  • 8/9/2019 Pacsystems Rxi Box Ipc-ep Ds Gfa1910


    GEIntelligent Platforms

    PACSystems* RXi Box IPC-EPHighest Performance Indstrial PC !ith Ex"anda#ility

    GE Intelligent Platforms has com#ined its

    ex"ertise in designing high-"erformance

    em#edded com"ting "latforms !ith or

    more than $% years of ex"erience in inds-

    trial control to create a ni&ely "o!erfl

    indstrial com"ting "latform ' the

    PACSystems RXi Box IPC-EP(

    )he PACSystems RXi indstrial com"ting

    "latform deliers com"act+ rgged+ high-

    "erformance com"ting ca"a#ilities to rn

    H,I+ historian+ and analytics a""lications

    right at the machine+ ena#ling im"roed

    real-time control of o"erations and #etter

    integration into "lant-!ide systems( )he

    RXi Box IPC-EP "roides the highest "erfor-mance aaila#le in the RXi family !ith the

    added ex"anda#ility of a PCI Ex"ress slot

    and Cast storage(


    2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo;

    2.5GHz Intel Core i7 (future release)

    Fanless operation

    Three Gigait !thernet ports

    (t"o "ith Ti#e $%&C I!!!'5 an *2.'+$)

    ,ne -CI !press lo" profile epansion slot

    High/-erfor#an0e Co#puting

    )he RXi Box IPC-EP incor"orates the latesttechnologies to delier high-"erformance

    com"ting for the indstrial enironment(

    GE selected the latest Intel "rocessors for

    their nmatched "erformance( )he RXi

    Box IPC-EP has " to . GB of RA,+ mlti"le

    Giga#it Ethernet interfaces+ and indstrial

    grade high-s"eed SS/ storage 0or o"tional

    larger hard dis1 storage2 to com"lete the

    high-"erformance design( )hese high

    "erformance s"ecifications ma1e the RXi

    Box IPC-EP the "erfect "latform for rnning

    GE3s Proficy a""lications or other indstrial

    a""lications right at the machine+ een in

    the harshest enironments(

    )he RXi Box IPC-EP "roides additional

    a""lication flexi#ility !ith #oth mini PCI

    ex"ress and lo! "rofile PCI ex"ress slots (

    )his ex"anda#ility com#ined !ith the

    highest "erformance CP4s deliers trly

    high "erformance com"ting(

    Greater 1pti#e

    rom the se of all indstrial grade com"o-nents to its fanless design+ all as"ects of

    the RXi Box IPC-EP hae #een engineered

    for relia#ility in harsh enironments( )he

    core of the RXi Box IPC-EP architectre is

    GE3s rgged C5, Ex"ress modlar CP4

    "latform( GE incor"orates "atented thermal

    monitoring technology !ith so"histicated

    "assie cooling techni&es to "roide the

    highest-"erformance+ fanless indstrial

    com"ting "latform that can o"erate from

    %6C to 7886C(

    o"er TC,

    Relia#ility is 9st one as"ect of ho! the RXi

    Box IPC-EP redces yor cost of o!nershi"(

    )he RXi Box IPC deliers on the "romise of

    lo! )C5 throgh featres sch as com"act

    si:e+ redced maintenance+ lo! "o!er

    consm"tion+ and ease of ftre "erfor-

    mance "grades ena#led #y or innoatie

    rgged C5, Ex"ress CP4 architectre(


    ; /eli*ers high "erformance com"ting for a""lications that need to load+ mani"late and store large amont ofdata+

    or to handle mlti"le commnication "orts in real-time a""lications

    ; A ro#st relia#le soltion !ith no mo*ing "arts and minimi:ed dst contamination


  • 8/9/2019 Pacsystems Rxi Box Ipc-ep Ds Gfa1910


    PACSystems RXi Box IPC-EP



    ; Intel> Core? @ /o "rocessor+ " to @(@GH:

    ; Intel Core i "rocessor+ " to @(8GH:


    ; 4" to GB //R$ - !ith Intel Core @ /o

    ; 4" to . GB //R$ ECC - !ith Intel Core i

    &on/olatile 3e#or4

    ; D@. 1Byte n-SRA, 0flat memory2

    ; Storage for "rocess rele*ant data

    ; ith Intel Core i only

    2.5 in0h $+T+ Interfa0e

    ; 5"tional internal @(8F SA)A hard dis1 or @(8F SA)A Solid

    State /rie 0SS/2 ' ser accessi#le

    ; 4sage of SS/ for shoc1 and i#ration immnity as !ell

    as extended tem"eratre a""lications

    CFast Car $lot

    ; Cast slot !ith external access

    ; Cast card+ #oota#le

    ; 5"erates in "arallel !ith o"tional on#oard H//=SS/

    $D Car

    ; Internal S/ Card - !ith Core i


    ; $ Ethernet 0D%+ D%%+ D%%% ,#it2 "orts

    ; D%=D%%=D%%%Base) ato-negotiation

    ; @ "orts 0D @2 s""ort )ime Siron#ental

     All ales nder ty"ical conditions !ithot addedex"an-

    sion slot cards(

    or detailed information "lease read the manal(

    9ange  ,perating  $torage

    Standard  %6C to 7886CD  -%6C to 7.86C

    Re&ires ertical orientation of the heat sin1 fins

    ,perating  $torage


    Hmidity  8-M8Q 7%6C  8-M8Q 7%6C

     Altitde  D8%%% ft( 0(8 1m2 %%%% ft( 0D@1m2

      lat 0!all2 monting+ Intel Core @ /o @(@GH:+ GB //R$+ D%%GB SA)A H//+ %6C to 7886Clat 0!all2 monting+ Intel Core @ /o @(@GH:+ GB //R$+ $%GB SS/+ %6C to 7886C

    lat 0!all2 monting+ Intel Core @ /o @(@GH:+ GB //R$+ D%%GB SA)A H//+

    ,icrosoft indo!s Professional+ %6C to 7886C

    lat 0!all2 monting+ Intel Core @ /o @(@GH:+ GB //R$+ $%GB SS/+ ,icrosoft indo!s




    %(D@  GA-DMD%
