








Implementation of Special PA UT Techniques for Manufacturing Inspection of Welds in Thick Wall Components 



Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural 

Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components, 

Jeju (Korea), May 19‐21 2015 




Implementation of Special PA UT Techniques

for Manufacturing Inspection of Welds in Thick Wall Components

Dirk Verspeelt 1, Dominic Marois 1, Guy Maes 1, Jean Marc Crauland 2, Michel Jambon 2, Frédéric Lasserre 3

1 Zetec, zNDT Solutions, Québec, Canada 2 AREVA Nuclear Power, Chalon / St Marcel, France,

3 AREVA Nuclear Power; Paris, France Abstract

The AREVA-NP/EFF/SAINT-MARCEL factory have selected advanced automated UT based on phased

array and TOFD techniques, in view of replacing manual UT and radiographic testing, for circular welds in thick-wall components. The principles of the applied phased array and TOFD examination techniques, and the on-site implementation will be briefly reviewed.

This paper will then address how special UT examination techniques are implemented using phased array technology, to complement the generic techniques.

Tandem configurations, using the LLT technique, are used to obtain enhanced detection capability on planar flaws perpendicular to the inspection surface. Both single probe and two-probe configurations are used to cover the complete wall thickness.

Asymmetric TOFD configurations (Delta technique), generated with phased array probes, are used to maximize TOFD coverage in areas where access is limited to one side of the weld.

For both techniques, theoretical considerations on probe design will be presented, as well as the practical implementation of the focal laws using the UltraVision® phased array calculator.

The performance of the special techniques will be illustrated with ultrasonic data from practical trials on representative specimens with artificial and realistic flaws. It will be shown how the UltraVision software supports comprehensive visualization of the data generated by the special techniques, and how the advanced tools allow for efficient data analysis.

Keywords: phased array, TOFD, weld inspection, reactor vessel

Manufacturing of Steam Generators (SG) and Pressurizers (PZR) involves non-destructive testing of the circumferential welds according to the French Design and Construction Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands (RCC-M) code. This includes surface and volumetric NDT methods.

The low alloy steel pieces of PZR and SG (Figure 1) are assembled by means of narrow gap submerged arc welds. The weld thickness range varies between 100 mm and 180 mm. Shell diameters varying between 3.077 m and 5.165 m yield weld lengths up to more than 16 m.

Historically, Radiographic Testing (RT) was applied before heat treatment while manual UT was used in complement for examination of the welds before and after heat treatment.

For productivity and environment reasons, the AREVA-NP/EFF/SAINT-MARCEL have decided to replace manual UT and RT by advanced automated phased array pulse-echo (PE) and TOFD techniques.

1. Introduction

Figure 1: Pressurizer (PZR) and Steam Generator (SG) weld outline

2.1. Generic Inspection Techniques In order to demonstrate the best possible equivalence between the current methods (RT and manual UT)

and the proposed alternative UT techniques (PE and TOFD), and instead of a qualification (very time consuming), the development of the new UT phased array PE technique was at the start based as much as possible on the existing manual UT characteristics [1],[2]. Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of the pulse-echo examination techniques that were selected. The phased array beam steering capability is used for reproducing the refracted angles required by the code (0ºLW, 45ºSW, 60ºSW and 70ºSW) while reducing the number of probes. In order to optimize the response for various defects orientations, the beam skewing capability is used to replace manual optimization (turning the probe) in conventional UT.

Figure 2: Weld coverage using beam steering and skewing with phased array pulse-echo techniques A typical inspection result from the pulse-echo techniques is shown on Figure 3. Since more than 90

pulse-echo beams are used (different beam orientations, refracted angles and skew angles), analysing the weld data beam by beam would require too much time. Therefore, the merge tool in the UltraVision software is used to calculate and visualize, considering all beams, the maximum amplitude found for each unitary volume of the inspected weld zone. The left view (VC-Side) shows a cross section of the weld with all indications found along the weld seam. The top right view (VC-End) shows a “front” view of the weld, whereas the lower right view (VC-Top) shows the top view of the weld.

2. Dedicated Advanced Automated UT System

Figure 3: Typical inspection result from pulse-echo techniques, using Merged Data from all beams

The TOFD technique is implemented using a combination of conventional and phased array probes (see Figure 4. The near-surface depth range is covered by two conventional configurations. The phased array probe set covers the deeper range. Besides a reduction of the number of probes, this allows for flexible adaptation of zone division to fit various weld thicknesses, and a good control of the beam spread for a given depth range resulting in a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and reduced back-wall dead zone.

Figure 4: Depth zone coverage for TOFD inspection techniques The excellent SNR obtained with the phased array TOFD configuration is shown in Figure 5. The left

image shows the signals from an alumina insert, known to yield low diffraction amplitudes: the quality of the signal is very good and the obtained SNR is about 16 dB. The right image shows a 2 mm deep far-surface breaking notch in a 165mm test block. The back-wall dead zone is reduced to a minimum.

Figure 5: PA-TOFD images from an embedded 4 mm height Alumina insert (left), and a 2 mm height far-surface EDM notch (right)

2.2. On-Site Implementation A dedicated industrial system for the UT inspection during manufacturing of large narrow gap submerged

welds has been developed, and the manufacturing was finalized end 2013. It was commissioned in the factory in France in the spring of 2014 (see Figure 6). This system is used to deploy all inspection techniques discussed in the previous paragraph.

Figure 6: Dedicated automated UT system during commissioning in factory The system includes a dedicated 2 axis-scanner system with magnetic wheels, shown on the left image of

Figure 7. A detector on the scanner allows for the steering of 2 circumferential motors, to follow the trajectory projected by a laser tracking device onto the component. The axial movement is performed by a linear arm that carries the probe holder. The height of the linear movement allows travel over obstacles (nozzles), and the position of the legs can be adapted to move between obstacles.

The phased array UT & TOFD probe sets are mounted in several probe holders, as shown on the right image of Figure 7.

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LT Technique

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e 7: Dedicated s

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hown in blue) wmpinges on the

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wall-thickness otion efficiently.

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or with an angle ich travels to thed array technolcomplete wall t

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dicated tool to selecting the sizration. After cofor SW beam

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56/256PR pharation blocks and reliable calibra

example of pro

flaws perpendho techniques diwn in Figure 8

5º and 45º. Thie between 45º anhe receiver withlogy offers a drthickness of theray configuratio2/3 of the wall

ee Figure 8). Thpection techniqu

generate the ze of transmitti

omputation, the s). Each focal r, the “L-T coning extent require 8 and Figure

volume to be ic for a given whe LLT techniqthicknesses.

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obe holder (righ

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wall-thickness. que is shown on

calibration blocFBH). Around 3on tool in Ultra

system and thmanually drive

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nspection surfac The principle itter generates wave is reflecte

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8 : Depth cover

Figure 9

gure 10 : Mecha



rage for LLT teand two-prob

: Scanning exte

anical setup of t

/3 T

/3 T

echniques, with be configuration

ent for single pr

two-probe conf

single probe con (right)

robe LLT techn

figuration for LL

1/3 T

1/3 T

onfiguration (le


LT technique


used, b“doubltool foresultin

One exthe sta

wave adetect “delta

4. As

Specific considbut for each lawle” indications

or this analysis: ng data are mer

Figure 11 : Fin

In some zonesxample is the reandard TOFD te

To ensure adeqangle beam fromthe signals difftechnique”.

Figure 12

symmetric TOF

deration was giw only a ± 5 mfrom other moda merge is gen

rged together to

nal merged data

s of the circumegion of the welechnique cannotquate TOFD com the transmittfracted from the

: Nozzle in the

FD Technique

iven to the analmm depth rangde conversionsnerated for eacho generate a sing

a group from LL

ferential welds ld close to a not be applied for

overage, an asymer probe to insoe flaw edges (se

region of the co

ysis of LLT tece around the “L. The volumetrh focal law in thgle data group f

LT technique, s

to be inspectedzzle, as shown detection, sizin

mmetric TOFD onify the flaw,ee Figure 13). T

onical shell to h

chnique data. AL-T conversion

ric merge featurhe appropriate for each LLT co

showing indicat

d, access is resin Figure 12. E

ng and characte technique was and a straight b

This type of con

high shell weld

A large number n point” is conre in UltraVisiodepth range, an

onfiguration (se

tions from reali

stricted to one sExcept for the nrization of embdeveloped, usi

beam from the rnfiguration is a

of a steam gene

of focal laws asidered, to avoon is an essentind afterwards thee Figure 11).

stic flaws

side of the welear-surface zon

bedded flaws. ng a longitudinreceiver probe

also known as th


are oid ial he

ld. ne,

nal to he

therefoconfigfocusinexperimto opti60ºLWFigure

flaws wFigurethe flarelativtechniq

Figure 13 A large depth

ore it was apprurations for eang of the receivments, a probe imize the active

W) and the probe 14.

Figure 14 : Se

Initial validatiowas scanned wi

e 15, shows thatw signature is sely simple and que is on-going

: Principle of a

range (from 8opriate to dividch zone. It was

ving beam in orfrequency of 5 e aperture of th

be center separa

ensitivity of asya

on work has shith both standart the flaws are dslightly differenvery similar to


asymmetric TOF

8 to 160 mm) nde the range ins decided to usrder to optimize

MHz was seleche probes, the ration (PCS) of t

ymmetric TOFDand depth zone

hown very promrd PA TOFD andetected with gnt. It can also bthe standard TO

FD: angle beam

needs to be con several depth se phased arraye the detection ccted, and acousrefracted angle the configuratio

D configurations115 mm to 147

mising results. And asymmetric good signal-to-ne seen that the OFD technique

m transmitter, st

overed with thezones and set

y probes for mocapability at varstic beam simul

of the transmitons. Examples

s for depth zonemm (right)

A test specimenPA TOFD conf

noise ratio (SNRdata analysis fo

e. The final valid

traight beam rec

e asymmetric Tup appropriate ore flexibility, rious depths. Blations in UltraVtter beam (betwfor 2 depth zon

e 18 mm to 32 m

n with various figurations, parR) by both techor the asymmetdation of the as


TOFD techniqutransmit-receivand to allow f

Based on previouVision were useween 45ºLW annes are shown

mm (left)

types of realistrallel to the welhniques, althougtric TOFD data symmetric TOF

ue, ve for us ed nd in

tic ld. gh is



has beand TO



[1] F


[2] DIGin

5. Co


[3] WR

ure 15 : Data fro

A dedicated sen developed a

OFD techniquesThe standard p

d array techniquementary inspetion surface, anis limited to onAll the charac

alency file. This

F. Lasserre, J.YAdvanced TechnPrimary CompoNuclear and PreD. Verspeelt, mplementation

Gap Welds durin Relation to St



W. Gebhardt, FReview of Progr

om asymmetric reali

system for the Uand commissions, with an inspephased array pues to improve ction technique

nd asymmetric ne side of the wcteristics and cs study will allo

Y. Gourdin, J.Mniques in Lieu o

onent Circumferessurized CompD. Marois, Bof Advanced U

ing Manufacturtructural Integri

F. Walte, “Cracress in Quantita

PA TOFD techistic flaws in de

UT inspection ned on site. Theection speed of 2pulse-echo and specific aspects

e to obtain enhaTOFD configur

weld. capabilities of tow for using the

M. Crauland, Mof Conventionarential Welds”, onents, Cannes. Cliché, J.M.UT Techniquesing of Primary ity for Nuclear ck Detection anative Nondestru

hnique (above) aepth range 110 m

during manufae system allows2 m per hour. TOFD techniqs of the inspect

anced detection rations are used

the final systeme system as an a

M. Jambon, D. Val UT Associate10th Int. Conf.

s, September 20. Crauland, M in Lieu of MaComponent Ciand Pressurizednd Defect Clasuctive Evaluatio

and standard PAmm to 130 mm

acturing of larges to efficiently

ques have been tion capability. capability on p

d to maximize

m have been imalternative to co

Verspeelt, D. Med to Radiograp. on NDE in Re013 M. Jambon, F. anual UT and Rircumferential Wd Components, ssification usingon, La Jolla (CA

A TOFD techni

e narrow gap sdeploy phased

complementedThe LLT techn

planar flaws perTOFD coverag

mplemented anonventional UT

Marois, “Use ophy for End of Melation to Struct

Lasserre, “DRT for the InspeWelds”, 10th InCannes, Septem

g the LLT-TecA) USA, 1989 .

que (below) on

submerged weldarray pulse-ech

d with additionnique is used asrpendicular to thge in areas whe

nd studied in thand RT.

of Combined UManufacturing tural Integrity f

Development anection of Narront. Conf. on NDmber 2013 chnique”, Annu


ds ho

nal s a he



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