Page 1: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

PARISH CONTACTSSt Thomas Aquinas Parish O�ceMailing Address103 Center St. Bridgewater, Ma 02324Hours | Mon.– Fri., 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.Main O�ce | 508 697 9528Rel. Ed. O�ce | 508 697 3652Fax | 508 279 1859E-mail | [email protected] |

Parish Sta�Rev. Bill Devine, PastorRev. Adrian Milik, Parochial VicarSr. Deacon Jerry RyanDebbie Hill, Coordinator of Religious Ed. Karen Geraghty, Coordinator of Religious Ed. Rob Ruth, Administrative Assistant

St Basil, The Catholic CenterO�ce & Mailing Address122 Park Ave. Bridgewater, Ma 02324Hours | Mon.–Fri., 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.Phone | 508 531 1346Fax | 508 531 6188

Chapel Sta�Rev. Bill Devine, PastorRev. Adrian Milik, Campus ChaplainMarlene DeLeon, Campus MinisterPhone | 508 531 [email protected] Garu�, Administrative Assistantrita.garu�

MASS SCHEDULESt Thomas AquinasMonday - Friday | 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m.Saturday | 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m.Sunday | 7:45, 10:00, a.m., 12:00 p.m.

St BasilSunday | 10:00, a.m., 5:00 p.m.

Fri, Jan 22nd, 2016 - PAINT NIGHT - St Thomas Aquinas Parish Center


Page 2: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

St. Thomas Aquinas Church7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 7:00 PM

St. Basil Chapel 7:00 PM


LENT BEGINSKeeping Lent from Sneaking Up on Us If you’re anything like me, you found yourself on December 24 saying, “I can’t believe Christmas is tomor-row; I am not ready.” I found myself laughing at myself, Christmas doesn’t change. It’s December 25…every year. Yet, every year, Christmas “sneaks” up on us, and we �nd ourselves not ready. If I can’t get myself ready for Christmas which I know will be on December 25 every year, how much more unprepared do I �nd myself for Ash Wednesday and Lent which changes every year? Again, if you’re anything like me, you probably forgot that Lent begins in 3 days! How-ever, the good news is that it is still not too late to (re)commit ourselves for preparing for Lent the best we can. I once had a good priest-friend tell me that one’s personal Lenten Sacri�ce should not be a sacri�ce for everyone around them (hence why I don’t give up co�ee, even though I drink it every morning). Our Lenten Sacri-�ce should be something that allows us to grow closer to Christ by disposing us to receive graces from God by unit-ing our sacri�ce to Jesus’s Sacri�ce of His Passion and death on the Cross. Choose something that is right for you. My best friend at the seminary is an avid skier. He’s been skiing since he was a kid. Every year, he and his family go out to Park City, Utah, to ski. His idea of a successful day on the slopes is double-black diamonds from sunrise to sunset. I also like to ski. I learned to ski in 9th grade and used to go once a year, but I haven’t been since 2007. I can ski better than some, but there is no way that I am spending all day on double-blacks; blue squares, please. When I compare myself with him, it’s easy to get discouraged because he is so much better than I am. But then I remind myself that he started skiing when he was a lot younger and has been skiing much more frequently than I ever have (or probably ever will), and that’s why he’s more advanced. So what can we do to best prepare ourselves? During Lent, we unite ourselves to the 40 days that Jesus fasted and prayed (for you!) in the desert. If you haven’t already done so, take the next 3 days to really think and pray about what you will “give up”--your Lenten Sacri�ce.

Here are 6 easy tips to help you make the most out of your Lent: 1.) Make your sacri�ce something meaningful that’s really a sacri�ce. It will help you to grow closer to Christ. • Sure, it’s easy to take the easy route and say, “I’m going to give up junk food,” but choosing something that’s easy doesn’t really allow Lent to become a spiritual experience. 2.) Choose something that is easy to stick with. • On the other hand, sometimes we can often go to extremes and choose something that becomes too di�cult to maintain for all 40 days, like giving up all meat, and we “give up” on giving up around day 10. 3.) Don’t compare yourself to your family or friends. • Everyone is at a di�erent place in their relationship with Christ. Choose something that is right for you. 4.) Go to Confession! • �e Church asks that Catholics go at least once a year—Lent is a great season to cleanse yourself from sin through the Sacrament of Confession. 5.) Try adding a spiritual practice on top of what you’re giving up. • Try praying a Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet once a day or reading from the Scriptures for 10 minutes daily. 6.) Most importantly, if you mess up, that’s okay. Start over right there and then!

Will Sexton

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016


Page 3: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

The Cross of Ashes �is Wednesday, as we celebrate Ash Wednesday, we will probably see a number of people walking around with cross-es of ash on their foreheads (or in many cases random blobby shapes vaguely approximating crosses, depending on how talented the person giving them ashes happens to be). �is is a wonderful symbol, and a great way to begin the Lenten Season, because it reminds us what we are doing. Putting on ashes is an ancient sign of sorrow and repentance. �e use of ash reminds us that all of us are sinners, that we sometimes choose to do what is easy rather than right, that we sometimes end up being sel�sh rather than generous, that we need to recognize our imperfections and bring them to the Lord for healing. So for the rest of the day on Ash Wednes-day, every time we look in the mirror we should be reminded that these next forty days are a graced time to work on our weaknesses, and every time we see somebody else with their ashes it should remind us that we need to be patient with their

imperfections, as we hope they will be with ours. If it was just about ashes, it would probably be a pretty depress-ing message, but the fact that the ashes are in the shape of a cross has a profound meaning as well. �e use of the cross reminds us that our imperfections can be overcome by the power of Christ’s love. �at gives us hope. Yes we’re sinners, yes we have a lot of things to work on, but Jesus loves us enough despite our sins that he was willing to die for us. �at means that he will not hold back any of the grace we need to succeed in improving ourselves over the course of this Lent. So let us wear our ashes with pride this Wednesday. �ey are a symbol of our con�dence that the Love of Christ will make sure that we can reach Easter ready to celebrate the Resurrection by spending forty days being cleansed and strengthened by God’s grace.Fr. Adrian

Fasting and AbstinenceAsh Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. Friday’s of Lent are also days of abstinence. FASTING is to be observed by all 18 years of age and older, who have not yet celebrated their 59th birthday. On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two other meals, su�cient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids, including milk and juices, are allowed. ABSTINENCE is observed by all 14 years of age and older. On days of abstinence, no meat is allowed. Note that when health or ability to work would be seriously a�ected, the law does not oblige. When in doubt concerning fast and absti-nence, the parish priest should be consulted. Fasting, almsgiving, and prayer are the three traditional disciplines of Lent. �e faithful and catechumens should undertake these practices seriously in a spirit of penance and of preparation for baptism or of renewal of baptism at Easter. The Light Is On For You Every lent we o�er the opportunity for people to go to confession on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the lower church chapel. Lent is the time not only too fast, pray and be more charitable, but to experience the Lord’s mercy, love, and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance. Aids to confession or Examination of Conscience will be available. If you drive by the church on Wednesday evening, you will see �e Light Is On For You.Lenten Devotionals It’s hard to believe that Ash Wednesday and Lent begin this week. �is week’s bulletin has a number of Lenten messages, re�ections, expectations and schedules. I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings, and the Parish Retreat to be held on March 14th, 15th, & 16th. Lenten Daily devotional booklets, “Sacred Space” will be available after the Ash Wednesday Masses. �is booklet contains a daily scripture reading and two brief re�ections. It is a great way to make this Lent a time for renewal and prayer. Please take one and put it next to your keyboard, cell phone, water bottle, or nightstand so that it can be used everyday.Fr. Bill

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016


Page 4: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

Parish Mission “The Year of Mercy”March 14 – March 16 Pope Francis is widely recognized for his frequent public acts of mercy such as washing the feet of prisoners and embracing people with disabilities. To bring mercy into focus for all Catholics, he has designated this year an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. To help us understand what mercy is and discover how we can connect on a personal level with God’s mercy, our parish will be hosting a Lenten Parish Mission conducted by Fr. Bill Neubecker, OMV. �e mission will consist of three 1 hour sessions at St. �omas Aquinas Church from 7 – 8 pm. �e �rst two nights will focus on the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy with the third night concluding in a Mass followed by a gathering for refreshments. Please consider taking advantage of this Lenten opportunity for prayer and re�ection to strengthen your own spirit of mercy and perhaps envision ways our parish can follow Pope Francis ‘s merciful example.�e Mission is free of cost and does not require registra-tion. Come to one night or all three.

Renewal of Marriage Vows In addition to the Renewal of Marriage vows which is being held at St. Basil as part of their 50th Anni-versary Celebration all married couples will be invited to renew their marriage vows at each of the Masses next weekend - February 13 & 14th. We encourage families and spouses to attend Mass together so that our parish can celebrate and be strengthened by the presence of our married couples and the renewal of their marriage vows. Fully aware that some marriages have ended because of death, separation or divorce, we will also pray for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse and for those that seek healing and hope.

Friday Nights (During Lent) at St Basil’sStations of the Cross Each Friday night at 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.Lenten Simple Supper Each Friday night following the Stations of the Cross at St. Basil's Chapel, there will be a Lenten Simple Supper, coordinated and provided by volunteers. �ese meatless simple suppers will connect ourselves to the poor. �ere will be no desserts provided. Please contact Rita Garu� at 508-531-1346 for more information and some simple food suggestions. �ere will also be a sign-up sheet provided at the Chapel.

Growth in Stewarship

the 2nd Collectionthis week is for

�e Church in Central & Eastern Europe

O�ertory: In-pew Giving for last week

Weekly Collection: Parish Operating Expenditures $4,430

2nd Collection: Catholic Elementary Education $1,464

�ank you for your generosity.

Financial Blessings

For the past few weeks, Fr. Adrian, some parishioners and I have spoken at the end of mass acknowledging the value of the Time, Talent and Trea-sure that our parishioners give so generously. Letters have been sent to all registered parishioners asking them to prayerfully consider how they would like to renew their commitment of time, treasure or talent this year. I would like to thank those who have already returned their Growth in Stewardship commitment forms. Next week, February 13 & 14th, we will ask every-one to renew their pledge or commitment for this new year. You, better than anyone, know your ability to renew and or possibly increase what you are able to share so that our parish can ful�ll it’s mission to bring Christ to others. As our parish continues to grow and reach out to others we appreciate your willingness to share your Time, Talent and Treasure.

Fr. Bill

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016


Page 5: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

Scholarships For High School Seniors �e St �omas Aquinas Catholic Women's Club will be awarding two $500 scholarships for high school seniors. Applications are available at Bridgewater Raynham High School, Cardinal Spellman, Coyle & Cassidy, West Bridgewater High School, Boston College High School and Sacred Heart High School. �ey are also available at the Rectory and CCD O�ces. Deadline is April 14, 2016. Any questions, please contact Helen Cleary, Schol-arship Chairperson at 508-697-9175.

Catholic Appeal 2016 �is past week, many of you received a letter from Cardinal Sean requesting your support of the 2016 Cath-olic appeal. If you have not already done so, please prayer-fully consider making an early pledge. Our parish directly bene�ts from the 50 ministries supported by the appeal and your gift will help us reach our 2016 goal. You may mail your pledge, or visit to give online. �ank you!

After our Masses on February 7th, our Con�rmation students will be holding soup pots to collect money for the hungry.

Islam & Syrian RefugeesSunday Feb. 7Come to learn more about the Islamic faith, the crisis in Syria, why and how residents are �eeing their country, and how we should respond. Speakers selected by BSU Chair of Middle Eastern Studies, Dr. Al-Obaidi, and President of the Muslim Student Association, Ghada Masri, will include the President of American-Islamic Relations;a refugee family who share why they are �eeing Syria and what their experience has been; a legal representative to describe how emigrants obtain refugee status, and a physi-cian representing his medical team's mission. Brunch begins at 11:30 AM; the presentation at noon, at 50 School Street, First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church. If you can help with a brunch item, please call Catholic Center Campus Minsiter Marlene DeLeon, 617 999 4594. �ank you.

Youth GroupMinute to Win itWe had 45 students in grades 6-8 participate in several 1-minute challenges. Lots of fun and lots of laughs!! �ank you so much to Meg Cleary for her planning and organization, and to all of our fun teen volunteers!

Still More fun is coming! Please visit our Youth Group page under Ministries @ for details and sign up.Open gym Tues. Feb. 16 - during February vacationHigh school ski/tubing trip - Nashoba Valley, MA Fri. March 4

Cardboard CitySpring, 2016

Faith FormationGrades 1-8Mandatory First Communion meeting for all parents of second grade students.Tuesday, February 9, 7:00 p.m.We will be discussing this important milestone in your child’s faith formation. If you haven’t handed in a Baptis-mal Certi�cate, please bring it that night. Children do not need to attend.3rd Grade level liturgyFebruary 28, 10:00 STA

If your child would like to participate as a reader, greeter or gift bearer, please email Kim Gibson at [email protected]�rmation I & IIFebruary 6 & 7 Our Con�rmation students will be hold-ing soup pots after all weekend Masses. �ank you for your help in reaching the goal to tackle hunger!Now through February 10 - In conjunction with the Super Bowl, the students will be bringing in food drive donations. An email and �yer went home so students know what items were requested.

February 21, 6:30-8:00 – Con�rmation I meetsFebruary 28, 6:30-8:00 – Con�rmation II meets

February 14, 15, 16, 17 – Winter Break No CCD classes

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016


Page 6: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

We encourage all parishioners to spend some quiet time with the Lord

AdorationSaturdays 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Divine Mercy Holy HourWednesdays 7:00 pm

St �omas Aquinas - Lower Church

Weekly Devotions

Weekly Mass IntentionsSunday, February 7

7:45 a.m. Manuel and Maria Dos Anjos Melo10:00 a.m. Mass For the People12:00 p.m. Margaret Bozzard

Monday, February 8 7:00 a.m. Mary CalvinoThursday, February 11

7:00 a.m. Richard, Patricia and Raymond DowningSaturday, January 30

4:00 p.m. Mary & Billy MooreSunday, February 14

7:45 a.m. Mass For the People10:00 a.m. Dante & Chiarina Folloni

12:00 p.m. Carmella Scolero Limphear


Every Saturday 3:00 p.m.- 3:45p.m. in thelower church, or by appointment.

BaptismOrdinarily celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of

each month at 1:30 pm. Please call the parish o�ce tospeak with a priest prior to making any arrangements.

Parents are welcome to attend classes during thepregnancy if it is more convenient.

MarriagePlease call the parish o�ce at least eight months in

advance. Attendance at the Marriage PreparationCourse is required.

Anointing of the SickIf you wish to receive the sacraments at home

“A time to be born...”�atcher August Souza, Conrad Michael Caruso,Mary Olivia Meehan, Vivilyn Jane Rampsi Haley,

Garrett Ethan Smith, �eodore Roberts,

“A time to die. . .”George Maher, Gale Poirier, Rosemarie Clive,

John Ferreira, �omas Snelders, Jessica Morgan,Paulo Torres, Kathleen T. Allen, Robert Slater

“A time to heal. . .”Olga (Cassiani) Alberghini, Edward Albert, Jean

Andrade, Je�rey Bean, Baby Valerie Belcher, Olivia Bon�glio, Jim & Jean Brennan, Caitlin

Burnett, Kim (Sweetman) Carnello, Sandra Cable, Christine Cabral, Kelli Callahan, Teresa Capachi-

one, Bill Carey, Jacquie Cordaro, Matthew Costantino, Michael Costantino, Baby Mychal

Joseph Cotone, Joanna Crabtree, Jannine Dawicki, Mary DeLeon, Roger Denault, Marty Dickerman,

Bob Emord, Joseph Kelly, James LaFranchise, Rylee Fontes, Lee Fuller, Jesus Galindo, Ben Gallo, Jim Geraghty, Alanna Gillis, Beverly

Gui�re, Jack Hennessy, Fred Laham, Daniel John, Kevin Looney, Alanna Gillis, Beverley Gui�re,

Tim Johnson, Beverly Jufree, Bob Mackey, Taylor McLean, Kaleena McHardy, Stephen McNally,

Marjorie Mello, Baby Chase Miceli, Lauren Minchella, Charles Monestere, Alice Moniz,

Arlene Morin, Bob Morris, Bob Morse, Anna Nakouzi, Antonio & Lucilia Nunes, Paul D’Olim-

pia, Glenn O’Neil, Ann Paulino, Carolyn Perry, Elaine Phaneuf, Richard Piantoni, Dorothy Pope,

Maria Presti, Andrea Pro�etty, Rich Quigley, Matthew Ryan, Dan Sante, Paul Segreve, Sarah Silvia, Deana Spingel, Kim Sullivan, John Swan, Betty Tarentino, James Toy Jr., Anna Vrana, Don

Weiner, Margaret Yanuskiewicz, Mary (Sweet-man) Zunino, Alexis Zutaut

“A time for peace. . .”General Joseph F. Dunford, USMCCaptain Vincent Chiappini, USA

1st LT. Karen Chouinard Holliday, USMCCaptain John Costantino & USA

PFC, William Vey, USACPL Brandon Jamieson, USA

Army PV2 Harry TerpenyPFC,Christopher Ahl, USA

CPL Kelly O’LearyFollowing the 10:00 a.m.Sunday Mass Feb. 7

Co�ee and Donutsat St. �omas Aquinas Church

in the Parish Center gym

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016


Page 7: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

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Page 8: Parish Sta˚ St Basil, The Catholic Center Chapel Sta˚ · I encourage everyone reading this to make this Lent; a time of renewal to attend Mass during the week, Stations of the Cross

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