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Passover Seder 2013

Seder Plate

Seder Plate

• Charoset: Sweet salad of apples, nuts, wine, and cinnamon that represents the mortar used by the Hebrew slaves to make bricks

• Karpas: Karpas is a green vegetable, usually parsley (though any spring green will do). Karpas symbolizes the freshness of spring

• Chazeret: Often romaine lettuce or carrot plant. The symbolism is the same as that of maror

• Roasted lamb shankbone: (called zeroah), which commemorates the paschal (lamb) sacrifice made the night the ancient Hebrews fled Egypt

• Roasted egg: The roasted egg (baytsah) usually signifying springtime and renewal

• Maror (“bitter herb”): Bring tears to the eyes and recall the bitterness of slavery


• The middle Matzah• Conclude the Seder (dessert)• Keep the young awake and interested to the end of the Seder

Historical Family Seder - Israel

Seder - 2001

Seder - 2002

2002 – Tomer is Choking on a Plum

2002 - Silly

Boston - 2007
