Download pdf - Paleo Diet Advantages

Page 1: Paleo Diet Advantages

The paleo diet is a diet based on the way our ancestors ate during paleolithic times.

During the era of cavemen and women, the foods that were consumed were

unprocessed and fiber-rich. Many people today are jumping on the paleo diet

bandwagon because of the many benefits that come along with this diet. The way the

cavemen and cavewomen ate back then helped them to be free of many diseases we

face during our times today – such as obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol problems.

In the paleolithic area, people ate what could be hunted and gathered, and dined from

food that was free of preservatives, pesticides, and other post-agricultural chemical

byproducts. Here are some of the top paleo diet advantages that will shed some light

on this effective diet.

Page 2: Paleo Diet Advantages

Everything you eat while on the paleo diet will mostly consist of organic, unprocessed

foods – which are healthier overall, and lowers your risk to the exposure of chemicals

and additives found in many processed foods.

While on the paleo diet you’ll get all the nutritional elements your body needs to be

lean and healthy. You’ll get plenty of protein from organic meats, poultry, and nuts

along with Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Fruits and veggies will also provide tons

of vitamins and nutrients to promote your overall health.

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The paleo diet will include a great intake of fiber, reducing salt intake, and drinking

plenty of water. It has been said that these practices combined are the perfect recipe

for reducing belly fat, and keeping it under control.

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One of the biggest paleo diet advantages is the food you consume while on the diet. It

has been said that our ancestors weren’t affected much at all by some of the common

diseases we experience today such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, and

it’s all because of how what we eat has evolved since the paleolithic area. By going on

the paleo diet, you get the chance to tap in to our ancestors’ healthier eating habits.

Dieting and eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to starve. The paleo diet has many

recipes and meal plans that will suit anyone’s taste, and keep you feeling full. Check

out The Paleo Recipe Book for hundreds of recipes, and a free meal plan at