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OVERVIEW BANNATYNE CAMPUSU OF M SCHEDULING INITIATIVE: ASSIGNING CLASSROOM, MEETING AND EVENT SPACEForwardThis overview document was developed by the U of M Scheduling Team to communicate key concepts underlying the U of M Scheduling Initiative to stakeholders. The U of M Scheduling Initiative is complex and involves all University faculties, units and departments. The project team sought feedback from key stakeholders during the project development stage and team members appreciate the cooperation and advice provided by stakeholders.

The U of M Scheduling Initiative Team is led by Neil Marnoch, Registrar, and composed of staff from the Registrar’s Office, Information Services and Technology, the Office of Continuous Improvement, and Learning and Development Services. The team has worked in a consultative, collegial and collaborative manner in moving the project forward according to time lines.


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Introduction to the U of M Scheduling InitiativeThe University of Manitoba, in 2010, made a decision to utilize software to make the space allocation process more efficient. A project team, working through the Registrar’s Office, was formed to evaluate, select, install and implement software to assist with space allocation.

Given the demand for instructional and meeting space at the University, and the costs of new construction, it is important to optimize the use of existing space. When operational, the U of M Scheduling Initiative will use software to analyze past and current space use. As well, the software will allow modeling of future space needs. This modeling will inform future planning related to space utilization.

Currently faculties and units prepare teaching schedules and assign classroom spaces for their courses. This approach has been used at the University of Manitoba for many decades. Assignment of classroom space to meet the needs of the timetable is constrained by the spaces allocated to each faculty or unit on an annual basis. Changes to course offerings often occur after the development of the faculty schedules. These class changes, along with management of requests to use classroom space for meetings and special events after the classroom schedules have been developed, is currently a manual and time-consuming process.

Since classroom and meeting space is at a premium at the University, it is imperative that instructional and meeting spaces are allocated using a process that maximizes the use of available space. As well, since the scheduling process is currently a very labour intensive process, utilizing technology to make the process more efficient is desirable.

Lessons Learned to DateTo date, the project team has noted the following concerns regarding implementation:

• It is essential that room details (e.g. type of seating, capacity, permanent AV and IT technology, presence of a stage, etc.) are noted and entered correctly into Banner and Ad Astra.

• It is critical that instructors indicate the room features they need and submit these needs to their academic scheduler. Instructions will be provided to faculties and schedulers.

• A U of M-wide process for requesting event spaces is in a pilot phase.

• Academic and event schedulers are critical to the new scheduling process and schedulers new to the system require training and time to learn functions of the Ad Astra software.

Since classroom and meeting space is at a premium at the University, it is imperative that instructional and meeting spaces are allocated using a process that maximizes the use of available space.

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Summary of U of M Scheduling Initiative BenefitsThe scheduling initiative will benefit the U of M community in a number of ways. Some benefits are noted below:

The University• will have an efficient system to assign spaces for instruction, events and meetings

• will be able to better manage space

• will be able to use software to examine current space use and model future space needs

U of M Academic Schedulers• when necessary will be able to use software to find rooms outside their own faculty to

accommodate needs and requirements

• the software will automate assigning classroom spaces to match timetables

Faculty Offices• space needs of academic programs will be met

• event schedulers will be able to determine what space is available anywhere on campus

• event schedulers will retain control of the event booking process

• the software will assist in determining situations where the enrollment in high demand classes may be able to be increased if larger classrooms are available

U of M Faculty Members• all instructors will have a teaching space that meets their necessary requirements

• may have access to rooms they have not had access to in the past

U of M Physical Plant• will be better able to manage their scheduling for room changes and maintenance

• will have more automation and ease of access in performing their jobs

Security Services Staff• will have greater insight and access into campus activities

U of M Classroom Services• will be better able to manage their scheduling for equipment changes and maintenance

• will have more automation in performing their jobs

U of M Colleges• will be able to access the system for booking rooms for special events

University Community• will be able to locate available rooms for booking requests

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Project ImplementationFort Garry CampusThe scheduling team worked with event and academic schedulers in the 2011-2012 year to implement the Ad Astra software and become familiar with the software functions. The software assigned academic spaces for the 2012-2013 academic year on the Fort Garry campus. The implementation necessitated significant changes for academic schedulers and some faculty.

Academic and Event Schedulers required training and coaching to become familiar with the new processes and the software. As the software was new to all stakeholders and new processes needed to be developed, this learning curve was not insignificant. Some faculty members needed to teach in spaces they were unfamiliar with. In some cases, these spaces were in different buildings.

Bannatyne Campus Change Process• Several meetings, beginning in the spring of 2012, have occurred with stakeholders

on Bannatyne campus. These meetings explored the U of M Scheduling Initiative and implications for the Bannatyne campus.

• Communications and activities to define relevant courses and spaces on the Bannatyne campus have been occurring on a regular basis between project team members and Bannatyne personnel.

• Training for event and academic schedulers is unerway.

• Implementation of Ad Astra is ongoing. At this time, schedulers in faculties will work with the Registrar’s Office to use Ad Astra to assign classes to spaces for the 2013-2014 academic year.

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General Questions about the U of M Scheduling InitiativeThe following questions are organized under headings. They reflect the questions posed in meetings with stakeholders.

General QuestionsWhy is a new scheduling system being put in place?Effective use of space is a key consideration for the smooth operation of a large university such as the U of M. This is particularly true when the cost of new buildings is considered. Up to date inventories of instructional space and data on how the space is used will assist in ongoing planning.

What are the big picture goals of the U of M Scheduling Initiative?The U of M Scheduling Initiative will:

• automate the process of matching timetables created by faculties and units to appropriate instructional spaces

• simplify the process used for requesting and booking space for events

• create an up to date inventory of all instructional spaces on the Fort Garry Campus and the Bannatyne Campus

• create a new community booking process for use of space by members of the U of M community

• optimize instructional space usage at the U of M

• ensure instructors and students have appropriate spaces in which to teach and learn

• provide software tools to academic and event schedulers and the Registrar’s Office resulting in a more efficient use of staff time

• analyze past classroom space usage related to how instructional space has been used at the U of M

• allow modeling to examine future space needs at the U of M

Who is responsible for the U of M Scheduling Initiative?The Registrar’s Office is responsible for implementing this ROSE initiative.

Effective use of space is a key consideration for the smooth operation of a large university such as the U of M.

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What is the impact of the U of M Scheduling Initiative on Physical Plant, Security Services and Audio Visual Departments?The U of M Scheduling Initiative team has met with these departments to coordinate roles and responsibilities and ensure there is no disruption in services. These departments will be able to benefit from the software, as staff will be able to access up to date information on rooms and how and when they are being used. It is important to note that AV bookings will not change as a result of this initiative.

What is involved in implementing the U of M Scheduling Initiative?The U of M Scheduling Initiative involves:

• installing, testing, implementing Ad Astra software

• inventorying and photographing all instructional space

• training academic and event schedulers in the use of the Ad Astra software and related processes

• meeting with faculties and units to share information and gather feedback

• collaborating with various departments and units to develop new work processes and understandings related to how instructional space will be assigned moving forward

• scheduling academic spaces beginning on the Fort Garry Campus for the 2012-2013 academic year and on the Bannatyne Campus starting 2013-2014

Who will resolve any issues related to space allocation that may arise after the software has assigned classes to instructional spaces?Academic Schedulers play a key role in preparing the software to operate effectively, but should only adjust room assignments if there is an error of some sort in the type of classroom assigned to a course (e. g. a room feature is required that the scheduler was not previously aware of or was otherwise not entered into Ad Astra and resulted in assignment of unsuitable space).

Impacts of the the U of M Scheduling Initiative on StudentsWill students need to travel across campus to attend classes?There should be no increased need for students to travel across campus.

How will students request and book spaces they need? Using a web page, students will be able to use the Ad Astra software to view available space prior to making a request to book a space.

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Impacts of the U of M Scheduling Initiative on InstructorsHow will instructors know what technology is available in classrooms?Instructors will be able to view room features, including permanent technology, by accessing their Faculty Detail Schedule in Aurora Self Service.

Will instructors need to travel across the campus to teach?Using the preferences set up in the system, classes will be assigned to “faculty buildings” whenever possible or in buildings close to the faculty “home.” As well, Ad Astra has the ability to implement “back to back” rules when assigning instructional spaces, ensuring that classes taught back to back are scheduled in close proximity.

How will AV and IT equipment be booked under the new system?Any needed AV and IT equipment will continue to be booked using current methods.

Will lab space assignments change with the new system?Labs are highly specialized and preference settings in Ad Astra control which classes are assigned to particular labs. There should be few, if any, changes in lab assignments or utilization.

How will the U of M Scheduling Initiative benefit instructors?The chief benefit to instructors is that the system will ensure appropriate instructional space is assigned for all classes on campus. The software tools will help ensure space needs are identified and met moving forward.

Are there drawbacks for instructors with the new system?It may be that, for some courses, some instructors will be assigned spaces they have not taught in or are away from their “home building.” Some instructors scheduled into unfamiliar instructional space may see this change as inconvenient. On the other hand, some instructors may prefer the new space to some other spaces they have used in the past. The space allocation will occur as follows:

• courses requiring specific labs or spaces (e. g. a studio) will always be assigned to those labs or spaces (as is current practice)

• for all courses not requiring specific room types (e. g. lab or studio), preference settings will direct the Ad Astra software to first look for suitable, available classrooms in the building(s) typically used by the faculty/unit

• if a suitable classroom for courses not requiring specific labs or spaces is not available in a particular time slot in the building(s) typically used by the faculty/unit, the software will assign a suitable classroom in a nearby building

• as a result of the change in the room assignment process, some instructors may find themselves teaching in rooms and/or buildings they have not used before

• instructors will be able to note the classrooms assigned to their courses, and the room features

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Can mid-terms be scheduled in Ad Astra?Mid-terms can be scheduled as events or as an academic activity in Aurora INB (Banner), which will then be imported into Ad Astra.

Can graduate seminars be booked in Ad Astra?Graduate seminars can be booked into small rooms as a class.

Will Ad Astra require all U of M buildings to have the same hours for opening and closing?U of M building hours will not be changed due to the Ad Astra software implementation.

Who will schedule spaces for events in Ad Astra?One primary event scheduler and a secondary (backup) scheduler per building will do all event scheduling. Faculties that have several buildings (such as Agriculture) may assign a primary and backup scheduler for their group of buildings, as well as a primary and backup for each building.

How are special events scheduled?Special events will be booked by faculty schedulers (as is the current practice) but they will use Ad Astra to do the booking.

If a faculty has upgraded an instructional space with faculty funds or donations, do they have exclusive use of the space?Instructional space, in some instances, has traditionally been viewed as “belonging” to a faculty. In reality, instructional space is part of the larger space inventory of the University. Thus it may be that these rooms will be used by classes from other faculties when the space is not being used by the faculty.

Will faculty or unit “meeting spaces” (e.g. boardrooms) be automatically available for booking by other users through Ad Astra?No, faculties and departments will retain control over booking “meeting spaces.” Requests to use the spaces will need to be approved by the faculty or unit, as is the current practice.

How will the University keep track of room usage in the future? Ad Astra became the system of record for all Fort Garry classroom and event bookings beginning April 1, 2012. Ad Astra will be the system of record for the Bannatyne Campus beginning August 6, 2013.

The chief benefit to instructors is that the system will ensure appropriate instructional space is assigned for all classes on campus. The software tools will help ensure space needs are identified and met moving forward.
