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Primary 1 Induction Afternoon

Wednesday, 18th of June 2014

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Welcome to Comely Park Primary

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‘A parent is a child’s first and longest serving teacher. That relationship cannot diminish when a child goes to school.’

Aim of the session: To allow your child to meet their new teacher, classmates and work in the P1 classroom.To provide information regarding your child starting P1 and to discuss some routines and procedures.To provide information from The Parent Council, PTA and School Meal Service about their role in school.

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Primary 1 Class Teachers

Miss Meyrick Mrs Weston

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Our HeadteacherMeet Mrs Collins, our headteacher. She is looking forward to meeting you all.

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Mrs Amos, Support for Learning Teacher.

She works in classes throughout the school.

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Our Nursery Team will help you settle in during the first week.

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Our Janitor, Mr Davidson

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Our catering team who will make your lunch.

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Our Support Staff. These ladies will work with you in class sometimes and you will see them in the playground. Speak to

them if you need help with anything at break time.

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P6 BuddiesThese pupils will help you in

the playground.We also have special buddies to

help you settle into school.

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P1 and 2 Playground AreaThis is where you will line

up. This is where you will play.

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The ‘all weather pitch’. You can play there during

morning break.

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Gym Hall and Lunch Hall

Gym Hall and stage Dining Room

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This is where you will hang your coat. Please ask Mummy to write your name on all your


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Primary 1 ClassroomsHere is what your classroom

will be like.You will also work out in the

P1 open area.

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Meet our Pupil Council. They work hard to improve our school.

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At school you will be busy all day long..

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Active Literacy

Magnetic boards and letters Spelling some tricky words

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We celebrate success. Certificates are

awarded during assemblies.

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Do you like sport? There are lots of new sports to try.

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We are a Health Promoting School. Please bring in healthy snacks for

break times.

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School Trips

P1 visit the Science Centre Lots to see, do and learn.

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Visitors and Events

PC Snedden Scottish Book Week

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Visitors and Events

Comic Relief Fire Service Visit

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Curriculum for Excellence: Scotland’s curriculum 3-18 years

Early Level – designed to meet the needs of 3 years to Primary 1Key features:

Literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeingActive, experiential learningHolistic approach to learning

Smooth transitionLearning through play

The P1 staff work as a team to observe, to encourage, to stimulate and extend the learning of the children in their care. Staff strive to foster a sense of enjoyment and achievement leading to motivation which is central to all learning.

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School Day

The children will attend half days in the first week, 20th-21st 22nd August, 9am-12 noon.Children start full-time week beginning Monday, 25th August, 9am-3pm.Morning: 9am-12.15pm, Afternoon: 1-3pm. Morning interval: 10.30-10.45amLunchtime: 12.15pm-1pm

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Routines and ProceduresPlease telephone to let us know if your child is unable to attend school. If your child is suffering from a sickness/diarrhoea bug, please wait 48hrs after they are clear of any symptoms before they return to school. This helps safeguard the wellbeing of other pupils and staff.Please follow up your phone call with a written note.If your child requires to take medicine, please obtain a Med1 Form from the office.Clothing: PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON EVERYTHING.Please check your child’s bag daily for any homework, letters, newsletters, etc.Please send in your child’s PE Kit and an apron/old shirt for art/craft activities.All About Me Poster – bring in during your child’s first week in P1.

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Routines and Procedures

Money to school – Dinner money on Monday with the slip. Trips, events, etc in an envelope with your child’s name.Please let us know if your child has any allergies, special diets or medical needs.Birthdays: Please do not supply a cake or treats. We are a health promoting school.Healthy Tuck Shop: Every Friday.House System: Badges will be supplied at the beginning of term.

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