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Page 1: past tense


Maria Cristina Castillo, born on 02 February 1972, in a village of the Department of Cabañas called San Isidro, was part of a family of 10 siblings, of whom I am number 4. I graduated from high school in 1992, with many sacrifices, enter to the current job in the year 1995 and I have 18 years working in the financial area, and currently living in Ilobasco .

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I have no picture when was a child, my mother then says she had no resources to photograph us, less for a camera, and as there were many didn't like taking pictures at all. The first photo I took was when I graduated from high school.

But I think that so I was.

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I liked the games!

Says my father during moonlit nights, we gathered us close neighbors and we spent hours and hours playing in the square.

This was a game that entertained us very much, it is called escondelero: it had up to ten and played him 10 era who had to search, it covered the eyes and counted hasa 10 while the other ran to hide, then he went out to look for them all and was very emocinante and hidden and who could not find me.

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We also play the marbles, we did skills to see who won more marbles others, I played with my brothers, who taught me to play.

I remember a very particular games of El Salvador. We played to the onion (onion starts) where formabamos a line and someone grabbed a trunk and all jalábamos it until it let go.

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One that we played was "RID thief" where we were 2 groups and one ran and we followed them up to grab them all jogging then us us.

I liked to play this, since it could play with friends and also alone.

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This one was great.

The saltacuerda.

This was also very fun, and allowed us to make new friends

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These are pictures of my past, not save many for not having the means of storage, but were very special.

This is my work family, celebrated my birthday.

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are we went to a Christmas party with my classmates.

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I went with my son for a walk and we were very tired.

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My friends caught that horse, I was asked to ride while they held it very well so he would not escape. That was back in the green hill.

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We were 5 years ago camping, really cold, I remember that I wanted to cry when at 2 in the morning could not more. But when the Sun rose it was really beautiful. Natural beauties El Salvador has our indo l! Cerro El Pital.

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I have a beautiful memory of when we were HSBC, we celebrated many times and we divertiamos with their dynamics.

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The moment passed very fast, we were so United and now we separated, but will always remain in my thinking all my friends.

I'm from the left

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HSBC us allowed celebrate with balloons, gave cake, partiamos melons and all we shared pleasant moments.

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To turn off the light!

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