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Go-Krupa Amrutam bacterial culture is made from completely natural ingredients which include panchgavya (Gomutra, Gomay, milk, curd and ghee) and Ayurvedic herbs. It is the result of our extensive research and experimentation.

Benefits of Go-Krupa Amrutam bacterial culture (in brief):

• Helps to establish colonies of friendly bacterial strains in the soil, which help to supply nutrients in easily digestible form to the plant, thereby improving plant immunity & output quality.

• Land becomes softer, more porous and able to absorb more rain water. As time passes, this will improve ground water levels and reduce water requirement in farming.

Go-Krupa Amrutam is being offered free of cost to farmers of Bharat, as part of our social initiative towards the revival of Bharat's ancient Gau Sanskriti. If anyone is found taking money for this product, legal action will be initiated. Using Go-Krupa Amrutam is unlikely to bring any adverse effects. This can be used as part of any natural farming method.

Go-Krupa Amrutam is a gift from Gaumata ('Cow' as Divine Mother). We humbly request all farmers to use this after bowing down to Her, and attain prosperity with Her blessings.

Qualitites of Go-Krupa Amrutam Bacterial Culture

Before the Green Revolution, in 1970 1 gram of soil contained over 20 million friendly probiotic bacterial cells. In the present scenario, not even 20% of these remain. These friendly bacteria are extremely essential for soil health & quality.

Go-Krupa Amrutam has over 60 strains of friendly bacteria which rapidly start spreading once they enter the soil. These different bacterial strains include –

4-6 strains which help in controlling plant infections and pests, thereby improving plant immunity.

4 strains which absorb the Nitrogen present in the atmosphere and supply it in digestible form to plants. Some other strains also absorb Phosphorous from the soil and supply it to the plant.

6 strains which are classified as “Geobacter” in scientific terms. These bacteria absorb metallic & mineral elements from Gomay, Gomutra or soil and supply it in easily digestible form to the plant roots.

6 strains which help in composting, and Lactobacillus bacteria which boosts plant growth and quality of their outputs. Bacteria which also help plants to absorb sulphur from the soil.

Many other strains of bacteria are also present which boost plant growth and improve quality & quantity of their fruits.

How to prepare Go-Krupa Amrutam Bacterial Culture Solution at your Farm

First, make Go-Krupa Amrutam Bacterial Solution, according to the following procedure –

Take 200 liters water in a clean container which has been cleaned using natural means, and which does not have any residue of oils or chemicals. Add 1 liters of Go-Krupa Amrutam culture, 2 Kg jaggery (natural & desi) and 2 liters fresh buttermilk obtained from desi (indigenous) breed Gaumata.

Allow this mixture to rest in shade covered with a cotton cloth. Stir this in 5-7 circles in clock-wise direction once daily.

200 liters of usable solution will be ready within 5-7 days.

The above 200 liters of bacterial solution can be used to prepare natural & powerful fertilizer as well as to control plant diseases & pests. When this solution starts running out or less than half remains, add more water with 2 kg natural desi jaggery & 2 kg fresh buttermilk obtained from desi Gaumata as explained earlier and prepare more solution. In this way, you can prepare the solution on your own at home or in your farm.

Go-Krupa Amrutam(Bacterial Culture)

व�दे मातरम ् व�दे गोमातरम ्

How to use Go-Krupa Amrutam Solution at your Farm

For the first time, you can give 1000 liters of this solution per acre of land along with water that may be given through drenching, drip, fountain, etc. For the second time, depending upon the type of land give at least 600 liters of this solution along with water.

If for any reason the Solution with you gets spoilt, you may obtain a fresh culture from us or from other farmers who have prepared & maintained this correctly at their farm.

How to use Go-Krupa Amrutam Solution to make MANURE

Make a 2 feet wide & 2 feet high line of fresh gomaya obtained from desi Gaumata under the shade of a tree or any other shade. From the 200 liters of Solution prepared earlier, spray 20 liters of Solution on this line of manure. Keep this manure moist by regularly spraying water or supplying water through drip. In about 40-45 days top quality manure will be ready. This manure can be used in any farm or for almost any crop and beneficial results can be obtained.

How to use Go-Krupa Amrutam to control pests & plant diseases

From the 200 liters of solution you made earlier, take 2 liters of solution.

In a 15 liter pump, fill the remaining with water. Every 5 days spray this on the crop. This will improve plant immunity and control pests as well as disease.

Special Note -

1) Our research & observations indicate that the bacterial strains present in Go-Krupa Amrutam thrive on Gomutra or Gomay of desi or indigenous Gaumata breeds, and best results are obtained when panchgavya elements of desi Gaumata is used. So we strongly discourage you from using panchgavya of buffalo or foreign Gomata breeds. So it is our humble request that if you do not have desi Gaumata, then please buy desi Gaumata manure from a Gaushala or other farmers. And if you decide to keep a desi Gaumata, then it will be easy for you to maintain Her at a low cost by using your Urea and DAP subsidies to buy feeds for the Gaumata, while you can use Her Gomutra and Gomaya to make top quality natural manure and to control pests at home using Go-Krupa Amrutam bacterial solution.

2) Farmers are also humbly requested to first test Go-Krupa Amrutam on a small piece of their land. Based on results this can be used more extensively in your entire farm. For example, if you have 20 acres of farms, you may initially start with half acre only. If you are satisfied with the results, then you may bring Gaumata's on a larger scale and undertake Go-Adharit agriculture without depending upon costly outside purchases.

Additional notes

1) In the farm, when stubble or waste of crop is burnt it leads to destruction of soil bacteria and reduction in soil fertility, apart from increasing pollution. Instead, we suggest using a rotary and letting tiny pieces of this stubble remain on the soil. This will supply food to friendly soil bacteria, significantly improving soil fertility in the long run which would more than compensate for the expenses on using the rotary.

2) While taking the bacterial culture from us or from other farmers, please keep a hole in the cap. This will allow the bacteria to breathe fresh air. And all equipments that you use to handle this bacteria, such as drum, pump, pipes, etc should be suitably clean and free of chemical residues.

bansigirgaushala bansigir [email protected]

व�दे मातरम ् व�दे गोमातरम ्

બંસી ગીર ગોશાળા, મેટ�ો હોલસેલ સિવ�સ રોડ, શાંિતપુરા સક�લ, સરખેજ, અમદાવાદ-૩૮૨૨૧૦. ગુજરાત. ભારત.

ફોન ૭૯૯૦૮૬૨૨૫૨ / ૮૮૪૯૯૨૧૮૭૧ / ૯૩૭૭૨૫૦૭૫૦.
