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Pacific Beach Community Planning Group – Ad Hoc Subcommittee

November 3, 2016

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Presentation Overview

Welcome/Introductions Process Update Areas of Potential Change Urban Design Preliminary Concepts Mobility Preliminary Concepts Next Steps Video Presentation

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Specific Plan Process

We are here

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Specific Plan Context - Mid-Coast Rail Study Area / Nearby Planning Studies

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Specific Plan Study Area

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Mid Coast Trolley Station Improvements

Sidewalk improvements on Balboa

I-5 off ramp signal Pedestrian Bridge over Balboa Reconfiguration of Morena

Blvd Improved bicycle facilities

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Maximum building height in plan area is 30 feet – to remain in place

Regulated by Coastal Height Limit and Clairemont Mesa Height Limit Overlay Zones

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Land Use - Areas of No Change & Focus Areas

Garnet Ave.

Mission Bay Dr.

Morena Blvd.

Balboa Ave.

Grand Ave.

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Land Use - Areas of No Change & Focus Areas


City Operations Balboa Avenue Station

Garnet Ave.

Mission Bay Dr.

Morena Blvd.

Balboa Ave.

Grand Ave.

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Land Use - Areas of No Change & Focus Areas

Established Residential Neighborho


Garnet Ave.

Mission Bay Dr.

Morena Blvd.

Balboa Ave.

Grand Ave.

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Land Use/Urban Design Concepts Overview

Engage the Creek

Frontage Improvements on Mission Bay Drive/Balboa Avenue Buildings fronting the

street Consolidated lot

incentives Reciprocal access


Promote Mixed-Use near Balboa Avenue Station

Require roll-up doors located at side/rear

Prohibit auto storage in required parking areas

Provide compatibility standards

Frontage Improvements and Guidelines for Auto Service

Garnet Ave.

Mission Bay Dr.

Morena Blvd.

Balboa Ave.

Grand Ave.

Connectivity Uses should

front and interact with the creek

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Frontage Concepts

Building at the street edge

Limited vehicle display at street

Parking and vehicle storage behind the building

Buffer parking areas

Vehicle display at street Landscape parkway

Sidewalk vehicle display

Vehicle storage behind the building

Dealership toward street

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Frontage Concepts

Articulated buildings and entries at the street edge

Service center located at side or rear

Buffer parking areas

Auto related commercial

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Frontage Concepts Buildings front the

street Articulated buildings

and entries Parking and service

access behind buildings Enhanced pedestrian


Commercial on property line Buffer parking with

landscaping Articulated buildings and

entries Parking may be in front

but service access behind buildings

Enhanced pedestrian streetscape

Commercial behind parking

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Frontage Concepts Consistent street

frontages Low fences or

courtyard walls, porches, or stoops

Drought tolerant plants and street trees

Forecourt transitions between public and private space

Seating, lighting, landscaping, fountains, and picnicking opportunities

Parking behind buildings Drought tolerant plants

and street trees

Forecourt – Multi-family

Porch and Stoop – Single-family

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Mobility Concepts

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Mobility – Existing Challenges Challenging area for

pedestrians and bicyclists Heavy vehicle traffic Limited width on Garnet /

Balboa Steep slopes and grade


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Mobility Concepts – Pedestrian Facilities

Connect missing sidewalks

Improve intersection crossings

Enhance lighting & wayfinding

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Mobility Concepts – Bicycle FacilitiesProvide comfortable bicycle facilities

for all usersEnhanced facilities connecting to

regional network

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Mobility Concepts – Roadway Improvements

Reconfigure Morena and Balboa ramps

Maintain roadway capacity on Garnet and Mission Bay Drive

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Mobility Concepts – Mobility Hub Establish a transit hub

connecting to the beach and other stations

Enhance Station Features: App-enabled ride share

services pick-up / drop-off area

Bike share Car share

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Damon Street Potential

public space at Damon Street

Plaza Space

Bike station

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Preliminary Mobility Concepts

Class II Bike Lanes

Class III Bike RouteClass I Bike Path (Rose Creek Trail)

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Preliminary Mobility Concepts

Extend Rose Creek Trail

Rose Creek Trail access improvementsAdditional sidewalks and

fill gaps in sidewalk network

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Preliminary Mobility Concepts

Cycle Track

Class III Bike Route

Bike Boulevard

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Preliminary Mobility Concepts

Class II Bike Lanes

Balboa Ave. Improvements

Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Connection

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Preliminary Mobility Concepts

Designated shared bus and bike lane

Bus stop island – separated sidewalk and loading/unloading zone for pedestrians

Balboa Avenue Mobility

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Urban Design

Gateways and Signage

Rose Creek Access Improvements

Rose Creek Connectivity

Sidewalk and Intersection Improvements

Bridge Undercrossings

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I-5 Undercrossing Balboa Avenue current view

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Bridge Undercrossings

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Bunker Hill Bridge

Before Proposed Street Improvements Potential Redevelopment Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge Connection

from Bunker Hill Drive to Balboa Avenue Station


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Mission Bay Drive and Magnolia Avenue Intersection

Before Proposed Street Improvements Potential Redevelopment


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Next Steps

Prepare Specific Plan – Fall/Winter 2016/17 EIR Scoping Meeting – January 2017 Complete EIR Technical Studies – Winter 2016/17 Community Planning Group Updates – On-going Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting – February/March 2017
