport tng to note abut the scenio for La V is at it rosedirecty out of the pior ntrvenon by e NZ Ready Reacon Force in Colhis. So he ReadyReacon and Lawmn g scenios closely connected Nw Zaland ahand by o bcau o ou mil innc in h a o anoh coun.

    In other words, intevenon by the Ready Reaction Foe is seen as elicing episl acon:wth execise Lawm VI, NZ sufers a second teoist acon as a consequenc of itsntervenon oveseas following on an erlier terorist incidnt in Execise Lawman V.

    he Gulf Wr on Iq was a simil real-life siaon Although no teost repisal onNZ has taken place as a result of our parcipaon in that w he possibiliy of repsal must betaken serously re my tousds of Iaqi lives so easily forgoten?

    est Sena

    h Seno Outlne of the Backound to Exercise Lawman V is chilng in itsassumons ur miitry planners evdently believe NZ Ready Reacon intevenon isleimat in a oun where thee is "polis;on of its mulracial populaon over major ladissues ad open ibl conct How could the Z goveent epect to intevene in thissitaon without icung eat senent nd ent? Yet apparently ou leades ae notoly prepred to d so but even prepaed to isk vising upon us the vengnce of thepeople whom NZ fores leave mauledand embittered by the mlita acon Intevenon

    teosm by NZ thus evokes nteist prsals

    hatf Musoria' s aed nrenon in Colchian irs? The Musoian naon ocate the AoErasan ea Libyan overtoes?) had lad been nterering taly before NZstpped in to beat up some of the ocls The issues nvlved he e complex an requ a lotmoe ormaon fr nfoe debate than is avilable om the scenao utlie Serous dterlkedquesons of polcal moral, of foreign olicy and of longterm secuty ealycome to the foe Ceainly interenon for posive medaon in conict sitaons wold befmoe likely to serve NZs longte seit than hate-engendering ilit acon

    Leavng aside the specics of the Lawmn V sceno we must ask he overrchng

    queson hat is a relisc basis for o secrity i a world thatened by collapse intoresource was I in fact we sh common secuiy with other peoples in the sustainable useofplaneta resouces then o te is more secuy unded i worng toward that goalthan n mang endless enemes in ermanent wa on the poor Iwe allow ou leaders tofollow a desce path ignoring the alteave pah to coopeve comon seciy heutlk will be blek and ulmatel sef-desuc morly sially, economically andenironmetally

    eda anagement

    In ace Rahr No. 29 (August1991, p 12 we dw attnion to he instuon in1989 of a socalled Media Suppo Uni din the Ready Reacon eercises The medforces were epementig wih a new orgizaion euphemisiclly descibd as intended to

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    / help reports in a w zone but at he sme me keep the mia awa of Wha hejouass are wting" (emphsis dded) his unit is clerly meant to manipulate te newsmea and mnage epog o mlty acvies The meda eaent of the exercises sinceen has demonsted only to wel (with fe ecepons) the effecveness of the armed forces

    publc relaons in mung ic and nbiased media anlysis

    Exercise Lawm VI khe bl meda managen ne epeensbe sepe Sdent oalists we ved into kng pa in te exercises as a part of theircourse t is evident enough ta s was a cculated eo b he exercise gs t testthe capaciy of e secuy sevces manage he news n arelisc emergency' Given themedia's aent of e exeises to te both he Rady Reconry sees of aningexeises and he reld -teost sees have vry isrbing implicaons for thedec process ccoring to the old sto he established publc mea e meant to bethe watchdogs of society ey re mre ke lapdogs. But it is rshng tatstudentolists, uncopd by e systm gave us some teg nsights into e exercise

    One student joist put ngs lie ths: "From the nside it quicky bame obvous themedaprsent were he to s police dmage conol so at te next me terrorsts or alocl nemployed ally got ou of hnd a rady acon foe or he S.AS coul un saagelyover te nex door neighbour hie e police publc laons machine swng to acon".

    "Te Musorns have en a const heme over he yes in these execises. They rewhat te amy calls n upad noona enemy te 1982 Trppenmt exeise usoriaas a ouny acually the Sout Island which had sick of beng e po cousin of itsenergych neighbor the Nor Islnd) and had naded" he oalist ndcatd at the

    basic sceno was a war over resoes

    Another stuent joist, Keih Lyons publshed a featr n The ress (9 t 99)ented "Joalsts Ors at Odds He found at cilians and he uh ould be elycasues in any teost acon n NZ In an appnt atmpt to enance lsm, locals gien hadly any wng of what he execise was abou Atempts at invesgave oism mt t erbal abuse and trats "olists would nd out nfoaon obseraon eyewesses, contacts stealt tlkae polce. Then he plce ould closeup by banning the nes meia n ea rescng access or hreatenng st . Thepole fond news a liaison dct as hey pracced daage conol."

    In his conclusion epor Lyons went on say "ho he enemy ould b n a eltest ncident is a mate o conjecr Former NATO commnder Sr James Eblebeliees at mlity liances wil be nvoled in resorce wars between the haes and tehave nots he new id is no one o ideolog but of prospeity he sid eler this yearIt was ths nd of sceno hat seems to have inspied the Lamn' exercises"

    It ust be countd s a mo aue of eercise Lawman that Kei Lyons and ohersdent jliss e able to eal ese uncmorable uths We understand tat theabovequoted eat touchd a ra nee n e secrty establshment One of he pimpposes of tese eecses is to mplate publi opnion by conol of infon and media

    ablity to repo O nomed sciy onter his insidious process The editos

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    Notes for the Paranoid

    ydenham bombing

    About24 hours f e st of Lawan V two bobs pcked w ns rpped openthe ont of the Stney St poce son n Sydenh Chshuh Poce we quck to

    descbe hs s an ct of 'un at abe got heavy ehass the TV evenngnews Seteber 16, a poce sken ced the na bobng n act of urban orsAnd t was sry descrbed e next dy on the nt page ofThe Press. As hs ssue ofece Reercr gs to ss the poice s have not chrged nyone wih the bobing tw be nteresngto see nybody be found to n wh hs cre The concdence ofthe bobng and the n-terrst exercse n Lyteton coud f on fere und n asuspcous n

    A very unsetng eeent n the cunt stuaon nvovng poce g for "urbteos" nd he ey of escaang oence n a detoang soca cate s he ver reapossbty of the wo phenoena feedng on each other The consequences coud be dsasus

    for this coun

    Gangs and 'urban terrorsm -

    Te ter urbn tes appered n a headie n The r n 196 16 Sepber p21) H the context ws poce wg about gang tow whtes he pcaon bengthat gngs re not whte Aso pct n s pece s ptecng whtes n ther encaves ofhonestendeaour andz behavour Whte pnoa n ths cse s obaby jusd f

    ther s no ntenon to ove evey towd einang the root causes of gang oence dother fors of enaon n our se

    Menton of fe of naony conected e n the Sr ce s prypognnt as he govent nd vested busness ntess pough wth pns to fost bggbng on Ne Zend Gbgw fd the ery root causes of s dsteon thatwe desperatey ned to adress and casnos be smof pros by naonorganzedcre fasr thn the goveent cn do Tads dy poted to beestbshed in NZ Bnna pubic on!

    hs so of socety nost nng as n Lawan V be becoe clgyreevnt as the scurty forces ptted agnst he peope he dspossessd as we s thecna

    Keepn track of the dssdents

    Durng he naon o Oord (Cnterbury) by the Ready Reacon Force n Septeber193 soe ocs prtesed he exercse To Kenndy and others psented the son ofcerwth a st of obecons to he cupaon a bref but aphc ce To wro: nocedour phoogaphs bengtken b n y photopher hdng behnd a day Agood fun sure but won hee our phoos w end up fought back y prnoa andvsons of Shs e" (eac, oe 1983 p 3)

    Sx yers ate Leson scene an "bn cuty eercse" nvovng a heavyRRF hand on he cs n a s d an eeent of he unexpcted

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    ; e publc was gven very lle wan a e exeris was abu a place. Accrdng a newspaper repr, "Usually e 'enemy n uc eercses ave been fcnal slders frm amycal enemy cunry Eercse ander a Leesn ps e Army fr e frs me dreclyagans cvlan grups nly The Prs 1 July 19 p 1) Te agar were sudens

    frmers and busnessmen presng agans g aes wuld be ve andy be able ese ublemaers qucly and ecenly

    s we bymchine pistol-pckng, hooded tersts who stoed Selwy councilocs n Leestonn nay ang Ray Adeson d Lee Cappel sages ur ae enrse avn outside he ofces a9:30m. e ra wasover n sens as e sages webne nto e vn whic spd o e sot ed we blnks nd he hostage dam pt ercse voe. Te P ws n e spot d our pictue sws a ers a sngr nersn m the ofce e s e ed dve of te getawy v"

    Pcu nd cption om he P xp Cabu, 3 ar 1990 p

    euenan-lnel mer dened a ere was anyng snser n e eercse He sad

    a: We are n anng ur peple g ew Zealandes" lne er sad e culdundersand e uneasness suc a scenar mg cause bu was mpn fr slders beable g n a lwlevel uban enrnmn aans errrs gups "ese eercses are

    valuable lessns fr ur op n lang cvlans Aner rmy spkesman apan SamBasse sad e ypcal uu enem uld b peple w cncealed er presence n cvlancmmunes

    W NZ pssbl adpng an IMFmoed Kward w dden denes (by law)r SS nd SAS persnnel and e a! pssbl f a cmpuerized deny card fr every

    NZ cen ere suld be sme fundamena uins f man gs beng ased Teeady eacna eercses rulrl bas dsden S wac u f yure a dry dssden

    r a clan ne)

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    I Gulf War over the Lees Valley oil elds M

    Oil in Canterbuy? That was a pa of the game plan n rmy exercise Southe Saf'8. Ay conngents om fve naons (Singapore, Ausa Malaysia Britain in Hong

    Kong ad NZ) battled agnst the ubiqutous Musoans who were pushing norhw toward

    Chstchrch nd the Lees Valley oil elds (Th Sta 27 Nov 1984) e Musoans had"Fourt World" bacng! Note the theme of oil and the aining of the Ready Reaction tem toparcipate in a resouce w The boys om Bhm missed the real acon chance in e Gulftis year but there wll be other opportunies in he ner futu i things connue on theipresent course

    The Alien ath over Lytteton

    The pot of Lyttelton just over the hill om Chstchuh is being watched nd situaons

    there reported on b a 'Repong Oer who is in ft he US Naval Offcer in Chrge atOperaon Deep Freeze (a Rsah Nos 1 1 and 21) Other ports in New Zealand that of interest to the S mltary uner smlr watch S ntest falls under he umbrellaofU Naval Conol of Shipping and would have been at a low ebb since 1985 because o theabsence of US warships our nucler-ee pos The atmpts by the current Naonalgovement to bring US wshps bak to NZ bngs hs ssue to the fo agan. Back n erly

    1985 the mea poted on Amerc pls to del wth nucle weapons and reactoraccidents: "the Unted States Pacic Commad mintas a system n New Zelnd for seekingemergency help if Amerca nucler weapons exple in Nw Zealand waters or if a USwaships nuclear reactor eaks adaon he (Th s 22 Mrch 1985)

    A s e contemplate the possible t of nuclear armed and powered warships it iswoth rpating some other bits om that ss tcle relang smulated nucleremrgencies crred out at e Nevada nucler test site

    "Dmonsatos and loote were shot and mlt spkesmen gave out deliberatelydecepve foman A the latest exeise in 1983 the nay waited for twondhalfhous after the accident befoe cong the psence of nuclear weapons at the site

    "They were preempted though the report says, when a state policeman scamed at theonlookes to st bak th's nua bbs n th.

    "That siuaon pointed out the major problem which exists with neither conrm nordeny

    One mght be excused for being just a lttle conceed about how the U milit nd thetate Department acng through the US Embssy in ellngton would behave towd NewZealand civilians in the event of a serious nucler accident involng either a eactor or aweapon Our own goveents sl to pln fo a worst-case nucle acident scenio ishardly reassuing

    New Zealnd s vulneable to over Ame oaons of o soveregnty and nuclearee status at Chrstchuh Arpo home o US Navy nd A Force contingents and twiceweekly flghts of Miitay Arlft Commnd Stlifte coveed by he neither con nor deny

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    0 olcy e Ac de a oe ml-feted mli and

    lgence he mo al ndnce b sccessive NZgoements

    md b Reache staff

    Israel's Bomb:

    d New .JW;'IAujoin in a cover-up?

    y Bob ona

    as a ncle bomb sed e Ii 979 And if so, who did it? e isso vnce some of it new hat the awe to the rst qeson is YS, and hat it was thek o the sels wi a lile hel m the Fnch and he South Acans

    Old and new vidnc

    The old eence was a combon of sienc data om the Unitd States, adsrsgy, om Ne Zaland s portd in the Herd! the nstute of NuclerSiencs (S) at ower Hutt detctd elev radaon n som sampes of rn olld theprod om August to ber28979 On 22 September a US Vela satellt desiged

    sccally to moir aosphc nclea tets om a very hgh epcl orbit had dettdwhat appd to be a nucler h somewhere n the rmote o Souh Aca2 he lightsensor o he satlit was conlusie and rud dndnt coobon TheNew Zad data was just hat it ap ily ther indndnt evdenc m1979 is dscussd belo

    The eh eince apps a new bk T Son Opon by Seyour Hsh,3 Amec Plitzr e g joaist Hesh has vealed at a joit IseliSouAc nucle test dd take pace at he me of he ssctd nuclear flash detectd by theela satellite "Fmer Is goveent ocials whose infon on other aspects ofDmona's [Israels nuclea weapons facil] aces has bn croboratd, said that thewead testd that Saty mg[22 ember979] was a lowyeld nucler lleryshell that had bn sadard f se b the Israeli efense Force." The importce of theNew Zeand daa back 99 i cleal stated in a news acle in the prsgous Americ

    research jo Sienc': he Wengn wer u] ndings ove corrt, there wll belittle ason to dobt at the was ided a nule blat" e NZ or ratd headlies inSoth Aca at e me ad met wth dil of y olement by e SA govement

    Th Natonl Rdin Lbrry u

    But after the nil codent ! for te S da gen by its dtor, D RJ.

    QBrien, dobt bean to be sow m Cstchh home of the aonal RadiaonLaboratoy ) e N y Hugh Ason, was quoted in thehstchrh Pre a sag "We o edne ofY lease of fssion prcts4 MLT Geg ed o he on ere d hstchh observaons

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    showed no elevaed radaon. Bu he wen on o say, "ere s no necessaly nyconadcon We oong a dfferen hngs Because he laboraoy s conceed with radaon causng danger o healh does no usually look for he very low-level radiaonfound by he nsue"5 Ths cavea was duly repored n he n cle bu wen on tosay " accordng o one nellgence ocal scenss a Wellngon are embarassed by heanon gven arly fnngs for hey have no ben produce hese resuls

    scond me"2 In he Pss cle4 M Gregory seemed o fuel he conc beween heChrischurch and Lower Hu laboraores by sayng " ha ess were beng connued inChrschrch on a scenc raher han helh-hazrd bass because of he neres generaed byhe publc abou he eged blas

    A second arcle n n poed e oup d g for he NZ daa: he bessuppong evdence [fr he Vela obsevaon] came om a healh physcs laborao n NeZaland I reped n md-Noember ha had fond some aces of shor-lved ssonproducs [nclung bum 140 cerum and yum n ranwaer Ths would have been proofenough of a bomb blas ha held . Bu didn' h nana adatn abat nw Zaand dsagd wth th ndngs. hen he samples were esd a second me no

    sh radoacve polluon appered o be presen e lab's heory s ha he nsmens he rs es were conmnaed wh radoacve maeral In any case he repo waswhdrawn A US goeen laboraory examned he samples and reached he sameconcluson here as no esh raoacvy n e ranwaer 6(emphass added)

    None of hs has he rng of a reasoned scenc debae on he mers of he ognl darepored by D OBren vew of he ccal mporance of he Z-INS daa such a debaeshould hae aen place and en duly repored n he meda Several serous quesons ariseom he Hldand n repors Wby ddD O'Bren seem o dsapper om he debaehavng been replaced by "n nellgence oce" US or NZ?) descrbng embaassmen hs

    s n sg conas o he nal condence expressed nall by D O'Bren I s orhnong a he soope bru repored n n" has a halfle of 12 days hsraosoe ould have decayed away o unecable amouns by he me the ranaersmples ere esed a second me n NZ and a hrd me he S The sooes wee nospecfe for cerum and yum bu hey oo were repord o have sho half-lves) TheHl also repored ha some lgh on he queson s beng sen o he Uned Saes n heform of a sheep's hyod glnd Massey nersy gularly sends he glands o mercawhe hey are esed for radaon eecs" Wy haven' he resuls of ha sudy appeared nhe debae?

    The N "lab's heory explnng away he IS daa as due o conamaon" s oallyunconvncng I reeks of a coverup Wy dn' he INS defend he quality of s laboraoypredues and nsumenaon n he face of an aack on s credbl by anoher laboraoryI seems enrely plausble ha Bg Boher n Wellingon sa down hard on he folk a S andforced hem o lam up And Bg Broher's B Broher o boow om a popular Z peacesong) may well have been n Washngon DC Anohern arcle u n a polcalnushel "The belevers n he Vela's sgnal end o hnk ha he Whe House s pelled by apolcal move o gn uncomfoable facs The of he mae one sad s ha heWhe House s ad ha f hs [Vela repor s e s nuclear non-prolifeon polcy wouldbe sho o hell So hey ad le's convene a panel nd ask hem o nd a echncally feasbleexplanaon oher han hs because we don' wan o have o face

    he "pnel" refered o n he prcedng quoe was a blue-rbbon Nobelfesooned groupof nne scenss chad by a man wh he ronc suame of Runa They managed o rbbsh

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    or quash qte an issive y cang evdence includng he crical NZaon data, in der to ve he nal conclusion "that he event at caused ela to sendits message is 'chniclly indeminate"8

    A mpss aa f dn

    The bog evince pong to a nuclear test included a signicant ionospherc

    dsurbance hat a sngly wih he Vela event in me and dion The srbancewas deteted at the dio obsvaty at Arecibo Pueto Rico by higly qualied sciensts but jeted by te hite House panel on msy technical ounds. One of the ciboscenss said, A meeng n Washnn DC t the epert panel was mass confusion an exeise n dson6

    Th e panel also jecd a 3page study by he Unied Stes Naval Reserch Laboratory(S) coissioned by e govent whch concludd that he was a nulear eventon 2 September e laon - somewhe ner ne Edw Islnd Sout Aca orAnta Alan B of esch for he USNRL was a song dssenter omthe ocial Pnel view:

    he songest eidence in Bs view comes m a hydacousc signl received athe ght me and he right con have been nked wih the event seen by VlaThe [US}NL sehed he log fo every minute of eve d for 0 das befo theeent nd 30 days ewad to he ere any comparable signls pssibly caused bynaua phenomena ee we none Ban says it as the songest hyroacousc

    pulse he has eer seen comparable i its signatu oly to those hat followed recentoet nucler tests in he c"

    It is woth noing that the US Navy has long conducted submine yroacousc research

    at an Isld n he Inian Oen not far east of the probable site ofhe Isae nuler stHe Island is he best laon on e lobe f montng hyoacousc sls om hewos ens Perhaps was he monitng site om which he USNL da wasgahd and elns he at sngth of the hyacousc plse described by Berman

    Even Defense tellignce Ageny ; membeM Bolgers recent expeence ofthe D?) concluded hat Vela had indeed seen a nuclear blast 2 The DIA repot glghtdhe tehnial dispute ith he hie House Panel, but it clerly did not say that panel om itschosenpah Acosc as el as e Navys hyoousc data were cited by he DIA sevdene for a nucle blas pssibly a neuon bomb The Penagon sd such a bomb ould

    explan he appnt low yield (less an 10 otonnes) indicated by the Vela daa nd wouldalso explain why e radoacve faout ws detecte.

    A IA beg f conssional igence comttees ..descrbed a task force ofSouh Acan arsips conducng a set eercise at sea at roughly the same laude andlontude here te ash aed to cc in the aosphe Anoher piece of evidence wasom earl wg sons operated by the Force which pcked up an elecomagneculse imedaly terhe 22 Sepember event".13 Accdng to Hersh3,te were Israeliships in he task force as el

    Wht Hus Pal whtwash

    The Panel rejcted e Vela satele ght sensor data, New Zealand daon dataArecibo inospherc distrbance dt U Navy hydroacousc daa ad oher evdencescibed above on the ouns hat no diidul piee of vdence was conclusive But it

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    appeas hat no consideaon was ven by the Pne! t the comellng foce of al of theedenc taken togethe - and much of hat dat w v sng. e od tsimallysma!! hat all of the evidence just incidenaly oi t a single event with he songsigna of a nucla blast in a mo egion of e globe A Bish olical scienst, DanSmith, who ublished a 1980 ae entled Souh A Nucer C examined theevidnce fo a SA bomb and acd he histo of nuclea collabaon betn South Acaand he Wes He concluded Ia test did not o then eaoin seies of

    coinidences did".14

    W l's a good qsn w dmands sovason'

    id with nuclea technology has been ovd t Sou Aca by the Unted Stats

    Bita, aada, Belgium ance Jn, e Nehelnd d est Ge lstand to behighly embrased b any conaon of a South Acan nucle bomb

    note lash even w d on 15 Decem 1980 in he same eon n SohAica e intellgence agencies aeed ths me hat i was not an aoc lat 5 eScienceot wa st and qnte dmssive of he suggeons hat this seond een wa asuel o e vous ash e al aah of the o ad One ingung asct ofhs and he evious sighng tha tey hae ven se to the ession of divee vaieesof intaonal aoia Although he i isucient evidence t ove that any bombactually went off, auhtave acles have leady named villains. e cadidates iclueSouth c, Isael, the Sovet Unon Pst and Fance hindsight, of ose smaonably accuate

    The thoough g of te st Vela event by Science magazne seemed nally tosuccumb to the waves of US govent whitewash It will be ineesng to see and howhis joal weat he new evelons by esh. Among e new juicy bits is a suggeontha Iael ust ight hae condud some nucle weaons tests wi the Fench on Ma , Isael may have heled ench agens escae New Zealand afe the Rinbow Wrriorboming

    Jus wha is e th about he New Zelnd INS diaon daa? e may nee ow

    Rememb in those days we we gd and loyl mbes of ANS One of e enet ofbeonging to hat eclusive t is hang yo sech estblishment muled by Big BigBthe o avoi embasing e nuce club


    Ths sad incident ds no reec w on the Naonl Rdaon Laboatoy as a cdle

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    4 Iscienc ess in situaons vog obvously heay policl ssre you wathd arecent Fronintleion ntry on the nucr shis issueyou hea tesmony bye cet ict Adre McEn He is an advisor to Bolger on the safey ofnuclearoed rshs One of his comments on sey as "There have been accidentshich one ould expt : any shi ssociated ith shiing like collisions oundingssigs ll h sts f tngs have taken lace but ithout any therehave not bn

    relases fradiov a that have been of pcconcm"[s][emhasis dded]McEan conud "Wl inevitably i he is laced in ersecve and

    uic they seen tbe accetble"

    When ask by eer R Vaughn the outcome of the Pme Minister's scialreve cittee on he sfet of nuclearoed arshis as a forgone conclusioncEa sid I believe that the ouome of the enqui ould suggest hat but heer hat

    licll accetle is a dierent queson The ocal ressure is on and theNisaing a consisnly ronucler stance including its onict i e Instue of NuclerSinces 1979 its fil to see any serious blems ih ench nucler eaons tesng atMora and no n ts advce to Bolger on nucleroered shis


    1 NZaan Hra 1 4 ad 1 November 19792 Scinc November 1979 10! Hersh eymour M 1991 Th ason Opon Random House Ne Yor 4 ee

    Chater 20An/sra Ts4 Th rss, 1 oember 1979 Ref 1 1 November 19796. Scinc 1 Febrry 190 0

    7 cinc29 August 190 p 997

    Ref 5. Ref 7 p 9910 Ref 7 9971 1 Eronics Wor & Wirss Wor May 1991 712 cin 1 August 19 7 Scins July 190 p 21 4 N Scinis 2 Febry 190 inc Mrch 11 p 10201 Fronn T One 1 7 November 1991 :0m

    he ANZAC Frigates:JustDfn res a salvo

    The Wellington reserch uJus Dncresented a "Smsson to PaamntaSct Commtt on Dfnc an Fo Aas Inq nto c at to thxton of th AZAC Fgat pojct" in November The summry om this document

    is reoduced belo hedocument is elreseched and makes a devastag caseforabandonig he gates JOW Evey Ne Zealander should be aare of the facts aouttis

    disasous aste of our tax dolars oes of the submssion avilable m acRsarchr or om us Dnc PO Bo 94 Welington

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    1 5

    Summary of conclusion

    Cost overruns

    e cost of he frst two ANZAC gates h escated at arate of 5% per year snce the contract w sgned n November 989. hese fges excude nfaton

    Cost ovens aead exceed our pamens for e ANZACgaes Despte $82 mon n paments New Zeandnow owes moe for the gates t when the deson topuche hem was made two ers ago

    Frigate contracts for New Zealad

    he ANZC fgates roject shod not be sn as a gnt"Thnk Bg Access scheme for eatng jobs

    Some 1765 rga force and cvan jobs have been ostom the New Zaand Defence Force snce he 989 decsonto b he AZAC gates

    In the comng 9 9-9 er aone anoth8gar foceand cvan jobs w be osl n Defence bging the totsnc 989 to over 260. Most of these jobs w ae bnost to pa for the AZAC gates

    It s eeme nke tat jbs om frgate or readAusr defence work whch has been promse a paof the ANZAC fgate pojet w ecee he numbr of jobosss om Defence drec d to he eson to budthem

    The full cost of the frigates

    he eent4 gate eet costs New d over I mon

    dos a da. Paraent mst sk whether a gate nav swoh ths huge nvesnt

    Withdawl from e frigate project

    Fgates e notneeed for the jobs sel out in e 1983. 1987

    or 99 defnce revews he decson ta hegasws inpprprie and ws dven by te peceivd

    nee to "stisfy e Austalins ather th New Zeld's

    own saegc reqemens

    New Zend's parpaon he AZAC frgae prject aread seous dstortng the operaona capbt of heNew Zeaand Defence fores hs dstoron w connue tocese over the net dade

    It woud cost between 50 and 350 mon to whdwom e ANZAC gate projct. s woud ead to a nesavng of at est $0 mon

    Th Navy's plans to build alternative

    warsips i ew Zealadhe specfcatons for the fgas were based on the Ausn Nav's requemens not New Zeaands

    In 985/86 fore New Zeand became noved n tegae proae the New Zend Nav deded to bdfo Cate Cas ong nge ea pao veses n NewZaand at a cot of apromae $67 mon (99$) eachese vesses were to pace he surface functons of thepsent gates

    e Seect Comme shod reqest om the Mn ofDfence uncensord coes of the pre987 evauaon ofthe Case cass wshp andalther pas eatng to hbdng of hese wshs n ew Zeand

    Need or a full iquiry ito the frigateeisio

    Jst Defence commends hat he Paameny Commtteeon efence and Fogn Affas nd ts ent inq toeeamne n deta the whoe press nd jscation forthe AZAC gtes he decson to bu two (wh an optonon a econd two) ANZAC gas was an eeme baddeson. e on ta cn not affordt ve th heconsequences of a mske of hs magntude

    ust Defence s confdent that such an nq w ackowedge hat New Zeand shod whdraw mmedte omhe ANZAC frgte proj And that cheaper ateavshps shoud but n New Zend as orgnantcpted b the New Zeand Na

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    1 6Nuclear . Powered Warships .

    The Keys to the ANZUS Lockot

    Mr Bolger and McKnnon ferently want Aoroew Zealand back in the nuclerfod of ANZS e have been unnng in their eort to poray recent upeower nuclerdnent move a ope to reve ltle New alnd' militry (nd adefortune. McKinnon ambaad f te ta of ANZS would like u to believe that

    preident Buh ha opened a "window of opportunity" jut for u but it a limited offer d ifwe don't tke it oon we become peently levnt. God forbid! Ihe i right andwe dilly daly too long the taccal nucler wean go back on the hip nd George willhut the window.

    The goY had planned to go to the people with a referendum on reving NZS ndnucler hip viit. But the go now leve that window of oppty i hut T Press,9 Nov 9 9 - it i ung to k a fendum becaue there i no certin the ultwol rubbertamp it pnuclear/ANZS policie. Our lear do eem to undertand thatpro-nuclear policie about a pular with New Zeader a maive cu to health

    educaon and benet. McKinnon ay he wn to cge public opinion on foreign policy.He ound lke an echo of the Heritage Foundaon and the US Infaon Srvice.

    979, Siy H.

    "First we have 0 conie the peol that good hth 't eveythg.

    One ta to often u up for thing nuclear i to et up a ommit to review the afetyof nuclear reator on whip Boger and McKinnon have fatened her foi on the nucleropulion prohibion in the nucleree law a he lat real brer to iit by S wripNee mid that the S ha aid unambiguoul that a move n that direcon wod benuient for a full re to ANZS.

    But the iue of nuclerreator aety wll not be eled by a committee n NZ or anyother couny. Miltry y covering mot tecnical apt of hpbord reactor

    preclude n quntta rk aent of the ort ued for commercial reactor. And welow how ae , without mathemacl mniplaon of dubiou engneering data.An Aualian Senate committee rept n 989 aid: .It i clear tat neither he Comitee

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    "nor the Auslian Goveent has the data necessary to qufy n a comphensive way theisk of an accident to the actr of a United Stas wrship". Neverheless, that committeeconducted a three-yer chaade of "objecve evaluaon of nuclear eactors and weapons onsips and issued a ist of 39 recommendaons for impoved safe h connued nuclear ship

    visits A song dissenng report by Senaor Jna Dunn put it ths way: usalia . has aaona comment to he US hat verges on bondage Even he US fer he consequencesof any reat om s commient nd so he Commttee was songly movated to nd a

    safey formula hat did not compmise the access of he US Navy to our pots

    Bolger and McKinnon would lie to ret NZ to a state of bondage to the US They reseng up a 3onh evew committee to conduct he knd of whitewash of naval nuclereactor safety at took he Aussies yes At least o chaade will be cheaper

    Despite the appaent rsh o ake advantage of Bush's window of opportnty Mr Bolgeris tang a very long me geng e eview commtee together TPess 4 December 99p ) Orgially scheduled to be anounced by mdNovember the commee now wil not berevealed unl lae Decemr And even that mee is simply "ely" according to Mr

    McKion. A likely ason for the lay is hat Bolger nd McKnon re having greatdifcul geng cdible experts to on he commi Once it is up and rnnng hecommee is expected to por its ndngs by Mach of next year a deadline that will be hrdto meet gven he delays

    A commee set up to each a predten conclusin w be gely a waste of imeand oney unless it can conbute to a genuie public debae Many n he peace movementbeeve hat any debate on nucle ship safety will be a chrade ad ha he safety review issiply part of a stepse scheme by the govement to gut he nucleree law That wouldsee to be necessy if Mr McKnons ovelg the US saon is to ber ANZUS

    uit. All New Zealander who value heir nucleree status must work to ensure he failur of

    sep one he accepce of nucleapoered shps o Ne Zeaand hbous.


    Fight Data:

    Ghost 'Lifters

    Heightened interest i US mta use o Cistchuch Aipot (at Hareood) was onelocl consequence of the Gulf wr An obvious ueson was Did the schedue or equency ofStarlifter ights chnge in he severl months suounding he wr? Getng such infomaonfrshand by vsing the airpor is expensive me consumng and a miserable ob in winterhere is an alteave - we hope

    has been over ve yeas since Cizens for the Delitaaon of Hrewood bought

    months of light data he Minisy of Tnspr The dta was put to good use llowing uto document accurately he pattes f ighs o Stlifters nd Hercules d assored oter UGovemen/military rcaft in nd ot o the Oeon Deep Freez a during nd fter theAntarcc season When the Labour Goement wa being skewered by the opposion in the97 debate over the nucleee bll Owen Wike wa seen on naional teevision waving J

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    7 copes o the fght data It pved the Amercan mitry ghts were rea and t aso proved the

    opposion Natona Py were ght: Labour had one polcy f nucler ships nd quiteanother or US Ar Foe aeropanes coered by te same nethe conn nor deny' nucleawepons olcy

    Erly in 1991 we cded to ae noer go at obtanng a ew months of ight dataom the people, o peaps m th Aericans. We ed both r good measure Butt hasn't been easy Our attempts have bn both sang and funny.

    n e usang , we have un up against the corporasaon stonew We had agler of is in erly 89 when e wrote to the Cistchurch oce of the newly fomdAirways Corporaon fo mony fght data and we ed down by elington HQ Thereason? - a somewhat ague st to commercal sensvity' o ght inormaon , in casethat wasn't qute convncng hen applied to the US govement (except perhaps in the case ofdrug-runnng they oed a need "pmisson of each pcur cent Airways did noty to get ny mssion Uncle Sam nor did they suggest we They smply dened ourrequest for and red us to Chrstchurch Intaona Airpot Ltd (CIA + L for shorWe put ngs on hold

    Then in May o his year we d wr to lso own as the Aort Company Ashort csp reply came ght back "For our inoaon we do not release ths ype of data onany fghts through the Ait In l instances this lease of nmation is the responsiblyo he ndvdul operator" ospcve eachers please e note - ths s the nd ondless esponse you a lkel o get om bueaucrs i you do not inoke the cialaon Act (O or short) e deiberately dd not just to see the irpor people hadny clnon to be hell. O next leer ddmenon he Act nd sure enough the storychanged. Ths time the he Execuve o CAL otted out six cefully numbered reasonswhy they could not give us he dat None o he resons were he same as those in the st

    denl. n shot thy said they didnt have he data we wnted. Fair enough (i ts ue -Aays Corp obvously thnk ey do hae it but why ddnt they say so n the rst pace?

    So back we went to e Arways Cooraon this me menonng the magal O Tendas late letter came back sayng "e Cporaon s consderng your request and you wrecev a repl shorly They could no longer t out lame excuses - they had to use therrs s e They soon sent us a sngl page Sc hedue o Chges for Aort ngevces hch the Manager Commcl Gup summarsed f us in hs cover lter

    "e do not cord the normon n the way you seek i It w be necess to wrte arome and special ts each month to seach nd exact hese lghts om the

    database. In he cours o business we pvide airat movement data to most arports ona comercl bass The usual bass a request such as ths s an na $1500 setup feeand a vable monthly chage theater In this case to mintan the service the fee wouldbe 300 per month Your rquest s no different to any other person asng

    Amcan govent flghts fal into th category of 0 - 19,999 movements per annumat $30000 uncosted (excl GST). (It's gd to know we could get records o more than 50Strer lights per day or the same rice

    Tha s where he ssue stands at he moment e have ed an appea against the

    chrges with the Ombudsm cing Deprtment of Intea Aars statements that, "[TheLocal Goverent Oil Infatin nd Meeting At 1987 puose is to make nformationheld by local authories more eadily avlable nd The hge for suppying informaonmust be asonabe We ponted out tha computesaon of the dabase (in 1956 the

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue30 Dec 1991


    MOT exactd the data by hand) should mke data easie and cheaper to ect not ncreasethe cost of reeval by over 800%

    Fnaly, here is a litte light ef conceng our Amercan Freedom of Infoanreques t sent to the US Ar Foe the second prong o our quest After an echange of four setsof lette we received the followg om Travs Ar Fore Base in Calfoia:

    " response to you equest under he Feedom of nfoaon Act for flight data onUSAF aircra avg and deparng at Hewo Airport dung Mrch 199 1 , a review oou eords relet no 22nd A Foce rft ew to Harewood Arport, New ZealadWe conactd HQ Pacc A Fces egdng yor quest ad according to her recordshey also had no ghts to Hwood Airport"I recommend that you contat the aport manager at Harewood Airport to ascetan if anUSAF airraft have landed at hat aport. The airport manager would normlly logaiving and depng lights

    one of us inepid datamongers eer epete to get that response om the fol whosend us wo Starlfters a week d have done sin me imemoral t mes you wonderhow they ever found al the Srlr nd Galies to send to the Gul he so-called MACPpele appears to be well and ly underound Or most reent letter back to MAC atTravs ontned a photograph of a Stlifter t-ing past an Ar New Zeand arlinernext to e CA (Chch nteaon Aport temnal budng e also ncludd a sampl oocial MT data om 985 listng about 0 Stlifter val and departres. Travs AFB he home of he 60th Mli Arl ng (60t MAW s clearly lettered on the noses of manyof the Slifters at Chch We eagerly awat the net installment of Gs 'Lers.

    Bob Leonrd

    alifer Visis Observe a Chrischurch Airpor

    For the past several monhs members of he Chrstchurch AnBases Camaign havebeen monong Aeican ac movemnts at ou apor We expected that the Gulfconct begnnng n Augst of last ye ould dispt the Stalier ight schedules atHwo The cargo ac were the pncipal movers of emergency oops and equipmentinto S aud Arabia and up to 70% of the Mtay Aft Cod eet of Stlfes andGalaxs wee engad n s massve operaon for a peod of many weeks We cnot ow

    for u what he eect ght have bn o lght paes at Hawood unl we get completeeco om soe ocial souce see arcle above But o obsevations seem ndicatehat he Pine Gap lghts every Sunday/ondy pbably remaned relavely ntact

    The Pne Gap lght nvolves the vl of a Stalfter each Sunday afteoon om theUS a Pago Pago in Amecan Smoa The cw ad ny passengers stay the nigt in theneaby Tvelodge They rtu to the aeroplae ealy the mong to prepare for deptreusually about 9am, for Pine Gap va Rchmond RAA base near Sydney The circuit isomplete back to he US va Richmond agan and Pago ago but not Christchurch

    he second wekly ght whch omes though Chschurch we call the Nurrngarght It gos directly Ausa m h S va Pago ago rrving st at Rchmond thengoing to US bases a Norh es Cap d Nuung Its reu ght om Nurrngr comes

    1 9

    to hrishurch usualy O a Fiday veing he cw spends the nght d kes off for homeon Sauy mog. is gh md t me irgl dg the peod of the Gulf _

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    0 conc, but now appenly back o he Fiday/Saay schedle

    Ciizens fo he Demiliisaon of Hewood nd he An-Bases Campaign haveobseved he Sife ighs fo man yeas Mos ighs seem o cy loaed pales ofvous szes and composion wapped in clea plasc and secely sapped. Some of hesea obviously fo peaon Deep Feze nd Ancc supply. Ohes ae sd o be householdgoods of sevce pesonnel in New Zealnd and Ausia beng nsfeed an om he US.Caes of New Zealand bee e ofen oaded possibly fo (o-duy) cw and passenge

    consumpion dng he long ighs.

    e ples ae desned f he US miliy/ineligence bases in Ausalia. We haveseen he cuious mng "Cdible Dove on some lage paleed boxes. These we fo one ofhe lage anenna pojes a ine Gap; hey have en seen as eceny as Mach of his ye

    Wihin he las ye o so some of he Sies have caied coies The asullydesed men (sweashs nd unning shoes) usually quie young ooking c aach caseswih he and keep a ce wah on lge ey bags, each wih wo ed sipes Somemeshese bags ae included in loaded plles along wh ohe gds Somemes hey e loadd

    and uloaded sepaely usng n Fe pickup ck o cy hem o and om an Ai Focebuilding a Deep Feeze appaeny fo ovegh secy The wo coies e he onlypesonnel seen o hndle hese specil bags The ound cews nd Sife fligh ews do noouch hem.

    The ey d ed bags y be ahe oin ploma bags e have long known hadiplomac maeials om he US Embass in Weingon ae cied on he Slifes Bu heecen appeaance of he ags nd hei mins, he pecil iy-dessed couies, is new andpuzzling They seem o be caie oly on he Pine Gap ghs haing oginated in he USand fling on o Ausian desnaons They vey likely e o he US on he same

    Saife,missing New Zelnd on ha pa of he cu as desid above obsevaons

    indicae ha he gy and bags no come om y US insllaons in New ZelandHowe he may be wih iems delveed o Hewood o he Embassy and pehapsohe US-elaed nsllaons n New Zland ncluding he Blk Bich US Naval seaoyne Blenhei The filling pess could occ while he bags ae inside he Fce buidingoveigh This cod paly expli why he bags and one sml plle on each g aeemov m each Salf upon ival, cried ino he building and hn eload ono hesame Slife he nex mg. nhe eason could b ha seiy is asie o enfce inhe g an in he

    Alhough he coes nd he bags seem o nolve a fai deg of seciy, hei

    movemen aound he a, and buldings is laed nd hy don' seem o mindhave hei picues aken The job involves a good deal of bedom - sanding ound in hecold waing fo he slo business of loading and unloading of cgo and geing he big plneson and o he ound Jus he ohe ming hey played a game of piching pennies on heac in on of he po ennes. We hough fo a momen hey wee casually fipping hingsino he engines Anyhing o elieve he bodom and ge some blood owing on a eezingmong

    Bob Leond