  • This year’s Yom HaShoahCommemoration, which will be held inour Main Synagogue on Wednesdayevening, April 30, at 7:30, will have avery special feature in addition to aprogram of commemoration with acandle lighting ceremony for survivors,their children and their grandchildren,and songs by the Ramaz Middle SchoolChorus.

    This year’s program will feature anexceptionally sensitive staging of theRamaz Middle School’s production of“The Bond,” an original Holocaustmusical by Gail Hadani. A story ofhope and survival, sacrifice andrenewed life, and love, The Bond is set

    in France just prior to the Alliedinvasion of Normandy in June 1944.After a group of Jewish teenagers seetheir parents shot in the town square,they take refuge in the costume storageroom of the town theater, where theyare hidden by an Italian maintenanceman (played by Rabbi Lookstein) andhis baker wife (played by DanièleGorlin Lassner). The musical tells thestory of the bond between the children,and how they find each other years later.

    Those who wish to participate in ouremotional candle lighting ceremony areurged to contact Event Co-ChairCaroline Massel at 212-861-7178 [email protected]

    Through the good offices of the KJMen’s Club, we will again bedistributing to each KJ member, bymail, a Candle of Remembrance. It ishoped that each person, upon returninghome after the April 30th YomHashoah service, will light this candleas a means of remembering theYahrzeit of those who perished in theHolocaust as the victims of Nazi terror.

    May these lights throughout theKehilath Jeshurun communityilluminate our hearts and the hearts ofthe entire world in order to assure thatthe memory of the Jewish men, womenand children who perished will neverbe forgotten.


    Sponsored by Suzanne and Dr. Norman B. Javitt

    YOM HASHOAH - HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

    Volume LXXVII, Number 3 April 7, 2008 2 Nisan 5768



    A leading Orthodox teacher andthinker, Rabbi Berman has made numerouscontributions to the Jewish community.Ordained by Yeshiva University, at which healso earned a B.A. and an M.H.L., he alsocompleted a J.D. at New York Universityand an M.A. in Political Science at theUniversity of California at Berkeley. Heserved as a congregational rabbi at BethIsrael in Berkeley, CA; Young Israel ofBrookline, MA; and Lincoln SquareSynagogue in New York. Rabbi Bermanserved as Chairman of the Department ofJudaic Studies of Stern College for Womenof Yeshiva University for 13 years, where hestill serves as an Associate Professor of

    Jewish Studies. He is an adjunct Professor atColumbia University School of Law. In1997, Rabbi Berman founded and becameDirector of Edah, an organization devoted tothe invigoration of Modern Orthodoxideology and religious life.

    (Schedule on Page 5) (Schedule on Page 10)



    Our GuestRabbi Saul BermanDirector of Continuing Rabbinic Education atYeshivat Chovevei Torah

    136TH ANNUALSYNAGOGUE MEETINGWednesday, April 9, 2008

    7:30 PMFilm Screening of

    “LONELY MAN OF FAITH”The Life and Legacy of


    Lonely Man of Faith is a newdocumentary film on the life and legacyof Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, theintellectual leader of Modern OrthodoxJudaism in 20th Century America.Throughout his life in Europe, New Yorkand Boston, he struggled to forge a pathbetween Jewish tradition and the modernage, an ordeal that frequently resulted inloneliness. His impact was tremendousbut his legacy was complicated.

    The program will also include atribute to anniversarians, memorials todeparted members, the induction of newmembers, and the election of newofficers and trustees. The program willconclude with a supper of frankfurters,sauerkraut and ice cold beer, courtesy ofForemost Caterers.


    Prices are per person, per mealMembers Non-Members

    Adults: $35 $40Juniors (ages 12-18): $30 $35Children (ages 2-11): $18 $30


    The Officers and Executive Committee of the Congregationare pleased to announce that the Sixth Annual Judith KaufmanHurwich Keter Torah Awards will be presented to RaeGurewitsch and Randy Krevat on the second day of Shavuot.The practice of conferring such awards on two women is toappropriately recognize women in our congregation on theholiday when we celebrate the lives of two great Jewish heroines,Naomi and Ruth. It offers us an opportunity, as part of a religious

    ceremony, to express our appreciation for the services renderedto our community by women.

    The award is named in memory of Judith Kaufman Hurwich,the daughter of Rita and Benjamin Kaufman, of blessed memory,the mother of our member - yibadeil l'chaim - Adam Hurwich,and the grandmother of two of our finest Ramaz Alumnae. Herfamily continues her tradition of association with KJ and Ramazin fostering opportunities for women to study Torah.



    Born and raised in Brooklyn,Randy is a graduate of the Yeshiva ofFlatbush Elementary and HighSchools. She holds a degree inCommunications from BrooklynCollege.

    Twenty-five years ago, she mether eventual husband, Mitch, at aManhattan ad agency where theyworked together on the advertising forPolo/Ralph Lauren. In 1989 she gavebirth to Rebecca, a current senior at

    Ramaz, who was followed four years later by Sarah (about tograduate our Eighth Grade and enter the High School), and fouryears after that, Julia (now in the Third Grade of the Lower School).

    Randy serves as a member of the Boards of Trustees of bothKehilath Jeshurun and Ramaz. She was a highly successful Chair ofthe Middle School Liaison Committee, just one of many leadershipactivities which Randy has undertaken during her years in thiscommunity.

    An accomplished advertising executive, she has also heldimportant retail marketing positions for Ungaro, Ann Taylor andLimitedBrands, and she served as Vice President of Marketing forNew York and Co.

    At present Randy is on a sabbatical from the business world andshe is devoting herself fully to her three marvelous daughters and tocommunity needs. She is a regular member of Rabbi Lookstein'sParsha Class and, ever since we started to run the annual KJ Dinner,she and Mitch have designed the invitation and advertising for thatimportant event.

    She is an absolutely beloved member of this community with ahost of young friends who, together with her, lead modern Orthodoxlives with the most wholesome values and principles. She deservesto wear the Keter Torah (the crown of Torah) not alone because ofher commitment to this community but also because of the kind oflife that she is leading and the model family that she and Mitch havecreated. We are proud to bestow upon her this prestigious award.


    A graduate of Hunter CollegeHigh School and BrandeisUniversity and the holder of aMasters in Russian Language andLiterature from New YorkUniversity, Rae Gurewitsch, who isknown for her many communalactivities, is actually a perpetuallearner. She has attended manyclasses here at KJ including theMonday morning women’s Talmudclass since it was established. Shealso has studied consistently at the Drisha Institute.

    Married to Stanley Gurewitsch, a past President of KJ, Raehas been a leader in our congregation for close to forty years.With a cheerful smile and “can-do” attitude, Rae has had apositive impact on a wide cross-section of our membership: Shehas served as a Vice-President of the congregation and asPresident of the Sisterhood, and she continues to this day on theexecutive boards of both organizations. She has been one of threemembers of the Archives Committee for KJ. She participated inall of our needlepoint projects including the covers on the Torahand the Synagogue's chuppa, and she needlepointed a specialbimah cover for the High Holy Days and dedicated it to her latemother-in-law. Rae is also known as one of the caring group ofwomen who prepare homes for shiva and who serve the first mealafter the funeral to mourners upon their return home. No matterthe need, Rae has responded time and again with grace, kindnessand resourcefulness.

    A Trustee and generous supporter of KJ, Rae's greatest prideare her children: Karen and Steven Gurewitsch (Karen is herselfa past Sisterhood Co-President) and Anne and Sam Schwartz(Anne is a past Kesher President). To top it all off, Rae's sevengrandchildren are all current students in Ramaz!

    What a privilege it is for us to honor Rae with a muchdeserved Keter Torah Award.

    We honor these two extraordinary women for their service to this community and to the JewishPeople in general. We pray that God reward them both with many years of health and happiness and withmuch nachas from their children and, in Rae's case, grandchildren. May they continue to serve as stellarexamples of Jewish commitment and service to this entire community, which loves them and blesses them.


    Crash Course in Jewish Historywith Rabbi Elie Weinstock

    Tuesdays at 7:00 pmApril 1-29

    Crash Course in Basic Judaismwith Rabbi Elie Weinstock

    Tuesdays at 7:00 pmMay 6, 13, 20

    Jewish Essentials withRabbi Elie WeinstockTuesdays at 8:00 pm

    May 6, 13, 20

    Crash Course in Hebrew Readingwith Sara Rosen

    Wednesdays at 6:30 pmStarting April 2

    Explorations in Hebrew Readingwith Shilo Kramer

    Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

    Torah Topics with Rabbi Yossi Weiser

    Thursdays at 7:00 pmThe World of Chasidut

    May 1-29Judaism on the Road: The Laws of Leisure

    June 5-26

    Studies in the Weekly Portion withRabbi Yossi Weiser

    Thursdays at 8:00 pm


    KJ congratulates its longstanding memberand Ramaz alumnus Hon. Michael Mukaseyupon being sworn-in this past November asAmerica’s 81st Attorney General. A formerFederal Judge with an exemplarybackground in law enforcement and issuesof national security law, Mukasey receivedpraise for his thoughtful and fair handlingof some of the nation’s most important andcomplicated terrorism-related cases. Heappears here alongside his wife, Susan, andson, Marc, as well as former KJ Presidentand lifelong friend Benjamin Brown, his wifeFran, and son Alan. Mazal Tov on this richlydeserved honor!KJ IN WASHINGTON

    For information about the

    weekly status

    of the Manhattan Eruv

    Call the ERUV


    212-874-6100, ext. 452

    (Recorded Message)

    AM HASEFER BOOK REVIEW“You Never Call! You Never Write! A History of the Jewish Mother”

    With Author Joyce AntlerSunday, April 13, 7:00 pm at KJ

    FILM REVIEW“Nadia’s Friend”

    With Shani Hashaviah of the Israeli ConsulateSunday, May 11, 7:00 pm at KJ


    With Author Stefan KanferSunday, June 1, 7:00 pm at KJ

    FILM REVIEW“Jews of Iran”

    Sunday, June 15, 7:00 pm at KJ










    As we launch the Passover Relief Appeal for this year, I thought it would be helpful togive an accounting of some of the monies that are distributed by the Benevolent Fund as adirect result of what you and I contribute each year to Passover Relief.

    Herewith, then, is a partial list of recipients over the last few months. It includescontributions of at least $1,000, many of $5,000, and in some cases, $10,000 or more -sometimes, much more.

    In addition, we provide:$3,000 for our share of maintaining a Bikur Cholim apartment on the Upper East Side. Assistance to a struggling man who grew up in our community and who now lives in

    Jerusalem with a very large family. A major commitment to “Job Katif” that helps Israelis who were uprooted from Gaza.Major assistance to families in financial distress because of illness - here in New York

    and in Israel.An ongoing, major commitment to Chabad of the Upper East Side for the establishment

    and maintenance of a mikvah in our community.A special effort to help a man who grew up in our community and who has profound

    needs for housing and maintenance.Major efforts to assist families in serious financial distress.

    At Passover time, our first priority is helping poor people celebrate the holiday. We dothis by individual contributions as well as by contributing $5,000 each to Met Council and theJoint Passover Association.

    The Benevolent Fund, therefore, is both a source and an inspiration for helping manypeople in need and many organizations that provide chesed and education to Jews here and inIsrael. You cannot imagine how many worthy causes call upon us to help, and we are able toanswer affirmatively only because of your generosity.

    Please, therefore, send us your gift now, before Passover, and recognize that this gift willenable the Benevolent Fund to help others throughout the year without our engaging inindividual appeals for specific causes. Please be as generous as you can, making your taxdeductible check payable to “KJ Benevolent Fund.”

    As we take care of the first responsibility listed in the Shulchan Arukh in the laws ofPassover - ma’ot chitim - we pray that we will all be blessed with a happy and kosher Passoverand a year of sustenance and support for ourselves and for the entire Jewish People.


    KJ Food PantryNishmatNJOPShalvaReuthYeshivat Hesder Sderot and the Sderot Community ($135,000)

    The Etzion FoundationJDCORAAleh FoundationMigdal OhrTable to TableColumbia-Barnard Hillel



    Contact SynagogueExecutive DirectorLeonard Silvermanat 212-774-5680 or

    [email protected]

    SPONSORSHIPS ARE WELCOMETo support synagogue programs, weinvite prospective Kiddush andSeudah Shlishit sponsors to contactRiva Alper in the synagogue office at212-774-5670 or [email protected] Thebase cost of a cake-and-wineKiddush sponsorship is $350, towhich is added the cost of any extracatered food ordered throughForemost Caterers. MultipleKiddush sponsors may, at theirdiscretion and initiative, agree toshare the expense of extra cateredfood, but every co-sponsor must pay,separately and individually, the $350base fee. Similarly, sponsoringSeudah Shlishit costs every co-sponser $250.

    WELCOMEKehilath Jeshurun warmlywelcomes the following newmembers who have joined theCongregation between theprinting of the last Bulletin,November 15, and this Bulletin,which went to press on March 17.

    Steven and Daniele BleierWilliam BronAmir Elbaz

    Simon and Christina EdelsteinAdam and Allyson Fishman

    Howard and Karen GoodmanSheila and Alex Hay

    Absalom and Amy KotulskiMegan and Samuel Lieberman

    Ophir NavePauline Rehaut

    Michael and Emily Wirgin

    KJ’s Heyman Auditorium was filledon Sunday evening, March 9th, for aMen’s Club Panel Discussion for theentire community: “Jews in LatinAmerica.” Moderated by KJmember Ariel Kwacz, it featuredaddresses by fellow membersDanièle Gorlin Lassner and GeorgeRohr, who discussed the past,present and future of the Jewishcommunities of Bolivia andColombia, and what it is like to livea rich, Jewish life in smallcommunities with a distinct Latinflavor.



    On rare occasions, the eve of Passover comes out on Shabbat. This year isone of those rarities. There are a number of changes in our practices whenthe calendar falls this way. Therefore, please note the following:

    Thursday, April 17th - Fast of the Firstborn This year's fast of the firstborn takes place on Thursday, three days before

    Passover instead of on Erev Pesach. Our services will begin at 7:00 A.M. Asiyum will take place immediately following the services in order to absolvethe firstborn of the need to fast.B'dikat ChametzThe search for chametz should take place on Thursday night. It is performedin the usual fashion, with the blessing and recitation of Kol Chamira.The Burning and Selling of ChametzAlthough chametz may still be eaten all of Friday and until 10:40 a.m.Saturday morning (Erev Pesach), it is customary to burn any chametz notspecifically designated for consumption on Friday night and Shabbat, onFriday morning before 11:47 a.m. The Kol Chamira which is usually saidafter the burning is not recited this year until Shabbat morning because we arestill going to use chametz until that time.The Procedure on ShabbatThe meals at home on Shabbat should be Passover meals. A motzi should bemade over bread on Friday and Shabbat morning (before 10:40 a.m.) but thebread should be kept separate from all of the Passover utensils. This meansthat the motzi should be made on several napkins in such a way as not to affectthe rest of the house which is already cleaned for Passover. Whatever is notused should be discarded either by flushing it down the toilet or placing it inthe garbage disposal outside of the home. Remember that matzah should notbe used on Erev Pesach. This means that you have to make a motzi on breador challah, being careful as explained above.All consumption of chametz must be completed before10:40 a.m. on Shabbat morning and all chametz used asmotzi must be disposed of by 11:47 a.m.In order to make things easier for everyone, our Shabbat morning service willbegin at 8:45 a.m. and we will have a break about 9:30, after Shacharit, andgo down to the Riklis Social Hall where challah will be available and a lightbreakfast will be served. We will have to complete our eating before 10:40a.m. After that we will return to the synagogue for the reading of the Torahand Musaf.Preparing the SederInasmuch as it is forbidden to prepare on Shabbat for Yom Tov, one shouldnot prepare for the Seder on Shabbat. On the contrary, one should have a goodsolid rest on Shabbat afternoon and enter the Seder in a far more relaxed statethan usual. The egg and the shank bone should be broiled prior to Shabbat.Romaine lettuce or horseradish and charoset should be prepared beforeShabbat. If one forgets to prepare the shank bone, one may cook them onSaturday night and they should be consumed sometime during the first day ofYom Tov.


    PASSOVER SCHEDULEThursday, April 17Morning Services - Siyum B’chor (Firstborn) . . . . . .7:00 a.m.Search for Chametz . . . . . .After 8:12 p.m.

    Friday, April 18Morning Services . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30 a.m.Evening Services...........................6:45 p.m.Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:21 p.m.

    Saturday, April 19, Passover EveMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:45 a.m.Chametz may not be eaten after 10:40 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:20 p.m.Candlelighting & Start Seder

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .After 8:18 p.m.

    Sunday, April 20, Passover IMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:35 p.m.Candlelighting & Start Seder

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .After 8:19 p.m.

    Monday, April 21, Passover IIMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:35 p.m.Conclusion of Yom Tov . . . . . . . .8.20 p.m.


    Tuesday, April 22, Passover IIIMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45 p.m.

    Wednesday, April 23, Passover IVMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45 p.m.

    Thursday, April 24, Passover VMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45 p.m.

    Friday, April 25, Passover VIMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45 p.m.Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:28 p.m.


    Saturday, April 26, Passover VIIMorning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:25 p.m.Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . .After 8:26 p.m.

    Sunday, April 27, Passover VIII(Yizkor is recited)

    Morning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:45 p.m.Conclusion of Yom Tov . . . . . . . .8:27 p.m.


    STEP #1: Removal of Chametz –Cleaning the HouseSTEP #2: Kashering Appliances

    Gas ovens, both the stove-top andinside (racks as well), should be cleanedwith an oven cleaner, and then not used for24 hours. After 24 hours, invert the metalspiders and turn the burners on to thehighest setting for one hour. (If using anelectric oven, turn the burners on thehighest setting for one hour as well.) Afterthis is done, cover the stovetop withaluminum foil for the duration of Pesach.The inside oven should be turned on tobroil for one hour.

    If the oven is self-cleaning, go throughone cycle.

    Microwave ovens should be cleaned,and not used for 24 hours, after which abowl or cup containing a few ounces ofwater should be put in and ‘cooked’ untilthe water is vaporized into steam.

    Stainless steel sinks should be cleanedwith a cleaning solution, and not used for24 hours, after which boiling water shouldbe poured on every area of the sink and itsparts. Porcelain sinks cannot be kashered.They must be cleaned and covered.

    Dishwashers may be kashered forPesach after standing unused for 24 hours.They should be put through threecomplete cycles, using soap in the firstone.

    Kashering UtensilsWhile it is preferable to have as many

    utensils as possible specially reserved foruse only on Pesach, many utensils usedthroughout the year may be kashered foruse on Pesach. Items that are ‘kasherable’include: metal utensils used for hot andcold, providing they are not difficult toclean (i.e., a sieve, parts that are gluedtogether), and glass utensils that were usedstrictly for cold food.

    Items that may not be kashered are:glassware that is used for cooking,earthenware, pottery, porcelain, pyrex,and chinaware.

    The easiest way to kasher utensils is tobring them to the 9:00 am-12:00 noonApril 13th KJ Kasher-In where RabbiMeir Soloveichik will supervise theimmersion of metal utensils in a large sinkof rapidly boiling water.

    It is also possible to kasher in theprivacy of your own home. The procedurefor kashering is as follows: Metal utensilsshould be thoroughly cleaned with acleaning solution and then not used for 24hours. Small utensils such as silverware orother cutlery should be immersed brieflyin a large pot containing rapidly boilingwater. If the pot is very large, more thanone piece may be immersed at a time.Each piece should then be rinsed with coldwater.

    Pots are kashered by bringing water inthem to a boil and then immersing a hotstone or iron such that the water willoverflow onto the sides of the pot. Thenrinse the pot in cold water. Items whichcame into direct contact with chametz,without the medium of water (e.g. abroiler, frying pan) may be kashered byheating them until they are literally‘redhot’ or by placing them in a self-cleaning oven during the self-clean cycle.

    Glass utensils should be cleaned with acleaning solution and then immersed inwater (a bathtub works) for three days,changing the water every 24 hours.

    STEP #3: The Search For ChametzOne of the most beautiful and

    meaningful ceremonies associated withPassover is b’dikat chametz—the searchfor chametz. The ceremony is composedof five parts.

    1. Reciting a special blessing over themitzvah of the removal of chametz.

    2. The search of the house by the lightof a candle to find vestiges of chametz.

    3. The reciting of the formula ofnullification of chametz.

    4. The burning or disposal of anychametz found during the search.

    5. The reciting of a final, moreinclusive formula of nullification.

    The first three parts of this ceremonywill be observed this year on Thursdayevening, April 17, after nightfall, 8:12p.m. The disposal should be on Fridaymorning, April 18. Children especiallywill be impressed by the ceremony. Itshould, therefore, be performed withenthusiasm and dedication.

    The children should be asked to placepieces of chametz in the various rooms —a practice which ensures that the searchwill not be in vain. They can hold thecandle and the feather and they shouldexamine their own possessions, dressersand desks, for long forgotten relics ofchametz.

    Passover is a beautiful festival. It is aserious one, too. Both these aspects canbe captured in advance of the festival bya careful observance of b’dikat chametz.

    Disposal of ChametzNo chametz may be eaten on Shabbat

    morning, April 19 after 10:40 A.M. STEP #4: The Sale of Chametz

    The ritual sale of chametz must becompleted by early Friday morning, April18. There are those who prefer to performthe ritual in person. For those who cannotattend to the matter in person, there is aform provided on page 7 of this Bulletinwhich authorizes Rabbi Soloveichik to sellour chametz. THIS MUST BERETURNED TO THE SYNAGOGUE BYFRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, NOTLATER THAN 8:30 A.M.

    Individuals who will be in Israel forPassover should consult the rabbis inadvance to make special arrangements.



    “The Wicked Son”Saturday Afternoon, April 12thfollowing Mincha at 6:40 p.m.

    AA PP A S S O V E R T I M E L I N EA S S O V E R T I M E L I N E

    (Continued on page 7)

  • STEP #5: The Burning of ChametzOn Friday morning, April 18, it is

    customary to burn chametz. Thesynagogue provides a large, containedfire for this purpose. No bracha shouldbe said, since the one said before thesearch applies to the burning as well. STEP #6: After Pesach

    According to Jewish Law, chametzthat was owned by a Jew during Pesachmay never be eaten by a Jew. Therefore,it is preferable that after Pesach onebuys food from establishments ownedby non-Jews, establishments owned byJews who properly sold their chametzbefore Pesach, or after a month (timethat a store’s stock has been used up)from any establishment.


    Deliver a holiday package and visitan older person. Sunday, April 6th,10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the 92ndStreet Y, 1395 Lexington Avenue.Volunteers are asked to pre-register bycalling Dorot at 212-769-2850.


    “Kasher-In”Shmurah Matzah

    Pick-Up(see order form below)


    SUNDAY, APRIL 13TH9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

    Tefillin, Mezuzah,and Sha’tnez Check* !


    SHMURAH MATZAHS Kehilath Jeshurun is again

    pleased to offer to its membershipthe opportunity to purchaseShmurah Matzah through thesynagogue. The Matzahs areavailable at $16.00 per pound.

    The pick up will be on Sundaymorning, April 13th in thesynagogue lobby. That is the sameday as the Kasher-In: 9AM-12 PM.

    All orders must be prepaidand ordered by Friday, April 4th.

    Make checks payable to the KJSpecial Projects Fund.

    Please reserve ______ pounds ofShmurah Matzah at $16 per pound.

    Name _______________________

    Address ______________________

    Phone: (Day)__________________

    (Evening) ____________________

    If you are able to host guests atyour Seder table, please contact KJHospitality Coordinator Rabbi HillelRapp at 212-774-5652 [email protected]

    “Let all who are hungry,come and eat...”

    FORM FOR SALE OF CHAMETZI, __________________________________________________________, do herebyauthorize RABBI MEIR SOLOVEICHIK, of 125 East 85th Street, City, State andCounty of New York, to sell, transfer and assign all Chametz of whatever kind and nature which I possess, or in which I may have an interest, wherever situated, in my residenceat:________________________________________________________ or in my place ofbusiness at:______________________________________ or in any other place, withoutreservation and limitation. I further authorize him to lease all places in which chametz might be found.

    Signature___________________________________Date:___________________Please return to the Synagogue office by Friday, April 18th, at 8:30 AM.

    If you plan to spend Passover in Israel or Europe, please check this box: If you plan to spend Passover in another US time zone, please circle below:

    Central Rocky Mountain Pacific

    KJ BEGINNERS PROGRAM TO HOST COMMUNAL SEDERWant to experience a Seder with great food, insightful explanations, and all the

    trimmings? Want to be in a warm, friendly environment on Seder night? Don't want tohassle with preparing a Seder both nights? Well, have we got the answer!

    Under the leadership of Rabbi Elie Weinstock, and with the sweet melodies of KJBChazan Shilo Kramer, KJ will once again host a Seder designed and planned as a learningexperience. It is intended for those who wish to understand more about the content andmeaning of the Seder and how to conduct it properly. This special Seder will be held onthe first night of Passover, Saturday, April 19, at 8:30 PM.

    The cost is $90 per person. (Children under 3 may be seated with parents at no chargewithout their own meal.)

    Reservations can be made by forwarding a check to the synagogue office covering allthose planning to attend. The deadline for reservations is Monday, April 14.

    PASSOVERMonday, April 14

    7:00 PM

    SHAVUOTTuesday, June 3

    7:00 PM

    THREE WEEKSMonday, July 14

    7:00 PM

    Holiday Workshops at KJwith Rabbi Elie Weinstock

    DEDICATEMembers of the Congregation and others are invited to honor afriend or relative, celebrate a milestone event or memorialize aloved one by dedicating Chumashim or Siddurim.

    CHUMASHIM - $45 eachSIDDURIM - $25 each

    Call Riva Alper at 212-774-5670


    April 18, 2007: a day that will live ininfamy. A technical problem at Research inMotion, the prominent company behindBlackberry, caused wireless reception tocease, and millions of professionals werecut off from any email access.

    The New York Times reports on thehavoc: “Stuart Gold was in Phoenix on abusiness trip when the service went down.Mr. Gold, the marketing director forOmniture, a software firm, is not proud ofwhat happened next. “I started freakingout,” he said. “I started taking it apart.Turning it off. Turning it on. I took thebattery out and cleaned it on my shirt. I wasrunning around my hotel like a freak. It’svery sad. I love this thing.” Elaine DelRossi, chief sales officer for an insurancecompany, reacted to the severed electronicleash with several panicked calls to heroffice. “I quit smoking 28 years ago,” shesaid, “and that was easier than beingwithout my Blackberry.” The Timesfurther notes that with people unable toreceive email from work, many were freeto actually spend time with their family. Orso one would have thought. RobertFriedman, president of a productioncompany, said the disruption gave him “alot of free time on my hands to spend withmy wife, although I couldn’t find her sinceher Blackberry was off.”

    Now, the point of the Times piece is thatthe Blackberry blackout revealed “just howprofessionally and emotionally dependentso many people had become on theirpocket-size electronic lifelines.” Beginningwith the telephone, and ultimately throughcell phone or email, we are able to stay intouch with anyone anywhere, and we havegrown used to this ability, taking it

    naturally for granted. And while thecapacity for constant contact andcommunication appears to be a blessing, ithas it detractors. Yale Law School’sStephen L. Carter notes that it has broughtabout the death of letter-writing, ofcorrespondence, and that while through theinventions of the telephone, cell phone, andinternet human communication hasbecome easier, it has not necessarilybecome better. Before the explosion incommunications technology, writes Carter,“we had two means of keeping in touchwith friends: stopping in for a visit orwriting a letter. Each involved a significantinvestment of time and perhaps resources;in other words, maintaining friendshipsautomatically called us to sacrifice. And,by making those sacrifices, we showed ourfriends repeatedly how greatly we valuedtheir friendship. Correspondence, inparticular, not only preserved and nurtureda relationship but provided a record of it, atestament to its enduring character.” Inother words, in an age in which we nolonger communicate primarily with andthrough penmanship, all individuality, alleffort is lost. An email, no matter who it isfrom, is a hastily typed out bunch of bitsand bytes in cyberspace, with nopersonality and no tangible nature. A letter,on the other hand, a letter from someonespecial, in his or her hand, painstakinglycomposed, and lovingly written, becomesan embodiment of its author, a constant andconcrete reminder of the beloved. Througha letter a loved one continues to speak tous, if we hearken to the letter’s wordscarefully enough.

    It is with this in mind that we canconsider one of the most extraordinaryaggadot of the Talmud. The gemara inMenachot reports that when Mosheascended to receive the Torah, he foundGod sitting as a sofer, a scribe, slowlywriting out the Torah, carefully andpainstakingly attaching tagim, the littlelines on top of the letters, one by one. AndMoshe asks Him, “Who is forcing Yourhand to do this?” In other words, why areYou taking the time and trouble to makesuch lovely letters? Just give us theinformation. You have a bunch of laws thatyou want us to keep, print it up, and I’ll

    report it to klal Yisrael. And God responds,“In the future, there will be a man namedAkiva ben Yosef, who will deduce fromevery one of these letters, from every oneof these tiny tagim, tilei tilim shel halakhot,tons and tons of exegetical insights.”

    And the point of this story, as Iunderstand it, is that God, upon giving usthe Torah, wanted us to obey His laws, yes,but this was not merely a case of a bosssending around an office memo with a newseries of directives. The Torah, the Talmudis trying to tell us, is God’s letter to us; theTorah is His carefully craftedcorrespondence; the Torah is God’s laborof love. And it is with this in mind that wecan fully appreciate the Almighty’s answerto Moshe. Like a letter from a loved one,every single one of these otiyot, every littleline on these letters, will be treasured, andtreated with enormous significance. Forthe Jews, the Torah was not a text-messageor email to be hastily scrolled through orskimmed, to get the basic gist. There’s anold line from Woody Allen: “I took acourse in speed reading once. I read Warand Peace in 10 minutes! It’s aboutRussia.” The Torah was not speed-read.The Jews pored over the Torah day afterday, year after year, millennia aftermillennia, with new exegetical insightsgleaned, new deductions discoveredbecause they saw it as a treasuredcorrespondence from a beloved. And justas a beloved speaks through a letter, God,the Jews believe, speaks to us through theTorah, teaching us new chidushim fromgeneration to generation. The phraserecited daily in birkhot haTorah isnoteworthy; barukh ata Hashem,hamelamed Torah le-amo Yisrael, blessedare you God who teaches Torah to Israel.A response from one of the rishonim oncequestioned whether this could possibly bethe correct text. After all, God does notteach us Torah in the present, rather it is wewho learn that text that was communicatedmillennia ago. But the answer, I wouldsuggest, that through a letter lovinglywritten, an author’s voice can continue tobe heard. An old Yiddish anecdotedescribes an illiterate father in a shtetlwhose son went off to the big city. Whenthe father received a letter from his son, he



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  • would go to the town store to find someonewho could read Yiddish, and read him theletter. So he received a letter from his son,and he brought the letter to someone in thestore, who opened it up, and read it matterof factly as follows: “Tatah ich darf a sachzachen. I need a lot of stuff. Shik mir gelttateh. Send me money father.” The father,affronted, says azah chutzpah, suchdisrespect, so demanding, afilu kein einpruta shik ich nit, I’m not even sendinghim one cent. And then someone else inthe store says no, you’re not reading itright, give me the letter, and he takes theletter, and reads the exact same words, onlyas follows (deliberately, and with greatemotion and plaintive appeal): Tateh, ichdarf a sach zachen, shik mir gelt tateh.And the father, much impressed, says yetztret er vi a mench, now my son’s talkingwith derekh eretz. In a letter, the voice ofthe letter-writer can be heard.

    God continues to teach us because theTanach is a love letter through which Hespeaks, if we listen carefully enough, andin the right way. In a lecture on Torah minHashamayim, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks notesthat Elijah, standing on Sinai centuriesafter Moshe, hears God as a kol demamadakka, which he explains means a voicethat you can hear only if you are listeningfor it hard enough. And it was because ofthis kol, he argues, that Jews were able toendure. In an age in which all prophecy-the ultimate wireless communication- wascut off, in an age of dispersion andpersecution, in which all reception fromHeaven seemed to cease, Jews focused onthat text. In his words, the Torah “is God’s

    letter to us. His way of saying: While ourpaths may diverge, there may be timeswhen I am a long way away - read thisletter I have written you and then I will bethere with you. That is how Jews survivedfor 2000 years in exile, without ever oncefeeling abandoned by God because, so longas the Torah was with them, God was withthem. That was His letter. That was thedrama of the kol demama daka. That voicethat we could hear if we listened hardenough. Wherever they were in EasternEurope, in Spain, in Yemen - whereverthey were, when they read Torah theyheard the voice of God and they knew wewere together. The Torah is not aconventional text at all. It is like a letterfrom a father to a child. That is themeaning of Torah min hashamayim. Whatis Torah? Torah is the world we enter when,through an act of active listening, we hearthe voice of God.”

    In an article in the Weekly Standard,the essayist Joseph Epstein writes withannoyance of how cell phones havechanged what was once a quiet commute towork:

    Everyone, I suspect, has had amoment when he wished he could grabthe cell phone from a boisterous talkerand smash it on the sidewalk. A friendof mine named Ann Poole told me aboutsitting on a commuter train from hersuburb into Chicago, in front of a youngwoman who made no fewer than ten cellphone calls to friends, explaining ingreat detail why she was changing therestaurant in which she was giving alunch party that Saturday. Many of thepeople she called weren’t in, so, in a

    loud and irritating voice, she leftelaborate instructions on voice mailabout the change in plan along with thereasons for the change. “Hi, this is AmyHemstead [I’m making up the name],and I thought I’d let you know that I’vechanged the location of Saturday’slunch from the Zodiac Cafe to PhilStefani’s. We’re still meeting at noon. . .. “ And then she babbled on a bit moreas my friend Ann, who ferventlybelieves that trains are for reading notphoning, seethed in a quiet but genuinerage.

    “Did you do anything about it?” Iasked.

    “I said nothing,” she replied, “butwhen I got to work, I called Stefani’sand, using dear Amy’s name, Icancelled her reservation forSaturday.”We live in a noisy world; and often,

    enclosed in our cacophonous cocoon orsound, it is often difficult for us to hear thevoice of God. But what about Shabbat,when for one day we have silence? Recallthe Verizon cell phone commercial’stagline: Can you hear me now? That iswhat God is saying to us in shul onShabbat. What about now? When theringing of the cell phones cease, when thebuzzing and beeping Blackberries aremomentarily silenced, for the few precioushours before you open up an inbox ladenwith electronic letters, can you hear Menow? When the Torah, My carefullycrafted correspondence containing My koldemama daka, is read in shul, can you hearMe now?

    And of course we can- if only we arewilling to listen.


    Please duplicate last year’s listing(s)Offering $__________ for _______ people. Please add the following:

    FULL NAME IN ENGLISH (PLEASE PRINT)OFFERINGName_________________________________ $ ______________Name_________________________________ $ ______________Name_________________________________ $ ______________Name_________________________________ $ ______________

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    Please check here if you did not have a listing last year.*This offering is a token of reverence and is designed to be within reach of all.We suggest a contribution of $18 or more for each name.This form should be returned to our office by Monday, May 19.

    2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Book of RemembranceOnce again during the spring, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun will publish a BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE in which the names of departed

    dear ones are recorded by their living relatives who recite Yizkor for them four times a year. At the Yizkor service there is a prayer which says thatan offering has been made in memory of those for whom Yizkor was recited. Members of the congregation and the community-at-large mayauthorize us to publish the names of their departed relatives by making a token contribution of $18 or more for each name to be memorialized.Please use the form below if you wish us to record names for you.

    The Book will go to press on Monday, May 19, so that it will be ready in time for Shavuot.Enclosed please find my Yizkor offering* for the entire year in memory of those listed below, who are to be recorded in the KJ BOOK OF

    REMEMBRANCE published by the congregation.

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    Candlelighting 8:07 PMEvening services at 8:20 PMShavuot Dinner at 9:15 PM

    Opening Class at 11:30 PMfollowed by All-night Learningand Sunrise Minyan at 4:50 AM

    MONDAY, JUNE 9Morning Services at 9:00 AMEvening Services at 8:20 PMCandlelighting after 9:09 PM

    TUESDAY, JUNE 10Morning Services at 9:00 AMEvening Services at 8:20 PM

    Yom Tov ends at 9:09 PM



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    Shown here is Rabbi Meir Soloveichikand his devoted students who regularlyattend his Monday morning Torah classfor women, which meets at 9:30 am inKJ’s Jess Ward Library. To participate,contact [email protected]



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  • NOA STEINMazal Tov to Susan and Dr. Barry Stein on the

    forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Noa, whichwill take place on May 4th in Long Island where she willdeliver a Dvar Torah. Noa is a 6th grader at SARAcademy.


    DAVID ZASKMazal Tov to Sylvia and Arie Zask on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, David, which willtake place on May 17th in the Main Synagogue. Davidwill read Parashat Behar and deliver a Dvar Torah. Davidis a 7th grader at the Ramaz Middle School.



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    JACOB BERGFELDMazal Tov to Alison and Sylvain Bergfeld on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jacob, which willtake place on April 12th in the Main Synagogue. Jacobwill read Parashat Metzora, the Haftarah and deliver aDvar Torah. Jacob is a 7th grader at the SolomonSchechter School in Manhattan.


    DANIEL LOWMazal Tov to Lisa and Nathan Low on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Daniel, which willtake place on April 19th in Herzeliya, Israel. Daniel willread Parashat Acharei Mot and deliver a Dvar Torah onPesach, “Why Matzah.” Daniel is a 7th grader at theRamaz Middle School.

    DANNY LUXENBERGMazal Tov to Rhonda and Jeffrey Luxenberg on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Danny, which willtake place in Israel on Shabbat Hagadol. Mazal Tov aswell to the proud KJ grandmother, Alice Smokler. Dannywill read Parashat Metzora and give a Shabbat HagadolDrasha. Danny is a 7th grader at the Ramaz MiddleSchool.


    ISAAC STEINMazal Tov to Arlene and Daniel Stein on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Isaac, which willtake place on June 14th at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue.Isaac will read Parashat Behaalotekha with the Haftarah.Isaac is a 7th grader at SAR Academy.

    TALIA STERNMazal Tov to Gena Buchwald on the forthcoming

    Bat Mitzvah of her daughter, Talia, which will take placeon June 13th at KJ and June 15th for her friends. MazalTov as well to the proud KJ grandfather, Elias Buchwald.Talia will deliver a Dvar Torah on Friday night related tothe Pesach Sheni from Parashat Behaalotekha. Talia is a6th grader at the Ramaz Middle School.

  • JOSH FROHLINGERMazal Tov to Debra and Barry Frohlinger on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Josh, which willtake place on June 21st in the Main Synagogue. Josh willread Parashat Shelach and the Haftarah and deliver a DvarTorah on the Parasha. Josh is in the 7th grade at the RamazMiddle School.


    ANDREW BERGMANMazal Tov to Dr. Lisa Handler and Barry Bergman

    on the forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Andrew,which will take place on May 24th in the MainSynagogue. Andrew will read Parashat Behukotai and theHaftarah and deliver a Dvar Torah. Andrew is a 7th graderat the Ramaz Middle School.

    JUSTIN HABER Mazal Tov to Jill and James Haber on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Justin, which willtake place on June 16th in Jerusalem, where he will readParashat Shelach. Justin is a 6th grader at the RamazMiddle School.

    DAVID ERIC FLOMENBAUMMazal Tov to Meredith and Dr. Neal Flomenbaum

    on the forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, David,which will take place on June 7th at the Jewish Center ofAtlantic Beach where he will read Parashat Naso. Davidis a 7th grader at the Ramaz Middle School.


    JEREMY HOFFMANMazal Tov to Rena and Scott Hoffman on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jeremy, which willtake place on May 31st in the Main Synagogue. Jeremywill read Parashat Bamidbar and deliver a Dvar Torah onthe Parsha. Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJgrandmother, Ann Sterman. Jeremy is a 7th grader at theRamaz Middle School.

    JESSICA GRUENSTEINMazal Tov to Nicole and David Gruenstein on the

    forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Jessica, whichwill take place on May 3rd at the Jewish Museum at aninclusive Orthodox minyan. Mazal Tov as well to theproud KJ grandmother, Elaine Gruenstein. Jessica willread Parashat Kedoshim and deliver a Dvar Torah onAhavat Yisrael. Jessica is in the 6th grade at the RamazMiddle School.

    MELISSA KAPLANMazal Tov to Dr. Jennifer and Michael Kaplan on

    the forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Melissa,which will take place on April 22nd at the Inbal Hotel inJerusalem followed by a kiddush on May 10th at KJ.Melissa will give a Dvar Torah at the Inbal and will readthe Torah at the Women’s Tefillah Group at KJ on May10th. Melissa is a 6th grader at the Ramaz Middle School.

    PAUL LIECHTUNGMazal Tov to Louisa and Dr. Marc Liechtung on the

    forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Paul, which willtake place on May 3rd in the Main Synagogue. Paul willread Parashat Kedoshim. Paul is a 7th grader at the RamazMiddle School.

    ESTHER MALKA ISSEVERMazal Tov to Massami and Marko Issever on the

    forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Esther Malka,which will take place on June 19th at the Edmond J. SafraSynagogue. She will present observations and personalanalysis from “Pirkei Avot.” Esther Malka is a 6th graderat the Ramaz Middle School.


    EVELYN LEVINEShe was a member of thecongregation for more than fortyyears. Together with her late husband,Paul, she was a very generouscontributor to our activities. Quietand reserved by nature, she wasbeloved by many friends at KJ. Shewould come on Shabbat and, with aradiant smile on her face, daven toGod and pray for the welfare of herchildren, both of whom are graduatesof Ramaz - along with onegranddaughter - and for thecommunity which she so loved.

    DR. ALFRED TANZA world class gynecologist andobstetrician, Dr. Tanz brought morethan 15,000 babies into this world.His patients worshipped him for thecare that he gave them and theservices that he rendered, oftenwithout any compensation. He wasvery proud of his wife Judy's activeparticipation in the congregation andin Ramaz. He was overjoyed that hisfour children are all alumni of ourschool and he would be absolutelydelighted that a grandson of his isabout to enter the pre-school thisSeptember. Gentle and modest, hewas beloved and respected by all.

    DAVID SCHEINFELDA musmach of RIETS, a Jewishscholar and a broadly educated man,David was a graduate of Harvard LawSchool and served countless clients inhis chosen field of immigration law.He was generous to many causes andto many people in ways not knownpublicly. He was extremely proud ofhis wife Ellen's leadership roles inAmit and in the congregation, and hegloried in the fact that his three sonsare all Ramaz alumni.

    MAKS BIRNBACHA Zionist patriot, Maks was aLikudnik, not only in affiliation but inaction. A friend of the late PrimeMinister Menachem Begin, he was atireless supporter of Israel from pre-State days through his later activitieson behalf of the Weitzman Institute.Maks had a great sense of humor anda very warm personality. He wasbeloved by many in our congregationand, of course, most of all, by his wifeNaomi and his children andgrandchildren.

    HELEN WYSZOGRODA quietly heroic survivor of theHolocaust, Helen was an extremelycourageous woman from her earliestchildhood, under the most difficultconditions. Her final illness tested thatheroism over a period of months; atest that she passed, like everythingshe faced in life, with flying colors.She was proud of her relationship withthe congregation and she gloried inher two children who are alumni ofRamaz, and in all of her grandchildrenin Israel and America who are loyal toJewish tradition and Torah study.Most of all, she was a very loving andsupportive wife to her husbandMorris. Their souls were - and are -forever bound up with each other.

    EVA SACHARA descendant of the Herman Goldmanfamily which was so generous to KJ inthe middle of the last century, Eva wasa loyal member of the congregationfor many years, never failing tosupport our annual synagogue appealand express her love for KJ throughher generosity. On the High HolyDays, she reverently occupied thefamily's seat in the Ladies Balcony topray with us as her forebears didbefore her.

    RABBI ISAAC N. TRAININFor over sixty years he was adedicated and indefatigable servant ofthe Jewish community. From hisearly career in HIAS, Rabbi Traininwent on to become the Director of theDepartment of Religious ServicesAffairs at UJA Federation. In thatcapacity, he brought the Americansynagogue into Federation andimplemented transformative programswhich gave Federation a newsensitivity, not alone to religion, but tomany “unmet needs” as he calledthem. He was a veritable EnergizerBunny, arriving at his office dailybefore 7:30 AM and leaving long aftereverybody else had left. He alwaysput the Jewish community first and hehad very little tolerance for those whodid not share that commitment. Theauthor of eleven volumes of acommunal diary, he and they were atreasure trove of information about acommunity and a man who made aprofound impact on that community.His wife, Frances, was a lifelongsupporter of Ike and all of his work,and she will miss him terribly.

    BETTY MOSSA member of the congregation formore than forty years, Betty Mossregularly occupied her seat in theLadies Balcony with a charming smileon her face which greeted everyonearound her. She died in her 97th year,a fact which was a source ofamazement to all of us who neverthought she was anywhere near thatage. She was impeccably dressed,tastefully adorned and always in style.She had a dynamism about her thatwas impressive. Her late husband,Joseph Moss, was a Trustee of thecongregation and a very generoussupporter of our community.

    In Memoriam


    W I T H I N O U R FA M I LYBIRTHSMazal Tov to:

    Jennifer and Daniel Agus on the birth of their firstchild and son, Harrison Shane.

    Sandy and Dr. Robert April upon the birth of agrandson, born to their children Pamela & AaronLauchheimer.

    DeeDee and Victor Benel on the birth of theirgrandson, Eli Sasson Benel, born to Lena Fishman andDani Benel (Ramaz ‘94).

    Sara and David Berman upon the birth of their fifthchild and third son, Nathaniel. Mazal Tov also to theproud KJ grandparents, Judy and Michael Steinhardt onthe birth of another grandchild.

    Bernie Cohen on the birth of a grandson, Judah, bornto his children, Stephanie and Damon Shalit.

    Elyse and David Efron on the birth of their daughter,Caroline Rose. Mazal Tov to the proud KJgrandparents, Janet and Mark Mittler.

    Linda and Jeffrey Esses upon the birth of their secondchild and daughter, Julia Rose. Mazal Tov as well to theproud KJ grandparents, Barbara & Abe Esses.

    Allyson and Adam Fishman upon the birth of theirfirst child and son, Oliver Jason. Mazal tov as well tothe proud KJ grandparents, Lynne and Joshua Fishman.

    Susan and Peter Frankel on the birth of theirgrandson, Brandon Etan, born to their childrenElisabeth and Colin Reed.

    Rae Goldman on the birth of a great grandson, bornto her grandchildren, Stacy and Larry Ostow.

    Yonina and Eric Gomberg upon the birth of theirsecond son, Tobias Nathan. Mazal Tov also to ourmembers Gail and Ephraim Propp upon the birth ofanother grandchild.

    Anne Yi and Don Hadel upon the birth of their firstchild, a son, Michael Abraham.

    Amy and David Kirschenbaum on the birth of theirdaughter, Molly Leora. Mazal Tov as well to the proudKJ grandparents, Georgette and Steven Gross.

    Irene and Martin C. Kofman on the birth of their newgrandson born to Michele and Mark Chessler, and anew granddaughter, Charlotte Rose, born to theirchildren, KJ Members Alissia and Andrew Kaufman,who are temporarily sojourning in London.

    Julie and Reuben Kopel upon the birth of theirsecond child and daughter, Romi Dina.

    Dyan and Ezra Levy on the birth of their third childand first daughter, Mimi Lynn.

    Michelle and Joshua Lobel on the birth of theirtwins, a boy and girl, Jonathan Louis and Alexa Rose.Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ grandparents, Maryand Ralph Gut.

    Ruth and Ben Lubick on the birth of their first childand son, Avraham.

    Meredith and Lyon Marcus upon the birth of theirfirst child and son.

    Robye and Allen Margolius on the birth of their thirdchild and second son, Daniel Ryan.

    Ruth and Dr. David Musher on the birth of theirnewest granddaughter, Ariella, born to their childrenSharon and Daniel Eisenstadt of Philadelphia.Congratulations as well to the proud KJ great-grandfather, Morris Weiss.

    Katia and Mitchell Raab on the birth of their secondchild and first daughter, Sylvie Rachel.

    Diana and Ira Riklis upon the birth of agranddaughter, Leora Ella, born to their children Talia& Andrew Day.

    Gail and Marvin Schaffer on the birth of their firstgrandchild, Nathan Gabriel, born to their children Ilisaand Ezra Cappell of El Paso, TX.

    Carol and Jesse Schwartz on the birth of their thirdgrandchild, a girl, Abigail Faith, born to their childrenTobi (Ramaz ‘92) and Neil Wechsler.

    Shirley and Mal Serure on the birth of their daughter,Raquel Ronni. Mazal Tov to the proud KJ grandparents,Ety and Eugene Biro.

    Yaira Singer and Matthew Binstock on the birth oftheir second child and first son, Eitan Tzvi. Mazal Tovto the proud KJ grandparents, Michael and Dr. AdinaSinger.

    Phyllis and Mark Speiser on the birth of their firstgrandchild, Netanel, born to their children, David andEva Speiser of Jerusalem.

    Sara Messeloff and Larry Tanz upon the birth of ason, Alfred Phillip. Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJgrandparents, Judy Tanz and Esther & JonathanMesseloff. The baby is named after his paternalgrandfather, Dr. Alfred Tanz, who is memorialized onpage 14 of this bulletin.

    Jenny and David Tawil on the birth of their thirdchild and second son, James David.

    Maeira and Michel Werthenschlag on the birth oftheir first child and son, Simon Jesse.May these children grow up in the finest tradition ofTorah, chupah, and maasim tovim.

    BNEI MITZVAHMazal Tov to:

    Ruth and KJ Trustee Irwin Shapiro on the BarMitzvah of their grandson, Jacob Shapiro, son of KJmembers Monica and Sandy Shapiro of Riverdale.

    ENGAGEMENTSMazal Tov to:

    Sandy and Dr. Robert April on the engagement oftheir daughter, Alexandra, to Aryeh Cooper, son of Dr.and Mrs. Ira Cooper of Teaneck.

    Rachel and Barry Cooper upon the engagement oftheir son, Brian, to Lindsay Nicole Baker, daughter ofMrs. Shelly Baker-Rosenbaum and Mr. Mark Baker, ofRiverdale.

    David Fridman, son of Anne and Natalio Fridman,upon his engagement to Gabriella Francis, daughter ofGwen Francis and Dr. Bruce Francis of West Orange.

    Elliott Hornblass, son of Ann and Hon. JeromeHornblass, upon his engagement to Melissa Greenberg,daughter of Marcella & Robert Greenberg of Liverpool,England.

    Carolyn and Rabbi Eliezer Rubin and Elaine andScott Liebman upon the engagement of their childrenYitzy and Allison who are Ramaz graduates, studied inIsrael for a year, attend Yeshiva University and plan towed in August.May their weddings take place in happiness andblessing.

    MARRIAGESMazal tov to:

    Michaela Joseph, daughter of Jessica Joseph and thelate Jean-Paul Joseph (z”l), and stepdaughter of LeonKroll, on her marriage to David Biltekoff, son of Judiand Peter Biltekoff of Buffalo, New York.

    Justin Oberman on his marriage to Sara Filler.Nadia and Joseph Olidort on their 25th Wedding

    Anniversary.Gail and Ephraim Propp on their 25th Wedding

    Anniversary.Rachelle and Hon. Norman Ryp on the marriage of

    their son, Jacob, to Devora Weinstein, daughter ofRenee and Maier Weinstein.

    Janie and Robert Schwalbe on the marriage of their

    son, Joshua, to Aliza Susswein, daughter of Sam andMalka Susswein of Yonkers.

    COMMUNAL HONORSCongratulations to:

    Jane and Ishaia Gol on being Shalva's “CommunityService Honorees” at the institutional dinner on March16th.

    The National Jewish Outreach Program honored theLebwohl family in a tribute to the Zachary and JennieLebwohl Endowment for NJOP.

    Wolf A. Popper upon being honored at the annualVeteran's Recognition program of the HonorableWilliam C. Thompson, Jr., Comptroller of the City ofNew York, held in November at City Hall.


    Jacqueline Marcus, who became a partner in her lawfirm, Weil Gotshal & Manges, where she works in thebankruptcy department.

    Rachel Abrams Pear, who received her MastersDegree in pre-historic Archaeology from HebrewUniveristy in Jerusalem, and is now in the Ph.D.program at Bar Ilan Univeristy, in the Science,Technology and Society Department, where she is therecipient of the Presidential Fellowship. Rachel and herhusband, Rabbi Ian Pear, are the founders ofJerusalem’s Shir Hadash. They have three children,Gavriella, 9, Mimi, 5, and Darya, 3.

    CONDOLENCESOur condolences to:

    Dr. Mona Ackerman, Marcia Riklis and Ira Riklis onthe passing of their mother, Judith Riklis.

    Linda Belkin on the passing of her mother, SelmaBelkin.

    Steven Cohen on the passing of his father, ArthurCohen.

    Estanne Fawer on the passing of her sister, JerriOestreicher.

    Tobette Feinberg on the passing of her mother, RuthOlnick.

    Estelle Fink on the passing of her husband, Dr. TedFink.

    Jane Gol on the passing of her father, IrvingMoverman.

    Steven Howard Goldberg on the passing of hismother, Miriam Goldberg.

    Amy Goldstein on the passing of her father, DonaldBerns.

    Danièle Gorlin Lassner on the passing of her mother,Liselotte S. Gorlin.

    Dr. Stefan Grant on the passing of his sister, SimoneKatzenberg.

    Michael Jesselson on the passing of his mother,Erica Jesselson.

    Dr. Jennifer Kaplan on the passing of her mother,Joan Brisman.

    Dr. Jessica Lefkowitz on the passing of her father,Peter Light.

    Donna Lippman on the passing of her father,Kenneth Lippman.

    Dr. Steven Reisman on the passing of his father,Milton Reisman.

    Dr. Adina Singer on the passing of her father, RubenCimet.

    Perri Sussman Stern on the passing of her mother,Dorothy Sussman.

    Gerard Tugendhaft on the passing of his brother,Charles Tugendhaft.

    Dr. David Woldenberg on the passing of his brother,Samuel Woldenberg.

    May they be comforted among all those who mournfor Zion and Jerusalem.

    In preparing the Bulletin, we welcome allKJ members’ announcements of communal,academic and professional achievements.

    Please e-mail [email protected] or mail it to thesynagogue, marked “ATTN: KJ Bulletin”



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    SHABBAT SCHEDULE Friday Saturday

    Lighting Evening Afternoon Sabbathof Candles Services Services Ends

    April4-5 Tazria 7:06 PM 6:45 PM 7:00 PM 8:01 PM11-12 Metzora 7:14 PM 6:45 PM 6:40 PM 8:09 PM18-19 Aharei Mot 7:21 PM 6:45 PM 7:20 PM 8:18 PM25-26 Shabbat Pesach 7:28 PM 6:45 PM 7:25 PM 8:26 PM

    May2-3 Kedoshim 7:36 PM 6:45 PM 7:30 PM 8:33 PM9-10 Emor 7:42 PM 6:45 PM 7:40 PM 8:41 PM16-17 Behar 7:49 PM 6:45 PM 7:45 PM 8:48 PM23-24 Behukotai 7:55 PM 6:45 PM 7:50 PM 8:56 PM30-31 Bamidbar 8:01 PM 6:45 PM 7:55 PM 9:02 PM

    June6-7 Naso 8:06 PM 6:45 PM 8:00 PM 9:07 PM13-14 Behaalotekha 8:10 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:12 PM20-21 Shelah 8:12 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:15 PM27-28 Korah 8:13 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:15 PM

    July4-5 Hukkat 8:13 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:14 PM11-12 Balak 8:10 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:12 PM18-19 Pinhas 8:06 PM 6:45 PM 8:00 PM 9:06 PM25-26 Mattot 8:01 PM 6:45 PM 7:55 PM 8:59 PM

    SCHEDULE OF SERVICESWeekday mornings…………..7:30 AM Sunday mornings……………..8:30 AMMondays and Thursdays……..7:15 AM Rosh Chodesh Weekdays…….7:00 AM

    Sabbath mornings…………….9:00 AMEVENING SERVICES


    KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETINCongregation KehilathJeshurun

    125 East 85thStreetNew York, NY10028-0928

    Saturday-Sunday, April 19-27Passover(See schedule on page 5)Monday-Tuesday, May 5-6Rosh Chodesh IyarMorning Services at 7:00 AMWednesday, May 7 Yom HazikaronThursday, May 8 Yom Ha’AtzmautMorning Services at 7:00 AM

    Friday, May 23Lag B’OmerMonday, May 26Memorial DayMorning Services at 8:30 AMMonday, June 2Yom YerushalayimMorning Services at 7:00 AMWednesday, June 4Rosh Chodesh SivanMorning Services at 7:00 AM

    Sunday-Tuesday, June 8-10Shavuot schedule on page 10Thursday-Friday, July 3-4Rosh Chodesh TammuzFriday, July 4Morning Services at 8:30 AMSunday, July 20Fast of 17th of TammuzFast begins 4:29 AMMorning services at 8:30 AMAfternoon services at 8:00 PMFast ends 9:02 PM

    Are you receiving your KJBulletin late in the mail? Are you receiving double copies of theBulletin? Weneedtoknow!Please e-mail [email protected] or call 212-774-5670.

    April 1-18...........................6:45 PMApril 28-30.........................6:45 PMMay 1-29 ............................6:45 PM

    June 1-5 .............................6:45 PMJune 11-12..........................6:45 PMJune 15-30..........................6:50 PM

    July 1-10 ............................6:50 PMJuly 13-31 ..........................6:45 PM

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    KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETINCongregation Kehilath Jeshurun

    125 East 85th Street, New York, NY 10028212-774-5600

    Synagogue OfficialsDr. Haskel Lookstein . . . . . . . . . . . .RabbiMeir Soloveichik . . . . . . .Associate RabbiElimelech Weinstock . . . .Associate RabbiHillel Rapp . . . . . . . . . . . .Assistant RabbiDavid Flatto . . . . . . . . . .Rabbinic ScholarAvram Davis . . . . . . . . . .Cantor EmeritusMayer Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CantorLeonard Silverman . . .Executive Director

    Officers of the CongregationEric Feldstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PresidentSurie Sugarman . . . . . . . . . .Vice PresidentRobert Kurzweil . . . . .2nd Vice PresidentElias Buchwald . . . . . . .3rd Vice PresidentJacob Doft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SecretaryJoel Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TreasurerDavid Lobel . . . . . . . .Assistant TreasurerDr. Diana Friedman . .Financial SecretaryRiva Alper . . . . . . . . .Recording Secretary

    Past PresidentsBenjamin Brown Fred Distenfeld

    Chaim EdelsteinSamuel Eisenstat Stanley Gurewitsch

    Affiliate PresidentsSusan Blinken . . . . . . . . .Pres. SisterhoodDr. Mark Meirowitz . . . .Pres. Men’s ClubSherri Libin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pres. KesherErica Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . .Pres. KesherJilly Wieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pres. Kesher

    Office StaffRiva Alper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AdministratorRudy Arjune . . . . . . . . . . . .SuperintendentAlexis Berkowitz . . . . . . . . .Social WorkerDina Farhi . . . . . . . . . . .Executive AssistantHattie Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . .ComptrollerMaggie Newberger...Outreach AdministratorArona Schneider . . . . . . . . .Office ManagerEytan Zadoff . . . . . . . . . . . .Youth Director