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Page 1: PCDS Yearbook 1997
Page 2: PCDS Yearbook 1997

H and In H and

P h o en ix C ountry D ay S chool

3901 E a s t S ta n fo r d D r iv e

| P a r a d is e V a l l e y , AZ85253


Page 3: PCDS Yearbook 1997
Page 4: PCDS Yearbook 1997

In M em oriam M ary L u $ yllaba

Mary Lu Syllalm J came to P h o eo ix i Country Day Sdwp& in 1969 to tea fsH ^ jp r Lower S c b a ® ^ S 0 the years, ;Jhe Wor|^& tire less^ , bo tL ^t^" i m p r o v B i ^ l ^ e ^ i t ^ ^

I d u c a t i b ^ ^ S d ^ t o ? e t t e i ® ^ ' iE » ^ ^

< G £ P W ' ] ■ '

3 r o f e&§ i o nm lf'' y a-[arnirig Blferjgir.D |g a k in ^ p j P B M fr a p . Dositioa asEbw er.!

n v f M

j k 5 2 5 p % * w

Nshcfeool Learning ' Specialist, and pjtthdihg her own

testing tid' n s u 11 i n g

busmgss.^ln the last KivjL |ars df tier life,

,si^^afight£v^ry one (W|iPjknew her new .m inings of§ourage,

Valiantly ]hatl|f3|j the cancer ^vhfch ultim ately claimed heMiie.

■ U 9 W 1

t w -

For her inspiratiofSher ^ipatj^fh^kJftdhdsS, her patience, her wisdom, and her love o rp ^ P d ^ ^ fec ia lly children, she will be missed by all who knew her — family, friends, colleagues, and all her current and former students and their parents. She will be remembered, both in our hearts and through the existence of the Mary Lu Syllaba Learning Center at Phoenix Country Day School.

Page 5: PCDS Yearbook 1997

H olding H andsFirst-grader Chris Gibbs on opening day.

Brian Lakin and Joseph Rocco busily calculating.

First-grader Ali Casselman relaxing after a hard day of reading.

Nicole Lopez and Zara Howard clowning for the camera.


Page 6: PCDS Yearbook 1997

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,

They danced by the light of the moon.

-Edward Lear

Oliver Slocum and Jackie Chang stop to smell the flowers.

The girls of third grade: Charlotte Slocum, Lucy Lippon and Melissa Palm.

Michael Tree is ready and willing.


Page 7: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Mrs. Cone giving Scott Surdakowski a few pointers.

Christie Jilly and Jessica Bucon on the violin.

Many hands make light work.

-John Hey wood


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H ands O n In T he M iddle S chool

Page 9: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Courtney Smalley, Jon Gimbel and Emily Jeffries: the very best of friends

Page 10: PCDS Yearbook 1997

W e 've G ot T he U pper H and

Chiefly the mould of a

person's fortune is in her own

hands.- Francis Bacon

Fooling around!

Kristin Altman and Jenny Noble are all smiles in the quad.

Michael Rector shows Brian Pletcher a quick calculation.

Page 11: PCDS Yearbook 1997

HR■ US ■


m nm m m■■■ M W I



v \

Behold the hand, witn tnumo opposed, Maker of tools and complex thought,

Every part serves the whole Obedient to a distant ought.

p m « HH- Galen Brewster

Page 12: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T he T hree H eadsL ower S chool

A lex M cK inley

We talk a great deal about head and heart, but we don't often talk about hands.

Hands are for holding.Hands are for hugging.

One hand held high says, "Hello." Two hands held high say, "Hurrah."

Hands - fisted say, "I'm excited." Hands clasped together say, "I'm hopeful."

Hands pointing say, "I need you." Hands are for helping.

Hands have a language all their own. When you hold another's hand you say,

"You are my friend."

M iddle S chool J ohn C rabb

Small hands enter the fifth grade, searching for the way to learn.Hands reach out in the sixth grade, meeting people of different cultures.In seventh grade the hands pull together, striving to help each other accomplish the task.Confident, strong and skilled hands of eighth graders lead the rest as they all strive to grow in the Middle School.

U pper S chool D exter M orse

HAND...Handbag...Handgun...Handcuff, HANDmade...Hand-cream...Handsome...Handful!

HANDicap...Handrail...Handhold...Handler, HANDball—Handjive...Handbill,

HANDS-on.. .Hands-off.. .Hands-round, HANDS-up...Hands-down...Hand-me-down

I AND-out.. .Hand-over.. .Hand-grenade.. .HANDLESS!


Page 13: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Mr. Morse and Dr. Cags plot an increase in homework.






H elping H ands ...

On the 9th grade trip, Dr. Allison was one of the few teachers daring enough to

do the ropes course.

Mr. Cook is all smiles at the senior dinner.


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Mr. Ingalls assists an eager

Erica Casselman.

Ms. Yam awaits her runners.

Mr. Wilkins shakes up a little excitement in chemistry.


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Mrs. Roberts womans the phone in the US office.

Mr. Yeaman helps in keeping our grounds looking great!

Mrs. Anderson and Ms. Buettner plan another fantastic event.


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Ms. Bzdak and Ms. Abbott give greetings to all.

Mrs. Hook takes a moment from her busy schedule to smile at the camera.

Mr. Brewster congratulates the famed Chef Ron on yet another gourmet meal.

L e n d in g A H a n d

Page 17: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Senor Nunez

Nosostros los estudiantes queremos

dedicar esta edicion del libro al Sr. Nunez por

su comprension y ayuda que siempre nos da en clase y sobretodo

por su paciencia y dedicacion.


Page 18: PCDS Yearbook 1997

B o a r d O f T r u s te e s 1996-1997

Galen Brewster

Carolyn P. O'Malley V-P/ Diversity

Thomas Geantil V-P/ Education

Frederick M. Pakis

Susan P. Kirkwood V-P/ Development

Jane M. Perla

Susan J. BansakLenneth S. Allison V-P/ Buildings &


Sydney Anderson

Donald R. Loback James H. O'Connor President

lebecca Burnham Pieroni

Jean G. Platt Bernard G. Rethore V-P/ Treasurer

Daniel M. Semegen Leslie H. Small V-P/ Information


Ann P. Symington V-P/ Long Range


A d v i s o r y T r u s t e e s

C. R andall Bain K athleen D. Cornwell D aniel J. D onahoe, III

Bennett Dorrance B ert A. Getz

G eorge E. Leckie H erbert J. Louis

Robert R. Luxford Nan P. M iller E llie B. N olan Jean W. Pettitt

N icholas J. Sakellariadis Gay F. W ray

Ihoshana B. Tancer Hal Tashman Laurence B. Tree, II Garth Wieger


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Jean A ckley, LS Art B ecky A llison, C hair-English

C arlos A lvelo, LS Spanish C hristine A nderson, M S Spanish

Jan A nderson, First G rade Jim A nton, C hair-Science

M olly A m ason , M S French Lynn B errettoni, U S H istory

M arie B ippus, F ifth G rade K aren Bruntz, F irst G rade

L inda B ryant, M S A rt G eorgia Buelow , M S/U S Physical

E ducation


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Steve Butzel, M S Com puter A ndrew C aglieris, US M ath G inger Carter, M S Social Studies Jennifer C herilla, MS M ath

Toni C lark, LS Science John C ollins, US English Joyce Cone, MS M ath Jim C ook, C hair-A rt

C arol D alton, K indergarten R od D ashnaw , M S Latin C indy D avis, F irst G rade M arti deA nguera, LS/M S Science

Lee Edw ards, K indergarten Brian Ellingson, M S/US Physical EducationKaye Ferguson, Chair-M usic John Fielder, Fourth G rade

Stephanie Fisher, A dm inistrative D ean/U S English C harles Flail, US History Peter Flanagan-H yde, Chair- M athem aticsSusan Funkhouser, F ifth Grade

Lance C oon, US English •Fabio Correa, US Spanish «Stacy Cow en, LS Physical E ducation •Louise Crabtree, M S English «


Page 21: PCDS Yearbook 1997

• E laine H eidler, K indergarten• Bob H endrickson, US Physical• E ducation/S tudent A ctivities

L illian H ow ard, US L atin/H istoryShirley H ughes, M S T eacher A ssistant

D avid Ingalls, Fourth G rade D iane Ingold, P re-K indergarten

K aren Johnson, Third G rade Shelly Jones, M S C ounselor

• B etsey K aestner,• LS Learning Specialist

0 D ebra K olbet, U S C om puter0 B ob K osow er, A thletic D irector• Louise LaM ee, P re-K indergarten•

_ B ethany Lee, M S Physical Education Bridgett Longust, U S French

E velyne M acrodim itris, LS L ibrary D an M ajeski, LS Physical Education

• A lexis M arsden, M S Science• D ave M artin, C hair-H istory0 M onique M cG uire, Pre-K indergarten

• L eslie M ilne, Pre-K indergarten

•0 Judy M itchell, A ssistant to M S Head/ 0 C ounselor

0 A nna M unczek, Second G rade0 Eric N eufer, D irector o f_ A cadem ic C om puting

0 M anny N unez, C hair-M odern/0 C lassical Languages


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Christine Palm er, M S/US Library Lynn Personius, Third Grade Joyce Plaza, M S/U S Library E llen R eeve, M S English

John Riley, LS M usic/C om puter Kae Robb, M S Spanish L aurie R othrock, Second G rade D avid Row e, M S/U S B and/M usic

M elanie Sainz, M S/U S A rt A nne Salzm ann, C ounselor B renda Schertenlieb, Choral M usic Paul Schw eikher, US History/College C ounseling

C arole Seror, US French/Spanish •M ike Sw ingler, US Science •Fran V ierck, Fourth G rade •Bill W askow itz, M S English •

•Erik W eihenm ayer, F ifth G rade •B arbara W hiter, D irector-Project •Excellence/C om m unity O utreach •T om W ielunski, MS M athem atics •A ndrew W ilkins, M S Social Studies •

•Dean W ilkins, US Chem istry •Beth W olf, K indergarten *Am y Yam, US M ath *Betsy Y oungm an, M S Science/M ath •


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H <

to ft.

Leslie A bbott, R eceptionist K aren A nderson, D evelopm ent Assistant

K ristie Berg, A dm issions A ssistant D uane Bergstrom , M aintenance

s Lee B uettner, Assistant to H ead o f School

B arbara Bzdak, Bookstore Shirley Call, B usiness

O ffice Secretary C liff C arlson, G rounds

and M aintenance

Luis C isneros, M aintenance Susan C ooke, M aintenance

M ichael Corbosiero, M aintenance

H eleo D ora Cvanca, D ining Hall

A llen D oehrer, Bus D river Sen Fan, M aintenance

Susan Fitter, L ow er School A dm issions

Lance G aulding, D ining Hall

B arbara H endrickson, E vening Eagles Jessie H inton, M aintenance

C arol H ook, U pper School Secretary G aylord Johnson, M aintenance

C harles Jones, M aintenance Darrell K night, B us D river

Jackie Lee, M iddle School Secretary John M ack, M aintenance

Page 24: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Ilene M anna, L ow er School SecretaryC ynthia M anning, D ining Hall #A1 M cC auley, M aintenanceR ichard M cK inley, B uilding and G rounds 9

•N ancy M iller, ISA S Support •Leo N ez, M aintenance •Jew ell N isbet, School N urse %John O rdini, Jr., •C h ie f B usiness & F inancial O fficer •

Brandon Perry, M aintenance #Ed Pettengill, System s N etw ork Supervisor D arlenne Puggie, D ining Hall A nette R eynolds, D ining Hall

•Joan R isley, D irector •o f C om m unications •K aren Roberts, •U pper School Secretary • Joe R ay Robinson, M aintenance Sergio Rodriguez, D ining Hall Seigo, Fifth G rade G uide Dog

A lex Skoczen,D irector o f Security D olores Sm ith, A ccountant Tom Sylvester, D irector o f A dm issions and Financial Aid Trudy Tom, Business Office V ictor W eber, D irector * o f D evelopm ent

G regory W est, M aintenance Ron W iggins, D irector o f • Food Services •H arold Yeam an, M aintenance Lyle Z ielstorf, M aintenance # Beth Zink, Publications 9


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S tudents

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Pre-Kby Jess Shedd, K indergarten

W illiam Barnes D aniel B ohnert

Jackie Chang C hristopher D ulaney

W illiam D yer B erit Folson

A dam G allow ay

Shannon G allow ay A lex G onzales Patrick H aenel K athryn K eller R achel K ozinn Sydney Lakin

K aitlin Lang

L uke Lyddon B ridget M cCain

B ryce M uzzy H arrison N orem E m ily O verholt

N icholas Parides K atie Peairs

E lizabeth A nne Poteracki B rooke Schlott

D iana Schron M att Selling

N athan Sherm an O liver S locum G eoffrey V rla

John W ells M ichael W ells

T res W hite M illie W illiam s

by A dam Low e, Kindergarten •


Page 28: PCDS Yearbook 1997

R obert Adrian A llison Barranco N oah Bucon T om m y Burke Janell Byas A lex Caniglia

E ric Fram

E llio t G insburg Quinlan Ham ann Isabel H ines M organ H olt Z ara Howard Tori H ussey M ark Iobst

A lexis K ezirian Eric Lakin Z ack LaPrade A lex Lendrum N icole Lopez A dam Low e Erin M alone

A m anda M artori W ill M atloff Devon M cLaughlin C handler M onroe A ndrew Opila G ino Picozzi R ohan Ram

Sally Williams Mayan Zeitlin

K indergarten

Noah Segal Jess Shedd Javon Smith

Matt Tibi Michael Tree

Christian Uglietta Kristi Whisler


Page 29: PCDS Yearbook 1997

F irst

G radeby Jenn ifer Papp

A bigail A braham Seashols Barnes

C he lsea B landford L aura Bodell

R oss B ryan E lisabeth Burton

Ali C asselm an A lexa C ohn

A nthony Conyers N atalie C ooper V ictoria Crase

A lexander D am ast

Jay F ielder Jarrid Fish

G uy G am ble N atalie G aragio la

C hristopher G ibbs A m y G oodm anson

Philip H aenel E m m a-C laire H enderson

Schuyler H um es Kevin K eenan

M atthew K eller Jonathan Lorentzen

vE m m a Lyddon N ick M artori

B randon N orem M ichael-A nne O renstein

Philip Pachtm an Jenn ifer Papp

Thom as Parides G regory Peairs

W illiam Perocchi H unter Rodgers

D aniel R ollingher M ason Sm ith

A lex Tem en E lena U glietta H arrison W ard N atalie W atson

K elsey W hite K it Y ork


Page 30: PCDS Yearbook 1997

H ugh Schlott R ick Selling Em ily Swindal D anielle W einberg Justin W ells E rica W orthington

by Jim m y M cCain

S econd G rade

Hands cum ■for' hoULuna other hands.

M att Barbey Lexie Bohnert Ross Bridgem an C lare B urnham Faith Burton A nna Connell

Jax Cornell A lec Davis M egan Donovan A nita D rootm an Jordan Elw ell N ick Farrier

N icholas G enta Brittny G olding C ass G oodm anson A liena Goren A li G race C arsten Ham ann

Jack H ooker A lex Itkis A m y Jennings D avid Jensen Jeffrey Johnson M olly K eam s

B rian Lakin B lake Lew kow itz Jay Lundeen K aitlin M ackay Jim m y M cCain B rooke M inton

Sam M onroe M ark M usallam C hristopher O pila Laura Reahard Joseph Rocco Andru Roysden

Page 31: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T hird G rade

Ellie A braham Stephanie B alitzer

N ick B arranco Eden Brow n

Ian Bucon D om inic D eM ark

M ichael Engle W ill F ielder

A m anda Frederick Robin G allow ay

C ole G eringer D an H addock

M ichael H aenel D athan H am ann

JoA nna H artzm ark R ebecca H irsch

Sarah K ozinn C arlie Lakin

M ollie Linden L ucy L ippon

K athryn L orentzen Sofie Lyddon

Shannon M alone T om m y M aloney

A lexandra M atlo ff Courtney M cConnell E lizabeth M cG avock

B.J. N eller K atie O verholt

M elissa Palm

C hris Parides E m ily R ector

D avid R eim an E m m a Robbs

T alia Sherm an C harlo tte S locum

Jordan U glietta S tephen V rla

Lauren W einberg C hristopher Y ee

Jam es Y urka H arry Zeitlin


Page 32: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jacob Swartz Ryan Tree K yle W hisler Lexi W hite M ark W ilson

D anah A l-Sulaihim D ana A tw ood Kirk Bansak C hristopher Beabeau A bby Bodell Raphael Bongni

E rica C asselm an C atherine Crook B ailey D am ast Randy D hillon A lex Dru B rianna E ller

N atasha Fazel K atie Fish Shannen Fish M ark Fleischaker T om Foglesong Paul Folson

L auren H endricks Em ily H erm ann A lexandra H euser K iel JefferyJam ie Johnsen-Brigham John K ester

Jam es Kiesel M att Kostrivas David K rum w iede Brandon LaPrade R ichard M ackay Prashanth M ahalingam

C hris M cConnell Bryan M cLaren Kelly M inkin C ourtney M inton G rant Pakis S tephanie Papp

M att Peairs B lake Randolph Jason Root H arteg Singh D anielle Skloven Bethany Smith

F ourth G rade


Page 33: PCDS Yearbook 1997

F ifth G rade

D ana B alitzer A aron B ernard

C hris B landford A lisha B lischok

Jennifer B otero D ara B ryan K arla Cesal

Jacob Crim m ins , Evan D ackerm an

C arolyn D aucher B rigit D onovan Eric D rootm an B rianna E lw ell

C hristopher England

Jonathan England V alerie G aragiola

A lexandra G ray Jonathan H alevy John H artzm ark


Page 34: PCDS Yearbook 1997

C asey H ayes A shley Heltne A dina Hirsch A shley H um es Julie Johnson

Paige K nappenberger Jessica K ozinn Rishi Kum ar M atthew LaPrade Jennifer Lew kow itz

Stephen M artori Jack M cCain T am m y M cG avock A lexander M usallam A llison Pachtm an

A aron Packer C hristine Perocchi T yrone Ray E lizabeth R eahard Skyler Robertson

Sierra Seip M ark Sem egen Lesley Silverthom Sarah Spencer Erin Sum m e

Sam Thom pson M ichael Vrla A nna M arie W ard T ara W ieger E lise W illiam s

Jessica W orthington G abriel W right Elizabeth York A bby Zeitlin


Page 35: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S ixth G rade

R ebecca D alton B rittany D avis

R eid D avis Sabrina D elafield

V incent D evlin

Sim i D hillon W illiam D ow ling

C hristopher Dru E lissa E ller

E lizabeth Engle

E lizabeth Foglesong L aura G arrity D rew G entner Jessica G reen

John H addock

£1%^ • If i M l iil H I


Page 36: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Sally H andm aker W hitney H enderson Joseph H ooker Peter H ow ell C hristie Jilly

C helsea K eller Lance Labun C hristian Lorentzen Justin Long A lison M atthew s

M eghan M cCain R ebecca M cLaren V eronique M illon M artin N aradikian L auren Perlow

Patrick Sandor Sarah Scarborough M ichael Schneider D aniel Schw artz B lake Shapiro

Peter Sim pson R ebecca Sm alley A llison Smith A shley Sm ith Neil Sm ith

C ody Sonntag Joshua Soper Lauren Tree T iffany Vail Joseph Volk

Kyle W ade Jessie W eiser N icole W ells Joseph Yeargan Stephanie Yee


Page 37: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S eventh G rade

Elizabeth Balis Edw in Barnes

Laura Biel Jason Bodell

Jessica Bucon

C aitlin B urke Jam es Burnham

Jam ika Byas Laura C arlson Eric D aucher

E van D eM ark Jordan D rackett

M ollie Epstein P.K. F isher

Justin F lanagan-H yde

N atalie F leischaker H erm es F lores

T odd G ilbert D anielle G oldstein

A lexis G ordon

K elly H ayes Jake H eim s

Eric H irvela Z ach Israel

C harles Jackson

Page 38: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Colin Jeffery C hristopher Jensen N icole Jilly G uru D haram Khalsa L isa K irkw ood

Sonia K um ar M ichael LaPrade A dam Lew kow itz D aniel Low e R ebecca Lynch

D avid M orrill L aura N eller C hristopher O 'C onnor A lexis Pasulka M nesha Patel

M egan Peloquin Jason Platt Tom m y R eahard Ryan Rosen N ina Schulze-Solce

Saranden Seip Sally Sem egen M ichaela Skloven R andall Sm alley Jennifer Sm ith

H eather Sum m e D avid T iro K atharine Tom alty Lindsay Tree G rant W alker

A nn M arie W ells G arrett W ieger Benjam in W illiam s R achel W iner R ebecca Zakian


Page 39: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Greg Abdouch Courtney Becker

Erin B eresini D avid Biel

T .J. B landford

D arcy Boll man B obby Brook Lexie C arlson Justin C askey C asey C ornell

M olly D ean M elanie D eutsch Kelly D evereaux

K athleen D ow ling M ichelle D uncan

Sarah Engle Sebastian Fabricius

N adia Fazel M eredith G aragiola

Beri G olding

B ryant G uffey A shley G ustafson

Justin H am m ar M organ H enderson

Sarah H urw itz

E ighth G rade

Page 40: PCDS Yearbook 1997

41 inrm in

C allie Kant Babo Keiper A shleigh Levison D oug Loback Zach Loom stein

M ichael Lowe G ow tham M ahalingam C hristopher M allien-D avis M aureen M cN am ee Julie M cReynolds

John M ichet G eoffrey Pakis Evan Rand A bigail Rethore Kim berly Ruht

Jeffrey Sand B ryan Silverthom M ichael Sim pson Preetm a Singh M ark Sipperley

Jessica Skloven Brian Snyder Philip Stuart Scott Surdakow ski Tom Sym ington

Thom as Tahm assian Jesse Teer A m ber Thom pson Katie Thom pson Tatum Vail

M artin W ard Joshua W right A shley Yeargan B ritnee Youngblood M ike Yurka


Page 41: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S chool

Jamie Dessen ponders the work M ahead on the 9th grade trip.

F resh F aces In T he U pper

Having mastered the ropes course.

All smiles!

Aubrey Wieger eagerly attacks an English assignment.


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Mark Hatch-Miller, Tiffany Westlie, and Sarah Nixon enjoy a break between classes.

Jamie Dessen and Jessica Berch in perfect pitch.

Smiles of relief, having successfully completed a Civilization I exam!


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N inth

G radeTiffany W estlie , President

A lex G arson, V ice-President B eau R oysden, Secretary /T reasurer

M ishary A l-Sulaihim G ilbert A rm enta

T ed A tw ood C hloe1 A ubert

Sasha A yad

Jessica B erch C ourtney Berg

A dam B lankenheim er M icah B loom berg

L indsey B urnett

Z ach Burstein Stephen C anova T osh iro C hiang

A ndrew C iarfalia K evin D aucher

K endra D avis Jam ie D essen

Sarah D onovan H ardy D rackett

N atalie D ulaney

Stephen G arrity Scott G ilbert

G len G oodm an H ailey H arris

Sam H artzm ark


Page 44: PCDS Yearbook 1997

R obert H atch-M iller M ark H atch-M iller T im othy H ayes Rob Hoxie D iana Jam es

A nna Knoell A ngel K orer H eather Lee C ourtney Lew is A ndria L igas

Erin Lynch C hristy M allory Eric M edoff R. J. M iddleton Sebastien M illon

M andy Moll Sarah N ixon Zachary O akland N icole O m e Sarah Pachtm an

Jason Paw loski E lizabeth Perla Brian Pletcher M ichael R ector R ebecca Reim an

G arett Robertson Shefali Sam ant H arvey Sandhu E rika Saretsky N at Shultz

Chris S trohm Kate V ieh Reina W atanabe A ubrey W ieger C atherine Yee


Page 45: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Carli Garcia-Rodriquez, an astute student of mathematics.

Lindsay Hanson and Courtney Pakis share some smiles on a long bus ride.

Relaxing in the quad.. . Robert Felix, ready foranother fun-filled lesson.


Page 46: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Liz Hewson pens her prose out-of-doors S o ph o m o res:T h e y 're N ot N inth

G raders A n y m o r e ...

Sarah Logan rushes to the finish.

Randi Boykoff and Dr. Cags explore some mathematical possibilities.


Page 47: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T enth G rade

M ariah Rand, Secretary/T reasurer Sasha B orsand Randi B oykoff A m elia Brow n

Jill C arland Jennie Carleton C assie C arrejo Peter Chiarelli

N oah E llm an

Robert Felix K atherine Ferris

C hristopher Frederick Carli G arcia-R odriquez

A ugustine G om ez


Page 48: PCDS Yearbook 1997

K atherine G reen Nell H addock L indsay Hanson E lizabeth H ew son T odd H im elrick

M ichael Kahn Leslie K om reich D avid Levy A dam Lipschultz Sarah Logan

A m anda M abbitt A m anda M abey A dam M anika Jeffrey M arcus E lizabeth M cG ee

L ucas M cG rew Erin M cK inley N athan M ee Roy M iele R ebecca M oretsky

A shley M orrill A riella N eville K elly N oble C ourtney Pakis Jam ie Plaza

Chris Purdy D iana Quinzani C hristopher Rethore Tyrell Robertson K rista Scott

Jeffrey Surdakow ski A ylin Tashm an M argaret T illm an John Tow nsend A aron W alker


Page 49: PCDS Yearbook 1997

J u n io r s : N earin g T he

T op

Lauren Beckenbaugh and Reg Cooper | beam for the camera.

Carolyn Karo and Kristin Altman after a challenging American History lesson.

Juniors enjoying

a brief respite.

m m *..


Page 50: PCDS Yearbook 1997

The Junior Class full of school spirit at an all-school assembly.

Jonathan Krause busily completing his homework.

Taylor Guerin hugs a tree. Anamay Melmed, SarahPalestrant and Elizabeth Benoit



Page 51: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jonathan W iner, President K ristin A ltm an, V ice-president

Sarah V ieh, Secretary /T reasurer C aroline A m iel

L auren Beckenbaugh

E lizabeth B enoit M arian B inns D avid B losser

A lice Brown H arley C luxton

R eginald C ooper Jon A shley C orcoran

Em ily D elgado R ocke D eM ark

B ritany Engelm an

E leventh G rade


Page 52: PCDS Yearbook 1997


I m m ?*”' MI A mMImsiK ? B nsfl * 1 « £ «

Joshua Finberg Jessie G auntt P eter G eantil K evin G hasw ala T aylor G uerin

J»LiBa H Hi

D avid Henry Jay Kahn C arolyn K aro Stephen K eller Jonathan K rause

m ir P RJ ■■ . : -m

N ina Latim er M elissa Lew is D evon L oback Q uentin M anika K evin M cR eynolds

A nam ay M elm ed Jenn ifer N oble M atthew O 'C onnor Sarah Palestrant Sarah Parry

M ithun Patel Janelle Plaza K athleen Potter John R ector D arren Ringel

R om an Rozinov C hristopher Sandor David Snyder E than Stew art Paul Surdakow ski

M elissa Tom inac L aw son T ree M atthew Tyler C arrie W atson Eric W est


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S E N52

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OF 1 9 9 7

I O R S53

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Beale Harrison Activities: Jazz B and (3 years), JV Basketball - MVP, Varsity B asketball (3 years), Senior Y ear Class Vice- President, V arsity Soccer, recreational activities. 1

"At the end o f the lo n g est line T h a t's w here I w ill a lw ays be I f you need to fin d m e, ju s t go. to the end o f the lo n g est line ."


"The w orld o u ts id e is bu zz in g lik e an angry w asp in sum m er. T he can d id a te s a re ru n n in g , and soon the son o f G od is com ing . C rack le m enta l c o n v o lu tio n s tune in to the re v o lu tio n W hereby ev ery o n e 's inc lu d ed so w e 'll n ev er have to be alone."

- B ad R elig ion


Page 56: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Activities: C lass President (9th & 12th): V arsity Baseball (4 years); V arsity Soccer (2 years) - All Central Region, All Tournam ent Team ; Square Meal guitarist. Matthew Ferris

"What a lon g , strange trip it's been."

- G ra te fu l D ead

"Hey, have you ever been k icked in the head by a bull?"

- L ag w ag o n

'I am not a cap ita list so ld ier; I am a iroletariat revo lu tion ist. I w ill figh t n any w ay the ruling c la ss may nake n ecessary , even in the jarricades. That is w here I stand."

- E u g e n e V . D eb b s


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Alexandre Philippe Quinzani


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Eric Shoemaker

envy you . Y ou N orth A m ericans a re very lu ck y . Y ou are h tin g the m ost im p o rtan t f ig h t o f a ll-y o u liv e in the h ea rt o f : b eas t." _.r h .

ia v e sw orn upon the a lta r o f G od e te rn a l h o s tility tow ardsfo rm s o f ty ran n y o v e r m inds o f m en." , __

-- T hom as Jeffe rso n

"Do not ta lk to m e o f A rc h im e d e s ' lev e r. H e w as an ab sen t- m in d ed p e rso n w ith a m ath e m a tic a l im a g in a tio n . M a th em atics co m m an d s m y re sp e c t, b u t I h av e no u se fo r e n g in e s . G iv e m e the r ig h t w ord and the r ig h t a c ce n t and I w ill m ove the w orld ."

— Jo sep h C onrad

"The U n ited S ta te s o f A m erica w ill so und as p o m p o u sly in the w o rld o r in h is to ry as T h e K in g d o m o f G rea t B rita in ."

— T om Paine"He w as a w ise m an w ho in v en te d G od." — P la to


Page 59: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jeff Hirvela:

"Good times and riches...I've seen more than I can recall." - Jimmy Buffett

"It's good to be the

king- . jyjel Brooks

Page 60: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Courtney Smalley

"i'd rather w ake up in the m idd le of now here than in any city on earth..."

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Emily Jeffries


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1 & M: I couldn't have made it through 14 years without you... arney: Happy feet, Keep in touch... Sweet: You didn't hit the bird, u tto n : Anything is possible if you believe. Boo: I love you. Julie Anne Geantil

"A ny m an o f m in e b e tte r b e p ro u d o f m e ev en w h en I 'm u g ly s t i l l b e t te r lo v e m e."

- S h a n ia T w a in


Page 63: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jonathan Ira GimbelA ctivities: President o f D ebate Club, Academic. H onors, V arsity Soccer, V arsity Baseball, Varsity G o lf, M ock T ria l, JV B ask e tb a ll, Y earbook, N ew spaper.

"W hen you th in k o f the flim sin e ss o f any th ing you m ay ho ld on to in life , you m igh t as w ell be c o u n tin g c row s." . Adam g g g g

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Tope Owoyemi

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Katherine Amanda Lyon


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: t iv i tie s : S e rv ic e & A w a re n e s s ; D ra m a u b ; A r iz o n a C lu b ; B lu e & G o ld K ey C lu b ; L e a d e rs h ip ; C lo s e -U p ; a s s is ta n t to M r.

e in h e n m a y e r ; W o r ld Is su e s . Lori Suzanne Brown

'Treat the Earth w ell. It was tot given to you by your larents. It was loaned to you ly your children."

- Ancient Proverb

Safaria world without boundaries

"Baby don't sit in the corner!"

- D ir ty Dancing


Page 67: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Vera Almann This is beyond your experience..

"Each th in g I sh o w y o u is a p iece o f m y d eath - n o sa lv a tio n , no fo rg iv en ess ."

-M essiah

"What yo u w a n t is a fiend b eca u se that is w h a t y o u are. Y ou o n ly reflect on m e w h a t y o u are in s id e of you rselves."

-Le s Charm ansons

"The w o r ld is in m y h and s, there is no one le ft to hear you scream . There is no on e left for you."


"Pray u n til y o u are num ber, a sleep from all you r pain , you r ap p le h as b een rotting tom orrow 's tu rn ed up dead."

-Fallen Stars

I dare y o u to be real.

Page 68: PCDS Yearbook 1997

,cUviOes:Harp-1 Oyrs;PSG Y 0-6y rs;Mayo Clinic Intemship;Bausch&Lomb Science Award ;Nat'l Merit cholarship Semitinalist;Nat'l Honor's Society;TEAMS (1st in US '96)-2yrs;Var. Diving (Capt.)- yrs;W ound Care Center V olunteer;Pre-M ed Club (Pres. ‘96)-2yrs;High Honors-7yrs;Fencmg- yrs'.Musica 1 s-7yrs;Chora 1 Leadership W orkshop-A S U ; P e o p I e -1 o - Pe opie Student Am bassador- yrs; Yearbook Photographer;Close-up;Aide to Mr. Wei henmayer-2 vrs; Horticulture Club; Daybreaks; lue & Gold Key Club;Service&Awareness;Phx Cotillion ModehJunior Leadership; Lifer.

Tracy J. Wanner


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seana kaye giardini Activities: varsity diving - 12th.



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Mike Jan Giardini


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Sarah S.H. Lee

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your path straight.

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Sonal Raj Bobra

"It is easy to hate and it is d ifficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. A ll good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get." - Morarji Desai

does"Wrong is wrong, no matter who it or who says it." - M alcolm X


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Christie Randt Service and Awareness Club Arizona Club

"How did I get to be me?... 9 Who I am now is what I was then, plus all the stuff in between, minus a few years during the seventies."

— Ellen DeGeneres

"Life is truly a ride. We're all strapped in and no one can stop it...I think the most you can hope for at the end o f life didn't throw up."

-- Jerry Seinfeld


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Kimberly Melde



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Zebadiah PortanovaA ctivities: C o-C aptain V arsity Soccer (4 years). Top Q ualifier 1996 N orrca Paved Oval Nationals, Official Graduate o f the Joel Johnson Driving School, Grommet j

"Down time only focuses the fury." _ Darin

" . . .A l l th e lo v e g o n e b a d , tu rn e d m y w o rld to b la c k , ta t to o e d a ll I se e , a ll th a t I am , a ll th a t I 'll b e ..."" ...I k n o w so m e d ay y o u 'l l h a v e a b e a u tifu l l ife , I k n o w y o u w ill be a s ta r in so m e b o d y e ls e 's sky . B u t w h y ? W h y c a n 't it b e — c a n 't it b e m in e?"

- E d d ie


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Samantha Stoller

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Ann Kaufman

A fa r ew e ll is n ecessa ry b efo re w e can m eet again

A nd m eetin g again after m om en t or l ife t im e s is

certa in for th o se w h o are fr ien d s.

"The regret o f y esterd ay A nd the fear o f tom orrow A re tw in th iev es that rob us o f the m om ent."

- A n o n y m o u s

"P iglet s id led up to P ooh from beh in d . 'P ooh ?' he w h isp ered . 'Y e s , P ig le t? 1 'N o th in g ,1 sa id P ig le t, 'I ju st w anted to be sure o f y o u .’" . a .A . M iln e


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cti vines: V -P o f Senate; P resident o f Service & A w areness Club; arsity Softball (3 years); B lue and G old K ey C lub M em ber (4 :ars); H onors (4 years); Senator (4 years); V olleyball (2 years); ram a C lub.

Kristm Abbate


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Theodore M artin Begun


W a lk in g a lo n g the lo n e ly b e a ch e sS te p p in g b a re fo o t upo n th e c o o l, sm o o th s to n esW av es o f s a lty , b lu ish g la s s c a sc a d e in c irc u la r m o tio n to p o u ro u tw a rd sU p the s lo p e s o f th e b each esF lo o d in g th e san d y sp a ce s b e tw een the g lit te r in g s to n es T h en s tre a m in g b ack dow nT a k in g b ack w h a t th ey e a r l ie r le ft on the sh o re s . . .

Ju s t ab o v e the b lu e -g ree n h o riz o n ,S o l b u rn s a d eep , ca lm in g sh a d e o f red d ish -o ra n g e in to bo th the se a and the w isp y c lo u d s ab o v e . . .

W a n d erin g a m o n g s t the m o llu sk - an d s ta r f is h -la d e n co ra l ree fs , and baby tid e p o o ls o n to p o f the re e fs , t in y ec o sy s te m s w ith in th em selv es*th e ey e b eco m es f ix e d upo n the n e rv o u s l i t t le f ish e s d a rt in g ab o u t b e tw e en th e t id e p o o ls ' m an y fo rm s o f v e g e ta tio n . . .

A m in ia tu re c ra b p o k es h is h ead o u t o f a sh e ll , and su d d e n ly th e sh e ll r ise s and c ra w ls aw ay.A s in g le h u m an f in g e r b reak s the su rfa c e o f the w ater, s e n d in g r in g s o f en e rg y o u tw a rd from its p o in t o f e n tra n c e as it p lu n g es d o w n w ard .T h e f in g e r p ro d s a r in g e d p lan t g e n tly , c u rio u s ly , then re tre a ts f ro m the w a te r rap id ly w hen the p lan t b e g in s to c lo se on it.

On the o p p o s ite s id e o f th e ree f , w h ere th e re a re no ro ck s , on ly f in e ly -g ra in e d san d , fo o tp r in ts b eg in to a p p e a r a lo n g the ed g e o f the w a te r, then tra il d aw n in to the o cean and b ack a g a in .S o ft lau g h te r m ig h t be h ea rd w ere it no t c a p tu re d and c a rr ie d aw ay by the w ind .A nd if o n e has an ey e fo r su ch su b tle tie s , an o v e rw h e lm in g sen se o f lo n e lin es s m ig h t be se iz e d u pon and d isc o v e red in the b u rn in g haze l ey es w h ich w an d er so m any tim es a lo n g the n ak ed b each , as the fo o tp r in ts d isa p p e a r in to the d is ta n c e . . .

"S ilence"

T h e o ld m an s its s ile n tly in a w o o d en c h a ir .S ta rin g th ro u g h th e b a re tab le ;T h e w a lls know .H e is aw are o f th is , and fro w n s d a rk ly ,C u rlin g up h is du sty b ro w s in a f re tfu l lo o k o f fo rebod ing ; T h e lig h t in the room gro w s d im as the c lo u d s c reep up in the sk y to sw a llo w th e su n fro m v iew ;A s he lean s b ack in th e c h a ir ,H e fa l ls in to a d eep s leep .A nd th e c o o l ra in b eg in s to p a tte r on th e ro o fto p s o u tsid e .


Page 80: PCDS Yearbook 1997

shnette A le x is W ekherlien II Shauna Alexis Wekherlien II

H e 's a lre u d y d e a d .. . . lie ju s t d o e s n 't k n o w it

y e t.

C h a o s is th e n a tu ra l o rd e r o f th e u n iv e rse .

P u t o u t th e lig h t an d then pu t out the ligh t -O thello

L ife is slipp ing th rough the hands o f death .

I am becom ing crea tu re o f th e .fa ll, th a t dw ells am ongst the shadow s,

Soothed by b lood and pacified by eternal youth . - C laud ia

B low me a k iss w hen the sky is dark , and I w ill sm ile , bu t no k iss retu rn : fo r my k iss is the foul one fo r all m orta l flesh.

No. I am a C anadian . It 's like an A m erican but w ithou t a gun._____________


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Andrew S. Mendelson Activities: V arsity S w im m in g , Regi. (N ew spaper), Daybreaks (Literary Magazii Jazz Band, N ational M erit Scholar.

“The W orld is a comedy to those who think; a tragedy to those who feel.” — Horace Walp• D iscussion is an exchange o f knowledge; argum ent an exchange o f ignorance.” — Robei Quillen • “Aspirin is packed in childproof containers, but bullets ju s t come in a box.” —J« Leno • “Bitterness is like cancer; it eats upon the host. But anger is like fire; it burns all clean.” — M aya Angelou • “A career is born in public- talent in privacy .’E -M a rily n Mon• “Dying is easy. Comedy is difficult.” — Edmund Gwenn • “Glory is fleeting, but obscuri

is forever.” — Napoleon • “God made only water, but man made w ine.” — V ictor Hugo • “We hope vaguely but dread precisely.” — Paul Valery • “Intelligence recognizes what has happened. Gen recognizes what will happen.” — John Ciardi

‘T h e dignity o f the artist lies in his duty o f keeping awake the sense of wonder in the w orld.” — G. K. Chesterton • “Justice w ithout force is powerless; force w ithout justice is tyrannical.” — Blaise Pascal • “Liberty w ithout learning is always in peril and learning w ithout liberty is always in vain.” — John F. Kennedy • “M ankind must put an end to w ar or war will put an end to m ankind.” — John F. Kennedy • “Too often we enjoy the comfort o f opinion w ithout the discom fort o f th o u g h t.E —John F. Kennedy • “From each according to

his abilities, to each according to his needs.” — Karl M arx • “The philosophers have only interpreted the world; the thing, however, is to change it.” — Karl M arx • “Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.” — Albert Einstein


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activities: Varsity Swimming (4 years) - Most Improved, /arsity Basketball (2 years), Varsity Softball (4 years) - dost Im proved, M odel UN, TEA M S (N ational Champions), Blue & Gold Key Club. Jenny Mendelson

N op e. The ou tsid e doesn 't matter, t's all in the stuffing." - E eyore

breat sp irits have a lw ays ^countered v io len t o p p osition bm m ed iocre minds."

- A lbert E instein

"In any great undertaking, it is not enough for man to depend sim p ly upon him self."

- T eton S iou x proverb

"Craziness is heaven." - Jimi"The unexam ined life is not worth living." - "And you can dream , so dream out loud." -

HendrixSocratesU 2

W illin g is not enough; w e m ust do." - G oethe"K now ing is not enough; w e m ust apply


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David Ian Schmid

"Walk along the river, sweet lullaby, it just keeps on flowin', it don't worry about where it's goin.'" - A llm a n B ro th e rs

"Anytime you get the urge to golf, take 18 minutes and beat your head against a good solid wall." - M a rk O m an


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Activ ities: Varsity Basketball (4 years); Newspaper (4 years); Entertainment Editor; Jazz Band (4 years); Varsity Baseball (3 years); Secretary/Treasurer Senior Class. Philip Weinmeister

W ho so w ou ld be a man m ust be a non conform ist- E m erson

"...tom orrow speak what tom orrow th in ks... though it contradict everyth in g you said today."

- E m erson

"Our life is frittered aw ay by detail S im p lify , sim plify." _ xhoreau


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Eric CornwellActivities: Racecar D river - 3rd in SW region Club Form ula Ford, V arsity G olf (4 years). Team Death G olf m em ber, U .S. Band - D rum m er (5 years), V arsity B asketball - Loudest Fan, C lass Psycho,!

It has been sa id th at "the best th ings com e, to those who w ait." W ell, 1 have w aited th irteen years at a place w here "everybody know s your nam e." -C h eers Them e, to f ina lly spread my w ings and leave you all w ith th is last "gift" from me. I could have left my page w ith p ictures and one quote; "Think w here m an's g lory m ost begins and ends, and say my g lory was I had such friends" - W illiam B u tle r Yeats , but I w ould not have been sa tisfied with that. It was im possib le to put everyone on my page, so I tried to do the next best th ing. Everyone who has been a part o f my life , no m atter how sm all, belongs in one o f the fo llow ing paragraphs. No one should feel left out. T his is a thank you through the w ords and w isdom o f others.

To my fam ily , w ithout whom m ost o f my experiences could not have been possib le . To my m om, who has taught me through m any spankings and conversations, "hating people (esp ec ia lly g irls) is like burn ing your own house down to get rid o f a rat" -H enry Em erson Fosdick. To my dad, from w hom I have learned from o bserv ing that, "the strongest stee l is forged from the h o tte s t fires" -U nknow n. And to my b ro th e r , B rian , w ho has tau g h t me th ro u g h o u t shared exp erien ces , m isfo rtunes and long hours on the g o lf course , "the tro u b le w ith success is that the form ula is m uch the sam e as the one for a nervous breakdow n" -U nknow n. I love all the three o f you very m uch. Thank you for every th ing .

To my friends, whom I be lieve are som e o f the finest peop le to p rom enade the face o f th is p lanet. I have been with som e o f you for th irteen years o f my life and o thers m erely a year, bu t all o f you have had an im pact on m e. I have had both daydream s and n ightm ares about w hat w ill happen to you, and all o f you have e ith e r m ade life out to be an incred ib le jo u rn ey o r noth ing at all. T o m e, that's how it should be, incred ib le jo u rn ey . I can rem em ber...w inn ing the inaugural H obbyTow n 500 w ith the best crew o f porky youngsters that a M cD onald 's lunch could bu y ...g o in g 85 m .p.h. up Tatum and hearing the locu tion , "if ya ' d on 't slow dow n, y’er gonna 'g it a go t'dang ticket." -H .E .C IV yelled in an ex trem ely apprehensive ton d re lig iously tipp ing my h a t to S am 's C lu b , th en h e a rin g a c e rta in so m eo n e com m enting on how he w ished that he could pain t the sunset- -every day on o ur p ilg rim age back to the hom estead (to the m em bers o f T eam D eath G olf). T hese are only three o f the thousands o f ex p erien ces th at have happened, thanks to you, my friends. You all have given me the ap titude not to "miss the m agic o f the m om ent by focusing on w hat's to come" - M ark Tw ain. I w ill rem em ber every one o f you, because w here we go one, w e go all.

T o my teach ers , who are all considered my friends, but in a d iffe ren t type o f fellow sh ip . You have taught me to fo llow Buddha w hen he said , "Fall down seven tim es and get up eight." T hanks for p ushing me hard , w hen I needed it. To teachers like M r. M artin , w ho can teach you som ething both in and out o f c lass . I have been am azed w ith your w ealth o f know ledge and, b e liev e it o r not, I have responded. Thanks to you, I now know that, "duty is the sub lim est w ord in our language. Do your duty in all th ings; you canno t do m ore, you should never w ish to do less" - Gen. R obert E. Lee. Som e o f you m ight fuss w ith the notion o f w hat w ill happen to me. F ear not! I w ill take w hat you have given me and, "do the very b est I know how , the very best I can; and ...keep doing so , u n til the end" - A braham Lincoln . You have caused an aw akening o f my sou l, and sen t me on a quest for know ledge. "Be educated and you w i|l be free!" - Jo se M arti.

I w ould like to c lose th is "thank you" by g iv ing som ething to you all. W hatever happens to you in your life tim e, I w ould like you to rem em ber that, "It's b e tte r to d ie on your fee t than to live on your knees" -U nknow n. And to those w ho are w ondering w hat m ight happen to m e, I w ill leave you with th is ..." I shall return" - Gen. D ouglas M acA rthur.



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Jerry Mischel


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jacquelyn ellisa

when you, have killed off all the buffalo, cut down all the trees, and taken all the fish from the river, then i hope you can eat all your money, -mohawk woman to teddy roosevelt • men never cling to their dreams with such tenacity as at the moment when they are losing faith in them, and know it, but do not dare confess it to themselves, -william graham sumner • y no te divides que a la Tierra le encanta sentir los pies descalzos y que los vientos anhelan por tocarle el pelo. . . -kahlil gibran • the reality of art begins in the eyes of the beholder and gains power through imagination, invention and confrontation, -keith haring

o - c a p t . v a r s i t y v o l le y b a l l (2 y r s , ) , v a r s i t y s o f t b a l l ( 2 y r s . ) , y earbook p h o to g ra p h e r, model u .n . s e c u r i ty

f * t Q c o u n c il ( I s r a e l 1, s e rv ic e & aw areness ( 3 y r s . ) , arizonah ik in g c lu b , p e e r tu to r in g , west side story, pol|jh<j sem inar I s r a e l p ilg r im a g e '9 5 , a jhsm em ber, hechaluzim , 613 m itz v o t, r e c i p i e n t grossm an s c h o la r s h ip .

V1? >0 ’IN ON ?un nn ,’ony!? ’inwdi ?>no>N n1? o n i

(T>: H ND pin h)


Page 88: PCDS Yearbook 1997

le v itie s : Varsity Volleyball (G>Captain), JV Basketball, Model U.N., Drama Club, Pre-Med Oub, Leadership, Community Service, Prom Committee, Entrepreneur's Club (Co-Founder). Jasmine S. Tashman

"M em ories are the on e paradise out o f w hich w e cannot be driven." - Sacha Guitry




"H appiness is at on ce the b est, the n ob lest and the p leasan test o f things." A risto tle


Page 89: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jennifer Berry Kniff Activities: Volleyball (4 yrs.) Drama.

A dream itself is but a shadow.- Shakespeare

Freedom and D em ocracy the word from W ashington every day, put am erica to sleep w ith warm milk and a c lich e . - ani d ifranco

"But you cou ld be doin g som eth in g im portant," I said ."I am," said P ooh. "Oh? D o in g what?" "Listening," he said .

- B enjam in H o ff

H ap p in ess is a c lea n carpet.

I f a m an d o e s n o t k e e p p a c e w ith h is c o m p a n io n s , p e rh a p s it is b e c a u se he h e a rs a d if fe r e n t d ru m m e r. L e t h im s te p to th e m u s ic w h ic h he h ea rs , h o w e v e r m e a su re d an d fa r aw ay .

- T h o reau

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Nancy Perla


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Brooke Heather SilversteinActivities: Tte.Register (4 yrs.); News Editor (1 yr.}, Editor -ia- Chief (1 yr,). Mock Trial (3 yra.; State Champion Team), Senate (3 yrs.). Perspectives, Peer tutor, Arizona Young Democrats & yrs.), AIPAC, North Scottsdale “Youth Salute" Honoree, Kick Voting

A w o m a n 's p la c e is in th e H o u s e or th e S e n a te .


■ iIn politics, if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.- Margaret Thatcher


Page 92: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Activities: Junior Vice-President, Cheerleading,Republican PartyCheerleading, D efender o , ,h e L m T 3 L M. SilllChak

T ru ly , o u r g r e a te s t b le s s in g s are very c h e a p . -T h oreau

T h ey th a t g ive u p e s s e n t ia l lib er ty to o b ta in a lit t le tem p o ra ry sa fe ty d eserv e n e ith e r lib er ty n o r sa fe ty .

-B en F ra n k lin

9 H H H IA lw ays b e to le r a n t w ith th o s e w h o d isa g ree w ith yo u . A fter a ll, th e y h a v e a r ig h t to th e ir r id ic u lo u s o p in io n s . -A n o n y m o u s

W hen you have a dream , you've got to grab it and never let go.

- C arol B u rn ett


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Rachel Finkelstein

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Kristin Stamm

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Arvind Bobra

"E veryone w ill ex p er ien cethe co n seq u en ces o f h is ow nacts. I f h is acts are right, hew ill g et g o o d co n seq u en ces;i f th ey are not, he w ill su fferfor it." u D- Harry Browne

"If w e co u ld first k now w h ere w e are, and w ith er w e are ten d in g , w e co u ld b etter ju d g e w hat to do and h o w to do it." - Abraham Lincoln


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Michael Reilly

"We're your friends," said my attorney. "We're not like

the others."

- H.S. Thompson

But you are governed by the laws o f society. But I'm trying to avoid that.

- G. Corso

I am a sick man...I am a wicked man.

-F. Dostoyevsky

...but remember that these are mostly

minds ravaged by anti-social and

mindless pleasures. - T. Pynchon

Page 97: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Rebecca Ann RethoreActivities: M ock Trial (4 years), Musical (4 years). Notable) years). Diving Team (3 years), Captain (2 years), Daybreaks* years), Service and Awareness (2 years), Chair o f Junior H Rummage Sale, M odel UN (1 year), Arizona Hiking Club] year).

"One day when the sun forgot to shine God put a rainbow in the sky."-- Maya Angelou

"Everybody should have a dream." — Jesse Owens

"There are only the pursued the pursuing, the busy and ? the tired."

— The G reat G atsby 1


Page 98: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Activities: Drama Club (4 years), XV. and Varsity Volleyball (2'ears). Varsity Diving, Academic Honors and High Honors (4 T 'f c T n l * "I , 1 I k I f T J r *mars), 7th Grade Trip, Model UN (2 years), Jaza Band. AZ W P V J ^ T I H I I 7 £ l M P T m ^ / l C K 1 T1 T l A T Iliking Club, Key Club. ASU Medallion of Merit, CCP. A V V a V C i i - 1 L l l I V 1 V X V l l l l l V l i

There's a sucker born every minute.

-P .T . B a rn u m

S eize the day and lea v e no regrets.



Page 99: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Marta Francesca Romana Bastoni

P rin cisb ecca , ci am oriam o per vero o per finta?-per vero!-no , per fin ta ...

- Papa


C inque anatre andavano a Sud forse una soltan to vedrem o arrivare, ma quel suo v o lo certo vu o le dire j che b isogn ava volare.

- F rancesco G uccin i


Page 100: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Katie Flanagan-Hyde

"she danced with the music and the rhythm of the earth's circles; she turned with the earth turning ... dancing towards daylight."

- Anai's Nin

Y fue a esa edad . . . lego la poesfa buscarme."

- Pablo Neruda

"The artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies. - Kate Chopin jgf

"I amhaunted bynumberlessislands,and many aDanaanshore."

"No," said Tatterhood, "I will go as I am."

- Norse folk tale


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Leslie Johnson

"I d o n 't e v e n c a re i f y o u b ru sh y o u r tee th ."- F ra n k Z a p p a

- S h ag g y

"O h w h a t ca n i t m e a n to a d ay d re a m b e l ie v e r an d a h o m e c o m in g q u e e n ." - M o n k e e s

"G ro u n d C o n tro l to M a jo r T o m , ta k e y o u r p ro te in p i l ls a n d p u t y o u r h e lm e t o n ." - D a v id B o w ie

"M r. R o , R o ...m a n tic "


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Sarit Melmed

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Marissa Gerdes


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Miriam Sarah Buros

I f a man d oes not keep pace w ith his

com p an ion s, perhaps it is becau se he hears a

d ifferen t drumm er. Let him step to the m usic

w hich he hears, h ow ever m easured or

far aw ay.- H enry D avid Thoreau

A man said to the u n iverse , "sir, I exist." "However," rep lied the un iverse , "the fact has

not created in m e a sen se o f ob ligation ."

- Stephen Crance


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Paul Sraow


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Edmund Sherman

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Alison Holden Pulaski


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Jennifer Sweet


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Cara Palestine

"If you can im agine it,you can ach ieve it.

If you dream it,you can b ecom e it." 1

- W illiam A rth u r Ward

"Nothing le ft to do but sm ile , sm ile , sm ile."- G ra te fu l D ead

"Be you rself. The w orld w orships theoriginal." - In g rid B ergm an

"I am here to liv e O U T LOUD."- E m ile Zola

"Real lo v e b eg in s w here nothing is exp ected inreturn." - A n to in e D e S a in t E xu p ery


Page 110: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Erich Schweikher"If ch icken is eaten , rooster aint w orried. If rooster is eaten , ch ick en aint worried."

- K erouac

The trick is not ridding your stom ach o f bu tterflies, but to m ake them fly in form ation .

"P e o p le ca n b e d iv id e d in to th re e g ro u p s : th o se w h o m a k e th in g s h a p p e n , th o se w h o w a tc h th in g s h a p p e n , an d th o se w h o w o n d e r w h a t h a p p e n e d .S h o w in g u p is 80% o f life ." - woody A lien

"Newton's theory o f re la tiv ity and gravity is that rocks fa ll on your head."

"I w ould rather sit on a pum pkin and have it all to m y se lf, than be crow ded on a v e lv e t cushion." -T h o re a u


There is no such th ing as a w eird human being . It's just la t som e p eop le require more understanding than others."

"Renton, you are a w icked shot for a vegetarian .- S ick Bov

Page 111: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Anne Elizabeth Dowling

We are the people our parents warned us about.

- Jimmy Buffett

"Pooh, promise you won't forget about me ever. Even when I'm a hundred." Pooh thought for a little while. "How old shall I be then?"

"Ninety-nine." Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said. - A.A. Milne

S o m e p e o p le th in k it 's h o ld in g on th a t m ak es o n e s tro n g e r . S o m e tim e s it 's le t t in g go .

M om : E ven th ough h igh sch o o l is o ve r, yo u 'll n ev er be ab le to ge t rid o f m e. I c an 't b e lie v e y ou 've put up w ith me fo r 18 years.I lo v e you m om m y.

E d : Y ou 're a nu t, bu t it's n ice to have an o th e r k id in the house.K a th le e n : W hat can I say? Y ou 're the c ra z ie s t s is te r anyone

cou ld have, bu t I s till love you. D on 't be too bad in h igh school!G iz : N o m atte r how big you ge t, yo u 'll a lw ays be my little

b ro th e r, d o n 't change a th ing .A r ia , E m ily , C o u r tn e y : "F riends sing y o u r song w hen you

fo rg e t the w ords." You have been my best fr ien d s fo r the la st th ree years; I d o n 't know w hat I'm go ing to do w ith o u t you. I'll love you guys fo rev e r. Ju s t rem em ber: T he C actu s C u lt Posse w ill a lw ays liv e on.

T o th e boys: "I'd ra th e r laugh w ith the s in n ers than c ry w ith the sa in ts ." - B illy J o e lY ou guys a re the best; I'm g o in g to m iss you all so m uch .


Page 112: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Aria Nemiro

'Nothing left :o do but smile, sm ile, B B F

nsmile.- G ra te fu l D ead


I l l

Page 113: PCDS Yearbook 1997

"My life h a s becom e a tearjerk er m ovie, and I am glad to be h a v in g th e ca lcu la ted effect." - E. W urtzel • "iOh, e l pecado e s la cu riosid ad , s in duda, no m as que la curiosidad!" - U n am uno • "Just rem em ber, w e're a ll in th is

alone." - L. T om lin • "A w ord is w orth one coin; s ile n c e is w orth two." - T alm ud • "The id ea o f rom an tic love and th a t o f p h y sica l b ea u ty are probably th e m ost d estru c tiv e id e a s in th e h is to ry o f h u m an thought." - M orrison • "Yo no se lo que es verdad y lo que e s m en tira , n i lo que v i y lo que so lo sone." - U n am un o • "Droll th in g life is - th a t m y ster io u s a rran gem en t o f m erc ile s s log ic for a fu t ile purpose." - C onrad • "When it occurs to a m an th a t n a tu re does n ot regard h im as im p ortan t, and th a t sh e fe e ls sh e w ou ld not m aim th e u n iv erse by d isp o sin g o f h im , h e at f ir s t w ish e s to throw bricks a t th e tem p le , and he h a te s d eep ly th e fact th a t th ere are no b ricks and no tem p les." - S. C rane • "Never sen d to know for w hom th e b e ll to lls; It to lls for thee." - J . D on ne • " E ven tu ally you w ill be ab le to se e me." - M. A tw ood

"To lo v e an o th er person is to se e th e face o f G-d." -Les Miserables • "And m ile s to go before I sleep" - F ro st • A re y o u s t r o n g enough? • "And in our fa u lts by lie s w e fla ttered be" - S h a k e s p e a r e • "How can h e see h e's go t f l ie s in h is e y e s i f h e 's g o t f l ie s in h is eyes?" - H eller • "Oh, I w ish th e r e w ere som e w ords in th e w o rld th a t w ere n o t th e w ord s I a lw a y s h ea r ." -

" P erh a p s th in g s are m ost b ea u tifu l w h en th e y are n ot q u it e r ea l." H elp r in • "Now l ife h a s k illed th e dream I dream." - Les Miserables • " P erhaps a ll th e w isd o m , a n d a ll t r u t h , a n d a l l s in cer ity , are ju s t c o m p r e s s e d in to th a t inappreciab le m om ent of tim e in w hich w e step over th e th r e s h o ld o f th e in v is ib le ." - C on rad • "Am I lo s t in a dream , or am I dream ing I'm lost?" -Rabbi Lee • today." - C arrol •

B a rth e lm e • Mr.P e n g u in • "Jam y esterd a y , jam tom orrow , b ut n ever jam "A b lin k o f an ey e in i t s e l f is n o th in g . B u t th e eye th a t b lin k s , th a t is som eth in g . A sp an o f a life is n o th in g . B ut th e m an w ho liv e s th a t sp an , h e is som ething." - P otok • "Two roads d iverged in a w ood, and I-1 took th e one le s s tra v e led by, And th a t h a s m ade a ll th e difference." - F rost • "Look, I'd ra th er som ebody p icked up a crow bar and b a ttered out m y brains" - W illiam s • "No lig h t a t th e end o f th e tu n n e l, on ly grea ter darkness." - H a lb erstam • "I k eep go in g b ecau se I don't see th e p rodu ctive v a lu e o f b e in g bitter." - E lla B ak er • "The horror a t th e end o f a ll y ea rn in g is exceed ed on ly by th e ev il o f fu lfillm en t." - M orrison • "Ignorance is th e paren t o f fear." - M elv ille • "For n ow ad ays, th e w orld is l i t by lig h tn in g ! B low out

your can d les , L aura H a n d so goodbye." - W illiam s • "Prom ise you w on't forget m e, n ever , n ot even w h en I'm a hundred." - M ilne • "And te l l C osette I lo v e h e r a n d I 'll s e e h e r w h e n I w a k e ..." - Les M iserables

Rachel Elana LoweActivities: Senate (3yrs., President), Junior Class President, Debate, Mock Trial (stale champions Yearbook (Ads Editor), Bronfman Youth Fellow, Cum Laude Society, Harvard Book Award, High TEAMS, Who's Who Among American High School Students, Summa cum laude on National Latin yrs.), Latin Award ('95), Anything Goes, West Side Story, Pirates o f Penzance, Fiddler on the Roof Brown, Chorus (2 yrs.). Model UN, Pre-kindergarten Aide (3 yrs.). Youth Salute (3rd), National Semi finalist, Hispanic National Meri t Scholar.

112 Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard ho more it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing .-Macbeth

Page 114: PCDS Yearbook 1997


E ric C o rn w ell E rich S ch w eik h er



K ristin S tamm

T?ie KindercjorleJ

■ bmgerhreod Mo

nJ asm in e T ashm an T racy W anner

Page 115: PCDS Yearbook 1997
Page 116: PCDS Yearbook 1997

A cadem ics

Page 117: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Mrs. Plaza, our always-helpful encyclopedia of information.

Ross Bryan and Kevin Keenan get lost in a good book.

The Pre-Kindergarteners as they first discover the world of


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Searching for just the right one!

Michaela Skloven reading a classic.


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Vamos a bailar!Third graders ponder tangrams

L earning In T he


Page 120: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Courtney McConnell, engrossed

L ow er S chool


Page 121: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M agnifying our minds I

Edwin Barnes checks out the latest in technology. Paying close attention with LauraCarlson and Alexis Gordon.


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In T he M iddle S choolJulie Johnson and Sierra Seip, serious and studious. 7th graders.. . not so serious.

Michael Simpson and Erin Beresini, thinking hard on the question at hand.

Rachel Winer, a picture of the ever-prepared student.

Page 123: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jason Pawloski finds Seb Millon's Reg Cooper and his latest photographicscientific theory hysterical. developments.

U nique and U nprecedented

Erin McKinley concentrates on algebraic equations.

Micah Bloomberg and KateVieh cultivate their gardens.


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The nightmare before finals! Collaborative efforts in the computer lab.

Beau Roysden and Michael Rector engrossed in a microscopic world.

T he U pper S chool

Margaret Tillman and Nell Haddock on the bridge ofnew discoveries.

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Hands are wonderful and helpful Artistic and graceful Never stop writing

Delicate but hard-working Special things are held by hands.

—Erica Casselman Fourth Grade


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T he A rts

Page 127: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T he L ow er S chool

Laura Bodell, with an eye to the details. . .


Rohan Ram splashes on the paint.

Symmetry achieved by Mason Smith.


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S how T heir S t u ff ...The 2nd grade show their patriotism with song.

Singing the red, white, and blue with the 3rd grade.

Andrew Roysden accompanist.. .

Christian Uglietta and Chandler Monroe caught up in the spirit.


Page 129: PCDS Yearbook 1997

C reativity takes hold ofAfter hearing Ms. Bryant's joke,

Laura Garrity giggles away.

As always, Ms. Bryant enjoying her class.

6th graders focus their attention for the perfect poem.

Sebastian Fabricius drills his way to perfection.





Page 130: PCDS Yearbook 1997

the M iddle S choolJulie McReynolds puts the finishing touches on her work.

Writing from the Heart in Creative Publications.

great example of the MS art work.

Justin Hammar makes his clay figurine come alive.



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L et T he B eat G o O n ...

D irected By: M s. S chertenlieb

D irected By: M s. F erguson

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M iddle S chool F ine A rts

D irected B y : M r . R ow e


Page 133: PCDS Yearbook 1997

U pper S choolers throwSarit Melmed sketches her way to


Mandy Moll and Catherine Yee fight for a pen.

pI Tc HK E



The pensive Cassie Carrejo plots out her masterpiece.

Tiffany Westlie perfects her work.

Page 134: PCDS Yearbook 1997

DOWN THEIR BOOKS AND...Sarah Buros adds the final touches to her sketch.

Caroline Amiel snips out the appropriate shapes.

Tiffany Westlie, once igain, shows off her talent.

Emily Jeffries carves out her clay couch.


Page 135: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T he F a ll P lay : O ne A ctsF in a l D r e s s R e h e a r s a l : A F a r c e in O n e A c t b y J a c k F r a k e s

Director Stage Manager First Stagehand Second Stagehand Prompter Utility Girl Stepmother Messenger Girl Elder Sister Younger Sister Fairy Godmother Cinderella Authoress

Leslie Johnson Nancy Perla Katie Lyon Lori Brown Tope Owoyemi Jasmine Tashman Sarit Melmed Matt Ferris Michael Reilly Erich Schweikher Revan McKinnon Rachel Finkelstein Kristin Stamm

Scene: Stage of an all-girl's high school

Time: Present

Directed and Presented by Dr. Collins and Mr. McKinley

T h e E x p r e s s L in e : A C o m e d y i n O n e A c t b y T om F i tz p a t r ic k II I

Scene: A New YorkSupermarket

Time: During the reign of Seaver, Knepper and the Count Montefusco

Directed and Presented by Dr. Collins and Mr. McKinley

BettyFredMabelHarrietHarriet's daughterLouieJoanMr. HarrisLauriMaxineBeanie Podowski

Amanda Mabey John Townsend Jamie Dessen Tiffany Westlie Andria Ligas Micah Bloomberg Christine Iobst Chris Rethore Carli Garcia-Rodriqui Liz Hewson Ty Robertson


Page 136: PCDS Yearbook 1997

U pper S chool C horusK r is t in A b b a t e

A m e l ia B r o w n

L in d s e y B u r n e t t

J il l C a r l a n d

P e t e r C h ia r e l l i

K e v in D a u c h e r

N a t a l ie D u l a n e y

R a c h e l F in k e l s t e in

C a r l i G a r c ia - R o d r iq u e z

S t e v e G a r r it y

N e l l H a d d o c k

S a m H a r t z m a r k

C h r is t in e I o b s t

A n n K a u f m a n

N in a L a t im e r

E r in L y n c h

K a t ie L y o n

S a r it M e l m e d

R o y M ie l e

N ic o l e O r n e

E l iz a b e t h P e r l a

J a n e l l e P l a z a

C h r is t o p h e r P u r d y

B e c c a R e t h o r e

C h r is t o p h e r R e t h o r e

T y R o b e r t s o n

K r is t a S c o t t

K r is t in S t a m m

J e f f S u r d a k o w s k i

J e n n if e r S w e e t

J o h n T o w n s e n d

S h a w n a W e k h e r l ie n

Directed by Ms. Schertenlieb


Page 137: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S choolU pperT ed A tw o o d

T ed B eg u n

Jessic a B erch

A d a m B la n k e n h eim er

A n d r e w C iarfalia

E ric C o r n w ell

K e n d r a D avis

Ja m ie D e sse n

Jo sh F in berg

K atie F l a n a g a n -H y d e

S c o tt G ilbert

H a ile y H arris

M a r k H atch -M iller

R obert H atch-M iller

D avid H en r y

R o ber t H o x ie

Ja y K a h n

M ic h a el K a h n

H eather L ee

D avid L ev y

C o u r tn ey L ew is

D e v o n L o b a c k

E ric M ed o ff

N a th a n M ee

A n d y M e n d e l so n

Je n n y M e n d e l so n

A sh le y M o r r ill

Z a c h a r y O a k l a n d

Ja m ie P l a z a

B r ia n P letcher

D a r r e n R in g el

D avid S c h m id

C o u r tn ey S m a l ley

E t h a n S tew art

C h r istia n S trohm

A y lin T a sh m a n

M eryl T h o m a s

L a w so n T ree

P hilip W einm eister

Jo n a th a n W iner

B and

Conducted by Mr. Rowe


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U pper S chool S trings

Page 139: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Helping Hands Hands are for helping in many ways,

They touch our friends when we're at play. With our hands we can shake

when new friends we try to make. When we were young and having fun they held balloons in the noonday sun.

When you want to show you care just give your hands to love and share.

Second Grade


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A ctivities

Page 141: PCDS Yearbook 1997

L o w e r S c h o o l : H a v i n g F u n !

Lost amidst the com!

Third graders practice arithmetic the old- fashioned way at Heritage Square.

These farm animals sure look like kindergartners!

Fourth graders relax while listening to their favorite book read by Mr. Ingalls.


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O n H a llo w een

B e a u t ie s a n d B e a st s


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C h a m p i o n C h e s s P l a y e r sGuy Gamble studies the board with great care.

Charlotte Slocum intent on the next move.

BJ Neller and Michael Engle caught up in the passion of the game.


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Veteran Tournament Players:(Front Row):Stephanie Yee, Christopher Yee, Dan Haddock. (Second Row): Richard Mackay, Blake Randolph, Tommy Reahard. (Third Row): Bryan Silverthorn, VincentDevlin, Edwin Barnes. Coach: Matt Guthrie.

Tournament Playerswith trophies in hand.

Kindergarten Chess Players:the first moves to success.

M aking the

R ight M oves !


Page 145: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M iddle S chool S tud en t C ouncil j


Zach Loomstein, Caitlin Burke, Philip Stuart, Sally Semegen and Saranden Seip decorating for the

Starlite Dance.

Members of the Middle School Student Council.

Eighth Graders take a break from the dance to pose for the camera.

Middle School Student Council members Lauren Perlow aij Meghan McCain planning their next eveij


Page 146: PCDS Yearbook 1997

A horrible ghoul and Grammar Man, alias Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Weihenmayer.

kn array of creative costumes t the annual middle school Halloween Parade.

C ostum e C ontest

Page 147: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Veronique Millon and Mnesha Patel work diligently on paper crafts

during an art elective.

m inii

Ty Ray and Philip Stuart assemble complex rocketry projects. Afternoon


Page 148: PCDS Yearbook 1997

A ctivities

Mr. Weihenmayer and Justin Flanagan- Hyde practice tying ropes; an essential skill for future rock climbing.

Hard at work in Mrs. Carter's Study Hall.

Carolyn Daucher gets her hands dirty as a dedicated Science Lab Assistant.

Dana Balitzer strategically places another piece in a challenging puzzle.

Eric Austin and Joseph Volk learn the ancient craft of Hieroglyphics.

Stamping out secret m essages in Hieroglyphics 101.


Page 149: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Every year, the Middle School takes class trips in the months of September and October in order to promote class bonding. Trips this year included Catalina Island Marine Institute for the 8th grade, Tonto Rim for the 7th grade, Canyon de Chelly for the 6th grade, and AstroCamp for the 5th grade. These trips give students time to get to know one another while learning about marine life, other cultures, and even teamwork!

Two eighth grade mermaids pose for a picture.

Eight graders pose for a picture on the lovely beach at CIMI.

As part of the challenge course, the seventh graders are walking in the spider webs.

The Seventh Grade Tarzan try-outs.

The Eighth Grade Girls Club poses for the camera.


Page 150: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M iddle

S choolIs it the return of the Bangles?Nope! It's just the sixth grade walking like Egyptians.

C lass T ripsThe fifth graders enjoy a group pool activity.

Artists in progress. . . the sixth grade paints the beautiful Canyon de Chelly.

"After the rain, the beautiful weather." The fifth grade endures snorkel lessons before embarking on their adventures.

Some sixth graders grow cozy in a cave.


Page 151: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S en a te1

Senators:Amelia Brown Stephen Canova Rob Hatch-Miller David Henry Sarah Pachtman Katie Potter Chris Rethore Eric Shoemaker Lawson Tree Mr. Hendrickson, Faculty advisor

1996-97 Senators

Officers:Rachel Lowe, President Kristin Abbate, Vice-President Courtney Pakis, Secretary Tope Owoyemi, Treasurer

Class Presidents:Tiffany Westlie, 9th grade Meryl Thomas, 10th grade Jon Winer, 11th grade Matt Ferris, 12th grade


Page 152: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S e r v ic e & A w a r e n e ss

Service & Awareness Members 1996-97

IKristin Abbate: President, Sarah Lee: Vice-President, Katie Lyon: Secretary/Treasurer, Liz Perla, Tiffany Vestlie, Alex Garson, Courtney Lewis, Jamie Dessen, Nicole Ome, Erin Lynch, Aubrey Wieger, Lindsey

Burnett, Sarah Logan, Kendra Davis, Anna Knoell, Andria Ligas, Toshiro Chiang, Ted Atwood, Adam ilankenheimer, Angel Korer, Leslie Komreich, Lindsay Hanson, Diana Quinzani, Liz Hewson, Courtney j*akis, Ariella Neville, Aylin Tashman, Amanda Mabbitt, Jill Carland, Ashley Morrill, Amelia Brown, dariah Rand, Todd Himelrick, Kelly Noble, Christine Iobst, Jennie Carleton, Nell Haddock, Carli Garcia- lodriquez, Randi Boykoff, Margaret Tillman, Sasha Borsand, Katie Potter, Melissa Tominac, Carolyn iaro, Kristin Altman, Carrie Watson, Alice Brown, Jenny Noble, Anamay Melmed, Britany Engelman, anelle Plaza, Taylor Guerin, Caroline Amiel, Darren Ringel, Lauren Beckenbaugh, Ann Kaufman, lancy Perla, Becca Rethore, Kristin Stamm, Jennifer Sweet, Rachel Finkelstein, Lori Brown, Jennifer miff, Alison Pulaski, Christie Randt, Eric Shoemaker, Jackie Mass

Page 153: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Syria and Israel

M odel U NJ a sm in e T a sh m a n

B ecc a R eth o r e M ith u n P atel

R e v o n M cK in n o n J onathan W in e r

J a ck ie M ass M att O 'C o n n o r M arta B a sto n i

J en n y M en d elso n

R a ch el L o w e D ave S n y d er R e g C o o per

A rvind B o bra

F aculty A d v iso r :

M r . M artin


Page 154: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M ock T rialM artha Jo h n so n v s . T erry B rew ster ,

Jo n n y H a y s , a n d

W hite S eparatist P arty

B l u e T e a m

Joh n R ector

S a r a h P alestrant

M ithun P atel

R achel L owe

Jonathan W iner

B ecca R ethore

G o l d T e a m

Michael Kahn Beau Roysden Sonal Bobra

Kevin Daucher Liz McGee

Michael Kahn

Advisors: Ms. Salzman

Mr. Schweikher

Page 155: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S top th e P r e ss :T h e R e g ist e r T a k e s C o n t r o l

S t a f f :

Jessica B erch M icah B loomberg

A rvind B obra Sonal B obra

Emily D elgado Rocke D eM ark

A lex Garson Peter Geantil

Jon G imbel T aylor Guerin N ell Haddock

M ark Hatch-M iller Rob Hatch-M iller

Jay Kahn M ike Kahn

B rent Keller A dam L ipschultz

Quent M anika A namay M elmed

Jerry M ischel A shley M orrill Tope Owoyemi

Sarah Palestrant N ancy Perla

B eau Roysden Krista Scott

Eric Shoemaker D avid Snyder

Paul Surdakowski M elissa Tominac

Lawson Tree Carrie W atson

Sarah V ieh

Faculty A dvisor: D r. A llison

Editor-In-Chief: B rooke S ilverstein

N ews:M eryl T homas

Jonathan W iner Sports:

M arney B inns M att O'Connor

Features: Kristin A ltman

D avid H enry T echnical:

M ithun Patel Photo:

Katie Potter E ntertainment:

Phil W einmeister

Page 156: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T h e P h o e n ic ia n :C a ptu rin g th e M em o ries

E d it o r - I n - C h ie f :

C o u r t n e y S m a l l e y

P h o t o E d it o r :

S a r a h P a l e s t r a n t

A d v e r t is e m e n t s ' E d it o r :

R a c h e l L o w e

S t a f f :

K r is t a S c o t t

H a r d y D r a c k e t t

L e s l ie K o r n r e ic h

M a r ia h R a n d

C o u r t n e y P a r is

A s h l e y M o r r il l

F a c u l t y A d v i s o r s :

Ms. H o w a r d

D r . L o n g u s t


Page 157: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S enior S peeches


Page 158: PCDS Yearbook 1997

D aybreaks

Prismacolor, Butterfly Sarit Melmed

StabilityWe go together when we go.We two are clearly one

in thought and soul.We're all about passion and temptation.Freedom.He is steady orange

whenever I am the deep blue that swirls through my soul and drips down my cheeks as tears.

We have melted together.And we are eternal,

even while things around us are slipping.The world feels an uneasy

sickness and sliminess that engulfs it and settles in.

Life becomes surreal and it crumbles.Even as life itself comes apart,

we are wound around one another, and we never falter, dip, or sway.

We have stability.We have each other.

-Kristin Stamm

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Coon

Editors:Alison Pulaski and Sarit Melmed


Page 159: PCDS Yearbook 1997

H orticultureM a ria h Ra n d

A m a n d a M a bey M a r g a r et T illm a n

G len G o o d m a n S hefali S a m a n t

L iz M cG ee

C h lo e A u bert M r . A n ton

(F aculty A d v iso r)

S cience &B r i a n P l e t c h e r

A n d re w C i a r f a l i a S te v e G a r r i t y

T im H a y e s J a s o n P a w lo s k i

C h r is S t r o h m Ms. K o l b e t

( F a c u l t y A d v is o r )


Page 160: PCDS Yearbook 1997

P r e -M ed


A ubr ey W eiger

S ara h P ach tm an

S a m H artzm ark

N at S hultz

B rittany E ngelm an

R a n d i B oycoff

A m elia B row n

L eslie K ornreich

M ike K a h n

N ina L atimer

Jon K rause

Jay K ah n

E rin L ynch

L in d sey B urnett

G len G o o dm an

S hefali S am ant

Jeff S urdakow ski

C aroline A miel

S ara h L ogan

E th an S tewart

E ric M edoff

A shley M orrill

Jill C arl a n d

N ell H addock

A ylin T ash m an

M r . A nton

(F aculty A dvisor)


Page 161: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S peech and D ebate

J essic a B u rch

K a tie P o tter J o n a th a n K ra u se

J o n a th a n G im bel S te v e G a rrity

J on W in er A a ro n W a lk er

A n d rew


R a ch el L ow e C a th er in e Y ee

T o pe O w ey em i P eter C h ia relli

M r . G u thrie (A d v iso r )

Rachel Low evercourteous, teach

Catherine Yee tj tricks of the traq

Steven Garrity and Peter Chiarelli pone) their next rousing speech.


Page 162: PCDS Yearbook 1997


En trepren eu r s C lubD a rren R in g el

H a rley C lu xto n B ren t K eller L a w so n T ree

R eg C o o per M att T yler

J ay K ahn R ev a n M c K en no n J asm in e T ashm an

E ric C ornw ell C hris S an do r

W eig h t

M r . B rew ster

(F acu lty A d v iso r)

T RAININGE ric M e d o ff

E d m u n d S h e r m a n

A u g u s t in e G o m ez

N a t S h u l t z

E ric S h o e m a k e r

D a r r e n R in g el

M a t t T y ler

M a t t F erris

S e b a s t ie n M illo n

G il ber t A r m e n t a

M r . H e n d r ic k so n

(F a c u l t y A d v is o r )

Page 163: PCDS Yearbook 1997

- 11


Page 164: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S ports

Page 165: PCDS Yearbook 1997

P laying , S lid in g ,Nicole Lopez

and Zara Howard


The 3rd graders posed and poised for the Swim Meet.

Sally Williams, hanging on . . .


Page 166: PCDS Yearbook 1997

and C lim bing A round

2nd grade swingers.

Mr. Majeski assists Hugh Schlott in his technique.

Christopher Opila finds temporary shelter.

Noah Segal emerges from an arduous climb.


Page 167: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Coach Keaver trains future tennis pros.

A fter S chool


Page 168: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T ennis and S w im

Coach Majeski leads a school of little fish.


Page 169: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M iddle S chool’A' Team Flag FootballFront Row: Martin Ward, Jusi Hammar, John Michet, Scott Surdakowski, Jason Platt, Eric Hirvela, Colin Jeffery. Middl Row: Jeff Sand, David Tiro, Justin Caskey, James Burnhar Charlie Jackson, Sebastian Fabricius, David Morrill. Bac Row: Greg Abdouch, Mike Simpson, Michael LaPrade, Bryant Guffey, Todd Gilbert, Doug Loback, Randall Smalle Brian Snyder, Geoff Pakis, Chris Jensen, Tom Tahmassia Coach Ellingson. (not picture Hermes Flores, Ben Williams’

'B' Team Flag Football

Front Row: Aaron Bernard, Chris England,

Casey Hayes, Rishi Kumar, Chris Blandford,

Jon England, Sam Thompson, Matt

LaPrade. Back Row: Coach Butzel, Jacob

Crimmins, Daniel Schwartz, Josh Soper,

John Haddock, Patrick Sandor, Justin Long, Skip

Bansak, Christo Dru. (not pictured: Aaron

Packer, Peter Howell, Joseph Yeargan, Blake


F all S ports


Page 170: PCDS Yearbook 1997

'B' Team VolleyballFront Row: Julie Johnson, Brianna Elwell, Erin Summe, Dana Balitzer, Brigit Donovan, Karla Cesal, Sierra Seip, Abby Zeitlin. Back Row: Sarah Scarborough, Emily Burnett, Brittany Davis, Lauren Perlow, Becky McLaren, Chelsea Keller, Becca Smalley, Liz Engle, Ashley Becker, Tiffany Vail, Jessica Green, Lauren Tree, Christie Jilly, Meghan McCain, Stephanie Yee. (not pictured: Coach Buelow)

uYA Volleyballfloor: Jennifer Smith, Nicole Jilly. Second Row: oach Lee, Jessica Bucon, Laura Neller, Casey lomell. Third Row: Molly Dean, Katharine omalty. Top Row: Lindsay Tree, Sarah Engle, atum Vail, Beri Golding, Erin Beresini. (not jctured: Kelly Devereaux, Ashley Gustafson, Babo eiper)

'A' Team VolleyballFront Row: Jordan Drackett, Kim Ruht, Ashleigh Levison. Middle Row: Meredith Garagiola, Abigail Rethore, Alexis Pasulka, Kathleen Dowling. Back Row: Coach Taffy Cursio, Megan Peloquin, Lexie Carlson, Laura Carlson, Nina Schulze-Solce, Coach Patty Hammel. (not pictured: Lizzie Balis, Kelly Hayes, Annie Wells, Rachel Winer, Darcy Bollman)

Page 171: PCDS Yearbook 1997

CYA Varsity Boys Basketball- Back Row:

(Left to Right) Coach Wilkins, John Michet, Todd

Gilbert, Mike LaPrade, Jesse Teer, Bryant Guffey,

TJ. Blandford, Doug Loback, Brian Snyder,

David Morrill. Front Row: P.K. Fisher, Scott

Surdakowski. Not Pictured: Jeff Sand, Randall Smalley.

A-Team Basketball Back Row: (Left to Right) David Tiro, Chris O'Connor, Evan DeMark,Greg Abdouch, Josh Wright, Mike Yurka, Edwin Barnes. Front Row: Danny Lowe, Hermes Flores, Jasor Platt, Jake Heims, Guru Dharam Khalsa, Charles Jackson.

B-Team Basketball- (Left to Right) Coach Scott

Machen, Peter Howell, John Hartzmark, Chris England, Jon England, Casey Hayes.

• • • • •


none • ••« * v is i to r

Page 172: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Ju n io r V arsity Boys Basketball- Back Row (Left to Right): Coach Majeski, Pat Sandor, John Haddock, Reid Davis, Jacob Crimmins,Rishi Kumar. Front Row: Stephen Bansak, Chris Blandford, Christopher Dru.

-Team Soccer- Back Row: (Left to Right) Sarah Engle, Abby

I Rethore, Lexie Carlson, Kathleen I Dowling, Molly Dean, Meredith

Garagiola, Jennifer Smith, Laura Biel, Megan Peloquin, Coach

Cowen. Middle Row: Kelly Devereaux, Katie Thompson,

Jessica Skloven, Britnee Youngblood, Michelle Duncan,

ICasey Cornell, Babo Keiper, Erin fBeresini, Heather Summe, Jessica I Bucon, Laura Neller. Front Row:

Nicole Jilly, Sally Semegen, Katharine Tomalty.


Girls B-Team Soccer- Back Row: (Left to Right) Allison Smith, Christine Perocchi, Valerie Garagiola, Alison Matthews, Karla Cesal, Sierra Seip, Alexa Binns, Sarah Scarborough, Angela Connell, Simi Dhillon, Liz Engle, Rebecca Dalton, Brianna Elwell. Middle Row: Stephanie Yee, Jennifer Botero, Brittany Davis, Dara Bryan, Beth York, Laura Garrity, Lauren Perlow, Christie Jilly, Rachel Chase, Liz Foglesong. Front Row: Julie Johnson, Jessica Green, Erin Summe, Jessie Weiser, Anna Marie Ward, Meghan McCain. Not Pictured: Allison Pachtman, Tammy McGavock, Paige Knappenberger, Ashley Humes, Alexandra Gray, Lindsay Bodell, Rebecca Smalley, Lauren Tree, Coach Buelow.


• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •


Page 173: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S occer

B o y s ' A - T e a m

P.K. Fisher Hermes Flores

Eric Hirvela Tony Lisa Jason Platt David Tiro

Garrett Weiger Benjamin Williams

David Biel Sebastian Fabricius

Justin Hammar Gowtham Mahalingam

Christopher Mallien-Davis John Michet

Geoffrey Pakis Evan Rand

Jeffrey Sand Mark Sipperley

Scott Surdakowski Thomas Tahmassian

B o y s ' B - T e a m

Chris Blandford Christopher England

Rishi Kumar Mark Semegen Stephen Bansak

Sean Beresini Alex Caskey Reid Davis

William Dowling Christopher Dru

John Haddock Peter Howell Justin Long

Martin Naradikian Patrick Sandor Blake Shapiro Peter Simpson

Neil Smith Cody Sonntag Joshua Soper

Joseph Yeargan


Page 174: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S oftball

G ir l s ' A - T e a m

Alisha Blischok Karla Cesal

Brianna Elwell Valerie Garagiola Alexandra Gray

Julie Johnson Allison Pachtman Christine Perocchi

Sierra Seip Elise Williams Abby Zeitlin

Ashley Becker Alexa Binns

Lindsay Bodell Emily Burnett Brittany Davis

Elizabeth Engle Laura Garrity Christie Jilly

Chelsea Keller Rebecca McLaren Sarah Scarborough Rebecca Smalley

Lauren Tree Tiffany Vail

Stephanie Yee

Casey Cornell Kelly Devereaux Michelle Duncan

Sarah Engle Nadia Fazel

Meredith Garagiola Ashley Gustafson

Babo Keiper Ashleigh Levison

Maureen McNamee Kimberly Ruht

Amber Thompson Tatum Vail

Ashley Yeargan

G ir l s ' B - T ea m


Page 175: PCDS Yearbook 1997

We arc (in* E a g le s , w< a r e the Rest,We will forever outshine the rest,Will) our strength and spirit, too Eagles will a l w a y s come on through,Hail to the Gold and Hail to the Blue, PC’DS We’ n loyal to you.We are P h o e n ix Country Day, Eagles, Lei's Go - Fight - Win


Page 176: PCDS Yearbook 1997

\4 ® K S ? S .'

Page 177: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Varsity Volleyball Team — Top Row: Sarah Nixon, Lindsay Hanson, Kate Vieh, Coach Cags. Thin Row: Jennifer Kniff, Elizabeth Benoit, Nina Latimer. Second Row: Courtney Berg, Anamay Melmed, Kristin Stamm. Bottom Row: Co-Captain Jackie Mass, Co-Captain Jasmine Tashman.

Junior Varsity Volleyball Team — Top Row: Coach Cowen, Anna Knoell, Sasha Borsand, Sarah Donovan, Kate Vieh, Tiffany Westlie, Kendra Davis, Alex Garson. Middle Row: Angel Korer, Courtney Lewis, Courtney Pakis, Hailey Harris, Erin McKinley. Bottom Row: Captains Kristin Altman, Sarah Palestrant, Janelle Plaza.


Page 178: PCDS Yearbook 1997

V arsity and J unior V arsity V olleyball

jmrtney Lewis, Hailey Harris, and Kate Vieh take I time out.

Jennifer Kniff, Elizabeth Benoit, and Kristin Stamm lift Anamay Melmed as a part of their daily exercise routine.

Co-Captains Jackie Mass and Jasmine Tashman show the team how it's done.

Kristin Altman and Janelle Plaza glow after winning a game.


Page 179: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jerry concentrates on the laces.

Matt says; "I am the ball. The ball is me."

Page 180: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Fast on the track!

U pper S chool S occer

I Top Row: Paul Surdakowski, Dave Schmid, Michael Reilly, Nathan Mee, Jon jimbel, Eric Schweikher, Matt Ferris, David Snyder, Chris Sandor, Chris Rethore, ^oach Wilkins. Middle Row: R.J. Middleton, Kevin McReynolds, Beale Flarrison, Zeb Portanova, Aylin Tashman, Kevin Ghaswala, Jerry Mischel, Tope Owoyemi, Steve Garrity, Jeff Hirvela. Bottom Row: Adam Manika, Jeff Surdakowski, Kate Ferris, Julie Geantil, Mamey Binns, Roy Miele, Chris Strohm, Roman Rozinov.

C onference C hampions: 8-0


Page 181: PCDS Yearbook 1997

C ross C ountry S prints to the F inish

C ross-C ountry—B ottom R o w : Je ff M arcus, M ichael Rector, Seb

M illon, L ena W atanabe, C atherine Y ee, Leslie K ornreich. M iddle

Row: Kelly N oble, Sarah Logan, G arett Robertson, N at Shultz, Em ily D elgado, Tosh Chiang,

D arren R ingel. T op Row: Mr. F lanagan-H yde, M ike G iardini,

Todd H im elrick, John Tow nsend, Law son T ree, M att T yler, R ocke D eM ark, Chris Purdy, M s. Yam .

Jeff Marcus' deep thought- "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll win, win, win!!!

Most of the team takes time to ham it up for the camera.

Nat Shultz, two and two, right back at 'ya!

Emily Delgado stretches out before another challenging



Page 182: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S w im and D ive - T h e y 're A ll W e t !

Sw im T eam — T op row: Coach M azuka, M att O 'C onnor, A m anda M abbitt, M arta B astoni, Seana G iardini, Sarah Pachtm an, Anne K aufm an, M ariah Rand, N atalie D ulaney, B ecka Rethore, L indsey B urnett, S tephen C anova. M iddle row: R obert Felix, A ndy M endelson, Sarah Parry, Em ily Jeffries, Peter G eantil, Jill C arland, H eather Lee, R evan M cK innon, A riella N eville, Beau R oysden, L iz H ew son. Bottom row : Eric W est, A lice Brow n, Jenny M endelson, C arli G arcia-R odriquez, M eryl Thom as.

Natalie Dulaney gives us an "A."

Beau Roysden, put that tongue back in your mouth young man!Emily Jeffries and Meryl Thomas It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Becka

I show their camaraderie at a swim Rethore!I meet.


Page 183: PCDS Yearbook 1997

W o m en 's B asketball




Women's Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) Coach Lee, Devon Loback, Brittany Engleman, Anna Knoell, Courtney Berg, Hailey Harris, Meryl Thomas, Emily Delgado, Marne Binns, Carli Garcia-Rodriquez (Captaii




Page 184: PCDS Yearbook 1997

I— ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T a k in ' It T o T he H oops

women's Varsity Basketball: (Left to j tight) Front Row: Devon Loback,, Jrittany Engleman, Emily Delgado, jplamey Binns, Julie Geantil (Co-Captain), jfarah Nixon. Back Row: Coach Kosower, IjCatie Potter, Aylin Tashman, Hailey larris, Elizabeth Benoit, Emily Jeffries Co-Captain), Courtney Lewis, Angel Corer, Cassie Carrejo, Asst. Coach Lee.


> <

in hh

h >h

Page 185: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M e n 's B asketball154 K0R“ p _ J




Men's Junior Varsity Basketball: (Left to Right) Garett Robertson, Adair Manika, Eric Medoff, Jeff Hirvela, Christopher Frederick (Co-Captain), Zach Burstein, Adam Lipschultz, Scott Gilbert, Gilbert Armenta (Co-Captain), Mark Hatch-Miller, Sebastien Millon:

Page 186: PCDS Yearbook 1997

I S hootin ' A nd H o o pin 'V A R S I TY

Hen's Varsity Basketball: (Left to [light) Front Row: Matt Tyler, Augustine Gomez, Jerry Mischel (Co-Captain), Paul iurdakowski, Erich Schweikher (Co- Captain), Beale Harrison. Back Row:

| poach Hendrickson, Lawson Tree, Peter Geantil, Rocke DeMark, Edmund j fherman (Co-Captain), Philip ■Veinmeister, Asst. Coach Machen, Asst. Coach Ellingson.


Page 187: PCDS Yearbook 1997


, jig



Cheerleaders - Bottom Row: Laura Simchak, Katie Lyon, Marissa Gerdes. Top Row: Christine Iobst, Amelia Brown, Diana Quinzani, Lauren Beckenbaugh, Jamie Plaza.

Go Eagle!!!

C heering O n T he B lue and G old

Another great formation!

I w r f cWe wifi th# MSSt, pWjllt tatr and spirit* too

* Fifllm r f f iM iiyit ttrttir irtri fbrtn(ti

i . m ■ SgM I

All smiles on the sidelines,


Page 188: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Coach Hendrickson Liz Hewson

,« Eric Cornwell j j Matt Tyler * Jeff Marcus

Lawson Tree Catherine Yee Harley Cluxton

f Not pictured:David Schmid Jay Kahn Brent Keller Mike Kahn Jeff Surdakowski Garrett Robertson

Page 189: PCDS Yearbook 1997


Top Row (L to R): Coach Keaver, Amanda Mabey, Sasha Pasulka, Nell Haddock, Ariella Neville, Jill Carland, Haile Harris, Courtney Pakis, Sarah Vieh, Aylin Tashman, Alison Pulaski, Alex Garson, Coach Flail. Middle Row: Carolin Amiel, Kristin Altman, Jenny Noble, Amanda Mabbitt, Courtney Smalley, Laura Simchak. Front Row: Kelly Noble, Dian Quinzani, Sonal Bobra, Mariah Rand, Tiffany Westlie, Anna Knoell, Kate Vieh, Jessica Berch, Randi Boykoff.


Page 190: PCDS Yearbook 1997

M e n s ' T en n is

D avid S n y d er M att O 'C on no r

D avid H enry A aro n W alker C hris R eth o re

K e v in M cR eynolds J on K ra u se

R o m an R osinov P eter C hiarelli

S co tt G ilbert C oach F lail

C oach K eaver


Page 191: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S o ftba ll

Courtney Berg Courtney Lewis

Sarah Nixon Cassie Carrejo

Kate Ferris Carli Garcia-Rodriquez

Lindsay Hanson Leslie Kornreich

Sarah Logan Mamey Binns Katie Potter

Meryl Thomas Julie Geantil

Jenny Mendelson Coach Cowen

Coach Schweikher

Page 192: PCDS Yearbook 1997

B aseball

I lop Row (Left to Right): Coach Nunez, Jerry Mischel, Jon Gimbel, Matt Ferris, Eric Shoemaker, Eric | Schweikher, Coach Ellingson. Middle Row: Darren Ringel, Hawkeye Bronstein, Jon Ashley, Roy

Miele, Zach Burstein. Front Row: Steve Garrity, Andrew Ciarfalia, Tim Hayes, Mark Hatch-Miller, Eric Medoff, Kevin Daucher.


Page 193: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T h e Y e a r In PCDSS ports


Page 194: PCDS Yearbook 1997

ip iiiiii


Page 195: PCDS Yearbook 1997

C ongratulations

Page 196: PCDS Yearbook 1997

S eniors

Page 197: PCDS Yearbook 1997




Top Row (left to right): Robyn Loomstein, Gun Mabey, Jane Perla, Liz Neller, Brigid Lakin, Jeanne Altman. Seated: Verna Malone,

Evelyn Fram, Carol Gilbert, Alice Hammar.


Page 198: PCDS Yearbook 1997

05 MTU M




Love Mom

Congratulations Erich!

Love, Claire Mom and Dad

C I « l * s © 4 S I

' f o u « t e h l j h i

Ttwc/,T h e School

HxdenV Council

Page 199: PCDS Yearbook 1997

C h r i s t i e ,

When you were a babeI offered my arms

When you were a toddler I offered my hands

When you were a childI offered guidance and explanations

Now a young lady I offer my


Best w i s h e s for M o t h e r ° J ned' R e e f a terrif ic

f u t u r e !

Congratulations, CaraJesterday you were Sorn today you enter into aduCthood tomorrow is yours

with ad our Covesarah, eCCiot, mom, and dad

seeker o f truth foCCow no path aCCpaths Cead where truth is here

e.e. cummings

Page 200: PCDS Yearbook 1997

... For the wonderful, sweet little girl you always were...

... For the terrific, caring young | woman you have become...

Page 201: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Jenny and Andy, asleep in the car,1980

Andy,asleep in the car1995

Drive Carefully!We Love You,Mom and Dad

Page 202: PCDS Yearbook 1997

D ear Allison,

We've been waiting for this moment for many years.Congratulations on

your hard work and achievements!Best of luck to you in college and beyond.

Your "Sisters,"Bat Man and Robin

I K — ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------

Congratulations, ‘Katie!

I With all our love always,Mom, ‘Dad, and Justin

*7o Cive, to err, to fa it, to triumph,■ to recreate Cife out o f Cife.

James Joyce A tPortrait o f the A rtist as a young {Man

I I t is fo r blue shy and bright sounds I W e live9 To grasp the enormity o f one zvorbd I fIhe co[or o f bight

%atie Jbanagan-Styde 1 9 9 6 201

Page 203: PCDS Yearbook 1997





With all our love,

Mom, Dad,Tara, Kevin, Alex, Chris, Abigail,

Bernie, Susan, Mariclare, and Guines



Page 204: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Best wishes and

Good Luck to the

Class of 1997

1 The LOBRCKSDon, Toni, Erin, Deuon, & Doug


... Take care of your garden A nd keep out the weeds;

Fill it w ith sunshine, Kind w ords

and good deeds.


Congratulations Abigail, Mom and Dad

Tara, Kevin, Alex, Becka, Chris, Bernie, Susan, Mariclare, Guiness

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Page 205: PCDS Yearbook 1997

To Nancy ...

W e're so proud of you and th e young w om an

you've become.

We w ish you continued success

in college and a lifetim e of challenges

and happines.

Don't forget to stop now and then, that

in the silence you may hear "The stilly murmur of the distant sea.1

Tde dti& a/i Z/h/p

by S a/nuA Gtfmc/ye

C ongra tu la tions! w ith m uch love from Mom, Dad,

and Liz


Page 206: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Did I te ll you about the challenge o f being a man

the challenge o f balancing your Luorlds the need to achieue & the need to nurture

the need to be strong & the need to be tender I the need to meet the tests that l ife brings I yet a l iuays keep loue at the center

le tt inq it be the s ta r by which you set your sail.- "Did I Tell You?"

LUIth loue and wonderfu l antic ipation,Your family: Momme, Dad, Terence, Bamma, & M.



Page 207: PCDS Yearbook 1997


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Love,Mom, Dad, Wendy, Shelly, and Julie.

Congratulations Leslie! Love,

Mom and Dad

Congratulations, Seniors!

--The Yearbook Staff

FOOD FOR TH0UGH1An Intensive Evening Progran

for Eating Disorders Treatment o f Anorexia, Bulimia

arid Compulsive Overeating

PSYCHOLOGICAL PATHWAYSV? North Miller Road, Suite 10^

Scottsdale Arizona 8S2^1

Call (602) 99 i-9“" t3 for free inform ation packet Ray Lemberg Ph.D., D irector


Page 208: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Congratulations and Good Luck to the Class of ’97































Many thanks to these families who are members of the


Page 209: PCDS Yearbook 1997

W e're no t ju s t horsing around a t P.C.D.S. This is our fu tu re .

C ongratu la tions j C lass of '97

C asey & Ja x Cornell

y O W l

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Page 210: PCDS Yearbook 1997

jEmbrace all aspects of your Existence, jTransform them into \in art, and e?q)erience the fulfillment of creation,

-John Steman

Jenny, I [oveyou and mitt aCzvays be here for you,

M o m

Parents have many hopes and dreams fo r their children

Jacquelyn, you have a g ift fo r touching souls, seeing everyone's inner 6eauty, championing causes in zvhichyou believe, and feeling joy in zvho you are.

your boundless enthusiasm permeates our universe. Phanfyoufor enriching our lives, you are truly a mench.

We love you,Mom and (Dad

you have made ours come true.

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Everything Under Heaven To the Class of '97

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Page 214: PCDS Yearbook 1997

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Page 215: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Congratulations Sonal and Arvind

You have a rem arkable ability whic you never acknowledged before. I t :

to look a t a situation and know w hether you can do it. And I mear

really know the answer.— Carl Frederic]

You both have learned the answer.

We are proud of you both.

Mom and Dad


Page 216: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Congratulations to

Anne Elizabeth Dowlingfrom your fam ily

Your Dad used to tell young people: "Do what you love, and follow your dreams. B elieve in yourself. With com mon sense, hard work, and a sense o f humor you can do anything." He would also tell them that

nothing is more important than family and friends. As you embark on the great adventures ahead, remember how much w e love you. W e are as proud o f you as your father would be.


Page 217: PCDS Yearbook 1997

A R IA ROSE NEMIROAria, whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.Congratulations from all of us. Your life is now on a sacred journey. Live with intention, play with abandon,

laugh and choose with no regrets.All my love since the day you were born, Dad

Gina, Judd, Ashley, Chad, Shane and Talia d)A O

CCP: (We all know what that means) girls, girls, girls. What crazy times we have had. This kind of certainty comes once

in a lifetime and I cannot bear to think

what next year and the rest of my life will be

like without having you there. You guys have

made these last three years

unforgettable.I love you.

The boys: In between constant beatings and teasings, we have had some good, good times. I will never forget you guys. I will miss you next year.

■ ■ ■ m i


Amber: "the longer I remember, you're the hardest to forget." -

SAMPLES. Our friendship, our childhood, have meant the world to me ... I could never have made it without you by my side. By the way, you can't jump on that with

shoes on. I love you.

Judd, Ash, Pretty Gibbon: You three have been tough to take but have been the providers for some of the best times

of my life. I love you all.No, none of you can have my room.

Love, The Chosen One

Mom & Dad: Though we have never had a picture perfect family, you guys have given

me the best. I thank you for all the freedom and all the trust. Neither of you hear how much I love you enough. Well, I do.

Christina: What to say to someone I owe my laughter. You opened my eyes and made me see there is so much more. We have grown a lot

from those days of lying to the cafeteria men. I will not say goodbye; this is not the end.

I love you. p y i


Page 218: PCDS Yearbook 1997


m mYou are so young, so before all beginning, and I want to beg you, as much as I can, [to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because [you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some |distant day into the answer. Resolve to be always beginning - to be a beginner!

- Rilke's Letters on Love

C o n g ra tu la tio n s !

Mom & Steve

Page 219: PCDS Yearbook 1997



Rachel Lowe Kristin Abbate Matt FerrisPresident Vice-President Sr. Class President

Tope Owoyemi Eric ShoemakerTreasurer Senator

... and the Class of'97!Best luck in the future!

3rd row: Bob Hendrickson, Jon Winer, Lawson Tree, Chris Rethore, Courtney Pakis, Tiffany Westlie; 2nd row: Matt Ferris, Sarah Pachtman, Rob Hatch-Miller, Stephen Canova, Meryl Thomas; 1st row: Katie Potter, David Henry, Rachel Lowe, Kristin Abbate, Tope Owoyemi; Not pictured: Eric Shoemaker, Amelia Brown

The Upper School Senate

Page 220: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Felicitaciones, Raquel.Que orgullo nos das.

Todo lo que embarcas lo conviertes en oro. Ya

sabemos nosotros donde reside tu corazon.

Abraza la vida con toda esa pasion y sabidurfa

que posees.

"Please, sir, I want some more."

- Charles Dickens

"The essential elements of the romantic spirit are

curiosity and the love of beauty."

- Walter Pater

"To thine own self be

true."- William


"The supreme

happiness of life is the conviction

that we are loved; loved

for ourselves."

- Victor Hugo

Mazel Tov!Love,

Mom, Dad, Michael, Danny, & Adam

Page 221: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Mr. Morse

W hether ra n tin g in a G overnm ent class or slaving over our

schedules, you have touched each and every one of us w ith your

com passion, hum or, and insight.

We shall never forget th e positive, personal contributions you have m ade to our selves, and we shall

m iss you greatly.

Page 222: PCDS Yearbook 1997

ERICYou have gone from

in such a sho rt am ount of tim e.

In the past years you have had many bridges to cross, and you have crossed them with inner strength, confidence and a determined attitude. These bridges are only stepping stones to what the future has in store for you. Through all those years you have been your own person. Don't ever let anyone or anything change you. I can't imagine anything more wonderful or cherished than the memories of your childhood. Playful or serious, you have always brought so much joy to our family. You have made all of us very proud of you, Eric.

Congratulations ... you will definitely fly high!I love you - Your Mom

E R IC ,Most older brothers pave a road for

their younger siblings, but you have done a great job on your own. In your car racing you have shown the greatest attributes an athlete can have. You handle yourself well every time you race, facing the disappointments of failure. When things go wrong you come back and do it again until you succeed.

You're the best brother anyone could have - Remember, life is what you make it and keep the rubber side down.

Your best friend and brother,Brian

Page 223: PCDS Yearbook 1997

To Our Dear Rachel

Congratulations on your graduation day. Your Dad and I are so very proud of you.

Our love, support, hopes, and joys will always be with you as you fly off into a new exciting world.

P f l v m "f-

Page 224: PCDS Yearbook 1997

K i m b e r l y J e a n n e M e l d e







- Mom, Dad, Richelle, Cynthia, Nicole, & Kirsten


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o f


The Board of Trustees


Page 226: PCDS Yearbook 1997

Laura Balis, Grade 11 John Kuolt, Grade 11 Sasha Pasulka, Grade 9

Hawkeye Bronstein, Grade 11 Tony Lisa, Grade 7 Mrs. Ortiz, Registrar

Kristin Russell, Grade 5 Adrienne Tokuyama, Kindergarten Christopher Schulze-Solce, Grade 4


Page 227: PCDS Yearbook 1997

T hanks .Ms. Howard: I cannot begin to thank you for the amount of time and work you put into this publication. Your dedication is truly invaluable and without your organization, the staff and I could have never made it through those close deadlines. Thank you!

Dr. Longust: Well, we made it through another year and thanks to your help, another yearbook. Your work proofreading pages and creating layouts was a huge asset to the book and I appreciate your dedication. Thanks!

Sarah Palestrant: You are an incredibly talented photo editor. Your work on the photo staff and your help with layout helped make this yearbook possible and I wish you the best o luck next year.

Rachel Lowe: Although you were pretty much recruited to be the advertisements' editor, your work on this year's publication was incredible. You showed a real talent for layout and the book and the advertisements came out better than ever. Thanks!

Hardy Drackett: You are a valuable new addition to the photo staff. Your dedication to this publication has shown me your true interest in the yearbook and I hope that you continue to work on the yearbook next year.

Krista Scott: Once again, you really helped in creating pages, organizing layouts and writing witty captions. You were always willing to work when we asked and your hard work was extremely appreciated. Thank you!

Special Thanks: Thank you to these individuals without whose help this publicatio would never have been possible.

- Leslie Komreich - Courtney Pakis- Mariah Rand - Ashley Morrill

-- Courtney Smalley, Editor-in-Chief

To the PCDS Community:The Phoenician is a student-run publication produced entirely by the students with the

assistance of faculty advisors. The staff of the Phoenician is composed of enthusiastic and dedicate students who are willing to make a significant effort towards producing a high-quality yearbook. Th yearbook is an extracurricular activity which often meets several times per week and on weekends. The time and energy put in by these students is truly commendable.

The editors, staff and advisors have made every effort to check for spelling mistakes, omissions, and photographic errors. Despite our efforts, we apologize for any errors which may hav gone unnoticed. We hope that you enjoy this year's yearbook and appreciate the generous dedicatioi of our students.

— Ms. Howard, Dr. Longust, Faculty Advisors


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