Page 1: PAIX E NTAR- Y RE.L DEBATES AND PROCEDING-TS OýU;SE 0OF … · u W UI N Mypeple; batt,ttîhk0I t I cannot reO4gflS do ( a 1» rAaO ibis queftia woai d be utak p thie nenemg As, howevra















Page 2: PAIX E NTAR- Y RE.L DEBATES AND PROCEDING-TS OýU;SE 0OF … · u W UI N Mypeple; batt,ttîhk0I t I cannot reO4gflS do ( a 1» rAaO ibis queftia woai d be utak p thie nenemg As, howevra


ad thoit future ai the abjaeta, ad the. consideretation wi Noya stia and JNw Lt nvwik, i 0 uly rama thetahgnld beappaahad with au oarnetwosapad dka deuata» eesiuç tha w eane te entir'dyrn awam% if ma n La ou

radad wudr a sauta af spanibily gt ta ta eaaê4ed inot wdCanad N4 doubt hi a W %> ftting put 4! athe 4iaohêrga 4f the uMat salinua eligiiu dwt ett is vr captivating, if wea ta&Uy wz. sa pante

u W UI N Mypeple; batt,ttîhk0I t I cannot reO4gflS do ( a 1» rAaO

ibis queftia woai d be utak p thie nenemg As, howevra ha t Th at astin ara u doa setaCOM up fr dicason, and s spetd that every ramb mpie Tue ph qeaùia o

w Î.gi eaexprsa ta hin viaw a oia qseatiaa, brieS7 vieqiti mlear that we are a. Tat navue Ceaeuirare yseplana I hava alwayu:taen apparat ta ts sals eriteut aay auhauity frsmn this House, and the Dlegats MaIf We arate hava a Uarao I tWould prefr a Lagalarwe t * amr to agrea e to a nelueiaas on the subjrer taieFederal anaudrii riot tira Housa woult batramaa useles atmaat, aerely ta rapun a tthis te1onse I regret that they agredauble, with nO power save that of tasinrg tei pegupl. LS# t a eforal & desum as th une befure tm as h seurs te cSession weu si ernona4 a delagation far a acitiat parpasea-ta top th' idate ta mai14 that they posndpuowera ta treît sn

cenier an the 4nhject of a men ian Maritime Prçvvios.* alta a Wdn aagaaaî. It has tee» id a w rPhc lias Cul teoretariy haoe stated ilhat Union5 *5 streiitt Wa mitai te diaen iota titis Confederaçy, I alassrmay so auh9tut a eunea or ai tiheehar a tO00% ta titra aisis foirs4rah au ai ?Wha d iv *

rrrasdedt Sy ithe Repaît baefra nu, wouid anis Sa a Caien ef We tara su desp oha ts bera u< idaîiag suait aS enatte Lien 'vijî rte t.mmt; wie would ta dvurat Syph ia tsat rte. dqamaats suit»4te4t ru usado te tisee iai iugrn stsaus. Thea hon msender fut Ballast tuld us ihat uderth a4tisai ne shah te allawed te . deehithtitis atter sei aflê ite woitt psy tees tae I ane, as hirw tatan be i wtî th t set tett e u a fd;

h easait If via have tôday eur prepartien o! te exp fgei Unie»na!lir theabies w l ha ! arviad saris rrry snd navy, and af ria Ssferituus ne msary f*r .ts sar Pegatas haie misSth dita eät eaaumadingtri rpireteetf Caras * Thteoperstûan efth s ant syittem *5 te tira favaratle uaaaidaratien et vte Le isartasi rif thOyertitis land proves hat aur peupla sannat pay ta rate impised Pravine, and I do tel blamte tham flhr hepn se. 'Tht terrmsin that eeay. Th Art witihpsd this e flosas S(b the Repart Saer us aré a my opinion, var y atavorabia tapresal rte ides ut aay relUira ng 4fforded ta dia tount 7 tiis fltantd Onia sMale af repressnratian po t vie osl Colfeøeratian(er lavi 0. pssda a4 t ha tey h e witet tise dlihtest h ainnea un thdsUird Paliaspeat tfer o opsed ils passgo, ant me have ne r eo ta supposa is tUe dist 5 if vie vient Lare thé pasat Uaioe;wa wostd issv.tirla nitedi Gavearmaear woudd atuliat il ; fui, if theay saiusn rightt ta expo a s larg naur oral rsproseuntivssas eïûsrde s tiera viod- bt au s ary for auy wan'e praparty. dha aowr Proviace, har dieur!,or vihty shld n rtrow awayagtpè Iha ve have uo infuene at thre Colonial Oflioen. Witile aur indapanteace wihipsh vie tw sujug i itara woudit, anessI t(elivo titar thse teanry mould have n Setter thauca ai trseiuig siîy, Sa au inerease tari eai da Union tutoi Irtetselvea s rte Rau: R u myrtem» entai the stares astrîpes. admit rte force uf ite nigeut dhat Canada end NawItruumwio4

I mymeif mili neyer consent te tva unîdar avry other titan rthe oid miii supply us ilvi touts, situas, epirirs set oterr strictes o!flaitnftain, ndr wihiit tirera ave no people ou rhia continant umanefeeture sud et a laya; rata titan vie catger theur a pissant 5viwh o a s mach freetem· <rom» raîstian as oermatves. le I shouit ite ta Se satiafied, as ru tthir pressat ahiiy tousupplyOaeada jr is vieil kuswsa tSar lta taxation is heavy; vie baatnt themselveu muit rhume trtes. fluet roturesai ifinpoatae

ir? ar , tut rte peopie te nat Ceai tha operarion ai ir s they jeta thesa tiwa Provinces 5 for rte pear 186$, as wa hava Sefarewould tart n mystyte a! direct taxation, saith as ottasus ru us, see toe ranter te luticate an entirely, dilhîrst sînle etCn ada. Ihia aymtem pripeiy ajaad moult, i admit, otingartha1 reipAe Nuw, Mr. Speakeri il te peop e e*, hs4w

foed ta Se tisa chas at; tut dia peupla asaut ta persuaded te rwo:Colorias canner, vith a higt proteclive tarif', fraith rtstopsaat vheo. Tihera is a greut anDnauperable deat 0 articles i tare specifet bu qantires mefEeefor athir ovi tedirte; taxatirbu. The pducîplae sfapreentaion tby populationluirement , i is nat te sappesedat thrv enn suppiy t

as a retie La the resolauiona a! rte Confarance, i cannot agreajus. Oar chiai> tecusa mos ndvauragaaus, tr-ua is with rhta; ·fo, noder the Çouladire Parlîiat wi ahoaIt have UeitdStuaes sud Great Brîrain, sud s Iona we shal had itano indlineae. 8r, i talieve thtnIneaathe ai ta peupla of tour admane rtar it should Sa se, il w tI naburaliy meek thiatgsd are appead toa s epta»arrIsai Ferderai or legsaau, tie 4trhaue; st if weiaraeanter te ief ue ai a highr Tsi

sali iait use ai yte ontqavrvs aaa t ia itsida theea Wall5vi e iat ta tasiug oi tbest estumasarn cîippting ai osS througouti rite colTr, aut il yt coustit eutis"appro0a Profaeisl hanels or commeial ebut cnnog conduit, i p tan remdilp get somue ana ole ta represent than Gva4 ritain awI boik iavorably on eacharna uhiat, solarin. Wea have itemît han membters enlargo upua rte giery55 e tèso lamar Coioaiee aie coeaa4, vòDI haie ta aitsat

au t. I m5irgh Ire thian, Sb mapportiug tire proposaed COnlin hteader dties on rte imetadon ai bar uuasaufet&f4e ar anti asasibg su hi ingig tira Isatand ithmi is embraegrui

, titwanid eS"aie sme itigit fas ta Canada eom itha Oanfedoate Gasove rntbut eersitatasiuo s ai that nature taonet tisuH air OAViES.--Thia uaia , vr Spakie , ta.wta sy ew ai vint me, la eonelu.iae, it rpeaR that I Pa r tpptsedt h u a opiata, (ire apen s. i thrta d awer naso ta t seUrama aI su> kiait, bua i ve ave ta tare auy, t pefar e Lagis positdn as thay watt talairta est ak e! te it WfiLdsve ovre a rte asuegret ettma adaptat Quebtec, viant appassen measurao aair sait thy dnap va wbes

Tiatebate mas thitn djoerned aa girt ilitary ceey, hoiasa toast ir bas n bee 084r te Mouronttiu, e aspread tiers, aspds

" e' aditstaoer e of Îlà aiaa Th apalO er

Mas»av ~¶rc asz ixre uai edi viale Gasgi M iIavp asl sad s a:S ild ,s d itsderdia aen idfh pa pera eeansgii tha Utniaen that pou cani rardsua eria def aa, and e wi ,sirra iS lsCr4raur affs ta e tamstiaIt a paia i se rt a

, Mi IIUNSIEY, Mri Speaker, i have liaét h statad tinitupendent actidon, ota thsar the eaMrasin t, cm p ati rtWb*,' riteet shri lousa vaisimtad on teaide fa ths Uaio; Wva is at tant ruapay b nird (s-s the fan drt t cpiais af

-asarrsirîsicbut thes se0, as ipmn sot in te habit oa makin s tckateronara tse durin tae lat rderwiaet irheaii; yr'çbro v.tic, eander me tito a f fact, mrai, af neeas via up ; d va ari al naie efIse stas> cf frettaret est

q t da e 0f n'u enefit, an itappp l ensola myst in te Nortaherstrre nt Mat Btelai utite ilet lybty Iis redaòthi isaei avre, at aait a numerial rsuperioriîy, ud expression a n ai'enrpr te resf nita ofr.repatd y .ena;asf na sure ±5 a:r 2< teutea isba ave aoosedi ta "as a utUihecsrlrs u aastoarn titis insa A uaatbaof tii mapgxnde ahaul taWttti woundlsî Lanuoi ne peapd1 teireag res ptitai rhpatrptins, Wtee tIse i4rtttev O aiCr01o

lo itfaaon viw as vnd er a e aat Sessioa te hdaattes Fisqaent dlusion tsas taon adarte dea tauis a, r haexflresrt antid very> gessOnrlia quiesedt in, th;r unirt vit et hais:taon-pris-chpalty incuvrei a tshe ontracrtion aI publi

ty thy eitsTtarei aaes eaanouidt ha nbthedasti erhe aigreet valens naiht if via îl e eatetagpaasrstira <tai stahasTeriai tireoaincial Saurstary utiovantht Uitad $tsea wea4 ta coaspolteassia lai ga

S&etrarie rett ta re aitrwia i rtat Fiaraad jan buirteits a thore a tewihiaach svnudtnbeliatjEnaited tn apLeJur ien h e osafdeaie ddeis to w-airranite ropinion j! agrige .ttaa nfeteratia rvonlt exorcie a cartaid tiai

t et Sir, i snerh wutld proanbl ae rta iet ai uer conncion iflence i aur lava, but wqust prefar ta resu as len as^we"

Page 3: PAIX E NTAR- Y RE.L DEBATES AND PROCEDING-TS OýU;SE 0OF … · u W UI N Mypeple; batt,ttîhk0I t I cannot reO4gflS do ( a 1» rAaO ibis queftia woai d be utak p thie nenemg As, howevra

en la ar presenit si f fredo fr» taaion Referene} Bhitain Another portion of he Report tan hich I0*as haen made» to ithe masi»fal tpi trmade at fiquebee is t hih prod iOpiforsas»tegei an adiiepai mber fuir the Âslaud luin . fhe as a neangotpra Ps uea aathoe expens of railways a\ Lawsw esu t a1sannut peràeive that the addiidn rapresenta 1 lanals oneting r s s ha l br e t oe ytien wuùId have> it aay ;pprssble dere uncreased er all the Colonies Itoasad yi ur railrj ah1dr dylin

laflanes in that body. 't aa set hewever, eqaaliy safied an tht t a n bs ll tho rasaysu aiwith the prupused Caaîitai the Upper lieuse, Te prices utlt; t t sethiir that se sldeo rpia

SQadaa t ta ; ser &, qat by u ha do not think that this landudB , de ot prue t r Cunfedaratia on eU enable the peuple banit by these works. · We have the sanme geographia

of; 4# tspåarisherm ai tia the se rates; for ha Canada necessity ha th» wrintar ason tirai Canada bas; our es«a a atord'to:s1I at Ioï rates, la consequence, ofla aven worse, for w are.surroundedby le, bndathres

argeMe., titie tadeTe excise duty MUst be little prospect that anything can be one to improye Ourt t Cat of tobace. Th truth, Isw,i that Halit peition, unless lndeod we obtain steam commuuneatiuate aite the pri otf West ladia producain these Colonies. over the Straita duriàg tire wirnter, as suggested by o e ofwl beut # lad to hars the contisued proteêion of Great the delegates tho other rught. The to rayBita»; irai au wattknown trai tires» Colonies rs tu be wiii onfer Vory fw commercial advantsges on bi

at a 5e e! tht s ta a ina y ii ba landI [t wl n doubt aford facilities for travellangdes;M tth st thesga" le tir suy, fo tay vii oi but is bent to us visl not at ail Compensate for thede frhemualasdfa titrago", s iWniderstii quostion amouant which we would hava lu eostrihata toaurds it by

A feñ os s snet (sged eyv s pn. hWe ncul ubied ofia it e terme uothof the Repor.a viw, thes, of the nature ofAeiiesas od N wi gresidyoye saportthti"l fielda utwNova that Report, i am pre ared t saupport the resolutlanet isausl alae adrantage tiok stemot uni tlimes oftpeace, bersubmtted by the b, Lader of the Government. 1 deaise i ese et s war vwih Brana or Frane, or sany ut rhe nut say tnt I would be opposed to Union on any terraa

oher LEupea per. baiut hk tint sub terme au are euatalned la tire Rertare very unlair to tlis Colony. If agreedlu t conuhder

Tuxuner, Maroh 28. tirai the in ta of the Island would be altogethereaerinced. Our taxation would be greaty inread

Dohate on the Union of the Colonies resumed. witbout corresponding advantages. soms maintaîn thMlu r. RENSLEB-MrSpetaker, i shallonlude the a shouuld not be alarmed at taxes; they would he no

fw roamrks Whihl was maklng last evening vhn inter- burdas providing w had aditional sopa for trade. Sutrupt iwvas reterling to the returns f importatins what more sopa d we require, ns we have aireaite Cahada and ew Erunswik for 1863, iShowig îthat faitt. es for commerce au .extended as the boundu o thtthde Provines dld not manufaetare neariy enough of Britis Empire?boots and shoes, and ther articles of the kmnd for them- Ur, BRECKEN-i would gladly avoid peakingon thsseives, and thit consequently they could not aupply this question, feeling, as I do, my iaability to eail aithl it, asColony. As regards te and molasses wih are said to1ts importance and the interesta involved la it require.e heaper ia Canada than j this Island, If ti be the Neyer in the iistory of this iland, sinea it beame a

ease it cannout arise from the fsot that highber duies areBritih Cbolony, bas e subject of saeh aousequence becspaid on them there than in this Colony. But one of the submitted for the eunsideration of its Legilalture. 1 weprincipai peints t hbleh i did net refer last night wae are te vielw the proposition for a Unn othe Britai Northmilitary defentes. The argument advanced on ths tfeature jAmerican Colonies nu an optional one, which ae Mayo the sebjeet b> those favorable to Union la that,in order reject without imperilling our position as a dependencyto prepare for effielent mliutary defenco we require ajof the British Crown, i confess I eannoteeue ithe termecentral powree 1, however, do not see the question in offered to us in th Report of the ,Quebea Conferenetat light. As long as we contribute our quota of moenanything to induce as t close vith the uffer. .If, on the

andtmeabs, and tht other Provinces do the same, i coui- 1other iand, the choices labatween a Union with the sîsteraider I renia be quite as efficient armothod of providing Provinces and a severance of Our allegianee to the Metiherfor defbed as any biganisation lnto viih we could enter. 9ountry, I would say, let as be united, oveu nI at acrîfe

Wa are tld tiat th General Government would takelof our Deal interestî. But i do not think that the lattereuttul et the goeral revenue and provide naval andiS our position, altou1h lite advocates of the sohesat

military forets. ta the event of a war with the Unite t profess t believe that it ni. ihy eould w hbe inauchStatesihoever, re eknowfull well that ther awould be, a hurry to assume that it il? Previou n to the Quebeano chaue of uesswithaut the aid of Great Britarn, and Conférence rhis question had ot been pressed upun our

it is dfùli te Undersiand how Confederation wouald attention by the Home Goverament, although we are nowlni el abîi>1ty resistaneo, y late papers I awar, from Mi Cardwell'a despatoi, wriîhcp atter the

observa iti the Colonial Minîster, M Ceardwel, has reeeipt of the Quebeo Report, tint tie measur eryntuodnced a bilito the Isperia Parliament providin favourably received by the Imperinl Governent. Nur is

fot a Colonial nav4 eforce, to b supported by coloniali aIt alu to be wondered at tint they shauld wish to seafande, h to be ati lhe ontmand of the Imperial authori.tOur preseni political position changed Separate Provinces

lis [t ws laid dowin 'regard to the measure thiat grouped lose together with governments independet ofComraissionrcould nout b» granted by Colonial authorinies;!eao tier; separato lave, difeurant ourrenciès andthey mneut be issued by the Imperial (overnment to bebtiuîîle arifla; and, yet, ail paying allegiance to the samevald If this plan oan b parsued in naratai ffairaSovereigu, lu a etate of thing tiat will not, li. almn>yrnnt a similar s&heaae b» adepted ira mailiatary matnere t1probanbility, con tinue ver> reuch longer; hart sot oppusedlAll:prepnaer» tutnatfoesc muet bre arranged entier thiro e nin, providoed just nad equrrirle terma nre seouredeugerlitendenee et tirs taperlat Ouvernment, anti unrder t to u; but it. doos apponi toe tait tiro urgent manner\Britisir ouramaisheone officeru ; and sînce tisalu the crajii[in ir thisquesion at thils tie. rs pressedi upan il, 1aih is donbtful whëoUher n contrai Olonaiai Goverrnment~ ontirai>y uwing ho rie act on of politiebina on this d ie

niad hon ad ndvth Mê Se du ait wmih te ahrinkttr f rin anio. mItorly requires a ver; sigit aegqaantne w ithoau ddt fi'rek lu detenos ¢ eäuhjects of he Br.iitish nihe polities ef .Canaato b eIe awrare tint tire politioe1

pl&t-e Ella anmbe as Il mighrt hb o eaea;a lu Idîfflultieu andi omplicaiins uf niai Provine hrad arrivediti t utU iaibe bering ProvInces,stlibI if the orderraldfat snb n pitai, and had beonte se peiplexing, tînt part>ouate il la no "ai all prubabie that auweuoid retire. fgoveranent wae nirnouan imnpuasibily ; ladeotilb wor4dWLhedtiahe il> ušty o morging nlliteue Legislaturos fappear, tiraItl mesdiag nartiy lthrontunedi tram. Thstrie o tirbave la ealnia pwer whien rie nre nîroadyl flui.Juin A. Mp onnld, Altoume> General oh CQaradsah r nîgodise trder tire [rmporiaI OGomament ut Orenat Wesî,l inîalinmonl, aires moving lie Addries to air
