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  • 8/17/2019 Paper 1Final


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    1. Diagram 1, shows a ray, X, is directed into a glass block. The critical angle of

    the glass is 420. Which direction does the light travels from oint ! "

    Diagram 1

    2.  #f $ is ob%ect distance, v is image distance and f is focal length of a lens, which

    of the following e&$ations is tr$e"

    3.  Diagram 2 shows a converging lens rod$cing an $right and virt$al image.

    Diagram 2

    Which otical instr$ment $ses this arrangement "

    A  'amera

    B (lide )ro%ector

    C Telescoe

    D *agnifying +lass

  • 8/17/2019 Paper 1Final


           P      a      g      e        2

    4.  Diagram shows water waves roagate in an area of different deths.


    Which of the following diagrams show the roagation of the waves correctly"

    5.  Diagram 4 shows waves in a slinky sring when the sring is vibrated at - /.

    Diagram 4What is the seed of the wave "

    A. 0 cms1

     B. 40 cms1

     C. 0 cms1

     D. 120 cms1


    6.  Diagram -, shows a end$l$m oscillates between an e&$ilibri$m

     osition, ,e3eriences a daming effect.

    Diagram -

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    Which of the following amlit$de against time is correct"


    7.  Diagram shows a fisherman boat $sed sonar to determine a shoal of fish

    $nder sea


    The wave henomena relates to the sit$ation of

    A. interference

    B.  reflection

    C.  defrectionD.  refraction

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           P      a      g      e       4

    8.  Diagram shows incomlete sectr$m of electromagnetic waves .


    Which of the following is tr$e"

    S T UA.  5isible light Xray 6adio wave

    B.  5isible light 6adio wave Xray

    C.  Xray 5isible light 6adio waveD.  6adio wave Xray 5isible light

    9.  7 st$dent is trying to determine the direction of the magnetic field rod$ced by a

    c$rrent in a straight wire. Which of the following method is correct"

    10.  Diagram 8 shows an electromagnet made of a soft iron cylinder which can

    attract a ma3im$m of 8 metal aer clis.

    Diagram 8

      The ma3im$m n$mber of metal aer clis attracted to the electromagnet can be

    increased by

    A  $sing a steel cylinder as the coreB  increasing the n$mber of t$rns of the coil

    C  $sing a coer wire of smaller diameter

    D  #ncreasing the resistance of wire

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    11.  Diagram 9 shows a coil which carries a c$rrent. #ron filings are srinkled onto

    the cardboard to trace the attern of the magnetic field.

    Diagram 9

    Which of the following is the correct attern of the magnetic field"

    12. Diagram 10 shows a layer of oil floating on water. Which light ray in Diagram 1 is


    Diagram 10

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    13.  Which diagram shows the correct light ray thro$gh a rism made of a s$bstance which

    has a critical angle of 00"

    14.  Which is the correct comarison between so$nd waves of fre&$ency 20 k/ and radio

    waves of fre&$ency 20 k/"

    A (o$nd waves move at a lower seed and have a shorter wavelengthB (o$nd waves move at a lower seed and have a longer wavelength

    C (o$nd waves move at a higher seed and have a shorter wavelength

    D (o$nd waves move at a higher seed and have a longer wavelength

    15.  The dislacement :time grah and dislacementdistance grah of a artic$lar wave is shown

     below. What is the seed of the wave" 

    A 0.1 ms1 B 1. ms1 C 2.0 ms1 A 1000 ms1

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    16. Diagram 11 shows an electromagnet.

    Diagram 11

    What is the olarity at X and !"

    17. Diagram 12 shows a water wave in a rile tank.

    Diagram 12The wave has a seed of 24 cm s1 at 6.

    The wave crosses a bo$ndary ); where the distance between the crests changes

    from .0 cm to1.- cm.

    What is the fre&$ency of the wave at oint ("

    18. Diagram 1 shows a simle electromagnet .

    Diagram 1

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    What changes sho$ld be done to increase the strength of the electromagnet

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    Why soft iron is often $sed in the cores of electromagnet"A (oft iron is diffic$lt to magneti/e.

    B (oft iron is easier to magneti/e.

    C (oft iron retain its magnetism better.

    D (oft iron is cheaer than steel. 

    22. When the switch in the circ$it is closed, aer clis are attracted to the soft iron rod asshown in Diagram 1.

    Diagram 1

    The n$mber of aer clis attracted to the soft iron rod can be increased by

    A #ncreasing the c$rrent in the circ$it.

    B #ncreasing the resistant in the rheostat.

    C Decreasing the n$mber of t$rns in the solenoid..

    D 6elacing the battery with alternating c$rrent.. 

    23. Diagram 1 shows a light ray, 6, directed into a glass block.

    The critical angle of the glass is 40. #n which direction does the light travel after oint when

    the incident angle is 480"

    Diagram 1

    24. Diagram 18 shows a shi in front of a cliff. #t rod$ces a lo$d so$nd which travelsat a velocity of 0 m s1. 7n echo is heard 4 seconds later.

    Diagram 18

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    'alc$late the distance between the shi and the cliff.A  82.- m

    B  0.0 m

    C  0.0 m

    D  1 200.0 m

    25. Which of the following describes the changes in velocity, wavelength andfre&$ency when water waves roagate from shallow to dee water"


    Velocity Wave le!t" #$e%&ecy

    7 #ncreases #ncreases =o change

    > Decreases #ncreases Decreases

    ' #ncreases Decreases #ncreases

    D =o change =o change =o change

    26. 7 man is r$nning towards a lane mirror at a seed of 2 ms 1 . ow fast does he see himselfr$nning towards his image"

    A 1ms1

    B 2ms1

    C ms1

    D 4ms1


    27. Diagram 20 shows a cond$ctor assing thro$gh a iece of cardboard.

    Diagram 20

    Which of the following shows the correct direction of the comasses when the

    switch is on"

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    28. Which of the following ob%ect can form the image #"

    29. 7 light ray travels into a converging lens as shown. Which is the emergent ray from the

    converging lens"

    30.  #n two searate e3eriments, a magnet is bro$ght near to an $nmagnetised iron bar. This ca$ses

    the bar to become magnetised.

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    Which magnetic oles are ind$ced at X and at !"

    31. Which diagram shows the correct order of the waves in the electromagnetic sectr$m"

    32. Which of the following statement abo$t $ltraso$nd is?are correct"

    1 @ltraso$nd has the same fre&$ency as the so$nd wave that we hear.2 (o$nd wave that h$man being cannot hear is known as $ltraso$nd.

    3 @ltraso$nd travels m$ch faster than the so$nd wave that we hear.

    A  2 only B 2 and only C 1 and only D none of the above

    33. 7 steel ball on a hori/ontal wooden table rolls near the north ole of a bar magnet that is lying on

    the table.

    Which diagram shows the most likely ath of the ball, as seen from above the table"

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    34. Why does a comass always oints to the north"

    A  The comass is made of a magnetic material.

    B The comass is a magnet with the ointer as the so$th seeking ole.

    C The comass is a magnet with the ointer as the north seeking ole.

    D The comass is an electromagnet that is charged by r$bbing when the needle is t$rning.

    35. Which statement is correct abo$t the seed of electromagnetic waves in a vac$$m"

    A @ltraviolet waves have the greatest seed.B 5isible light waves have the greatest seed.

    C #nfrared waves have the greatest seed.

    D 7ll electromagnetic waves have the same seed. 

    36. 7 boy is stranded on an island -00m from the shore.

    e sho$ts for hel, b$t all he can hear in rely is the echo of his sho$t from some cliffs.

    (o$nd travels at 40m? s thro$gh the air.

    What is the time interval between the boy sho$ting and hearing the echo"


    7 lotting comass is laced beside a bar magnet as shown below.

    Which of the drawings shows the correct direction of the comass needle"

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    38. Which of the following is a correct e3amle of a longit$dinal wave and of a transverse wave"

    39. Ao$r different whistles, when blown, emit $re notes with the fre&$encies shown.

    0.1 k/ 1 k/ 10 k/ 100 k/

    ow many of the fre&$encies are above the normal a$dible range for h$mans"

    A 1 B 2 C  D 440. When a narrow beam of white light asses thro$gh a rism, it rod$ces a sectr$m.

    Which diagram correctly shows the refraction and disersion rod$ced by the rism"
