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A Dissertation


Patricia Deshane

Coulter School of Engineering

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy, Engineering Science

April 30, 2010

Accepted by the Graduate School

______________, _____________________ Date, Dean

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Copyright 2010, Patricia Deshane

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The undersigned have examined the dissertation entitled “Managing the Copy-and-

Paste Programming Practice” presented by Patricia Deshane, a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering Science), and hereby certify that it is worthy of acceptance. April 30, 2010 ______________________________ Date Dr. Daqing Hou, Advisor Electrical and Computer Engineering

______________________________ Dr. Susan Conry, Examining Committee

Electrical and Computer Engineering

______________________________ Dr. Christopher Lynch, Examining Committee

Mathematics & Computer Science

______________________________ Dr. Robert Meyer, Examining Committee

Electrical and Computer Engineering

______________________________ Dr. Christino Tamon, Examining Committee

Mathematics & Computer Science

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Managing the Copy-and-Paste Programming Practice

By: Patricia Deshane

Advisor: Daqing Hou

Programmers often copy and paste source code in order to reuse an existing

solution in the completion of a current task. Copying and pasting results in code clones

(similar code fragments) throughout a code base, which need to be properly maintained

over time. Forgetting the cloning information and correspondence relationships within a

piece of code can be problematic for the software maintainer. Furthermore, inconsistent

editing to clones can introduce undetected bugs, decreasing the quality of the software.

This dissertation presents a suite of software tools, Eclipse plug-ins named CnP,

that aid the programmer during copy, paste, and modify programming. The purpose is to

provide tool support throughout a clone’s entire lifecycle, from its creation to its removal

from the system. More than just traditional clone detection and removal, these clone

tracking tools have a particular focus on clone editing. One CnP plug-in helps with

consistent identifier renaming within clones (CReN), another one renames substrings

consistently within clones (LexId), and a third plug-in in the CnP suite visualizes user

edits within a clone for better clone comparison (CSeR). A user study was conducted on

CnP’s basic visualization, CReN, and LexId features with analysis in terms of task

completion time, solution correctness, and method of completion.

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To my wonderful husband, Todd Deshane.

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Acknowledgments Personal Reflections

With the completion of this dissertation paper and defense, I feel like I have had

the full PhD experience, and I am finally personally ready to graduate! I have completed

the course work, the qualifying exam, and the research component of the degree program.

Over the years, I have given various seminar presentations in the computer science and

engineering departments at the university, I have presented at one conference per year

during the research phase of my PhD (OOPSLA 2007 in Montreal, FSE 2008 in Atlanta,

and CASCON 2009 in Toronto), and I have written many paper submissions and drafts.

A conference trip was often a reward for having a successful paper submission.

All three conference trips that I presented at were milestones during my PhD career and

each trip was truly unforgettable. I really enjoyed traveling to these cities and learning

from other researchers in the software engineering discipline. As a presenter, I personally

got a lot of valuable feedback and advice from the conference attendees that I may not

have gotten otherwise. I believe that the conferences were a vital part of my growth as a

researcher as they helped me to “get out of the lab” and experience the rest of the world.

Special Thanks

I would first like to thank my husband, Todd Deshane, for everything over the

past ten years that we have been together. I would not be where I am today without him.

When it seems like the only thing that is constant is change, it is comforting to know that

Todd is always there to help me through the tough times and to celebrate with me in the

joyous times. Todd, all of this hard work during our PhD years was worth it – soon we

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will both officially be “computer doctors”. “To every thing there is a season, and a time

to every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). I look forward to beginning the next

chapter of our lives together.

I would like to thank Professor Hou, my advisor, who took me in as his first PhD

student at a time when I had nowhere else to go. I thank him for having put up with me

for the past four years. I have learned so much from him, most importantly, I believe that

“instead of just being fed, I was taught how to fish”. For the first time, I was able to get

the guidance that I needed, with the independence that I wanted.

Thanks also to the Software Engineering Research Laboratory (SERL) at

Clarkson. I am truly grateful for having the lab/office space and resources that allowed

me to work more productively. I thank the other graduate students in SERL, especially:

Cheng (Jerry) Wang, Chandan Rupakheti, Ferosh Jacob, Yuejiao (Gloria) Wang, Xiaojia

(Joanna) Yao, Dave Pletcher, and Lin Li. I really appreciate the friendship and support

from each of you as we all spent countless hours in the lab.

I would also like to thank Jeanna Matthews for supporting me during the first year

and a half of my PhD. Thanks also go to Eli M. Dow, my mentor at IBM, who helped me

with early research and has continued to be supportive. Finally, thank you, my PhD

committee (Susan Conry, Christopher Lynch, Robert Meyer, and Christino Tamon), who

have given me early feedback during my PhD proposal and remarks on this dissertation.

Personal thanks to all of my family – my parents and siblings – extended family,

and best friends both from college and from back home. Special thanks to my best buddy,

Wenjin Hu, for his never-ending kindness and friendship, while here at school. I would

also like to mention my other “best friend”, my dog, Lady. I truly do miss her.

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I give special thanks to my grandfather, B. John Jablonski, who continually kept

me motivated during my college years. It is hard to believe that it has already been four

years since his death, but I know that it has been that long since I have gotten an email

letter from him. His letters and emails always meant so much to me, with his words of

encouragement when many others did not approve or understand why I was still in school

especially without proper funding. He continues to be my inspiration.

Finally, I thank God (literally). He is everything – my counselor, comforter, and

keeper. In particular, I would like to thank God for always keeping me grounded. One of

the toughest things that I experienced during my PhD is rejection (of paper submissions).

While I feel that the rejections may have at times hindered my research progress, I feel

that if all of my paper submissions were accepted, then I may have incorrectly assumed

that this process was very simple and I may have become too proud of my own successes.

During this whole ordeal, I have learned that there is always room for improvement even

if it is difficult for me to see on my own. As Randy Pausch said, “Experience is what you

get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” But, regardless of past rejections, I know that

I have always done my best and that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Ultimately, my success is not measured by men’s approval, but by God’s*.

Patricia A Deshane

Clarkson University

January 2010

* “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Clarkson University Motto

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this dissertation are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of anyone else affiliated with Clarkson University.

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LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... XI

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ......................................................................................................................XII

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS....................................................................................................................... XIV

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1

1.1. COPY, PASTE, AND MODIFY PROGRAMMING.................................................................................1 1.2. THE TRADITIONAL PERSPECTIVE: CLONES ARE BAD ....................................................................3 1.3. A NEW PERSPECTIVE: CLONES CAN BE GOOD...............................................................................8 1.4. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS........................................................................................................10 1.5. OUTLINE OF THIS DISSERTATION ................................................................................................11

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................13

2.1. CLONE DETECTION AND REMOVAL.............................................................................................13 2.2. CLONE LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................16 2.2.1. BRIEF CNP TOOL DESCRIPTIONS.................................................................................................16 2.2.2. DEFINITIONS OF CLONE PROPERTIES...........................................................................................19 CLONE SIMILARITY ................................................................................................................20 CLONE MODEL .......................................................................................................................24 CLONE VISUALIZATION ..........................................................................................................28 CLONE PERSISTENCE ..............................................................................................................38 CLONE DOCUMENTATION AND CLONE ATTRIBUTES ..............................................................39 2.2.3. CLONE LIFECYCLE SUPPORT .......................................................................................................39 CLONE CREATION ..................................................................................................................42 CLONE CAPTURE ....................................................................................................................43 CLONE EDITING......................................................................................................................47 CLONE EXTINCTION ...............................................................................................................66 2.3. PREVALENCE OF CLONES, RENAMING, AND RELATED ERRORS IN PRODUCTION CODE...............68

CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................73

3.1. USER STUDY ON CNP’S VISUALIZATION, CREN, AND LEXID .....................................................73 3.1.1. USER STUDY HYPOTHESES .........................................................................................................74 3.1.2. SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................................75 3.1.3. STUDY PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................76 3.1.4. TASK DESCRIPTIONS ...................................................................................................................79 DEBUGGING AND MODIFYING WITHIN A CLONE.....................................................................80 RENAMING WITHIN A CLONE..................................................................................................88

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................93

4.1. TIME PER TASK ...........................................................................................................................93 4.2. SOLUTION CORRECTNESS............................................................................................................96 4.3. METHOD OF COMPLETION...........................................................................................................98

CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................101

5.1. CONFOUNDING FACTORS FOR CLONE VISUALIZATION..............................................................101 5.2. THREATS TO VALIDITY .............................................................................................................103 5.3. TOOL DESIGN............................................................................................................................103

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION .....................................................................................................................105

6.1. RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS......................................................................................................106

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6.2. FUTURE WORK..........................................................................................................................107 6.2.1. THEORY ABOUT COPY-AND-PASTE AND ABSTRACTIONS ..........................................................108 6.2.2. OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THIS RESEARCH ...............................................................................109


APPENDIX A IRB RECRUITMENT LETTER.........................................................................................131

APPENDIX B IRB CONSENT FORM ......................................................................................................132

APPENDIX C IRB QUESTIONNAIRE .....................................................................................................134

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List of Tables



TABLE 3: EXAMPLES OF WHAT LEXID CONSIDERS TO BE SUBSTRINGS. ..........................................................54


THE PASTED CODE FRAGMENT. .............................................................................................................72

TABLE 5: HIGH-LEVEL DESCRIPTION OF THE TASKS IN THE USER STUDY. .......................................................73

TABLE 6: THE TIME (IN MINUTES) TO COMPLETE EACH PAIR OF TASKS...........................................................94

TABLE 7: STATISTICAL HYPOTHESIS TESTING ON THE PAIRED TIME DATA......................................................96

TABLE 8: CORRECT STATES WHEN RUNNING THE PROGRAM OR WHEN FINISHED............................................97


MODIFICATION TASKS. ..........................................................................................................................99


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List of Illustrations


IDENTIFIER INSTANCES IN THE PASTED CODE. .......................................................................................18


MAPPED TO EACH OTHER. .....................................................................................................................19




AND ITS SUBSEQUENT PASTES. ..............................................................................................................29




IN THE ECLIPSE EDITOR.........................................................................................................................30


EXTINCTION. ........................................................................................................................................40

FIGURE 8: CONSISTENT IDENTIFIER RENAMING WITHIN A CLONE USING CREN..............................................50



OTHERS ANYMORE)...............................................................................................................................51

FIGURE 10: THE ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE (AST) OF A FOR LOOP WITH THE IDENTIFIER GROUPS HIGHLIGHTED..............................................................................................................................................................53


ON “LEFT” BY MAINTAINING A DATABASE OF COMMON NAMING PAIRS. ...............................................55



AS LEXICAL PATTERNS IN IDENTIFIERS (RIGHT).....................................................................................57


METHOD SHOULD BE THE SAME AS THE CURRENT SUBCLASS’ NAME (“XXX”). ....................................58


SELECTED LINES, BUT THIS NEEDS TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE PROGRAMMER AND IS SIMPLY A TEXT-BASED SEARCH. ....................................................................................................................................61


REQUIRED FOR IT TO WORK)..................................................................................................................62

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WORK). .................................................................................................................................................62


THE PASTED FOR LOOP). ........................................................................................................................62

FIGURE 19: REFACTORING (TOP) VS. CREN (BOTTOM). .................................................................................63



SEMI-COLON BETWEEN THE ++ ON LINE 33)..........................................................................................64


THE ++ ON LINE 33). .............................................................................................................................65


PASTED FOR LOOP)................................................................................................................................65


CORRESPONDING INSTANCE VARIABLES. ..............................................................................................78

FIGURE 25: TASK 1 – RSLIDER SHOULD BE BSLIDER (ON LINE 120)................................................................82






FIGURE 31: TASK 5 – RENAME COLORPANEL TO THICKNESSPANEL. ..............................................................89

FIGURE 32: TASK 6 – RENAME TOOLPANEL TO CLEARUNDOPANEL. ..............................................................90





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List of Publications [1] P. Jablonski and D. Hou, “Renaming Parts of Identifiers Consistently within Code

Clones”, IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2010. (2 pages)

[2] P. Jablonski and D. Hou, “Aiding Software Maintenance with Copy-and-Paste

Clone-Awareness”, IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension

(ICPC), 2010. (10 pages) [3] F. Jacob, D. Hou, and P. Jablonski, “Actively Comparing Clones Inside The Code

Editor”, International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC), 2010. (8 pages) [4] D. Hou, F. Jacob, and P. Jablonski, “Exploring the Design Space of Proactive Tool

Support for Copy-and-Paste Programming”, IBM Conference of the Centre for

Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON), 2009. (15 pages) [5] D. Hou, F. Jacob, and P. Jablonski, “Proactively Managing Copy-and-Paste

Induced Code Clones”, IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance

(ICSM), 2009. (2 pages) [6] D. Hou, P. Jablonski, and F. Jacob, “CnP: Towards an Environment for the

Proactive Management of Copy-and-Paste Programming”, IEEE International

Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2009. (5 pages) [7] P. Jablonski, “Clone-Aware Editing with CnP”, ACM SIGSOFT International

Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Student Research Forum, 2008. (poster)

[8] P. Jablonski, “Techniques for Detecting and Preventing Copy-and-Paste Errors

during Software Development”, Clarkson University, PhD Dissertation Proposal, 2007. (21 pages)

[9] P. Jablonski and D. Hou, “CReN: A Tool for Tracking Copy-and-Paste Code

Clones and Renaming Identifiers Consistently in the IDE”, Eclipse Technology

Exchange Workshop at OOPSLA (ETX), 2007. (5 pages) [10] P. Jablonski, “Managing the Copy-and-Paste Programming Practice in Modern

IDEs”, ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,

Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2007. (2 pages)

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Chapter 1


1.1. Copy, Paste, and Modify Programming

CCopy and paste [236, 237, 238, 239, 240] – some people love it, others hate it. Why?

Copying and pasting obviously provides some short-term benefits such as saving

typing and remembering a name’s spelling. In a study on copy-and-paste usage,

approximately 74% of programmers copied very small pieces of code of less than a single

line (such as variable names, type names, or method names) [132], which indicates that

they were copying and pasting for these kinds of reasons.

The same study also concluded that the programmers on average made four non-

trivial copy-and-pastes per hour [132]. It seems natural for programmers to copy and

paste larger code fragments (such as blocks, methods, or classes) when they see a similar

existing solution to their current task rather than write the new software solution entirely

from scratch. Not only can copying and pasting make programmers more productive in

this way, but it can be especially useful when working in an unfamiliar domain, for

instance, when learning a new programming language or framework. To help get started,

programmers can copy and paste examples from the framework’s documentation [28],

from a software repository consisting of past projects [87, 92, 217], or from an online

search engine (such as Google Code Search) [28, 86] to use as a base to work from.

All programming is maintenance programming,

because you are rarely writing original code.

- Dave Thomas

Copy and paste is a design error. - David Parnas

Copying all or parts of a program is as natural to

a programmer as breathing, and as productive.

- Richard Stallman

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Reusing Source Code Examples Example-based programming is a legitimate form of software reuse (unlike cases

of copying and pasting in order to plagiarize [176, 198, 218], which a variety of

plagiarism detection tools have been developed to help deter, including AntiPlagiarist,

CopyCatch, DOC Cop, Eve2, Glatt, GPlag, JPlag, MyDropBox, PAIRwise, SNITCH,

SPlaT, TurnItIn, and WCopyFind*). Research findings in the psychology and AI fields

verify that working with concrete examples can be advantageous [51, 209]. However,

though some software components are especially designed to be reused (such as libraries,

frameworks, APIs, and software product lines), not all examples that a programmer may

find were specifically made for reuse purposes. As such, the programmer must be careful

to extract only the functionality that is needed for reuse, while also dealing with

dependencies that this code fragment may have to other parts of the software. Tool

support has been developed to aid programmers in the whole process of pragmatic reuse

[85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91], reengineering [64], and in the comparison of examples [42].

The Psychology of Software Reuse Novices generally copy and paste when they do not have a full understanding of

the programming task. Since they are new to programming or to a particular language,

they do not have the syntactic, semantic, and schematic knowledge that experts have in

order to craft a solution. Novices are not the only ones who copy and paste for reuse,

however. According to [51, 52], expert programmers have “schemas” (plans) that


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represent generic solutions kept in their memories specific to a programming domain that

they can retrieve and instantiate to solve a particular programming problem. In other

words, as experts become familiar with a problem domain, they develop domain-specific

schemas, representing their knowledge of certain types of problems [52], which they can

later recall to help them design a new program. Having prior knowledge and experience,

expert programmers can use their familiarity with the situation to gain efficiency and the

ability to solve more difficult tasks than if they had to design the solution entirely from

scratch. Routine tasks can even become impossible to do if every part is treated as new

[51, 52]. Humans naturally reuse knowledge from prior experience in the present time.

The copy and paste of source code (both large and small) tends to be a natural

behavior that provides immediate benefits. The copy-and-paste operation is not bad by

itself, but the result of copying and pasting is what is considered bad, since the resulting

clones need to be consistently modified and maintained in the long-term (the “modify”

part of “copy, paste, and modify programming” [234]). Still, many people continue to

strongly dislike copy-and-paste itself and blame it as the culprit of the maintenance

problem of clones (which often leads to code inconsistencies) [182]. This and some other

perceived problems of code clones are discussed in the following section.

1.2. The Traditional Perspective: Clones are Bad Traditionally code cloning was considered “harmful” to a system. Some problem

areas include software maintenance, evolution, quality, and code aesthetics or design.

So, copy-and-paste is not necessarily bad in the

short run, if you are copying good code. But it is

always bad in the long run.

- Ralph Johnson

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Clones as a Software Maintenance Problem Copying and pasting within the same code base results in code duplication [243]

that needs to be properly managed and maintained. The clones are exactly the same when

initially copied and pasted, but start to differ as the newly pasted code is modified to fit

its task. At the time the copy and paste occurs, the programmer sees the similarity

between the clones (otherwise he or she would not have made an exact duplicate as a

base to work from) and he or she also has an idea of the differences that need to be made

for the new code to be properly adapted. A natural dependency exists between the clones,

which are assumed to have a certain level of similarity that must remain between them.

This invisible relationship between copied and pasted code fragments consists of the

correspondences and differences between the clones that must be maintained as the

software is updated, for example, with new features and bug fixes. It is important for the

software maintainer to remember the parts of the related clones that should remain

unchanged, parts that must change in the same way, and parts between the clones that are

meant to differ [72]. Identifying the locations of all clones in a system and remembering

their invisible relationships to one another can be extremely difficult over time.

Clones as a Software Evolution Problem As changes to the software (like new features or bug fixes) are required over time,

the clones in the system may also naturally change. In some cases, the programmer may

have copied and pasted in order to get a quick solution rather than taking the time to

create an abstraction such as a procedure, function, or method. If so, these clones are

likely to be replaced by an abstraction as the code matures. The issue here is that even

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though the creation of the clones is avoidable to begin with and the clones will eventually

disappear anyway, there is still a time when the clones exist in which they need to be

properly maintained. Though these particular clones are only in the system temporarily

and their entire life may be short, there is still significant effort needed in refactoring the

code. On the other hand, perpetual clones are problematic in that they require continuous,

long-term maintenance.

Clones as a Software Quality Problem The increase in source code maintenance is not the only concern of opponents to

code cloning. The potential increase in the number of software bugs in the system is one

of the most widely cited reasons for avoiding clone creation. Some scenarios where bugs

are introduced into the system as a result of cloning include:

• The addition of a new feature: When the system needs to be updated to include a

new feature, the software maintainer must know whether to apply this particular

change to all related clones or only to some of them. If the maintainer fails to

apply this change to all of the correct clones, a bug (inconsistency) is made.

• A bug is propagated and fixed: It is possible that the original code that was copied

had an existing bug in it that has now been multiplied as it was pasted throughout

the system. Once this bug has been noticed, it then needs to be fixed in all clones

that it is in. If one of those bugs is not fixed, there remains an inconsistency,

which is actually a new bug introduced into the system!

• A clone is modified to fit its task: Changes are made to a single clone when it is

being modified to fit its own individual task. The newly pasted code fragment

typically has identifiers changed to a new name related to the current task. If all

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identifier instances are not renamed consistently within the code fragment, this

will create an inconsistency (bug).

In all of these cases, the clone-related bugs can remain undetected. It may take a long

time for the absence of a new feature in a clone to be detected (especially if that part of

the software is not used often in practice). In the second case, since the existing bug was

not detected earlier, it is possible that the same bug might remain hidden somewhere else

in the code. Lastly, though a renaming inconsistency could be caught by the compiler,

there are cases when the unchanged identifier instance is still in scope (Section 2.3 –

Errors), which can remain undetected by both the compiler and programmer. All of these

clone-related bugs occur when the implicit rules in the cloning relationship are broken.

Clones as an Aesthetic or Design Problem In addition to the potential decrease in software quality, some people say that

clones in software just look bad and that their presence in the code might indicate an

underlying design problem. Clones can artificially increase the number of lines of code

by adding “unnecessary” lines that otherwise would be in the body of a single abstraction

[226]. Charles Simonyi, who introduced the concept of “intentional programming” [29,

222], is a proponent of programming with abstractions rather than with clones. He states

that “ is still pretty easy to decide at a glance that the code is bad – by the identifiers,

by the juxtapositions, by the size of the expressions, or by evidences of code copying”

Number 1 in the stink parade is duplicated code.

If you see the same code structure in more than

one place, you can be sure that your program will

be better if you find a way to unify them.

- Kent Beck and Martin Fowler

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[221]. But he also says that a program can still be beautiful even if it is not strictly

structured, as long as the program has other redeeming features [159].

Code clones are often labeled as a “code smell” [235], which is a hint that

something could be wrong with the code. This part of the code should be inspected

further to determine whether there is actually a problem that needs to be fixed or that the

smell can just be tolerated [179]. The term “clone smell” [13] was later made to describe

an individual clone that appears to be problematic over time, which should be looked at.

The existence of clones may indicate a design problem, since it could be that the

programmer did not fully think through the design of the software solution if abstractions

were not used wherever possible. Abstraction-supported programming languages are

designed so that programmers can take advantage of these powerful tools [29]. So, when

programmers do not use the abstractions (for whatever reason) [150], they are not getting

all of the benefits that the programming language has to offer and they may not be

properly utilizing the language as it was intended to be used by design. If the clones are

to be refactored out of the code later on anyway, it might be worth spending the effort

and time to design the abstractions correctly from the beginning. Martin Fowler sees a

connection between a code’s look and smell: “I wrote that about aesthetics in discussing

when you apply refactorings. To some extent, the situations I describe in the refactoring

guidelines are fairly vague notions of aesthetics. But I try to provide more guidance than

just saying, ‘Refactor when the code looks ugly.’ I say, for instance, that duplicated code

is a bad smell. I say that long methods are a bad smell. Big classes are a bad smell.”

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1.3. A New Perspective: Clones can be Good Duplicated or cloned code is often considered harmful to software quality,

however it can also be a reasonable or beneficial design option. Cloning can be done with

“good intentions”, including when 1) it keeps the code clean and understandable rather

than introducing an unreadable, complicated abstraction, and 2) the programming

language lacks expressiveness, so a trusted solution is reused (for example, in COBOL)

[122, 125]. If a procedure would have too many parameters or if a programming language

does not support abstractions, then clones can be a viable alternative.

There are times when it is advised to keep clones in the source code. An empirical

study of code clone genealogies that looked at clones over multiple versions of a program

[137], found that it may not be worth refactoring short-lived clones if they are likely to

diverge soon and that the long-living clones are often in the system due to shortcomings

of the programming language. As a result, limitations of the programming language

design may result in unavoidable duplicates in a code [132]. Research from Cordy claims

that making changes to clones (which includes refactoring them) can be considered risky

from a corporate standpoint, so to be safe, the clones should remain in the system [39].

If you have a procedure with ten parameters, you

probably missed some. - Anonymous

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Have People Been Led Astray? According to MythSE 2007, the statement that “clones are evil” is actually a myth

in software engineering [81]. Various facts are used to refute the myth, including [8, 39,

122, 125, 137, 151, 180, 191] with reasons explained on the website [81]. Godfrey says

that people may have been led astray like sheep, in their thinking as a group that cloning

is bad. He reiterates that cloning (or starting with the familiar) is both natural and good.

For example, he claims that in both arts and life, people explore new things by carefully

venturing away from the familiar and that humans find comfort in ritual, and more

importantly, repetition of trusted design elements is a part of engineering [74].

Regardless of the outcome of the debate about the value of copy-and-paste and

cloning, this PhD research focused on the fact that code clones do exist and thus need to

be managed. Even if clones are made with good intentions or out of necessity, they can

still be problematic if not handled properly. One contribution of this work, the software

tool CnP, is a proactive clone management environment that tracks copy-and-paste-

induced clones upon creation. Based on the tracked cloning information, CnP provides

support for clone-related maintenance activities. This dissertation shows how CnP’s

support for copy-and-paste clone-awareness may be able to help programmers benefit

from this clone information during debugging and modification tasks, develop software

more efficiently, and prevent inconsistent identifier renaming within clones. A user study

was performed to measure the effects of this kind of clone-aware programming.

All we like sheep have gone astray. - Isaiah 53:6

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1.4. Research Contributions The main contributions of this research included:

• The copy-and-paste (CnP) tool

o Proactive tracking – CnP/CReN were the first known clone tracking

tools published (in 2007), which took a more proactive approach to

capturing clones upon creation (by detecting when a copy and paste occurs

and gathering the initial clone and identifier information at that time when

the clones are identical).

o Intra-clone editing – CReN was the only known tool to support editing

within a clone (all previous tools only supported between-clone editing).

Intra-clone editing is done when programmers copy, paste, and modify the

pasted code to fit the current task. The kind of modification that is made in

these cases is often identifier renaming, which is what CReN supports.

o AST-based – CnP makes use of the abstract syntax tree (AST)

representation of the source code, which is a better approach than the text-

based methods that cannot differentiate between source code and any other

text. CSeR is one of the few differencing tools to take advantage of ASTs.

• Dimensions of clone tracking tool development – When comparing CnP with

related clone tracking tools, a variety of clone properties were determined that

these kinds of tools must explicitly define. Listing the properties can be useful in

the creation of new tools or to help redefine a tool’s current property definitions.

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• Definition of the clone lifecycle – The comparison of tools also led to a definition

of the clone lifecycle stages, including some areas where there is current tool

support and areas that need more support.

• Realization about clone visualization – After completing a user study on CnP,

CnP’s clone visualization was not found to provide statistically quicker and

correct solutions than without it. Observation and other analysis (in Section 5.1)

helped better determine whether and when a programmer may exploit clone

information. There is no other known similar analysis of the role of clone

information in maintenance tasks, and, thus the analysis in and of itself can be a

contribution. The analysis can be used in the design of future experiments.

1.5. Outline of This Dissertation This dissertation first presents the traditional perspective on copying and pasting

and code cloning (Section 1.2), including the clone detection and removal approach

(Section 2.1). It then introduces the new perspective that states that even though cloning

can be problematic, clones can be reasonable and beneficial to a software system (Section

1.3). Furthermore, since these clones can be in the source code for any length of time, this

dissertation proposes that clones should be managed throughout their lifecycles until

extinction, that is, if they ever get to that stage (Section 2.2).

As most of the problems with cloning revolve around the issue of software

maintenance, support for modification or editing is the main focus of the related clone

tracking tools (Section An additional distinction between these clone tracking

tools is whether they are proactive or retroactive, that is, whether they start capturing

clone information upon the clone’s creation (via copy and paste) or whether they use

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clone detection or clone selection by the programmer, which can start the clone tracking

much later in the clone’s life (Section Each tool can also define the properties of

clones differently, with some tool designs and implementations preferred over others

(Section 2.2.2).

Finally, this dissertation presents the design (Chapter 3) and results (Chapter 4) of

a user study that tested the CnP tool’s basic visualization and renaming features, followed

by a discussion related to this study (Chapter 5). Lastly, this paper contains a conclusion

and future work (Chapter 6).

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1. Clone Detection and Removal Clone Detection There is a wide variety of clone-related research [148, 149]. Traditionally, much

of the focus has been on clone detection [162, 211, 213, 214] and removal. In this field,

researchers often contribute a variety of clone detection techniques, including algorithms

[57, 60, 61, 69, 109, 110, 112, 113, 120, 193, 207, 215, 216], heuristics [17, 18] and

processes [158]. Many early algorithms made use of program dependence graphs (PDGs)

[20, 63, 93, 94, 144, 152] and program slicing [24, 145]. Beginning research dealt with

finding exact code duplicates, while later work expanded to detect “near-miss clones”

(code fragments that are not identical, but have some level of similarity) [10, 11, 21, 40,

212, 223]. Some algorithms were implemented as clone detection tools [22, 23] (such as

AntiCutAndPaste, CCFinderX, Clone Digger, CloneDR, Dup, Duplo, DupMan, Moss,

SDD, Simian, and SimScan*) whose purpose is to find code clones in pre-existing code.


If something is worth doing once,

it's worth building a tool to do it.

- A Software Engineering Proverb

Software entities are more complex for their size

than perhaps any other human construct because

no two parts are alike (at least above the

statement level). If they are, we make the two

similar parts into a subroutine – open or closed.

In this respect, software systems differ profoundly

from computers, buildings, or automobiles, where

repeated elements abound.

- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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Clone detection tools are retroactive and as a result, can reveal a number of false

positives and false negatives that must be sorted through by the programmer. The fact

that humans need to go through a clone detection tool’s results to verify its accuracy in

returning actual clones of interest is a major disadvantage of these kinds of tools.

Clone Removal People who dislike copy-and-paste and code clones tend to want to solve the

problems of cloning by removing the clones from the system as soon as possible. The

main reason for clone detection has been for subsequent clone removal, that is, to get rid

of the clones in legacy systems (already existing source code). As previously mentioned,

this approach is retroactive and thus is not solving the problem as it happens. On the

other hand, one way of proactive “clone prevention” [21] that is suggested is to simply

run a clone detection tool on the code as it is being developed, so that the clones can be

removed instantaneously by the programmer. Others even suggest preventing the creation

of clones by disabling the copy and paste functionality in the programming editor! But,

prevention is not enough, since some clones must or should remain in the source code.

The most common method of clone removal is refactoring [67], which means to

restructure or change the source code without changing its external functional behavior.

One of the most common forms of refactored clones is as a functional abstraction – to

replace the multiple, similar code fragments with a single procedure [142, 143] to make

maintenance easier since updates could be made in one spot. The common portion

between the clones would be the function body and the differences would be handled by

the function parameters. Cloned classes can be refactored such that “a base class

encapsulates the commonalities and the derived classes specialize in the peculiarities”

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[74]. Using generics [108] and templates for classes [19] can also add an acceptable form

of abstraction into the system thus eliminating class-level clones. Other forms of

refactored clones [74, 148] include: macros [3], design patterns [148], program slices

[71], and software product lines [68, 184, 185]. The process of code refactoring can be

error-prone when done manually [79], but there is some default refactoring support in the

IDE (like renaming and moving [252]) and separate refactoring tools (such as [78, 79, 82,

84, 227]), which can help the programmer determine how and where to refactor.

When to Refactor There are varying perspectives about when to refactor. Purists believe that all

code smells (including code clones) should be avoided with no exceptions [235]. They

agree with the “Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)” principle, which states that “every piece

of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a

system” [242]. The Extreme Programming (XP) software development methodology calls

this “Once and Only Once” (that is, that “each and every declaration of behavior should

appear once and only once”) [244]. Followers of these rules would favor refactoring to

make a single abstraction as soon as possible. The “rule of thumb” of when to refactor,

however, states that copying and pasting of the same code is allowed up to three times

until the clones should be refactored [246, 247], called the “Rule of Three”. In general, it

takes at least three applications of something for it to be considered a pattern [247], so it

seems that the “Rule of Three” would be what is more often done naturally in practice.

The first time you do something, you just do it.

The second time you do something similar, you

wince at the duplication, but you do the duplicate

thing anyway. The third time you do something

similar, you refactor. - Don Roberts

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Despite the potential benefits of refactoring to make the code more maintainable

and less complex, refactoring can be done prematurely before it would happen naturally.

This could be problematic and require significant effort to fix. Also, creating an

abstraction can be difficult or impossible, for example, due to the programmer’s inability

to create the abstraction [76, 150] or due to language constraints. Furthermore, even

though there are rules about when to refactor, the rules can be broken, which would leave

clones in the system that need to be managed for a temporary or extended period of time.

2.2. Clone Lifecycle Management Since clones will continue to exist and some clones may even be intentionally

permanent, tool support is needed for all stages of the clone lifecycle. The term “clone

management” has been used to refer to “clone removal” [146, 147] and also one kind of

“clone editing” that links together clones for common changes to be made simultaneously

among them [54, 55, 189, 231]. Both “clone editing” and “clone removal” (in other

words, clone extinction) are parts of the clone lifecycle that can be managed with the aid

of software tools. This dissertation presents the dimensions of a software tool, CnP,

which provides copy-and-paste-induced clone management in the Eclipse IDE.

2.2.1. Brief CnP Tool Descriptions The entire suite of Eclipse plug-ins from this research that support copy, paste,

and modify programming are called CnP. At the time of this writing, the CnP project

Cloning is a good strategy if you have the right

tools in place. Let programmers copy and adjust,

and then let tools factor out the differences with

appropriate mechanisms. - Ira Baxter

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consists of three plug-ins: CReN (for consistent identifier renaming), LexId (for

consistent substring renaming), and CSeR (for clone comparison). All CnP plug-ins

utilize the abstract syntax tree (AST) source code representation that is available in the

Eclipse framework. First, the tools track the cloning relationship right when the code is

copied and pasted before any changes are made. Each clone’s location is accurately

tracked according to its starting character position and length in number of characters

within a source code file. Only copied and pasted code that is fully contained within an

AST node is captured in this model. Related clones from the same copy and paste

sequence are also noted (Section – Clone Model).

CnP’s basic visualization (used in CReN and LexId) consists of colored bars next

to the clone’s code fragment within the source code file. CSeR has its own unique

method of visualization that differentiates between inserts, deletes, updates, and moves,

highlighting each kind of user-made change with a different color (Section –

Clone Visualization).

In addition to clone tracking and visualization, CReN and LexId track identifiers

within these related clones. First, the identifier instance locations between the clones

(which are AST leaf nodes of type SimpleName) are matched, which represents the

correspondence relationship, as in Figure 1. (Note: this correspondence is not used by

CReN or LexId yet). Then, all of the same identifier instances are grouped together,

which are assumed to be renamed together consistently, as in Figure 2. This way when

the programmer edits any one of the identifier instances, all others of the same program

element or name are renamed with it automatically and consistently. All identifier

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instances that are currently being edited within a clone are shown boxed, similar to

Eclipse’s Linked Renaming (Section – Clone Editing).

Figure 1: The identifier instances in the copied code are matched with their

corresponding identifier instances in the pasted code.

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Figure 2: The identifier instances in the copied and pasted code are partitioned into

groups and mapped to each other. LexId further adds onto this default functionality of CReN by tracking and

grouping together common substrings between the different identifiers within a clone.

LexId tracks corresponding identifier pieces and renames these identical parts of

identifier names consistently together within copied and pasted code fragments. All

instances of a common substring between all identifiers within a clone are renamed

together as one of those is renamed by the programmer (Section – Clone Editing).

2.2.2. Definitions of Clone Properties Certain properties of clones need to be explicitly defined when creating a software

tool that tracks code clones. CnP and related software tools can define each clone

property in different ways. The following subsections give a variety of definitions that are

used for clone similarity, clone model, clone visualization, clone persistence, and clone

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documentation and clone attributes. Table 1 (on the next page) summarizes the design

and implementation details for each of the related clone tracking tools: Clonescape [38],

CPC [251], Codelink [231], LAPIS [189], and CloneTracker [54, 55], including CnP [95,

96, 97, 100, 101, 102] (and its parts: CReN consistent identifier renaming [103], LexId

consistent substring renaming [104], and CSeR clone comparison [106, 107])*, and it

specifically highlights the problems that the related tools did not address that CnP does.

The emphasis of these six tools, in particular, is in supporting the editing phase of the

lifecycle to avoid inconsistent modifications to clones. Clone Similarity As mentioned in Chapter 1, programmers often copy and paste (which creates

code clones) when they see a similarity between existing code and the current task at

hand. Research in the psychology field agrees that people’s minds work in this way –

new problems are often solved by using prior problems’ solutions [51, 52, 65, 73, 160,

170, 253]. People, even as children, recognize analogy and similarity when comparing

things and they know the correspondence relationship between the objects, whether the

object attributes are shared (similarity) or not (analogy) [73].


Software clones are segments of code that are

similar according to some definition of similarity.

- Ira Baxter

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Table 1: Summary of Clone Tracking Tools with their Definitions of Clone Properties

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In general, code clones are defined as “similar” code fragments in software, from

a few lines of code to whole files. The similarity relationship between clones is often

defined in terms of the characteristics of the code that make up the clones such as its text,

syntax, semantics, or pattern [148]. Four types of clones have been defined [23]:

• A Type 1 clone is an exact copy without modifications (except for white space

and comments).

• A Type 2 clone is a syntactically identical copy in which only variable, type, or

function identifiers were changed.

• A Type 3 clone is a copy with further modifications such that statements were

changed, added, or removed.

• And a Type 4 clone is a semantically (or functionally) equivalent segment, which

may differ significantly in terms of textual equivalence.

Clones that are a result of copying and pasting usually remain textually similar (Types 1-

3) [23] and are the kind of clones that most clone detection research has focused on.

Semantic clones (Type 4), however, can be very difficult [69] or nearly impossible to find

retroactively [23]. All clone detection tools rely on some notion of similarity in source

code in order to define clones and they return “sets of code blocks within a user-supplied

similarity threshold of each other” [223]. But, clone detection tool results are not perfect,

even for identical code, since other things like clone boundaries need to be considered.

Like with clone detection tools, determining the similarities and differences

between code fragments is also useful in managing clones. The next two subsections

explain some ways that clone tracking tools use similarity to define what a clone is and

how to manage these clones, respectively.

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Defining Clones For the retroactive tools that rely on clone detection (CloneTracker), there is a

level of similarity that must exist for existing code pieces to be considered clones that is

defined by the clone detection tool. For the retroactive tools that rely on the

programmer’s selection (Codelink and LAPIS), the initial level of similarity is defined by

the programmer who is selecting the clones. Either selecting clones or using the clone

detection tool, if done after the cloning relationships have been forgotten by the

programmer, can yield inaccurate clones. For proactive tools that capture copy-and-paste-

induced clones (CnP, Clonescape, and CPC), the new code fragment is guaranteed to be a

clone and is identical to the original when initially pasted. Because of this, proactive tools

only need to consider what happens to the similarity between clones as they evolve.

Managing Clones CnP’s approach to the definition of clone similarity can be characterized as being

constructive and extensional. For example, the consistent renaming (CReN) portion of

CnP manages similarity such that clones in the same clone group all have corresponding

identifiers, which must be renamed together in each clone. The corresponding identifier

groups need to be constructed ahead of time and tracked thereafter. This correspondence

between identifiers can thus be considered as part of the similarity between clones within

the same clone group. In addition to identifier extraction, LexId goes further by grouping

and tracking parts of identifiers (substrings) together. The CSeR correspondence map

currently tracks fields, methods, parameters, conditional expressions, method calls,

simple names, and literal constants between the clone and its origin. It also uses the

Levenshtein Distance (LD) to connect similar but not identical changes as an “update”.

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Codelink uses the longest-common subsequence (LCS) algorithm (like the one

implemented by the UNIX Diff utility) to determine the commonalities and differences of

clones within a clone group. The main shortcomings of the LCS algorithm include its

potentially long running time and lack of intuitive results [231].

The most popular method of code similarity in related work seems to be the

Levenshtein Distance (LD) (in Clonescape, CPC, CloneTracker, and CSeR), which is a

metric of the amount of editing (the edit distance) needed to make two strings the same.

CloneTracker does its line mapping technique by calculating the LD for two lines of code

at a time. Unlike the constructive, extensional nature of CReN and LexId’s approach, the

code can be tokenized whenever LD needs to be calculated. Thus, LD is not calculated

ahead of time and there is no need to track the result of LD. Also, since the Levenshtein

Distance only returns a numerical value representing clone similarity, it will not tell

additional information about similarity, like which parts of each clone are different.

CReN and LexId’s notion of similarity, on the other hand, is purely syntax-based and

requires parsing to reveal the exact commonalities and differences among clones. Clone Model The following subsections describe the clone model for each tool, both in terms of

how clone locations and clone relationships are represented.

Clone Location CnP and other clone-related tools that use a tree-based representation of the

source code specifically use the abstract syntax tree (AST) API provided in the Eclipse

JDT framework [157]. In Eclipse, an AST node (ASTNode) contains a part of the

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program’s source code. The source code characters and their absolute position in the

source code file are captured in the AST. Each ASTNode has a starting position that

denotes the numeric position of the first character in the node’s content and an ending

position that denotes the numeric position of the last character in the node’s content. An

ASTNode node’s character starting position can be represented as StartPos, whose value

can be retrieved with the Java code: node.getStartPosition() and its character ending

position can be represented as EndPos, whose value can be calculated with the Java code:

node.getStartPosition() + node.getLength() – 1, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: The position of the source code characters as represented in an ASTNode. CnP represents the actual source code that is copied and pasted to the largest

continuous set of whole AST nodes within the range. The beginning of the code fragment

(that is selected and copied-then-pasted) can be denoted as BegIntRange and the end of

the code fragment can be denoted as EndIntRange, which defines the range. The case

which CnP supports is when the node is all within the range (in other words, CnP

captures only the nodes that are fully contained within the copied-and-pasted code

fragment), which is case 1 in Figure 4. In this case, the node that is captured is:

if(BegIntRange <= StartPos && EndIntRange >= EndPos). Copied and pasted source

code that is only partially contained within an AST node is not captured in this

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representation (CnP does not capture the node’s contents for cases 2 and 3 in Figure 4,

which is when the node is partly within the range or not within the range at all).

Figure 4: The three cases when capturing a range of source code using the Eclipse

AST API. Therefore, in general, CnP uses the character offset and length from the source

code to determine a clone’s location in a particular file. The actual source code that is

copied and pasted is represented to the largest continuous set of whole abstract syntax

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tree (AST) nodes within the range. Although it is not said in [231], Codelink probably

also uses offsets, since they use a token-oriented rather than a line-based algorithm for

similarity comparisons between clones. So does CPC. LAPIS represents a text region as a

substring with a start offset and an end offset relative to the start of the file.

Some clone detection tools and clone management tools represent a clone’s

location by the file name that it is in with its line range, for example, Clonescape. The

problem with a line-based representation, however, is that it could give an imprecise

clone boundary because a single line may contain multiple statements. On the other hand,

the character offset representation would be able to pinpoint the exact range of all clones.

CloneTracker was the first to create a way to represent the location of clones

without using file name with character or line ranges. Instead, CloneTracker uses a

“clone region descriptor (CRD)”, which tells of the clone’s relative location in the file

using syntactic, structural, and lexical information (for example, the clone’s alignment

with code blocks). It is possible to use a CRD calculated for a code clone in an early

release to locate the same clone in future releases. However, CRDs may fail to locate

clones when the assumptions that the approach relies on are broken. CnP is guaranteed to

always provide accurate clone locations.

Clone Relationship A lot of clone-related research, such as [54, 55, 111, 137, 251], including this one,

refers to all similar clones belonging to a “clone group”. Other research refers to a clone

group as a “region set” [189] or a “clone class” [13, 40, 123]. In all of these cases, the

related clones are viewed at the same level of group membership symmetrically.

Clonescape, on the other hand, distinguishes the original as the parent and the duplicated

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copy as the child. As a result, clones of the same parent can be called siblings. All related

clones form what they call a “clone family”. While it may be useful to know the clone’s

origin for comparison against the pasted code and for clone visualization, the origin

information could and should be separated from the basic clone model. Clone Visualization Clone visualization can be an effective means to make programmers aware of the

clones in a system.

Markers – Colored Bars and Highlights The latest version of CnP’s clone visualization feature was improved to

distinguish clone groups (related, similar clones that result from a series of copy and

pastes) by coloring all clones within the same group with the same color of bars. It

distinguishes between the origin and its pastes by slightly darkening the colored bar that

is next to each pasted region. For example, in Figure 5, the origin was the method

“more_variables” (shown in the back), which has a regular shade of yellow for its

visualization bar (since it is the original code fragment that was copied), while its pastes

(the newly modified and related methods “more_arrays” and “more_functions”) are

shown with slightly more grayed versions of the color yellow. These three clone

instances belong to the same clone group, hence they are displayed with variations of the

same color (yellow). A different code fragment that is copied and pasted (belonging to a

different clone group) would be represented with shades of a different color, such as the

color red.

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Figure 5: CnP clone visualization has distinction between clone groups and the clone

origin and its subsequent pastes. Visualizing clones is often a challenge that all clone-related tools must address.

Similar to CnP, CPC uses colored rulers to show the lines of each clone visually and

CloneTracker marks the lines of clones visually in the sidebar of Eclipse. Codelink

addresses the visualization issue by allowing similar parts of the clones to be hidden from

view (and indicating the commonalities between linked clones in blue and differences in

yellow). CSeR determines or infers each user-made change to clones as an insert, delete,

update, or move, and then highlights each kind of change with a different color.

Unchanged code within a clone is not highlighted. Mouse hover events reveal details

about the change, including what the updated code was before in the original and what

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has been deleted from the original. A screenshot of CSeR’s highlights and hover

information is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: CSeR shows the changes that would be made to the

ExclusionInclusionDialog class (highlighted code for inserts, deletes, updates,

moves; and hover information for deletes, updates) to make the

SetFilterWizardPage class in SetFilterWizardPage’s file in the Eclipse editor. The four kinds of user-made differences between related clones, according to CSeR, are:

1. Insert – the addition of an AST (abstract syntax tree) node, highlighted in green.

2. Delete – the removal of an existing AST node, highlighted in red.

3. Update – the modification of an existing AST node, highlighted in yellow.

4. Move – the difference between the matching statements of the clones is that they

have different neighbors, highlighted in blue.

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Differencing and Comparison Tools Some research looks at comparison [153] and its application, including comparing

source code examples [42]. Differencing tools must somehow show the differences

between files visually to the user. Though visualization is still a challenge to these tools,

most are very simple in how they display files’ differences, and the main distinguishing

feature to these related tools is the choice of differencing algorithm used.

There are many text-based differencing tools available. Most make use of the diff

algorithm [99, 241] and are based on solving the LCS (Longest Common Subsequence)

problem. Since this approach is developed for text files, it has obvious disadvantages

when used for Java source code [106, 107]. Some differencing tools that are based on the

diff or LCS algorithm include UNIX Diff, Eclipse’s Compare Editor (which can be

invoked by right clicking selected file(s) in Eclipse’s Package Explorer view and then

choosing the “Compare With” menu option), Ldiff [32, 33], and Version Editor (ve) [7]*.

Ve provides tight integration of the revision history and the editor so it has the limitations

and disadvantages of the text-based tools and the version control system.

There are a variety of graph-based differencing algorithms [5, 230, 233] and tools

such as Cdiff [25, 259], Jdiff [5], Semantic Diff [105], and Exas [193]*. The graph-based

approach has an advantage over the text-based tools, which only focused on syntax, since

these take into account the program’s semantics as well. However, they can be slower

and it is not always clear whether the extra analysis pays off.

*,,, *

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Many differencing tools are abstract syntax tree (AST)-based such as LaDiff [37],

Breakaway [41], Jigsaw [43, 44], ChangeDistiller [66], and Coogle [215, 216], including

CSeR [106, 107]*. These tools in general have the advantage of being able to obtain

structured information from the tree-based representation of the source code. CSeR

differs from these tools in terms of its purpose (clone differencing), its interactive and

incremental updating of correspondence rather than re-computing from scratch (in

contrast to what is done in Breakaway [41]), and the heuristics that it uses to infer change

categories (which differs from, for example, those of ChangeDistiller [66]).

Another way of looking at program changes is to use mapping or origin analysis

as part of the differencing algorithm [138, 205] or the tool implementation such as Beagle

[75]. More recently, additional logic has been incorporated as well to get a better

understanding of the changes. The UMLDiff approach tracks the evolution of higher-

level program elements (at the level of UML models) over versions of systems [256, 257,

258] and other research utilizes a novel rule-based and combination algorithm (LSdiff)

[133, 136] to infer regular change patterns and overcome some of the disadvantages of

the other differencing approaches.

Capturing Program Structure and Edits There is a body of research that proposes structure-based editors and semantics-

preserving editing environments [16, 27, 80, 139, 140, 141, 188, 199, 200, 203, 204, 206,

219, 229, 250, 261] rather than traditional text-based editors. These structured editors and

IDEs can benefit programmers by letting them know exactly which edit operations are

being performed, however these specific, and often stand-alone, editors are not


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commonly used in practice. Instead, other research focuses on determining and

presenting structural correspondence [41, 43, 44, 106, 107, 193] to programmers in the

IDEs that they already use, like Eclipse, by utilizing the tree-based representation of the

source code. Rather than bombarding the programmer with too much extra information,

CSeR makes a few general categories of possible user-edits and infers which category a

sequence of edits belongs to incrementally. How to efficiently parse code is a research

problem itself [249]. For better performance, CSeR only compares the smallest

corresponding sub-trees that contain the positions where the programmer last edited.

Capturing Program Changes Not only is it important to capture the current state of the clones in a system (by

continuously updating clone locations and contents as they are changed), but capturing

change information over time and presenting this to the programmer can be extremely

beneficial. CSeR captures and displays certain clone changes in the editor, which can

help programmers see the level of similarity between the clones better. Seeing update and

deletion information that otherwise is not shown in the file can also be very useful in

learning about the code [186, 187]. Related research in the area of software evolution

looks further into program changes and multi-version programs [31, 37, 66, 77, 129, 131,

133, 134, 136, 154, 205, 262], changeability [177, 178], and evolutionary history [256].

Specifically studying the evolution of clones over multiple versions of the program helps

determine whether these clones require frequent consistent changes or whether they

… the problem [with software projects] isn’t

change, per se, because change is going to

happen; the problem, rather, is the inability to

cope with change when it comes. - Kent Beck

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remain dormant and impose no significant maintenance challenges. It can also pinpoint at

what stage clones are refactored (when they are changed in form) and it can conclude

whether the clones need to be refactored at all [1, 135]. Seeing the code as it has evolved

over time in a version control system instead of just seeing the current version in the

editor can be extremely beneficial in learning how and why the program changes [14].

Using Change Information from Version Control Systems There is a large body of research that focuses on mining software repositories and

then analyzing the historical information from version control systems, such as SVN

(Subversion) or CVS (Concurrent Versions System), for a variety of reasons [6, 7, 15, 31,

33, 70, 82, 133, 134, 154, 262]. Clone-related tools that use version control system

information include Cleman and ClemanX [194, 195, 196], Clever [197], Clone

Detection Toolbox [190], Clone Smell Extractor [13], and Vaci [119]*. However, this

approach is limited since the information obtained is only from snapshots of when the

program’s source code was checked-in or checked-out and it often requires additional

analysis and inferences to be useful. Furthermore, the program histories may contain a lot

of irrelevant information that is not clone-related. Given program version changes, people

would need to sort through to detect likely copied-and-pasted code and eliminate extra

information. Also, although people might be able to obtain information about specific

changes made to a particular file, they would not automatically have correspondence

information (between files) from the histories alone.


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Warnings – Error Prevention or Detection Not only is support for clone management important, but the prevention or

detection of clone-related errors (also called bugs [13, 111, 171, 172, 174],

inconsistencies [111, 171, 172], or anomalies [251]) should also be provided. CnP

contains features that may either prevent errors (like CReN does) or detect potential

errors (warnings) in the tracked clones. CnP issues a warning if any identifier in the

pasted code binds to a declaration in the context where it is pasted (external identifier

scoping) [95, 96, 97]. For example, when a method is copied and pasted within the same

class, CnP can provide a warning for each identifier within the method that is defined at

the class level (outside of the method, but within the class). These warnings will alert the

programmer that these particular identifier instances within the clone (method) may need

to be renamed. This is useful, since it is common for programmers to copy and paste a

code fragment that contains references to external identifiers that are intended only in the

original fragment. The programmer can then use CReN to rename the identifier instances

in the pasted location, if desired.

There are a number of software quality tools [26, 30, 50], including Axivion,

CloneDetective [116], ConQAT, and PMD,* and clone bug detection/prevention tools

such as CP-Miner [171, 172], CPC [251], DECKARD-based tool [111], and FixWizard.*

The famous Alice software prevents syntax errors by providing a drag-and-drop

programming system to aid novice programmers [127], who tend to make errors by

misunderstanding program constructs [260] and breaking implied system rules [58]. Bug

*,,, *,,,

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detection, on the other hand, (rather than prevention) is often done by finding

inconsistencies between the clones [118, 128, 255] when changes are made [13, 161],

especially inconsistencies in identifiers [111, 171, 172], and spelling errors [45, 98, 192].

CP-Miner uses identifier mapping such that an identifier is considered consistent

when it always maps to the same identifier (which could be a different name) in the other

fragment and it is inconsistent when it maps itself to multiple identifiers [171, 172]. For

Example 1 in Table 4 of Section 2.3, the identifier “prom_phys_total” in the copied code

fragment maps to both “prom_prom_taken” and “prom_phys_total” in the pasted code.

Because “prom_phys_total” does not map only to “prom_prom_taken” in all instances,

for example, CP-Miner would detect it as an inconsistency. The DECKARD-based tool

claims that an inconsistency exists if the two code fragments contain different numbers of

unique identifiers [111]. For Example 3 in Table 4 of Section 2.3, the DECKARD-based

tool would count two instances of the identifier “l_stride” in the copied code fragment,

but only one instance in the pasted code fragment. Since both instances of “l_stride” were

not renamed to “r_stride” in the pasted code, for example, the DECKARD-based tool was

able to find this inconsistency. However, both CP-Miner and the DECKARD-based tool

produce false positives, which need to be inspected manually in order to verify the

existence of an actual bug. Similarly, the clone smell detection tool [13] also requires

human intervention to determine if the detected “unusual” changes are, in fact, bugs.

Instead of being retroactive in terms of bug prevention and detection, CnP provides a

form of automatic bug prevention (with its CReN and LexId renaming tools) and can give

warnings on code as it is being edited.

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Alerts – Clone Modification Notification Clone modification notification is a new feature found in clone-related tools.

Clonescape alerts programmers when they edit a clone by showing a red status line

message. CloneTracker uses notifications to alert programmers when tracked clones are

being modified (for example, so that they can choose to turn on the simultaneous editing

feature). CPC uses notifications to warn the programmer about possible update

anomalies. Clones can be marked as “ignored”, meaning that no more notifications will

be generated for this particular clone. CnP lets the programmer know via visualization

that a clone is being or was edited (boxes with CReN/LexId, and highlights with CSeR).

Views and Graphs Research in the area of clone detection visualizes clones with graphs [83, 114,

232, 228] and views [14, 208, 228]. CnP provides two views: one view to list the clone

detection tool results that are reported and one view to list the clones being tracked by

CnP [96]. Clones that are being tracked by CnP can be either clones that have been

automatically tracked since they were copied and pasted in the IDE or clones that started

being tracked after they were manually imported from the clone detection tool. The

LAPIS editor suggests three possible views for future work, including a bird’s-eye view,

an abbreviated context view, and an “unusual matches” view. CloneTracker uses a view

to list clones and clone groups. Clonescape proposes a multi-view approach, where only

the one or two views of interest are automatically shown to the programmer at one time, a

technique known as fisheye view, but these are unimplemented. CPC contains a few main

views, including a clone list view, tree clone view, and a clone replay view. The use of

graphs and views, like markers, is an issue that all clone-related tools face. The challenge

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is to find an alternative to the separate views that programmers need to invoke and the

relatively complex graphs that they need to learn and understand. Clone Persistence While all software tools make use of data structures (such as vectors and maps)

that store information in the system’s memory while the tool is currently being run, this

information must be recorded in some way so that it can be accessed and updated when

the programmer works on the source code again at a later time. Storing the clone

information between programming sessions is what is called clone persistence.

CnP persists the information about the tracked clones between sessions in a flat

database (simple text file). Specifically, it stores each clone’s location (the file name that

contains the clone with the clone’s starting character position in the file and its length in

number of characters) within each clone group. In addition, as part of the information

needed for consistent identifier renaming within code fragments, each identifier’s

location (the identifier’s starting character position in the file and its length in number of

characters) within each identifier group is also stored. The information gets saved

automatically whenever Eclipse quits, and loaded automatically when Eclipse starts up.

This single file covers the whole workspace, not just individual projects.

CPC also persists clone information. Codelink saves the links between clones as

file meta-data, making the links persistent between sessions. However, the persistent

links are not robust to edits. The latest version of CloneTracker persists the clone

information that it tracks for the current project. A unique feature of CPC is that it also

gathers information about the copying and pasting activities in general, and it persists the

full modification history of each clone in relation to its clone group.

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39 Clone Documentation and Clone Attributes Some people believe that clone tracking and visualization act as a form of source

code documentation by themselves. Though many tools claim to “document” the clones

that they are tracking or managing in this way, clone documentation is actually defined as

support for additional information to be written about the clone (which forms the clone’s

external attributes). Clone documentation, such as why the clone was created (for

example, for hardware variation or a bug workaround [38]), generally cannot be retrieved

by the system and must be added by the programmer. Clonescape and CPC define “clone

classification”, however, their approaches include documenting the structural information

about clones, which does not fully fit into the previous definition. Similarly, other

research in the topic of clone classification [121, 123, 124] groups clones by the region

that they occur in (the level of abstraction involved and the location of the clones in a

file), which also does not require user intervention. Instead, the “reasoning” type of clone

classification described by the authors of Clonescape [38] is consistent with the definition

provided here. In addition, the clone attribute “severity” that is set at low, medium, or

high by the programmer depending on whether the clone should be removed from the

system, is an example of a resulting clone attribute according to the above definition.

2.2.3. Clone Lifecycle Support Proactive clone management must be actively done at all times during software

development and maintenance, throughout a clone’s lifecycle. When designing CnP and

reviewing related work, various definitions of clone properties (in the previous section)

and a variety of tool support (and lack of tool support) for each stage of the clone

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lifecycle (in this section) were learned. In this dissertation, the clone lifecycle is explicitly

defined (shown in Figure 7) from clone creation, through clone capture and clone editing,

to clone extinction. The following subsections present a variety of tool support for the

phases of a clone’s life. Table 2 (on a following page) summarizes the design and

implementation details for each of the related clone tracking tools: Clonescape [38], CPC

[251], Codelink [231], LAPIS [189], and CloneTracker [54, 55], including CnP [95, 96,

97, 100, 101, 102] (and its parts: CReN consistent identifier renaming [103], LexId

consistent substring renaming [104], and CSeR clone comparison [106, 107]), and it

specifically highlights the problems that the related tools did not address that CnP does.

The emphasis of these six tools, in particular, is in supporting the editing phase of the

lifecycle to avoid inconsistent modifications to clones.

Figure 7: The Clone Lifecycle – Clone Creation, Clone Capture, Clone Editing, and

Clone Extinction.

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Table 2: Summary of Clone Tracking Tools with their Clone Lifecycle Support

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42 Clone Creation When the concept of clone creation is considered, two questions come to mind:

how were the clones created, and why the clones were created? The answers to these two

questions determine whether or not that particular clone is tracked and supported by the

clone tracking tool.

How were the clones created? Code clones can be created in a number of ways [115], but many, if not most,

clones are undoubtedly created via copying and pasting, since duplication is very easy to

do with either a simple menu selection (Edit - Copy, Edit - Paste) or a keyboard shortcut

(Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V). As a result, the software tool CnP, which supports copy-and-paste-

induced code clones upon creation, essentially captures one of the most common kinds of

clones made and it guarantees 100% accuracy in clone “detection”, since the copying and

pasting is known exactly as it happens.

Why were the clones created? A key distinction between clones is also the reason for the clone creation. Existing

research distinguishes between intentional clones (code that the programmer intended to

reuse) [212, 213] and accidental clones (code that is similar due to a protocol

requirement) [2]. This and most other clone-related research focus on intentional clones,

but realize that accidental clones do exist. To address accidental clones, tools often allow

some form of user control such as allowing the programmer to remove certain clones

from those that are automatically being tracked.

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One research paper has categorized the high-level intentions of copy-and-paste as:

to relocate, regroup, reorganize code, to reorder code, to reformat code, to help remember

a long, complicated name, to restructure or refactor code manually, and to reuse code as a

structural template (either a syntactic template or a semantic template) [130]. Similarly,

another set of research publications has introduced a categorization of eight cloning

patterns into three groups: forking, templating, and customization [122, 125]. Forking,

which involves duplicating a large portion of code to be evolved independently, includes

hardware variations, platform variations, and experimental variation. Templating

involves the direct copying of existing code, where the appropriate abstraction is

unavailable. Cloning patterns in this group include “boiler-plating” due to language in-

expressiveness, API/library protocols, and general language or algorithmic idioms.

Finally, customization involves copying existing code that solves a similar problem to the

current problem and modifying it accordingly. It includes cloning patterns such as bug

workarounds and “replicate and specialize”. CnP focuses on the last kind of cloning,

which is again reported as “the most common type of cloning” [122, 125]. Clone Capture Clone capture refers to how and when clones are detected in the source code in

order to be tracked by the tool. Proactive clone capturing detects a clone upon creation,

while retroactive capturing often detects a clone later on in its life. It is important to have

both proactive and retroactive support, since the proactive approach only catches newly

created clones, while the retroactive method can detect clones that were made before the

proactive tool was applied.

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Tracking Copy-and-Paste Actions (Proactive) Clone tracking happens behind-the-scenes, keeping track of the clone and clone

group relationships and their locations within the source code files. CnP automatically

tracks only significant copy and pastes that contain certain program elements or number

of lines of code (based on a configurable policy). The tool tracks code fragments at the

granularity of a character, to the nearest contained abstract syntax tree (AST) node. The

AST representation of the source code is accessible within the Eclipse framework.

By default, the CnP tool automatically detects the creation of new clones that are

made via copying and pasting, and it was the first known published tool to do this in the

IDE. CnP is able to track each clone from its beginning to end of life, unlike retroactive

tools which do not capture a clone’s creation, but instead rely on clone detection tools or

user selection and only start tracking clones later in their lives. After creation, CnP tracks

clones by storing information about them. The location and range of a clone is

continuously updated as the code changes.

For the tools that focus on tracking copy-and-paste-induced clones as they are

made by copy-and-paste (CnP, Clonescape, and CPC), it is important to note that still not

all of these copied code fragments are necessarily clones of interest to be tracked.

Research on copy-and-paste usage patterns shows that programmers often copy very

small pieces of code (such as a variable name, a type name, or a method name) [132]. To

avoid tracking the clones produced when the programmer is simply copying and pasting

less than a single line of code to save typing or to remember a name’s spelling, CnP

chooses to automatically track only clones that would appear to be more significant.

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The policy that CnP currently uses for determining whether a copied code

fragment is a clone suitable for tracking is if and only if it contains:

1. more than two statements, or

2. at least one conditional statement, loop statement, or method, or

3. a type definition (class or interface).

This policy can be made configurable. On top of this basic filtering, programmers are

also given the option to take a clone out of a clone group. Furthermore, if a paste is done

within an already tracked clone, CnP treats this new paste the same as an insert operation,

which just grows the existing clone, instead of tracking “clones within clones”.

Clonescape and CPC are both token-based (rather than AST-based), which has its

limitations (mentioned previously). Clonescape’s policy for tracking more significant

clones is to track clones of at least 30 tokens. CPC’s policy is to track clones above a

programmer-specified minimal clone length in terms of characters, tokens, or lines. Both

of these clone tracking policies are limited in that generally clones are not significant

based on numerical size alone (different programming languages and styles may allow a

significant amount of code to be written in a relatively small number of characters,

tokens, or lines). The presence of multiple statements or an abstraction in the copied code

is more important than its actual size and can indicate that the code is, in fact, worth

tracking, since it is more likely to have been copied in order for the statements or

abstraction to be reused.

Codelink, LAPIS, and CloneTracker all do not track copy and paste actions, but

instead rely on importing from clone detection tools and/or the selection of clones.

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Importing from Clone Detection Tools and/or Selecting Clones (Retroactive) In addition to the proactive support of tracking clones since their creation, CnP

also includes retroactive support, specifically importing clones that were detected with

the SimScan clone detection tool. After SimScan is run, its reported clones can be

displayed in a view in CnP. Since these imported clones have the limitations of the clone

detection tool, each clone’s location is listed by the file’s name that it is in and its

position within that file (in line range notation). The final stage of the importing process

is that the programmer selects which of the reported clone groups to import into CnP. As

a result, only intentional and significant clones should be selected, while others should be

weeded out. SimScan’s representation of the selected clones is converted into CnP’s

format and then these clones can start being tracked by CnP. In addition to their file

locations and positions, native clones (those that have been tracked by CnP since their

creation via copy and paste) also have identifier information associated with them.

CloneTracker supports clone importing from SimScan and then relies on the

programmer’s input in clone selection. The retroactive portion of Clonescape, although

not completely implemented, also chooses to rely on the programmer’s selection of

clones from the clone detection tool’s results. CPC, on the other hand, just marks the

reported clones differently than the copy-and-paste-induced clones in the system, without

requiring the programmer’s selection. But, CPC still requires all clones, including the

imported ones, to go through an automated filtering process. In Codelink and LAPIS,

clones are just selected manually by the programmer (no clone detection tool is used).

Though this eliminates some tool processing overhead, the extra burden is put on the

programmer to know which clones to select and where they are in the system.

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47 Clone Editing Clone editing is broadly construed as any feature that supports the editing of clone

code and the maintenance of the clone model. Program and clone modification is one of

the most cited problems of cloning, since it can result in errors and inconsistencies, so

many people choose to refactor the clones in order to avoid having to maintain them.

However, a new research perspective proposes to manage the edits to clones rather than

“solving” the maintenance problem by removing the clones, especially since some clones

should or must remain in the system. This section summarizes source code editing

techniques that make consistent edits within a clone (intra-clone editing) and between

clones at the same time (inter-clone editing).

Inter-clone editing is done when a physical change that is being made to one clone

is the same physical change needed between all related clones (similarity). On the other

hand, for intra-clone editing, only the relationship is the same between the clones, not the

physical change itself, for example, in the case of a local identifier name change


Inter-Clone Editing (Between Clones) There are times when a change is needed to be made consistently between clones,

such as a new feature or a bug fix. Fixing an existing bug that was replicated via copy

and paste before would need to be done in all related code fragments, otherwise these

The fundamental problem with program

maintenance is that fixing a defect has a

substantial (20-50 percent) chance of introducing

another. So the whole process is two steps

forward and one step back…

- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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unchanged fragments (“rogue tiles” [245]) would actually create a new inconsistency or

bug into the system in addition to the existing bug.

There have been a number of editing techniques proposed by researchers to help

maintain common updates and changes between similar code fragments (linked editing

with Codelink [231], synchronous editing [122], and simultaneous editing with LAPIS

and CloneTracker [54, 55, 189]). Inter-clone editing provides the same benefit of

updating in one place that an abstraction would provide, but allows the clones to remain

in the system. Each inter-clone editing technique has been implemented as either an add-

on tool (that integrates into an existing editor or IDE) or as its own system. However,

each implementation requires that the code be manually selected by the programmer first.

All tools allow the programmer to “undo” or correct the automatic edits if necessary.

Although not currently available, support for inter-clone editing between clones

can be added to CnP as an additional way to ensure consistent clone modifications across

the whole system.

Intra-Clone Editing (Within Clones) A common modification that a programmer makes is not between clones, but

rather within a clone, for example, to modify pasted code to fit the current task. Research

recognizes that a common type of clone is a parameterized one [9, 12, 47], where the

programmer intends to make only small changes to the pasted code, like to the identifier

If you were to break up a program, put it into a

grinder, and then sort the pieces, you would find

that the bulk of the program is in names.

- Charles Simonyi

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names and literal constants. CReN and LexId were the first known tools to aid

programmers in consistently renaming identifier and substring instances within a clone,

called intra-clone editing.

CReN CnP contains a renaming utility (CReN) [103] that helps rename identifiers

consistently within clones, shown in Figure 8 (and within any specified code fragment,

shown in the bottom of Figure 19). CReN uses a heuristic that identifiers referring to the

same program element within a code fragment should be renamed together consistently.

In this way, CReN helps prevent inconsistent renaming errors because manual renaming

can miss an instance that was intended to be renamed. When the declaration is outside of

the fragment, the missed name can still be okay according to the compiler (since it is still

in scope), so programmers would not normally be alerted of the missed instance. The

tool’s automatic actions can be corrected by the programmer. This novel renaming

feature is unique to the CnP tool and is one way that it supports clone-aware editing

differently than other tools.

As a simple example, suppose that the programmer needs to make a method to

find the range of an integer array. Code has already been written to find the lowest

integer in the array of integers, shown as the first for loop in Figure 8, so the programmer

would need to write code to find the highest integer in the array. [In Figure 8, the original

code is colored with a red bar beside it, and the newly pasted code is colored with a blue

bar beside it. This screenshot was made before CnP’s visualization was improved to

display related clones from a sequence of copy and pastes in the same shade of color.]

With the existing loop and the variables “low” and “i” already present, the programmer

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could add in the new variable “j” and then copy and paste the declaration of “low” and

the for loop together, creating an exact duplicate. CReN highlights the copied code (the

origin) with a red bar and the pasted code with a blue bar. After changing the “<”

operator to “>”, the programmer would then like to rename all instances of “low” to

“high” in the pasted code and all instances of “i” to “j” in this loop. Manual renaming can

miss an instance that is undetected by the compiler. In Figure 8, with CReN, all instances

of “i” in the pasted loop are renamed to “j” when any “i” in the loop is renamed by the


Programmers may implement the example in Figure 8 differently (by using a

single for loop instead of two loops). The choice of implementation depends on the

programmer’s style. Some programmers may prefer the implementation outlined here,

since it demonstrates a clear separation of concerns of finding “low” and “high”. The

solution is presented here in this way as a simple illustration to follow that does not

require much explanation.

Figure 8: Consistent identifier renaming within a clone using CReN.

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To know which identifier instances in a code fragment are to be renamed

consistently together, CReN groups together instances that bind to the same program

element. If bindings are not available, CReN will simply rename identifier instances

within the clone that have the same name. Even though CReN only renames identifier

instances consistently within a single clone, CReN must still also maintain relationships

between it and the other clones in the same clone group. This additional mapping is used

when information needs to be updated across all clones, such as when the programmer

chooses to use CReN’s “side-stepping” feature to remove an identifier from the group of

instances that are to be renamed together. In this situation, when the programmer

removes a particular instance in the clone that is currently being edited, CReN would also

exclude that corresponding identifier instance from being renamed with the others in all

related clones, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: The programmer can choose to rename an instance separately from the

others (notice that one “i” in the pasted loop on line 33 is not being renamed as a “j”

with the others anymore).

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Grouping Identifiers Figure 10 shows an example of an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the for loop:

for(i = 1; i < size; i++)


if(array[i] < low){

low = array[i];


} All nodes have a type and some nodes have values. To read the diagram with the source

code, start with the root node. The root node is of type ForStatement and corresponds to

the “for” part of the source code. This node is the highest node in this sub-tree (this is a

partial AST, since this for loop must be just a part of a whole, larger source code file) just

as the for loop contains all of its parameters and statements within it. In this example,

identifiers, tokens (literal constants), and operators have values. For example, a node of

type Assignment has an operator value of ‘=’. The first parameter of the for loop “i = 1”

is its own sub-tree with its root as the = operator. The identifier ‘i’ is the left branch of the

sub-tree in a node of type SimpleName. The token ‘1’ is the right branch of the sub-tree

in a node of type NumberLiteral. And so on, for the rest of the parts of the for loop.

Notice that all identifiers and tokens are leaves of the tree. To gather groups of identifiers

CnP “visits” (using the visitor design pattern) nodes of type SimpleName and stores

instances of the same identifier together. The for loop in this example has four identifier

groups, each displayed in a different color: the “i” instances are all colored pink, the

“size” instance is colored purple, the “array” instances are colored green, and the “low”

identifier instances are colored blue. The grouping of identifiers is used in CReN and

LexId, in particular, for the consistent renaming of all instances of the same identifier.

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Figure 10: The abstract syntax tree (AST) of a for loop with the identifier groups highlighted.

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LexId LexId [104] is an extension of CReN that renames parts of identifier names

consistently together within code fragments. All instances of a common substring

between all identifiers (which can be different whole identifiers) within a clone are

renamed together as one of them is renamed. LexId handles a different use case than

CReN and instead focuses on inferring the lexical patterns across different identifiers.

LexId determines substrings as those parts of an identifier that are separated by an

underscore “_” or dollar sign “$” character, or by changes in character type (digits or

letters) or case (uppercase or lowercase letters). The “_” and “$” are never substrings or

part of a substring (they are strictly only separation characters). Table 3 shows some

examples of how LexId’s algorithm divides up an identifier into substrings. The standard

Java CamelCase naming convention is supported. LexId also properly divides C-style

identifiers as expected with respect to capitalization and digits and even supports

Hungarian notation [220].

Table 3: Examples of what LexId considers to be substrings.

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Inferring Patterns in Identifiers Programmers can copy and paste when following a certain naming scheme. In this

situation, a substring of the identifier in the pasted code remains the same to the existing

instances in the copied code, while the modified portion may follow a convention or

standard. For example, in GUI programming, symmetric naming conventions like

“leftButton” and “rightButton”, or “topPanel” and “bottomPanel”, are often used. In this

scenario, LexId can be made to maintain a database of the naming pairs (left/right,

top/bottom, etc.), which it could use to infer the other name in the pair when the code is

copied and pasted, as in Figure 11. Currently LexId does not yet infer the other part of the

pair, but it does rename the same substring instances together as one is being edited.

Figure 11: LexId changes the substrings “left” to “right” when one is edited. In the

future, LexId can be made to automatically infer the substring “right” in the pasted

code based on “left” by maintaining a database of common naming pairs.

Another example of a naming pattern in identifiers is using numbers in the

identifier name. In this situation, the 1, 2, etc. are characters of a string, but can be treated

separately from the remaining part of the identifier name. In Figure 12, the programmer

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wishes to change the “a1” and “a2” to “x1” and “x2” in the pasted code, and “b1” and

“b2” to “y1” and “y2” in the pasted code. To rename both substrings of “a” to “x”

together and both substrings of “b” to “y” together requires LexId to separate the whole

identifier into separate editable substrings that are grouped together according to the


Figure 12: LexId renames a substring “b” to “y” consistently in pasted code. Inferring Patterns in Tokens In addition to inferring patterns in identifiers, which is also shown on the right

side of the equals sign in Figure 13, LexId could also include support for tokens. In the

AST, identifiers are of type SimpleName and are leaf nodes, while tokens are of type

NumberLiteral and are also leaf nodes. Tokens are often used in initializations (for

example, in the code “int i = 1;” the 1 is a token). Figure 13 shows a use of tokens for

array access (on the left of the equals sign). Another feature addition to LexId could be to

infer patterns, such as incrementing numbers, similar to how pulling down a column in a

spreadsheet program can increment the number on the next line. The programmer might

have copied and pasted each line of code only to change the number value on each line.

With LexId, the programmer can specify the desire to auto-increment by pulling a code

fragment with the mouse cursor, and the tool would begin duplicating the lines, only

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modifying the number each time. The tool could treat these new lines of code as “copied

and pasted” and start tracking them as clones.

Figure 13: A new feature of LexId can be support for auto-incrementing tokens

(left) as well as lexical patterns in identifiers (right). Inferring Patterns in Types and Subtypes Another kind of inconsistency that LexId can be made to help prevent is type

inconsistencies in copy-and-pasted code. When code is copied and pasted, there might be

a certain type or subtype that can be inferred at a certain position in the pasted code based

on the type that is at that position in the original code. For example, in the code of the

Structural Constraint Language (SCL) plug-in, many subclasses were created from an

existing superclass by copying and pasting it and then modifying the subclasses. One

commonality among all of the subclasses is that they all have a method called

copyExpr(), which is shown in Figure 14. The “XXX” represents the name of the current

subclass and “arg” is a field of the superclass (“YYY”). When the pasted class’ name is

being modified, LexId can infer that the constructor that is being called in the copyExpr()

method should also be the same name. In this case, LexId could just give a warning to the

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programmer about the inferred type inconsistency instead of doing the renaming

automatically (error detection instead of error prevention). [The current default of LexId

would perform the renaming based on the common identifier name.] The compiler would

not warn the programmer about this kind of inconsistency, since the compiler does not

infer the programmer’s intention and the code is otherwise correct (for example, if the

constructor is defined and accessible).

Figure 14: LexId can be made to infer that the constructor that is called within a

common method should be the same as the current subclass’ name (“XXX”). Inferring the Programmer’s Intention In order to work automatically, CnP infers the programmer’s intention such that it

assumes that the programmer is copying and pasting in order to create intentional clones

and that the programmer wishes to modify the identifiers within a clone consistently

(which is done with CReN and LexId). Though the programmer can change this default

behavior by removing any clone or removing any identifier instance from being tracked,

CnP must infer the most common editing scenarios to operate without interruption.

Instead of assuming the programmer’s reasons for copying and pasting, a new

tool named CloneBoard* [46, 47] intercepts the copy and paste operations and directly

asks programmers why they are cutting, copying, or pasting. Previous research suggested

replacing the standard cut, copy, and paste operations with the four choices of move,


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copy-identical, copy-and-change, and copy-once, but CloneBoard instead gives the

programmer a list of “clone change resolution strategies” to choose from such as: to

parameterize the clone, to unmark the clone’s tail (remove tokens from the cloning

relation at the end of the fragment), to unmark the clone’s head (remove tokens from the

cloning relations at the start of the fragment), to postpone resolution, to unmark the clone,

to apply changes to all clones, and to ignore changes [47].

Other research in the area of intent inference, include tools such as PR-Miner

[173], Prospector [181], and Strathcona [87, 92]*. Some research [155, 156] utilizes

semantic information to tell the intention of the program. Still, many continue to rely on

the help of the programmer to specify his or her intentions [169]. The concepts of

intentional programming [29], which enables source code to reflect the intentions that

programmers have in mind when conceiving their work, were implemented in an IP

(intentional programming) IDE, which allows domain experts and programmers to work

together to describe the program’s intended behavior in a “what you see is what you get”

(WYSIWYG) way [222].

No matter if a tool assumes the programmer’s intention or explicitly asks for it,

the tool should always have some support for user control.

Identifier Names and Identifier Tracking Tools A variety of research looks into the topics of identifier names [4, 34, 35, 36, 48,

49, 62, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168], which emphasizes the importance of naming

choice in programming. It is argued that more concise and consistent naming (for

example, following a particular programming style or naming convention) can help avoid


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inconsistencies in naming, making the source code more readable and understandable.

Furthermore, the improved identifier naming and better program comprehension can

“increase productivity and quality during software maintenance and evolution” [48, 49].

When applied to clones, CReN and LexId track the relationships of the identifier

instances between the related clones and the relationships between the identifier instances

of the same program element or name within each clone. A related identifier tracking

tool, Vaci*, detects contexts and identifiers, and then forms translation classes that can be

used to detect an inconsistency in naming [119]. Recall that CP-Miner and the

DECKARD-based tool (mentioned in Section – Clone Visualization, since they

both show warnings to the programmer) use identifier mapping and identifier counting,

respectively, to detect inconsistencies in identifiers between copied and pasted code.

Though these two tools also use methods to detect identifier inconsistencies, they do not

track identifiers over software versions like Vaci does. While all of these tools (CP-

Miner, DECKARD-based tool, and Vaci) can detect possible renaming inconsistencies,

CReN and LexId instead proactively prevent the inconsistencies from occurring at all.

Renaming Tools The Find & Replace, Refactoring (Rename), Linked Renaming*, and Rename

Type Refactoring* features in Eclipse can assist a programmer with consistent renaming

in the IDE. Each has its own set of limitations and differences from CReN and LexId.

* * Scroll down to the heading “Quick Assist” to read about Eclipse’s “Linked Rename” feature - * Scroll down to the heading “Rename Type …” -

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Find & Replace in Eclipse allows the programmer to find specified text and

replace it with another text (Figure 15). Find & Replace is simply a text-based search and

has no knowledge of the structure of the program. It does not infer intent and must be

initially requested by the programmer. In addition, Find & Replace is not limited to

within a clone code fragment, so the programmer must know where renaming in the

clone begins and ends and manually replace only those instances.

Figure 15: Find & Replace can rename all instances of “i” (as a whole word) to “j”

in the selected lines, but this needs to be specified by the programmer and is simply

a text-based search. The Rename refactoring allows the programmer to rename various program

elements. As such, binding is an important condition for it to work, which is not

necessary for CReN, as in Figures 16 and 17. Furthermore, Rename is automatically

applied to the whole project instead of a clone, as in Figure 18.

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Figure 16: Rename Refactoring does not work with code that does not type check

(binding is required for it to work).

Figure 17: CReN works with code

that does not type check (binding is

not required for it to work).

Figure 18: Rename Refactoring is not

limited to renaming within a clone (for

example, only in the pasted for loop).

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A case where CReN works and existing refactoring support does not is when the

programmer would like to switch the “i”s and “j”s between nested for loops. Consider

that the declarations of “i” and “j” are external to the loops and the outer loop contains

the “i”, while the inner loop contains the “j” initially. By using Rename Refactoring in

Eclipse, the programmer can first rename the “i”s to “j”s in the outer loop and its

declaration together. However, when the programmer wishes to change only the “j”s in

the inner loop, Rename Refactoring will change all instances of “j” to “i”, including those

in the outer loop. This is shown in the top picture in Figure 19. On the other hand,

performing the same sequence of steps with CReN on the entire “user-specified code

fragment” that includes the declarations gives the desired result, shown on the bottom of

Figure 19. Only the “j”s for the inner loop are changed to “i”.

Figure 19: Refactoring (top) vs. CReN (bottom). Linked Renaming allows the programmer to rename identifiers within a file

scope, while CReN can be applied across multiple files, shown in Figure 20.

Furthermore, Linked Renaming neither works with code that does not parse (Figures 21

and 22) nor renames identifiers only within a clone (Figure 23) as CReN does.

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Figure 20: CReN works across multiple files (file 1 is on top, file 2 is on the bottom). Figure 21: Linked Renaming does not work with code that does not parse (notice the

added semi-colon between the ++ on line 33).

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Eclipse’s Rename Type Refactoring feature allows similarly named variables and

methods within a class to be updated when the class name is renamed. For example,

when a class “Bar” is renamed to class “Foo”, the “fBar” variable and “createBar”

method (both of type “Bar”) within the class are renamed to “fFoo” and “createFoo” if

the programmer checks this option when invoking refactoring in Eclipse. LexId can do

this same thing, but does not limit itself to the class scope.

Figure 22: CReN works with

code that does not parse (notice

the added semi-colon between

the ++ on line 33).

Figure 23: Linked Renaming is

not limited to renaming within a

clone (for example, only in the

pasted for loop).

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66 Clone Extinction Refactoring Refactoring is actually a form of editing, for example, to make the multiple,

related clones into a single procedure. The process of refactoring itself can be difficult for

the programmer and potentially error-prone. Refactoring is a stage of the clone lifecycle

after which the clones will be removed from the code base (clone extinction). Refactoring

is not just deleting the clones, though, it is instead changing the form of the clones that

are in the same clone group (that is, related clones) into the same abstraction with

differences between the clones reflected in the function’s parameters, for example. The

functionality of the clones is still there, refactoring just attempts to solve the maintenance

problem of clones by having updates made in a single location (for example, in the

function’s body) rather than separately in each clone. Essentially, converting code clones

into abstractions are a way of maintaining the unity of the clones.

Though many people propose refactoring out clones as part of “clone detection

and removal”, only a small amount of clone detection research has focused on the

removal part and there are relatively few tools that specifically support clone refactoring

(Section 2.1). In fact, all six clone tracking tools discussed in this chapter that have an

editing focus, including CnP, do not explicitly have clone refactoring support, though

they could. The authors of Codelink mentioned designing a feature to allow programmers

to move back and forth between clone and abstraction representations, but this was not

Refactoring improves the design. What is the

business case of good design? To me, it’s that you

can make changes to the software more easily in

the future. - Martin Fowler

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yet implemented [231]. There is definitely a need to help programmers with the editing

and timing of the refactoring (to make sure that it is not done prematurely and to make

sure that refactoring is the appropriate programming decision) and it should especially

become a feature of tools that aim to support the full clone lifecycle.

Clone Divergence (Loss of Similarity) Refactoring is not the only method of clone removal, however. Another way in

which clones can become extinct is by clone divergence. With a lot of editing over time,

clones may naturally diverge or separate from one another such that they do not have a

significant amount of similarity remaining between them anymore. Unlike refactoring,

which kept related clones unified, clone divergence actually removes the cloning

relationship that the clones once shared. Though refactoring may at times be forced,

clone divergence is more likely to happen naturally if it happens at all. Clones that were

made via copying and pasting are likely to continue sharing some level of similarity or

else the original code would not have been duplicated to begin with.

Almost all of the clone tracking tools support clone divergence in some way. CnP

allows the programmer to remove a clone from the clone group. In this way, the

programmer can have full control over the clones that are considered related (or similar)

to one another. Future support includes the possibility of merging clone neighbors into a

single code region. Clonescape and CPC offer similar functionality for removing a clone

from a clone group. CPC also has the notion of an orphan clone, which is a clone where

all of its relatives in the clone group, including its origin clone, were deleted. This

remaining code fragment would not really be considered a clone anymore, since it does

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not belong to any group, but CPC chooses to acknowledge that it once was a clone.

Codelink and CloneTracker both allow clones to be “linked” and “unlinked”.

2.3. Prevalence of Clones, Renaming, and Related Errors in Production Code

Prevalence of Clones in Production Code Research has shown that there is significant code reuse in both commercial and

open source software [59, 224, 225]. Just about all clone-related papers examine the

relevance of their work by showing that there are, in fact, clones in existing software.

Many times researchers run their own clone detection tool in order to test it and verify the

results. Other times a variety of clone detection tools are run for comparison of their

results. Also, techniques were made to make the analysis of large result sets easier [126].

There is no doubt that clones do exist.

Previous case studies [96] done with the CCFinderX and SimScan clone detection

tools on open source software including the Structural Constraint Language (SCL) plug-

in and the Eclipse JDT UI plug-in, showed that clones do exist in real-world systems and

thus there is a need for proactive clone management. For SCL, SimScan found 102 clone

groups, 70 which were considered intentional, useful clone groups (and not generated

parser code or accidental clones). Guessing which clones were likely to have been copied

and pasted (indicated by the presence of the same special comments or by their close

proximity to each other), it was determined that approximately 50 out of the 70

intentional, useful clone groups could have been supported by proactive clone

management. A larger number of clone groups were detected by CCFinderX and

SimScan on the Eclipse JDT UI source code. But after inspecting about 200 clone groups

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of class-level clones, it was concluded that a proactive clone management system would

be useful and needed in this case as well.

Prevalence of Renaming in Production Code Just like it is difficult to tell if something was copied and pasted, it can also be

hard to tell retroactively whether something was copied and pasted and then renamed (or

that this code fragment was named differently to begin with). The study in [171] suggests

that most (65-67%) copied-and-pasted code fragments require renaming at least one

identifier. So, if something is known to have been copied and pasted from another code

fragment (meaning that the code fragments were once identical), then any name changes

made will constitute a renaming. Therefore, one way to guess that renaming has occurred

is to look at the same piece of source code over time. That way the source code’s original

names are known along with its later names, such that if they become different, then a

renaming can be assumed to have happened. Both Clever [197] and Vaci [119] determine

the correspondence between identifiers over software versions (in version control

systems) and can be used to determine renaming inconsistencies in this way. Other tools

(in the next subsection) try to detect identifier inconsistencies between clones in a single

version of the source code, which assumes that the clones were copied and pasted and

then modified.

Prevalence of Clone-Related Errors in Production Code

An analysis of commercial and open source systems found that inconsistent

changes are made to clones very frequently and many lead to unexpected behavior or

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faults [117]. Though there are various kinds of clone-related errors, CReN and LexId’s

main focus is on identifier renaming inconsistencies, which will be elaborated on here.

There are examples from literature that show an inconsistent renaming of

identifiers within a copy-and-pasted clone in production code. Three examples are shown

in Table 4.

The first example in Table 4, published in [171], is from the file memory.c in

Linux version 2.6.6, which deals with programmable read-only memory (PROM). The

original code fragment (on the left) is a for loop that is copied and pasted and then

modified. In the modified pasted code fragment (on the right), the programmer intended

to change all instances of the array name “prom_phys_total” to “prom_prom_taken”. The

programmer unintentionally did not change one instance of the array’s name (in the last

line). The compiler did not detect this error because “prom_phys_total” is still in scope.

In this example, the for loop was copied and pasted within the same function: void __init

prom_meminit(void), which begins at line 68 in memory.c (not shown).

The second example that is shown in Table 4, from [174], is code that is part of

the GNU command “bc” (which is a binary calculator that can be run on the command

line), in the file storage.c. The original copied code fragment (on the left) is a function

named “more_variables” that allocates a larger amount of memory for the “variables”

array. It then copies the values over from the smaller array “old_var” to the larger array

“variables” (in the first for loop), and then fills in the rest of the space in the “variables”

array with NULL. In the modified pasted code fragment (on the right), the function’s

name was renamed from “more_variables” to “more_arrays”, the type “bc_var” was

renamed to “bc_var_array”, and all instances of the arrays “old_var”, “variables”, and

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“v_names” were renamed to “old_ary”, “arrays”, and “a_names”, respectively. However,

one instance of the variable “v_count” in this function was missed and not renamed to

“a_count” (in the second for loop’s condition). Because “v_count” is defined as a global

variable, this copy-paste error was not detected by the compiler.

Table 4’s third example is from [111] and is code in the file dependency.c from

the GCC Fortran compiler. In this example, the identifier “l_stride” in the if statement’s

condition is also used in the if statement’s body. However, in the modified code

fragment, the “r_stride” identifier was supposed to be left as “l_stride”. This is a different

type of error than the other two, but is still an inconsistency in renaming that was not

caught by the compiler or the programmer during development.

All of the examples presented here contain inconsistent renaming errors that were

found in existing production source code (there are also many more examples of this in

practice). The hope is that the CnP tool would prevent this type of error from occurring at

all, by catching it during program development. This should be more cost effective than

detecting and fixing inconsistent renaming errors after they have happened. Existing tools

typically involve computationally expensive, sophisticated algorithms, like statistical bug

isolation [174], or running a clone detection tool followed by a number of error detection

and pruning algorithms, which still results in many false positives [111, 171]. However,

the proactive approach of clone-related error prevention does not replace but still only

complements existing error detection tools, which are needed to find potential errors in

legacy code.

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Table 4: Three examples from literature that show an inconsistent renaming of

identifiers in the pasted code fragment.

The Original Copied Code Fragment The Modified Pasted Code Fragment (Buggy)

1 File: linux-2.6.6/arch/sparc64/prom/memory.c (lines 92-99)

for(iter=0; iter<num_regs; iter++){

prom_phys_total[iter].start_adr =


prom_phys_total[iter].num_bytes =


prom_phys_total[iter].theres_more =



File: linux-2.6.6/arch/sparc64/prom/memory.c (lines 111-118)

for(iter=0; iter<num_regs; iter++){

prom_prom_taken[iter].start_adr =


prom_prom_taken[iter].num_bytes =


prom_prom_taken[iter].theres_more =

&prom_phys_total[iter+1]; //error


2 File: bc-1.06/bc/storage.c (lines 118-150)


more_variables ()


int indx;

int old_count;

bc_var **old_var;

char **old_names;

/* Save the old values. */

old_count = v_count;

old_var = variables;

old_names = v_names;

/* Increment by a fixed amount and allocat...

v_count += STORE_INCR;

variables = (bc_var **) bc_malloc (v_count...

v_names = (char **) bc_malloc (v_count*siz...

/* Copy the old variables. */

for (indx = 3; indx < old_count; indx++)

variables[indx] = old_var[indx];

/* Initialize the new elements. */

for (; indx < v_count; indx++)

variables[indx] = NULL;



File: bc-1.06/bc/storage.c (lines 152-185)


more_arrays ()


int indx;

int old_count;

bc_var_array **old_ary;

char **old_names;

/* Save the old values. */

old_count = a_count;

old_ary = arrays;

old_names = a_names;

/* Increment by a fixed amount and allocat...

a_count += STORE_INCR;

arrays = (bc_var_array **) bc_malloc (a_co...

a_names = (char **) bc_malloc (a_count*siz...

/* Copy the old arrays. */

for (indx = 1; indx < old_count; indx++)

arrays[indx] = old_ary[indx];

/* Initialize the new elements. */

for (; indx < v_count; indx++) //error

arrays[indx] = NULL;



3 File: gcc-4.0.1/gcc/fortran/dependency.c (lines 414-415)

if (l_stride != NULL)

mpz_cdiv_q (X1, X1, l_stride->value.integer);

File: gcc-4.0.1/gcc/fortran/dependency.c (lines 422-423)

if (l_stride != NULL)

mpz_cdiv_q (X2, X2, r_stride->val... //error

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Chapter 3

Methodology After implementing the CReN and LexId parts of CnP and improving CnP’s clone

visualization feature according to the clone property definitions and stages of clone

lifecycle support described in the previous chapter, a user study was conducted to test a

series of hypotheses related to these features.

3.1. User Study on CnP’s Visualization, CReN, and LexId The user study was designed to test three aspects of the CnP Eclipse plug-in that

involve user interaction – CnP’s clone visualization, CReN’s consistent identifier

renaming, and LexId’s consistent substring renaming – with eight programming tasks

across three task categories, shown in Table 5.

Table 5: High-level description of the tasks in the user study.

Test everything. Hold on to that which is good.

- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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3.1.1. User Study Hypotheses Based on inferences about the tool’s expected behavior, a set of hypotheses were

developed for each software feature to test with human subjects in a controlled setting.

CnP Clone Visualization Hypotheses:

1. CnP’s clone visualization makes it faster for programmers to find software bugs

in copied-and-pasted code than debugging manually or with other tools, when the

cloning information is not fresh in their memories.

2. CnP’s clone visualization makes it faster and less error-prone for programmers to

make modifications to copied-and-pasted code than modifying without

visualization, when the cloning information is not fresh in their memories.

CReN Identifier Renaming Hypotheses:

3. Using CReN to rename identifier instances consistently in copied-and-pasted code

is quicker than performing the same task manually or with other tools.

4. CReN prevents such inconsistent renaming errors that can happen otherwise.

LexId Substring Renaming Hypotheses:

5. Using LexId to rename substring instances consistently in copied-and-pasted code

is quicker than performing the same task manually or with other tools.

6. LexId prevents such inconsistent renaming errors that can happen otherwise.

Eagleson’s law: Any code of your own that you

haven’t looked at for six or more months might as

well have been written by someone else.

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In order to validate these claims, a set of tasks were created in three main areas of

programming – debugging (for CnP’s clone visualization), modification (also for CnP’s

clone visualization), and renaming (for CReN and LexId). This resulted in eight tasks

total, two for each task category or tool feature (Table 5).

3.1.2. Subject Characteristics After Clarkson University Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, a

recruitment email (in Appendix A) was sent to all Clarkson University Math & Computer

Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering undergraduate and graduate students via

their department mailing lists. It was required that the participants in the user study were

able to read and write simple Java programs and that they have had experience with

Swing (graphical user interface programming). Familiarity with integrated development

environments (IDEs), especially Eclipse, was preferred, but not necessary.

Fourteen subjects had participated in the user study, eight who were

undergraduate students and six who were graduate students. All subjects were male.

Based on the answers given on a user experience questionnaire (in Appendix C), seven

subjects had a long-time knowledge of both Java and Swing, three subjects had a long-

time knowledge of Java but only recent knowledge of Swing, and the remaining four

subjects reported having relatively recent knowledge of both Java and Swing (having

learned them for the first time within the past two years).

Seven subjects said that they have written at least 10,000 lines of Java code since

they have known the language, while the other seven gave a lower estimate when

describing their Java programming experience. Some subjects mentioned that they have

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worked on medium to large-sized software projects, but this was not quantifiable. Ten

subjects out of the fourteen said that the software that they have written in Java were for

courses only, while the other four subjects had worked on software projects in industry.

As a result, subjects who had worked on projects outside of the classroom considered

themselves to be “very experienced”, while those who were relatively new to Java and

Swing or had only used them for courses claimed to be knowledgeable about Java and

Swing, but admitted not being regular users of them.

3.1.3. Study Procedure Each subject was invited, one at a time, into a user study laboratory for a session

that lasted between one and two hours. After signing an informed consent form (in

Appendix B), background information was presented to the subject about what code

clones are and problems that can result from copy-and-paste programming. The subjects

were then given a short introduction to the software tool’s three features, explaining how

they address the mentioned copy-paste-modify issues, and they were told about the other

tools that they could use during the experiment when they were doing a task without CnP.

Following this part of the introduction material, the subjects were shown the

software that they would be working with during the user study, which had been set up

within the Eclipse IDE (Ganymede version 3.4.2 build M20090211-1700) on Windows

XP. The publicly available Paint program from Carnegie Mellon University [16] was

adapted for use in the user study, which is shown with its identifier names labeled in

Figure 24. The Paint program was a good choice for the user study, since GUI software

often contains many common code fragments that are intentionally copied and pasted and

not abstracted away into procedures [210]. The program was run to show them what it

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looks like graphically, and then the major parts of the source code were shown to them so

that they would have some basic familiarity with it before starting the programming

tasks. The subjects were told that all tasks in the user study would be performed in one

file (, which is 264 lines of code).

The presentation was then concluded by reminding the subjects that they will

complete eight programming tasks (four for clone visualization, two for CReN, and two

for LexId), followed by a user experience questionnaire (in Appendix C). They were

asked to talk aloud while completing each task, so that their thoughts and actions could

be better understood for analysis, and they had to announce when they were finished with

the task. Each task had a time limit that the subject was told about in advance (Table 5).

As an incentive to work as efficiently as possible, everyone was told that extra

compensation would be provided to the four subjects who completed the eight tasks with

the best accuracy and speed. Finally, the subjects were told that their session was being

recorded with TechSmith’s Morae software (version 2.0.1), which captured the activity

on the computer screen and recorded the user with video and audio.

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Figure 24: The CMU Paint program used in the user study with widgets annotated by corresponding instance variables.

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3.1.4. Task Descriptions Before the subject was asked to start a task, the current task’s description was

read to him, which explained the problem that he was to solve with a screenshot of what

the desired solution should look like. The subject was able to keep this instruction sheet

and a sheet that contained the identifier names used in the program to look at as a

reference. Subjects were also allowed to use an online Swing tutorial that had been

opened in the browser and to ask any clarification questions before beginning. The

specific Paint program that was different for each task was run for the subjects to see the

task’s problem visually. They were told whether the current task involved CnP, and if

not, they were reminded of some other tools that they could use.

Each pair of tasks (Tasks 1 & 2, Tasks 3 & 4, Tasks 5 & 6, and Tasks 7 & 8) was

designed to be very similar in terms of difficulty and effort, yet different enough that

there would not be a learning effect. The subjects completed each of the eight tasks once,

alternating task completion with and without the CnP software tool. Of the fourteen

subjects who participated in the user study, seven completed a certain task with the tool,

while the other seven participants completed that same task without the tool present.

(Note: The subject sample size was fourteen, not seven. Similar tasks were paired

together rather than the subjects being paired together for comparison to avoid

introducing this variable into the study. The same subject’s performance on one of the

tasks in a pair with the tool present was compared with his own performance on the other

task in the pair without the tool available).

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80 Debugging and Modifying within a Clone The first four tasks were debugging and modification tasks, which had a time

limit of ten minutes each. The debugging process involved finding an existing bug in the

source code and fixing it. The modification process included adding a new feature to a

working version of the software, for example, inserting new code for titled borders or for

labels’ text colors. Modification required more than just renaming identifier names.

Debugging Tasks The Task 1 and Task 2 pair were debugging tasks to test Hypothesis 1 (listed in

Section 3.1.1). The subjects were told that the bug for each task was in cloned (copied

and pasted) code. Odd numbered subjects were asked to perform Task 1 with CnP

support and Task 2 without it, vice versa for even numbered subjects.

For the subjects who had CnP support for a task, the clone groups were already

highlighted with different colors in the file. It was explained to them

that those colored code fragments were copied and pasted before. The following five

clone groups were specified in PaintWindow (Figure 24):

• Group 1. The red (r) slider/panel, the green (g) slider/panel, the blue (b)

slider/panel, and the thickness (t) slider/panel.

• Group 2. The color panel and the thickness panel.

• Group 3. The tool panel and the clear/undo panel.

If debugging is the process of removing bugs,

then programming must be the process of putting

them in. - Edsger Dijkstra

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• Group 4. The UI constraints for each panel: the tool panel, the color panel, the

thickness panel, and the clear/undo panel.

• Group 5. The declaration of the thickness change listener and the declaration of

the color change listener.

Subjects who did not have CnP’s clone visualization for a task were given the

option to use the clone detection tool CCFinderX (version CCFinderX was the

clone detection tool of choice because its algorithm is token-based, which is known to

have high recall. CCFinderX also has a graphical interface, is available for free

download, and is easy to install and use. It was pre-installed on the computer for the user

study, the subjects were shown how to use it, and they were provided with written

instructions that they could refer back to.

The problem that the subjects were given in Task 1 was that “moving the blue

slider does not change the pixel color”. The program was run for them to show them that

this was the case, and they were shown that the other color sliders (red and green sliders)

however did work correctly. The subjects were then told to find the bug in the source

code and fix it so that the blue slider changes the color correctly.

The bug was that there was an instance of the identifier rSlider that appeared in

the blue slider/panel clone that was supposed to be bSlider (on line 120, shown in Figure

25). The blue slider clone could have likely been copied and pasted from the existing red

slider clone and then modified. Besides this bug in the program’s functionality, there

were no syntax errors reported by the compiler, since the slider and panel variables were

all defined at the class level as instance variables. This kind of error can happen in

practice and it would take extra time to search the code, fix it, and then test.

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Figure 25: Task 1 – rSlider should be bSlider (on line 120).

Task 2’s problem stated that “moving the thickness slider does not change the

pixel thickness”. The subjects were shown this behavior by running the program. They

were shown that the color sliders all work in this task and they were told to find the bug

in the code and fix it so that the thickness slider changes the pixel thickness correctly

when moved.

The correct solution to Task 2 was to change the identifier instance of

colorChangeListener in the thickness slider clone to thicknessChangeListener (on line

142, shown in Figure 26). Eclipse showed warning icons that said that “the field

PaintWindow.thicknessChangeListener is never read locally” at the listener’s declaration,

but it was not obvious that any subject had noticed this warning, since they instinctively

went straight to the section of the file that contains the slider clones. The bug in this task

could have happened when the tSlider clone was created by copying and pasting one of

the color slider clones. In this scenario, the programmer may have focused on renaming

the identifiers to tSlider and tPanel, overlooking the single change of renaming

colorChangeListener to thicknessChangeListener.

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Figure 26: Task 2 – colorChangeListener should be thicknessChangeListener (on

line 142). Modification Tasks The next pair of tasks (Task 3 and Task 4) that the subjects were asked to

complete were modification tasks, which were created to test Hypothesis 2 (in the list in

Section 3.1.1). For these tasks, the subjects were given a bug-free Paint program, where

they were asked to add a specific feature to it. The subjects were told that the

modifications would be made to cloned (copied and pasted) code. Odd numbered subjects

completed Task 3 with CnP clone visualization present and Task 4 without. Even

numbered subjects had CnP for Task 4 and not Task 3. Similar to the debugging tasks,

the CnP clone visualization was set up in advance and the subjects were allowed to use

CCFinderX (but were not required to use it) for the task that they did not have CnP


For Task 3, the subjects were asked to add a titled border with the label “Pixel

Color” to the color panel (colorPanel) and to also add a titled border with the label “Pixel

Thickness” to the thickness panel (thicknessPanel), shown graphically in Figure 27. All

subjects were given written hints about how to create a titled border and how to set a

border to a panel, in case they were unfamiliar with the TitledBorder package.

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Figure 27: Titled borders are shown around the color panel and the thickness panel.

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Though there are many ways it can be written, Figure 28 gives one solution to this

task. The boxed lines (lines 130 and 153) are the modifications made (added lines).

Figure 28: Task 3 – add a titled border to colorPanel and to thicknessPanel.

That is, to add a titled border to the xxxxPanel (where xxxx is either color or thickness)

the code would be:

xxxxPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(“Pixel Xxxx”));

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Task 4 asked the subjects to add color to the label of each color slider such that

the color of the red slider’s label’s text would be red, the color of the green slider’s

label’s text would be green, and the color of the blue slider’s label’s text would be blue,

shown graphically in Figure 29. All subjects were given written hints about how to create

the colors red, green, and blue and how to set the foreground color of a label, in case they

were unfamiliar with the exact syntax.

Figure 29: The labels of the red, green, and blue sliders are shown colored.

Though there are many ways it can be written, Figure 30 gives one solution to this

task. The boxed lines (lines 95-97, 108-110, and 121-123) are the modifications made

(added and changed lines).

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Figure 30: Task 4 – add color to the label of each color slider: red, green, and blue.

That is, to add a color to the x label (where x is either r, g, or b) the code would be:

If red, (r,g,b) = (255,0,0) If green, (r,g,b) = (0,255,0) If blue, (r,g,b) = (0,0,255)

Replace: xPanel.add(new JLabel(“Xxxx”));

With: JLabel xLabel = new JLabel(“Xxxx”); xLabel.setForeground(new Color(r,g,b)); xPanel.add(xLabel);

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88 Renaming within a Clone The last four tasks were renaming tasks, which had a time limit of five minutes

each. The renaming process involved changing the name of multiple instances of

identifiers (or parts of identifiers) within copied and pasted code.

Renaming Tasks (with CReN) Next, the subjects were given the first pair of renaming tasks (Task 5 and Task 6),

which were to test Hypotheses 3 and 4 (in Section 3.1.1 of this dissertation) that relate to

the CReN feature. For these tasks, the subjects were given a version of the Paint program

that had all of the correct source code except for requiring renaming within one or more

pasted code fragments (which were copied and pasted beforehand). The subjects were

told that they would need to make modifications (renaming) to copied and pasted code.

CReN was used by odd numbered subjects in Task 5 and by even numbered subjects in

Task 6. For the tasks that subjects could not use CReN (Task 6 for odd subjects, Task 5

for even subjects), they were allowed to use any built-in Eclipse tools, such as Rename

Refactoring or Find & Replace, or they could always do the renaming manually.

The subject was interrupted during the renaming tasks to increase the odds of

inconsistent renaming. A regular kind of interruption that someone might experience at

work was simulated. For example, the programmers were asked to do some simple

... programming requires more concentration

than other activities. It’s the reason programmers

get upset about ‘quick interruptions’ - such

interruptions are tantamount to asking a juggler

to keep three balls in the air and hold your

groceries at the same time.

- Steve McConnell, Code Complete

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paperwork like to sign another informed consent form that they could keep for their

records or to fill out a form with their personal information so that they could receive

payment for participation in the user study. The interruption time was not included as part

of the time to complete the task, since this was not actual time spent working.

In Task 5, the subjects were told that the Paint program needs a thickness panel

that contains the thickness slider and its panel, which is similar to the color panel that

contains the red, green, and blue sliders and their panels. In this scenario, the color panel

(colorPanel) has already been completed and the thickness panel (thicknessPanel) needs

to be finished. As a last step to complete the thickness panel, the color panel was copied

and pasted. For this task, the subjects had to rename all five instances of colorPanel to

thicknessPanel and the one instance of rPanel to tPanel within the pasted code fragment

only as shown in Figure 31 being done with CReN.

Figure 31: Task 5 – rename colorPanel to thicknessPanel.

Similarly, Task 6 explained that the Paint program had everything working,

including the tool panel (toolPanel), but just needed the clear/undo panel

(clearUndoPanel) to be completed (which is similar to the existing source code of the tool

panel). The specific task required the subjects to rename all instances of toolPanel to

clearUndoPanel, pencilButton to clearButton, and eraserButton to undoButton in the

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pasted code. Figure 32 shows how CReN would rename all six instances of toolPanel in

this clone to clearUndoPanel when the programmer edits one of the instances.

Figure 32: Task 6 – rename toolPanel to clearUndoPanel. Renaming Tasks (with LexId) The last pair of renaming tasks that the subjects completed (Task 7 and Task 8)

tested Hypotheses 5 and 6 (Section 3.1.1), which are related to LexId. Like in the CReN

tasks, the subjects received the Paint program with the copy and pastes already made in it

and they were just required to perform the actual renaming of the identifiers or substrings

only. Odd numbered subjects performed Task 7 with LexId (Task 8 without it) and even

numbered subjects performed Task 8 with LexId (Task 7 without it). Subjects were given

the same options for renaming when without LexId support (Eclipse renaming tools or

manual edits) and the subjects were also interrupted during renaming.

Task 7 involved the scenario where the Paint program had all source code

including the code for the red slider (rSlider) and its panel (rPanel), but still needed the

green and blue sliders (gSlider and bSlider) and their panels (gPanel and bPanel). As the

final step in programming, the code for the red slider and its panel was copied and pasted

twice and the labels and comments modified in advance (so that the subjects only had to

focus on the actual renaming of identifiers and not other details). The subjects were told

to rename rPanel to gPanel and rSlider to gSlider in the green slider clone (shown in

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Figure 33), and rPanel to bPanel and rSlider to bSlider in the blue slider clone. LexId

would rename these twenty identifier substrings very quickly with one edit to each clone

(the r to g in the green slider clone, and the r to b in the blue slider clone). This task is

particularly good for LexId rather than CReN as CReN would need to do two edits for

each clone, once for each of the different slider and panel identifiers.

Figure 33: Task 7 (Part 1) – rename rPanel to gPanel and rSlider to gSlider in the

green slider clone. For the last task of the user study (Task 8), the Paint program contained all of the

color sliders’ source code, but needed the thickness slider and its panel to be finished.

The source code of the blue slider and its panel were copied and pasted to use as a base

for the thickness slider clone. The subject was then asked to rename bPanel to tPanel and

bSlider to tSlider in the pasted clone only. Figure 34 shows the ten common substring

instances being renamed together with LexId. All labels, number values, comments, and

the listener were updated in advance so that the subject did not have to worry about those

kinds of changes, but only had to do the identifier substring renaming.

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Figure 34: Task 8 – rename bPanel to tPanel and bSlider to tSlider in the thickness

slider clone.

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Chapter 4

Results From the completed CnP user study, data was gathered for the amount of time

that it took for the fourteen subjects to complete each of the eight tasks (Section 4.1 –

Time per Task), which had been recorded with the Morae software. Besides speed,

whether the subjects had a correct solution was also looked at (Section 4.2 – Solution

Correctness). And, when reviewing the video recordings, some interesting differences in

how each subject solved the tasks were noticed (Section 4.3 – Method of Completion),

which helped in learning about common programming practices and how they may have

contributed to subjects’ mistakes. The insignificant results that were found for CnP clone

visualization (Tasks 1-4), in terms of task completion speed (Section 4.1), motivated a

more careful examination of how subjects performed the debugging and modification

tasks (Sections 4.2 and 4.3).

4.1. Time per Task In order to test the hypotheses (listed in Section 3.1.1), the amount of time it took

for subjects to complete the tasks needed to be recorded, specifically comparing the

experiment group (with the tool) versus the control group (without the tool), shown in

Table 6. Each individual subject’s time data was paired together over two tasks (in a

single task category). For example, Subject 1’s data was paired together – Subject 1

would have one task with CnP and the other without CnP – for the debugging tasks

(Tasks 1 & 2), and so on. As mentioned earlier, each pair of tasks within a task category

was made similar to each other such that this would also not be a variable in the

Correctness is clearly the prime quality. If a

system does not do what it is supposed to do, then

everything else about it matters little.

- Bertrand Meyer

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experiment. Pairing a subject’s “with CnP” data with the same subject’s “without CnP”

data eliminates the variable between different people. This leaves the presence or non-

presence of the software tool as the only variable that should be observed in the


Table 6 shows the average (mean) time in minutes that subjects took to complete

the pair of tasks, with or without CnP, CReN, or LexId. This is a “modified mean”, since

it does not contain the pairs of outliers or erroneous data pairs in its calculation, as these

subjects’ specific data pairs were eliminated from all analysis. An outlier was determined

to be any significantly different time compared to the rest of the subjects’ completion

times for the same task, as determined by a boxplot in MiniTab (Student Release 12).

Erroneous data was determined when there was a tool error (from a bug) or a user error

(from a misunderstanding of the task or the tool, or an observed lack of seriousness while

completing a task).

Table 6: The time (in minutes) to complete each pair of tasks.

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In order to statistically analyze the time data, a Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test

was first performed in MiniTab (version 15) to determine the nature of the data (whether

the data is normally distributed). This statistical test required the data to be in frequencies

[53], so the data was divided as data points less than the mean and data points greater

than or equal to the mean (shown in two columns in Table 6). With such small sample

sizes, it was unable to be concluded for sure that the data fit a normal distribution.

According to [254], a user study with a design of one factor (in this case, each

task category), two treatments (with and without the tool), and a paired comparison can

be analyzed with the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Sum

Test was performed as the statistical method of choice and since the number of

observations/pairs was large enough, a normal approximation was also used, displayed in

Table 7. The Wilcoxon test focuses on the median difference, with the null hypothesis

(H0) stating that the median difference is equal to zero and the alternative hypothesis

(Ha) stating that the median difference is less than zero. In other words, for the

alternative hypothesis, it looked at whether subjects “with CnP” take a significantly lesser

amount of time to complete the tasks than “without CnP”. The results showed that in all

of the renaming tasks (both CReN and LexId), subjects completed the tasks quicker (in

less time) with the tool than without the tool (p value of 0.0017 for CReN tasks and p

value of 0.0139 for LexId tasks). That same conclusion could not be made for the

debugging and modification tasks (p value of 0.3632 and p value of 0.4801).

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Table 7: Statistical hypothesis testing on the paired time data.

4.2. Solution Correctness Determining whether subjects had correct solutions to the tasks was done because

this is part of the hypotheses (listed in Section 3.1.1). The purpose was to test whether the

tool (CnP, CReN, and LexId) helps prevent inconsistencies or programming bugs/errors

that can happen without the tool present.

In Table 8, the number of subjects who had no errors at the time the program was

run and when they announced that they were finished with the task is shown. For

example, for Task 1, it shows that twelve subjects (out of the twelve who ran the

program) had no errors when they ran the program for the first time, that no subjects ran

the program more than once for Task 1, and two people did not run the program at all

(but both had a correct solution when finished). Subjects who did not run the program

may have been very confident in their solution’s correctness.

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Table 8: Correct states when running the program or when finished.

There were cases where the programmers made copy-paste-modify errors that

they caught before they were finished and other times when they did not notice the

mistakes at all. All subjects who finished the debugging tasks (Tasks 1 & 2) had correctly

spotted the existing bugs in the source code. The first modification task (Task 3) had the

most people without correct solutions. Four subjects with CnP visualization support and

one subject without CnP support made the same mistake of adding the titled border

around tPanel instead of thicknessPanel (thicknessPanel contains the single panel tPanel,

with the source code and CnP clone visualization shown in Figure 28). For Task 4, many

subjects ran the program multiple times to check the correctness of partial solutions.

Over all of the twenty-eight renaming cases (Table 8, Tasks 5-8), there were

fourteen incorrect states of the program (either when running the program or when

finished). Thirteen of these were due to renaming mistakes made by subjects when CReN

and LexId were not used (sometimes because the interruption would make the subjects

forget what they were working on). These errors could have been prevented with CReN

or LexId. The other incorrect state was due to an engineering oversight. Specifically,

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CReN undid a group of consistently renamed identifiers one-by-one after a subject did a

series of “undo” operations in Eclipse during Task 6. In the future, CReN can be

modified to undo all previous renaming together as a single transaction rather than one at

a time. Since CReN is still a proof-of-concept, this oversight is acceptable.

4.3. Method of Completion Although it was not hypothesized about how the subjects would complete each

task, interesting differences were found between subjects’ methods of completion that

may have had some effect on their time per task or solution correctness.

For the debugging (Tasks 1 & 2) and modification (Tasks 3 & 4) tasks, it was

found that the subjects used different methods to locate the source code region that the

task applied to and then different ways to inspect the area for bugs or inconsistencies.

Table 9 shows that most subjects manually scanned the source code file, scrolling to find

their region of interest (eleven or twelve out of fourteen, shown in column 2), but a few

(two or three, shown in column 1) used the Find part of the Find & Replace tool or the

Search References tool in Eclipse to jump to a specific location in the file. For the

debugging cases, the subjects often went directly to the areas of the source code that had

to do with either the change listeners’ declaration or its use, indicating that these subjects

probably had prior experience with such code. In the first task, half of the people

compared the broken blue slider code with the red and green slider clones that they knew

worked. For the first modification task (Task 3), five subjects who had an incorrect final

solution all appeared to “inspect the problem region only” as they did not notice that

colorPanel and thicknessPanel were clones (not colorPanel and tPanel).

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Table 9: Number of subjects who used each location and inspection method for

debugging and modification tasks. For the renaming tasks (Tasks 5-8), it was interesting to see which methods the

subjects used when not using CReN or LexId for renaming. Table 10 shows that subjects

used Find & Replace, copying and pasting, or manual typing when not using the tool.

Some subjects used the default settings of Find & Replace, which finds the first

occurrence, renames that current instance, then finds the next occurrence, renames it, and

repeats. Subjects who may have wanted to be more efficient chose to configure Find &

Replace to only rename within selected lines (the code fragment of interest). Some

subjects copied and pasted substrings, but the more efficient programmers often chose to

copy and paste whole identifier names (even when a substring was the only change to

make) because it is quicker to select whole identifiers in Eclipse rather than to select part

of an identifier with the mouse. Sometimes subjects started using one method, but

switched to another during the same task (shown in the table with .5 increments). One

subject even tried using Rename Refactoring (not shown in the table) to do the renaming

for Task 5, but he had to choose another method, since refactoring does not work well for

this kind of task (it renamed the declaration and instances within the copied code

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fragment, too). Still some programmers always chose to just type really quickly

(manually) rather than copy and paste or use any renaming tool.

Table 10: Number of times each renaming method was used for renaming tasks.

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Chapter 5

Discussion Based on the outcomes of the completed CnP user study experiment, some areas

where the experiment design could be refined and where the tool design could be

improved were noticed. In particular, factors that may have masked the effect of clone

visualization during debugging and modification tasks were analyzed.

5.1. Confounding Factors for Clone Visualization Based on the current data from the user study, the original hypotheses about

CnP’s clone visualization feature was unable to be validated, but the usefulness of clone

visualization was observed. For example, if subjects had made use of cloning information

in Task 3, they would have produced correct solutions (modifying the thicknessPanel

clone rather than the tPanel clone). Even when clone visualization was provided for the

debugging and modification tasks, it was not forced on the user, so the programmer may

not have used it (unlike CReN and LexId, which had to be used when present). Although

it was difficult to tell for sure whether the subjects actually used the visualization, it was

found that some subjects seemed to compare clones (Table 9) and that cloning

information can help avoid incorrect solutions when used.

Subjects’ experience levels can have an effect on their debugging strategies. For

the debugging tasks, some programmers appeared to use a typographic debugging

To err is human. - Anonymous

Good programmers know what to write.

Great ones know what to rewrite (and reuse).

- Anonymous

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strategy (where they examined code line by line), while others used a more symptom-

driven approach (where they went directly to the problem region) [56, 183, 201, 202,

248]. The subject’s choice of debugging method seemed to have an effect on whether he

compared clones. If the subject knew the code pattern due to prior experience, he would

know which code belongs to which behavior and he would quickly go to its location in

the file without using the clone visualization. Visualization would be more helpful to

programmers without as much prior knowledge.

It was also observed that the subjects who were more familiar with the Eclipse

IDE itself had used it to their advantage to gain efficiency (using Eclipse’s occurrence

marking and code completion features). And, sometimes subjects did not choose to run

the program if they were more confident in their solution. While this would save time, it

could leave an undetected error, as it did for some subjects.

According to the questionnaire (in Appendix C), no subjects normally use clone

detection tools to debug, and the one subject that used CCFinderX during the user study

reached the time limit for the debugging task. The subjects said that the clone detection

tool had too steep of a learning curve to use, and that they normally debug Java source

code by mentally tracing through it, using print statements, or using the built-in Eclipse

debugger if necessary. The one subject who used the Eclipse debugger during the user

study also took a much longer time to finish the task than others.

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5.2. Threats to Validity As said in Section 3.1.2, all subjects were required to have some familiarity with

Java and Swing in order to participate in the study. However, it was clear that some

subjects who performed very well may have had more experience or prior knowledge

than others. This substantial distribution of programming skills is a universal research

issue not unique to this research. While the study had both graduate and senior

undergraduate students as subjects, four of them had non-trivial industrial experience.

Thus, while the sample of subjects may not represent the whole programmer population,

they should at least be a good representation of the entry-to-medium level subset.

Furthermore, some of the subjects with industrial experience also made mistakes when

performing tasks without the tool. Although the claims cannot be generalized to all

programmers, this study demonstrates the CnP tool’s usefulness in clone-related

maintenance tasks.

While the user study’s programming tasks may not represent all possible

scenarios of cloning, they were fairly close to real-world tasks in GUI software

development and maintenance. (Relatively simple debugging and modification tasks were

deliberately chosen in order to measure completion time). CnP’s features can be applied

throughout source code evolution, making it a long-term benefit.

5.3. Tool Design The feedback from the subjects about the tool features was overwhelmingly

positive. All subjects said that they would use the tool to help them prevent copy-and-

paste-related errors.

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Their main suggestions for changes to the tool are:

1. To have the visualization optional (able to be turned off), while continuing to

track clones in the background, and

2. To know exactly what was renamed by CReN and LexId.

Colored bars were chosen for visualization because it is a simple way to highlight

a clone region in the files that the programmers are already working with. The current

visualization can be improved so that the many (sometimes overlapping) clones’ bars do

not start to clutter the source code files. One suggestion that a subject gave is to only

show the clones that are at the mouse cursor’s current position. Other users’ suggestions

to consider include the ability to disable the clone visualization until it is needed. Some

users also said that they prefer not to have so many different colors in their editor, while

one subject said that he could not easily differentiate between the colored bars, since he is

color blind.

It was evident from the user study that subjects often overestimated what was

renamed. At least two subjects did not know whether CReN renamed the identifier’s

declaration also (which was outside of the clone) like refactoring would. It was also

observed that when CReN automatically renamed a lot of instances of the currently

edited identifier, subjects sometimes prematurely thought that they were done renaming

everything, but there were still other identifiers left to be renamed. The tools could be

improved to display an optional pop-up window that tells exactly what was renamed.

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Chapter 6

Conclusion A widely-known problem in software engineering involves the maintenance of

code clones (similar code fragments), which are often a result of copying and pasting.

Not only can the maintenance process itself be tedious, but inconsistent updates across

related clones can remain undetected, decreasing software quality. Consequently, many

people strongly dislike copy-and-paste and code clones, and seek to prevent the creation

of clones or at least aim to remove them from the source code as soon as possible by

replacing the multiple, related clones with a single abstraction. Recent studies, however,

have shown that clones may be beneficial and desirable, and rather than focusing on

clone detection and removal, there instead has been greater tool support for clone editing.

This dissertation contributed a suite of software tools, called CnP, that aid programmers

in their copy, paste, and modify coding activity throughout the clone lifecycle.

Specifically, CnP was the first known tool in the integrated development environment to

capture code clones proactively as they were made via copying and pasting, and it was

the first to support consistent modifications within a clone rather than only between

clones. CnP also utilizes the abstract syntax tree framework within the Eclipse IDE,

which provides more accurate clone tracking and clone comparison than other commonly

used methods of source code representation. CnP’s clone visualization, consistent

identifier renaming (CReN), and consistent substring renaming (LexId) features were

evaluated with a user study with analysis in terms of task completion time, solution

correctness, and method of completion.

The software isn't finished until the last user is

dead. - Anonymous

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6.1. Research Contributions The main contributions of this research included:

• The copy-and-paste (CnP) tool

o Proactive tracking – CnP/CReN were the first known clone tracking

tools published (in 2007), which took a more proactive approach to

capturing clones upon creation (by detecting when a copy and paste occurs

and gathering the initial clone and identifier information at that time when

the clones are identical).

o Intra-clone editing – CReN was the only known tool to support editing

within a clone (all previous tools only supported between-clone editing).

Intra-clone editing is done when programmers copy, paste, and modify the

pasted code to fit the current task. The kind of modification that is made in

these cases is often identifier renaming, which is what CReN supports.

o AST-based – CnP makes use of the abstract syntax tree (AST)

representation of the source code, which is a better approach than the text-

based methods that cannot differentiate between source code and any other

text. CSeR is one of the few differencing tools to take advantage of ASTs.

• Dimensions of clone tracking tool development – When comparing CnP with

related clone tracking tools, a variety of clone properties were determined that

these kinds of tools must explicitly define. Listing the properties can be useful in

the creation of new tools or to help redefine a tool’s current property definitions.

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• Definition of the clone lifecycle – The comparison of tools also led to a definition

of the clone lifecycle stages, including some areas where there is current tool

support and areas that need more support.

• Realization about clone visualization – After completing a user study on CnP,

CnP’s clone visualization was not found to provide statistically quicker and

correct solutions than without it. Observation and other analysis (in Section 5.1)

helped better determine whether and when a programmer may exploit clone

information. There is no other known similar analysis of the role of clone

information in maintenance tasks, and, thus the analysis in and of itself can be a

contribution. The analysis can be used in the design of future experiments.

6.2. Future Work As software tools get used by more people, there are always suggestions for new

features. As mentioned earlier, more features would need to be added to CnP before it

fully supports the entire clone lifecycle, including inter-clone editing (simultaneous edits

between clones) and clone refactoring support. CnP could also leverage version control

system information, which seems to be a “hot topic” in the field lately. A challenge is to

have all of the parts of CnP work together in the Eclipse editor at the same time (with the

ability to turn any feature on and off). There are also many ideas for additional

functionality in LexId, which generally is a tool for inferring lexical patterns in source

code. Furthermore, software demonstrations at conferences and the completion of a user

study have all provided a lot of feedback and recommendations for improvement. Though

CnP has already been improved upon (for example, its clone visualization), even the

current version of CnP is still just a prototype implementation with the concepts as the

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true contribution. As the quote at the top of the chapter heading implies, software

maintenance is on-going and the software will most likely never be “complete” as the

users will always require additional fixes and updates to the current version.

6.2.1. Theory about Copy-and-Paste and Abstractions After doing this research, which primarily has focused on the modification or

editing stage of clones, other areas to examine include theories on copy-and-paste (the

creation of clones) and abstractions (the extinction of clones).

To find out more about copy-and-paste than what was already done [132], a

survey (questionnaire) can be done to get some preliminary insights into copy-and-paste

and abstractions: who, what, where, when, why, and how. For example, often

programmers just focus on getting a program to work rather than paying close attention to

the source code design and documentation. Instead of thinking about abstractions, the

programmer may copy and paste to get a quicker solution. Also, later requirements of the

software may not be known at the time it is first being written or they might change over

time, making the development of an abstraction difficult. Knowing which kind of

abstraction would be most useful for future reuse is important to avoid having to redo the

abstraction later. In addition, some people (especially novice programmers) may find

creating abstractions difficult in general [150]. A question to answer is: do people

(programmers) naturally think in terms of abstractions or rather in quick copy-and-

pastes? And after “temporary” copying and pasting, do programmers always refactor to

… the purpose of abstraction is not to be vague,

but to create a new semantic level in which one

can be absolutely precise. - Edsger Dijkstra

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abstractions later on – why or why not? This study would serve as key background

information to support this research further.

Second, not only does more research need to be done on refactoring as an editing

process, but more research needs to be done on the abstractions themselves. Abstractions

can be very powerful [29, 222], since an abstraction solves sub-problems [175] and a

single abstraction does more than one computation. But, some abstractions can be

“fragile” and others can be too awkward. In this portion of the study, a question to answer

is: what are the properties of a nice abstraction? And if a nice abstraction cannot be made,

is a copied-and-pasted solution okay?

6.2.2. Other Applications of This Research The concepts of this research can be applied to other IDEs, programming editors,

and programming languages. They can even apply outside of the programming domain.

Not only do people copy and paste when writing software, but they often copy and paste

when writing any other document. An extension of this research in preventing copy-and-

paste-related errors in the IDE could be to prevent copy-and-paste-related errors in the

word processor, for example. If a paragraph that had a typo in it was copied and pasted

multiple times and the typo was found later on by a copy editor, wouldn’t it be difficult to

fix that typo in all spots (especially when this person was not the original author)? Also,

is better renaming support needed in the word processor? What about the use of

templates? Is there anything to be learned from looking at the evolution of word

documents across versions? All of these areas would be interesting to look into to see if

the process of copy, paste, and modify can be improved in every place where it is done.

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Appendix A

IRB Recruitment Letter

Email to Potential Subjects for Recruitment Dear Colleagues, Do you often copy and paste code during programming? Do you want to learn how this process can be better supported with software development tools and IDEs? We have developed a software tool that helps programmers manage their copying and pasting activity. We are looking for programmers to participate in a voluntary user study of the tool features. The study will take approximately 1.5 hours. It will consist of us giving you an overview of the tool and its purpose (in less than 30 minutes) followed by four pairs of (that is eight) small programming tasks for you to complete within 1 hour. There will be a time limit associated with each task. For the first four tasks, you will be given about 10 minutes each to work on and about 5 minutes for each of the four other tasks. The tasks are in the domain of GUI programming and should be easy to do for anyone with a moderate amount of experience. The goal of this study is to test the software features we developed, not anything about you. At the end of your participation, you will receive $10 for having actively completed the study from the beginning to the end. You may choose to quit from the study anytime you want. If you quit, you will receive NO compensation. At the end of this whole study (that is, after we conduct all the sessions with all participants), we will select FOUR participants who have conducted the programming tasks with the best accuracy and speed and award each of them another $20. (In case more than four individuals qualify for awards, we will select the four who participate in our study the earliest.) Our selection of the four awardees will be totally based on our best judgment and observations. Our decision will be final. In order to participate, you must be able to read and write simple Java programs and have experience with Swing (graphical user interface programming). Familiarity with integrated development environments (IDEs), especially Eclipse, is preferred, but not necessary. If you are interested in participating in this study (or have any questions), please reply by email to both Dr. Daqing Hou ([email protected]) and Patricia Deshane ([email protected]) with a short description of your experience with Java, Swing, and Eclipse. If you qualify for participation, we will contact you to schedule a time to conduct the study as well as ask for a few more pieces of information about you (full name, age, gender, major, year of study, and contact info). Finally, thank you for considering participation. Your effort will make a difference in our research and is greatly appreciated by both of us. Sincerely, Patricia Deshane (Jablonski), PhD candidate of Engineering Science Daqing Hou, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Appendix B

IRB Consent Form

Clarkson University

Documentation of Informed Consent to Participate in Research

Project Title: Managing the Copy-and-Paste Programming Practice

Researcher(s): Patricia Deshane (Jablonski), PhD Candidate Daqing Hou, Advisor Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval number: 09-27 Approval valid until: Fall 2009 You have been asked to be a part of the research described here. Participation is voluntary. The purpose of this study: We would like to evaluate our software tool with users. What to expect: You will be given an overview of our software (in less than 30 minutes), followed by a set of eight programming tasks to complete (within 1 hour). We will capture your activity on the computer with screen-capturing software and record your voice. We ask that you talk aloud about what you are thinking of, while completing the task. We will ask you questions related to your experience after the tasks are completed. The entire study will take about 1.5 hours. If you have questions about this research, you may contact Daqing Hou ([email protected]) or Patricia Deshane ([email protected]). Risks and discomforts to you if you take part in this study: There are no more risks and discomforts to you than the normal student activities. You may quit the study at any time. The benefits to you if you take part in this study: You will become the first user of our software tool and learn about the copy-and-paste programming practice, which may be beneficial to you in your own programming tasks. What will you receive for taking part in this study: You will be compensated $10 for participating in this study. Four top participants who have completed the task with the best accuracy and efficiency will be selected and awarded $20 each. You may choose to quit from the study whenever you would like to. If you quit, you will not receive the compensation. Therefore, you may receive $0 minimally and $30 maximally from this study. What will happen to the information collected in this study: The information collected will be kept confidential as much as is permitted by law. We will not use personally identifiable information (like names, etc.) in our recorded data or report of the study’s results.

What rights do you have when you take part in this study: Participation in this research is voluntary. Deciding not to take part or to stop being a part of this research will result in no penalty, fine or loss of benefits which you otherwise have a right to. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or if you wish to report any harm, injury, risk or other concern, please contact Dr. Leslie Russek, Chair of the Clarkson University Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human subjects research: (315)268-3761 or [email protected]. Conflict of Interest: The researchers have no financial interest in performing this study.

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Informed Consent: Please sign here to show you have had the purpose of this research explained and you have been informed of what to expect and your rights. You should have all your questions answered to your satisfaction. Your signature shows that you agree to take part in this research. By signing below you also attest that you are at least 18 years old. You will be given a copy of this consent form to keep for your records.

Signature of volunteer: Date:

Signature of researcher

obtaining informed consent: Date:

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Appendix C

IRB Questionnaire

User Experience Questionnaire

Subject # _______ 1) Describe your experience with Java and Swing programming (how many months, how

many lines of code written (best estimation), in what kinds of projects, for course work or industry, and so on).

2) Describe your experience with using the Eclipse integrated development environment

before participating in this study (for how long, in what kinds of projects, and so on). Which other IDEs are you familiar with? (Netbeans, Visual Studio, etc.)

3) Describe your own practice of copy-and-paste (never; seldom; often. Anecdotes about its

advantages or disadvantages are particularly welcome). Do you know or use clone detection tools before this study?

4) What is your experience with CCFinder? How helpful is it in the debugging task?

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5) How do you normally debug Java source code? What tools do you use when debugging? 6) Describe your own experience with renaming before this study. What tools do you

normally use when renaming? (Manually, Find & Replace, Rename Refactoring, etc.) 7) What were the most frustrating parts about completing these tasks (with and without our

tool)? 8) What did you like about any of our tool’s features (clone tracking, CReN, LexId)? 9) What did you dislike about any of our tool’s features (clone tracking, CReN, LexId)? 10) Would you use any of these features while you write software? Which ones?

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VITA Patricia Deshane (maiden name: Jablonski) is originally from Amsterdam, New

York. She was a student at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York from August 1998

until May 2010. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in 2002. She

then got two Master’s degrees: a Master of Business Administration in 2003 and a Master

of Science in Information Technology in 2004. Finally, she completed her Ph.D. in

Engineering Science in 2010. Her research interests in the area of software engineering

include software maintenance, software quality, and source code management.
