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Painting Class Information Roman „jarhead“ Lappat

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Beginners Painting Class (international) Infosheet by Roman Lappat aka Jarhead

The workshop´s basic aim is an introduction to options for a fast high-quality painting of

gaming-miniatures in connection with knowlegde of art-history and its application.

Furthermore to improve your own perspective and feeling for colours and harmony in theory

and exercise.

The class is for beginners, advanced painters and experts as it gives an Introduction in my

way of working and thinking in theory and practical work and describtions. Everyone takes

what he likes due his own experience of painting. Roman will make sure that every

participant will be guided and taken by the hand to get precise feedback and solutions for his

actual level of experience.

Roman has finished a lot of gaming- and display miniatures over the last few years, with the

basic idea to have them look good on the table, but of course some them breached the frontier

between basic (for gaming) and high-quality painting for contests where he has been highly

awarded during the last years. While painting this mass of minatures and being confronted

with their variety he earned a lot of experience which he now wants to share with you.

Roman’s apprenticeship in becoming a teacher helps making this class a well structured,

maximum learn effect orientated event.

Furthermore there will be a an individual mentoring for each participant accordingly to his

level of proficiency: beginner, advanced learner, professional as described above.

Here you find a gallery with some of Roman’s painted minatures:

You will find further information about me, current projects, tutorials, apes and bananas here:

You will also find some reviews about previous paintingclasses only in Germany so far:

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Painting Class Information Roman „jarhead“ Lappat

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1. Date and locality

2. Contents of the class

3. List of material

4. Information for housing and victuals

5. Minors and disclaimer 6. Registration and money

7. List of participants

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Painting Class Information Roman „jarhead“ Lappat

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1. Date and locality

1.1 When?

From Friday evening 31 of August to Sunday 2 of September 2012

1.2 Where?

Fig78team local : 1 allée des missionnaires, 78330 Fontenay le Fleury

Googlemap link

There is a public transportation train just in front of the place :

From Versailles, railroad station “VERSAILLES CHANTIER” you have to take any train

Direction MANTES LA JOLIE or PLAISIR GRIGNON. It takes 10 min, and you will

arrive just in front of the painting place ;) (the picture below is exactly what you will see ;)

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Painting Class Information Roman „jarhead“ Lappat

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You can use the train company website to look at the itinerary for the trip

1.3 How much?

Contribution towards expenses consists of the mentoring and working time during the

painting class, the preparations for it, eventually the rent for the room, and the expenses for

material, arrival and stay.

Contribution towards expenses for each participant is: 135,00 €

1.4 How many participants?

The class will only be held with 16 paying participants for this class. Roman held smaller

classes and bigger ones, the class is structured to leave no man or woman behind no matter

the number of participants.

2. Contents of the class

Some informations about the topics we will tackle in theory and exercise during the weekend.

The miniature will be a „Deamonette of Slaneesh“ by Games Workshop in 28 mm – it´s

perfect for practicing the learned techniques and the time we have available. Some say they

don’t like them but believe that Roman made the experience that this figure is perfect for the

happy painting he is teaching.

The timeline of the class can change a little bit, according to wishes for a break by the

participants or to didactical concerns. Breaks are included in the timeline, but we will discuss

the exact times at the beginning of the paintingclass.


Start: 17:30 (is optional but should not be much later than 20:00) – please be on time

Building up, organisation, basic information about the class, building bases, composition,

preparing the miniature, references to art, contrasts, light and shadow, access to theory of


End: about 23:00 ~ 23:30


Start: 09:30

Intensive theory of colour, priming, inspiration, painting-techniques in theory and exercise,

painting skin, True Metallic Metal, open painting with individual mentoring

End: 22:00 ~ 23:00

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Start: 09:30

Detail-work in theory and exercise, rust and erosion, gems, eyes, source lighting, blood,

freehands, finishing the base, work with pigments, little tricks, feedback about the

paintingclass, taking pictures, clean up

End: 18:00 ~ 19:00 (optional)

As already mentioned breaks for meals and relaxation are included in this plan. The

describtion above is just a small overview.

3. List of material

3.1 Material provided for each participant

• workshop miniature: Deamonette of Slannesh by GW

• massive material for basing

• sandpaper

• wire

• woodensocket (plinth)

• priming material for everyone

• UHU-glue

• Paper for practising

• Green Stuff, Magic Sculpt, Milliput for filling gaps

• Handout and list of material (via eMail after the paintingclass)

3.2 Material provided by everbody himself

• Milliput Standard Yellow

• Your WetPalette or a plastic box where you can build your wetpalette with

• Calliper

• Handdrill

• Cutter, knife, scalpel

• Watercolour paint set (the one from your school-time)

• Small water canisters (2 if possible)

• Super-glue

• Desklamp (daylight would be perfect)

• Pencils for making notes

• Notepad

• Small pillow for the chair if needed

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• Multiple socket

• Pattafix (UHU) for transport your miniature

• Brushes:

o We recommend brushes from (please note: it´s a lot easier to work with high

quality brushes)

� „Windsor & Newton“ (series 7 long), sizes 1

� „Da Vinci“ (real Ussuri Rotmarder), sizes 0, 2, 4

� Games Workshop: Standard, Detail and Fine Brushes

� Rapahel 8404, size 1 ~ 2

� alternativ for beginners: Link!

o At least1 real old brush

o 1 brush for dry-brushing

o 1 big brush for big work

• Colours:

o We recommend colours from Games Workshop (Citadel), but you don´t have

to buy them all ;-) you can combine your palette with colours from other

companies. Just bring the colours, you are painting with. In case you can

borrow some of Roman’s colours. But please note: do NOT bring Vallejo

Game Colour with you (we had big problems at the last painting classes

because of their mixture combined with the techniques exlained). Vallejo

Model Colour is not a problem.

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4. Information for housing and victuals

4.1 Housing

Everybody has to take care by himself for this point. We would recommend to coordinate

with other participants. Often it is possible to stay with other painters from the area.

Hotel near Fontenay le fleury

Please ask if you need help. Hotel in Versailles Train station “VERSAILLES CHANTIER”

will allow you to take the train to come. Other can be either in Saint Cyr l’école, or Fontenay

le fleury directly.

2 or 3 people form our team will come by car and can eventually pick you at your hotel only

if it is in the recommended area above (Versailles, Saint Cyr l’école and Fontenay le fleury)

Please find at the end the email list for the participants, so you can also ask of some can find

you a place to spleep.

4.2 Victuals

We will not provide anything in this case. Please take care about this by yourself. It´s not a

problem to bring your own food/drinks or to organize something at the beginning of the

painting class (everybody has to pay himself). So please take care to have enough food with

you on Friday. Saturday we will hunt food together during the class and the planned breaks.

If we order something to eat or go out for a drink at the evening, please take care to have

enough money with you. We won’t eat expensive most of the time.

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6. Minors and disclaimer

6.1 Minors

Minors are only allowed to take part in the painting class if they have a declaration of

agreement by their parents. The minor participant has to bring the agreement with him to the

painting class or has to send it via mail (not email!) to Roman. If you need the address please

contact Roman via email ([email protected]).

6.2 Disclaimer

We are not to hold accountable for any damage that is done to persons or stuff. It´s self-

evident to have a good style and behavior during the painting-class.

7. Registration and money

7.1 Registration

Just give a quick note that you want to take part. To be a full participant you have to transfer

the participation fee in time

7.2 Money

The participation fee is 135 € per participant. There will be a seperate list for moving up. If

one of the participants does not transfer the money in time his place will be available for the

first guy in the moving-up-list.

7.3 Bank details


Payment has to be done until the 15th

of July. After this date the people on the waiting list

will be informed to get hold of the open places in case somebody did not pay and confirm his

participation yet.

When you pay there are two options listed below. Please make sure to subject your payment

with the number of your place on the class list you all should have recieved by now, your

name and a "P" for Paris, for example: “0. Roman Lappat P”

Payment can be done via Paypal to this paypal adress:

[email protected]

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or via bank transfer to:

Roman Lappat Stadtsparkasse Augsburg

IBAN DE057205000002507106 62


7.4 Additional information

If somebody has already transfered the participation fee and is not able to take part in short-

term he will get his money back but less a cancelation fee. Instead he will get a packet with

his part of the provided material (basing material, workshop-miniature, handout). But all this

will take some time after the painting class.

8. List of Participants

See attached excel sheet.

Student Mail Source Not confirmed

1. ROBERT Désiré [email protected] arkangel minicrea X

2. christian hardy [email protected] wolidor minicrea

3. second place booked by

christian ??

4. Olivier HERBIET [email protected] liliputien minicrea

5. David Fiz [email protected] minicrea

6. Mab [email protected] minicrea

7. Nath [email protected] minicrea

8. Francois lozach [email protected] fig78

9. francois Pillot [email protected] fig78

10. Fred le pors [email protected] fig78

11. Valerie Bruère [email protected]

12. Roger Verdaguer i Serrat [email protected] MV

13. Thomas PARSONS [email protected] MV

14. David List [email protected] MV

15. Paul McKay [email protected] MV

16. Laurent [email protected] MV

John Keys [email protected] MV waiting list

Maxime Pollet [email protected] MV waiting list

Laura Barrere [email protected] MV waiting list

David Slade [email protected] MV waiting list

Denniz Hedin Salo [email protected] MV waiting list
