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At a Special Business Meeting on Sept. 1, the Bayside membership approved the hiring of Olivia Stano, 23, as Director of Family Ministries. Although Olivia had begun working part-time while she closed out her time at Aldi, she began her full-time position at Bayside on Sept. 17.

During an interview at the church, Olivia answered questions about her new position.

Q. What will your job as director of Family Ministries encompass? A. Although the title is director, I want to be more like a servant in helping other people and answering questions they

“Making Disciples and Loving the Least of These”

For God and For Eternity

A publication of Bayside Baptist Church Volume 3 No. 1 October 2019

Olivia Stano, (center), kibitz with the kids in the youth group after making paper airplanes inscribed with prayer requests.

might have about the youth or the children’s program. I want to work with them about different ideas on how we can reach the youth and how we can blend family ministries together so the programs aren’t so segregated.

Q. How did you happen to apply for this position? A. When the position was first posted back in January or February, I prayed that God would bring someone to fill this job. Then there was a little voice in my head that said, “Well, what about you?” I quickly shoved that thought aside thinking No, I’ve

Please see OLIVIA on Page 3

By Corinne Scott, IMPACT Editor


Bayside Hires Olivia Stano as Director of Family Ministries

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PT’s Postings

My Favorite Season

Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “For everything

there is a season, and a time for every

matter under heaven.”

I’ve always loved that scripture and verses

2-8 that follow. The writer so eloquently

compares the times and seasons of life

that are necessary and true. It is a good

reminder on the seasons of life and gives

us perspective in the midst of those


My favorite season is the fall. I don’t

know if there is one specific thing that I

love about the fall, maybe it’s everything.

The fall brings newness to life. All my life

it has signaled the start of new things and

new life. A new school year started. A

new football season started. For me, a

new soccer season started. So many new

things begin in the fall. It is a season of

new life.

We are experiencing a new season at

Bayside. For the last two years we have

been in a transition. Our senior pastor

stepped down from that position and was

launched into church planting. As a

church we were blessed to be part of that

process and to help plant Hope City

Church in Duluth, Minn. Over the course

of these two years we have had to adjust

to that change as well as changes in our

leadership structure and government. We

praise God that through these changes we

have continued to see testimonies of life

transformation and the gospel of Jesus

Christ spreading!

This season at Bayside, there is much to be

encouraged about that is new. A new

season of Wednesday night ministries

started in September and continues each

Pastor Tom Bush

week. We provide groups for EVERY age

as well as a free meal and great times of

fellowship, worship and Bible study. We

also recently hired a new director of

Family Ministries, Olivia Stano. We are

thrilled about what Olivia brings to our

church and already are seeing great

things happening in our children’s and

youth ministries. There are many other

new things happening in our ministries

that we are excited to see taking shape.

Our discipleship ministry, prayer ministry

and missions ministry are all beginning

new and powerful initiatives in our


It’s a great season here at Bayside. I

pray that you will be encouraged by the

fellowship we share in this body of


Stay the course. God is still at work!

Tom Bush Lead Pastor

Bayside’s Wednesday night activities kicked off on Sept. 11, and there is something here for everyone! Men, women, youth and kids – there is a place for everyone in your family to be encouraged to grow in the Lord and strengthen their walk with Him.

At a meeting on Sept. 4 for everyone who serves in any capacity on Wednesday nights, Pastor Tom said that a high percentage of Christian youth leave church as they transition into college. He added that Bayside has renewed its commitment to reaching young people and for them to stay strong in the faith.

“It is hard to know how to connect with them,” he added. “We want the whole

schedule of classes and evening format on page 3.

By Corinne Scott, IMPACT Editor

Wednesday Connections — Night for Families! Make Bayside the place to be on Wednesdays!

family to have a sense of community and good fellowship at Bayside. We want to make Bayside Baptist Church the place to be and to make it a safe place. Bayside’s commitment includes the recent hiring of Olivia Stano as the Director of Family Ministries.” (See front page article this issue.)

A Bayside goal is to be a safe place for everyone. Let’s all try to keep the kids safe and gently keep them in close vicinity of parents during mealtimes. Also, if the Spirit prompts you to help in any way on Wednesdays, inquire about the simple and easy Ministry Safe requirement for all volunteers. There is a place for you at Bayside. Check out our Wednesday

“Beloved, although I was

very eager to write to you

about our common

salvation, I found it

necessary to write

appealing to you to

contend for the faith that

was once for all delivered

to the saints.”

- Jude 3

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Page 3 IMPACT October 2019

got a full-time job at Aldi, and I’m not qualified for that kind of job. No way! Fast forward to July, my boyfriend and I were praying and seeking the Lord for where God would want me to be. … I had told Mark Brookmole about that and when the applicant who was first offered the position did not take it, he suggested I apply. I prayed about it and returned the application the next Sunday and then went through the interview process. It really is the Lord’s leading. I really love the Lord, and I’ve always had peace about it. In the back of my mind I had a fear about it. I’m only 23, super young, super inadequate, but God’s got me. I’m not too worried about it.

Q. What is your experience with kids? A. I was in Taiwan (2016-2017) for a year as an English teacher. I was with the kids basically 24/7. I was a nanny from age 12 to 20, working full-time with kids. I also had siblings growing up in a big family (eight kids) and have lots of nieces and nephews.

OLIVIA From Page 1

Classes on

Wednesday night:

Nursery is 0-Pre K (0-4 years) Kid’s Club is K-3rd grade (5 to 9 years)

AMP is 4th-6th grade (10-12 years) Youth Group is 7th-12th grade

(13-18 years) Women’s Ministry: Prayers of the Bible

Men’s Ministry-Garage Guys: Bible Study

Digging Deeper: Study of Hebrews

The format for Wednesday

night activities will be:

5:30 p.m. doors open 5:45 p.m. dinner served

6:20 p.m. prayer/announcements/cleanup

6:30 p.m. worship 6:45 p.m. break before classes

7:00 p.m. classes start 7:50 p.m. classes end

Wednesday Connections Cont.

Smartest? A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a

priest were out for a Sunday

afternoon flight on a small private

plane. Suddenly, the plane developed

engine trouble. In spite of the best

efforts of the pilot, the plane started

to go down. Finally, the pilot grabbed

a parachute, yelled to the passengers

that they had better jump, and then

he bailed out.

Unfortunately, there were only three

parachutes remaining. The doctor

grabbed one and said "I'm a doctor, I

save lives, so I must live," and

jumped out.

The lawyer then said, "I'm a lawyer

and lawyers are the smartest people

in the world. I deserve to live." He

also grabbed a parachute and


The priest looked at the little boy and

said, "My son, I've lived a long and

full life. You are young and have your

whole life ahead of you. Take the last

parachute and live in peace."

The little boy handed the parachute

back to the priest and said, "Not to

worry, Father. The 'smartest man in

the world' just took off with my back


Q. What are some of your goals and ideas? A. I would like to have an activity or night for parents and kids. I would like to have an activity or study for college-aged young people. Once kids are out of youth and into college, we don’t really have a study or anything as get-togethers for young adults.

Q. What is your greatest strength? A. I would say adaptability. I have been able to adapt pretty easily to different personalities. I’m quiet, but I adapt to different environments. Adaptability is actually one of my spiritual gifts.

Q. What is your greatest challenge going into the job? A. I have a really hard time saying, “No.” Mark (Brookmole – who will be Olivia’s supervisor) has been really good in reminding me that it is OK to say, “No,” and to not overbook because there is a lot that goes into this job. So, learning to say “No” and not feeling guilty when I do because I tend to be a people pleaser. Q. How can people pray for you? A. I could use prayer for wisdom, creativity and that I would continue to fill my cup with the Lord, because in order to give to the people I need to be filled with Him.

Q. How can people contact you at church? A. Email: [email protected] or Phone: Call the church office at (715) 394-6002

Olivia has attended Bayside for about six years. She has served on the Worship Team for the past three years. She lives in Solon Springs with her parents, David and Leslie Stano. Olivia has been a Christian since she was 7 years old. Her dad was a preacher, and one Sunday after he had preached on salvation and accepting Jesus, Olivia realized she had never done that and then asked Jesus into her life. Her favorite books of the Bible are Romans and Psalm.

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By Josh Picco, One of the Garage Guys

During the kickoff for Wednesday fall ministries on Sept. 11, a video clip was played in the garage from theologian R.C. Sproul. In that clip, Sproul remarks: “What is wrong with the American church today is that we do not know who God is, and we do not know who we are”.

The reason behind the showing of the clip was that it was a challenge, yet an encouragement, as that has always sought to be the aim during the men’s Bible study in the garage -- to learn more of who we are as sinners, and through the study of scripture, prayer and fellowship, to learn more of who God is. While study of scripture is at the center of growing in knowledge of Christ, the focus for this article will be on the testimony of prayer and fellowship found within the garage, as well as a challenge to anyone reading to ask themselves, “Have I sought out this type of fellowship in my life?”

Throughout the summer, the garage has been continually meeting to keep providing a place for men to grow with one another. That time has proved invaluable, and has resulted in hours of studying scripture, time eating with one another, fellowship and time in prayer for one another. Often many guys remain after the weekly study has ended to continue to pray together. The last few months the garage has been full of testimony to how God will work through prayer as weekly pursuing God in such a way allows those involved to see how He is answering and shaping the lives of men.

One specifically encouraging aspect the men have incorporated is a large group text comprised of many men from the garage who will regularly text verses, sermons, prayer requests or just encouragement to one another. This is so important as it demonstrates how we all have to pursue fellowship with one another, not just on Sunday or

Wednesday, but every day of the week! That is the main purpose in sharing this testimony, not to talk up the garage, but to exhort to greater fellowship outside the church walls for the entirety of our body. It can only lead to a more thoroughly authentic experience of being a part of the body of the living Christ. We cannot walk the Christian life alone and as Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NKJV) states “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to Him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.``

The garage has served as a testimony to many how powerfully God will work through prayer and Christ-centered fellowship with one another. Through our community at Bayside are you taking the time to pursue these aspects of Christian life with others? Are you using the community you are in to properly learn who you are and truly learn who God is?

Seeking God



Men in prayer in the newly remodeled garage. Photo by Dave Hudacek

JOY (Just Older Youth) coming events

Friday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. A Night of Answered Prayers. Even if you aren’t 55 years or older, you are welcome to attend to hear how God is answering prayer. A number of people will give great prayer testimonies. We will hear how God healed the little boy who was pushed over the railing at the Mall of America. We will hear from a bridesmaid who fell out the back bus door while traveling 50 miles an hour. Kami Scott will come, perhaps bringing others, who have experienced God’s answers to prayers. And there will be time for some quick prayer testimonies from attendees. We will also have fall flavored bars—apple and pumpkin--and coffee. Come! Sign up at the JOY table in the Fellowship Hall. Saturday, Dec. 7, 2 p.m. Bethel University Christmas Concert “Come, Let Us Adore Him.” $56 for bus ride and concert. JOY is chartering a bus that will leave Bayside at 10:30 a.m. Following the concert, we will stop at Keys Restaurant in Forest Lake for dinner, which is on your own. The bus only holds 26 people, so sign up soon at the J.O.Y. table in the Fellowship Hall. Lots of fun to be had!

“There is an abyss within the

human soul which is so great

that only God can fill it.” “There

is a chair in the human soul

awaiting a guest who has yet to

arrive.” Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)




g G





h F




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Bayside’s Mission’s DNA

Missions have been a passion of mine for some time now. Being a missionary myself, I realize the struggle it can be. Not only are you pouring yourself out to the people you are serving, but you are also responsible for raising support, sometimes both for your ministry and your livelihood. You are required to set up appointments to speak in churches you are not familiar with and often to spend a great deal of time with strangers while speaking at those churches. While a necessary part of a missionary’s experience, it is often not at all what they feel they have been gifted for or called to do.

To make our missionaries at Bayside Baptist feel more a part of our family, we have decided to take a step back from doing business as usual with our missions. This month we are beginning a process to find out what our church’s DNA is for missions. What excites us? What parts of the world concern us? And, as we develop this focus for our missions, we will then begin to steer our giving, our

events and our speakers toward building a more mission-focused body of believers at Bayside. We will work to build a relationship with our missionaries. We might even ask you to correspond with

Ministry Team Leader, Joyce Clock


Dave Tunell, Missions Team Chair

Missions Team Chair Dave Tunell looks over

the postings on the Missions bulletin board.

Photo by Dave Hudacek/Bayside in Focus

our missionaries so that you can know how to pray for them.

The other part of our redefining our mission’s focus is to develop future missionaries within our congregation. By making our missionaries more than just a prayer-card on the wall, we hope to inspire our young people, and possibly some of our older people, to see missions as a calling for themselves. Living a life serving God is something we are all called to do but making a lifetime commitment to ministry requires careful prayer, deliberate learning and a trust in God’s provision.

Until we roll out the new mission’s strategy, I want to encourage you to take a look at our missions’ board in the hallway just off the fellowship room. Pick out a missionary for whom you will commit to pray. If you want to know more about a specific missionary, feel free to ask in the church office or give me a call.

Please be in prayer for our mission’s team and the focus team as we work to develop a mission’s strategy that will serve our missionaries well in the future and will inspire all of us to missions, whether that is locally, or across the ocean.

By Allyse Prichard, Member-Children’s Ministry Core Team

The saying “It takes a village to raise a child” has an uncertain origin, but that does not detract from the truth of the statement. I grew up at Bayside, and believe me, there were a lot of people who contributed to that growth. From nursery workers to Sunday School teachers to a certain youth pastor, the amount of people it took to raise me as a child of Christ is at least on par with the number of people who were invested in my academic growth. I think it’s something that isn’t often appreciated by those who benefit from it: children and

parents alike.

Now, as a part of the Children’s Ministry Core Team, I have a chance to help with all kinds of links in the chain of people who teach and help our little ones as they learn about our Savior. Now I can see how

difficult it is to maintain that chain and how much work goes into raising the next generation of Christians.

Our Sunday nursery workers alone total more than 20 with room for more. We are short nursery workers for Wednesdays at the moment, but that could be at least another eight. Then there are Children’s church workers of which we have six teachers and a few helpers this year. Wednesday night has teachers and helpers as well. Let’s not forget any special events, like VBS. This is

all just for children 4th grade and under.

If we consider those older than that we have even more people who are working hard to make sure that each child brought to Bayside has the chance to get to know Jesus through the Bible and through their own loving actions. Just writing this

Children of Bayside Photo by Amida Gallito/Bayside in Focus

Please see VILLAGE on Page 7

A Village

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IMPACT For God and for Eternity

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. October, 2019 * Volume 3, No. 1

Impact is a publication of Bayside Baptist Church. The purpose of the publication is to raise awareness of ministries of the church and the impact of those ministries for God and for Eternity. We pray the impacts will glorify God and bring hope, encouragement, peace and the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to readers of “IMPACT.”

Contact us at: IMPACT

Bayside Baptist Church 3915 North 16th Street

Superior, WI 54880 E-mail Editor:

[email protected] (218) 590-1607

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. (NASB) "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968, English Standard Version (ESV)

“And whatever you do, in word

or deed, do everything in the

name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the

Father through him.”

Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

Editorial Advisory Board

Corinne Scott – Impact Editor JOY (Just Older Youth) – Team Leader [email protected]

Kathy Brookmole — Team Leader Women’s Ministry [email protected]

Denise Cooper – Communications Assistant Design/Layout [email protected]

Amida Gallito – Photographer Bayside In Focus [email protected]

Dave Hudacek – Photographer Bayside In Focus [email protected]

Shane McCotter -- Webmaster

Allyse Prichard – Member Children’s Ministry [email protected]

Josh Picco — God’s Garage Guys [email protected]

Barb Tunell—Women’s Ministry [email protected]

Dave Tunell—Team Leader, Missions Ministry [email protected]

Olivia Stano— Director of Family Ministries [email protected]

Dawn Vergamini—Proofreader

Pastors: Mark Brookmole – Pastor

Thomas Bush – Pastor

I M PAC T Set Apart 2019 Conference –

UNASHAMEDSimulcast Set for Nov. 2

By Amida Gallito, Co-leader Youth Ministry Core Team

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16, KJV) Girls and women of all ages are invited to attend a simulcast of the 2019 Set Apart Conference--Unashamed on Sat, Nov. 2, starting at 8:30 a.m. at Bayside Baptist Church.

Sessions include: Unashamed: Standing with Jesus in

Such a Time as This. Overcoming Shame: Experiencing

Freedom Through the Power of The Cross. Christ-Honoring Friendships: Standing

with Jesus In Our Daily Relationships.

These sessions are presented by Leslie Ludy, a Christian author, speaker, editor, and ministry director. She wrote “When God Writes Your Love Story” with her husband, Eric Ludy. Leslie’s other books include “Authentic Beauty,” “Sacred Singleness,” “The Lost Art of True Beauty,” “Set Apart Motherhood” and “The Set-Apart Woman”.

Join us for the Set Apart Simulcast UNASHAMED

Standing Boldly With Jesus with Leslie Ludy on Saturday

Nov. 2, at Bayside Baptist Church, Superior, Wis.

See you then!

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Do you have a testimony to share?

If the Lord has done great things in your life and

you would like to share, IMPACT would consider

publishing your testimony. Perhaps God healed

your marriage? Perhaps God redeemed

you? Perhaps God healed you? Perhaps God

answered a prayer – for finances, for raising

your kids, for direction etc.? If so, contact Editor

Corinne Scott at [email protected]

or call (218) 590-1607.

Bayside’s Preservice Prayer Time By Corinne Scott, IMPACT Editor “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20 (ESV)

Every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., a handful of prayer warriors gather in the Youth Room at Bayside to pray. There may only be four or five or there maybe eight or nine, but they come together to seek God’s direction and blessing on every aspect of the service.

Whoever is bringing the message is prayed over whether it be Pastor Tom, Pastor Mark, one of the elders or a missionary or lay

person. God is asked to anoint afresh with His Holy Spirit whomever is preaching and the Holy Spirit asked to carry God’s message to every heart. They pray that the Holy

Spirit will fill the sanctuary with His presence

and power. They bless the musicians and singers, the ushers, the Sunday School teachers, those providing for the fellowship time, the staff and church leadership.

They praise God for all that He is doing through Bayside ministries. They thank Him for providing for all the work of the church, not only on Sunday, but throughout the week, especially on Wednesdays. And, they never fail to say, “We love you Lord.”

The preservice prayer time is open for anyone who would like to pray. You are welcome!

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-

1892) is known as the ‘prince of preachers.’ He was a Baptist minister in England who saw enormous blessings from God upon his ministry. But Spurgeon never took credit for the success of his ministry. Instead, he always pointed to the hundreds of people who came before services and prayed for God’s blessing and stayed throughout the entire service. He said any success he had came from God in answer to their prayers. Spurgeon was often fond of calling these prayer gatherings the church’s “boiler room.” This is why he told his fellow pastors, “Brethren, we shall never see

makes me tear up, both because I have experienced it myself and because my children are already experiencing it.

To be honest, while there are many, many people who are officially a part of teaching our youth, the entire church is truly a part of raising each child. There are many people who may not feel called to work directly with children, but who pray for them, or bring food when a new one is born, or attend a baby shower or a grad party. It can be easy to get discouraged when it seems like there are never enough servants in children’s ministry, but we cannot forget how many people do serve.

VILLAGE From Page 5 The preservice prayer time is

open for anyone who would like to pray. You are welcome!

much change for the better in our churches in general till the prayer meeting occupies a higher place in the esteem of Christians.”

A 2020 goal for the House of Prayer Core Team is to have a

designated Prayer Room where people can pray throughout the entire service. Anyone in the congregation is welcome to come pray in the Prayer Room. If you would like to be one of those praying throughout the service—for the pastors and everyone who attends—please contact anyone on the House of Prayer Core Team or contact the office.

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

Matthew 21:22 (ESV)

A House of PRAYER

“Every member a praying member.” Joyful, patient, faithful. . .PRAYER

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Photographer: Amida Gallito/Bayside In Focus

• Sunday Worship Service, 10 a.m. and (Preservice Prayer—9:30 a.m.)

• Wednesday night activities have started!! Doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner is served from 5:45-6:20 p.m., worship from 6:30-7 p.m.

• Wednesdays, Digging Deeper—study of Hebrews, 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

• Wednesdays, Women’s Ministry, “Prayers of the Bible” – 7 p.m. – 8 p.m.

• Wednesdays, Men’s Ministry, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. – group meets in the Bayside garage for Bible study and fellowship.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month!

• Oct. 8, Tuesday, JOY Book Club, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. “Maisie Dobbs” by Jacqueline Winspear

• Oct. 10, Thursday, Bayside Moms, 10 a.m.–11:30 a.m. meet at Bayside Baptist.

• Oct. 10, Thursday, Spiritual Gifts Class (For those registered; meets every other Thursday, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)

• Oct. 12, Saturday, Men’s Ministry Breakfast, 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.

• Oct. 20—Nov. 17 Ted the Turkey Meal Donations. Boxed turkey dinners will be delivered Nov. 23.

• Oct. 21, Monday, Adoption Connection, 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. Contact: [email protected].

• Oct. 24, Thursday, Spiritual Gifts Class (For those registered and meets every other Thursday, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)

• Oct. 27, Sunday, All Church House of Prayer--GAP (Gather and Pray), 6 p.m. – 7:30 -p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

For a more details and a complete list of church happenings, check out the “Calendar” at

Happenings Happenings

“For you shall go out

in joy and be led

forth in peace; the

mountains and the

hills before you shall

break forth into

singing, and all the

trees of the field

shall clap their


Isaiah 55:12 ESV
