Page 1: Pain neurophysiology education improves cognitions, pain ... · the neurophysiology of pain is accompanied by changes in symptoms, daily functioning, pain beliefs, and behavior. Periods

JRRDJRRD Volume 48, Number 1, 2011

Pages 43–58

Journal of Rehabil itation Research & Development

Pain neurophysiology education improves cognitions, pain thresholds, and movement performance in people with chronic whiplash: A pilot study

Jessica Van Oosterwijck, MS;1–3 Jo Nijs, PhD;1–3* Mira Meeus, PhD;1–2 Steven Truijen, PhD, MSc;2 Julie Craps, MS;2 Nick Van den Keybus, MS;2 Lorna Paul, PhD41Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education & Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; 2Division of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Department of Health Care Sciences, Artesis University College of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 3Department of Physical Medicine and Physiotherapy, University Hospital Brussels, Brussels, Belgium; 4Nursing and Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Abstract—Chronic whiplash is a debil itating condition charac-terized by increased sensit ivity t o painful stimuli, mal adaptiveillness beliefs, inappropriate at titudes, and movement dysfunc-tions. Previous work in people with chronic low back pain andchronic fat igue syndrome indicates that pain neurophysiologyeducation is able to improve illness beliefs and att itudes as wellas mo vement p erformance. This sin gle-case st udy (A-B-Cdesign) with six patients with chronic whiplash associated disor-ders (WAD) was aimed at examining whether education aboutthe neurophysiology o f p ain is acco mpanied b y ch anges insymptoms, daily functioning, pain beliefs, and behavior. PeriodsA and C represented asse ssment periods, w hile p eriod B con-sisted of the intervention (pain neuro physiology education).Results showed a significa nt decrease in k inesiophobia (TampaScale for Ki nesiophobia), th e passiv e coping strategy of resting(Pain Co ping I nventory), self-r ated di sability (Neck D isabilityIndex), and p hotophobia (WAD Sy mptom List) . At th e sametime, si gnificantly i ncreased p ain pr essure t hresholds andimproved pain-free movement performance (visual analog scaleon Neck Extension Test and Brach ial Plexus Provocation Test)were established. Although the current results need to be verifiedin a rand omized, controlled t rial, they suggest that educa tionabout the physiology of pain is able to increase pain thresholdsand improve p ain b ehavior and pain -free mo vement p erform-ance in patients with chronic WAD.

Key wo rds: chronic pain, chronic whiplash, cognitions, educa-tion, m ovement perform ance, pain behavior, pain neurophysiol-ogy, pain thresholds, rehabilitation, whiplash associated disorders.


A whiplash trauma of the neck can result in bony orsoft-tissue injuries that produce a large variety of clinicalmanifestations grouped under the term wh iplash associ-ated disorders (WAD) [1]. Using the Quebec Task Forceon WAD (QTF-WAD) guidelines [1], WAD can be classi-fied into five grades of severity: grade 0 = no neck symp-toms or physical sign(s); grade I = neck pain, stiffness, ortenderness but no physical sign(s); grade II = neck symp-toms and musculoskeletal sign(s) such as decreased rangeof motion and point tenderness; grade III = neck symptomsand neurologic sign(s ); and grade IV = neck symptoms

Abbreviations: BPPT = Brachial Plexus Provocation Test, ES =effect size, NDI = Neck Disabi lity Index, PCI = Pain CopingInventory, PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale, PCS-DV = PCS-Dutch v ersion, PPT = pai n pressure thresh old, QTF-WAD =Quebec Task Force on w hiplash associated disorders, TSK =Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, VAS = v isual a nalog s cale,WAD = whiplash associated disorders.*Address all correspondence to Jo Nijs, PhD; Vrije Univer-siteit Brussel, Faculty of Physical Education & Physiothera-py, Department of Human Physiology, Building L–3rd floor,Pleinlaan 2, BE-105 0 Brussel s, Bel gium; +32 -2-629-27-53;fax: +32-2-629-28-76. Email: [email protected]:10.1682/JRRD.2009.12.0206


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and fracture or dislocation. Between 10 and 42 percent ofpatients who su stain a whi plash in jury dev elop c hronicpain and approximately 10 percent of patients experienceconstant severe pain [1 –4]. The main pai n complaintsthat pe rsist 6 months after the acc ident are ne ck pain(10%–45%), headache (8%–30%), and pain in the shoul-der and arm (5%–25%) [5] . Additional c omplaints bypatients with chronic WAD are depression, fear, difficultyconcentrating, fatigue, and irritability [1,6].

Little is known about the continuum of W AD fromthe time of injury through transition to either recovery orchronicity [7]. Several mechanisms such as altered cen-tral pain processing and central sensitization [8–11] andthe role of cog nitions and behaviors [12–15] have b eensuggested, and evide nce that supports these theorie s isrising. The dearth of tri als evaluating conservative treat-ments for patients with chronic WAD is striking. Stewartstated that very few trials have evaluated interventionsfor patients with chronic whiplash [16], while V erhagenet al. performed a systematic review concluding that noneof the investigated conservative treatments were effectivefor the treatment of acute, subacute, or chronic symptomsof WAD [17]. The cases that do not recover by 3 monthsare res ponsible for the majority of whiplash costs [1];therefore, treatments that prevent transition to chronicityor that are effective for chronic whiplash have the poten-tial to significantly reduce social and economic costs [15].Holm et al. suggested that education about the physiologyof c hronic whip lash pa in ca n im prove ex pectations fo rrecovery, especially in th e (sub)acute stages of W AD[18]. This is su pported by Oliveira et al., who evaluatedthe effects of a psychoeducational film shown to patientswith acute whipla sh who consulted an emer gency unitafter injury [19]. The film consisted of information aboutsymptomatology, physiology of a cervical strain, physiologyand physical/emotional triggers of muscle tension, medi-cal treatment, expectations of recovery, and examples ofexercises. This psyc hoeducational intervention resultedin improved recovery in the patients with subacute whip-lash. In pat ients with chro nic WAD, programs includingexercise and extensive educa tion to change pa in co gni-tions and pain coping strategies resulted in a positive out-come [15,20].

Catastrophic beliefs a bout pain are a ssociated withheightened pain and disability in people with chronicWAD and play an important role in the transition from(sub)acute to chronic WAD [12,21–22]. In addition, psy-chological factors such as depress ion, anxiety, expecta-

tions co ncerning recovery , and hig h p sychologicaldistress have been identified as important prognostic fac-tors for patients with WAD [7,18,23–24]. Söderlund andLindberg described the importance of using positive cop-ing strategies in dealing with whiplash-related com-plaints [22,25]. Patients who are misinforme d about painconsider pain to be more threatening and present lowerpain tolerance, more catas trophic thoughts, and lessadaptive coping s trategies [26]. There fore, the educationof pain neurophysiology is aimed at bo th alt eringpatients’ knowledge about their pain states and reconcep-tualizing pain [27]. Psychoeducational interventions thathave be en studied in W AD often include informing thepatient about symptomatology, recovery , activi ty, andtreatment an d/or ad dressing pa in b ehavior and be liefs.When only cognitive and behavioral responses ar eencouraged, without reconceptualizing pain, these responsesmay be counterintuitive for patients with chronic painbecause pain is still a sign of harm to them [28]. There-fore, Moseley relies on “deep learning” education on painneurophysiology that is aimed at reconceptualizing pain,on the assumption that appropriate cognitive and behavioralresponses will follow when pain is appraised as lessdangerous [29]. Even when education about physiologyis included in psychoeducational programs, it is often limi-ted to the physiology of a cer vical strain. Except for thechanges that occur in the local tissues because of a whip-lash injury, changes in local and central pain mechanismsplay a n important role a nd should be a ddressed, e spe-cially for patients with chronic pain. Pain neurophysiologyeducation targets this by re conceptualizing the underly-ing ph ysiological problem of a pa tient’s p ain on theassumption that an appropriate cognitive and behavioral/motor response will follow [28].

Education about the neurophysiology of pain hasbeen studied in chronic pain populations, such as chroniclow back pain [27,29–32] and chronic fatigue syndrome[33]. In patients with chro nic fatigue syndrome, a singleeducational session was able to a lter cognitions, suc h ascatastrophizing, and pain behavior , such as coping [33].In patients with chronic low back pain, pain physiologyeducation alters pain beliefs and attitudes and, in con-junction with phys iotherapy, i mproves functional andsymptomatic outcomes [27,29–32]. Mose ley has alsoshown tha t altered pain beliefs are directly a ssociatedwith altered movement performance, even if no opportu-nity to be physica lly active is available [27,32]. Thisimplies that motor performance may be directly limitedby pain beliefs. Education about the n europhysiology of

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pain fits withi n our current understanding of chronicWAD and it might be able to address cognitive emotionalsensitization (central hypersensitivity influenced andmodulated by cognitions and emotions) in these patients[34]. T aking this int o considerat ion, patient educationseems an e conomical, time-saving method to use in t hetreatment of WAD. By using education to improve incor-rect pain cognitions and attitudes, we might prevent chro-nicity or improve treatment success.

The single-case study design is often used to system-atically evaluate new treatments for spec ific (usuallychronic) patient populations. Hence, it can be used inpreparation of a large rand omized, co ntrolled cl inicaltrial. One of the crucial features of the single-case designis cont inuous measur ement th roughout different condi-tions, which makes it possible to use individuals as theirown controls. The function of the baseline is to descri bethe present state and predict fut ure projection if no inter-vention were to take place. By this function, it is possibleto judge whether change has occurred from the base lineperiod to the intervention period. The baseline period of asingle-case study typic ally c onsists of several base lineassessments that account for the natural variability of thepatients’ health status. If this (often minimal) variabilityis suddenly “dis turbed” when the intervention is con-ducted, it is accepted that th is is a cons equence of theintervention.

Although the use of psychoeducational interventionshas been studied in patient s with acute WAD, the use ofpain neurophysiology education in patients with chronicWAD has not been examined previously. Therefore, thepresent study is aimed at examining whether two one-on-one education sessions about the neurophysiology of painmay lead to a change in pain beliefs and behavior, symp-tom sev erity, d aily fun ctioning, pain threshold, andmovement performance in patients with chronic WAD. Thetreatment is evaluated using a single-case study design.


SubjectsWe selected patients with WAD grades I to II accord-

ing to the QTF-WAD [1], who were experiencing chronicpain as result of a whiplash injury, from the medical filesavailable a t a university-base d departme nt of physicalmedicine. In WAD grades III to IV, neurological damage,fractures, a nd dislocations might explain the s ymptomsexperienced by patients, whereas in WAD grades I to II,

no physical signs c an be iden tified even when sophis ti-cated imagin g tech niques are u sed [3 5–38]. Given th efocus of the education on central se nsitization as anexplanatory model fo r WAD symptoms, w e d eemed itappropriate t o limit the study to pat ients with W ADgrades I to II. In addition, when anatomical abnormalitiesare established, patients are treated by (specialized) phy-sicians, whereas patients without objective signs of tissuedamage are referred to a physical therapist for conserva-tive treatme nt. For thes e reas ons, the study focused onpatients with WAD grades I to II. In tota l, we selected23 p atients e xperiencing chronic complai nts due to awhiplash injury w ho sought care a t a local university-based clinic. W e s creened the medical files of these23 patients according to the inclusion and exclusion crite-ria of the study. We qualified patients with chronic WADgrades I to II having Dutch as their native language and18 to 65 years old to participate in the present study. Outof the 23 patients, 1 1 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. W econtacted these patients by telephone and informed themabout the study. Six patients agreed to participate i n thestudy, while five patients declined because they were notinterested or they had no t ime to attend the seven studyvisits.

ProcedureWe invited patients to participate in the st udy and

gave them a detailed information leaflet. The informationleaflet stated that the patients were allowed to continueany ongoing treatments but asked them not to initiate anynew treatments (medication, rehabilitation, alternativemedicine). We the n colle cted patient de mographic data(age, time sinc e onset of compla ints, medication us age,etc.) using a questionnaire.

This single-case study consisted of an A-B-C designin which periods A and C represent the assessment peri-ods and period B represents the intervention (Figure 1).Period A represents the base line period, while period Crepresents the treatment-free follow -up. During theassessment (period A), we asked patients to fill out a bat-tery of questionnaires, i.e., the Neck Disabilit y I ndex(NDI), the WAD Symptom List, the Pain CatastrophizingScale (PCS), the Pain Coping Inventory (PCI), and theTampa Scale for Kinesioph obia (TSK). We also subjectedpatients to a set of c linical a ssessments, i.e., the Ne ckExtension T est, the Brachia l Plexus Provocation T est(BPPT), and algometry. We randomized the test order topreclude test-order bias. We randomly allocated patients

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into two groups and blinde d the as sessor to the groupallocation. Both groups rece ived the same treatment andunderwent the s ame me asurements but dif fered in thesequence of events that to ok pla ce during the studyperiod. H ence, we blinded the a ssessor to the e xactmoment at which the intervention took place. The fi rstgroup consisted of two patients who received their base-line measurements (period A) on days 1 , 7 , and 14. Onday 14, they received the first treatment session (period B).The second session was given on day 21 followed by thefirst posttreatment measurements. The follow-up meas-urements (period C) wer e given on days 28 , 35, and 42.The second group consisted of four patients who receivedthe base line measurements (period A) on days 1, 7, 14,and 21, followed by the treatment on days 21 and 28, andfinally the follow-up (period C) on days 28 , 35, and 42.We subjected the first group to three preassessments andfour postassessments, while the second group underwentfour preassessments and thre e postass essments as pre -sented in Figure 1.

Measurements and Questionnaires We chose the NDI a nd the pain pre ssure thresholds

(PPTs) as the primary outcome measures. The N DI wasdeveloped in 19 91 as a modif ication o f th e OswestryBack Pain Index and was the first instrument designed toassess self-rated disability in patients with neck pain [39–40]. Th e NDI is sc ored from 0 (g ood fu nction) to 50(poor function), and the percen tage o f disabil ity can b eobtained when the score is multiplied by two. The NDI isa vali d and rel iable instrument sensitive to measur echanges within a popula tion of patients with neck pain[39–40].

We measured PPTs bilaterally with an anal og Fisheralgometer (Force Dial model FDK 40 Pus h Pull F orceGage, Wagner In struments; Greenwich, Conn ecticut) inthe skin web between thumb and index finger [41], at theproximal third of the calf, and at the upper trapezius mus-cle (pars descendens) midway between cervical 7 and thetip of the ac romion [42]. We assessed these sites in ran-dom order. We gradually increased the force at a rate of

Figure 1.Study protocol. Questionnaires: Neck Disability Index, Whiplash Associated Disorders Symptom List, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Pain CopingInventory, and Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. Clinical assessments: Neck Extension Test, Brachial Plexus Provocation Test, and pain pressurethresholds.

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1 kg/m2/s [43]. We defined PPT as the point at which thepressure sensation turned to pain [8]. We determined thePPT as the me an of the two las t values out of thre e con-secutive measurements (10 s in betwe en), since this pro-cedure has fo und to be reliable in nondisabled co ntrols[43]. Algometry provides a reliable and valid measure ofPPTs [44].

The WAD Symptom List is a self-reported measurefor a ssessing s ymptom severity in patients w ith WAD.The ques tionnaire is compos ed of the most reporte dWAD sympt oms in the litera ture and some autonomicsymptoms [25,45–46]. Every symptom is presented by avisual analog sca le (VAS) (100 mm), a me thod tha t isknown for its validity and reliability [47]. Previously, ourresearch group found a good internal consistency (Cron-bach = 0.9 2) fo r the WAD symp tom list (unpublisheddata).

The TSK is a 17-item questionnaire that measures thefear of (re)injury due to movement [48]. Items are scoredon a 4-point Likert scale, and a total score is calculated(1–4 for each item) after inve rsion of the individualscores of items 4, 8, 12, and 16. The total scores for theTSK range from 17 to 68, with scores of 37 suggestinglow fear of mo vement an d scores >3 7 ind icating h ighfear of movement [49–50]. The TSK-Dutch version usedin this study is a reliable and valid measure [12,50–52].

We used the PCS-Dutch version (PCS-DV) to meas-ure cat astrophic th inking ab out pain [5 1,53]. This self-reported qu estionnaire con sists o f 13 it ems describ ingdifferent thoughts and feelings that individuals mayexperience when experiencing pain. Items are scored on a5-point scale, and one general sco re can be obtained forthe degree of catastrophic thoughts about pain by addingup all individual item scores. This general score can besubdivided into thre e subs cales: Helple ssness, Magnifi-cation, and Ruminatio n. Higher scores co rrespond tomore severe catastrophic thoughts about pain. The psy-chometric properties of the PCS-DV are well established[51,54–55].

The PCI consists of six scales (33 items) measuringcognitive and behavioral pain-coping strategies that rep-resent two h igher o rder pa in co ping dim ensions: ac tive(distraction, transformation, and reducing demands) andpassive (resting, retreating, and worrying) [56]. Patie ntsare asked to indicate how often they apply a certain strate-gy when dealing with pain on 4-point Likert scale rangingfrom 1 (hardly ever) to 4 (very often) . Internal consis-tency, test- retest reliability, validity , and sensi tivity arereported as good in different patient populations [56–57].

The Neck Extension Test is used to diagnose sensorydisturbances in patients with whiplash and is able todiscriminate betwe en subjects with symptoms after awhiplash injury and subjects without head or neck com-plaints [5 8–59]. Durin g th e test, patients sit lo okingstraight forward and are a sked to move the ir head back-ward as far as possible resu lting in cervical extension.The patient’ s willingness to perform the movement isregistered and the degree of pa in experienced during thetest performance is measured using a VAS. When there isa problem with the motor control of th e mov ement,patients are freq uently anxious about moving their headtoward extension [60]. Then, the patient is asked to makethe same movement, placing their index finger on a self-chosen cervical segment. When the involved segment hasimpaired motor control, th en the ce rvical spine willextend better and the movement will be less or not at allpainful during this test situation [60]. Therefore, patientsare asked whic h movement felt be tter and pain is meas-ured using a VAS.

The BPPT is performed with the patient lying faceup.First, a gentle shoulder depression is carried out, followedby a glenohumeral abduction and external rotation, wristand finger extension, and elbow extension [11]. The elbowextension is stopped when the patient reports that the testis unp leasant o r pain ful. T he ob tained rang e of elbo wextension during the BPPT is measured u sing a standardgoniometer align ed along th e mid humeral shaft, medialepicondyle, and ulnar styloid [61–62]. If no pain is expe-rienced, elbow extension is continued to the normal endof range. At t he completion of the test, the subjec ts areasked to rate pain on a VAS [11]. According to Coppieterset al., pain pro vocation during neurodynamic testing is astable phenomenon and the range of elbow ex tensioncorresponding with th e mo ment o f “p ain on set” and“submaximal p ain” ma y be measured reliably, both inlaboratory and clinical conditions [63]. We performed thetest three times on each arm and calculated an average foreach side.

InterventionThe intervention consisted of two educational sessions

and an information leaflet about the neuro physiology ofpain. We used the Neurophysiology of Pain Test (patientversion) to tailor the se cond e ducational s ecession. A llsubjects participated in two one-on-one educational ses-sions about the neurophysiol ogy of pain. Ea ch s essionlasted about 30 minute s. The intervention was delivered

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by a therapist with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy,who received traini ng from two therapists with mast er’sdegrees in ph ysiotherapy and exp erience in prov idingpain physiology education. The therapist who conductedthe educational sessions was blinded to the res ults of themeasurements and questionnaires. The content and pic -tures of the educational sessions were based on the bookExplain Pa in [64 –66]. The edu cation covered th ephysiology of the nervous system in general and of thepain system in particular. The information was presentedin detail using pictures, examples, and me taphors. Westarted the sessions by questioning the patient on their ill-ness perceptions and pain cognitions. The therapist usedthis information to individually tailor the educational ses-sion. T opics addressed during the educational s essionsincluded the characteristics of acute versus chronic pain;the purpose of acute pain; how ac ute pain originates inthe nervous s ystem (noc iceptors, ion ga tes, neurons,action potent ial, nocicept ion, peripheral sensitiz ation,synapses, sy naptic gap, inhib itory/excitatory chemicals,spinal cord, desc ending/ascending p ain pa thways, b rainrole, pain memory , and pain perception); how painbecomes chronic (plasticity of the nervous system, modu-lation, modification, central sensitization, pain neuroma-trix theory); and potentia l sustaining fac tors of c entralsensitization like emotions, stress, pain cognitions, andpain behavior. We developed the educational session inline with the content of the Neurophysiology of Pain Testin s uch a w ay that afte r ha ving received the education,patients should be able to answer all questions of the testcorrectly. We presented the educational information ver-bally (explanation by the therapist) and visually (summa-ries, pictu res, an d diagrams on computer and paper).Patients could ask questions during the ses sions, and weused their input to individu alize the information. Afterthe first session, we asked pa tients to fill out the Neuro-physiology of Pain Test, a ques tionnaire to asse ss the irknowledge on pain neurophysiology [65]. This is a validand reliable questionnaire with 19 posings concerningnociception and the modulation of nociception that ne edto be answered with “true,” “false,” or “undecided” [66].A score can be calculated by adding the correct answers,for a total possible maximum score of 19. W e used theNeurophysiology of Pain Test as a part of the i nterven-tion to control which topics needed additional explanationduring the second session. Patients also received an infor-mation leaflet about the neurophysiology of pain and wereasked to read it car efully at home. Patients with chronic

WAD often report impairments in attention and concen-tration and could be less focused on some aspects of theverbal education. Therefore, additional written informa-tion that ca n be rea d afterwards is a valuable and es sen-tial part of the interventio n. During the sec ond se ssion,the therapist answered and explained additional questionsthat arose after reading the information leaflet. Based onincorrect answers scored on the Neurophysiology of PainTest, the the rapist se lected thos e ite ms and explainedthem once again and, if necessary, in more detail. After-wards, we asked patients t o fill out t he Neurophysiologyof Pain Test once again, to examine whether they under-stood all the information provided.

Statistical AnalysisWe analyz ed all da ta using SP SS version 16.0 for

Windows (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois). W e calculatedappropriate descriptive statistics and, to account for miss-ing data (see the “Results” section), used the “last obser-vation carried forward” method for the intention-to-treatanalysis. We compared baseline scores between the sevendifferent ass essment points using the W ilcoxon signedranks test to assess the natu ral variability of the symp-toms. For every variable, we calculated an average scorefrom the ba seline me asurements and another from thefollow-up meas urements. W e ex amined the tre atmenteffect by comparing the aver age baseline score with theaverage follow-up scores. A lthough we calculated oneaverage baseline score and one average follow-up scorefor statistical comparison, Figures 2 through 8 show theevolution of the scores over time.

Using a Wilcoxon signed ranks test, we comparedaverage test scores on base line variables with averagetest s cores on posttrea tment variables to establish thetherapy effect. We set the significance level at 0.05. Wecalculated effect sizes (ESs) as Cohen’s d, with d definedas the dif ference between the two means divided by thepooled standard deviation for those mea ns. A d-value of0.20 is described as small, 0.50 as medium (moderate), and0.80 as la rge [67]. Table 1 pre sents d-values translatedinto percentiles. For example, for an ES of 0.6, the valueof 73 percent indicate s tha t the average pers on in theexperimental group would score higher than 73 percent ofthe control group, assuming that the two were initiallyequivalent.

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Six patients with W AD grades I to II according toQTF-WAD guidelines particip ated in the study . Themean time since onset of pa in was 50 .3 ± 28.2 months.The g roup co nsisted o f 5 females an d 1 male, and t hemean age was 35.7 ± 7.3 years. All patients were Cauca-sian. One patient rep orted the use of lido caine patches(analgesic) and one pa tient occasionally used tetrazepam(anxiolytic and muscle relaxant). Table 2 presents detailedinformation about each patient.

We found no significant differences between the dif-ferent base line measurements that we c ollected weekly;

thus, we ca lculated an ave rage score for every variable.We also calculated an average score for every variable forthe follow-up measurements. The Wilcoxon signed rankstest showed some significant changes between the averagetest scores before and after the intervention (Table 1).

After patients received ed ucation about the neuro-physiology of pain, we found some significant changes inthe primary outcome measures. A significant decrease inaverage NDI scores was established (p = 0.046), and fiveout of six patients show ed a n avera ge improve ment of17.7 percent on the NDI. After the education session, thepercentage of neck disability (NDI) reduced from 28.3 to

Figure 2.Evolution of mean Pain Copin g Inventory (PCI) Resting sub scalescores over time in six patients with chronic whiplash associated dis-orders. Baseline assessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention;follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 3.Evolution of mean Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) scores overtime in six patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders. Base-line assessments at 3, 2, and 1 we ek before intervention; follow-upassessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 4.Evolution of mean Neck Disability Index (NDI) scores over t ime insix patients with chronic whiplash ass ociated dis orders. Bas elineassessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention; follow-up assess-ments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 5.Evolution of mean Wh iplash Associated Disorders (WAD) SymptomList Photophobia subscale scores by visual analog scale over time insix patients with chronic WAD. Baseline assess ments at 3, 2, and 1week before interventio n; follow- up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeksafter intervention.

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22.7 percent. PPTs measured at the trapezius muscle (p =0.03) and the calf (p = 0.04) improved significantly afterthe i ntervention. While a ll patient s showed improvedPPTs measured near the neck (33.3% improvement), fiveout of six patients s howed improve d PPTs measured a tthe calf (25.5% improvement).

After the inte rvention, we found a decrease in everyPCI subscale score regarding passive coping. The Res t-ing subscale significantly decreased (p = 0.03, d = 1.29)in all patient s with WAD, with a change in scores of18.3 percent. While in five ou t of six subjects, the meanscores on the Retreating and Worrying subscales decreasedby 8.1 and 8.7 percent, respectively, the changes were not

significant (Retreating subscale: p = 0.08, d = 0.25; Worry-ing subscale: p = 0.09, d = 0.31). We found no significantchanges for the PCI subs cales rega rding a ctive c opingand for the PCS. W e did, however, find a significantdecrease in the score on the TSK (p = 0.03, d = 0.82); allpatients with WAD showed an average improvement onthe TSK of 13.8 percent. Using the WAD Symptom List,we observed a significant reduction in photophobia (p =0.04, d = 0.34).

One patient from group 1 did not attend the physicalexaminations performed on day 35 . W e repl aced th emissing values using the last observation carried forwardmethod. After patients receiv ed the education interven-tion, pa in scores during th e BPPT reduced signific antly(p = 0.04, d = 1.45) from 31.15 mm to 12.47 mm. Duringthe Neck Extension Test, patients’ willingness to performthe movement was re gistered to indica te whethe r the rewas a p roblem w ith th eir m otor control, which oftentranslated to anxiousness to perform the movement. Thiswas the ca se for one patient who refused to perform theNeck Extension Test during the examinations in fear of painprovocation. At baseline, patients scored significantlylower (p = 0 .04) on the VAS during performance o f theNeck Extension Test when they were able to fixate a self-chosen cervical segment. At the follow-up measurements,the difference was no longer found to be significant (p =0.07). On t he q uestion “Cou ld you perform th e move-ment better during the test w ith or without fixation?” allpatients replied that the test with fixation helped them toperform the cervical extension movement better. This was

Figure 6.Evolution of mean pain pressure threshold (PPT) scores over time insix patients with chronic whiplash ass ociated dis orders. Bas elineassessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention; follow-up assess-ments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 7. Evolution of mean Neck Extension Test scores by visual analog scaleover time in five patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders.Baseline assessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before int ervention; follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 8.Evolution of mean Brachial Plexus Provocation Test (BPPT) scores byvisual ana log sc ale over tim e in six pat ients with chronic whiplashassociated disorders. Baseline assessments at 3, 2 , and 1 week beforeintervention; follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

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the case for both the baseline and follow-up measurements.Comparing the Neck Extension Test before and after theintervention, we recorded a significant redu ction o f43.5 percent on the VAS for the test without fixation (p =0.04, d = 1.16) and 59.2 percent for the test with fixation(p = 0.04, d = 1.04).


These data from a single-c ase s tudy on six pa tientswith chronic WAD suggest that pa in physiology educa-tion is accompanied by improvements in pain cognitions,pain thresholds, and pain-free movement performance.

Table 1.Results of questio nnaires and clin ical assessments analyz ed with W ilcoxon signed ranks test in six patients with chronic whipla sh associateddisorders (WAD).

Measure Baseline (mean ± SD)

Follow-Up (mean ± SD)

Percent Improvement

(%)p-Value Cohen’s

d ES

Transformed Cohen’s

Percentiles (%)PCI (score)

Resting 2.62 ± 0.33 2.14 ± 0.41 18.3 0.03 1.29 ±90Retreating 1.97 ± 0.61 1.81 ± 0.67 8.1 0.08 0.25 ±60Worrying 2.08 ± 0.59 1.90 ± 0.58 8.7 0.09 0.31 ±62

TSK (score) 38.61 ± 4.85 33.29 ± 7.80 13.8 0.03 0.82 ±80NDI (score) 14.13 ± 4.77 11.63 ± 5.97 17.7 0.04 0.46 ±68WAD Symptom List (VAS [mm]))

Photophobia 21.30 ± 23.06 14.10 ± 19.43 33.8 0.04 0.34 ±64Neck Mobility 40.75 ± 26.81 16.97 ± 21.73 58.4 0.08 0.97 ±83Sweating 9.42 ± 14.73 2.93 ± 7.00 68.9 0.07 0.56 ±72Total 19.56 ± 11.66 10.85 ± 15.93 44.5 0.08 0.62 ±74

PPT (kg/cm2)Trapezius 2.82 ± 1.57 3.76 ± 1.70 33.3 0.03 –0.57 ±72Calf 4.79 ± 2.53 6.01 ± 3.27 25.5 0.04 –0.42 ±66

Neck Extension Test (VAS [mm])Without Fixation 28.91 ± 7.59 16.33 ± 13.39 43.5 0.04 1.16 ±86With Fixation 11.03 ± 6.99 4.50 ± 5.43 59.2 0.04 1.04 ±84

BPPT (VAS [mm]) 31.15 ± 18.25 12.47 ± 0.70 60.0 0.04 1.45 ±93Note: Transformed Cohen’s d percentiles indicate percentage of mean baseline scores that would be below mean of follow-up scores.BPPT = Brachial Plexus Pr ovocation Test, ES = effect size, NDI = Neck Disability Index, PCI = Pain Coping Inventory, PPT = pain pressure threshold, SD =standard deviation, TSK = Tampa Score for Kinesiophobia, VAS = visual analog scale.

Table 2.Demographic characteristics of patients with whiplash associated disorders.

Patient Sex Age (yr)

Time Since Onset of

Complaints (mo)

Marital Status

Parental Status (No. of children)

Analgesic Use

Antidepressant Use

1 M 49 12 Married 4 No No2 F 29 46 Not married 0 No Yes3 F 35 72 Not married 0 No No4 F 38 24 Married 3 No No5 F 31 64 Not married 0 No No6 F 32 84 Not married 0 Yes No

F = female, M = male.

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Because there we re no sign ificant changes betwee n thedifferent asse ssment s cores that were repe ated wee klyduring the ba seline pe riod, we can accept tha t theseimprovements were due to the intervention.

During the base line period, the a verage score on theTSK indicated high fear of movement in all patients withWAD. Throughout the education, we explained the posi-tive effect of movement on the healing process of dam-aged tissues and informed pa tients that movement wouldnot per se cause (re)injury (even if they are in pain). Dur-ing th e follow-up p eriod, we o bserved a significantdecrease in kine siophobia and, using the cutoff score of37, identified low fear of movement in all participants. Inaddition, resting was significantly less used in response topain, and while it was not fo und significant, patientsreported using few er pa ssive coping strate gies suc h asworrying and retreating.

Hypervigilance, catastrophizing, and avoidance behavi-or are important psychosocial factors of cognitive emo-tional sensitization. Descending faci litatory pathwayshave been identifie d connecting the brain stem with thespinal cord. Behaviora l e vidence show s tha t forebraincenters, responsible for emotional and cognitive control,are capable of e xerting powerful clinicall y significantinfluences on various nuclei of the bra in ste m [68]. Inaddition, the limbic system—a group of structures in thebrain involved i n emotions , mo ods, an d reg ulation ofemotional reactio ns—is neur ophysiologically co nnectedto nuclei in the brain stem from which the pain facili ta-tory pathways depart [68]. Consequently, negative emo-tions, thoughts, attention, stress, etc ., c an modula te theactivity in the descending pathways, facilitating pain andresulting in cognitive emot ional sensitizati on [68]. Incases of hyp ervigilance, catastrophizing, or av oidancebehavior, in tensive education abo ut the ex act natu re ofchronic whiplash pain is likely to facilitate effective reha-bilitation. McClune et al. de veloped an evidence-basededucational booklet, The Whiplash Book [6 9–70]. Th econtent emphasizes the pos itive prognosis of whiplashinjuries and promotes activity [69]. Patients wit h acuteWAD showed a substantial improvement in beliefs afterreading the book. In contrast, patients with WAD attend-ing a priv ate practice for man ipulation showed onl y asmall change in beliefs, and the authors ar gued that thismay have been du e to the chronicity of their symptoms[70]. Changing inappropriate pain beliefs should be theinitial phase of rehabilitation in those with chronic WAD.If not, poor understanding of pain may lead to the acqui-

sition of maladaptive attitud es, cognitions, and behaviorin relation to pain and co nsequently poor compliance toany active treatment.

After reco nceptualizing pain duri ng th e edu cationalsessions, patients’ improvements in pain behavior duringthe follow-up period were accompanied by a decrease insymptoms. We established a trend for a decrease in over-all symptom severity (the total score on the WAD Symp-tom Li st) with a Cohen’ s d ES of 0.62 (transformedCohen’s d = 74%). Patients reported less sweating (trans-formed Cohen’s d = 72%) and photophobia (transformedCohen’s d = 64%). Sweating and photophobia are symp-toms that indicate the presence of central sensitization. Itseems plausible that improving pain beliefs and behavioris important, not only for enabling proper functioning ofthe central pain-inhibitory pathways, but also for improvingmovement performance. Inappropriate cognitions appearclosely related to movement performance [27,32]. Patientsreported a trend toward improvement in neck mobility onthe WAD Symptom List and a significant de crease onself-rated disabilit y (NDI). Neck disabili ty experiencedby patients decreased from 28.26 to 22.72 percent. Theseresults are c omparable to the findings of Moseley [30],although that study used f our educational sessions of1 hour each in combination with physiotherapy to reducedisability in patients with chronic low back pain. Thepresent study achieved simila r responses in patients withchronic WAD using o nly two educational sessions of30 minutes each. An e ducational session of 30 minute swould be more suitable for application to cl inical prac-tice. Not only are treatment sessions with a physical thera-pist re stricted in time, patie nts with chronic W ADadditionally often experience attention and concentrationdifficulties.

Using the Neck Extension T est, we est ablishedimpairment in cervical motor control at baseline. After theintervention, we could detect no significant impairmentand more over, patients experienced s ignificantly les spain du ring cervical mo vement perfo rmance. Weobserved the s ame during the BPP T, whe re we estab-lished an improvement in pa in-free movement of 60 per-cent. We found a lar ge ES ranking in the ninety-thirdCohen’s percentile. PPTs measured near the neck and thecalf increa sed significa ntly by 33.2 and 25.5 perce nt,respectively. By altering pain cognitions , s uch as paincoping and avoidance behavior, it could be possib le thatpatients are more exposed to activity that in turn leads toincreased or altere d pe rformance [13,71]. In the longer

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term, this could res ult in incre ased PPTs and pain toler-ance. The combination of self-reported measures andclinical assessments is a strength of this study. For futureresearch it would be useful to examine whether pain edu-cation improves cervical mobility during performance ofthe Neck Extension Test as well.

Education about pain neurophysiology is on e aspectof chronic pain rehabilitation, and it would be useful tofurther examine its effect in combination with other thera-pies. Although it seems interesting to examine the effectof combined treatment, we first wished to examinewhether edu cation on pain n europhysiology h as anypotential for patient s with chr onic WAD. Although t hepresent pilot study was sma ll, it is re markable tha t weobserved some important significant cha nges and ESs .Besides, the single-case study design is a research designthat has proven its usefulne ss in the behavioral sciences.In medical science it is often used to systematically evalu-ate new treatments for specific (usually chronic) patientpopulations. The baselin e pe riod typically consists ofseveral baseline assessments that account for the naturalvariability of the patients’ health status. If this naturalvariability of the chronic patie nt is suddenly “disturbed”during the intervention pe riod, the change might beattributed to the intervent ion. Hence, the single-ca sestudy design can be used t o examine the feasibility of anew treatment for a particular population in preparationof a lar ge rando mized, controlled cl inical trial . Cautionshould be taken with generalizing the study findings. Thestudy findings are solely applicable to people with WADgrades I to II. Currently, data addressing the applicabilityof pain physiology ed ucation in patients with chronicWAD grades III to IV are currently unavailable. In addi-tion, we used a small sample size and the ef fects of edu-cation are dependent on not on ly the format, the c ontent,and the patient , but also the practitioner providing theeducation. The attitude of the healthcare provider is cru-cial in ed ucating patients [7 2]. Alth ough the curren tresults need to be verified in a randomized clinical trial,the present study suggests that education about the neuro-physiology of pain is able to increase PPTs and improvepain behavior and pain-free movement performance.


Chronic WAD is a debilitating and costly condit ion,and treatment remains challenging for clinicians, includ-ing rehabilitation specialists and physiotherapists. Because

very few trials have evaluated conservative interventionsfor patients with chronic W AD, clinical studies examin-ing the effectiveness of conservative treatment strategiesare required. Changing inappropriate pain beliefs shouldbe the initial phase of rehabilitation in those with chronicWAD. If not, poor understanding of pain may lead to theacquisition of maladapti ve attitudes, cognitions, andbehavior in relation to pain and subsequent poor compli-ance to any active treatment. The results of this pilotstudy suggest t hat rehabilitation specialists and physicaltherapists ar e able to infl uence ne gative th oughts an dpain behavior b y educating patients with chro nic WADabout the neuro physiology of pain . The imp rovement inpain behavior resulted in im proved neck disability andincreased pain-free movement performance and painthresholds.


Author Contributions:Study concept and design: J. Nijs.Acquisition of data: N. Van den Keybus, J. Craps.Analysis and interpretation of data: J. Van Oosterwijck.Drafting of manuscript: J. Van Oosterwijck.Critical revision of manuscript for important intellectual content: M. Meeus, J. Nijs, L. Paul.Statistical analysis: S. Truijen, J. Van Oosterwijck.Study supervision: J. Nijs, J. Van Oosterwijck.Financial Disclosures: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.Funding/Support: This material was based on work supported by the Faculty of Physical Education & Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (PhD grant to Ms. Van Oosterwijck, Onderzoeksraad project 1596). Dr. Meeus is a postdoctoral research fellow of the Fund for Sci-entific Research Flanders.Additional Contributions: The authors are grateful to the Department of Physical Medicine, University Hospital Antwerp, for providing study facilities and study subjects.Institutional Review: The Ethics Committee of the University Hospi-tal of Antwerp approved this study. Subjects signed an informed consent form.Participant Follow-Up: The authors plan to inform participants of the publication of this study.


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Submitted for publication December 31, 2009. Acceptedin revised form July 12, 2010.

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This article and any supplementary material should becited as follows:Van Oosterwijck J, Nijs J, Mee us M, Truijen S, Craps J,Van den Keybus N, Paul L. Pain neurophysiology educa-tion improves cognitions, pain thresholds, and movementperformance i n people with chronic whiplash: A pilot

study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011;48(1):43–58.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2009.12.0206

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Page 17: Pain neurophysiology education improves cognitions, pain ... · the neurophysiology of pain is accompanied by changes in symptoms, daily functioning, pain beliefs, and behavior. Periods

JRRDJRRD Volume 48, Number 1, 2011

Pages 43–58

Journal of Rehabil itation Research & Development

Pain neurophysiology education improves cognitions, pain thresholds, and movement performance in people with chronic whiplash: A pilot study

Jessica Van Oosterwijck, MS;1–3 Jo Nijs, PhD;1–3* Mira Meeus, PhD;1–2 Steven Truijen, PhD, MSc;2 Julie Craps, MS;2 Nick Van den Keybus, MS;2 Lorna Paul, PhD41Department of Human Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education & Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium; 2Division of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Department of Health Care Sciences, Artesis University College of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; 3Department of Physical Medicine and Physiotherapy, University Hospital Brussels, Brussels, Belgium; 4Nursing and Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Abstract—Chronic whiplash is a debil itating condition charac-terized by increased sensit ivity t o painful stimuli, mal adaptiveillness beliefs, inappropriate at titudes, and movement dysfunc-tions. Previous work in people with chronic low back pain andchronic fat igue syndrome indicates that pain neurophysiologyeducation is able to improve illness beliefs and att itudes as wellas mo vement p erformance. This sin gle-case st udy (A-B-Cdesign) with six patients with chronic whiplash associated disor-ders (WAD) was aimed at examining whether education aboutthe neurophysiology o f p ain is acco mpanied b y ch anges insymptoms, daily functioning, pain beliefs, and behavior. PeriodsA and C represented asse ssment periods, w hile p eriod B con-sisted of the intervention (pain neuro physiology education).Results showed a significa nt decrease in k inesiophobia (TampaScale for Ki nesiophobia), th e passiv e coping strategy of resting(Pain Co ping I nventory), self-r ated di sability (Neck D isabilityIndex), and p hotophobia (WAD Sy mptom List) . At th e sametime, si gnificantly i ncreased p ain pr essure t hresholds andimproved pain-free movement performance (visual analog scaleon Neck Extension Test and Brach ial Plexus Provocation Test)were established. Although the current results need to be verifiedin a rand omized, controlled t rial, they suggest that educa tionabout the physiology of pain is able to increase pain thresholdsand improve p ain b ehavior and pain -free mo vement p erform-ance in patients with chronic WAD.

Key wo rds: chronic pain, chronic whiplash, cognitions, educa-tion, m ovement perform ance, pain behavior, pain neurophysiol-ogy, pain thresholds, rehabilitation, whiplash associated disorders.


A whiplash trauma of the neck can result in bony orsoft-tissue injuries that produce a large variety of clinicalmanifestations grouped under the term wh iplash associ-ated disorders (WAD) [1]. Using the Quebec Task Forceon WAD (QTF-WAD) guidelines [1], WAD can be classi-fied into five grades of severity: grade 0 = no neck symp-toms or physical sign(s); grade I = neck pain, stiffness, ortenderness but no physical sign(s); grade II = neck symp-toms and musculoskeletal sign(s) such as decreased rangeof motion and point tenderness; grade III = neck symptomsand neurologic sign(s ); and grade IV = neck symptoms

Abbreviations: BPPT = Brachial Plexus Provocation Test, ES =effect size, NDI = Neck Disabi lity Index, PCI = Pain CopingInventory, PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale, PCS-DV = PCS-Dutch v ersion, PPT = pai n pressure thresh old, QTF-WAD =Quebec Task Force on w hiplash associated disorders, TSK =Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, VAS = v isual a nalog s cale,WAD = whiplash associated disorders.*Address all correspondence to Jo Nijs, PhD; Vrije Univer-siteit Brussel, Faculty of Physical Education & Physiothera-py, Department of Human Physiology, Building L–3rd floor,Pleinlaan 2, BE-105 0 Brussel s, Bel gium; +32 -2-629-27-53;fax: +32-2-629-28-76. Email: [email protected]:10.1682/JRRD.2009.12.0206


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and fracture or dislocation. Between 10 and 42 percent ofpatients who su stain a whi plash in jury dev elop c hronicpain and approximately 10 percent of patients experienceconstant severe pain [1 –4]. The main pai n complaintsthat pe rsist 6 months after the acc ident are ne ck pain(10%–45%), headache (8%–30%), and pain in the shoul-der and arm (5%–25%) [5] . Additional c omplaints bypatients with chronic WAD are depression, fear, difficultyconcentrating, fatigue, and irritability [1,6].

Little is known about the continuum of W AD fromthe time of injury through transition to either recovery orchronicity [7]. Several mechanisms such as altered cen-tral pain processing and central sensitization [8–11] andthe role of cog nitions and behaviors [12–15] have b eensuggested, and evide nce that supports these theorie s isrising. The dearth of tri als evaluating conservative treat-ments for patients with chronic WAD is striking. Stewartstated that very few trials have evaluated interventionsfor patients with chronic whiplash [16], while V erhagenet al. performed a systematic review concluding that noneof the investigated conservative treatments were effectivefor the treatment of acute, subacute, or chronic symptomsof WAD [17]. The cases that do not recover by 3 monthsare res ponsible for the majority of whiplash costs [1];therefore, treatments that prevent transition to chronicityor that are effective for chronic whiplash have the poten-tial to significantly reduce social and economic costs [15].Holm et al. suggested that education about the physiologyof c hronic whip lash pa in ca n im prove ex pectations fo rrecovery, especially in th e (sub)acute stages of W AD[18]. This is su pported by Oliveira et al., who evaluatedthe effects of a psychoeducational film shown to patientswith acute whipla sh who consulted an emer gency unitafter injury [19]. The film consisted of information aboutsymptomatology, physiology of a cervical strain, physiologyand physical/emotional triggers of muscle tension, medi-cal treatment, expectations of recovery, and examples ofexercises. This psyc hoeducational intervention resultedin improved recovery in the patients with subacute whip-lash. In pat ients with chro nic WAD, programs includingexercise and extensive educa tion to change pa in co gni-tions and pain coping strategies resulted in a positive out-come [15,20].

Catastrophic beliefs a bout pain are a ssociated withheightened pain and disability in people with chronicWAD and play an important role in the transition from(sub)acute to chronic WAD [12,21–22]. In addition, psy-chological factors such as depress ion, anxiety, expecta-

tions co ncerning recovery , and hig h p sychologicaldistress have been identified as important prognostic fac-tors for patients with WAD [7,18,23–24]. Söderlund andLindberg described the importance of using positive cop-ing strategies in dealing with whiplash-related com-plaints [22,25]. Patients who are misinforme d about painconsider pain to be more threatening and present lowerpain tolerance, more catas trophic thoughts, and lessadaptive coping s trategies [26]. There fore, the educationof pain neurophysiology is aimed at bo th alt eringpatients’ knowledge about their pain states and reconcep-tualizing pain [27]. Psychoeducational interventions thathave be en studied in W AD often include informing thepatient about symptomatology, recovery , activi ty, andtreatment an d/or ad dressing pa in b ehavior and be liefs.When only cognitive and behavioral responses ar eencouraged, without reconceptualizing pain, these responsesmay be counterintuitive for patients with chronic painbecause pain is still a sign of harm to them [28]. There-fore, Moseley relies on “deep learning” education on painneurophysiology that is aimed at reconceptualizing pain,on the assumption that appropriate cognitive and behavioralresponses will follow when pain is appraised as lessdangerous [29]. Even when education about physiologyis included in psychoeducational programs, it is often limi-ted to the physiology of a cer vical strain. Except for thechanges that occur in the local tissues because of a whip-lash injury, changes in local and central pain mechanismsplay a n important role a nd should be a ddressed, e spe-cially for patients with chronic pain. Pain neurophysiologyeducation targets this by re conceptualizing the underly-ing ph ysiological problem of a pa tient’s p ain on theassumption that an appropriate cognitive and behavioral/motor response will follow [28].

Education about the neurophysiology of pain hasbeen studied in chronic pain populations, such as chroniclow back pain [27,29–32] and chronic fatigue syndrome[33]. In patients with chro nic fatigue syndrome, a singleeducational session was able to a lter cognitions, suc h ascatastrophizing, and pain behavior , such as coping [33].In patients with chronic low back pain, pain physiologyeducation alters pain beliefs and attitudes and, in con-junction with phys iotherapy, i mproves functional andsymptomatic outcomes [27,29–32]. Mose ley has alsoshown tha t altered pain beliefs are directly a ssociatedwith altered movement performance, even if no opportu-nity to be physica lly active is available [27,32]. Thisimplies that motor performance may be directly limitedby pain beliefs. Education about the n europhysiology of

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pain fits withi n our current understanding of chronicWAD and it might be able to address cognitive emotionalsensitization (central hypersensitivity influenced andmodulated by cognitions and emotions) in these patients[34]. T aking this int o considerat ion, patient educationseems an e conomical, time-saving method to use in t hetreatment of WAD. By using education to improve incor-rect pain cognitions and attitudes, we might prevent chro-nicity or improve treatment success.

The single-case study design is often used to system-atically evaluate new treatments for spec ific (usuallychronic) patient populations. Hence, it can be used inpreparation of a large rand omized, co ntrolled cl inicaltrial. One of the crucial features of the single-case designis cont inuous measur ement th roughout different condi-tions, which makes it possible to use individuals as theirown controls. The function of the baseline is to descri bethe present state and predict fut ure projection if no inter-vention were to take place. By this function, it is possibleto judge whether change has occurred from the base lineperiod to the intervention period. The baseline period of asingle-case study typic ally c onsists of several base lineassessments that account for the natural variability of thepatients’ health status. If this (often minimal) variabilityis suddenly “dis turbed” when the intervention is con-ducted, it is accepted that th is is a cons equence of theintervention.

Although the use of psychoeducational interventionshas been studied in patient s with acute WAD, the use ofpain neurophysiology education in patients with chronicWAD has not been examined previously. Therefore, thepresent study is aimed at examining whether two one-on-one education sessions about the neurophysiology of painmay lead to a change in pain beliefs and behavior, symp-tom sev erity, d aily fun ctioning, pain threshold, andmovement performance in patients with chronic WAD. Thetreatment is evaluated using a single-case study design.


SubjectsWe selected patients with WAD grades I to II accord-

ing to the QTF-WAD [1], who were experiencing chronicpain as result of a whiplash injury, from the medical filesavailable a t a university-base d departme nt of physicalmedicine. In WAD grades III to IV, neurological damage,fractures, a nd dislocations might explain the s ymptomsexperienced by patients, whereas in WAD grades I to II,

no physical signs c an be iden tified even when sophis ti-cated imagin g tech niques are u sed [3 5–38]. Given th efocus of the education on central se nsitization as anexplanatory model fo r WAD symptoms, w e d eemed itappropriate t o limit the study to pat ients with W ADgrades I to II. In addition, when anatomical abnormalitiesare established, patients are treated by (specialized) phy-sicians, whereas patients without objective signs of tissuedamage are referred to a physical therapist for conserva-tive treatme nt. For thes e reas ons, the study focused onpatients with WAD grades I to II. In tota l, we selected23 p atients e xperiencing chronic complai nts due to awhiplash injury w ho sought care a t a local university-based clinic. W e s creened the medical files of these23 patients according to the inclusion and exclusion crite-ria of the study. We qualified patients with chronic WADgrades I to II having Dutch as their native language and18 to 65 years old to participate in the present study. Outof the 23 patients, 1 1 fulfilled the inclusion criteria. W econtacted these patients by telephone and informed themabout the study. Six patients agreed to participate i n thestudy, while five patients declined because they were notinterested or they had no t ime to attend the seven studyvisits.

ProcedureWe invited patients to participate in the st udy and

gave them a detailed information leaflet. The informationleaflet stated that the patients were allowed to continueany ongoing treatments but asked them not to initiate anynew treatments (medication, rehabilitation, alternativemedicine). We the n colle cted patient de mographic data(age, time sinc e onset of compla ints, medication us age,etc.) using a questionnaire.

This single-case study consisted of an A-B-C designin which periods A and C represent the assessment peri-ods and period B represents the intervention (Figure 1).Period A represents the base line period, while period Crepresents the treatment-free follow -up. During theassessment (period A), we asked patients to fill out a bat-tery of questionnaires, i.e., the Neck Disabilit y I ndex(NDI), the WAD Symptom List, the Pain CatastrophizingScale (PCS), the Pain Coping Inventory (PCI), and theTampa Scale for Kinesioph obia (TSK). We also subjectedpatients to a set of c linical a ssessments, i.e., the Ne ckExtension T est, the Brachia l Plexus Provocation T est(BPPT), and algometry. We randomized the test order topreclude test-order bias. We randomly allocated patients

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into two groups and blinde d the as sessor to the groupallocation. Both groups rece ived the same treatment andunderwent the s ame me asurements but dif fered in thesequence of events that to ok pla ce during the studyperiod. H ence, we blinded the a ssessor to the e xactmoment at which the intervention took place. The fi rstgroup consisted of two patients who received their base-line measurements (period A) on days 1 , 7 , and 14. Onday 14, they received the first treatment session (period B).The second session was given on day 21 followed by thefirst posttreatment measurements. The follow-up meas-urements (period C) wer e given on days 28 , 35, and 42.The second group consisted of four patients who receivedthe base line measurements (period A) on days 1, 7, 14,and 21, followed by the treatment on days 21 and 28, andfinally the follow-up (period C) on days 28 , 35, and 42.We subjected the first group to three preassessments andfour postassessments, while the second group underwentfour preassessments and thre e postass essments as pre -sented in Figure 1.

Measurements and Questionnaires We chose the NDI a nd the pain pre ssure thresholds

(PPTs) as the primary outcome measures. The N DI wasdeveloped in 19 91 as a modif ication o f th e OswestryBack Pain Index and was the first instrument designed toassess self-rated disability in patients with neck pain [39–40]. Th e NDI is sc ored from 0 (g ood fu nction) to 50(poor function), and the percen tage o f disabil ity can b eobtained when the score is multiplied by two. The NDI isa vali d and rel iable instrument sensitive to measur echanges within a popula tion of patients with neck pain[39–40].

We measured PPTs bilaterally with an anal og Fisheralgometer (Force Dial model FDK 40 Pus h Pull F orceGage, Wagner In struments; Greenwich, Conn ecticut) inthe skin web between thumb and index finger [41], at theproximal third of the calf, and at the upper trapezius mus-cle (pars descendens) midway between cervical 7 and thetip of the ac romion [42]. We assessed these sites in ran-dom order. We gradually increased the force at a rate of

Figure 1.Study protocol. Questionnaires: Neck Disability Index, Whiplash Associated Disorders Symptom List, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Pain CopingInventory, and Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. Clinical assessments: Neck Extension Test, Brachial Plexus Provocation Test, and pain pressurethresholds.

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1 kg/m2/s [43]. We defined PPT as the point at which thepressure sensation turned to pain [8]. We determined thePPT as the me an of the two las t values out of thre e con-secutive measurements (10 s in betwe en), since this pro-cedure has fo und to be reliable in nondisabled co ntrols[43]. Algometry provides a reliable and valid measure ofPPTs [44].

The WAD Symptom List is a self-reported measurefor a ssessing s ymptom severity in patients w ith WAD.The ques tionnaire is compos ed of the most reporte dWAD sympt oms in the litera ture and some autonomicsymptoms [25,45–46]. Every symptom is presented by avisual analog sca le (VAS) (100 mm), a me thod tha t isknown for its validity and reliability [47]. Previously, ourresearch group found a good internal consistency (Cron-bach = 0.9 2) fo r the WAD symp tom list (unpublisheddata).

The TSK is a 17-item questionnaire that measures thefear of (re)injury due to movement [48]. Items are scoredon a 4-point Likert scale, and a total score is calculated(1–4 for each item) after inve rsion of the individualscores of items 4, 8, 12, and 16. The total scores for theTSK range from 17 to 68, with scores of 37 suggestinglow fear of mo vement an d scores >3 7 ind icating h ighfear of movement [49–50]. The TSK-Dutch version usedin this study is a reliable and valid measure [12,50–52].

We used the PCS-Dutch version (PCS-DV) to meas-ure cat astrophic th inking ab out pain [5 1,53]. This self-reported qu estionnaire con sists o f 13 it ems describ ingdifferent thoughts and feelings that individuals mayexperience when experiencing pain. Items are scored on a5-point scale, and one general sco re can be obtained forthe degree of catastrophic thoughts about pain by addingup all individual item scores. This general score can besubdivided into thre e subs cales: Helple ssness, Magnifi-cation, and Ruminatio n. Higher scores co rrespond tomore severe catastrophic thoughts about pain. The psy-chometric properties of the PCS-DV are well established[51,54–55].

The PCI consists of six scales (33 items) measuringcognitive and behavioral pain-coping strategies that rep-resent two h igher o rder pa in co ping dim ensions: ac tive(distraction, transformation, and reducing demands) andpassive (resting, retreating, and worrying) [56]. Patie ntsare asked to indicate how often they apply a certain strate-gy when dealing with pain on 4-point Likert scale rangingfrom 1 (hardly ever) to 4 (very often) . Internal consis-tency, test- retest reliability, validity , and sensi tivity arereported as good in different patient populations [56–57].

The Neck Extension Test is used to diagnose sensorydisturbances in patients with whiplash and is able todiscriminate betwe en subjects with symptoms after awhiplash injury and subjects without head or neck com-plaints [5 8–59]. Durin g th e test, patients sit lo okingstraight forward and are a sked to move the ir head back-ward as far as possible resu lting in cervical extension.The patient’ s willingness to perform the movement isregistered and the degree of pa in experienced during thetest performance is measured using a VAS. When there isa problem with the motor control of th e mov ement,patients are freq uently anxious about moving their headtoward extension [60]. Then, the patient is asked to makethe same movement, placing their index finger on a self-chosen cervical segment. When the involved segment hasimpaired motor control, th en the ce rvical spine willextend better and the movement will be less or not at allpainful during this test situation [60]. Therefore, patientsare asked whic h movement felt be tter and pain is meas-ured using a VAS.

The BPPT is performed with the patient lying faceup.First, a gentle shoulder depression is carried out, followedby a glenohumeral abduction and external rotation, wristand finger extension, and elbow extension [11]. The elbowextension is stopped when the patient reports that the testis unp leasant o r pain ful. T he ob tained rang e of elbo wextension during the BPPT is measured u sing a standardgoniometer align ed along th e mid humeral shaft, medialepicondyle, and ulnar styloid [61–62]. If no pain is expe-rienced, elbow extension is continued to the normal endof range. At t he completion of the test, the subjec ts areasked to rate pain on a VAS [11]. According to Coppieterset al., pain pro vocation during neurodynamic testing is astable phenomenon and the range of elbow ex tensioncorresponding with th e mo ment o f “p ain on set” and“submaximal p ain” ma y be measured reliably, both inlaboratory and clinical conditions [63]. We performed thetest three times on each arm and calculated an average foreach side.

InterventionThe intervention consisted of two educational sessions

and an information leaflet about the neuro physiology ofpain. We used the Neurophysiology of Pain Test (patientversion) to tailor the se cond e ducational s ecession. A llsubjects participated in two one-on-one educational ses-sions about the neurophysiol ogy of pain. Ea ch s essionlasted about 30 minute s. The intervention was delivered

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by a therapist with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy,who received traini ng from two therapists with mast er’sdegrees in ph ysiotherapy and exp erience in prov idingpain physiology education. The therapist who conductedthe educational sessions was blinded to the res ults of themeasurements and questionnaires. The content and pic -tures of the educational sessions were based on the bookExplain Pa in [64 –66]. The edu cation covered th ephysiology of the nervous system in general and of thepain system in particular. The information was presentedin detail using pictures, examples, and me taphors. Westarted the sessions by questioning the patient on their ill-ness perceptions and pain cognitions. The therapist usedthis information to individually tailor the educational ses-sion. T opics addressed during the educational s essionsincluded the characteristics of acute versus chronic pain;the purpose of acute pain; how ac ute pain originates inthe nervous s ystem (noc iceptors, ion ga tes, neurons,action potent ial, nocicept ion, peripheral sensitiz ation,synapses, sy naptic gap, inhib itory/excitatory chemicals,spinal cord, desc ending/ascending p ain pa thways, b rainrole, pain memory , and pain perception); how painbecomes chronic (plasticity of the nervous system, modu-lation, modification, central sensitization, pain neuroma-trix theory); and potentia l sustaining fac tors of c entralsensitization like emotions, stress, pain cognitions, andpain behavior. We developed the educational session inline with the content of the Neurophysiology of Pain Testin s uch a w ay that afte r ha ving received the education,patients should be able to answer all questions of the testcorrectly. We presented the educational information ver-bally (explanation by the therapist) and visually (summa-ries, pictu res, an d diagrams on computer and paper).Patients could ask questions during the ses sions, and weused their input to individu alize the information. Afterthe first session, we asked pa tients to fill out the Neuro-physiology of Pain Test, a ques tionnaire to asse ss the irknowledge on pain neurophysiology [65]. This is a validand reliable questionnaire with 19 posings concerningnociception and the modulation of nociception that ne edto be answered with “true,” “false,” or “undecided” [66].A score can be calculated by adding the correct answers,for a total possible maximum score of 19. W e used theNeurophysiology of Pain Test as a part of the i nterven-tion to control which topics needed additional explanationduring the second session. Patients also received an infor-mation leaflet about the neurophysiology of pain and wereasked to read it car efully at home. Patients with chronic

WAD often report impairments in attention and concen-tration and could be less focused on some aspects of theverbal education. Therefore, additional written informa-tion that ca n be rea d afterwards is a valuable and es sen-tial part of the interventio n. During the sec ond se ssion,the therapist answered and explained additional questionsthat arose after reading the information leaflet. Based onincorrect answers scored on the Neurophysiology of PainTest, the the rapist se lected thos e ite ms and explainedthem once again and, if necessary, in more detail. After-wards, we asked patients t o fill out t he Neurophysiologyof Pain Test once again, to examine whether they under-stood all the information provided.

Statistical AnalysisWe analyz ed all da ta using SP SS version 16.0 for

Windows (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois). W e calculatedappropriate descriptive statistics and, to account for miss-ing data (see the “Results” section), used the “last obser-vation carried forward” method for the intention-to-treatanalysis. We compared baseline scores between the sevendifferent ass essment points using the W ilcoxon signedranks test to assess the natu ral variability of the symp-toms. For every variable, we calculated an average scorefrom the ba seline me asurements and another from thefollow-up meas urements. W e ex amined the tre atmenteffect by comparing the aver age baseline score with theaverage follow-up scores. A lthough we calculated oneaverage baseline score and one average follow-up scorefor statistical comparison, Figures 2 through 8 show theevolution of the scores over time.

Using a Wilcoxon signed ranks test, we comparedaverage test scores on base line variables with averagetest s cores on posttrea tment variables to establish thetherapy effect. We set the significance level at 0.05. Wecalculated effect sizes (ESs) as Cohen’s d, with d definedas the dif ference between the two means divided by thepooled standard deviation for those mea ns. A d-value of0.20 is described as small, 0.50 as medium (moderate), and0.80 as la rge [67]. Table 1 pre sents d-values translatedinto percentiles. For example, for an ES of 0.6, the valueof 73 percent indicate s tha t the average pers on in theexperimental group would score higher than 73 percent ofthe control group, assuming that the two were initiallyequivalent.

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Six patients with W AD grades I to II according toQTF-WAD guidelines particip ated in the study . Themean time since onset of pa in was 50 .3 ± 28.2 months.The g roup co nsisted o f 5 females an d 1 male, and t hemean age was 35.7 ± 7.3 years. All patients were Cauca-sian. One patient rep orted the use of lido caine patches(analgesic) and one pa tient occasionally used tetrazepam(anxiolytic and muscle relaxant). Table 2 presents detailedinformation about each patient.

We found no significant differences between the dif-ferent base line measurements that we c ollected weekly;

thus, we ca lculated an ave rage score for every variable.We also calculated an average score for every variable forthe follow-up measurements. The Wilcoxon signed rankstest showed some significant changes between the averagetest scores before and after the intervention (Table 1).

After patients received ed ucation about the neuro-physiology of pain, we found some significant changes inthe primary outcome measures. A significant decrease inaverage NDI scores was established (p = 0.046), and fiveout of six patients show ed a n avera ge improve ment of17.7 percent on the NDI. After the education session, thepercentage of neck disability (NDI) reduced from 28.3 to

Figure 2.Evolution of mean Pain Copin g Inventory (PCI) Resting sub scalescores over time in six patients with chronic whiplash associated dis-orders. Baseline assessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention;follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 3.Evolution of mean Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK) scores overtime in six patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders. Base-line assessments at 3, 2, and 1 we ek before intervention; follow-upassessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 4.Evolution of mean Neck Disability Index (NDI) scores over t ime insix patients with chronic whiplash ass ociated dis orders. Bas elineassessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention; follow-up assess-ments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 5.Evolution of mean Wh iplash Associated Disorders (WAD) SymptomList Photophobia subscale scores by visual analog scale over time insix patients with chronic WAD. Baseline assess ments at 3, 2, and 1week before interventio n; follow- up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeksafter intervention.

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22.7 percent. PPTs measured at the trapezius muscle (p =0.03) and the calf (p = 0.04) improved significantly afterthe i ntervention. While a ll patient s showed improvedPPTs measured near the neck (33.3% improvement), fiveout of six patients s howed improve d PPTs measured a tthe calf (25.5% improvement).

After the inte rvention, we found a decrease in everyPCI subscale score regarding passive coping. The Res t-ing subscale significantly decreased (p = 0.03, d = 1.29)in all patient s with WAD, with a change in scores of18.3 percent. While in five ou t of six subjects, the meanscores on the Retreating and Worrying subscales decreasedby 8.1 and 8.7 percent, respectively, the changes were not

significant (Retreating subscale: p = 0.08, d = 0.25; Worry-ing subscale: p = 0.09, d = 0.31). We found no significantchanges for the PCI subs cales rega rding a ctive c opingand for the PCS. W e did, however, find a significantdecrease in the score on the TSK (p = 0.03, d = 0.82); allpatients with WAD showed an average improvement onthe TSK of 13.8 percent. Using the WAD Symptom List,we observed a significant reduction in photophobia (p =0.04, d = 0.34).

One patient from group 1 did not attend the physicalexaminations performed on day 35 . W e repl aced th emissing values using the last observation carried forwardmethod. After patients receiv ed the education interven-tion, pa in scores during th e BPPT reduced signific antly(p = 0.04, d = 1.45) from 31.15 mm to 12.47 mm. Duringthe Neck Extension Test, patients’ willingness to performthe movement was re gistered to indica te whethe r the rewas a p roblem w ith th eir m otor control, which oftentranslated to anxiousness to perform the movement. Thiswas the ca se for one patient who refused to perform theNeck Extension Test during the examinations in fear of painprovocation. At baseline, patients scored significantlylower (p = 0 .04) on the VAS during performance o f theNeck Extension Test when they were able to fixate a self-chosen cervical segment. At the follow-up measurements,the difference was no longer found to be significant (p =0.07). On t he q uestion “Cou ld you perform th e move-ment better during the test w ith or without fixation?” allpatients replied that the test with fixation helped them toperform the cervical extension movement better. This was

Figure 6.Evolution of mean pain pressure threshold (PPT) scores over time insix patients with chronic whiplash ass ociated dis orders. Bas elineassessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before intervention; follow-up assess-ments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 7. Evolution of mean Neck Extension Test scores by visual analog scaleover time in five patients with chronic whiplash associated disorders.Baseline assessments at 3, 2, and 1 week before int ervention; follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

Figure 8.Evolution of mean Brachial Plexus Provocation Test (BPPT) scores byvisual ana log sc ale over tim e in six pat ients with chronic whiplashassociated disorders. Baseline assessments at 3, 2 , and 1 week beforeintervention; follow-up assessments 1, 2, and 3 weeks after intervention.

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the case for both the baseline and follow-up measurements.Comparing the Neck Extension Test before and after theintervention, we recorded a significant redu ction o f43.5 percent on the VAS for the test without fixation (p =0.04, d = 1.16) and 59.2 percent for the test with fixation(p = 0.04, d = 1.04).


These data from a single-c ase s tudy on six pa tientswith chronic WAD suggest that pa in physiology educa-tion is accompanied by improvements in pain cognitions,pain thresholds, and pain-free movement performance.

Table 1.Results of questio nnaires and clin ical assessments analyz ed with W ilcoxon signed ranks test in six patients with chronic whipla sh associateddisorders (WAD).

Measure Baseline (mean ± SD)

Follow-Up (mean ± SD)

Percent Improvement

(%)p-Value Cohen’s

d ES

Transformed Cohen’s

Percentiles (%)PCI (score)

Resting 2.62 ± 0.33 2.14 ± 0.41 18.3 0.03 1.29 ±90Retreating 1.97 ± 0.61 1.81 ± 0.67 8.1 0.08 0.25 ±60Worrying 2.08 ± 0.59 1.90 ± 0.58 8.7 0.09 0.31 ±62

TSK (score) 38.61 ± 4.85 33.29 ± 7.80 13.8 0.03 0.82 ±80NDI (score) 14.13 ± 4.77 11.63 ± 5.97 17.7 0.04 0.46 ±68WAD Symptom List (VAS [mm]))

Photophobia 21.30 ± 23.06 14.10 ± 19.43 33.8 0.04 0.34 ±64Neck Mobility 40.75 ± 26.81 16.97 ± 21.73 58.4 0.08 0.97 ±83Sweating 9.42 ± 14.73 2.93 ± 7.00 68.9 0.07 0.56 ±72Total 19.56 ± 11.66 10.85 ± 15.93 44.5 0.08 0.62 ±74

PPT (kg/cm2)Trapezius 2.82 ± 1.57 3.76 ± 1.70 33.3 0.03 –0.57 ±72Calf 4.79 ± 2.53 6.01 ± 3.27 25.5 0.04 –0.42 ±66

Neck Extension Test (VAS [mm])Without Fixation 28.91 ± 7.59 16.33 ± 13.39 43.5 0.04 1.16 ±86With Fixation 11.03 ± 6.99 4.50 ± 5.43 59.2 0.04 1.04 ±84

BPPT (VAS [mm]) 31.15 ± 18.25 12.47 ± 0.70 60.0 0.04 1.45 ±93Note: Transformed Cohen’s d percentiles indicate percentage of mean baseline scores that would be below mean of follow-up scores.BPPT = Brachial Plexus Pr ovocation Test, ES = effect size, NDI = Neck Disability Index, PCI = Pain Coping Inventory, PPT = pain pressure threshold, SD =standard deviation, TSK = Tampa Score for Kinesiophobia, VAS = visual analog scale.

Table 2.Demographic characteristics of patients with whiplash associated disorders.

Patient Sex Age (yr)

Time Since Onset of

Complaints (mo)

Marital Status

Parental Status (No. of children)

Analgesic Use

Antidepressant Use

1 M 49 12 Married 4 No No2 F 29 46 Not married 0 No Yes3 F 35 72 Not married 0 No No4 F 38 24 Married 3 No No5 F 31 64 Not married 0 No No6 F 32 84 Not married 0 Yes No

F = female, M = male.

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Because there we re no sign ificant changes betwee n thedifferent asse ssment s cores that were repe ated wee klyduring the ba seline pe riod, we can accept tha t theseimprovements were due to the intervention.

During the base line period, the a verage score on theTSK indicated high fear of movement in all patients withWAD. Throughout the education, we explained the posi-tive effect of movement on the healing process of dam-aged tissues and informed pa tients that movement wouldnot per se cause (re)injury (even if they are in pain). Dur-ing th e follow-up p eriod, we o bserved a significantdecrease in kine siophobia and, using the cutoff score of37, identified low fear of movement in all participants. Inaddition, resting was significantly less used in response topain, and while it was not fo und significant, patientsreported using few er pa ssive coping strate gies suc h asworrying and retreating.

Hypervigilance, catastrophizing, and avoidance behavi-or are important psychosocial factors of cognitive emo-tional sensitization. Descending faci litatory pathwayshave been identifie d connecting the brain stem with thespinal cord. Behaviora l e vidence show s tha t forebraincenters, responsible for emotional and cognitive control,are capable of e xerting powerful clinicall y significantinfluences on various nuclei of the bra in ste m [68]. Inaddition, the limbic system—a group of structures in thebrain involved i n emotions , mo ods, an d reg ulation ofemotional reactio ns—is neur ophysiologically co nnectedto nuclei in the brain stem from which the pain facili ta-tory pathways depart [68]. Consequently, negative emo-tions, thoughts, attention, stress, etc ., c an modula te theactivity in the descending pathways, facilitating pain andresulting in cognitive emot ional sensitizati on [68]. Incases of hyp ervigilance, catastrophizing, or av oidancebehavior, in tensive education abo ut the ex act natu re ofchronic whiplash pain is likely to facilitate effective reha-bilitation. McClune et al. de veloped an evidence-basededucational booklet, The Whiplash Book [6 9–70]. Th econtent emphasizes the pos itive prognosis of whiplashinjuries and promotes activity [69]. Patients wit h acuteWAD showed a substantial improvement in beliefs afterreading the book. In contrast, patients with WAD attend-ing a priv ate practice for man ipulation showed onl y asmall change in beliefs, and the authors ar gued that thismay have been du e to the chronicity of their symptoms[70]. Changing inappropriate pain beliefs should be theinitial phase of rehabilitation in those with chronic WAD.If not, poor understanding of pain may lead to the acqui-

sition of maladaptive attitud es, cognitions, and behaviorin relation to pain and co nsequently poor compliance toany active treatment.

After reco nceptualizing pain duri ng th e edu cationalsessions, patients’ improvements in pain behavior duringthe follow-up period were accompanied by a decrease insymptoms. We established a trend for a decrease in over-all symptom severity (the total score on the WAD Symp-tom Li st) with a Cohen’ s d ES of 0.62 (transformedCohen’s d = 74%). Patients reported less sweating (trans-formed Cohen’s d = 72%) and photophobia (transformedCohen’s d = 64%). Sweating and photophobia are symp-toms that indicate the presence of central sensitization. Itseems plausible that improving pain beliefs and behavioris important, not only for enabling proper functioning ofthe central pain-inhibitory pathways, but also for improvingmovement performance. Inappropriate cognitions appearclosely related to movement performance [27,32]. Patientsreported a trend toward improvement in neck mobility onthe WAD Symptom List and a significant de crease onself-rated disabilit y (NDI). Neck disabili ty experiencedby patients decreased from 28.26 to 22.72 percent. Theseresults are c omparable to the findings of Moseley [30],although that study used f our educational sessions of1 hour each in combination with physiotherapy to reducedisability in patients with chronic low back pain. Thepresent study achieved simila r responses in patients withchronic WAD using o nly two educational sessions of30 minutes each. An e ducational session of 30 minute swould be more suitable for application to cl inical prac-tice. Not only are treatment sessions with a physical thera-pist re stricted in time, patie nts with chronic W ADadditionally often experience attention and concentrationdifficulties.

Using the Neck Extension T est, we est ablishedimpairment in cervical motor control at baseline. After theintervention, we could detect no significant impairmentand more over, patients experienced s ignificantly les spain du ring cervical mo vement perfo rmance. Weobserved the s ame during the BPP T, whe re we estab-lished an improvement in pa in-free movement of 60 per-cent. We found a lar ge ES ranking in the ninety-thirdCohen’s percentile. PPTs measured near the neck and thecalf increa sed significa ntly by 33.2 and 25.5 perce nt,respectively. By altering pain cognitions , s uch as paincoping and avoidance behavior, it could be possib le thatpatients are more exposed to activity that in turn leads toincreased or altere d pe rformance [13,71]. In the longer

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term, this could res ult in incre ased PPTs and pain toler-ance. The combination of self-reported measures andclinical assessments is a strength of this study. For futureresearch it would be useful to examine whether pain edu-cation improves cervical mobility during performance ofthe Neck Extension Test as well.

Education about pain neurophysiology is on e aspectof chronic pain rehabilitation, and it would be useful tofurther examine its effect in combination with other thera-pies. Although it seems interesting to examine the effectof combined treatment, we first wished to examinewhether edu cation on pain n europhysiology h as anypotential for patient s with chr onic WAD. Although t hepresent pilot study was sma ll, it is re markable tha t weobserved some important significant cha nges and ESs .Besides, the single-case study design is a research designthat has proven its usefulne ss in the behavioral sciences.In medical science it is often used to systematically evalu-ate new treatments for specific (usually chronic) patientpopulations. The baselin e pe riod typically consists ofseveral baseline assessments that account for the naturalvariability of the patients’ health status. If this naturalvariability of the chronic patie nt is suddenly “disturbed”during the intervention pe riod, the change might beattributed to the intervent ion. Hence, the single-ca sestudy design can be used t o examine the feasibility of anew treatment for a particular population in preparationof a lar ge rando mized, controlled cl inical trial . Cautionshould be taken with generalizing the study findings. Thestudy findings are solely applicable to people with WADgrades I to II. Currently, data addressing the applicabilityof pain physiology ed ucation in patients with chronicWAD grades III to IV are currently unavailable. In addi-tion, we used a small sample size and the ef fects of edu-cation are dependent on not on ly the format, the c ontent,and the patient , but also the practitioner providing theeducation. The attitude of the healthcare provider is cru-cial in ed ucating patients [7 2]. Alth ough the curren tresults need to be verified in a randomized clinical trial,the present study suggests that education about the neuro-physiology of pain is able to increase PPTs and improvepain behavior and pain-free movement performance.


Chronic WAD is a debilitating and costly condit ion,and treatment remains challenging for clinicians, includ-ing rehabilitation specialists and physiotherapists. Because

very few trials have evaluated conservative interventionsfor patients with chronic W AD, clinical studies examin-ing the effectiveness of conservative treatment strategiesare required. Changing inappropriate pain beliefs shouldbe the initial phase of rehabilitation in those with chronicWAD. If not, poor understanding of pain may lead to theacquisition of maladapti ve attitudes, cognitions, andbehavior in relation to pain and subsequent poor compli-ance to any active treatment. The results of this pilotstudy suggest t hat rehabilitation specialists and physicaltherapists ar e able to infl uence ne gative th oughts an dpain behavior b y educating patients with chro nic WADabout the neuro physiology of pain . The imp rovement inpain behavior resulted in im proved neck disability andincreased pain-free movement performance and painthresholds.


Author Contributions:Study concept and design: J. Nijs.Acquisition of data: N. Van den Keybus, J. Craps.Analysis and interpretation of data: J. Van Oosterwijck.Drafting of manuscript: J. Van Oosterwijck.Critical revision of manuscript for important intellectual content: M. Meeus, J. Nijs, L. Paul.Statistical analysis: S. Truijen, J. Van Oosterwijck.Study supervision: J. Nijs, J. Van Oosterwijck.Financial Disclosures: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.Funding/Support: This material was based on work supported by the Faculty of Physical Education & Physiotherapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (PhD grant to Ms. Van Oosterwijck, Onderzoeksraad project 1596). Dr. Meeus is a postdoctoral research fellow of the Fund for Sci-entific Research Flanders.Additional Contributions: The authors are grateful to the Department of Physical Medicine, University Hospital Antwerp, for providing study facilities and study subjects.Institutional Review: The Ethics Committee of the University Hospi-tal of Antwerp approved this study. Subjects signed an informed consent form.Participant Follow-Up: The authors plan to inform participants of the publication of this study.


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Submitted for publication December 31, 2009. Acceptedin revised form July 12, 2010.

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VAN OOSTERWIJCK et al. Pain neurophysiology education in chronic whiplash

This article and any supplementary material should becited as follows:Van Oosterwijck J, Nijs J, Mee us M, Truijen S, Craps J,Van den Keybus N, Paul L. Pain neurophysiology educa-tion improves cognitions, pain thresholds, and movementperformance i n people with chronic whiplash: A pilot

study. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011;48(1):43–58.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2009.12.0206

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