
t^mmimimms^ & 1 & K t f ^ «G!fisfi!*c»i» 'i*j»*fii--fi.-.

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l 7 • * / r * "fefW^SJiH&i fiiiYfirttinnil:

Vet 2t~M& <0

Second I nqui rers Class I St Francis Relic M * * J * * * * "

Opens Nov. 15 At Hotel" ]fene;fH , n A pttiAx ia*trurt4WB .«»*«« for Ba»-C«thofe isqtnrer* I W O v f l l l f V l I C a

seeking mform&tiftn cm the principles and practices of tfee ,s

Catholic faith wjj! beam Tuesday «veaia«, Nov. IS at the, A a ****«*8»S wae « W [ Hotel Seneca with the Rev • Sr*****s tafestojsary siece «bs


Parish Slates

Convert Class A parish convert rlawi in

Messed Sacrament Chard) B*D ivSM get t»rad*rway Wednesday evening. Nov. S, according to U» Itt- Be*. H*g'- Ttwmas F. Connors,' pastor.

Tin- Catholic Information Series, Riven each WedBesday evening by the prtest* of the pariah, expect* to begin with noine SO applicants, he Wild, a* a result of three pre«aert*s conferences In which parbh-loaer* were Instructed how to stimulate tfeetr friends' Inter­est to the ronv*"rt-**.wiioi»i.

The CQurw »"W aysteinitl-cslly cover the beliefs and conduct of Catholicism and will be open to all parishion­er* and tliolr non-Catholic friends.

Catholic Nurses Slate Breakfast

Annual Comrnanion breakfast

weoesa .. Richard Tonne}, associate edftwr Apostle* - th* tigUt hand, m of the" Court** Journal as ia- St ******** XawPiw. wfefcfc is e».f stnwt-*r for tfe* mrtea. tteaaHKi to have bapfe»i3 more}'

T H r I t t W B K T M » K t V r . ^ U * " ^ * • * * » - a r t * * * * j THE (OX*EOT • MAKING ta K c K . h m f T j ^ . £se. y^^. |

project te approved by the Chan- ^ 0* ^ ^aeration in S t ' eery a*sd financed * interested p ^ c * - , and Sc Franrt* Xavkr groups from the Cadsolk War, churches.

(Veterans posts ol Use cpsnty. E&routc from;..Tokyo whew it I be Legion of Mary aisd private t has recently bWn fejtiayed Us , donor*. father Toxrcey an- eelebrattoa of O H «X*h enniver.1 » . ^ - ^ * ! *»*> °* St Francis Xavjefs ar-'

^^ , . , .„ rival In Japan, the precious reJfc "The tnstruetJoratf ler ia w«l: u v ^ t ^ ^ » L». & <Bo0ess» on

' offer a complete course of tn-,» triumphant cat»ss*ottatr> tour formal lccturtai covertag tAe e»-1 before rwhf psie-nt to « s thrtae sentlals of Catholicism over ! l n t h * Jtef«« Q*11"* 0* * • G«*« twrenly-tour Ttaesday eveaia*!In *' periods.- he said Tfcere will! T H E *EUC consists of the; i- „- #—„ r ...-; i„ . ._ .« .„„ . i withered right hand and fingers ! be no fees for the tostrurtton. { ^ ^ lapeairm ^ne of file and all textbooks wd study ma- izeaja^g, Spanish saint wrho died , icriala will be furnished free." | in the Pacific la IM2. The arm ,

EACH CLASS session will be- w** « ? v w e d tl13m '"» body fJ2 , . . . . . . . years after his dealh and li jsn

gin promptly at 8 p.m. and last. _ _ _^ one hour The lecture will be fo^ . TIME TABLE , 0 W e d ."L* qU!ftt0n ^ ^ ^ i T h m i l a y - 7 t » p.m, »:M poo.


Boundaries Set For Mew Cecilia's Parish


with llkt Rxwittewy lUImp K«r»*y yrMMtoi Mt* *H K w l l t i t y lt«Kty Jr^ry'

prkwK atata**, KMckU of «*, •!•%• a*# AwjlHary awl fwrt»WwiB>» |*«ti?^MileA,

wvcrsl hours' discussion and ar­gument on every fort of rellj-

, loua topte." The downtown-hotel location

uaa chosen for the class to pro­vide a central meettnc place accessible by' til bos lines and to remove the ernbarrass-

Veneration services Patrick's Chon-k. ••^Syracuse Bishop Praises

" -•.—.-«-—«* Church's TS-Ypr Record ftfkal Maw> and sermon by Bishop Kearney at 81. Pat­rick's CburcKt

11:43 ajtu, VZ'A* pjn„ 3 p.m,

of the Rocheater Council of m™1 *«« hesltaUon which non-Catholic MUTSPJ «ni be held <~»lholics might feel in comlrtf Sundsy. Nov 6 at io a m. In <° CIMSM In a parish haD or Corpus Chrlsll Hall foUmvlng ! rectory, 'he priest said. ,

Mass at 9 tn the Church A SIMILAR weekly Instruction Rev Charles R Connel] will course sponsored by the CWV

celebrate the Mass and Ihe and directed by Father Tormey breakfast speaker will be the at the Seneca from February Rev. Dr Elmer A. McNamsra. i throiuth June of this year, re-

The committee is as follows: j suited In 17 Baptisms and 3 General arrangements.. Miss! First Csmmunlons for persons _ Geraldlne Casey stud Miss Har-1 baptized as Infants but never !""' * „ . '. ' riet McAvoy: reservstlons. Mrs. | brought up a. CaOtolics Ten { * * * * £ " S ' S r S ' S Madeleine Meng. Mrs. Margaret i other non-Cstholla who took j mint's body Is burled at Goa.

"Churches'AT* built b^ the ffenemus cooiwafMion, the sacrifices, the toyalty Riitl the fidelity o f tlm people — And

, . ,« . . . . . „ St. Michael'* Church is art <mtrtaiidlnjr extmrM*,*'the Str*t

eraaon serrlces. Syracuse, declared In a serBKHt 5:3a pja — Keik resnoved to

ex. Krancla Xavlcr Church. 7:»« pm. — PaNIr veaersllon

services at St Francis Xs-vler CkarcJa.

Saturday — • sum. — l » w Mass celebrated try nlshop Hear-aey. Sermofl by Rev. Aley-slua F. Co****.

PabHc veneration foTJeirtnt Use Mass.

12 Noon — Departure of Kellc for Syracuae.

Mary Brady and Mls^fary Ann Waaell; tickets. Miss Catherine Fallon, Mis* Mary Parsons. Miss

part of the course are still "de- j India, laying" or "under Instruction." ,- SOLEMN PONTIFICAL Mass

In announcing the new series j ! " hfnor ° f „ , h * p * ^ ° n ot tbe

Mary Hteabeu, CarceUi. Miss Fa.her Tormey »ugge«ed that j K Z c k T o n ^ ^ S f % Catherine Dietrlck. Miss Cecelia Catholic members of mixed mar-1 Dy jjy Excellency Bishop Kcar-F.chardt. Mrs. Cathryn Donlon. riajjes urge their non-Catholic' ney. Public veneration services. Miss Mary Slmonds, Miss Rita spouses lo attend and that 1U follow the Mass at 11 43 Hall. Miss Catherine Foster. | young people contemplating Miss Blanche Davis, Miss Sally i marriage with . a nan-Catholic Brasser. and Miss Marie Flans- bring their engaged partner to gan the ciasacs."

4M ^

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a.nx, 12:30 p,nu 3 pnv, 3:43 and 4:45 p.m-. and private veneraUon win be permitted between serv­ices.

At 5:30 pm. Friday the Relic will be reverently transferred to Its patronal church. St. Francis Xsvier on Bay Street. Public veneration will be held there at 730 pm. and through the eve­ning . Bishop Kearney will celebrate a Low Mass at St. Francis Xa-vler CBurch at 9 a m. on Satur­day. Oct 29. The Rev. Aloysius F Coogan. editor of Catholic Missions magazine win preach

\ Following veneration services after Mass the re/ile will be taken

'at noon to Ita nest stopover In •Syracuse , BOBN IN NAVAKRK. Spain. I in 1506 and educated in the Uni-iversity of Paris, Francis Xsvier I wax a nobleman, athlete and gay j scholar when he flnt met St. i IgnarJus Loyola In Farts and be> J came one of the first members , of the new Society of Jesus.

His amazing missionary trav-|el in ten years following ordina-, tlon took him to Portugal. India, Ceylon. Malacca, the Philippines and Japan. So prodigious were his travels and so numerous his converts and his miracles that church historians describe him as "the greatest missionary since the Apostles.'* More than 800 miracles are attested by the Dio­cese of Malacca. India alone, where the saint worked in the 1540*s.

Sunday marking ' the dUinwwl Jubilee of the HochWIW pariah.

Bishop James'E. KeJrhey Of Rochester Diocese presided at the solemn Jubilee Mass cele­brated by the Rev. Arthur F. Florack, pastor, which Inaugur­ated a four-day series of Jubi­lee events at the TS-yetr-old parish on Rochester's Clinton Avenue North.

Bishop Foery, who grew up tn (he neighborhood ot SL Mi-chad's Church and whoase mother stUl resides there, cited the parish as a vigorous con­tributor to the material dcvelop-meai of the diocese and corn-muntty, and at a u'clUprlng that has given many of its tots* and daughters to religious life.

The Syracuse prelate lauded the nrlcstly- character and ad­ministrative Ability of Father, Florack, fourth pastor of tJbe Church, with whom h« wil «*r-dalned in 1916.

39 fosr Ave.

Mass was the RL Rev. Msgjr. WOUam M. Hart, P.A., V.G. Dea-cons of honor were the Rt R*?v. Monslgnora Joseph S. Cameron and George W. Eckl. The R t Rev. Msgiv F Willism Stauder was deacon and the Rt.- Rcvv Msirr. Joseph J. Balerl waj •»»• deacon Master of ceremonitsi was the Rev Dr. John e l Maney. assisted by the Re>v. Jerome F. SchlfferU,

Speda] music was under tr*e direction of Prof. Frederick K. Pohl. wlio has served the parts* as organist and choir director for 56 years.

Uniformed members of ttw Knights of St John and Ladies' Auxiliary, officers of pariah aao-deties and Boy Scout groups preceded a host of montlgnaei and priests in a procession from the rectory to the Ctarch tot t ie Mass.

More than 900 present and past parishioners and friends gathered Sunday night for th»? jubilee dinner in the Bausch '4c Lomb Company cafeteria.

MONSIGNOB BAJEKL pro* lessor of dogmatic theology a t St Bernard's Seminary and acn assistant at St Michael's from 1809 to 1913,4 principal dinner speaker, praiaed "the spirit o f St Michael's pioneer parishion­ers whose successful material aceornpllsnrnenta w e r e 0!tt&

(Continues en Page £A)

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CansMtinf of fnferasd smd Irrfemiotlys »«»»*»

* M Hw asctrinss CMNI prsutiees *f »ha Corn-

aik tsllflisr* far tmfvm not «f ifc# rsrirh.



Holy Cross Umit Honor Bp. Kearney

Tveo hurtdml and «vi^|^,|{¥t mernheri o f IMy Cro*» t&mf„ Society pata tribute # Hist Ex­cellency Bishop x««rn*y At * dinner in the ichoof i('f!itoJlu»rW TuesStay, Od; a

G*n«ral dtolrman of th* dl* iter was Mr*, Georf* ft Wk^.' hm, pi«sldent of the itxteiyvtko wm» assined by Mr*. Ifetbert Gal. lagher, reaervatlcns? Mrs. Johfl Reia, re&iwion god Mrs. H*rry Scovlile, tafcks.

Mr*, James Jones tcted aj tOiAttniitreas tatroductnjr M tWfsts, the Rtw 13* Joha K, Maney, Use Rev. Charles UsCud lh^ and the Rev. John P. 0*Mal< ley, and the pastor, the Bt* «ev. M»l** Uwrence JB. Casey ^ho »6*wrw4 Btohob Kmtmt

B f !*«?» «WT# H « P ••f»tl

11 Vf tiff9 ^he ft**. %ti*mf * » t * M SJf, «od«i«y « m t « r i t | * SteyiHl C-aUcje, tljiMOHWt, WBl U ptrindj«| speaker i t |h« -$mlm,

wh\ch wm s\tm *i% • wm atgpptri .-. • "•• :->;'

- MKRJltAM for (He coflfrrefKS to e0fl(»in»|[%:1|N| *^t»g# tfmF'i ft ntw pcl*t»4 ptt«k*Us»n i»»««t ihis wren t * th* fi$«^ssw jNld^. Ity WnkM-lf^itJi f ' : i i lPs i^ two RocJwsrtrr ^osUlHy >fcx*T.t. «C3t,. thf*. WWijmwM* '$%*$& Cm, 8f -AtlfliVlkS'Wiitt* m. m* Rev. 3, l o f ^ h CCoflnia «J Nauaxeth Academy.

Sch»duJe<I to bt iWibltahetJ

a<M*i ymm m$g *$ wmukt .tasHtVisf COWltlUtltOlltkJh iHtlWeetn Bo4«l!ll*« - thrtwiEhmit -Hut • mitt owe"*' i h * l(#ttr»pii# UMtti. imk M editor* Miry J-u 1>oyl« •n<i P#lrJe4a 0'X>«* ptm A****

ASSISTANt snHKS?r o( the 1hit f hli large and active Society „ . . ..... ...- r,. n _ . .i jjjj ^ ^ ^ |h( j hertijfn,^^ 0 | (lie parish.

FoUowing' the dtaner which prapATea by the Holy Cross Skrt'i Club end served by (lie **ming ladies Sodality, Mr*, R. Deal tltayetl pliino SilecTfoxtsAnd Jflts Helen Brlckler sang a groan of »n«su

Current officers of the Society also include Mrs. Paul Anaslfnde, vlce-faresldeat,' Mrs, William Hlo key, treasuren Mian Rose gt, Maurice, corresponding secretary and »fiM Rose Turtsju recerdlne secrettry.

Offkevs Elected By PoatAiodllaiT

Officers were (leetesd by Ladles Auxiliary of St AndreWa Me> raorlal Post 1201, Catftolie W K Veieraru, at the regular monthly meeting, with Patricia ScftrnfcK ntnad as president.

OOiet olTken are: Mildred. Hermaa Ettnor La May, Ruth Bowjnsn, yltSBpreaiderJts; 3»fuflcl Olaatm, sewetary; Cstherlne Tedotw, trcasitrer; Loxctta Ssihl-ecker, wclftaf* efficer; Helen Lo-fan, historian; i£*Ti*ntw Mtrt, officer of a*e day.

Plve deleeates chos*n tit r*pre* «ent trie to<al ttsdJSary ,*t $%

tarn Hart, jum-fcemel «atf *fii* ;dren Hetwafc

* fci Ptoa

DioeCeSW MeetiDa i»wi.p r w . ^ . y , " s s ^ - ^ ^ ^ a ^ - : ^ ^ B i | ^ ^ S B F a | S B i B » j B B r B i a B

In AuBuni Nov. 1 Memhetf o( Gm W&* te|»t<

«»jfrom throfighsttut (Ntdlp*e*« wrttt #tt«*l m *nmj*k 0mlity

.MX* 'Jt3*ii ,_ - , Irtatitute: Ann* Nollinaglo o! Kauareth AMdsmy # d ArteiM

M, Umimt o f Mercy ttiffi School, tlilnh Slcll^ajrori of Aijlurti* in pho/o*raplier.

Kruqfhts Mass Set At S i Boniface

2Mlnt!i Annual C*rpor«t« Otn-munton o f Uoeheater Rj»iln>«nt Kndhli o f Sf, John wfit bt h*]d at S t Ikmliafe Ctjilrch, Mundtafe O d 4 F m t o | Chxlal the Kteg it # »,j»« Mm,

I K Rev, Sg Ymw JFWotih neater of Si. Bonlfice C b i « * wll} celebrate the «**«•

Knl«hu *HI :r>*ft st CHrtfon Atf#. 0 and ytaigtt Mi* it- fc'15 a. m, to ttwrtii to «Ht itossft.

SL Btiftflacs tftut t«im*4i)it«|y airier the Mtltv 3§>«*krr i»lll, he Emmeft 2, Uchfl*^ Attorwty *ssd toffrts* w«t*er e | t » ® B t

All member* both Hnlfiwm and" nonunUowa »te urged to $itm$,

K t ^ H *« rygtttlea , WMMssfMii *? im) - » MM

ft**, mm Mm mt*. WGda-fsiaous *nttmp6fe«W *h<i expert m % i i « « f pt &j?M$m • nm ^ined th* «ts« of t ne Ca (h-wtrnty mee*fflg« wetei Mm* W etfe VtiivwmwM *rti#%i sie *

m • &

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W t « YO0« NOhM^THOtK: RtKNOS TO AT7IMD ^ o t - r « j s t 'ffitf-wrt***.**^ -a«,»»TwT5a|A'*K*. ^»«ai.»vrt-iwtT

tostriutori. peUk& Kkbori Ttomej

vlssttojf ptMtmt- of artthrt^i-


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