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Page 1: Peace Notes (July 2012)

Peace Notes W��� �� P�� L� ���� C���� ���.���������.��� P.O. B�� 306, R�����, MN 55374 � 763.496.2400

JULY 2012




Page 2: Peace Notes (July 2012)


Pastor Ron Prasek

Senior Pastor

Dear Friends,

A good friend in our congrega�on who has been through some

very difficult things in her life, including losing her husband

suddenly several years ago, gave me the following note. It

read, “My morning and evening prayers both start: ‘God, thank

you for another day. Thank you for the gi�s of love, life, hope,

faith, peace, and joy.’” What a wonderful way to begin and

end the day!

I read the other day that, since the mid ‘70’s, the leisure �me

for Americans has shrunk by almost 37%. Over the same peri-

od, the average work week (including commu�ng) has in-

creased from fewer than 41 hours to 47 hours. In many profes-

sions an 80-hour work week is not uncommon.

All of us, but especially Chris�ans, need to carefully manage

the �me that God has given us. It is a valuable resource and we

can either be conscious of how we use it or thoughtlessly

waste it. We have to be careful not to waste the resource that

God has given us—especially with those things that are im-

portant in our lives.

As our summers become filled with all the ac�vi�es and pro-

grams that are available, I hope you will make �me for the pri-

ori�es in your life--family and friends, enjoying the beau�ful

crea�on God has given to us and some regular quiet �me with

God. In the busyness of summer don’t forget to find the joy,

the love, and the peace that fill life with meaning.

Outdoor Worship July 1—The worship services on

Sunday, July 1 at 8:30am and 10am will be outside on

the north side of the building. New this year to our

outdoor worship is an open tent to provide shade for

worshippers. Bring your lawn chairs! Services will in-

clude all of the regular music, readings, prayers, Com-

munion, etc.

Rare opportunity! When was the last �me you were

able to listen to, speak to, and even share a meal with

a world missionary who shares the Good News of Jesus

every day with people who have never heard it! We at

Word of Peace will have that privilege on Monday, July

30th at our Monday evening worship when Pastor Pat-

rick and Jackie Bencke come to visit us while they are

back in the USA for a visit. They will share with us the

joys and challenges of sharing the Gospel with the peo-

ple of Japan. As a special treat, we will start the even-

ing off with a Japanese meal! Don't miss it!

Way to Go, Youth! 2011-2012 confirma�on 6th


grade classes donated over 360 hours and $1056.00 to

Feed My Starving Children, enough to feed 13 kids for

a year!

Iden�ty The� Workshop & Shredding Event—July 24,

6:00-8:00pm at Word of Peace. Presented by Thrivent

Financial for Lutherans. For more informa�on, go to


Save these Dates...

August 9: Community Corn Feed

Proceeds will go to C.R.O.S.S, ROADS, Lutheran Part-

ners (ministry in India), and A Strong Founda�on build-

ing drive.

August 11: Carrie Lorman Memorial 6K Run

8:30am Race begins

9:45am Brooklynn’s Brigade Kiddie Run

(10 and under)

Register online at� or contact Angie at

612-418-3549 or [email protected]

August 12/13: Outdoor Worship on the church lawn

September 9: Peace Fest

We will celebrate our fall kick-off with lunch, games

and a silent auc�on.


THANK YOU to our congregation for your support

during the last year as our youth did massive amounts of

fundraising to pay for their trip to New Orleans for The Na-

tional Youth Gathering, July 17-24. This would not have

been possible without your participation at these events and


Please continue to pray for our youth, and if you are still in-

terested in sponsoring this event, please bring your donation

to the church office or youth office.

We are truly blessed to have such a gracious and loving

congregation! We look forward to sharing our experiences

with you!

Page 3: Peace Notes (July 2012)


Music & Worship

Word of Peace Seniors

Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-7657 for resource, community

or general informa�on for seniors.

If you’d like to subscribe to the Senior NewsleNer, call 763-241-3520.

Or, you can read the newsleNer online at

Date Time Activity Cost/Details Contact

Thursdays 10:00am Thursday Senior Shop Rogers Bus $1.00 per rider Judy 763-428-7657

7/1 1-5pm Jammers Pot Luck & Music Rogers Community Center

(eat at 4pm)

Dave 763-428-4217

7/10 11am Line Dancing Rogers Community Center Margaret 763-428-8650

7/11 12:30-2pm Bingo—Bring your Friends! Rogers Community Center Margaret 763-428-8650

7/20 9-10:30am Breakfast at Denny’s in Rogers Menu items for $6.99 includes


Margaret 763-428-8650

7/18 1:30-3pm Memory Loss Support Group at Wellstead For family members caring for

loved ones

Heidi at 763-428-8181

7/25 5:30-8pm “Thank You to the Rotary Club” Picnic For all seniors—bring your


Margaret 763-428-8650

C.R.O.S.S. Corner

112 pounds of food was given to C.R.O.S.S. in the last four

weeks. The need for food continues throughout the sum-

mer months…let’s try to double that amount in the next

four weeks!


Large juice, Spaghettio’s, canned ravioli, medium size pea-

nut butter, honey, jam/jelly, canned beef stew/chili, spam,

tuna, macaroni & cheese, walnuts/almonds, toilet tissue,

kleenex, paper towels, large face soap.


Believe it or not, C.R.O.S.S. is getting ready for the School

Supplies Drive! Beginning July 1st we will start delivering

school supplies to C.R.O.S.S. along with food donations. The

supply list will be posted in C.R.O.S.S. Corner. Any school

supplies you can donate for kids is greatly appreciated.



Dear Word of Peace Family,

I will be on sabba)cal throughout the summer and so

we are looking for special music for our worship ser-

vices during this )me.

If you have a talent you'd like to share with your church

family, contact Dawn Saxton in the music office at

[email protected] or 763-496-2413.

Musical talent is a gi� to you from God, and is meant to

be shared. So don't hide your light "under a bushel." Let

it shine "for all the world to see."

Best wishes for a blessed and peaceful summer.

Michael Sahlen

Minister of Music and Worship

Page 4: Peace Notes (July 2012)


21705 129th Ave. N.

P.O. Box 306

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office

763-496-2400 (press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

On the Web


Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement Our vision is to be a community where

everyone knows Christ’s Love and

shares Christ’s Love with all people.

Our Mission Statement Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo�on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus�ce and peace.

NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Contact Jennie Priebe in the

church office at 496-2401 or

[email protected].

August newsle;er deadline:

July 13 at Noon

Thank you for your pledges to A

Strong Founda$on Building Fund

Campaign, which began June 1st. Our

goal for the campaign is $1,300,000

and as of press �me, we have received

$903,00 in pledges. We’re geTng so


It is never too late to pledge. Every

giV of any size is important and will be

a blessing. Those giVs shared over 3½

years have a far greater impact than

we some�mes imagine.

Direct Giving par�cipants will receive a

new form in the mail if your pledge is

different than what you are currently

giving. Pledge cards are located in the

Gathering Area and at the Informa�on

Desk. We are excited that you are join-

ing us on this journey to reduce our

mortgage debt and prepare the foun-

da�on for our new sanctuary in 2016.

Ques�ons? Contact Holly Finstad at

763-496-2407 or [email protected].

Is God Calling you to the BeFriender Ministry?

Our BeFrienders report that this is a truly rewarding ministry.

The caring that they do enriches their lives as well as the lives of

the people they visit. They also remark that the training is very

helpful in their day-to-day contacts in the family and at work.

BeFrienders are trained to listen. The theme is, “We care, not

cure.” Each BeFriender is assigned one person to visit with once a week. This person

could be a shut in, someone new to the community, a new mother, a person recov-

ering from surgery or someone suffering a loss.

Talk with Jean Bumgartner, Pam Olson or Beth Brekke or any BeFriender for more

informa�on. Beth can be reached for informa�on on classes at 612-922-4366 or

[email protected].

Word of Peace will begin a grief support group on Tuesday, September 4. Our plan is

to meet monthly from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome, but please let the lead-

ers know that you plan to come. Call Shirley Corliss, 763-428-4102 or Beth Brekke at

612-922-4366 or [email protected].

• Whom are you grieving? It may be a spouse, a close friend, a work associate, a

friend of a friend, or even someone in the na�onal news. Loss brings grief.

• How long should grief last? As long as it takes. A bit of grief may follow us all the

days of our life. Loved ones are in our hearts forever.

• How should we grieve? There is no right way. Grieving is very individual. The

grief support group will give us the opportunity to express our grief in a safe envi-

ronment. All our feelings, including tears, are accepted. We support each other

in our loss.

Page 5: Peace Notes (July 2012)


Faith Forma�on Ministry


Adopt-A-Highway (101): On Wednesday, August 1st from 9am-

12pm, youth and adults are invited to clean up a sec�on of High-

way 101 between Rogers and Otsego. Word of Peace adopted this

stretch of road spring of 2011. Join the Na�onal Youth Gatherers

and Summer Stretchers in keeping our highway shoulder clean!

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. All are wel-

come to come that aVernoon for swimming at Beebe Lake.

Na�onal Youth Gathering: There will be a Commissioning Service

on Sunday, July 15th at 10:00am for youth and adult leaders

aNending the Na�onal Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Come pray

for us as we prepare for our trip! The congrega�on is also encour-

aged to see us off on July 17th; bus departs at 8:00am.

Wednesday Night Bonfires: Senior High Bonfire is July 11th 7:30-

9:00pm at the WOPLC fire pit. Bring your friends!

MSM.AM (Middle School Ministry A.M.) meets two Sundays a

month in Youth Room (or outside) for food, devo�ons, conversa-

�on and games. This month’s MSM.AM dates are July 15th and

29th. Bring your friends!

Summer Stretch: On Wednesday, July 18th, 6th-12th grade Sum-

mer Stretchers are heading to St. Michael to spend the morning

working with horses! In the aVernoon, we’re going to see “Brave”

at Rogers 18 Theater!

Looking for a Summer of Great Faith

Building Ac�vi�es for Families, Teens,

Adults, Single, and Married People?

Go to this free resource:

Thank You VBS Volunteers! Vaca�on Bible

School was a wonderful week of fun and a

meaningful week of learning thanks to the

more than 200 adults and students who

served in so many diverse ways through-

out the week.

God is so good! We are grateful for the

giVs he brought in every person that

served the week. Thank you, Thank you

from the boNom of our hearts.

You Would Be a Great

Small Group Leader! A great way to grow in faith, meet

friends and serve God is to be a

small group leader. Our small

groups meet once a month or

more for Bible study and fellow-


Grab a group of friends, neighbors, even kids, and form a

small group!

The Pastors provide great resource materials and leading

is laid back and fun! Contact Pastor Krista with your ques-

�ons at 763-496-2400 or [email protected]

Preschoolers are Invited to a Week of

Fun with Boz the Bear! It’s summer and what could be more fun than

spending a week with a bunch of preschoolers

and a loving bear?!

July 16-20th all children who are three to five years old and poNy

trained are invited to join our Kids of Peace Preschool staff from 9:00-

11:30 am for a week of learning, faith, and fun! To register or for

more informa�on, please contact Julie PicconaNo at 763-496-2419 or

[email protected].

Church School Teachers are Needed

for this Fall! “I’m not qualified, I’ve never done that

before, it’s too much )me, I don’t know my

Bible well enough…”

Guess who said, all of those things? Moses.

Yep, that’s right, Moses. And if God can use

Moses to free the Israelite slaves and turn

him into a prophet—God will do even greater

things with you!

Spend a year learning along side of students and share your faith

with kids. Grab your spouse or friend and commit to teaching twice a

month for our church school program. Your life will be blessed!

Confirma�on Service Hours

It’s important to teach our kids that serving their church is an im-

portant way to be a follower of Jesus. All of our confirma�on stu-

dents are required to give 5 service hours to their church per year.

Please remember that you MUST FILL OUT A SERVICE HOUR FORM

and submit it to Carrie Fischer to receive credit for your service

hours. Thank you for your assistance!

Page 6: Peace Notes (July 2012)

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C h a n g e S e r v i c e

R e q u e s t e d

P.O. B�� 306

R�#$%&, MN 55374


8:30 a.m. Traditional

10:00 a.m. Blended


6:30 p.m. Contemporary

July 1 & 2 Pastor Krista Strum: “The Amazing Jesus Man”

Scripture Readings: Mark 5:21-43;

Lamenta�ons 3:22-33; Psalm 30

June 8 & 9 Pastor Ron Prasek: “Built on Strength”

Scripture Readings: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10;

Mark 6:1-13; Psalm 123; Ezekiel 2:1-5

July 15 & 16 Pastor Rick Skare: “What is Salva)on?”

Scripture Readings: Ephesians 1:3-14; Psalm 85:8-13;

Amos 7:7-15; Mark 6:14-29

July 22 & 23 Pastor Ron Prasek: “We Win!!!”

Scripture Readings: Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-35,

53-56; Psalm 23; Jeremiah 23:1-6

July 29 & 30 Pastor Krista Strum: “New Math?!?!?!”

Scripture Readings: John 6:1-21; Ephesians 3:14-21;

Psalm 145:10-18

JULYJULYJULYJULY Sermons & TextsSermons & TextsSermons & TextsSermons & Texts