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Painted  picture  Okt  2019  

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Hi I’m Frida Kabo. The following is a detailed vision for what my company will look, feel and act like by October 2019 You can find more at

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Sharing it publicly massively increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality and allows you to become part of my vision. It also holds me accountable and allows the Universe to conspire with me to make it happen.

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What I do

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Curiosity is the key. When you start to listen, follow and explore your curiosity. You will start to explore what you are interested in and what gives you energy. When you do more of what makes you curios you will find your way back to you and feel empowered. This will lead your way towards more freedom to live life on your terms. It’s time to start exploring your possibilities.

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Trough my online platform, program, book, workshops and adventure retreats. I inspire people to be curios again, to find their way back to themselves and empower them to find their own power to create life and freedom on their own terms.

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I believe that life is meant to be an adventurous journey where we al have our own compass an map within us. We can al make an impact and create positive change. #ifoundmyselfinme

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I work with those who really are ready for a change and know that this is the right time to start. They don’t know where to start and wants to start now. They need to start now, there is no other option. I work with those who wants to make an impact and that realise that their life is bigger than them. They feel its time for a change in the world and they want to be in the lead and lead by example. Its their time to live life on their terms and as the adventure it is. From those who feel that they want’s to take the first step to those who want’s to take the next step in their adventure.

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I do this by helping my clients and customers to curiously explore their possibility and empower them to take steps and clearer visualise the freedom and adventure that they would want in life. I help them to se what's their own thoughts and what's the monkey mind. So they can start to listen to that inner voice that whispers in the beginning. Create clarity on who they are, why they are here and where they are going and what they will do to get there. So that they can live a fulfilled life on their own terms with curiosity, empowerment and freedom.

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I also show my community trough my blog, videos, programs and books, what is possibly and how they can start exploring and se more possibilities in their life. That life is worth living and that you can do it on your own terms. That everyone of us matters. My work with you who want to find your way back to yourself and start exploring your adventure trough: Is a part of my life project that I am committed to for life…

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The third industrial revolution is happening and we se big changes in the world. Its time for schools, companies and countries to adapt and keep up. Find new solutions and new ways. I am dedicated to be a part of the revolution and to be the change I want to se in the world. The youth is feeling worse that ever, the schools teach you to be a good worker and to follow instructions. What we need now are creators, idea makers and action takers . We need to know how we can use the gifts we have received. To communicate, relate and find our place in the world.

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After three years of exploring the possibilities and initiating cooperations and cocreations on how we can find new ways to live our life to the full. Thanks to your support, the support of belivers, the community and revolutionaries. We have created a global network that makes things happen. As a front figure of the Network I have the benefit to travel the world to give workshops, programs and speaches around the global stages, like TEDx. To spread the message of the importance of you being you. Wich is also the theme of my New York Times Bestselling book.

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How I feel

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I feel that I have stepped in to my full potential and contribute to the world in the way I can best. There is no better feeling than to help people realize their true potential and help them find their way back to themselves to live thie life on their own terms from their inner power.

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I feel honoured when my clients and customers tell me how my work, and my number 1 Amazon best seller, helped them to find the way back to them selves. The curiosity and empowerment to live their life and find freedom on their own terms. I’ve attracted and built a thriving community of Possibility Explorers trough my company for five years. And a Global network of change makers. More and more people are spreading the word about my quest for everyone to explore their possibilities and find their way back to themselves. And how many I have helped to find their way back to a life with curiosity, empowerment and freedom.

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I am highly perceptive, intuitive and aware of my key strengths and I play to these daily to focus on providing my best self in all my interactions and it shows as my business continue to grow daily, and I have become the Go-to brand synonymous with Exploring your possibilities and live your life to the full, on your own terms. Trough my online business and social enterprise I have achieved a level of focus in my life and business that others can only dream of. As a result I am fully present each and every day and see beauty in the world and a universe of opportunity ahead of me.

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I feel I am truly making a difference in the world and am completely driven by my purpose to leave a legacy of freedom for all. People tell me that I look young, vibrant and alive. They say that I am in the best shape of my life both physically and mentally. They want to learn my secret and I tell them the secret is to honour yourself. Follow your curiosity and do what matters most to you. Live your life as you and follow your inner voice.

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Every day I start with my journaling that helps me to land in the now and to be thankful for what is here and now. To help me se myself as a part of the bigger picture and align myself with my purpose. I energize and land with meditation, yoga and exercise preferably in the nature. In order to stay in great shape and keep my body as my temple of strength and my mind as my wisest ally I always have a green smoothie to start the day, followed by journaling before working in my 3 MIAs (most important actions) of the day that will allow me to make the most impact in the shortest timeframe and leave me (and others) feeling fulfilled and happy.

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I stay true to the my core values of curiosity, inner power and freedom. I have systems in place that creates that in my business and in my life. My core work and main priorities are completed first thing so that I can do what I wish during the day. Weather that’s work, family time, adventures, relaxing, hanging out with friends, mentoring or learning. My friends and family enjoy the quality time we spend together and my love for life is infectious. My team appreciates my values of freedom and adventure and how I apply it to all we do. They are continually growing into their own power as a result. Every area of my life benefits from the superclear focus and discipline I’ve applied to achive this lifestyle I love, and to work on initiatives and movements that make me feel like the luckiest person on earth who’s making a dent in the universe.

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My Global Offerings

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My program is now on its third year and has helped thousands of people around the world to find their way back to themselves and live a life on their terms. With curiosity, power and freedom. It continues to be improved and is a world class offering that creates real results for all who go trough it and for many a life changing experience. Joint venture partners love to promote it because they know it has a reputation of excellence in the online education space.

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I have the perfect array of digital guides and offline offerings to support the big program as well as my bestselling book on Amazon translated into multiple languages and read by thousands around the world because they make a real difference in peoples lives. My webinars and trainings are always a hit, with thousands registering to hear the information I provide and soak up the knowledge and lessons I share freely and generously. My speaking gigs and adventure retreats are always highly appreciated and a life changing experience for those who attend.

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This leads people to want to be a part of my community, which leads to further growth of my business and ultimately fulfils a natural progression to support and believe in the power of stepping into you.

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Culture and spirit

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I love to be a leading example and a never ending student. 1. Learning by learning 2. learning by doing 3. learning by teaching I work with clients and community members who share this attitude, and togheter we create magic. Everyone who works with me gain focus and clarity on who they are, why they are here and what they want to accomplish personally and professionally and they share my energi and love for life and living it to their best and fullest ability.

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When it comes to partnerships, I only align myself with companies that represent what my brand stands for and are willing to create lasting and fruitful relationships, which benefit both parties.

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Brand and image

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My brand represents the curiosity to explore your possibilities and power to live life in freedom on your own terms. Life is an adventure and you have the map and compass within you, lets start the journey!

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People want to work with ”that inspiring and authentic Frida Kabo” and become who they really are. This is only amplified when they learn about the movement and want to be part of this global change and initiative and play their part.

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Sponsors and partners

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Amazing and highly respected key opinion leaders, influencers and organisations step up to align with the mission as they see the great work being done and how its impacting people around the world. These amazing individuals, partners and companies are supporting the long term vision of this movement and it never ceases to amaze me how generous they are.

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My leadership style is leading by exapel and do as you say. I live and breathe my core values of curiosity, empowerment and freedom and people aspire to do the same when they work with and support me on my quest for global freedom and happiness. People either love or hate my honesty and transparency to say exactly what I’m thinking and tell the truth and share real stories. This is what I know I have to do to truly create change and make a lasting difference. If we want life to be real, we have to start with ourselves.

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I inject love, curiosity, empowerment and possibilities into all I do to resonate with each and every person I interact with on my mission in life.

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Being of service

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My team and I continue to provide the best possible support to back up our quality offerings and make sure we give everyone a great return on their investment. As a result we get close to zero refund requests or complaints. We act promptly to solve anyone’s concerns and to give them the best possible answer and outcome so they remain happy, even delighted, and refer us to their friends for years to come.

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The movement is built on a foundation of honesty, integrity and being of service and we conduct ourselves in this way on a daily basis and this has contributed to the rapid growth of our movement.

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I have the right tools and technology to run my business from anywhere. Lean, efficient and continually getting refined to maximize our efficiency and cohesiveness so we can focus in the important work we undertake. Our sales funnel and financial systems work effortlessly and seamlessly to grow both communities and keep profit and fundraising on track and to meet our quarterly goals.

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Team and Ambassadors

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I am grateful for my global virtual team and their array of talents and skills that continue to drive multiple six figure business and ensure that the movement is healthy and strong to tackle future initiatives and growth plans.

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Togheter we can make anything possible. We strive for excellence and hold each other to this standard weekly As a result more people are dying to work with us to help change the world where everyone can be themselves with curiosity empowerment and freedom My team work perfectly across multiple projects, timezones and languages and for that I’m truly thankful.

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We attract a world-class culture where each team member: *feels personally responsible for the companys success and their own, *upholds their highest standards in their work and conduct always *treats everyone with respect – most importantly themselves *values and encourages honesty and integrity avbove all else * Feels free to make a difference in their daily lives

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I am a media darling and go-to person for everything related to the future of exploring possibilitys, creating curiosity, empowerment and freedom. I am regularly featured in different magazines as well as on popular sites. I am intervied regularly on popular podcasts and radio shows, as well as local TV, but am most effective speaking at live events, fundraisers, award ceremonies, conferences, think tanks and global initiatives.

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Wealth creation

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As more and more people step in to who they really are, creating their life on their own terms. The business continues to grow trough an increase in customers investing across the company offerings, and as a result of continued media, referrals, joint ventures and affiliates. With the annual profits consistently over 200000 I’m able to focus on being an angel investor in an array of start-ups that align with my values, and share in their entrepreneurial journey and success by 2019 onwards.

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This financial freedom also allows me to fully invest my time, energy and money into the movement which makes me feel truly rich because of the global impact it’s beginning to have. It also allows me to spend a lot of time with my family. The Possibility fund is well on its way to reaching 1 million and distributing this fairly to the organizations doing the work that matters.

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Wellness and balance

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To ensure I have the energy and mental fortitude to make freedom for all a reality trough my work and movement I have made a daily commitment to myself to stay in peak health trough fun, energizing and challenging workouts, effective and tasty nutrition and mental agility exercises and meditation. As a result I successfully manage to commit to daily meditation, yoga, fitness and journaling 80% of the time and the other 20% is for when I’m feeling human and replace it with time off, nourishing and nurturing activities or treatments to reenergize me or quality sleep and relaxation.

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I also regularly surf and other sports and go in different adventures with my family. I schedule time off at the start of each calendar year for vacations, retreats and masterminds to ensure I continue to grow and become a better person, wife, mum, friend, entrepreneur, mentor and leader.

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I regularly surround myself with experts, influencers and mentors who are operating on a higher level so that I too, can aim to reach their status in my own time. Trough their knowledge sharing via our one on one sessions, at mastermind events and retreats. I have developed powerful mindset techniques and key connections. I continue to raise my own bar higher as a result, and in turn pass this on to all who come within contact with me.

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Family friends and relationships

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I am in a truly loving and fulfilling relationship with my husband and our kids. We respect, challenge and adores each other and together we bring out the best in each other and support each other in all our life endeavours and missions.

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I surround myself with my wonderful family through regular quality time, holidays and special occasions. I am fortunate to have amazing friends around the world who love and challange me and we hang out regularly on planned holidays, retreats and tournaments that are scheduled into my year on purpose. We have adventures, laughs and a ton of fun when we are togheter and are there for each other no matter what and I’m happy in the knowledge that this will continue for life.

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Thank you for reading my 2019 painted picture!

Join me at to help make it come true!
