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M E M P R É E N M O U V E M E N T & L E S P A R T E N A I R E S P O U R L A P E T I T E E N F A N C E

Partners Newslette , January 2014 1

Sommary : It’s happennig right here!

- Cosolidation..... Contined 2- Plan for 0-5 year olds .... 3- Winter Pleagures 2014 ed 4- Preschool Motor skills... 4

Did you know that?- Early Childhood educators 5

Links and infos- Bien Manger, Bien Bouger 6

Issue n°17- January 2014

Editorial Staff

Denis Delbois — coordonator-assistantIsabelle Mercieca — coordonator MeMJoël Bolduc — coordonator PPEMMarie-Josée Cotnoir — consultant ressources


Memphré en Mouvement120, rue BellevueMagog J1X 3H2Tél. : 819 446 5005 [email protected] [email protected] :

Partenaires pour la Petite Enfance Memphrémagog55, rue CabanaMagog J1X 2C4Tél. : 819 847 [email protected]

Partners Newsletter

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M E M P R É E N M O U V E M E N T & L E S P A R T E N A I R E S P O U R L A P E T I T E E N F A N C E

2 Partners Newsletter January 2014

CONSOLIDATION...continued...We asked for your opinion and you approved! Recently, the documents pertaining to the temporary governing style and the operating rules for the year 2013-2014 were sent to you by e-mail. Since the assembly

meeting could not be held, the Coordinating Committee decided to conduct an initial consultation “electronically”.Nine people responded, two of whom requested clarifications. Though the majority has spoken, we are nonetheless going to follow up with each of you. So, do not hesitate to call Isabelle or Joël for answers to your questions. Thus, our transitional year got underway with new operating rules that we got to test while moving forward with our strategic plan for 0-5 year olds...and putting into action our yearly plans...and

working on next year’s plans as of February! Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! It’s off to work we go! The next two meetings will take place however. At the April meeting, we will discuss the state of the new group as well as the adoption of plans and budgets. At the October meeting, we will work on formally establishing the new group, including the governing

style and the operating rules for implementing the action plans for the next three years. If you should still have any questions, concerns or comments you wish to share, contact Isabelle or Joël, who will be more than happy to provide insight or to share your thoughts with the Coordinating Committee.

It’s happening right here!It’s happening right here!

Author: Courage Group International Resource #: MWF100

L’outil de La Roue de Médecine

La Roue de Médecine est un ancien symbole utilisé dans toutes les cultures autochtones comme un lieu d’’énergie et de guérison, d’apprentissage et de compréhension (Bopp, Bopp, Brown et Lane, 1985). L’apprentissage de la Roue de la Médecine a été préservé de génération en génération grâce à la tradition orale quand l’expression de la spiritualité était « mise hors la loi ». Cet apprentissage est maintenant révélé et rendu accessible à plusieurs nations, croyances, races et groupes comme guide pour le bénéfice de l’humanité dans ce qui est connu sous le nom de « temps des guerriers arc-en-ciel » (Meadows, 1991, p. xvii). Dans les traditions autochtones, la notion de « médecine » désigne le pouvoir personnel, l’unité et le savoir. La Roue de la Médecine est un outil de navigation qui aide les personnes à découvrir leur pouvoir personnel (Meadows, 1991, 1996). C’est « une carte ou un cadre pour la découverte » (Meadows, 1991, p. xix) qui peut être utilisé de plusieurs façons : pour se voir soi-même, pour voir la société ou les organismes, ou pour approfondir la compréhension de tout aspect de la vie et du monde avoisinant. L’emplacement des apprentissages sur la Roue de la Médecine varie chez les auteurs et les différentes traditions. Il n’y a pas de « règle » ou de croyance spécifique à adopter pour utiliser la Roue de la Médecine. Les gens sont invités à utiliser cet outil et les apprentissages qui s’y rattachent de la manière qui leur convient le mieux et qui répond le mieux et leurs besoins individuels (Meadows, 1991). « The Medicine Wheel Tool » (Williams et Williams, 2005) est une interprétation et une application de la Roue de la Médecine et s’inspire grandement du travail d’Angeles Arrien (1993), un anthropologiste transculturel.

L’outil de la Roue de la Médecine est un cadre simple permettant de regarder de façon holistique un individu, un organisme ou un projet. Les quatre directions : Nord, Est, Sud et Ouest dans cette application représentent le leadership, la vision, la communauté et la gestion. Cela nous rappelle qu’il y a quatre aspects en nous, ou dans la situation, qui doivent être examinés de façon égale afin d’atteindre la santé et l’équilibre (Bopp et coll., 1984). La raison d’être se trouve au centre de l’outil. C’est le point de départ pour utiliser l’outil. La raison d’être nous invite à accéder à notre source la plus profonde et intérieure et de révéler notre « pourquoi ». L’étape suivante est d’aller vers le nord ou le leadership puis, dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre, autour de la roue à travers la vision, la communauté, la gestion. Le leadership

nous demande de réfléchir sur notre capacité à atteindre le but. Il regarde ce que nous faisons en tant que leaders, comment nous le faisons, et, le plus important, la condition intérieure du ou des leaders, y compris leur volonté à atteindre le but. La vision aide à exprimer l’avenir que

« Heigh Ho Heigh Ho! It’s off to work to go! »

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Partners Newsletter, January 2014 3

Plan for 0-5 year olds :The First Step was Successfully Completed!Last November 14, more than thirty Group Partners gathered to share their observations regarding young children, their families, and their community. According to comments from participants, the meeting was greatly appreciated because it allowed for discussions as well as the opportunity for networking among partners.

In practical terms, the meeting led to seven important findings.

With regard to children, four findings stood out: 1) They frequently lagged behind in language development; 2) They had greater difficulty acquiring social and emotional skills; 3) They were

more anxious; 4) They lacked a regular routine (sleep, balanced meals, outdoor play).

With regard to families, two findings were identified: 1) Parents need to acquire basic knowledge about child development; 2) At-risk parents have a difficult time meeting their family’s basic needs.

Finally, regarding the community, the partners agreed that the priority needs to be on building trust between organizations and parents, as well as between parents who live in the same community.

This priority was supported by other findings such as:

- Parents need to be welcomed in a non-judgemental way, and accepted the way they are;

- Many parents do not take advantage of services, especially anglophone parents and parents in at-risk families;

- Many families are isolated and seem cut off from the community and the neighbourhood.

In the next planning meeting, scheduled for December 19, we will finalize our priorities for the next three years. We will select one finding for each area of focus (the child, the family and the community). Next, we will set a goal for each of the priority findings. These goals will guide our actions when helping children and families in each of our areas.

So, step by step, together, we will succeed in drafting our collective action plan, set to be submitted to Avenir d’Enfants on April 15, 2014.

Joël BolducCoordinatorPartenaires pour la Petite Enfance de Memphrémagog

« In practical terms, the meeting led to 7 importants findings.»

It’s happening right here!It’s happening right here!

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Ça se passe chez nous!M E M P R É E N M O U V E M E N T & L E S P A R T E N A I R E S P O U R L A P E T I T E E N F A N C E

4 Partners Newslette, January 2014

Preschool Motor Skills Development Training Day Thanks to a partnership between the Commission Scolaire des Sommets, the three local groups of partners (Memphré en Mouvement, Val en Forme and Vita-Sources) and the Université de Sherbrooke (Physical Education and Health Sciences), a new and improved edition of the first training day, held in October 2011, was held last December 6. More than 40 participants from kindergarten, preschool and

Passe-Partout classes received a personalized schedule allowing them to attend an opening conference and four workshops of their choice.The workshops raised or increased awareness about physical and motor development and helped to demystify this field by showing how to get 4 and 5 year olds to be active on a daily basis. Whether setting up a space in the classroom for motor activities, hosting outdoor games, pairing motor activities with reading activities, or considering the specific needs of some of the children, participants shared their experiences and discovered new resources. These are just a few examples of the nine workshops that were offered to support participants in their work with youngsters.Thank you to the Commission Scolaire des Sommets, the two other groups of partners, the Université de Sherbroke, and the staff at École Secondaire du Tournesol. A special thank you goes to the school’s Food Co-op, which not only provided generous and tasty meals, but also played an important role in helping students make healthy choices and succeed in school!

Winter Pleasures - 2014 EditionOnce again this year, several municipalities are getting in on the act by offering families outdoor

winter activities to encourage citizens to get active and mingle with each other outdoor, regardless of the weather! Some dates to remember:

January 25: in Eastman (with a WIXX Zone)February 1, 2, 8, 9, 15 and 16: in MagogFebruary 7, 8, 9: in Ayer’s CliffFebruary 8: in Austin, Hatley and Stanstead (with a WIXX Zone in Stanstead)February 9: in Hatley TownshipFebruary 15: in North Hatley and Potton Township (with a WIXX Zone in Potton)February 22: in Potton Township and Ste-Catherine-de-HatleyBravo to each of these municipalities for working to improve the health of their population!No excuses now: we have a date with the outdoors for the next five weekends...and more!

It’s happening right here!It’s happening right here!

«More than 40 participants(...)received a personalized schedules..»

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M E M P R É E N M O U V E M E N T & L E S P A R T E N A I R E S P O U R L A P E T I T E E N F A N C E

Partners Newslette , January 2014 5

Did you know that?Did you know that?

« T h e r e f o r e , e a r l y childhood care and

Early Childhood Educators Took Part in the Grandes Rencontres sur la Persévérance ScolaireI had the opportunity to attend the major conference on school perseverance (GRPS) that took place last November 4th through 6th. This event brought together some 1400 participants from the educational, political, community, institutional and business arenas! And for the first time, those who work in the field of early childhood were also invited. It’s a big step, because we know how important it is to get ready for school long before starting school! In fact, Avenir d’Enfants was involved in organizing this important event. Congratulations! I got a lot out of the workshops that I attended and would like to share my experience with you. As you can see, the quality of the speakers at the conference was exceptional.


1. On the father/child bond (Francine de Montigny, UQO)

According to one study, when the father assumes his parental role early on, he

tends to be more involved in the child’s care and education throughout the child’s life. Moreover, he remains involved in the event of a separation. Finally, the feeling of security that comes from the father/child bond promotes the child’s emotional development as well as his or her openness to the world. The following is an interesting website: Initiatives amis des pères:

2. On the feeling of security provided by the bond (George Tarabulsy, Université Laval)

3. On the teacher/student/parent relationship (Germain Duclos, Psycho-Educator and Learning Specialist)

4. On communication with parents (Geneviève Bélisle, Association québécoise des centres de la petite enfance)

Let me close by telling you about an interesting video that shows the tremendous learning abilities of infants and discusses the crucial moments in their development when they are most receptive to learning. The video is available at: http://youtube/ams43i_m0rg Marie-Josée Cotnoir, Psycho-Ed.Resource Counselor in Child

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6 Partners Newslette, January 2014

Links and infosShort guide to links that seem interesting. Enjoy your visit!

Editorial StaffDenis Delbois — coordonator-assistantIsabelle Mercieca — coordonator MeMJoël Bolduc — coordonator PPEMMarie-Josée Cotnoir — consultant ressources

ContactMemphré en Mouvement120, rue BellevueMagog J1X 3H2Tél. : 819 446 5005 [email protected] [email protected] :

Partenaires pour la Petite Enfance Memphrémagog55, rue CabanaMagog J1X 2C4Tél. : 819 847 [email protected]


Bien Manger Bien Bouger (BMBB), the Regional Project Supported by Québec en Forme

During a press conference last November 21, this regional project promoting healthy lifestyle habits in the Estrie region - by encouraging young people to eat well and get active - was recognized for its achievements. You can view the press release, the video and the pictures on the following link, under “actualités”: http//

The tools that were developed as part of the project are also available:

- Sport and Recreation Council equipment tools:  - Physical Activity tools: - Health Agency tools, including the Directory of healthy lifestyle habits and activities:

We will let you know as soon as the tools from the “Eat Well” aspect of the project are available on the Agency’s website.

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