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TIlustrùrions: Martin Shovel. Harry Venning

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Oxford Wordpower Trainer


Quick quiz

Getting things right

Phrasai verbs


Confusable words


Word formation


Letler writing

Essay writing

Improve your speaking and writing

Informai and formai English



Topie: Food and shopping

Topie: Clothes and appearance

Topie: Sport

Topie: Health

Topie: Where you live

Key to exercises at teacher/wordpower


Quick quiz

l earn how to use w ordpower by doing this quick quiz. Vou can tind ail the answers in the dicti onary.

A Circle the correct word .

1 1 don 't teel very well - I think l've got a stomach bee / e insect / warm.

2 l'm havi ng a do / a laugh / a make / a play to celebrate

my birthday.

3 A walrus / A stag / A hedgehag / An elephant is a large

animal that has a trunk and two tusks.

4 Could 1 make / have / do / see a look at your new

dictionary, please?

5 1 didn 'I understand the ward , 50 Iloaked it away /

dawn / ouI / up in my dictionary.

B Cross out the wrong words.

1 asked the teacher~/ Io help /~ me, but

she lold me / laid 10 me that 1 should make / do more

homework, learn use / using / 10 use my dictionary,

and give / pay attenlion la / wilh / ot her in class.

e Match the words which rhyme (= have the same sound).

height ________ hait

laugh ------- kite







o Match the British and American English word s.

dressing gown \ vest nappy sneakers

trainers pants

trousers diaper

waistcoat bath robe


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E Correct the eight words that are spelled incorrectly.

1 FeE8ffleR8 studying at universitie in Great Britian. You 're English will be excelent and i'm shore yule be sucesfull .


F True (V') or false(J()?

1 A cushion on a bed is called a pill. 2 A school where children live and sleep is ca lled a

boring school. 3 If Vou go driving during the rush hour, you' lI

probably find yourself stuck in a traffic jam. 4 Housework is work that is given by teachers for

students to do at home. S '1 needn 't have gone to the hospital' means the same

as '1 didn 't need to go to the hospital.'

G Write the words with a similar meaning on the same line: chubby dreadful c1ever gorgeous bright handsome ftWftt!. overweight

bad ~J..".""----- ----_




H What is this?

1 back to front 2 inside out 3 upside down 4 straight away

Which is the odd one out (= which word is different)? If Vou need help, look at the Co lour pages at the back of the dictionary.

1 wok stew steamer chip pan

YOU/Uf~p.wok) stumeY P.Jtd~~to cookftod. A steur if p.ty~offt0d.

2 glider hovercraft liner yacht 3 basil c10ves mint parsley 4 briefcase rucksack shoulder bag trainers S barn busker orchard stable

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Getting things right

Where can 1 find the information to help me?

Wordpower can help vou in many different ways. Remember to look in ail the possible places that could help Vou.

Which tense should 1 use?

Information about grammar, including tenses, the passive, nouns and relative clauses, is in the Grammar section at the back of the didionary.

Which preposition?

Vou can find information about prepositions at the entry for the word .

It's a phrasai verb but which particle do 1 need?

• look at the sedion marked œIil'J at the entry for the verb.

Do 1 need a gerund or an infinitive? l ook at Verb pa tterns. Il will tell vou about many of the most common ones.

Fill in the missing words

1 think 1 know which word it is but l 'm "01 sure.

Hundreds of usage notes exp lain the differences between similar words.

Is il an irregular verb? Check the list at the back of the didionary.

Is il an idiom?

Check in the section marked mL'iI at the entry for one of the main words in il.

Don't forget to look at the example sentences, which will show Vou the most common patterns and collocations of a word.

Complete the following text by writing the corred word or words in each space. The notes above will help Vou to use your dictionary to find the answers.

Measuring up to 10 feet at the shoulder

and 1 upto 12000 lbs,

the African elephant is the heaviest land

mammal. It keeps cool by covering itself

_____ mud or dust, which

also helps protect it 3 the

sun and • ______ inseds.

Numbers have reduced drastically as

elephants 5 killed for

their ivory. This is now illegal , but still

goes 6 . Some are also

kill ed 7 larmers, who face

the impossible job of keeping elephants

_____ their crops. Their tusks

are adually two teeth. They are

different sizes and shapes depending

_____ where the elephant

lives and what jobs the elephant uses

them for. They can be used

10 digging, fighting, lifting

or removing obstacles.

Female elephants and young males live

11 lamily groups.

Typi ca lly, a family group consists

12 _ ____ a motherand her

daughters and grandchi ldren. Males

leave the herd when they

13 _____ adults and live

,, _____ or in other groups 01


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Spot the error ln each line of the text there is one mistake. Underline the mistake and write the correct word at the end of the line.

The owner of a house in Leeds cou Id not beleive his eyes when he returned from work to tind a co ld and embarassed burglar laying in his ga rd en. While trying to cut through the wires of the burglar alarm, he did a mistake and instead cut a main electric cable. Incredibly, he recieved only minor burns and cuts. The owner of the ftat sa id , '1 was amazed for how ca lm he was when 1 found him. If he has fallen onto the concrete path, he wou Id have been gravely hurt or even killed, but he felt into bushes.' The lucky burglar thanked the man for saving his life: 'He stopped me to freeze to death,' he sa id , 'and because of hi m, l've decided retire from crime.'

Sentence transformations Use the word given in bold to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar mea ning to the tirst sentence. For help with thi s exercise , look at the entry for the given word in the dictionary, or look at the Gra mmar section at the back.

Example: 'Can Vou tell me how to get to the city centre?' she asked me. (directions)

She asked me for directiblU/tO j~her directiblU to the city centre.

l'm off to the shop beca use we've drunk nearly ail the milk. (running)

l'm off to the shop because _ _ _

____ __ milk.

2 We're considering buying a new car. (thinking)

We're ___ ______ buying

a new car.

3 1 rea lly had a good time in Australia. (enjoyed)

1 rea lly _________ in


4 'Let 's ail go out and celebrate tonight,' James sa id. (suggested)

James _______ _


5 Poli ce are questi oning a man in connection with the robbery. (questioned)


A man _____ ____ in

connecti on with the robbery.

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6 Ifs possible that he didn't get my message. (might)

He _____________ my


7 There's almost no money left in our accounl. (hard ly)

There's _________ left

in our accounl.

8 The party was so boring that we left ea rl y. (su ch)

Il was _ _ _______ that

we left ea rly.

9 1 can't wa it to meet her new boytri end. (dying)

l'm _ _ _______ her new

boyfri end.

10 1 arrived late, so 1 missed the train . (earli er)

If 1 caught

the train.


6 Verb patterns

Gap fills Fill the ga ps with the correct form of the verb.

She denied f~ the purse.


2 1 tri ed to stop the man ___ _

the dog. hit

3 The dog has learnt ____ the

door. open

4 1 can't stand ____ animais in

pain. see

5 l've arranged _ _ __ him

tomorrow. meet

6 1 attempted ____ in French.


7 l'II never forget ____ him for

the first time. meet

8 My dad discouraged me from

____ the army. join

9 1 rea lly enjoy ____ crosswords.


10 Heapologizedfor ____ late.


Sentence transformations Using the word given, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning ta the first sentence. You must use between two and five ward s, including the ward given. If you need help, look up the bold ward in the dictionary.

1 can't wait ta see you agai n.


l'm LoO~foYwarrüo f~ you aga in.

2 Did your parents allow you ta go out

at night? let

Did your parents ______ _

_____ out at night?

3 1 wish 1 hadn 't told her my secret.


________ my secret.

4 l' II always remember the first time 1

saw her. forget

1'1I ________ for the

first time.

5 Why don't you talk ta your parents

about the problem? try

You ought ta _____ ___ _

______ about the problem.

6 Pregnant woman should not drink

alcohol. avoid

Pregnant women should ___ _

7 1 can't buy the tickets until he tells me

if he wants one. waiting

l'm __________ me if

he wants a ticket.

8 1 recommend you do more exercise.

advise ___________ more

exercÎse .

9 The sa lesman talked her into buying

the car. persuaded

The sa lesman _______ _

___ the ca r.

10 He managed ta get a place at

university. succeeded

He _________ a place

at university.

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Verb forms

Many regular verbs change their spelling in the 3rd person singular present, the present participle, the pa st and the pa st participle forms . For exa mple, hurry:

She hurries She is hurrying She hurried 1 has hurried

ln the Wordpower dict ionary, irregular spellings are shown beside the headword in each entry.

Complete the statements below with the co rrect form of the ve rb in brackets.

_____ (study) French

when 1 was at university.

2 Last year 1 went

on holiday.


3 1 rea lly like (shop) for

cloth es.

4 1go (swi m) every


5 1 have never (panic)

before a test or an exam.

Countable, uncountable and plural nouns

Cross out the wrong form. If vou need help, look up the bold words and read the 1tJ·, ·jMM·' il notes.

Could 1 borrow a seissaFs/a pair of scissors?

2 rd like some information/ informations about bus tours, please.

3 The pasta aren't/ isn't cooked yet. 4 How many homeworks/ much

homework did your teacher give vou? 5 His job is restoring antique

fu rniture/fu rnitu res. 6 1 had two toasts/pieees of toast for

breakfast. 7 My accommodation was/were very

basic. 8 He gave us lots of advice/advices.

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9 1 never read newspapers beca use the news is/are so depressing.

10 This trouser/These trousers is/are too small for me.


Fill the ga ps with a word from the list below. Vou can fi nd ail the answers by looking at example sentences in Wordpower.

How to succeed in sport!

Il vou enjoy , _____ sport, why

not try l in a com petiti on?

01 course, vou will have to , ___ _

hard . Vou also need to be in good

_____ and have a lot 01

. _____ . Il vou are good enough,

vou might even win a • ____ _

Don't worry il vou , ____ _

because vou may 8. _____ next

lime. Who knows, one day vou might

_____ the world record or

become the world 10 ____ _

making 6 reward to play prize doing respect to do pri ee

2 entering 7 deleat joining beat going lose taking part miss

3 rehea rse 8 ga in tra in pass coach beat audition win

4 fit 9 pass strength master stamina brea k shape exeeed

5 stamina 10 master hea lth champion li tness leader exercise amateur


8 Phrasalverbs Which particle?

What does t he particle back mean in th ese sentences?

l'II cali vou back later. She wrote ta him but he didn 't write


Many particles keep their meaning, even wh en used with dilferent verbs :

• Go on. 1 want ta know what happens


They liked th e hotel sa mu ch that they stayed on l or an extra week.

when 1 picked up th e mug the handle

came off.

• 1 didn't pay the bill and now my phone's been cut off.

A Match the particles with th eir m ea nings. back separate, no longer attached



in return continuing

B Fill in the missing particle (back, on , or olf) in these sentences.

1 lient that book ta George last week,

but he hasn't given it __ yet.

2 The poli ce have sea led __ the

street where th e attack took place.

3 when you've finished with the book

please pass it __ ta the next

stud ent.

4 Louis got into t rouble l or answering

his teacher __ when she told him

off in class.

5 Allhough it was very late we decided

topush __ ta the next village.

6 The road bra nches __ ta th e lelt a

little way up ahead.

More particles Fill the blanks with the correct particle.

Business is pretty bad these days.

A lot 01 workers have been laid

(over, olf, down)

2 "U.S." stands ___ United States.

(out, ta , lor)

3 1 can't ligure ___ how ta use this


(up, out, lor)

4 Sue cam e __ the letter while she

was cl eaning her room .

(to , across, lor)

5 l'm sure that story wasn't true.

1 think Pete made it ___ .

(up, for, in)

6 She was oflered a job in Dallas,

but she decided ta turn it ___ .

(over, up, down)

7 Alex dropped out ___ schoo l

when he was 16 years o ld.

(Ior, 01, Irom)

8 Please write ___ your address and

phone number.

(down, over, away)

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Separable and inseparable verbs Fill in the blanks by putting the word ' it' in the correct place. ln each sentence you will have to leave one blank empty.

1 You must be hot with your coat on. Why don 't you take

il; off _ ?

2 Il you don't understand this word , look _ up _ in

your didionary.

3 He had a very bad illness, and it will take him a long

time to get _ over _ .

4 1 was going to do my homework la st night, but 1 didn 't

get around to _ .

5 1 thought you had linished reading the newspaper, so 1

threw away _ .

6 Jill ca n't come ta the meeting tomorrow, sa we' lI have

ta put _ off _ until next week.

Opposites Many phrasa i verbs have opposites. You wililearn them more quickly il you memorize them together.

Match each sentence in 1-10 with its opposite in a-j . Then write the pairs 01 opposites in the spa ces below.

It was geuing dark sa 1 turned on the light.

a 1 can drop you off on my way home il you like.

2 Don 't leave your bag on the Haar like that - pick it up!

3 It's co ld - put you r coat on. 4 1 bought Jan a present ta cheer him up. 5 You should check in at reception as

saon as you arrive. 6 1 pulled over at the side 01 the road ta

look at the map. 7 1 tried ta lea rn the guitar but packed

it in after a lew weeks. 8 My dad is coming ta pick me up at ten. 9 A 10% service charge is added on ta

the bill . 10 l 'm sa tired . 1 can't wait ta get home

and sit down.

b You have to check out 01 the hotel belore midday.

c Take off that si lly hat! d l've decided to take up aerobics. e Did you see that? That driver pulled

out right in Iront 01 me. Don't lorget to turn off the TV belore you go to bed .

g We ail stood up when the head teacher came into the classroom.

h What's thirty-one take away lourteen?

i He put the book down on the table. Don 't let the exams get you down .

turn sth on turf//ftJv1f add sth on ___ _ pick sb up ____ _

put sth on ____ _ pick sth up ___ _ sit down ____ _

check in cheer sb up ____ _

pack sth in pull over ____ _

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10 Idioms

An idiom is a particular combination of words, which has a special meaning that is difficult to guess, even il Vou know the meanings of the individual words in it. To find an idiom in Wordpower, look up the most important word in it (ignoring words like 'off' and 'the ') . Vou will find the idiom in the idioms section , marked ffiIUJ. For example, to find by heart , look at hearl.

A Match the sentences to the pictures and then fill in the blanks with the parts of the body Irom the li st. Use each word only once.

eye eyes nose ~ head head back mind heart arm heels leet

1 Doctor, there's something 1 need to get off my cltMt. ~ 2 1 don't know what's wrong with the boss today. 1 on ly asked a question and

she bit my __ olf ! D 3 We weren't really argu ing until Basil came along and stuck his __ in . D 4 1 ca n't possibly meet vou today. l'm up to my __ in work at the moment. D 5 As she walked up the aisle towards Tom, Sue started to get cold __ D 6 When John lelt me lor another woman, he broke my __ D 7 1 have to sit near the water's edge so 1 can keep an __ on Emma. D 8 Oh ail right, l'II come and watch it with vou. You 've twisted my __ D 9 1 fell __ over __ in love with her the moment 1 saw her, but she

doesn't want to know me. D 10 As 1 walked away, 1 cou ld hear them whispering about me behind my __ D 11 He was in the shop for ages trying to make up his __ what to buy. D

B Replace the word or phrase in bold in sentences 1- 10 with one of the idioms shown in the pictures opposite, changi ng verb forms, pronouns, etc. as necessary .

• It wou ld make me very sad if anything happened to my cal.

• It would break my heart if anything happened to my cal.

Could vou watch my bags for me while 1 go into the shop, please?

2 The way we bring up the children is our business. 1 don 't want your mother


3 Mark and Emma are both still crazy about each other even alter five years.

4 He was going to report it to the police, but at the last minute he le lt too scared and

dec ided to keep quiet.

5 Why not tell him how vou feel? It might do vou good to ta lk about it .

6 Fran says she's too busy to come to the party tonight. See if Vou can persuade her .

7 You ' lI just have to decide which one Vou want. l'm not waiting any longer!

8 Wh en 1 asked him what he wanted to ea t, he just shouted at me.

9 It's not fair of us to discuss Jo's work wi t hout her knowing about il.

10 We're so busy because we've just moved house and we have got loads of boxes

that need unpacking.

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Confusable words

-ing or -ed adjectives Some adjectives have an - ing lorm a nd an --ed lorm. Compare:

• 1 hate doing the ironing. 11'550 boriflg! • L'm bor~. Whot sho/l we do?

A Und erline the co rrect adjective in each sentence .

1 People who talk about lootba ll ail th e time a re bored/boring.

2 The scenery in the Swi ss Alps is absolutely a mazed/amazi ng.

3 Wh en Ann rea lized what a 1001 she'd made 01 herself, she leltterribly embarrassed/embarrassing.

4 Don't go to that resta urant - the lood is revo lted/ revolting.

5 The lilm was so moved/moving that 1

cried at the e nd . 6 Looking alter children a il day long is

very t ired/t iring. By the eve ning, l'm completely exha usti ng/exhausted .

7 1 co uldn't put this book down . Ifs rea lly excited/exciting!

8 She is terri l ied/terrifying 01 spide rs.

B Are the adjectives in th e co rrect lorm? Mark a ny that a re co rrect with a ti ck ( ..... ) a nd a ny that a re wrong with a cross (" ).

1 That boy is really annoyed . 1 wish he

would go away' " aJtJWyinj 2 She 's a charmed woman ana she tells

lascinating stories. 3 Alte r a relaxing bath, she lelt

relresh i ng. 4 The the me pa rk was disa ppoi nted .

Most 01 the rides were rea lly boring. There was only one ride whi ch the childre n thought was Irightened .

5 My job is cha ll e nging a nd 1 generally e njoy it, but it has its bored moments, too.

6 Some 01 the stud e nts' exam results were disappoin ted , but on the whol e, l'm quite satislying with the ir progress.

Using illustrations You can see the diffe re nce between similar words by looking at the bl ack a nd white illustrations in Wordpowe r .

Each 01 the words 1 - 10 is shown in a n illustration . Find th e illustratio n in the di ctiona ry a nd choose th e correct word a- d o

... it's what vou do to make lood and drin k go down your throat to your stomach. a bite b lick c sneeze d swallow

2 ... it's something Vou do when vou want to get toothpaste out 01 a tube . a crush b squash c press d sq ueeze

3 ... it'sa tool with a heavy meta l head that Vou use lor hitting nail s, etc. a a chise l b a dri ll c a hammer d a mallet

4 ... ifs when vou sit on the Iloor with your legs pull ed up in Iront 01 Vou a nd with one leg or loot over the other. a back to Iront b cross-Iegged c imide out d wit h your legs crossed

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5 ... it's a large sheillish with eight legs. It is bluish-black but it turns red when it is cooked. a a clam b a lobster c a mussel d an oyster

6 ... it's a type of kitchen tool that has a metal or plastic net , used for separating so lids from liquids or very small pieces of food lrom large pieces. a a colander b a grater c a ladle d a sieve

7 ... it's what a stone or rock does when vou th row it into water. a float b ripple c sink d bounce

8 ... it 's a row of bushes or trees planted close together at the edge of a gard en or field to separate one piece 01 land from another. a a fence b agate c a hedge d awall

9 ... it's when you allow somebody to use something for a short t ime, or give somebody money that must be paid back. a afford b borrow c lend d owe

10 ... it's what a bail does when you throw it onto a hard surface. a bounce b hop c jump d smash

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Write the correct word

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb from each pair in bold. Remember to put the verbs into the appropriate tense.

My father t~ me to drive

when 1 was 17. (teach/ learn)

2 1 got in the taxi and asked the driver to

_ _ _ __ me to the airport.


3 Hurry up or we' II _____ the

bus! (miss/ lose)

4 She's only in her forties, but with her

grey hair, she _____ seventy.


5 Several buildings were badly

_____ in the blast, but luckily

no one was ____ _


6 Guess what? My wife _____ a

baby! (expect/wait)

7 When vou come to class tomorrow,

_____ your dictionari es.


~!.:~. "


,... - ~ -'l

~1: ~ Bring the newspaper

Fetch the newspaper

Take the newspaper


14 8 _____ bald is a sure sign that

vou are old. (get/go)

9 Don't time queuing to

go up the tower. The view Irom the

top isn't worth it. (waste/ lose)

10 The priee of oil ____ _

dramati ca lly at the moment.

(rise/ raise)

11 From what 1 could hear, the couple

_____ to be havingan

argument about money. (seem/ look)

12 1 in the east 01 the

country and moved west in my early

twenties. (grow/ grow up)

13 The prisoner _____ escape by

digging a tunnel. (can/ manage to)

14 III had a good job, l'd ____ _

lots 01 money. (earn/win)

15 We each other at

university. (know/ get to know)

What 's the diffe rence?

Cross out the wrong word(s).

1 Our trip ta London was~/Iun .

(Iunny = that makes vou laugh/ lun = enjoyable)

2 We had a great landscape/seenery/ view lrom our hotel window.

3 The doctor gave me a receipt/ recipe/ prescription lor some antibiotics.

4 Vou shouldn 't take what he says seri ously. You're just tao sensitive/sensible.

5 She works like/as a reeept ionist in a big hote l.

6 Ilived there during/since/ l or ten years and ca me back ta the UK live yea rs since/ ago/ for.

7 She has a good job/work in Brussels. 8 The band are actually/currently

touring in the us and won't be back until ea rly autumn.

9 She li ves on her own and says she never gets alone/ lonely.

10 John will pass the exam because he's worked very hard/ hardly.

Collocation - Words that go together

Expressions with make, do , g;ve, have and take The only way ta lea rn collocati ons is ta collect them and keep practising them, but there are just a lew points that ca n help vou decide which verb ta use:

Do is olten used for tasks and duties that Vou have to do and that are not creative, or in expressions with the words thing, nothing, anything, etc.:

do the cleaning do something wrong • do an exam do things your own way • do a job • nothing ta do

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Make is ohen used when sth is produced bV VOU, using vour skil ls, vour mind or vour words: • make dinner • make a decision make a comment • make a movie • make a judgement make an excuse • make a model • make a guess • make a suggestion

(But do a painting) • make a promise

Give, too, is used in manv expressions conneded with words. It is also used in expressions that descri be physica l actions:

give (sb) advice • give sth a kick/a twi st/a push • give (sb) vour word • give sb a slap/a kiss/a hug • give a reason

give a lecture • give evidence

Complete each of the following sentences with the verb make, do, give, have or take:

1 He couldn 't ____ a good expia nation whV he was late.

2 Are vou anything next Sundav?

3 Did anyone a comment abou t the food?

4 We are going to have some difficult choices to ___ _

5 Vou should some stretching before Vou run .

6 1 think Barry's an argument with his mother.

7 My brother doesn't like risks.

8 He ____ his fri end a friend ly punch on the arm.

9 Sha ll we a five-minute break?

10 1 a short cut through the woods.

11 Are Vou a party on your birthdav?

12 She her word that she'd keep my secret .

13 1 always a lot of photos on holiday.

14 'told him to slow down but he ____ no notice.

15 Have vou ____ any plans for next year?

16 ,'II vou a ca illater.

17 l 'm just going to _ ___ a phone ca lI.

18 Vou can a lot of money working with computers.

19 Those boys have just come here to trouble .

20 People kept jokes about her hair.

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Word formation

Long words are olten made Irom shorter words with a lew letlers added ta the beginning (a prelix) or ta the end (a sulfix). These pages show you some important groups 01 prefixes and suffixes. There is a longer alphabeticallist at the back of Ward power which will help YQU with the quiz questions.


Numbers A ward that begins with bi- shows that there are two 01 something. A bicycle has two wheels (but a tricycle has three). words for metric measurements are often made with the prefi xes cent-, kilo-, etc. 100 centimetres = 1 metre, 1 ki/ogram = 1,000 grams, and sa on.

Time A number 01 prefi xes are conneded with time, for exa mple pre- (before) and ex- (Iormer). A prearranged meeting was arranged beforehand . A divorced man might talk about his ex-wiJe. The ex-president is no longer president.

Size and degree Some common prefi xes tell us 'how big' or 'how much'. A ward that begins with maxi - is large or the greatest ; mini­refers ta something small (miniskirt). extra- means 'more' - extra-strong glue is stronger than usual.

Negative Many prefi xes change the mea ning of a word to its opposite or make it negative. A nonsmoker does not smoke; the opposite of happy is unhappy. We also use in - (or belore certain letters im-, il -, or ir-) in this way.

Position These prefi xes tell us where something is or happens. For exa mple, sub- gives the idea of 'under'; a subway go es under the road; we read the subtit/es under the pictures of a foreign movie.

1 How many sides does an odagon have? 2 If 1976 was the bicentennial of Mozart's

death, in which year did he die? 3 Which ward is a monosyllable, 'but',

'a lthough', or 'however'? 4 Does a multinational company exist

in only one country?

5 If a house was built in the postwar period, was it built before or alter the war?

6 If a baby is premature, is it born before or alter the expeded tim e?

7 which is bigger, a store or a superstore? 8 If something is microscopie, is it very

large or very small? 9 How do you feel if vou have overeaten ­

very full or still hungry?

10 Which of the prefixes un-, in -, im-, il -, jr­wou Id vou use ta make the opposites of these words? correct certain sure legal patient legible

possible regu lar valid relevant

11 Is an activity that is extra-curricular part of the curriculum of a school?

12 Is a flight from New York ta London transatlantic?

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Suffixes A su ffix is added ta the end of a ward, and it olten changes the function of the ward. For example, -Iy makes an adjective into an adverb. (He sings beautiful/y. The car was badly damaged. )

Ta make nouns that describe a state, an action or a qua lit y you can add a suffix such as -ation. e.g. inform + ation = information; examine + otian = examination. There may be small changes in the spelling, e.g. the second 'e' is dropped in examination.

Other suffixes are used to make nouns that describe people, for example, -er, -or, -ist , -ian , -ee, -ant, -en l . They may be added la a verb la describe Ihe person who does the action, e.g. rider, sailor, cyelist, or we can add them to nouns la describe someone who works on a particular subject (artist, historian).

We can also make a noun or an adjective into a verb by adding a suffix such as -en, -if Y or oize. If we make somelhing wider, simpler or more modern , we widen, simplify or modernize il.

Prefixes and Suffixe s

13 Use one of the suffixes -ation, -ment, -ness ta make nouns from these verbs and adjectives: develop kind arrange imagine happy organize What happens to the spelling of 'happy'?

14 Fill the gaps to make words that describe people and their jobs: a __ or (works in a theatre) t __ er (works in a school) c ___ or (stands in front of an

orchestra) e __ er (goes out ta discover

new countries)

15 Which verbs can you make from these words, using one of the suffixes oize, -en and -ify? summary fa lse sharp general loose pure (You may need ta change the spelling a little.)

Using Ihe prefixes and suffixes below, change the words in bo ld la complele Ihe senlences.

-al ly -ment -ify extra- Irans- -ous -ward -able i l- -ish

Simpler language would make this

report more read

2 What do people in your country

____ eal at Chrislmas? tradition

3 Have you gollhis shirt in an _ __ ,

This one's not big enough. large

4 When 1 mixed ail the painls together 1

gal a colour. brown

5 It's to sell cigarettes to

children under 16. legal

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6 Ilhink you should ____ these

instruclions - Ihey're 100 complicated.


7 Passing your driving test first time was

quite an ____ achieve

8 When is Ihe nexl ____ flight from

London la Boslon' Atlantic

9 Don 't eallhose berri es - Ihey're

poi son

10 Travel ____ for about eighl miles

unlil you reach a junction. north



1 Prepositions

Prepositions of place Fill each gap with one of the preposit ions shown below.

1 It took us ages to get there, because we had to drive for

two miles _ ___ a trador.

2 Where's my didionary? Ileft it _ _ _ _ the table.

3 (an vou get the ice cream? Ifs the freezer.

4 They live on the top floor, in the fiat mine.

S She spends ail day sitting a computer.

6 The cinema is the bank.

7 Philadelphia is situated ____ New York and

Washington oc. 8 He placed a ladder ___ the side of t he hou se.

The lamp is above ",L

The bird is in/ inside the cage.

the table. m 1 \

The lorry is in front of the ca r.

The meat is on the table.

The cat is under the table.

The temperature is below zero.

Tom is opposite Kim.

Sam is between Kim and Tom.

Kim is next to / beside Sam.

The hou se is among the trees. The girl is leaning against the wa ll.

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Prepositions of time in parts 01 the day (not night) in the morning(s),


months seasons

years decades

in the evening(s), etc. in Februory in (the) summer in 1995 in the 1920'5

centuries in the 20th century alter some time in 0 moment

in ten minutes

on dock time at 5 o 'dock

at 7.45 p.m. atnight

day 01 the week on Saturdays

night holiday periods


at Christmas at the weekend

at the moment at present

on Friday morning dates on (the) 20th (oJ) May

(US also on May 20th) particular days on Christmas Day

on New Year's Day on Good Friday on my birthday on the Jollowing day

Write the word or phrase in the appropriate co lumn.


29th May 60'dock 9a.m. alternoon Easter last year lunchtime March New Year's Eve next mon th nighl spring the 1980's the 21 st century the day after lomorrow the weekend today tomorrow Tuesday Wednesday morning yesterday

in al on no preposition


Do vou lind il difficult to learn prepositions? Look at Learning vocabulary in Wordpower lor some uselul ideas!

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LeUer writing

Informalletter Vou have just received this letter from your friend and made some notes on il. Write a suitable reply, using ail the information in your notes.

Write a letter 01 between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style.

Job application letter Job application letters usually have lour paragraphs: 1 Where Vou saw the job advertisement

+ why vou are writing 2 Your skills and experience 3 Why Vou wou ld like the job 4 When Vou will be available + an

appropriate ending to the letter

Look at the phrases below. Which paragraph should they be in? Write a number from 1-4. The first two are done loryou.

• As Vou will see Irom my CV, ~ • Further to your advertisement in

"English World ", ..1.. • 1 am a qualified and experienced

teacher, translator, etc. _

• 1 am currently working • 1 am keen/eager to find a position as


• 1 have a great deal of experience 01 ... ing

• 1 look forward to hearing from vou (soon). _

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Writing a reply

. 1 t the letter on the previous page. Here is one possible rep y .a h from the list. Fill the gaps in the letter wlth a word or prase

wonderful news

Do Vou faney

It was great to hear from vou



please write soon


1 wish

weil worth

let me know

spend much time

_ Vicky.'

TIuutk foryour Letter. . f ~'t belie.v&yolA/re-UJ~ to Paru - tlw..éf ___ _ ----.' 0jUJurre-you-~ rra, ai; our pI4œ. You-Ior.ow-Y°u-'na.l.wayr we!a;/4f.e-. WIwt-____ _ are-you-UJ~?

wUtyou-/uwe,tU1f free-~~you/re-ken? ft wouid M ro/4f.e- rl.jhéreWcj. _____ _ jOÙtj to tke- Palace-of Ve4'"raiiLeo? ft'IL be-pa.cIced lAlitIr-tourutr, but iéf vifililrj.

Your /f.e.W"job te.yrwly rtrerrfoi. Are-your UJtLea:J1Ae{ K~PJt.d sylvie-are- iMiuir '1fit­par ai; rt!C<J~y rwot.MW; tH.olAjh,tkey M/1/t

----- rtudyÙtj: fte-r out ai; every weekeJuiPJt.d rfte-f buoy IAlitIr-ker rock bPJt.d. So~ ------ we-'d/1.euer Iw.dtwiJu.'

Af9'Wtlf. PJt.d ____ _ wIr.ttt your fUuu are-.

Twcan, (jiluty

• 1 will be avai lable from July 1st until August 30th. _

• Please find attached a copy of my cv. (= for an emoil) _

• 1 wou ld like to apply for the post of ... _ .

• 1 would love the chanee/opportumty

• :~ ~.y work as a ... 1 have olten had to

• Last year 1 worked in .. .las a • My responsibilities include

and ... _

p'hotocopiable OIClord University Pr $

• Please find enclosed a copy of my cv. (= for a letter) _ .

• This would be the ideal opportunlty formeto ... _ .

• Yours faithfully, (= if you wnte Dear Sir/Madam) _ .

• Yours sincerely, (= if you wnte Dear Mr/Ms Smith, etc.) _


f 1

22 Essay writing

Linking expressions

A Fill each space with a linking expression. Use each expression only o nce.

Although Furthe rmore The lirst adva ntage As a resul t ln addition to this The main adva ntage Consequently ln conclusion The re is a great dea l 01 debate Even though Ma ny people a re ta lking l'Rese saiS Fo r exa mple Moreover To concl ude For instance ~1 8"'asa,.s To sum up For this reason On the othe r hand What is more


1 a NO~ b Tke;~s

the re is a lot 01 tra Hic on the roads.

2 a _________ about the adva ntages a nd d isadvantages 01 having a ca r. b ______ _

Advantages pa ragraph

3 a _ _ _______ 01 owning a ca r is th e freedom that it gives you. b _______ _

4 a _____ ___ _ , it a ll ows you to go wherever you like , whenever you li kc. b _ _____ _

5 a _________ , you can ca rry passenge rs and luggage. b _______ _ c ________ _

d _____ _ _

Disadvantages paragraph

6 a _________ , owning a car does have disadvantages.

7 a cars are uselul , they a lso ca use pollu tion . b _ ___ __ _

8 You have to pay lor pet ro l and repa irs, an d pay tax a nd insu rance .

a _________ , owning a ca r ca n be very expensive. b ______ _

c _______ _

Conclusio n

9 a _ _ _ ______ , lor many people, a car is an expensive luxury. b ______ _ c ________ _

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B Write each expression in the corred box below.

According to ... Furthermore Secondly Although However The majority believe As a result ln addition Therefore Despite ln conclusion +Rese Ba,s Firstly ln myopinion To conclude For this reason Moreover To sum up From my point of view On the other hand +&EIiI';

Int roduction Additional Consequence "TIu.e-M.yf TOM.y

Conclusion Contrast Opinion

C Fi ll the gaps with a suitable expression. Use each expression only once.

The advantages and disadvantages of television

' ______ it seems that we are watching more

television than ever before, and dodors argue that we are

getting lazier. 2 there is a great dea l of

debate at the moment about the advantages and

disadvantages of television.

______ of television is its educational value.

' _ _____ , many people learn about science by

watching documentari es. 5 , television

provides company for people (the elderly, 6, _____ _

who are unable to go out and meet fri ends.

______ , television does have disadvantages.

' ______ , it discourages people from taking

exercise. Why go and play sport when Vou can sit on your

sofa watching interesting programmes? 9, _____ _

television discourages children from developing their

imaginations. They ca n spend ail day watching ca rtoons or

playing computer ga mes and ,. they do

not invent their own games or play with other children.

11 , probably the best that we can do is

to watch television sensibly. 12 ail its

disadva ntages, there is no doubt that it is here to stay.

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as a result



for example

for instance

in addition

in spite of

on the other hand


the main advantage

to sum up



0 r i J

24 Improve your speaking and writing

TOPIC notes

Use the TOPIC notes in Wordpower to improve your speaking and writing -last !

A Read these questions lrom an English exam and think about your answers: 1 Do vou have any pets? 2 Tell me about your home. 3 How important is music lor vou? 4 How do vou spend your Iree time? 5 Do/did vou enjoy lile at school or

university? 6 Tell me about the best holiday you 've

ever had. 7 Do Vou preler travelling by bus. car.

plane or train? 8 Would vou rather be an artist. a

secretary or a doctor?

B Now look at this list 01 some 01 the TOPIC notes in Wordpower. Which TOPIC notes can vou use to answer the exam questions above? Write a number beside each topi e. The first one has been done for Vou as an example:

art _ jobs ~

books _ listening to

bus _ music _

ca rs _ literature _

doctor _ office work _

dogs ..L pets ..L driving _ plane _

lilms _ pop music _

flat _ schools _

holidays _ shopping _

hospital _ sport _

hotel _ studying _

houses _ television _

humour _ train _

the Internet _ university _

Improve your speaking

Describing pictures: ln this picture there is .. ./you can see .. He/She/ lt is/They are ... ing. at the top/ bottom on the left/ right

Speculating: It looks like a .. ./ It seems to be. It must/could/might/ be ...

ComparinglContrasting: ln this picture ... . whereas in that

picture ... This isn't as (attractive. interesting. ete.)

a picture as that one. because ... This picture reminds me 01 the time 1

(did/was/went to ... . ete.) If 1 was/were in that situation. l 'd .

Expressing a preference: 1 like ... more than . l 'd (much) rather ... than . If 1 had to choose. i'd pick ... because.

Giving your opinion : ln my opinion .. . Personally. 1 think that . Il seems to me that .

Asking for somebody's opinion What do Vou think (about ... )? What's your opinion? How do vou feel about . . ?

Starting a discussion Right. shalll start? Would Vou like to start? Shall we start with this picture?

AgreeinglDisagreeing: Absolutely! 50 do 1./ 1 do too. No. neither/nor do 1. l'm not sure about tha!. Actually. 1 don't think that ...

Interrupting politely Sorry to interrupt . but . Sorry. but i'd just like to make the point

that .. . Cou ld 1 just say that .

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Formai and informai English

Informai English

Like idioms, many phrasai verbs and informai expressions have special meanings that are hard to understand, even if Vou know the meaning of the ind ividual words. Match the bold words in the the text below with their mea nings in the list (a-q):

These days, l'm so broke that l've had to move out of my fiat. l'm .D ,OOO in the red and 1 had to tind a way of getting my bank manager off my back. Sti ll , looking on the bright si de, at least 1 don't have to lork out much lor rent now because a mate 01 mine is letting me stay at his place until things start to look up. The only thing is, he and his girlfriend are going through a bad patch and their rows are driving me round the bend . The last one was about where they should go on holiday. 1 mean, James is OK, but he's a bi t of a doormat and at the end 01 the day Claire always gets her own way , so what's the point of him digging his heels in about where they go on ho liday? l'm probably ma king the atmosphere worse by playing gooseberry, which must be hard on them. 1 suppose 1 should get my act together and tind a job.

a overdrawn h having problems m gets what she wants b mad pay n organize mysell c poor stopping sb properly d a weak person annoying me 0 being with a couple e improve k the most important when they want to be

home thingi s alone g takin g an refusing to change p make things d ilticult for

opti mistic view his mind q Iriend

Formai to informai

Vou can make your English more inlormal by replacing ordinary verbs with phrasai verbs that have the same meaning.

Example: The tire tighters took four hours to extinguish the blaze. 1 put out the tire with some water.

Replace the word in bo ld with a phrasai verb in the appropriate form. Use the word in brackets.

1 Shall we continue alter lunch? (ca rry) slwJl,~ CP.YYl on,ajter twuJv? 2 Tell the boss exactly what vou think. Don 't worry-I'II support Vou . (back) 3 You' lI never guess who 1 met in the street just now! (bump) 4 l'm trying to reduce the amount 01 collee 1 drink each day. (cu t) 5 l'II have to postpone the meeting until next week. (put) 6 The flighl is al 8.00 so we'lI have 10 leave very early for the airport . (set) 7 1 think the baby rea lly resembles his mother. (take) 8 1 was so pleased when my dad tinally stopped smoking. (give) 9 Irs amazing how some people manage to raise their children alone. (bring)

la Have we got time to visit Elena on the way home? (drop)

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26 Spelling

These words ail have a silent consonant.

Bclimb, comb, debt, doubt, dumb,lamb, thumb Cfascinat ing, muscle, science, yacht D handkerchief, Wednesday G champagne, foreign, sign H exhausted, honest, hour, yoghurt K knee, knife, knob, knock, know Lcalm, cou Id, should, would , half, pa lm, salmon, talk, walk N autumn P psychiatrist, psychology, receipt R iron S island T ba llet, castle, duvet, fasten, listen, often, whistle Wanswer, sword, who, whose, write, wrong

These words can be difficu lt to spell . The part of each word that usually causes problems is in bold.

accommodation defin itely opposite recommend address disappointed possession separate alright (but ail em ba rra ssed practi se (verb) successfu l

right) exaggerate practi ce (noun) unnecessary association exce llent (a TV) unti l (but ti ll) cassette immed iately programme woo llen cigarette independ ent (US progra m) commercial jewellery (a computer) committee mi llennium program

Here is one spelling ru le that is worth learning! The sound Ii :/ is often spelled ie, as in piece and believe. After the letter c, however, this is written ei, as in receive, ceiling and receipt. Remember the rhyme: i be/ore e except after c (Two common exceptions are seize and weird.)


ln which of the words below • is the gh si lent? • is the gh pronounced

as /fl? • is the gh pronounced

as /91?

ghetto night ghost higher enough tough

cough although daughter rough thorough

Double consonants

Some words double their final consonant when an ending such as - ing, - ed, - er, - able, etc is added, usually in order to show that the vowel that comes before is short. Fill the gaps in these sentences with the words on the lelt, doubling the final consonant where necessa ry.

fat The baby's getting __ er every day.

hope l'm __ ing to go to India next year.

stop 1 __ ed to look at the map.

write l'm __ ing to thank vou lor ail your help.

write Have vou ever _ _ en to a newspaper?

win We've got no chance of __ ing.

whine The dog was __ ing outside the door.

open 1 cut my thumb whi le __ ing a tin .

listen You're not _ _ ing to me!

plan 1 had __ ed to study but 1 lell asleep.

visit Have Vou __ ed him in hospital yet?

big As usual, the boss got the _ _ est pay rise.

refer Whose mistake was he _ _ ing to?

prefer A boring job is _ _ able to no job.

kidnap The boy is believed to have been __ ed.

beat We were __ en 4-0 in the final.

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ln English, the same letters (for example, ei ) can be pronounced in severa 1 different ways:

rece ive I rr'si:vl thei r li'!eal foreign l 'foranl weight Iwertl wei rd Iwradl

height Ihart! lei sure l 'Ic3al

The table below shows four vowel sounds that have various spellings. Put each word from the list into the correct column. For example, the pronunciation of mountain is l'mauntml, so you would write it in the 1 column, and other is pronounced /'I\ôal so you would write it in the A column.

a A 3:

ago, father sit cup turn

UUJ~ otker

bird money biscuit mountain V' blood moustache busy nurse certain one chocolate orange control other V' country pack~ earth ex~ert pleasure fa mous Qretty heard woman

i!!!!!:ney women langu~ won married work minute (noun)

The sound a is the most common vowe l sound in English. It is pronounced softly, with the mouth relaxed and not forming any particular shape. a only occurs in unstressed syllables.

Here are some more words that do not look like they sound. Fill the gaps with correct phoneti c spelling.

beard l b _ dl iron l 'aI _ ni

beautiful l'bj _ tIfll naked l'n _ k _ dI

break /br _ k/ queue lki - I breakfast l 'br _ kf _ st! restaurant l 'restr _ ntl

comfortable l 'k _ mft _ bl/ sausage l 's _ s_ d31

cupboard l'k _ b _ dl sew Is_ 1

friend Ifr _ ndl stomach l'st _ m _ kl

fruit Ifr _ t! suit Is _ t!

government 1'9 _ vanm _ nt! tired l 'taI _ di

guide 19 _ dl vegetable l'ved3t _ bl!

heart /b _ t!

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~ i5.

t 1 .. l

Topie: Food and shopping

Going shopping

A shopping list

Here is a shopping list, but ail the letters are jumbled up. (an Vou rearrange them?

R8B 8RS8 bf1.NJJ1M smoteato dre preepp stegcroute clarig midsekm likm ecknich streabs twieh newi

A shopping trip

Here is an account of a shopping trip. Use the words in the box to fill the gaps.

assistant groceries refund return specia l ollers errand trolley sold out butcher's takeaway queue fit exchanged checkout receipt aisles

My first was to go ta the

clothes shop, as 1 had to ___ _

a shirt 1 bought last week but which

didn 't properly.

Unfortunately 1 didn't have the

_____ , sa the ____ _

told me 1 cou ldn't get a ____ _

Instead I _____ it for a shirt in

a dillerent style.

Next 1 went ta the supermarket ta

buy .1 walked up and

down the , 100 king at

this week's _____ and fi ll ing

my ___ _ with ail kinds of

food . There was a at

the , so 1 had ta wait

quite a long time. Next 1 went ta the

local ta buy some

chicken for dinner. Unfortunately 1

was tao la te - they had ____ _

of ch icken. 1 hope the fami ly won 't

mind a ___ tonight!


Study the illustration at container in Wordpower. Then match the food with the appropriate container.

1 a bag of chocolates

2 a boille of \ margarine 3 a box of jam 4 a can of toothpaste 5 a carton of cola 6 a ja r of crisps 7 a tub of water 8 a tube of milk

Wha t 's cooking? A Underline the words in the box that can

be used as nouns and verbs.

blend boil chop defrost

fry grill roast slice

B Now fill the gaps with some of the nouns from the box.

1 She put some butter on a

_ ____ of toast.

2 Bring the water to the ____ _

before vou put the spaghetti in.

3 This tea is a _____ of severa l

types of leaf.

4 How many lamb _____ shall

we cook for dinner?

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Topic: Clothes and appearance

Clothes and accessories

A Find 9 articles 01 clothing or accessories in the lollowing box. Words can go across (-+) or down ("'). One word has been done lor vou as an example.


B Now put the words Vou lound into the sentences below. Use each word on ly once.

1 It is illega l to rid e a motorcycle

without a ___ _

2 Take those outdoor shoes off and put

some _ ____ on.

3 My trousers are lalling down! Can 1

borrow a 7

4 We' re not allowed la wear

_____ or any other jewellery to


5 Aren't vou co ld in that T-shirt? Do vou

want to borrow a ____ _

6 We have to dress quite lormally lor

work - 1 am expected to wear a

____ and fie, every day.

7 Vou need a nice woolly _ ___ _

to keep your neck warm on those

co ld winter mornings.

8 We're going ta the beach later, so

don'I lorget your ___ _

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Talking about appearance

A One of the following is the co rrect way to ask for a description 01 a person's appearance. Which one?

1 How is she? 2 How is her look? 3 What does she look like? 4 What is she look like?

B Look at the rule in the box, then put the words and phrases in the appropriate columns:

look + adjective look like + noun

She looks ... She looks like .. .

tired vou a movie star her mother beautil ul happy

Which word?

Circle the word or phrase which is the most appropriate in each sentence. 1 Vou look / look like great - have vou

lost weight? 2 The co lour 01 your tie doesn't lit /

match your shirt. 3 Thal colour rea lly fits / suits vou. 4 How many items 01 clothing / clothes

did vou buy? 5 His jumper isn't big enough any

more. Il shrank / stretched in the wash.

6 Today l'm wearing/ 1 wear jea ns but l'm usually wearing/ 1 usually wear a suit.

7 She's wearing / carry ing glasses and wearing / carrying a bag.

8 My grandfather is in his mid-sixties / middle sixties.




1 J

Topic: Sport

Types of sport Put each sport into an appropriate box be low. Some 01 them ca n go into more than one box.

aerobics footba ll judo soccer volley bail baseball goll running swimming weightlifting basketball gymnastics skateboarding table tennis windsurfing cricket hockey skiing tennis fencing ice skating snowboa rding trampolin ing

sports that Vou do outdoors

sports that vou play in a team

Sports words

sports that you play with a bail

sports that vou play with a net

Here a re some uselul wo rds connected with sport. Match them with their deli nitions below.

coach match stadium

co urt rink releree spectators

an area where certain bail games

such as basketba ll o r tennis a re

played ____ _

2 a la rge structure, usua lly with no rool,

where people can sit and watch sport

3 a person who controls a soccer game

a nd prevents th e rul es lrom being

broken _ _ __ _

4 the people who are watching a sports event ____ _

sports that vou play with a bat,

dub, racket or stick

sports that Vou do in cold weather

sports that Vou do indoors

sports that Vou do in water

5 an organized ga me 01 tennis

6 a pe rson who trai ns people to

com pete in sports ____ _

7 a large area where peo ple ca n skate

or play ice hockey ____ _

Bat, club, racket or stick? Fill the ga ps with the correct words.

1 Vou play goll with a ____ _

2 Vou play hockey with a ____ _

3 Vou play baseba ll and cri cket with a

4 Vou play tennis a nd badminton with a ____ _

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Topie: Health

Useful words

Use the words in the box to lill the gaps in the sentences below. Use each word or phrase only once.

Il vou don 't leel weil , go and see your ___ __ _

2 When 1 cut my head, 1 needed eight _____ _

3 That looks like a serious in jury. We'd better take him to

4 The ______ came into the room and took my


5 My doctor says 1 might need on my knee.

6 1 have an appointment to see a doctor at the local

7 My granny is recovering lrom a serious illness. She's a

_ _ ___ at the Radclifle Hospital.

8 Tom had tooth decay so the dentist gave him a

Giving advice

A Make sentences giving advice by matching a phrase on the left with a phrase on the right. In some cases more than one combination is possible.

1 You'd betler ________ put some cream on it? 2 III were Vou ------- sit down. 3 Why don 't Vou to put a plaster on il. 4 Vou ought to get some rest. 5 Vou should having a massage. 6 Vou cou Id try l 'd go to the dentist. 7 Why don't Vou try take a painkiller. 8 It would be a good idea sucking a lozenge?

B Now write the number of a suitable piece 01 advice next to each problem .

l 've got toothache. __

l've got a splitting headache! __

l'm coming down with the Ilu . _ _

l've got a sore throat. __

Ouch! l 've twisted my ankle. _1_

l've got a huge mosquito bite. __

l've cut my linger. __

l'm suffering lrom st ress. __

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accident and emergency








Accidents and injuries

label the illustration using the words in the box.

a bandage a crutch a plaster a sling plaster


32 Topic: Where Vou live

City life or country life?

A Put the words into the correct column, according to whether they are usua lly associated with being in the city or with being in the countryside.

poll ut ion vi llage nature lield peacelul trallic nightl ile skyscraper hectic rat race remote rush hour suburbs smog cosmopolitan picturesque

City lite Country lite

B Use some 01 the words lrom the columns above to complete the lollowi ng paragraph about city lile.

Many people believe that living in the city is betler than living in

the countryside. 01 course, city lile has its advantages. There are

always plenty 01 things to do, and you need never be bored in a big

city. However, city lile is olten . which can be

stresslul. is also olten a problem in cities, caused

partly by the large amount 01 on the roads. Most

people live on the outskirts 01 cities. in the _____ , and

travelling to work every day d uring the is a lso


C Now write a simi lar paragraph about country lile.

Types of house look at colour page PS 01 Wordpower. Which type of home does each of these people live in?

1 1 live in a house that is arranged on only one storey. b~aM~ 2 My house is in a row 01 other similar houses that are a il connected

to each other. 3 1 live on the 10th floor 01 a very high bui lding. 4 1 live in a small traditiona l house in a vi ll age in the countryside. 5 My house is connected o n o ne side to another simi lar house , but

not o n the other side. 6 My house is not connected to another house on either side.

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ISBN 978-0-19-439927-2

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