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PC Lr. No. 9 November 2016


Introduction1. Visitation of the SG2. Work Plan of the Province3. Appoints by Superior General4. Visit to Confreres in Europe5. Appointment -Provincial Vicar6. Promotion to Priesthood7. New Appointment to

Mellavagu8. Conveners and Secretaries

to Apostolic Communities9. Local Communities10. Jubilee Celebrations11. Co-ordinator - Prison Ministry12. Information13. New Address14. Bon Voyage !15. Bursar’s visit to the

Communities16. Edutimes, Salesian Calander

& Good Fruits Released17. Pray for the sick and departedTentative ProgrammeObituary

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My dear Confreres,

Fraternal greetings of peace and joy of the Lord to all. The month ofNovember comes with two great occasions to celebrate andremember: All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. On 1st November, wehonor all the saints who found their favour with God. In the words St.John Paul II, (Pope), on this solemn day “the pilgrim Church onearth lifts its gaze to heaven and triumphantly unites with thechoirs comprised of those whom God has brought together inhis glory”.

There are two significant aspects to be noted in the celebration thisgreat feast. They are: first, to honor those who lived lives of heroicvirtue, and who showed us how it’s done. Second, it also exhorts usto not just look up to look within our hearts. The Mother Churchgives this feast to us, Catholics, to become wholly aware of the allimportant fact that all of us are created by God as humans in orderto strive and dream towards one goal that is to become saints andfind one day our place with God in paradise. Secondly, it is tochallenge us, to encourage us and to inspire us to see sainthood assomething attainable. We pray for their intercession and ask for theircompanionship.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, God made us toknow Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to behappy with Him forever in heaven. He made us to become like thosewho found their way to God through their faithfulness to God Almightyand witness to the Gospel of Christ. As we admire these great souls,we are also called to take a leaf out of their life of faith and service inorder to follow Christ more fully and thus to glorify God through ourgood works. No one is exempt from this obligation to be holy andperfect i.e. to be saints. In short, all are called to aspire to be “Blessedin Heaven”. The ways and means are proposed to us in acomprehensive form in the mode of eight principles called“Beatitudes” (Mathew 5: 3-12).

Secondly, On 2nd November, every year we commemorate All Souls’Day. By this memory, the Church calls us to pray for all the faithfulwho have passed away from this world to their eternal reward. Hence,we are bound to pray for all the faithful departed, especially for thosesouls in purgatory, who are most in need of God’s divine mercy. Theimportance of this day is evident by the fact that Pope Benedict XV

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(1914-22) granted all priests the privilege of celebrating three Masses:one for the departed souls, one for the priest’s personal intentions,and one for the intentions of the Holy Father.

On this Day, as we remember those who passed away from us, wealso offer our prayers in Holy Mass and indulge in the acts of charitylike almsgiving for their release from Purgatory. Indeed, it is an ancienttradition of the Church to pray for the departed souls.

In fact, All Souls’ Day also must remind us the grim reality that all ofus have an appointed time to leave this world one day. None of ushave this world as our permanent home. No doubt, death causes alot of sadness but its fruits are extremely desirable: peace, joy andeternal bliss in God. St. Francis de Sales rightly states: Death amongpeople is only a passing from one life to another. To die isnothing but to depart from the limitation of mortal life and enterinto immortal life. Therefore, dear confreres, as we commemoratethis day participating in the Holy Eucharist and praying in theCemetery, let us pray our departed family members, confreres andespecially for those souls who are in the most need of our prayers.

May the Communion of Saints pray for us andhelp us to join them one day to praise God face to face!

1. Visitation of the Superior General

I, in the name of each and every confrere of the Province ofVisakhapatnam, offer my profound gratitude to our beloved SuperiorGeneral Very Rev. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil MSFS, who spent somevaluable time for the visitation of the Province. His vision of thecongregation and love for the confreres made him unique and hispersonality admirable. I would like to place on record that he hadspent 31 days in the visitation of the Province during which he metpersonally 134 members besides scholastics, visited 31 communitiesand a number of mission stations, spoke to the staff and teachers,preached on various occasions, addressed 7 Apostolic Communities.His input sessions on the community living, sense of belongingness,missionary fervour, relevance of Salesian Spirituality in today’scontext etc. were truly inspiring and thought-provoking. Above all,his fraternal approach, his gentleness and simplicity with which hedealt with the confreres made this visitation memorable, fruitful aswell as a learning experience.

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Surely, through this visitation, I can assure you that our belovedSuperior General made tremendous contribution to the life andministry of the Province of Visakhapatnam by his much neededguidance, fraternal corrections and inspiring inputs. So, my dearconfreres, I, on behalf of the Province, thank him profusely and assurehim of our humble prayers for all his undertakings for the good of theCongregation and the glory of the Church at large.

I also congratulate and thank my Councilors, Bursar, Secretary andConfreres for making sincere efforts and necessary preparation formaking the visitation of the Superior General to the Province reallymemorable and successful. I hope and wish that, with the renewedenthusiasm, all of you would continue to work for the good of themission entrusted to your care in the coming days and years.


PROVINCIALAccomplished1. Apostolic communities are animated at regular intervals in order

to reflect together community spirit and Salesian spirituality

2. Blend of different age and language groups in the communities.

3. Common prayer and Holy Eucharist are attended by all themembers of the community once in a week.

To Be Accomplished1. Half hour Adoration everyday and Community meeting once in a

month are to be implemented.

2. The role of local Superior is to be highlighted and Manual of dutiesof local superior is to be prepared.

3. Ensure coordination between Local superior and local bursar


1. Opening of the new Missions: Thripuranthakam (Nellore),Anazipuram (Nalgonda), and Bayyaaram (Khammam), andNakrekal ( Nalgonda).

2. Appointment of the newly Ordained Priests in the Mission Centersfor a minimum of three years as per the Directives of the GeneralChapter 2013.

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3. Personal attention and Financial support to confreres in theMissions

To Be Accomplished1. Accompaniment of the newly Ordained Priests appointed in the

Missions by the PCIC-Mission and the Rector of Theologate.

2. Explore the possibility of opening Missions in Africa.

3. Appoint and empower a team of three confreres for PreachingParish missions in the spirit of Fr. Mermier.

FORMATIONAccomplished1. Training of the formators is conducted

2. Ongoing formation for all the confreres irrespective of age group

3. Vocation promotion is systematized to ensure quality of vocation

To Be Accomplished1. Periodical evaluation for the quality of Vocation

2. Long term course for Formators is to be organized.

3. Help the new priests with Accompaniment and guidance for thefirst three years.

EDUCATIONAccomplished1. Training of Conferrers in Montfort schools for better quality in


2. Clear policy to support the poor is in practice.

3. Categorization of all the schools for better Governance.

To Be Accomplished1. Streamlining of Transparency with implementation of FAST

2. Better involvement of all the confreres in the school community

3. Transfer of Principal from urban to rural and vice-versa.


Accomplished1. The already established Seva Kendra Society with its various

social welfare schemes and awareness programmes and the

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Home for the aged ( Janakampet) continue to serve and empowerthe underprivileged people of our society.

2. The economically disadvantaged students are being empoweredthrough educational opportunities and financial aid in and throughour boardings,Parishes and institutions.

3. Most of our communities are actively involved in social andinnovative ministries like special tuitions, spoken English, prisonministry etc.. besides their main apostolates.

To Be Accomplished1. Strengthen the FSK with qualified personnel and financial

opportunities and coordinate all the social and innovative projects,activities and Ministries of the Province under it as one umbrellasystem.

2. Study and initiate innovative ministries in the field of professionalCounselling and legal aid through the training and appointmentof confreres in places like Ross Hill.

3. Revitalize the Province forum of the social apostolates andInnovative Ministries with more confreres from the other forumsin the Province who could assist the Social and Innovative forumin periodic planning and evaluation of programmes and projects,mobilizing resources and implementing the action plans.

STEWARDSHIPAccomplished1. Miscellaneous income from the schools is utilized in a proper


2. Common accounting system for the Province is implemented

3. Orientation is being given in accounting and book keeping to ourconfreres to have better awareness in finance system.

To Be Accomplised1. Centralized accounting system is to be implemented / preparing

budget in a better manner (FAST).

2. Consultation between local superior and local procurator inmatters of Finance before the Superior takes a decision in thecommunity.

3. Streamlining/safekeeping the documents of each community inorder to safe guard our temporal goods and property.

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3. Appoints by Superior GeneralI am very glad to inform you that Rev.

Fr. Abraham Vettuvelil, our beloved SuperiorGeneral, has appointed Rev. Fr. Ignaci Muthuas the Provincial of the South-East IndiaProvince for a term of three years and alsore-appointed Rev. Fr George Panthanmackelas the Provincial ofNortheast India Provincefor a second consecutive

term of three years beginning on January 24,2017. Let us take this occasion tocongratulate Fr. Ignaci Muthu and Fr GeorgePanthanmackel and pray for their goodintentions that they may continue to lead theProvince to greater heights. May God be withthem always!

4. Visit to Confreres in EuropeDear Confreres, as part of the visitation of the Province, I amleaving to Europe on 19th October 2016 and will return to Vizagon 14th November 2016. During this visit, I hope to visit all theconfreres working or studying in Germany, France, Switzerland,Italy and Austria. I thank Rev. Fr. Silvester Ottaplackal MSFS,the Delegation Superior of the Province in Germany-Austria (GA),who made the necessary arrangements for the visit. Please prayfor the success of the visit.

5. Appointment of the Provincial VicarDuring my absence in India from 19th October 2016 to 14thNovember 2016, Rev. Fr. Mandagiri Jojaiah will be the Vicar. So,for any urgent matters, please contact him.

6. PROMOTION OF DEACON BALAM MURALI TO PRIESTHOODDeacon, Balam Murali is promoted to the sacred orders ofPriesthood. At present, he is doing his diaconate ministry atTripurantakam Parish.

7. NEW APPOINTMENT AT MELAVAGU - REDDIPALEMDue to the sad demise o Fr. Annem Joji Reddy, Fr. P. Sundar Raois appointed as the New Parish Priest at Mellavagu-ReddipalemParish with immediate effect.

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Names of those who participated in first Annual Retreat inApril 2016

1. Fr. P. Chinnappa Reddy,(Provincial)

2. Fr. Francis Stephen3. Fr. Joy Kuzhinjalil4. Fr. Jaya Prakash5. Fr. Ch. Vijay Kumar6. Fr. Bharath Reddy7. Fr. B. Anil Kumar8. Fr. Philip Shouriankuzhy9. Fr. D. Velangini Rao10. Fr. Pakki Devadas11. Fr. Gade Bhaskar Reddy12. Fr. Thambi Joseph13. Fr. Bontu Prasad14. Fr. John Vadakkan15. Fr. KVS Prasad16. Fr. P. Raj Kumar.17. Fr. P. Dilip Chakaravarthy18. Fr. Mathew Manayathmazhiyil19. Fr. P. Raja Reddy

20. Fr. John Vedanayagam21. Fr. B. Thambi Raju22. Fr. A. Amarnath23. Fr. Francis Xavier24. Fr. Manoj Pathupallil25. Bro. C.D. Michael26. Fr. Abraham Vettukattil27. Fr. Madanu Alphonse28. Fr. P. Vijay Kumar29. Fr. Kurian Cheriyankalayil30. Fr. Joise Kuzhimattommayil31. Fr. P. Sundar Rao32. Fr. George Alalpatt33. Fr. Anand Prakash34. Fr. Mallela Joji35. Fr. Ch. Joseph Thambi36. Fr. Antony Antheenatt37. Fr. Mathew Mannukuzhumpil38. Fr. Reddi Joseph39. A. Arockiasamy

Note: All those who did not make the First Annual Retreat of theProvince in April 2016 must make the Second Annual Retreat of theProvince to be held from 9th to 14th January 2016 at MSFS Dhyanashram,Visakhapatnam. It begins on 9th January at 11 a.m with the HolyEucharist and concludes on 14th January at 12.30 with lunch. TheProvince Retreat is obligatory for all the members of the Province.Hence, I would like to remind you that even if you have attendedany other retreats of the diocese or made any personal retreats, youare bound to attend the Province Retreat.

8. Conveners and Secretaries to Apostolic CommunitiesVizag - Srikakulam Apostolic CommunityConvener : Fr. Francis StephenSecretary : Fr. Dola Velangani Rao

East and West Godavari Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. John VadakamparabiulSecretary: Fr. Albert Alangadan

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Guntur-Nellore Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. A. Savari RajanSecretary: Fr. K. Lourdu Raj

Vijayawada-Khammam Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. Kondala JosephSecretary: Fr. Mampalli Sunil

Telangana Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. George AlappattSecretary: Fr. Devaraju

Rayalaseema Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. Mathew MannukuzhumpilSecretary: Fr. Gade Kishore Reddy

Kerala Apostolic CommunityConvener: Fr. Mathew ManyathumariyilSecretary: Fr. Y. Amar

9. Local Communities

A. Local Communities in the Province

1) Stella Maris Community, Vizag

Stella MarisPentareddy Chinnappa Reddy, ProvincialJonnalagadda Lourdu Ravi Kumar, SuperiorBellamkonda Anil Kumar, BursarBaviri Suresh Babu, Provincial SecretaryGorantla Joachim, PrincipalNellikunnel GeorgeMannukuzhumpil ZachariasEdacherrypauvath JosephKottam GeorgeKarachira JosephEphrem VelamparambilBro. Vattachira JacobBro. Poovathumoottil JobBro. Kuncha Sunil, Regent

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MSFS DhyanashramA. Francis Stephen, Director

Kotak Salesian SchoolGorantla Joachim, PrincipalB. Anil Kumar, Correspondent

St. Francis De Sales Church, Chinna Waltair

Gade Bhaskar Reddy, Parish Priest

R.C. Mission, Paderu

Cheriyankalayil Kurian, Parish Priest

2. Salesianum (Novitiate)

Thomas Perumalil, Director of NovicesR. Anil Kumar, Socius

3. S.F.S. Printing School

Mendem Bhaskar, Superior, Manager and WardenNelapudi Bala Raju, Asst. Manager & House Procurator

4. St. Aloysius High School

Souriamkuzhy Philip, Correspondent & RectorPentareddy Raja Reddy, PrincipalPanthalanickal Shijo Procurator & WardenBro. Manoj, Regent

Sacred Heart Church

Vazhayil Thomas, Parish Priest

5. St. Aloysius Non – Formal Industrial School

K.V.S. Prasad, Superior & ManagerOlickal Michael, Principal & Warden

6. Ross Hill, Mary Matha Dhyanashram

Dola Velangani Rao, Director & SuperiorManalil Thomas, ConfessorBro. C.D. MachiealBro. Sampath Kumar, Regent

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7. S.F.S School, SeethammadharaReddy Joseph, Superior & CorrespondentPothireddy Inna Reddy, PrincipalMuchakarla Anand Prakash, Procurator & on the staff

St. Joseph’s Church, Waltair R.S.Pullat Thomas, Parish Priest

8. St. Aloysius Industrial SchoolMathew Vempala, Superior &CorrespondentJaddu Joseph, Principal & ProcuratorBro. Kanjirathingal Sebastian, Warden

9. S.F.S. School, GajuwakaNusi Konda Reddy, Superior & ProcTheneth Paul CorrespondentKuzhimattommyalil Joise, Principal

10. Christu Nivas, PalasaP. Manoj, Superior & PrincipalKavungal Joseph, Parish Priest & ProcuratorFrancis Xavier, Asst. Parish Priest & Correspondent

11. M.S.F.S. Community, PithapuramVadakkumparambil John, SuperiorBonthu Prasad, PrincipalPudota Satish Kumar, Parish Priest, Procurator & on the staffMotakatla Praveen, Asst. P.P., Yanam

MSFS Community, JaggampetaK.T. Thomas, in-chargePolamarasetti Karun Kumar

12. Fransalian Vidyajyothi, NidadavoleMarneni Shanthaiah, Rector & ProcuratorKurella Vijaya Shekhar, PrincipalKovangal Sabin, CorrespondentF. Ettackakunnel GeorgeS. Kurakuala Stephen, Regent

13. R.C. Mission, TanukuKodigandla Julian, Superior & Parish Priest

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Chitikala Vijaya Kumar, PrincipalKavuluri Joshi, Asst. P. PAlangadan Albert, Asst. P.P., Procurator & Warden

14. S.F.S. Study House, JanampetChakkalakkal Jolly, Superior & RectorOlickal Augustine, Sp. Director / ConfessorBadugu Thambi Raj, Procurator & P.P.

15. Holy Cross Church, AjitsinghnagarGanji Bala joji Reddy, Superior & Parish PriestBoyapati Sandeep Reddy, Asst. P.P

16. Catholic Church, NunnaNannam Ratna Swamy, Superior, P. P. & ProcuratorBonela Prasad, Asst. P. P

R.C. Church, IbrahimpatnamMandagiri Jojaiah, Parish Priest

17. Catholic Church, AgiripallyPakki Devadas, Superior & PrincipalN. Bala Joji, Parish Priest, & ProcuratorMampally Sunil, Asst. P. P & Correspondent

18. R.C. Church, Mellavagu – ReddipalemP. Bala Sunder Rao, SuperiorJ. Ravi Kumar, Asst. Parish Priest

Holy Redeemer Church, KothapalliNellimalamattom Joseph, Parish Priest

Christ the King Church, MandadiChirayath Jose, Parish Priest

R.C. Mission, TripurantakamVettukattil AbrahamDn. Balam Murali

19. R.C.M. Church, RajupalemSavari Rajan, Superior & ProcuratorPanthanmackel Mathew, Principal

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K. Lourdu Raj, Parish Priest & CorrespondentE. Vijay Peter, Asst. P.P., StambalagaruvuPasala Praveen, Asst. P.P., Patibandla

20. MSFS Community, Nagulapalem

Justin A., Superior, Correspondent &on the staffDevupalli Jaya Prakash, Principal, Procurator& Parish PriestDara Ramesh, Asst. P.P, Podili

R.C. Church, Karamchedu

Simon Paicatt, Parish Priest

21. M.S.F.S. Community, Khammam

Allam Pratap Reddy, Superior & ProcuratorA. Arockia Swamy, PrincipalKondala Joseph, Parish Priest & Correspondent

22. Infant Jesus’ Church, Garla

Mekala Sebastian, Superior & Parish PriestAmbalathuruthel Noble, Asst. P.P. & Warden

23. S.F.S. School & community, Korutla

K. P. Mathew, Superior & CorrespondentPinnenti Raj Kumar, Principal,P. Dilip, Procurator & WardenP. Hrudaya Raju, Parish Priest & on the StaffBro. Gorremuchu Thambi, Regent

Karunyamatha Catholic Church, Elkathurthy

Padannamackkal Joseph, Parish Priest & WardenY. Vijay Kumar Reddy, St. Gabriel School, Kazipet

24. Lourdunvias, Secunderabad

K. Dhaman Kumar, Superior &PrincipalVedanayagam John, Parish PriestPayikattu Lijo Jose, CorrespondentG. Sandeep Reddy, Priest-in-charge of Shabad ParishP. Vijay Kumar, St. Paul’s School, Hyderguda

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25. St. Cecilia’s Church, MalkajgiriDenda Benjamin, Superior & Parish PriestYannam Jacob Reddy, Asst. P.P.

26. S.F.S. School, Medipalli

Alappat George, Principal & SuperiorM. Anand Prasad, Correspondent & Parish PriestK. Deva Raj, Procurator, Asst. P.P. & on the Staff

MSFS Nilayam, Bibinagar

Antheenat Antony, Parish Priest

Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Church, Ghatkesar

N. Ravi Prashanth, Parish Priest

27. M.S.F.S Commnity, Nizamabad

Mallela Joji, Superior & PrincipalMadanu Vijaya Raju, on the staff & ProcuratorEdakarot Thomas, Office in-charge & Correspondent

Nirmala Bhavan, Janakampet

Ayilukunnel Devasia, Director

28. M.S.F.S. Community, Anantapur

Kuzhinjalil Joy, Superior, Principal & ProcuratorXavier Michael, Correspondent, Parish Priest & WardenG. Annayya Showri Kumar, Asst. P.PBro. Konka Sekhar, RegentMadanu Alphonse, Montfort School, Kuppam

R.C. Church & Ele. School, Chennamanayunikota

S. Ignatius, Parish Priest & Correspondent

29. S.F.S. School, Pamidi

Narisetty Joseph Kishore, Superior & PrincipalMannu Mathew, CorrespondentG. Kishore Reddy, Procurator

30. M.S.F.S Minor Seminary, Vadakkencherry

Vichatt Joseph, Superior & Rector

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Pulickal Joseph, Spl. Director & on the StaffYannabothula Amar, Procurator & on the staffBro. N. Jeevan Kumar, Regent

31. Mermier Bhavan, VadakkencherryMooleparambil Thomas, Superior & ManagerAlapatt MathewBro. Thudianplackal MathewMalappuram ThomasKarickal Jose

St. Sebastian’s Church, NenmaraManayathumariyil Mathew, Parish Priest

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, NelliyampathyParackal Philip, Parish Priest

B. Outside the Province/ Inter-province CommunitiesSuvidya College, BangaloreMampally Joy, Rector

Anikala Thomas, Spiritual Director

St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, BangaloreCh. Joseph Thambi (Josi), Studies

MSFS Provincial House, PuneAdari Amar, German Language CourseShaibin, German Language Course

C. Outside India

1. Germany-AustriaOttaplackal Silvester, Delegation SuperiorM. Sinto GeorgePanthalany ManiKaniyarakathu JoeKalathuparambil Baby GeorgeA. Michael PrasadThumma Velangini (Rayappa) ReddyU.T. Jose

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Y. Rajani Kumar Reddy, Studies

AustriaNaidu Dayananda Prakash

2. ENGLANDBernard Caszo

3. ITALYThumma Mariadas Reddy, Assist. Superior GeneralJose CheriyantharayilNarisetty Gova Showraiah, Studies

4. AUSTRALIAS. Arockia Manoharan, Delegation SuperiorGeorge AzhakathMuttathukattil Francis SalasM. Francis ReddyMalana Mani

5. WESTINDIESA. Baskar Jayaseelan, Delegation Superior

Puliyanmackal SanthoshT. Jose MarieThekkumthottam ShyjuMeenuga Prabhudas

6. PAPUA NEW GUINEAMullenmmadackal Jose, Delegation SuperiorPrabhat Basti Ray

7. CANADAPothula Guna Sekhar, Delegation SuperiorMendem Guru PrasadGandamalla Shantha KumarManjappallil Subhash JosephA. Dhana Raju

8. SwitzerlandPoochavalel KurianPanthalanickal Johnson, studiesPenumaka Johannes, studies

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9. USABonela Antony, Delegation SuperiorAmarnath NagothuKarekatt RaphaelSesetty MariadasPalatty JomonParappanttu AneeshKola PrakashBabu RajDominic Savio

10. Diamond and Golden Jubilee Celebrations at Vizag

On 5th October 2016 at SFS School, Seethammadhara, theProvince celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Rev. Fr. JosephPauvath and Golden Jubilee of Rev. Fr. Kurian Cheriankalayil,Rev. Fr. Joseph Karachira, Rev. Fr. Bernard Caszo and Rev. Bro.Mathew Thudianplackal. However, Fr. Bernard Caszo and Bro.Mathew Thudianplackal could not come for the celebrations atVizag. His grace Most rev. DSr. Mallavarapu Prakash, Archbishopof Visakhapatnam, presided over the Eucharist and preached onthe occasion. Very Rev. Fr. Abraham Vettuvelill, Superior Generaland His Curia, Provincials and other guests from various parts ofIndia were present. It was well attended by a number of Priests,Religious Brothers and Sisters, relations, well wishers.

11. Co-ordinator of the Prison Ministry

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Fr. Nelapudi Bala Raju is appointed by Most Rev. Dr. MallavarapuPrakash, Archbishop of Visakhapatnam as the Co-ordinator forthe Prison Ministry in the Archdiocese.

12. Information

Fr. Y. Bharath Reddy is taking rest at his home in Guntur.Fr. Thambi Joseph is asked to be at MSFS Community, ChristuNivas, Palasa.

13. New AddressFr. Meenuga Prabhudas, msfsSt. Anthony’s R.C. Church1 Train Line Road, Main RoadTabaquite, Trinidad, W.IPh: 1868-6790576

Fr. Shyju Chacko, msfsOur Lady of Mount Carmel R. C. Church644 Naparima Mayaro RoadNew Grant, Trinidad,W.I.Ph: 1868-6552597

Fr. Chandra Sekhar Potnuru MSFS (Parochial Vicar)St. Paul University Parish1810 N. RooseveltWichita, KS 67208Ph: +1 (620) 687 3095, 316 684 6896Fax: +1 - 316 684 2679

14. Bon Voyage !Fr. J. L. Ravi Kumar and Fr. G. Sandeep Reddy will be going toTanzania to study the possibilities for the mission work in Africain November 2016.

KVS Prasad will be accompanying me to Europe to strengthenthe Seva Kendra of the Province.

Let us wish them safe journey and fruitful visit.15. Schedule of the Bursar’s visit to the Communities

21st Oct. AnantapurSFS ParishSFS Hostel

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C. N Kota22th Oct. Pamidi24th Oct. Bibinagar(Morning)24th Oct Ghatkesar (Evening).24th Oct. Medipally

Medipally Parish25th Oct Malkagiri25th Oct. Shanthinagar

Shanthinagar ParishShabad

27th Oct. Nizamabad28th Oct. Korutla29th Oct. Elkathurthy30th Oct. Garla31st Oct. Khammam

Khammam Parish1st Nov. Kothapalli and Mandadi1st Nov. Mellavagu – Reddipalem2nd Nov. Rajupalem3rd Nov. Parchur4th Nov. Karamchedu5th Nov. Ibrahimpatnam5th Nov. Ajit singhnagar

Nunna6th Nov. Agiripally8th Nov. MSFS Study House9st Nov. Nidadavole9th Nov. Tanuku10th Nov. Pithapuram

Jaggampeta12th Nov. Palasa13th Nov. Gajuwaka

St. Aloysius ITI, Autonagar14th Nov. Seethammadhra

Salesianum Novitiate15th Nov. Ross Hill

SFS Printing School

16th Nov. Non-Formal (Workshop)St. Aloysius School and St. Aloysius

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17th Nov. Sacred Heart ChurchSFS Church Chinna WaltairSt. Joseph’s Church, Waltair

16. Edutimes, Salesian Calander & Good Fruits Released

On 7th Oct, 2016 our beloved Superior General, in the presence ofGeneral Curia Members and all the Provincials of India, East Africaand Vice Provincial of USA Vice Province, released to EdutimesEdited by Rev. Fr. George Parampukattil, Salesian Calander - EachDay with SFS & Mermier, and Good Fruits: Character Traitsauthored by Fr. B. Suresh Babu. On that occasion Superior Generalappreciated Rev. Fr. George Parampukattil, Rev. Fr. P. ChinnappaReddy and Fr. Suresh Babu for their hard work and commitment.

17. Let us pray for the sick and the departed

Fr. Ephrem Velamparambil, Fr. Bernard Caszo and Bro. JobPoovathumoottil are hospitalized. Please pray for their good health.

Fr. Sayu Cheruvil, 53 years, of Nagpur Province, passed away on31st August 2016.

Mrs. Bandi Vimalamma, aged 62 years, Dn. Sagar Santhosh’s motherdied on 31st August 2016.

Mrs. Mary Gracamma, aged 82, mother of Fr. J. L. Ravi Kumar,passed away on 25th September 2016.

Thumma Chinnamma, 92 years, Rev. Fr. Thumma Mariadas Reddy’smother, passed away on 3rd October 2016.

Mr. Devasia Chalapat, aged 103 yrs, father of Bro. C.D. Michael,passed away on 10th October 2016.

May their souls rest in peace!


October- November 201619th Oct to 14th Nov – Visit to Germany

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Nov. 23 – Mission Forum

27 – Malkajgiri

28 – Council Meeting

29 – Ross Hill

December 20162-3 – PIF Meeting, Suvidya College

8 – Ross Hill Feast

Yours fraternally in Christ,

Fr. P. Chinnappa Reddy msfs Provincial Superior


Follow the example of the great saints who, committed tothe pursuit of their vocation, practiced humbly andassiduously all that pertained to perfection in their state oflife and were not distracted by other pursuits.

- St. Francis de Sales

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Fr. Luke Cheruvil was born on 21st August 1942 of Cheruvil KurianMathai and Brigitta at Teekoy in Kottayam District of Kerala State. Hereceived his baptism on 29th August 1942 at St. Mary’s Church, Teekoy.After completing his secondary School education in 1960, he startedhis Minor Seminary studies at Mount Mary Seminary, Arumanoor tojoin the MSFS in the Visakhapatnam Mission. In 1964 he went to thePapal Seminary, Pune to pursue his philosophical studies for threeyears. After completing the same in 1966 he was sent to Salesianumto do his Novitiate in preparation for his religious profession which hemade on 4th May 1967. Then he did the Regency at Parvathipuram.

Thereafter, Fr. Luke was then sent to the Pontifical Seminary at Punefor his Theological studies. He was ordained priest on 19th October1972 at St. Mary’s Church, Teekoy, in Palai diocese. Then, he tookhis appointment in 1973 as assistant Parish Priest at St. Theresa’sChurch, Pedda Boddepalli. Later in 1977, he was appointed as theparish priest at Hamsavaram, then in 1981 at Prathipadu, in 1985 hewas transferred to Yanam, thereafter in 1991 he was appointed atVelangi, in 1993 Godavari, in 1999 Gangavaram. Thereafter, he alsoserved as the Parish Priest at Salur and Makkuva. Then in April 2013,he was appointed at SFS School, Gajuwaka as the Superior andCorrespondent. Finally in 2015 June, he retired at Stella Maris, wherehe breathed his last on 5th October 2016. He was 74 years old.

It was around 2.15 a.m that he complained about the discomfort inbreathing and soon he was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital but hesuffered a massive heart attack and passed away to his eternal reward.Though he was suffering from diabetics, he did not show any signs ofill health till that moment. He looked quite well physically and so, hisdeath came as a shock to the Stella Maris Community. The funeralmass was presided over by His Grace Most Rev. Dr. MallavarapuPrakash, Archbishop of Vizag, in the presence of Very Rev. Fr.Abraham Vetuvelil, Superior General, His Curia members, Provincialsand other Rev. Fathers & Brothers, Rev. Sisters and the familymembers and Friends of Fr. Luke Cheruvil.

He, who served all his life except for the last few years, in the parishes,was appreciated for his missionary fervor and simple life style. He spokelittle but was known as a keen observer. He was very gentle and lovedreading. Although he was in the MSFS Community for a very shorttime, he was appreciated for his fraternal approach and family spirit.As we grieve his death, let us pray for his soul that God may grant himeternal reward as promised to those who believe in Him.

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May His Soul Rest in Peace!
