Page 1: Parish Council Minutes January 2017 Approved -   Web viewThe Clerk has therefore, asked our insurance brokers for a quote for insurance against a possible breach of covenant

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PRESENT: Chair Cllr L Bellshaw & Cllrs M Jones, P Moody, L Taylor, J Putt, C Palmer, P BromellD Radford-Lewis, Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies – Cllr Pallot and Tume

2. Declaration of Interests and changes to Register of Interests – none

3. Open Forum - Potholes on the main road through the village has been reported by the Clerk and parishioners. The Clerk has highlighted this again with Highways and asked them to revisit the centre of Tedburn as they are now increasing in size and are very dangerous. Cllr Jones spoke about the Police Surgery to be held on January 23rd at Pathfinder Village. Cllr Palmer spoke about getting a bus stop at Woodlands, the Clerk will contact Cllr Brook to get the contact is to find out where an official stop is at this location. He also reported that the bus at 10am today was full but it was felt this was out of the Parish Council remit. Congratulations were given to Cllr Bromell on his new year’s honour of a British Empire Medal for his services to the community for Tedburn St Mary.Cllr Moody reported two lights have been removed from near her house when the telegraph poles were replaced. The Clerk will find out if these lights are likely to be replaced.

Open Forum closed at 19:21

4. Planning – from January 1st 2017 only paper applications received as such will be sent to Parish Councils and from April 1st 2017 Paper applications will cease to be sent.

16/02520/COND1 – Mr N Hutchings, Springfield Bonsai – Discharge of conditions 2, 3 & 5 on planning permission 16/02520/COU for retention of use of land for the operation of Springfield Bonsai Tree Nursery – NOTICE ONLY

Decisions – None

5. Minutes of the Council meeting held December 5th 2016 for approval, it was proposed by Cllr Putt, seconded by Cllr Jones that these be signed, vote was UNAMINOUS. Cllr Bellshaw signed as approved.

6. S106 money and Recreation Ground and Millennium Orchard –The Clerk has received a reply from TDC from the email regarding Play Areas being listed as Open Spaces. Estates at TDC confirmed they are happy for the council to self-insure against the risk and the lease can be amended accordingly, as TDC do not have a problem with the site being used as a play area and does not feel a breach will be taking place. However, it would be the interpretation from other parties that would be recommended to be covered. The Clerk has therefore, asked our insurance brokers for a quote for insurance against a possible breach of covenant. They have confirmed all information has been received and are awaiting the quote from the insurance company. The Clerk queried the replacing of grass with rubber mulch but if this was not done the play area would not be able to be used when it is wet, so it was thought this was required. Cllr Moody, Bellshaw and the Clerk will be meeting this week to discuss the Recreation Association and how to move this forward.

7. Monthly Reports to include all reports from Clerk, District Councillor & County Cllr Bromell no reportCllr Brook reports: A contract has been awarded for Broadband roll out to a new company so watch this space for connecting users to superfast broadband. The subject of buses and the routes were discussed and the Clerk will email Cllr Brook with our requests for location of bus stop at Woodlands and the re-routing of buses along the A30.

Issues log – Book of Remembrance was discussed and will be an agenda item for February.

Correspondence Teignbridge Housing

Stakeholders event February 3rd 9.30 for 10am start, ends noon, at Buckland Football Club

Cllr Moody will attend.

Page 2: Parish Council Minutes January 2017 Approved -   Web viewThe Clerk has therefore, asked our insurance brokers for a quote for insurance against a possible breach of covenant

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Devon Highways

Self-help funding available

Outcome of Yellow Lines request

Do we have any projects? Filling in potholes was discussed the clerk will advertise for volunteers in the TT.Not possible due to non-enforcement

Devon Pensions

New rate for employer contributions from April 2017 of 21.2%

Clerk will apply as appropriate

Friends of Little Chapel

Would like to use the Chapel for art exhibitions & funerals rather than house the Village History documents. The Village History project will be still be pursued and kept on the issues log.

Overall thought was that this can be agreed and the Clerk will let Terry Wood know

DALC The referendum on precept increases does not include Town and Parish Councils for 2017/18


TDC Rural Skip proposed for Saturday March 4th 1000-1600

This can be agreed and the Clerk will let them know.

Youth Club – Cllr Jones reports: The Youth Club will now operate fortnightly.Village Hall – no report Cemetery – no reportFootpaths & Bridleways – no reportRecreation Association – Cllr Moody reports: It has been confirmed that the secretary of the Recreation Association has resigned and will explore options of covering this role during the meeting held between herself, Cllr Moody and the Clerk. This will be an agenda item for February.Welfare Trust – no report Housing Committee – no reportNeighbourhood Watch – no reportLocal Emergency Planning – no reportTALC – no reportYour Tedburn – no reportWebsite – no report

11. Accounts for Payment and balance of accounts Supplier Description Amount VAT Total Chq.NoDCC Pension Clerks pension from December 2016 £120.38 £120.38 344Mrs D Radford-Lewis Clerk wages December 2016 inc home worker,

less pension TOTAL £483.07 £483.07 345

Graham Dicker Cemetery Maintenance £589.96 £589.96 346Hi-Line Contractors Sw Ltd

Yew Tree maintenance £240.00 £48.00 £288.00 347

Proposed Cllr Palmer seconded Cllr Bromell signed by two signatories as required – vote UNANIMOUS

Meeting closed 20:00

The next Parish Council meeting 7.30pm on Monday February 6th 2017 at Pathfinder Village Hall.
