Page 1: Package Support Tiers - · Configuration of the following IDEs to use Anaconda Environments Eclipse and PyDev IDLE Sublime Text Ninja IDE PyCharm Python Tools for Visual

Official Anaconda Repositories:

While Anaconda hosts a lot of community owned packages, these are our officially supported

and maintained channels and repositories. Any issues with the repository itself will be handled

by Anaconda staff.

● Anaconda Repository ( ) ● Anaconda Distribution Installers ( ) ● Miniconda Installers ( ) ● Anaconda Cloud channels





Package Support Tiers : NOTE: All Packages included in a higher Support tier include all of the support of the previous

tiers. (IE. L3 Packages are also L2 and L1 packages.)

L1 Installation ( All conda packages in the Official Anaconda Repositories )

Anaconda Support will help install the conda package from our Official Anaconda

Repositories or the public channels on Anaconda Cloud into an Anaconda environment.

We will help troubleshoot:

● Identify any dependency conflicts in the environment

● Installation errors and exceptions

● Import errors in the python runtime environment

● Configuration options for corporate proxy servers and firewalls

L2 Usage and Configuration ( Limited to L2 & L3 packages in list)

Anaconda can provide some limited code assistance when using an L2 package. We can

provide example usage code for particular functions in the package but troubleshooting

customer code directly would fall under a consulting arrangement.

Anaconda Support will help with questions relating to configuration and setup of packages in

an Anaconda environment.

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We will also help with:

● Resetting the configuration files back to defaults

● Package specific configuration files such as

○ Pip Config [ ~/.pip/pip.conf ]

○ Conda Config [ ~/.condarc ]

○ Anaconda Navigator [ ~/.anaconda/navigator/anaconda-navigator.ini ]

○ Anaconda Client [ ~/.continuum/anaconda-client/config.yaml ]

● Configuration of the following IDEs to use Anaconda Environments

○ Eclipse and PyDev


○ Sublime Text

○ Ninja IDE

○ PyCharm

○ Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)

○ Python for Visual Studio Code

○ Spyder

○ Wing IDE

○ IntelliJ

L3 Anaconda Software (Enterprise and Open Source)

Packages owned and maintained by Anaconda get additional expert level help beyond L1

Installation or L2 Usage and Configuration support. Anaconda is directly responsible for the

source code to resolve issues. We can also submit new feature requests to product

management on the customers behalf.

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Open Source conda package support

Packages owned and maintained by an Open Source community are limited to installation

support, we do not have direct access to modify the source code, bug fixes will have to be made

by the community. Once a fix is publicly available, Anaconda will build the conda recipe to

include the fix into our official repository.

Open Source Pypi package support

While most packages hosted by can be installed using pip , we have

limited support on troubleshooting pip installed packages. Anaconda Support will generally

suggest installing the conda version of the package if available. Anaconda Support will also

advise on any known incompatibility issues via Knowledge base articles.

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tier_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf L1_license L1_nb_ext_conf L17za L2affine L1agate L1agate-dbf L1agate-excel L1aiobotocore L1aiofiles L2aiohttp L2alabaster L1alembic L1alpaca_static L1anaconda L3anaconda-clean L3anaconda-client L3anaconda-docs L3anaconda-navigator L3anaconda-project L3anaconda-verify L3ansi2html L2ant L1anyjson L2anyqt L1apipkg L1appdirs L1appnope L1appscript L1apptools L1apr L1argcomplete L2arrow L1asn1crypto L1astroid L1astropy L1async-timeout L2asyncpg L2asyncpgsa L1atom L2attrs L2autoconf L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierautomake L1automat L1autovizwidget L1azure L1babel L1backports L1backports_abc L1backports.functools_lru_cache L1backports.shutil_get_terminal_size L1backports.weakref L1bandersnatch L1basemap L1bazel L1bcolz L2bcrypt L2beautifulsoup4 L2biopython L1bison L2bitarray L1bkcharts L1blaze L1bleach L1blist L1blockspring L1blosc L1bokeh L3boost L1boost-cpp L1bootstrap_static L1boto L2boto3 L2botocore L1bottlechest L1bottleneck L1bsddb L1bsdiff4 L1btrees L2bz2file L2bzip2 L2c-blosc L1ca-certificates L1cachecontrol L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiercached-property L1caffe L1caffe-gpu L1cairo L1capturer L1cartopy L1casuarius L1cctools L1cdecimal L2certifi L1cffi L2chaco L1chai L1chainer L1chalmers L1chameleon L1characteristic L1chardet L2cheetah L1cheroot L1cherrypy L2chest L1chrpath L1cio-bt L1clang L1click L1click-plugins L1cligj L1cloudpickle L2clyent L1cmake L2cmake-binary L1colander L1colorama L1colorcet L1coloredlogs L1colour L1commonmark L1compiler-rt L1comtypes L1conda L3conda-api L3

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierconda-build L3conda-build-all L3conda-env L3conda-verify L3configargparse L1configobj L1configparser L2console_shortcut L1constantly L1constructor L3contextlib2 L2cookies L2cornice L1coverage L2cram L1crosstool-ng L1cryptacular L1cryptography L2cryptography-vectors L1cssselect L1csvkit L1cubes L1cudatoolkit L1cudnn L1curl L2cvxcanon L1cvxopt L1cx_oracle L1cycler L1cymem L1cyrus-sasl L1cython L2cytoolz L2d2to1 L1dask L3dask-core L3dask-glm L3dask-ml L3dask-searchcv L3datashader L3datashape L1datrie L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierdb L1dbf L2dbfread L2dbus L1debug L1decorator L2digits L1dill L1disco L1distlib L1distributed L3django L1dnspython L1docopt L1docutils L2drmaa L1dropbox L1ecdsa L1ecos L1eigen L1elasticsearch L2elasticsearch-async L2elasticsearch-dsl L2enable L1enaml L1entrypoints L1enum34 L2envisage L1ephem L1erlang L1essbasepy L1et_xmlfile L1execnet L1expat L2expressions L1fabric L1fabric3 L1factory_boy L1faker L1fastcache L1fastparquet L3faulthandler L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierfeedparser L2ffmpeg L1filelock L1fiona L1flake8 L2flake8-import-order L1flaky L1flask L2flask-cors L1flask-ldap-login L1flask-login L1flask-socketio L1flask-wtf L1flex L1folder_shortcut L1font-ttf-dejavu-sans-mono L1font-ttf-inconsolata L1font-ttf-source-code-pro L1font-ttf-ubuntu L1fontconfig L1fonts-anaconda L3freeglut L1freeimage L1freetds L1freetype L1freexl L1ftfy L1fuel L1funcsigs L1functools_lru_cache L1functools32 L1furl L1future L2futures L1futures-compat L1g2clib L1gawk L1gdal L1gdata L1gdbm L1gensim L1genson L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiergeos L1geotiff L1get_terminal_size L2gettext L1gevent L2gevent_zeromq L1gevent-websocket L1gflags L1giflib L1git L2gitdb2 L1gitpython L1glib L1glob2 L2glog L1glue-core L1glue-vispy-viewers L1glueviz L1gmp L2gmpy2 L2gobject-introspection L1google-apputils L1googlecl L2gperf L1grako L1graphite-web L1graphite2 L1graphviz L2greenlet L2gridmap L1grin L1gsl L1gst-plugins-base L1gstreamer L1gtest L1gunicorn L2h2o L1h2o-py L1h5py L2handlebars_static L1harfbuzz L1hdf4 L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierhdf5 L2hdfeos2 L1hdfs3 L1hdijupyterutils L1heapdict L1holoviews L3hs2client L1html5lib L2httpretty L1humanfriendly L1humanize L1hyde L1hyperlink L1hypothesis L1ibis-framework L1icc_rt L1icu L1idna L1ilmbase L1imageio L1imagesize L1iminuit L1impyla L1incremental L1infinity L1inflection L1intel-openmp L1intervals L1ipaddr L1ipaddress L1ipykernel L1ipyparallel L1ipython L2ipython_genutils L2ipywidgets L2isl L1iso8601 L2isodate L2isort L1itsdangerous L1jaraco.classes L1jasper L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierjavabridge L1jbig L1jdcal L1jedi L1jinja2 L1jmespath L1joblib L1jom L1jpeg L1json-c L1jsoncpp L1jsondate L1jsonschema L1jupyter L2jupyter_client L2jupyter_console L2jupyter_core L2jupyter_dashboards_bundlers L2jupyterlab L2jupyterlab_launcher L2kealib L1keras L2keras-gpu L1keyring L1keyrings.alt L1kiwisolver L1knit L1krb5 L1lancet L1lancet-ioam L1lasagne L1lazy-object-proxy L1lcms L1ld64 L1ldap3 L1leveldb L1libarchive L1libboost L1libconda L3libcxx L1libcxxabi L1libdap4 L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierlibedit L1libevent L1libffi L1libgd L1libgdal L1libgfortran L1libglu L1libgpuarray L1libgsasl L1libhdfs3 L1libhs2client L1libiconv L1libkml L1libnetcdf L1libopenblas L1libopenblas-static L1libopus L1libpng L1libpq L1libprotobuf L1libpython L1libsodium L1libspatialite L1libssh2 L1libthrift L1libtiff L1libtool L1libunwind L1libuuid L1libuv L1libvpx L1libwebp L1libxcb L1libxgboost L1libxml2 L1libxslt L1lighttpd L1line_profiler L2linecache2 L1llvm L1llvm-lto-tapi L1llvm-openmp L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierllvmlite L3llvmpy L1lmdb L1locket L1lockfile L1logilab-common L1luigi L2lxml L2lz4 L2lz4-c L1lzo L2m4 L1magma L1make L1mako L1markdown L2markdown2 L2markupsafe L1mathjax L1matplotlib L2matplotlib-tests L1maven L1mayavi L1mccabe L1mdp L1meld3 L1memory_profiler L2menuinst L3mercurial L1mesa L1metakernel L1mingw L1misc L1mistune L1mkl L2mkl-devel L2mkl-include L2mkl-service L2mock L1mongo-driver L1mongodb L1more-itertools L2

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiermorfessor L1mpc L1mpfr L1mpi4py L2mpich2 L2mpir L1mpld3 L1mpmath L1msgpack L1msgpack-numpy L1msgpack-python L1msinttypes L1mtq L1multidict L1multipledispatch L2munch L1murmurhash L1mypy L2mypy_extensions L1mysql L2mysql-connector-python L1mysql-python L2nano L2nasm L1natsort L1navigator-updater L3nb_anacondacloud L3nb_conda L3nb_conda_kernels L3nb_config_manager L3nbconvert L2nbformat L1nbpresent L3nbsetuptools L1nccl L1ncurses L2ndg_httpsclient L1ndg-httpsclient L1neo4j-python-driver L1neon L1netcdf4 L1networkx L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiernginx L2ninja L1nltk L2node L1node-webkit L1nodejs L1nomkl L1nose L2nose-parameterized L1nosexcover L1notebook L2nsis L1numba L3numexpr L1numpy L2numpydoc L1odo L1olefile L1openblas L2openblas-devel L2opencv L1openjdk L1openjpeg L1openldap L1openmpi L2openpyxl L1openrefine L1openssl L1opentracing L1opentracing_instrumentation L1oracle-instantclient L1orange3 L1orderedmultidict L1owslib L1packaging L1pandas L2pandas-datareader L2pandas-profiling L1pandasql L1pandoc L2pandocfilters L1pango L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierparam L1paramiko L1parsedatetime L1parsel L1parso L1partd L1passlib L1paste L1pastedeploy L1patch L1patchelf L1pathlib L1pathlib2 L1patsy L2pattern L1pbkdf2 L1pbr L1pcre L1pep381client L1pep8 L2pep8-naming L1perl L1persistent L1petl L1petlx L1pexpect L1phantomjs L2phonenumbers L1pickleshare L1pigz L1pillow L1pip L2pivottablejs L1pixman L1pkg-config L1pkgconfig L1pkginfo L1plac L1plotly L1ply L1polly L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierpomegranate L1poppler L1poppler-data L1portaudio L1portend L1portpicker L1posix_ipc L1postgresql L2preshed L1pretend L1progress L1progressbar L2progressbar2 L2proj4 L1prompt_toolkit L1protobuf L1pscp L1psqlodbc L1psutil L1psycopg2 L2pthread-stubs L1ptyprocess L1pure-sasl L1py L1py-boost L1py-xgboost L1py4j L1pyamg L1pyasn1 L1pyasn1-modules L1pyaudio L1pycairo L1pyclaw L1pycodestyle L1pycosat L1pycparser L1pycrypto L2pycryptodomex L1pyculib L1pyculib_sorting L1pycurl L1pydispatcher L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierpydot L1pydot-ng L1pydotplus L1pyemd L1pyepsg L1pyface L1pyflakes L1pygments L1pygmo L1pygpu L1pyhive L1pyjwt L1pykerberos L1pykit L1pylearn2 L1pylint L1pymc L1pymc3 L1pymongo L1pympler L1pymssql L1pymysql L1pynacl L1pynio L1pyodbc L2pyopengl L1pyopengl-accelerate L1pyopenssl L1pypandoc L1pyparsing L1pyprof2calltree L1pyproj L2pyqt L1pyqtgraph L1pyquery L1pyreadline L1pysal L1pysam L1pyserial L1pyshp L1pysmi L1pysnmp L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierpysocks L1pyspark L2pystan L1pytables L2pytest L2pytest-asyncio L1pytest-cache L1pytest-cov L1pytest-forked L1pytest-mock L1pytest-pep8 L1pytest-runner L1pytest-timeout L1pytest-xdist L1python L2python-blosc L1python-daemon L1python-dateutil L2python-editor L1python-engineio L1python-gdbm L1python-gflags L1python-graphviz L2python-ldap L1python-leveldb L1python-lmdb L1python-memcached L1python-ntlm L1python-rapidjson L1python-slugify L1python-snappy L1python-socketio L1python-sybase L1python-utils L1pytimeparse L1pytorch L1pytorch-gpu L1pytz L2pyutilib L1pywavelets L1pywget L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierpywin32 L1pyyaml L1pyzmq L1qcachegrind L1qgrid L1qt L1qtawesome L1qtconsole L1qtpy L1quandl L1queuelib L1quiver_engine L1rapidjson L1rasterio L1readline L2redis L1redis-py L1regex L1reportlab L2repoze.lru L1requests L2requests-file L1requests-ftp L1requests-kerberos L1responses L1rhash L1rope L1routes L1ruamel_yaml L1ruby L1runipy L1s3fs L1s3transfer L1sas_kernel L1sas7bdat L2sasl L1saspy L1scandir L1scikit-bio L1scikit-fmm L1scikit-image L2scikit-learn L2

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierscikit-rf L1scipy L2scons L2scrapy L2seaborn L2semantic_version L1semver L1serf L1serverfiles L1service_identity L1setuptools L1setuptools_scm L1sh L1shapely L1shiboken L1simplegeneric L1simplejson L1singledispatch L2sip L1six L2smart_open L1smmap2 L1snakebite L1snakeviz L2snappy L1snowballstemmer L1snuggs L1sockjs-tornado L1sortedcollections L2sortedcontainers L2spacy L1sparkmagic L1sphinx L1sphinx_rtd_theme L1sphinxcontrib L1sphinxcontrib-websupport L1sputnik L1spyder L2spyder-app L1sqlalchemy L2sqlalchemy-utils L1sqlite L2

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiersqlparse L1ssh L2ssl_match_hostname L1starcluster L1statsmodels L2streamz L1stripe L1subprocess32 L1suds-jurko L1supervisor L1svn L2swig L1sympy L1tabpy-client L1tabpy-server L1tabulate L1tblib L1tempita L1tempora L1tensorflow L2tensorflow-base L2tensorflow-gpu L2tensorflow-gpu-base L2tensorflow-tensorboard L2teradata L1termcolor L1terminado L1testfixtures L1testpath L1texlive-core L1text-unidecode L1the_silver_searcher L1theano L1thinc L1thrift L2thrift_sasl L1thriftpy L1tk L1toolz L2torchvision L1torchvision-gpu L1tornado L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tiertornado-json L1toro L1tqdm L1traceback2 L1traitlets L1traits L1traitsui L1transaction L1translationstring L1trollius L1twisted L1typed-ast L1typing L2udunits2 L1ujson L1unicodecsv L1unidecode L1unittest2 L1unixodbc L1unxutils L1unzip L2urllib3 L1util-linux L1uuid L2uvloop L2vc L1vcversioner L1venusian L1verboselogs L1vincent L1virtualenv L1vispy L1visvis L1vs2008_runtime L1vs2010_runtime L1vs2013_runtime L1vs2015_runtime L1vtk L1w3lib L1waitress L1wcwidth L1webencodings L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierwebob L1websocket L1webtest L1werkzeug L1wget L2wheel L1whisper L1whoosh L1widgetsnbextension L1win_inet_pton L1win_unicode_console L1wincertstore L1winkerberos L1word2vec L1workerpool L1wrapt L1ws4py L1wsgiproxy2 L1wtforms L1wxpython L1x507 L1xar L1xarray L1xcb-proto L1xerces-c L1xlrd L2xlsxwriter L2xlutils L1xlwings L1xlwt L2xmlrpc2 L2xz L2yaml L2yarl L1yasm L1yt L1zeromq L1zict L1zip L2zlib L2zope L1zope.deprecation L1

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Package Support Tiers


Package Name Support Tierzope.interface L1zope.sqlalchemy L1
