Page 1: P. 320 6B ¿Qué película has visto? to rent alquilar

P. 320

6B ¿Qué película has visto?

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to rent


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el amor

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to arrest


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to capture


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el crimen

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el (la) criminal

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el crítico, la crítica

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el (la) detective

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to fall in love (with)

enamorarse (de)

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(to be) in love with

(estar) enamorado, -a de

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(movie) star

la estrella (del cine)

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el (la) extraterrestre

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to fascinate


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el fracaso

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leading man

el galán

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I have seen

he visto

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you have seen

has visto

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el ladrón,la ladronalos ladrones

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to kill


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action film

la película de acción

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How is (it)…?

¿Qué tal es…?

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to recommen



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to rob, to steal


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He/she/it will be


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to succeed, to be


tener éxito

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to be about

tratarse de

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la víctima

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la violencia

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not yet


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Me (me) Nos (us)

Te (you) XXX

Le (him/her, you, it) Les (them, you all)

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la actuación

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el argumento

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film direction

la dirección

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el director, la directora

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special effects

los efectos especiales

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la escena

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to be based on

estar basado, -a en

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el papel

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to play the role of

hacer el papel de

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main character

el personaje principal

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He Hemos


Ha Han

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-ar -ado

-er -ido

-ir -ido

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Decir Dicho

Devolver Devuelto

Escribir Escrito

Hacer Hecho

Morir Muerto

Poner Puesto

Romper Roto

Ver Visto

Volver Vuelto