Page 1: Paul Caponigro My Mimics Photoshoped


Edit 1

Page 2: Paul Caponigro My Mimics Photoshoped

Initial Photoshop Edits.

Edit 2

In edit 1 I kept the lightness of the shadows up at about 30, and then I decreased the darkness of

the shadows so it was quite low and I increased the contrast so it was very high which brought

about a real increase in the brightness of the flowers than in the original it also brought out the

features of the flower more as well. On edit 2 I decreased the lightness of the shadows so it was

very low and made the darkness of the shadow a bit higher so it was around 30 then I put the

contrast up fully which made it so the flower wasn't really bright but still a bit brighter than the

original but it also made it bring out all the features and distinguished the lines that the flower

has, it kind of makes it come out of the photo more and brings more of an edge to it. I think that

edit 2 looks a bit better than edit 1 because it brings out the detail of the flower better, but I will

look into seeing if I can get that same effect with making the flower brighter so that it sticks out

from the background better.

Page 3: Paul Caponigro My Mimics Photoshoped


Edit 1

Page 4: Paul Caponigro My Mimics Photoshoped

Edit 2

In edit 1 I simply just put the contrast up too a full 100 which brought out the flowers from the

background more as it made the white flower brighter and the darker flower darker which created

a much better contrast than in the original photo and it looks more of a complete photo. In edit

too I used the posterize tool and put it on level 3 to create this block of colours look which I think

works quite well as it also has just split the photo into black, white and grey. Which I think gives

the photo an added layer which brings it too life more. I think that both edits have worked well

and are two techniques that I will continue to play with, I think that both edits are improvements

on the original as it brings more depth to the photos.