Page 1: Parshas Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 28 Elul 5779 / Sept 27-28, 2019 … · 2019-09-27 · NEW—Introducing a new initiative for the women of Ahavas Torah! Programs will offer creative

Shabbos Youth Groups include babies/toddlers, kids age 3-6,

girls age 7+, and boys age 7+

Early Child Care……..….…. 8:30-9:30 am

Kids’ Programming…..…. 9:30-11:00 am

Snacks, stories and song for children with

Morah Chanie Lapin-Honig

Shiur for older kids during the Rabbi’s Drasha

with R’ Chaim Zimmerman

Mishna Club for Boys—

(boys 2nd grade and up) …..….. 5:05 pm

Congratulations to last week’s Parsha quiz

winners—Itai Mollen, Ella Zucker, and

Yosef Shalom Muroff—and yasher koach to

Pinchas Dov Muroff, our Tefilla champ! Schedule Notes: Throughout the Selichos period,

Daf Yomi will be at 5:15 am and Shacharis will be at 6:00 am.

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri

Sept 29 Sept 30 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3 Oct 4

Shacharis 7:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am 6:00 am

Latest Shema 9:19 am 9:19 am 9:19 am 9:19 am 9:19 am 9:20 am

Mincha/Maariv 5:55 pm 5:45 pm 5:45 pm 5:40 pm 5:50 pm 5:50 pm

Weekday Schedule

13402 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite #B140-150, Scottsdale AZ 85254 — [email protected] — 480.467.4593 —

Welcome We welcome all visitors and guests. If you

don’t have meal plans, there are shul mem-

bers who would love to host you. Please

see Rabbi Shoshan or Rabbi Muroff, and let

us know if there’s anything we can do to

help enhance your Shabbos experience!

Shabbos Schedule

Sept 27 Oct 4

Erev Shabbos Mincha 5:55 pm… 5:50 pm

Candles…..………………… 5:59 pm… 5:50 pm

Sunset………………………. 6:17 pm… 6:08 pm

Daf Yomi…………………... 7:30 am

Nesivos Shalom……..… 8:00 am

Shacharis…………...……... 8:30 am

Latest Shema……..…….. 9:19 am

Rav Hirsch……….……….. 5:05 pm Mincha/Sh Seudos…... 5:35 pm

Maariv/Havdala……….. 6:59 pm

R. Tam………………………. 7:29 pm

Thank You to Our Sponsors This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by the

Spinka Rebbe & Rebbetzin in honor of

the birth of their great-grandson.

This week’s Shalosh Seudos is not yet

sponsored. To sponsor Kiddush or

Shalosh Seudos, please see

Rabbi Shoshan or Daniel Weltman.

Last week’s Shalosh Seudos was spon-

sored by Yosef Fein in the merit of a

refua shleima for his mother.

Parshas Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 28 Elul 5779 / Sept 27-28, 2019 Ahavas Torah: The Scottsdale Torah Center

The Eruv is Up! See updates at

Friday Edition

(Rosh Hashana begins at sundown on Sept 29th.

The fast of Tzom Gedalia is on Oct 2nd.)

Guest Speaker

Ari Schonbrun


Join us on Sept. 28th, when author and

motivational speaker Ari Schonbrun,

a survivor of the World Trade Center

attack, will share how he shifted his life’s

focus and connected with Hashem after

that fateful day. An employee at Cantor

Fitzgerald, he was changing elevators on

the 78th floor when the first plane hit,

and he miraculously survived. Hear his

compelling story and be buoyed by his

message of hope!

Erev Rosh Hashana Sunday, September 29th

Selichos……………….……….……….…….. 7:00 am

Many fast until Midday……….….…… 12:17 pm

Mincha ….….….….….….….….….….….…. 5:55 pm

Candlelighting….….….….….….….….…. 5:57 pm

Rosh Hashana Day 1 Monday, September 30th

Daf Yomi………………….…………..………. 7:00 am

Shacharis ……………….…………….……… 8:00 am

Latest Shema ……………….…..………. 9:19 am

Yom Tov Groups………………….………. 9:30 am

Kiddush, Drasha, & Shofar.… approx. 10:45 am

Mussaf & Learners’ Classes… approx. 12:00 pm

Mincha, Class & Maariv .….…..…….… 5:45 pm

Candlelighting ….….….….….….….…. after 6:57 pm

Rosh Hashana Day 2 Tuesday, October 1st

Daf Yomi………………….…………..………. 7:00 am

Shacharis ……………….…………….……… 8:00 am

Latest Shema ……………….…..………. 9:19 am

Yom Tov Groups………………….………. 9:30 am

Kiddush, Drasha, & Shofar.… approx. 10:45 am

Mussaf & Learners’ Classes… approx. 12:00 pm

Mincha & Class .….…..…….…..…..…..… 5:45 pm

Maariv & Havdala ….….….….….….…... 6:55 pm

Tzom Gedalia Wednesday, October 2nd

Dawn………………….…………..………..…… 5:10 am

Selichos & Shacharis ……………….…… 6:00 am

Mincha & Maariv .….…..…….….……….. 5:40 pm

Fast Ends ………………….…………..……… 6:54 pm

Page 2: Parshas Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 28 Elul 5779 / Sept 27-28, 2019 … · 2019-09-27 · NEW—Introducing a new initiative for the women of Ahavas Torah! Programs will offer creative

Weekly Classes (at Ahavas Torah unless otherwise specified)


Daf Yomi—R’ Chaim Zimmerman—

Shabbos at 7:30 am, Rosh Hashana at

7:00 am, Wed-Fri at 5:15 am

Topics in Halacha—”Laws of Sukkah”—

7:15 am on Tues/Wed/Fri and 7:20 am

on M/Th—R. Zagelbaum

Sefer HaChinuch: One Mitzvah A Day—

Daily between Mincha and Maariv—

Rabbi Muroff

Shabbos 8:00 am—Nesivos Shalom—Rabbi Shoshan

5:15 pm—Rav Hirsch—Rabbi Shoshan

Sunday 8:45 am—Shivti Chavrusa—breakfast and

learning—Rabbi Zagelbaum—on hiatus until

Oct. 6th


8:00 pm—A Life of Growth—Shiur for

20-Somethings—on hiatus until after the

Yamim Noraim


8:00 pm—Gemara Class & Open Beis

Midrash—with cholent!—Rabbi Muroff


8:30 am—Breakfast with Moms—

Rabbi Shoshan at Milk & Honey (JCC)

High Holiday Learners’ Program

NEW—In addition to the soaring High Holiday

services you’ve come to expect at Ahavas

Torah, beginners will have a new option this

year. On both days of Rosh Hashana and Yom

Kippur, Ahavas Torah and Project Inspire AZ

will co-host a free learners’ program with

inspiring classes led by Rabbi Yehuda Weiss

and Rabbi Shalom Zagelbaum, kids’ program-

ming, a welcome Kiddush (on Rosh Hashana),

and home hospitality for lunches and dinners

(available upon request). All levels are wel-

come! Feel free to share with members of the

community who might be looking for a warm,

welcoming, and meaningful high holiday ex-

perience geared toward beginners. RSVPs

requested. Email [email protected].

New Membership Year

Started September 1st!

Soar with Ahavas Torah! Membership (including High Holiday seats)

is now just $850 per family or individual.

If you haven’t already joined or renewed,

contact Rabbi Muroff to formalize

your membership!

Email [email protected]

Rabbi Ariel & Ayala Shoshan

Rabbi Noach & Esther Muroff

Rabbi Shalom & Penina


R’ Avraham & Suri Aboulafia

Rabbi Elimelech & Chanie


Paul & Norma Agranoff

Michael & Tracy Azulay

Yehuda & Gladys Azulay

Aryeh Leib & Nechama


Rabbi Leib & Devorah Bolel

Mel & Mim Bottner

Paul & Suzanne Bregman

Meir & Ellie Brick

Marilyn Brooks

Neal & Felice Brooks

Pamela Brooks

Aleksey & Yael Chernobelskiy

Hal & Lindsay Cohen

Ann Cone-Sevi

Fred & Linda Cucher

Alex & Alejandra Dashe

Michael & Carol Dean

Alan & Mindy Delman

Yitzchak & Nicole Elbling

Jarred & Heather Elias

Paul & Halle Farber

Avromie & Tobi Fein

Brad & Suzanne Feinberg

Michael & Rena Friedman

Edward Friedman

Andrew & Rachel Gibbs

David Gibbs

Nati & Jessica Gibly

Emily Gnip

Ben & Sarit Goldberg

Alan Goldman

Rabbi Mitch & Chana


David Gordon

David & Annette Gorenstein

Mark & Janice Gotfried

Cynthia Gross

Jerry & Lynn Harris

Yoni & Kelly Harris

Paula Hoffman

Jacqueline Jackson

Sidney & Susan Jacobson

Jamie & Karen Kaplan

Jeffrey & Laura Karp

Alan & Dina Katler

Jonathan Khoshnood

Daniel Klugmann

Sam Kohll

Abe & Helene Kopp

Jordan & Carrie Kroop

Moshe Dov & Dassie Lapin

Chanie Lapin-Honig

Jeremy & Jaimie Lerner

Daniel & Sunny Levi

Mervyn & Janine Levin

Ephraim & Bracha Leviyev

Dan Lucas

Rene & Robin Lucas

Rabbi Akiva & Meira Maki

Avy & Daliah Meirovits

Charlie & Robin Meyerson

David & Debbie Mitchell

Marty & Joan Mollen

Rodney & Ariella Mollen

Zev Nadler

Jerald & Joyce Newman

Rabbi Akiva & Ela O’Connor

Gerard & Linda Odesky

Jerome & Noreen Orbach

Eddie & Lisa Pantiliat

Irwin & Pam Pasternak

David Pinkus

Paula Posen

Lee & Francine Preston

Eugene & Elisabeth Pridonoff

Rabbi Eli & Shoshana Putney

Ryan Rakow

Chaim Shea & Shiffy


Nashie & Chelsea Rosenberg

Avi & Julia Rosengard

Arthur & Amy Rothstein

Ben & Leeba Saks

Glen & Leslie Sanders

Moshe & Corti Schachter

Matt & Risa Schwabinger

Steven & Jennifer Schwarz

Susan Schweit

Jacky & Hanna Sebag

Yoni Sebag

Josh & Chaya Sgro

Tal Shnitman

Chaim Eluzer & Etty Spitz

Marshall & Dianne Steiman

Mitchell & Alison Steiman

Eli Suleymanov

Adina Suleymanov

Barak & Shoshana Tanzer

Ron & Susan Teichman

Rabbi Yisroel & Mindy Tesser

David & Estelle Treisman

Adam Trenk

Bob & Ayala Wasserman

Rabbi Yehuda & Rivka Weiss

Lennie & Jessica Weiss

Daniel Weltman

Mark & Michele Wiltchik

Rabbi Shragi & Chana


Paul & Meri Zidel

Heshy & Faigie Ziegler

R’ Chaim & Tzivia


Ezra & Jill Zucker

Ray & Joan Zuckerman

Imre & Barbara Zweibel

Shana Tova! The families of Ahavas Torah: The Scottsdale Torah Center welcome you and wish you

a year of prosperity, health and bracha!

Eruv Dues Please consider making an annual gift to

the Eruv. Become a $180

“5780 Eruv Family”

by clicking

Your ongoing

“Sponsorship of

Shabbos” is vital!

Page 3: Parshas Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 28 Elul 5779 / Sept 27-28, 2019 … · 2019-09-27 · NEW—Introducing a new initiative for the women of Ahavas Torah! Programs will offer creative

NEW—Introducing a new initiative for the women of Ahavas

Torah! Programs will offer creative ways for our membership

to enjoy time together through social and educational

events— inspired by the calendar—addressing mind, body

and soul! If you have an idea you’d like to bring to fruition,

talk with one of our rebbetzins or call/text Penina Zagelbaum

at 602.500.7365. Sponsorships are welcome!

Women are invited to join us at one of our upcoming events:

Kumzitz in the Sukkah —with Tzivia Zimmerman

Wednesday, October 16th @ 8 pm

Sebag Residence—7001 E. Ludlow Drive, Scottsdale

Fall Challah Baking—with Janine Levin

Thursday, October 24th @ 6:30 pm

Private Home—Suggested donation $10

Paint Night—with Brooke Foster

Sunday, November 10th @ 4 pm

Private Home—Suggested Donation $25

Learn to Make Sufganiyot —with Esther Muroff

Tuesday, December 10th @ 8:00 pm

Muroff Residence—7002 E. Friess Drive, Scottsdale

Plus, please take advantage of these additional opportunities

to connect with Hashem and be inspired while in the

company of friends!

Women’s Tehillim Group

Women and girls (age 7+) read Tehillim at our warm and

welcoming monthly meet-ups. No Hebrew necessary. Read

at your own pace! Text Karen at 602.920.1264 to add the

name of someone who needs our prayers for refua (health) or

shidduchim (marriage). Join the Tehillim WhatsApp Group to

receive announcements:

Shalom Bayis Recordings —by Ayala Shoshan

“Living Life Empowered: Wisdom for Jewish Living”

Inspiring audio clips recorded for the women of Ahavas

Torah. See Join the Shalom

Bayis WhatsApp Group to be alerted when a new audio clip

is posted:

Mommy & Me—with Penina Zagelbaum

Socialization, snacks, activities, and learning for both moms

and tots (up to age 5)

Sunday mornings @ 10:00 am

Zagelbaum Residence—RSVP to Penina at 602.500.7365

(Note: on hiatus until after Succos)

Sunday Morning Learning for Men

Nutrition for Body & Soul

Following Shacharis and a light

breakfast, men are invited to join

Rabbi Shalom Zagelbaum and members of

the weekday chabura for chavrusa-style learning using Lakewood’s Shivti

curriculum, designed for communities. The group skips this week and

returns on October 6th, studying “Yom Kippur.” Join us for a spiritually

nutritious morning!

Sunday, October 6th

8:00 am—Shacharis

8:45 am—Breakfast

9:00 am-10:30 am

—Chavrusa learning*

*(Rabbi Zagelbaum

gives a summary shiur

every other week)

Breakfast and learning sponsorships are

welcome. Email [email protected]

Community Teshuva Gathering “Over the Moon on Teshuva”


7:30 pm at Ahavas Torah

Guest Speaker, Rabbi Ilan Feldman, senior rabbi

at Beth Jacob in Atlanta and father to our own

rebbetzin, Ayala Shoshan, will address the

community at the annual teshuva gathering.

Free and open to all.

High Holiday Childcare & Babysitting

First & Second Days Yom Kippur Day

of Rosh Hashana 8:00 am to 2:30 pm;

9:30 am to 1:30 pm 3:45 pm to 6:45 pm

Stimulating and enhanced programming coordinated by

Chanie Lapin-Honig, the rebbetzins, and many volunteers, with multiple

age groups, nutritious snacks, visits from the rabbis, and age-appropriate


RSVPs encouraged—[email protected]. Suggested donation of

$25/child. Pay online at

Page 4: Parshas Nitzavim-Rosh Hashana 28 Elul 5779 / Sept 27-28, 2019 … · 2019-09-27 · NEW—Introducing a new initiative for the women of Ahavas Torah! Programs will offer creative

Sukkah Consultations Rabbi Zagelbaum is available to consult on

sukkah design and to offer inspections to

ensure that your sukkah is kosher. Email

[email protected].

Rabbi Ariel Shoshan

Rabbi Noach Muroff

Rabbi Shalom Zagelbaum

R’ Chaim Zimmerman, Gabbai

Chanie Lapin-Honig, Shabbos Youth

Daniel Weltman, Administrator

Halle Farber, Communications

Connecting Families and Individuals to Passionate, Authentic and Welcoming Judaism

Halachic Corner By Rabbi Shalom Zagelbaum

A Practical Guide to

Building Your Sukkah—Part 2

What Size:

A sukkah must be between 40” and 31’ 5” in

height and have an area of at least 28” x 28”.

Roofing (S’chach):

There must be enough s’chach to cover the

majority of the roof area such that when the

sun is directly overhead, the majority of the

floor must be shaded. There is no maximum

to how much s’chach one can put. However, if

the s’chach is placed in such a way that even

in a heavy rainstorm, water will not enter the

sukkah, it is invalid. The s’chach should not

rest on metal poles; rather, they should be laid

on wooden beams, which can be supported

by metal, if needed. Each piece of s’chach may

be no wider than one square foot.


The walls must be sturdy enough that a

normal wind (approximately 20mph) will not

move them back and forth. Extra care must be

taken when using cloth for walls that they

meet this requirement. A sukkah should ideal-

ly have three complete and solid walls that

connect to each other, the ground, and the

s’chach at all points. If this is not feasible,

contact your Rav for specific guidance.


While it is praiseworthy to beautify the

sukkah, care must be taken to ensure that

ceiling decora-

tions remain

within one foot

of the s’chach.


A mezuza is not

placed on the

doorway of a


An Indoor Sukkah:

One may remove the roof of his home and lay

down s’chach to create a kosher sukkah as

long as all the specifications for a kosher

sukkah are met (i.e. area, walls, etc.). One

must make sure the roof is removed before

placing the s’chach on top.

Notes: This column is not comprehensive; It is

recommended that you ask your Rav to visually

inspect your sukkah or at least discuss it with

him. Source sheets for this and prior columns,

including “A Practical Guide to Building

Your Sukkah—Part 1” can be found at

Coming Soon

Sep 29th-Oct 1st Rosh Hashana

Oct 3rd Community

Teshuva Gathering

Oct 7th Communal Tashlich

Oct 8th-9th Yom Kippur

Oct 13-20th Sukkos

Oct 16th Women’s Kumzitz

Oct 17th Men’s Event in the

Rabbi’s Sukkah

Oct 20th-21st Shemini Atzeres

Oct 21st-22nd Simchas Torah

Oct 24th Fall Challah Bake

Need to Hear the Shofar?

If you are unable to be at shul to hear the

shofar blown but still want to fulfill the

mitzvah, speak to Rabbi Shoshan

or one of the shul rabbeim so that we can

plan an alternative in a private home.

Sponsorship Pricing

Shabbos Kiddush—$250

Shalosh Seudos—$150

Sunday Morning Breakfast

& Learning—$100

Yahrzeit Plaques—$400

To sponsor or dedicate one

of the above items, visit

Community Tashlich Monday, October 7th—5:00 pm

Chaparral Park

(NE Corner of Hayden &


Bring your own


The lending library is open limited hours

through the Yamim Noraim. Please visit:

Wed, Oct 2nd—12:30pm-1:30pm

Sun, Oct 6th—12:00pm-1:30pm

Wed, Oct 16th—12:30pm-1:30pm

Or text Mim Bottner at 602.619.1186 to

make an appointment. The library returns

to regular hours starting Oct. 23rd.

Men’s Event in the Rabbi’s Sukkah Bring your Divrei Torah and appetite for

singing, cholent, kugel, and spirit! Get

together with rabbis and students from

across the Valley in Rabbi Shoshan’s sukkah.

For men and boys, ages 11 and up.

Men’s Sukkah Event—Thursday, Oct 17th

8 pm at the Shoshan Residence

7020 E. Ludlow Dr., Scottsdale

Simchas Torah Kids’ Aliya and Community Lunch Please join us for the Annual Simchas Torah

Lunch, a wonderful way to cap off the Yom

Tov season together. For the whole family!

Simchas Torah Lunch—October 22nd

Cost: $15 Adults ($60 Family Max)

Pay at
