
Past Student Analysis - Redemption

Immediately, in the opening, the scene is set through the use of a clear long shot presenting London cityscape. Additionally, there is a label at the bottom showing that it is London; the words appear letter by letter. This is implemented to make sure the audience know where the film is set.

Following the long shot setting the scene, there is an over-the-shoulder shot showing the protagonist looking over the city. This reveals to the audience that he is looking for something important. There is also non-diegetic music that plays that consists of sudden drumbeats. The over-the-shoulder shot combined with the non-diegetic music gets the audience feeling suspicious, wondering why the protagonist is looking for something important. The audience is hooked and wants to continue watching to find out what it is. In the next scene there is a close up of a phone, which displays the text Location: N 52 504, S 93 861 16:30. This demonstrates to the audience that the protagonist is going to meet somebody, assumingly to collect the important thing he is looking for. The audience now feels a sense of anticipation, as they want to find out what the important object is. Furthermore, the fact that the location is in coordinates creates tension, as the audience has no clue where the coordinates lead to they are now put on edge.

After reading the text message, the protagonist begins walking through London to travel to the location in the text. A tracking shot is utilised here to follow the movement of the protagonist. After the clip of him walking, the title emerges through a black background and smoke entitled Redemption. Redemption has connotations of regaining possessions, which could demonstrate that the protagonist is walking through London to the location in the text to take back something that was originally his.

There is another close-up to present to the audience who the antagonist is. His expression is severe exhibiting the seriousness of the current scene. Without the use of the close-up, the audience would not know the significance of the scene, and no tension would be built up.

Moreover, having two bodyguards on the edge of the frame with the man in the middle demonstrates he is the antagonist. Framing is important as it can reveal details to the audience.

In the following scene, there is an action match where the protagonist is escaping from the antagonist and his bodyguards. This scene is high intensity, which gets the audience on edge and their heart racing, as they want the protagonist to escape. The camera cuts to different angles to show what each character is doing. For example, there is a medium mid shot to present the bodyguards firing their pistols.

Next there is a tracking shot following the protagonist with the briefcase. At this point the audience believes the protagonist has escape and effectively won. However, as he walks further down the street the antagonist catches him. This causes the audience to rapidly go from feeling relieved and relaxed to fearful for the protagonists wellbeing. An emotional connection has been established between the audience and the protagonist throughout the film, so by the ending of the opening the audience is left tormented, as the protagonist has been captured.

The low-key lighting stays consistently the same throughout the film to keep a suspenseful and tense atmosphere throughout the opening. If the lighting kept altering, then the atmosphere would not have the same suspenseful effect it has currently. The atmosphere is significant in setting the tone of a film, which is why the lighting has been used effectively throughout.

Overall, I would personally marked this AS thriller opening a high level 4 as it successfully utilizes a variety of shot types, including close-ups, extreme close-ups, long shots, mid-shots, action matches. The low-key lighting is used effectively combined with the non-diegetic music to create a suspenseful and tense atmosphere.