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May Cooper, a writer for CQ Researcher, claims, based on recent scientific observations, that the Earth

ozone layer is being destroyed. This destruction she notes is attributed to humans releasing chlorofluorocarbon

into the upper atmosphere. Without the ozone layer to block out deadly ultraviolet radiation, life on Earth will be

severely threatened.

In 1992, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration held a press conference where they released

their findings which claim that the ozone hole was depleting at a rapid rate which would expose humans to life-

threatening radiation. Michael Kurylo, NASA program manager stated that as much as 40 percent of the ozon

over populous areas of the Northern Hemisphere could be depleted by early spring of 1992 (Easton, 152). Th

ozone scare officially began in 1985 with the discovery of lower than normal amounts of ozone over Antarctica

In 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed which called for the phasing out of CFCs and ozone depletin

chemicals by the year 2000. The reason for the rush is partially due to a 1975 study claiming that a 50 percen

loss in ozone protection "would cause [skin] blistering after one hour of exposure. This leads to the conclusion

that outside daytime work in the Northern Hemisphere would require complete covering protective clothin

(Easton, 153)." Increases in UV radiation are also thought to disrupt plant photosynthesis, which in turn would

lower crop yields.

Scientific alarmists eagerly set out to prove that the vast populations of the world were at risk due to the

thinning ozone layer. An American research team lead by Susan Solomon and Dave Hoffman found that ozone

concentrations over the middle latitudes were significantly depleted. This assertion was based on the 198

eruption of El Chichon in Mexico (Easton, 157). In October 1990, scientists recorded record low levels of ozone

over Antarctica. They also found that the hole extended up southern Chile. That same month, the World

Meteorological Organization announced that critical levels of ozone loss were occurring at the middle and hig

latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.


James Hogan and countless other scientists dispute the drastic claims made by other agencies about th

depletion of the ozone layer. These scientists claim that the ozone layer does not erode away, it just goes through

cycles similar to sand shifts on a coastline. Hogan states that "Even if all the ozone were to suddenly vanish, ther

would still be 17 to 30 kilometers of hitherto untouched oxygen-rich atmosphere below, which would become

available [to produce more ozone through photodissociation] ... (Easton, 162)."

To contradict a rising amount of ultraviolet radiation that the alarmists claim would be present if th

ozone layer were destroyed, Hogan points out that actual ultraviolet levels have been decreasing over the pas

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decade. He also attacks their idea of CFCs eating up oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. For each CFC

and oxygen collision, ozone is actually created. The breakup of paired oxygen releases the free oxygen molecule

to bond with other free molecules to form ozone. Hogan attacks the way scientists gathered their data. Th

research station that announced alarming amounts of chlorine in the atmosphere, supposedly released from

cooling devices as CFCs, is in fact downwind from an active volcano that released an average of 1,000 tons o

chlorine per day in 1983 (Easton, 164). To argue the record low 1985 levels of ozone over Antarctica, Hoga

refers to the extremely low levels discovered by Gordon Dobson in 1956, when CFCs were barely in use.

Hogan's basic stance is that the claims being made that the ozone hole is increasing are fraud. The ozon

layer is constantly in flux, changing yearly and seasonally. It has increased between 1962 and 1979, whil

decreasing from 1979 to 1986. Since 1986 the levels of global ozone have increased at a steady rate (Easton

166). The ozone hole is, in his eyes, a fad for science that will end once something more interesting enters the

public eye.


In the end, only time will tell which side is correct. Current observations do show a shift in the ozon

layer over Antarctica. However, the Earth, on average, is increasing in the amount of ozone; the amount o

ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground in decreasing as well. Time will show that the alarmists claiming that th

ozone layer will be gone over the next few years were wrong.

Faulty research and the need for political influence tainted the results of NASA and other governmen

agencies. A research site downwind from an active volcano had better pick up alarming amounts of chlorine in

the air. Worst case scenarios are needed to motivate the public to demand the passing of laws. Once the laws get

passed, then the agency that prompted them looks like a hero.

We will find out that we do have a profound impact on the environment. Impacts occur when a

abundance of a substance is produced. The manmade CFCs posed no additional harm to the environment than

natural made ones. Science will turn from this fad and onto another when the opportunity presents itself. Unti

that time, we will continually be warned about the "depleting ozone hole" and "deadly ultraviolet radiation."

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Works Cited

Easton, Thomas A. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Science,

Technology, an̂ty. Guilford: Dushkin Publishing Group, 1997.

Phillips, Ian. "Telling Green Lies." ://www.

(10 October 1997)

The National Center for Public Policy Research. "Talking Points on the Environment." (10 October 1997).

United States Environmental Protection Agency. "Questions and Answers on Ozone Depletion." (10 October 1997).


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